All-Asian Association (AAA)

Public Restricted

Established: 2021-12-18

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Boxing
The Triple A League exists to gather Asian fighters from across the globe.
39 members
38 stories
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Scooper visits Hiro’s Tokyo Underground Dojo


04:31 Hiro_1: It’s fight night in Tokyo at the underground Dojo where the crowd is assembled to watch their champion Hiro to take on the the Swiss stud Scooper. I change into my gold Trunks and put my white belt over my shoulder and I hear my music start to play You are not logged in. The lights come up. Fighter pilots on the Jumbotron as I make my way down the aisle. “ Your champion at 5’9 165 pounds Hiro 1. The 1 for Number one champ of the Tokyo Undergound. My music blaring. “Kamikaze by PJ Harvey “
04:32 Hiro_1: Yt
04:33 Scooper: I am asked to join the fight night at the underground Dojo. I get there, change in my locker room into my dark red speedos as I hear the crowd yelling, music blaring out. I do some light jumps, stretches and bounce on my feet while I wait for my announcement
04:33 Scooper: yt
04:37 Hiro_1: I jump in the ring. The crowd chants HIRO HIRO HIRO. They are ready to see me take apart yet another foreign challenger. This is a handsome man from Switzerland. I climb the ropes and raise my belt for the fans it is so so shiny and clean. Unlike the dingy dark Undergound dojo. I wonder what this Swiss wrestler will think of this Underground fight place yt
04:40 Scooper: I listen to the loud sounds of the arena. Finally I get out of my locker room, head to the arena. Door opens while announcer starts talking. "And now ... tooooonight ... from SWITZERLAAAAAND. Standing his 5'7, 140 pounds ... FOR YOUUUUU, Mr SCOOOOPERRRRR" I run into the arena, through the crowd, shaking some hands - try to shake them while I hear some loud BOOOOs. I reach the ring, climb and step in under the bottom rope. Stand up, bouncing while I stare you up and down
04:40 Scooper: yt
04:44 Hiro_1: I watch closely as you come down the aisle. I grin at you as you bounce up and down in your red speedos. I walk up to you and stand chest to chest. I notice I am bigger and this is new for me. Most of my opponents have been bigger. In my boots I feel taller and I smirk and bump my chest against yours. “ Welcome to Tokyo Mr. Scooper San” it is not too late to turn around and run and I wink at you and start to step back yt
04:46 Scooper: As I bounce you step up. I notice you are taller, but not much. But built. Hmmm ... You bump your chest against mine, show some strength already since I stumble one, two steps back. I narrow my eyes, take my hands up while I listen your words carefully. Smirk. Wait for the "ding ding" to start the match
04:46 Scooper: yt
04:48 Hiro_1: I chuckle as you stumble back and then see your eyes narrow and you smirk. I wink at you. “ oh sorry Scooper. Did I upset you “ the bell rings and I am eager to show you my strength I lunge right in to take you into a collar and elbow hookup and I push hard. I am trying to back you up to the ropes yt
04:51 Scooper: The bell rings and you quickly charge at me in the collar and elbow. I do the same and we push each other, with you already get me some steps back. ,SHIT, that strength', hammers in my brain. As I hit the ropes, stopping the "walk", I punch my right knee up, hitting your exposed abs
04:51 Scooper: yt
04:55 Hiro_1: I get you to the ropes quickly. “Ahh yes scooper. Too strong right ?” I I start to bring your arms up to release them when I feel your knee hit my abs. I grunt and as I grab my abs with one hand and then take a step back “ not smart Scooper “ and I bring my other arm back to go for a big chop to your pecs yt
04:57 Scooper: You get a hold on my arms, but my hit in your abs with my knee works well. You let go one of my arms while you step back. BAMMMM- you chop me hard to my pecs. In that sharp pain I bend forwards. In that movement I get a hold of your left thigh, claw in the meat
04:57 Scooper: yt
05:03 Hiro_1: You bend over as my chop hits you. See you bend forward and I grab your head under my right arm in a face lock. “ looks like you are in trouble now “ when “Ahhh Fuck. What are you doing ?” I feel you grab my left thigh and you dig and claw your fingers into my thigh. I think you are hitting a nerve. I sweat now still have your head locked my leg starts to shake and I fall back on my butt hoping to take you with me and drive your head to the canvas yt
05:05 Scooper: Clawing your thigh I feel your leg get weak. You stumble, loose your stance but no chance to escape your well applied face lock with my head under your right arm. I can't do anything than fall with you, on you. We hit the ground, me on top. I grab your wrist and try to loosen your hold on my head
05:05 Scooper: yt
05:07 Hiro_1: You fall with me. Your hand leaves my thigh and I breathe a sigh of relief. I feel you trying to grab my wrist and I decide to use my size. With you on top of me I bring my legs up around you and I flex my quads to squeeze your body between my muscular legs as I flex my bicep around your head “ You ready to settle down Mr. scooper ?” Yt
05:10 Scooper: "AHOUHRGGGGG" I hiss out as you show some strength, avoid me from loosen your hold, still holding my head tight and, even worth, take your quite strong legs around my waist and start squeezing. "SHIIITT". I clench my fists and punch your sides, your lats
05:10 Scooper: yt
05:15 Hiro_1: “Arghhh you are a feisty one “ I grunt as you punch my sides. I am forced to release your head and grab for your wrists as I roll us over so I am on top. I push your arms down over your head and release one sit up on your waist and send a fist to your abs. Then get to my feet yt
05:17 Scooper: "OUHMMMM" I let out as I can't avoid you from rolling us over while you successfully got a hold on my wrists. You show strength as you get my arms over my head and you sit up on my waist. "FFUUAAAHHHRRRMMMM" I hiss as your fist hits my abs hard. I watch you get up while I still roll in some pain
05:17 Scooper: yt
05:21 Hiro_1: I reach down and pull you up by your head. Wrap my arm around it. Send a knee to your abs to pay you back for earlier and I grab the waistband of your speedo let out a ROAR as I try to lift you up vertical to fall back fast for a quick snap suplex
05:21 Hiro_1: [IMAGE:]
05:21 Hiro_1: Yt
05:23 Scooper: Still exhausted you reach down, pull me up, only to wrap your hard muscled arm around my head. Your knee hits my abs. I wince, scream but can't bend forwards while you still hold me up. Your strong hand grabs my waistband. I fear your move, but still to limp to stop you. My eyes widen about your ROARING while you lift me up vertical and get me down backwards, hitting hard. "OUHMMMMMPPFFFF". That move forced much air leaving my already worn frame
05:24 Scooper: yt
05:27 Hiro_1: The suplex hits hard. I get up to my feet quickly to look down at you. You look very tired and worn out. The crowd cheers the move loudly. I kick your arms to your sides and I step back and bounce off the ropes and I leap up doing a summersault flip to try to splash my body down on to you You are not logged in. yt
