Aleksandre the Great

24-year-old Human male

Fighter Hero


  • Arms18
  • Chest18
  • Abs18
  • Legs18
  • Ass18
  • Cock0


  • Height6'5"
  • Biceps26"
  • Chest62"
  • Waist38"
  • Thigh35"
  • Cock2"

The greatest warrior in all of Kainos!

Weight: 198 lbs
Body type: Muscular
Gear: Armor, tunic or shirtless depending on the situation


Aleksandre was birthed in the midst of a terrinle storm to Talia Brakker below the deck of the mighty sea vessel, The Sea Wraith. The storm faded shortly after the boy's birth and Maester's theorized that the boy had absorbed the power of the storm when he came into this world and that he was destined to be a great warrior. Aleksandre's father, Barrian Brakken, Lord of the Phantom Isles, was pleased to hear this. Once ashore, the Drowned King hosted a massive ball in his keep, inviting royal families from all across the land to celebrate the birth of his son, Aleksandre Brakken, the Stormslayer.

Much of Aleksandre's early childhood and adolescents was tied to the Great Sea. The Isles were not landlocked, there was a strip of fortified land that connected the Phantom Isles to the rest of Kainos, but the phantom men preferred to travel by boat. Aleksandre spent a lot of time on the beaches with his mother and father, digging up bones and collecting shells. The boy gained his sea legs very early when going on his voyages with his father to the mainland to trade with the other kings and queens. He accompanied his father on many diplomatic missions and spent many days and many nights at sea. At the ripe old age of ten, Aleksandre had the skill to steer the Sea Wraith through the unforigiving grip of the Great Sea, growing up to be both a powerful warrior and an expert sailor. More to come!

Hi! Obviously I've spent a decent amount of time cooking up this character. It will take me some time to completely finisht he bio, but until then, I will accept all kinds of fights! I can do all kinds of fights barring submission and anything sexual. Fantasy is, of course, a favorite of mine, but it's not required. I write a lot, so grammar and literacy is a must! If you've gotten this far, why not shoot me a message? The worst I can do is drown ya.

Last login: yesterday
Start of membership: 2024-07-31

This character's local time is 21:22
Time zone: [UTC-6]
