All-Asian Association (AAA)

Public Restricted

Established: 2021-12-18

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Boxing
The Triple A League exists to gather Asian fighters from across the globe.
39 members
38 stories
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Home alone in the Underground Tokyo Dojo with a Belt and a Tamagotchi


00:26 Hiro_1: It is a Saturday night at the Tokyo Underground Dojo. The crowd has assembled to watch me. Hiro 1 take on another Japanese Superstar Shunma Katsumata. Shunma claims he is number 1 in Japan and challenged me. I plan to show him why I am the champion
00:29 Hiro_1: The lights come up. Fighter pilots on the Jumbotron as I make my way down the aisle. “ Your champion at 5’9 165 pounds Hiro 1. The 1 for Number one champ of the Tokyo Undergound. My music blaring. “Kamikaze by PJ Harvey “
00:30 Hiro_1: I climb in the ring and up to the top rope. Wearing my blue square cuts a gold eagle on the side matching boots and pads. My white belt. I’m holding it in the air as the crowd cheers. Waiting on your entrance You are not logged in. You are not logged in. yt
00:33 Shunma_Katsumata: i hear there is some other guy here in tokyo thinking he is number 1 so i challenged him to a match, i arrive into the ring wearing red and white check pants and black shoes You are not logged in. , i stare at you "you must be... hiro right?" yt
00:35 Hiro_1: Looking at you as you enter. In your checkered pants. An unconventional gear. I come down from the top rope. Walk up to you and hold up my belt. “ Yes I am THE HIRO. Welcome to my Tokyo Dojo Shunma “ yt
00:37 Shunma_Katsumata: i stare at your belt "nice belt which toy shop did you buy that from?" i ask taunting you yt
00:39 Hiro_1: I glare at you. Not believing you have nerve to taunt Hiro. I go to strike you with my belt so you can feel how real it is. But lucky for you the ref grabs it from my hand. He push me back. Then he tells us that the winner will be first to pin, submit, or KO their opponent. He check us both and calls for the bell yt
00:41 Shunma_Katsumata: i watch you go to hit me with your belt but the ref stops you, i smirk "darn so close chump" i laugh taunting more yt
00:42 Hiro_1: You still taunt. I am eager to shut your big mouth. The bell rings CLANG and I lunge in with a collar and elbow lock up and push hard. “ Feel the power of a champ big mouth “ yt
00:43 Shunma_Katsumata: i grunt and groan as we lock up i then push you backwards towards the corner
00:43 Shunma_Katsumata: yt
00:45 Hiro_1: I feel you starting to push back stronger than you look. I let up on my resistance and I fall back bringing up my feet to your chest as I grip your wrists and I go for a monkey flip yt
00:46 Shunma_Katsumata: "ahhhhhhh!!!!!!" i hit the mat hard and lay there groaning " shit!"yt
00:47 Hiro_1: I do a quick Kip up to my feet and I see you down on your back and you groan. I pull you up by your hair and I slide my arm between your legs and the other over your shoulder to scoop you up across my chest to try to body slam you to the mat yt
00:48 Shunma_Katsumata: feeling you pick me up i wriggle wildly hoping you lose your grip yt
00:49 Hiro_1: I feel you wiggling and and I grin then just fall forward slamming you to the mat my body landing on top of you. Hooking your leg. I go for early pin. 1.. yt
00:50 Shunma_Katsumata: i groan in pain hitting the mat, i hear the pin being counted and so i kick out yt
00:52 Hiro_1: You kick out and I whisper to you “ ohh. Yes. You want some more. That’s good” I get to my feet. Stand over you and jump up. Lift my legs to go for double leg drop to your gut You are not logged in. yt
00:53 Shunma_Katsumata: "arrrrrrrrrh!!!!! shit!!!!" i groan loudly in pain, my gut turns red yt
00:55 Hiro_1: I get to my feet. I see you in pain. And I grab your head to lift you up. I send a knee to your hurting gut. “You have a red belly Shunma” I taunt. Then I hook your head with my arm. And grab the waistband of your pants. I try to lift you vertical and over with a snap suplex
00:55 Hiro_1: [IMAGE:]
00:56 Hiro_1: Yt
00:58 Shunma_Katsumata: my gut turns more red "shut up!" i shout then i scream in agony as i hit the mat after the snap suplex yt
01:00 Hiro_1: I laugh as you tell me to shut up. And nail the suplex. Before I get to my feet. I get in your face and I hold your chin. “ What did you just say to Hiro ?” And I get to my feet and send my boot into your chest and again. Yt
01:02 Shunma_Katsumata: i grunt and groan loudly in pain, my chest turns red too, i try to roll away from you yt
01:04 Hiro_1: As you roll away from me. I lean down to grab the back of your pants. I pull you towards me and drive a fist into the small of your back. Then wrap my arms around your waist from behind to lift you up and over me for a big German suplex You are not logged in. yt
01:05 Shunma_Katsumata: as soon as i hit the mat hard i roll around arching my back then i roll out of the ring yt
01:07 Hiro_1: You are clearly in pain. Very sneaky as you manage to crawl out of the ring. I watch you closely and as you go to stand and face me. I jump onto to the top rope and go for a back elbow to your chest
01:07 Hiro_1: [IMAGE:]
01:07 Hiro_1: Yt
01:08 Shunma_Katsumata: i see you coming down towards me so i manage to roll out of the way just in time yt
