
19-year-old Human female

Fighter Face Squeezetoy


  • Arms8
  • Chest8
  • Abs8
  • Legs8
  • Ass8


  • Height5'1"
  • Biceps11"
  • Chest30"
  • Waist27"
  • Thigh19"

Ready to dive into this world head first!


Always had a thing for wrestling/fighting based kinkiness so this seems just like the place for me!

I am a newcomer in some sense, I tried my hand at another website similar to this last year but didn't really click with it or the people around so hopefully this will be better luck this time around.

I'd say I'm a fighter at heart, something about having to dig in deep and into something buried within me to make sure that I'm the one that comes out on top. So I'd say just any type of mix of genres, so like a wrestly based catfight, fist fighty catball, that type of stuff. Or if you wanna keep it real simple just bring anything and everything out when we fight.

I would also say I do prefer close fights the most, that back and forth and the unknowing if you actually are the better fighter fuels a scene for me alot, but we can play with that. After all I feel like this is a co-op writing type of deal so if you're more into the beatdowns than competition just let me know upfront and we can work something out, it's easier to say no in the pre-match chatting than during a scene. I will say if you're a jobber you might have more luck as being dominant is always fun, but don't be afraid to ask for me being your jobber all the same.

Back in the other place, I did start a mutual bearhug scene that I never got to finish and I feel like that's been itching at me ever since. Something so hot about being locked in against the other person with the only goal being to squeeze them out or until they're begging for your mercy, so I would say that might be on the top of my list of things to try!

I also am a sucker for a good wrestling scene. Not the crowd and ring stuff like WWE, but more so grappling based and slow methodical tangling up with each other to try to get the other pinned down under you. Of course, we can do that same idea but instead to a submission/ko ending instead so we can include a plethora of submission holds into a scene like that. For that matter, any scene too- I am a sucker for a good squeeze.

I don't much like crowds, both other users and in a scene. Something about it is just so bleh to me so I would prefer private encounters or even just isolated encounters out in the public. Like I'm fine with fighting on the beach or in a club or something, but to the idea that it's just the two of us where ever we end up sprawling on out in.

I am more than fine with the sexuality fights can bring, considering the first ever cyber match I had I was promptly beaten and fucked senseless, that certainly added to that kink of mine for fights like these. So I'd say if you wanna get handsy or if you want the loser to make sure they know exactly who the better person is, go ahead and steam things up. I surely will!

I also am a sucker for a good story- it doesn't need to be overly complicated or something as dramatic as you killed my father, time to get my revenge, but even just the connection between fights is really fun for me. Like if one of us was utterly thrashed and broken during the previous fight, that surely will bring out a new sense of fuel and anger in the loser, right? But with that said, I do enjoy a good set up- even if it's simple like bitter coworkers, friends getting annoyed with each other, being a couple that does stuff like this to stay kinky, maybe even crazy stuff like spies and knights and all that.

Men, I do have interest in fighting you considering that can be a fun dynamic to play around with and I will admit that either claiming a man or being claimed by one after a long hard fight is fucking hot as hell, but for the sake of my PMs not exploding with 76 unread messages, let me do the first contact. The easiest way to make me lose interest is to message me first, trust me if you're cute and worth the hassle, I will find you!

Anything else just ask!

Last login: 2024-08-02
Start of membership: 2024-07-22

This character's local time is 23:38
Time zone: [UTC-4]