05:29 Scooper: My body aches, laying on the ground. I hear the crowd cheering to you. You kick my arms to my sides successfully. You get to the ropes, I see your body bounce off, almost flying while you apply a summersault flip. My eyes widen, despite all my pain I try to roll away as I already see your back above my head
05:29 Scooper: yt
05:32 Hiro_1: I feel like I have you all but finished but when I flip to face you. You have rolled away I try to adjust but it is too late I put my arms out to protect my face but my chest and abs still crash hard. I roll on the mat back and forth as I cough and groan in pain. My boots kicking the mat yt
05:34 Scooper: I just managed in the very last fraction of a second to roll away. I watch you rolling, coughing, groaning. ,My chance' I think to myself. Despite all the pain in my body I jump up, to your still rolling frame, only to land with my ass hitting your lower back. I take my hands on your chin, pull on it
05:34 Scooper: yt
05:37 Hiro_1: I am not aware of where you are as the missed splash knocks the air out of my lungs when I feel your ass slam into my lower back and I feel your hands on my chin pulling back. I start to growl as I try to push my hands on the mat and push my body up to get my knees under me yt
05:39 Scooper: My eyes widen as I feel much strength under my ass while you push your hands on the mats and your body, with mine on top in addition, getting up. I futilely try to hold you down
05:39 Scooper: yt
05:41 Hiro_1: I again let out a big ROAR as the fans chant my name HIRO HIRO HIRO and I get to my feet with you on my back and I run backwards to try to slam you back first into the corner with my body yt
05:44 Scooper: You just get up with me on your back and start running backwards. I know the corner post behind me. In desperation I let go of your back, get my feet back on the ground but you just go on running
05:44 Scooper: yt
05:45 Hiro_1: You manage to get off my back but I’m moving full speed towards the corner. I stumble over you and fall into the corner and grab the ropes to stay up looking ahead at you. I am glaring now yt
05:47 Scooper: I watch as you fall into the corner, grabbing the ropes to stay up. Our eyes meet. I run to you, clench my right fist and punch it into your exposed abs, lower abs following a second punch
05:47 Scooper: yt
05:49 Hiro_1: You run fast not sure what you plan. Your first fist hits my abs. I grunt loud and I see your second fist coming. I flex my abs and try to throw a stiff forearm uppercut to the side of your head yt
05:52 Scooper: My fist punch hits it's target well, the second absorbed by some steel hard abs, forcing some pain in my knuckles bouncing off the bricks. While my eyes widen your forearm gets an uppercut to the side of my head, force me to stumble, finally get on my knees, holding my head
05:52 Scooper: yt
05:53 Hiro_1: I see you on your knees. I think. I can not mess around anymore with this very tough fighter. And I immediately rush forward for a running knee to your chest You are not logged in. yt
05:56 Scooper: On my knee I see your knee coming towards my chest, but not being able to get away as quick as needed. You hit my chest hard, make my upper body get down to the mats backwards. I look up with widen eyes
05:56 Scooper: yt
06:00 Hiro_1: I see your eyes wide looking down at you and I bend down. I look very serious as I grab you by the hair and I shove your head between my muscled thighs and I flex them and wrap my arms around your waist. I hear the crowd. They know what it is coming. HIRO DRIVER HIRO DRIVER !! And I flip you up vertical and as soon as I do I drop straight down as I go for the HIRO DRIVER to drive your head to the canvas
06:00 Hiro_1: [IMAGE:]
06:00 Hiro_1: Yt
06:03 Scooper: Your strong hands grab me by my hair and finally get my head between your immense thighs. The flex shows some impressive strength. I grab your thighs but just feel the hard steel that imprisons my head successfully. Your arms get around my waist, then I get aware of the yelling crowd. I fear the upcoming. WOUHMMM - you forcefully get my frame up in a reversed position, left the ground, supported only by your strength. My head goes dizzy as I hit the mats hard, shoved in
06:03 Scooper: yt
06:05 Hiro_1: I hit the Hiro driver the crowd goes crazy as I flip your body onto your back. I lay across you and lift up your leg as I press your shoulder down. The ref is counting 1…2… yt
06:07 Scooper: "NOOOOOO" I scream as you pin me with your body laying across mine, lifting my legs to my shoulder. I give all my strength against your arm while I try to buck off, break your hold
06:07 Scooper: yt
06:12 Hiro_1: The ref tells me you got your shoulder up I growl in anger and flip you on your front I lock on a rear naked choke and turn you to your side as I lock my thighs around you adding a body scissors. “You should have stayed down ! Now you will submit or you will go out “ I flex my arms and thighs my bulging trunks pressed against your ass You are not logged in. yt
06:14 Scooper: "PPUHHFFFSSHHHH" I hiss as you get me in your next skillful hold, a combination of sleeper on my head, throat and your squeezing legs around my tiny waist. I hold your forearm around my throat, try to loosen the hold, but it's applied tight. I kick with my legs to try to move us, make it hard for you to hold on
06:14 Scooper: yt
06:16 Hiro_1: I flex even harder my bicep on your throat. And I squeeze my thighs hard on your ribs and lock my ankles. Gritting my teeth. “Give it up Scooper you are going nowhere “ yt
06:19 Scooper: My try loosen your hold on my throat dismisses. "NNOOooo o ... o ....... o ...............o" I say with decreasing voice as you press on my throat, make it difficult to talk anymore. I watch as you lock your ankles, press even more air out of my body while you squeeze hard on my waist. Getting dizzy I slap my hand on your forearm
06:19 Scooper: yt
06:23 Hiro_1: I hear you s reaming noooo as your resistance slows. Then I feel the tap on my forearm. The bell rings and I instantly release the hold. I stand and the ref raises my arm in victory. “ You’re winner by submission the #1 Champ of the Tokyo Undergound Hiro 1” I lean down to check in you and offer you my hand to get to your feet yt
06:25 Scooper: I shake my head, watching you get up as I take some deep breathes to fill my lunges again. You raise your arms in victory but lean down to offer your hand. I take it and you help to get me up. The force still left impresses me much. I slap your shoulder in appreciation, smile at you
06:25 Scooper: yt
06:29 Hiro_1: I raise your hand too the cried cheers your impressive display of wrestling. I put my arm around you as you smile at me. I turn to you. “ I have much respect for you Mr. Scooper. You are a brave a tough fighter. I say we clean up and I will have my my driver pick us up out back in my Lincoln Navigator for a nice dinner and night in the city “ yt
06:31 Scooper: I smile to you, almost laugh in exhaustion. "You are so nice! Thx much" I shake my head in disbelieve about these nice, kind words