01:09 Hiro_1: You have more in you than I thought. I am very acrobatic though so although I miss it still hurts to land on the hard floor but I roll through it to absorb some of the pain. I get to my feet. I rub my elbow that took the most of the fall. I beat my chest. “ You will regret that “ yt
01:10 Shunma_Katsumata: i smirk as i see your belt nearby so i go over to it and pick it up "oh wow this is so shiny"yt
01:12 Hiro_1: I see you pick up my belt. “ That is a bigger mistake !!” I rush toward you as you bend down to pick it up and raise my knee to try to hit your chest You are not logged in. yt
01:17 Shunma_Katsumata: i fall backwards onto the floor, ive got a tight grip on your belt yt
01:19 Hiro_1: I drop my knee into your gut driving it in with all my weight as I grab my belt. “ You never touch Hiro’s belt. Let go or you will pay a big price “ yt
01:20 Shunma_Katsumata: i groan louder in pain, my gut starts to bruise "or else what huh? you'll hit my with your belt?" yt
01:22 Hiro_1: I lift my knee and drop it into your gut again and yank my belt from your grasp. I hold it up over you. The ref counting. “Lucky for you. Time is running it out “ I throw it to the side and get up. Grab you by your head and pants and throw you in the ring. Yt
01:23 Shunma_Katsumata: my gut bruises more and all i can do is lay on the mat in agony yt
01:25 Hiro_1: I follow you in the ring. You are clearly in pain. It is time to set you up for the end. I pull you up and turn us back to back the back of your head over my shoulder and I drop down to deliver a big neck breaker yt
01:27 Shunma_Katsumata: "arrrrrrrrrrh!!" i scream in agony and rolling around on the mat holding the back of my neck yt
01:29 Hiro_1: I signal to the fans one finger in the air. The chanting starts. HIRO DRIVER HIRO DRIVER. i pull you up put your head between my thighs. My arms wrap around your waist. Then I’m one swift motion I lift you up and vertical and drop hard to the mat. Your head hitting hard with the big HIRO DRIVER
01:29 Hiro_1: [IMAGE:]
01:29 Hiro_1: Yt
01:29 Shunma_Katsumata: my head hits the mat hard and i lay there barely moving yt
01:31 Hiro_1: I lay over you pressing your shoulder down as I hook your leg high with the other arm. The ref is counting. 1…yt
01:31 Shunma_Katsumata: all i can do is lay there, ref counts 2! yt
01:33 Hiro_1: The ref counts 3. And I get to my feet. Crowd chanting HIRO HIRO HIRO. The ref hands me my belt. I hold it up. Then put it around my waist. I lean down to offer you my hand. “ you think you can get up Shunma ?” Yt
01:34 Shunma_Katsumata: i see you offering your hand so i take it yt
01:36 Hiro_1: I pull you up to your feet. My arm around your shoulder. I raise your arm. The crowd cheers for you. “ Good match Shunma. Maybe you come back one day “ I reach in my trunks and pull out a gift for you. Customary in my dojo. “ For you Shunma. A pet to take care of during your recovery “ I hand you a Tamagotchi virtual pet You are not logged in. yt
01:37 Shunma_Katsumata: chuckles and takes the Tamagochi "thanks Hiro, i need to give you a gift too" yt
01:39 Hiro_1: I look at you “ doumo arigatou Shunma “ there is no need to give me a gift yt
01:40 Shunma_Katsumata: "no no i must give you something, i'll come back later tonight if your still in your locker room" yt
01:40 Hiro_1: “Yes. I will be here. Give me a text when you would like to come by “ yt
01:41 Shunma_Katsumata: *nods then goes backstage*
01:41 Shunma_Katsumata: *a little while later i go to your locker room* hello?
01:42 Hiro_1: “Konnichiwa Shunma. How are you feeling ?”
01:43 Shunma_Katsumata: "im feeling a bit better now,i got you something" holds out a box yt
01:44 Hiro_1: “ I am glad you are feeling better. “ I take the box. Opening it. “ hmm I wonder what this could be ? You shouldn’t have “ yt
01:45 Shunma_Katsumata: in the box is a unopened box of legos [IMAGE:] yt
01:47 Hiro_1: “Oh wow. Very cool. Thank you. This looks like it will keep me busy. I love that movie “ yt
01:48 Shunma_Katsumata: sighs in relief "i wasn't sure want to get you or if youd like it" bows yt
01:49 Hiro_1: I bow too. Then I give you a friendly hug. What do you say we go get a good meal together tonight. Maybe some ramen ?
01:50 Shunma_Katsumata: nods "i'd like that very much thank you"
01:51 Hiro_1: “You’re welcome “ I call for the driver and we enter my blacked out Lincoln Navigator and head to dinner. Two Japanese superstars now rivals and friends

Published: 2022-09-18, viewed 72 times.



Apollo Dante

2022-09-19 15:42

Great to see that HOTSHOTS is attracting more international wrestler and here in an underground Tokyo club we see 2 Japanese studs Hiro and Shuna taking each other on.

Hiro had done so well with an 11-3 record whilst Shuna was in just his second bout having lost his debut bout against Maui Kid. Given this it was Hiro who used his experience taking control.

This was a HOT read and with his signature finisher the HIRO DRIVER he added anothe win to his record and the ending was AMAZING!

Hiro 1

2022-09-19 18:20

(In reply to this)

Thank you Apollo for the very kind commentary


Pascal Persistance (deleted member)

2022-09-18 11:16

Fun fight guys

Hiro 1

2022-09-23 20:46

(In reply to this)

Thank you Pascal. I am glad you enjoyed our match