ChatFightersCharactersbig don 62All CharactersYour CharactersCreate CharacterTrigger warning The content on this page features harder fight scenes, brutality, rape or torture. If that is not your cup of tea, you are advised not to proceed.Log in to proceed to content big don 62 62-year-old Human male Fighter StrengthArms15Chest16Abs16Legs17Ass15Cock10SizeHeight6'3"Biceps23"Chest62"Waist38"Thigh35"Cock7" big wrestler looking for trouble Endurance100%Orientation80% straightPosition100% topWillpower100% dominant Weight: 286 lbs Body type: Large Gear: mask wrestlin gear naked No holds barredPro wrestlingOutdoors matchWeaponsTrash talkingMale / MaleMale / FemaleFemale / FemaleTag TeamStakesNakedSexExtreme violenceFamily Introduction Last login: 2025-02-27Start of membership: 2022-03-08 Relationships Explore Carolsingapore76is Admirer ofbig don 62Indomableis Opponent ofbig don 62Add a Relationship---Opponent ofRival ofSibling ofTag team partner ofMarried toEngaged toLover ofSchool mate ofWorkout partner ofEnemy ofFriend ofComplicated ofOpen relationship withStronger thanWeaker thanDefeated Defeated by Follower ofFollowed by Admirer ofIdol ofParent ofChild ofOwner ofSlave ofTrainer ofTrainee ofButch ofBitch ofCoach ofStudent ofBodyguard ofGuarded byAlpha 🐾 ofPup 🐾 ofBear 🐾 ofCub 🐾 of