All-Asian Association (AAA)

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Established: 2021-12-18

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Boxing
The Triple A League exists to gather Asian fighters from across the globe.
39 members
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All Asian Clash: The Statement vs Yuki Ueno


01:07 Yuki_Ueno: I stretch my arms and legs out backstage as I warm up for another big match. I will be facing a guy who calls himself 'The Statement', and I hear he's a big hotshot in Singapore. It's a big opportunity to make my reputation even greater by beating such a famous guy and I'm quite excited. My name is announced first and I head to the ring right away, I climb inside and wave to the crowd as I look around and wait for my opponent. You are not logged in. yt
01:09 The_Statement: I see my opponent, another sexy Asian stud, make his way to the ring first, then it's my turn. The announcer calls my name and I stride out confidently to the ring and jump in over the ropes. I pose and flex for the crowd and then turn to face you, you're a little bigger than me but I'm feeling confident and ready.
01:09 The_Statement: You are not logged in.
01:09 The_Statement: yt
01:12 Yuki_Ueno: I grin and nod at you when you jump into the ring. I have a little bit of size advantage to you so I already have some ideas how to use it. I come to the center of the ring and wait with hands on my hips for the referee. "Good luck, you will need it!" I taunt you slightly, then I raise my arms to wait for the bell to ring to start the match.
01:12 Yuki_Ueno: yt
01:14 The_Statement: I smirk as you taunt me, not at all concerned. The referee reminds us of the usual rules and then sounds the bell to get us started. I raise my arms to mirror you and then step forward to lock up for an early battle of strength, fighting to push you back. yt
01:15 Yuki_Ueno: You start things immediately with a lock up as you start pushing me back. The crowd is surprised to see you forcing me towards the ropes but your progress slows down to a stop as I fight back and start giving my fullstrength. I push back hard and angle my wrists forward trying to bend your hands back painfully and make you start to lower to your knees yt
01:17 The_Statement: With your advantage in height, you're able to push down and bend my wrists back awkwardly, forcing me to go down to one knee. I try to push back up, struggling against you, as I push forward to try to send a shoulder into your abs. yt
01:19 Yuki_Ueno: I grin widely when my tactic works and you start to go down to oine knee in front of me. I start to pull my knee back and prepare to ram it into your jaw, but you counter me first by throwing your shoulder hard into my abs first. I cough as I double over slightly and start backing up yt
01:20 The_Statement: Luckily my shoulder to the gut causes you to back away, breaking the lockup and allowing me to get back up to my feet. As you cough and look a little winded, I immediately lunge towards you and lash out with a couple of punches, targeting your abs again. yt
01:23 Yuki_Ueno: I am put on the defensive now as you rise up and start coming after me. Your fist slams into my abs making me groan and cough as I continue to back away till my back hits the ropes. I get my arms up to defend and block, trying to wait for a good opening to try and counter with my knee back to your abs yt
01:24 The_Statement: A couple of fierce shots have you backed all the way up against the ropes and groaning in discomfort. I try to keep going but you manage to put up a defence and counter with a knee to my own abs, forcing me to back up a bit as I glare at you. yt
01:26 Yuki_Ueno: I am breathing a little heavier now that you got some hits into my abs, but at least I managed to counter before you got too much of a lead. I start to circle around trying to get my back away from the ropes, but then suddenly bounce into them to get some speed and launch myself at you. I throw my weight into a huge swing of my arm trying to take your head off with a big clothesline yt
01:28 The_Statement: I'm trying to position myself to stop you getting away from the ropes, when I suddenly see you back up against them and sue them as a launchpad to fire yourself at me. I use my lack of height to my advantage, quickly ducking down low and easily avoiding what could have been a nasty clothesline, and as you rush past I stick my arms out and try to wrap them around your legs to take you down. yt