Published: 2022-10-02, viewed 68 times.



Damian Fenrir

2022-10-04 00:24

Scooper has been a bit quiet of late so it was good to see him back in HOTSHOTS action. He certainly chose a tough opponent for his return. The sexy Japanese wrestler HiroI has enjoyed several BIG wins.

The Hiro Driver is so brutal few recover and that was the case for Scooper as he got taken out. Nice show of sportsmanship at the end though. Great action!

Jay Jones

2022-10-02 12:32

I hate Hiro 1 and wish Scooper had beaten him.

I was pleased to see Scooper kick out after the Hiro Driver though as I think he may have been the first to do that, I know it knocked me out cold when he did it to me.

I so hope this guy gets another loss soon.

Jay J

Hiro 1

2022-10-03 07:16

(In reply to this)

Oh. Why you hate Hiro1 Jay Jones ? Don’t be a hater. Hiro has enough HIRO DRIVERS for all. Do not be mad. I invite you to Tokyo for a rematch.

Hiro 1 “ Champ of the Tokyo Undergound “

Devin the Boxer

2022-10-03 20:31

(In reply to this)

Hahaha that is a good one!
Free Hiro Drivers for everyone and Jay gets a extra one! ^^

Great match with lots of back and forth action enjoyed it!

Hugs Devin

European Muscle

2022-10-02 10:29

A very nice try of Scooper and good back and forth match guys, well done both.

Hiro 1

2022-10-03 07:17

(In reply to this)

Thank you and I am glad you enjoy the match. I have fun time with the tough guy Scooper

Pascal Persistance (deleted member)

2022-10-02 09:32

A good and sporting fight...Thank You Guys.

Hiro 1

2022-10-03 07:17

(In reply to this)

Thank you much and I am glad you enjoy it.