01:30 Yuki_Ueno: My clothesline works against me as you duck beneath my arm and I hit empty air. I'm a bit off balance as I stumble forward since I was expecting to impact you, and your arms wrap around my legs tipping my balance. I get my arms out in front of me to prevent falling on my face but its still a rough landing that shakes the ring yt
01:31 The_Statement: You crash down on to the ring floor, your arms only partially breaking your fall, and I quickly climb onto your back before you can roll over or get up. I grab one of your arms and start to twist it back behind your body. yt
01:33 Yuki_Ueno: I start to get up onto my hands and knees but you crash into me from behind putting me on my chest again. You grab one of my arms and start twisting it painfully behind my back. I shout in pain as I try to fight your hammerlock by flexing my arm away from you. My other arm rests against the canvas supporting me yt
01:35 The_Statement: You're strong, and I have to use both my arms to fight against your one just to keep the hammerlock in place as I try to twist your arm further, but it's hard work. Eventually I change things up, releasing the arm and lashing out with a kick at the other arm which was supporting you. yt
01:37 Yuki_Ueno: My arm shakes trying to fight off the both of yours trying to control it, and I know it will be a losing battle as my arm starts to inch higher and higher. I dig my boots into the canvas for support trying to push forward towards the ropes. But then you switch tactics, releasing my arm suddenly and then kicking my other arm out, making me drop unexpectedly onto my chest. I'm unable to protect my chin this time from slamming on the mat and sending a jolt of pain through my jaw yt
01:38 The_Statement: I smirk as you're chin crashes hard into the ring floor, and I shift up your back and place my hand on the back of your head, rubbing your face into the canvas. "How does that sweaty canvas taste Yuki?" I tease you. yt
01:41 Yuki_Ueno: Your hand grabs the back of my head and grinds my face into the canvas, making me shout out in surprise pain. My cheek starts to get red from both the friction and the humiliation at the move. "Grrr! Get off!" I shout and I swing my elbow back trying to slam to your side and get you off me.
01:41 Yuki_Ueno: yt
01:42 The_Statement: I get distracted by the fun of taunting you, so I'm caught off guard when you fire an elbow back into the side of my face, dazing me and knocking me off your back. I roll off you to the side and sit up, rubbing my cheek which is pretty red from the blow. yt
01:43 Yuki_Ueno: After knocking you off my back, I shove up to my hands and knees in a rage. I quickly get up to my feet and turn to face you. I run up to you and swing a big soccer-style kick aiming to land across your beefy pecs yt
01:45 The_Statement: I'm still sitting on my ass as you recover quickly, getting up and marching over to me before smashing a kick at my chest. I partially block the blow with my arms but it still hurts like hell, and leaves me flat on my back. I try to roll away from you to give me space to get back to my feet. yt
01:47 Yuki_Ueno: You land on your back with your chest fully exposed and it leaves me an opening. I run again forward to the ropes, this time jumping up so I can get both my feet on the bottom rope. The ropes then rebound and send me upwards as I do a backflip and aim to crossbody splash land on you yt
01:49 The_Statement: As I'm rolling away I hear the sound of your feet running to the ropes, and then the gasps of the crowd as you launch yourself towards me. I look up to see you flying straight towards my chest, and I don't have time to dodge. The best I can do is fold myself up, bringing my knees up to protect my chest and covering my face with my arms, hoping to give you a bumpy landing on my knees and elbows. yt
01:51 Yuki_Ueno: There's no time or way for me to change my path once i am already airborne, I can only see you curling up and realize I am going to have a bad landing. your elbows and knees ram into me like spikes hitting my chest and abs. the landing knocks the wind out of me as I fall onto my side, moaning in pain as I clutch my stomach and chest yt
01:53 The_Statement: Your impact hurts me too, knocking the wind out of me as I painfully unfold my limbs and sit up to look for you. Fortunately you seem to have come off worse, nursing your body as you writhe in pain on the canvas. I get to my knees and then throw my body weight down over your chest, hooking one leg up with my arm as I look for a quick pin. yt
01:56 Yuki_Ueno: It is easy for you to slide over me and force me into a pin while I'm still reeling in pain. I'm breathing hard and wince as your weight sits right on top of the sore spots. The referee drops down to start the pin count and this gives me some fuel to keep fighting back. I manage to kick out enough after the first count and I start to roll away from you and try to get to the ropes yt
01:57 The_Statement: You manage to kick out quickly enough to show me that this match is far from over, so I get back up as you roll away. I can see a couple of big marks on your chest where you landed on my knees, so I follow you and stomp right down on that spot with my boot as hard as I can. yt
02:00 Yuki_Ueno: You follow me while I'm rolling and wait for your opportunity to strike by stomping down right in the center of my chest where its beginning to turn red. I shout out in pain as my body stings heavily and twitches from your force. I try to keep rolling away and head for the ropes, trying to escape outside the ring to get a second to recover yt
02:01 The_Statement: I see where you're going and I make a grab for you but you've already slipped away under the ropes, to my frustration. As I see you outside the ring, recovering, I quickly climb up onto the top rope and launch myself at you, looking to flatten you down on to the hard floor outside the ring. yt
02:04 Yuki_Ueno: I land on my feet outside the ring and stumble along the side of the apron while clutching my chest and catching my breath. The crowd increases in noise level as you climb the ropes and launch yourself at me. I turn just in time to see you coming and bring my arms up to defend myself, but your weight still crashes into me and takes the both of us to the ground for a rough landing on the hard floor yt
02:05 The_Statement: I crash into you, not as perfectly as I would have liked as you manage to get your arms up, but it's enough to take us both down with you trapped underneath my weight. I start to get up, then deliberately drop my weight right back down on you again. yt
02:07 Yuki_Ueno: I groan in pain as I rub the side of my head while you start to get off me. I try to pull myself backwards on my elbows but you immediately drop back down on top of me again, not giving me a second to breathe as I moan out in pain again. Sweat starting to form on the back of my neck and forehead as the pace of the match continues quickly yt
02:08 The_Statement: I now get up and pull you up by your hair. I drag you to the corner and drive your face into the post, then I drop you and slide back in under the ropes. I stand up and taunt you. "What are you doing out there Yuki, get back in here and face me like a man!" yt
02:13 Yuki_Ueno: I grab onto your wrist weakly as you drag me up by my hair and start pulling me around. You slam my forehead into the metal cornerpost with a loud DONG and I drop to the ground in a daze. You climb back into the ring and taunt me while I lay outside the ring groaning. But hearing you trying to humiliate me again gets my body moving on autopilot as I roll onto my chest and start to pull myself up slowly on the sid eo f the ring. I can hear the referee warning me to get back into the ring or be counted out, so I walk along the outside to the opposite side from you before slipping back into the ring and pulling myself up yt
02:14 The_Statement: I shadow you as you move around the ring to avoid me before climbing back through the ropes, as you do I quickly move to close the distance, wanting to pounce while you're still dazed. I lean in and grab one of your arms, then I spin and launch you flying across the ring towards the opposite corner. yt
02:16 Yuki_Ueno: You pounce on me as soon as I jump back into the ring and you take my arm to fling me across the ring. My feet stumble clumsily as I cross the ring and bounce into the ropes uncontrolled, then get launched back towards you. I swing my arm out again in a desperate attempt for a clothesline to try and counter your lead yt
02:18 The_Statement: As I hoped you come bouncing back towards me. I see you looking for a clothesline again, but this time I'm planning one of my own. I crouch down slightly and stick my arm out, aiming to smash it into your sore chest rather than your head. yt
02:20 Yuki_Ueno: My clothesline swings over your head again as you duck and aim the same move for me. Your arm slams into my sore chest and I sink to my knees, doubling over as both arms cross over my chest. I groan in pain as I cough and wheeze while sweat drips down the back of my neck yt
02:22 The_Statement: As you drop to your knees and protectively cradle your sore chest, I move around behind you and kick you in the back to send you sprawling forward onto your front. I then humiliate you by sitting down on your ass and rutting up against it with my bulging trunks. yt
02:25 Yuki_Ueno: You kick slams into my back and sends me forward onto my chest as I land with my cheek onto the mat. Panting hard as I start to lift my head stubbornly only for you to slam down onto my back and start grinding your bulge against my ass. I feel my face turning red with embarassment at your tactic. my throat burns trying to catch my breath. I bring my hands up onto the mat and try to shove my chest up to see if I can knock you off yt
02:26 The_Statement: You push up with your hands, bringing you upper body off the canvas and I see an opportunity. I quickly move forward and wrap an arm around your neck, sinking in a choke hold to try to finish you off. yt
02:30 Yuki_Ueno: I gasp when your bicep starts to curl around my throat as you sneak in a chokehold. my hands bounce up and grab onto your arm trying to pull my neck free. I cough and shake my head and body side to side trying to break free. Sweat dripping down my red chest and abs while the crowd is cheering for you. I manage to get up to my knees where you can see the bulge in my own trunks as the result of your tactics yt
02:31 The_Statement: You manage to get to your knees, so I lean back, hanging off you. I try to fall to my back and pull you down on top of me, which would allow me to hold you in place in my legs as I choke you out. I start rocking backwards, trying to pull you with me. yt
02:34 Yuki_Ueno: I reach for the ropes trying to get a lucky break but you climb onto my back and let your weight rock backwards trying to tip me. I strain trying to reach but just before Ican make contact you yank backwards enough that I tip and we fall to the mat. My legs kick at the mat as I keep clawing your arm but I am slowly losing strength as I lose air and your choke works its magic against me yt
02:35 The_Statement: Perfect, I go to my back and get you laid out on top of me. I snake my legs up and wrap them around your waist, holding you firmly, then I reach up and lock my hands together to tighten the choke, slowly weakening you more and more as the ref comes in to check if you're still awake. yt
02:38 Yuki_Ueno: your legs lock around my waist to make sure I cant escape while you slowly tighten your arms and make the choke tighter like a constrictor snake. I moan as I try to fight the urge to close my eyes, but I cant fight biology. my motions get slower and weaker till I can barely move and my arm droops to the side. the referee grabs my wrist and lifts it up, letting it fall to the mat to start counting me out yt
02:39 The_Statement: Your eyes close and the referee lifts your arm and it falls to the canvas limply, once, twice. He lifts it a third time and the crowd holds its collective breath to see if you have anything left. yt
02:41 Yuki_Ueno: My arm rises and drops twice as the referee does the count. everyone is on the edge of their seats waiting to see the result of the third and final time. but its my fans disappointment when my arm drops limply to the mat as I cant overcome the power of your chokehold and I remain knocked out in your tight grip, KOed by the smaller guy! yt
02:43 The_Statement: You're totally out if for the full three count, and I let you go and roll out from under your totally limp body. I stand and stare down at you, admiring my work, as your body looks sweaty, battered and beaten as a result of my performance. I place a boot on your chest and pose for my cheering fans as the ref raises my arm in the air in victory. yt
02:46 Yuki_Ueno: you begin your victory celebration by standing over me and putting a boot on my defeated and reddened chest. I remain there groaning and covered in sweat as you pose after your dominating victory while your fans cheer and chant your name. yt
02:46 The_Statement: End

Published: 2022-08-11, viewed 96 times.




2022-08-12 14:30

Hot match for sure !!!!

Apollo Dante

2022-08-11 22:20

An intriguing All Asian match up ..Japan v Singapore …always good to see international action.

The Singapore stud just calls himself “ The Statement” and having his first bout since he joined the HOTSHOTS fed a few days ago. Taking on a young Japanese wrestler the action included some classic back n forth action with some high flying moves from both studs.

But it was The Statement who took control and despite stubborn resistance from his opponent Yuki he ended the bout with a KO finish. Have to say this was impressive action from these 2 who I don’t think have been seen before.

Awesome read for sure! Seems they both caught tge attention of ApolloJackson Morgan too….interesting!

Apollo Jackson-Morgan

2022-08-11 03:09

How wrestling, dudes. I'll be making a statement with one of you soon. *grins*

(In reply to this)

That was supposed to be "hot" not "how."