All-Asian Association (AAA)

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Established: 2021-12-18

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The Triple A League exists to gather Asian fighters from across the globe.
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Peter Hurst has his official inaugural Hotshots match against Hiro 1


You are not logged in. Peter Hurst 18yo Height 6'0" Weight 180 lbs You are not logged in.


You are not logged in. Hiro 1 20yo Size Height 5'9" Weight 165 lbs You are not logged in.

Peter_Hurst: I have been asking Jay and Apollo for my inaugural Hotshots match almost every day and today I finely got an email from Apollo, telling me that he has put me on an underground wrestling program to wrestle an underground wrestling champion calling himself Hiro 1 and that the match is to take place in his own Dojo in Tokyo with his own crowd of supporters watching. I feel excited and what this champion does not know is until last month I was the European Junior NHB Open Weight Championship until I lost it to a German guy.

Peter_Hurst: The flight was long and the hotel is crap but the day of the match arrives and I head to the Dojo. As I enter, I see the old looking ring and some Japanese men of all ages standing around. The first match has not started and our match is number three on tonight’s program and so I have loads of time. I am taken down a corridor and see a door with Champion painted on it and the guy tells me that is your personal locker room. I am taken into a smelly old locker room where other guys are Changning I talk to a young American guy who is wrestling a huge 300 lbs + Japanese man. Their match if number two. The first two guys head out to the ring and so I change into my tight white speedos and matching white boots and sit on the bench talking to the American guy while his huge Japanese opponent stares at him.

Peter_Hurst: The first match seems to go on for ages and then I see one of the Japanese guys come back with a big smile on his face with the others wrestlers trunks in his hand but I never saw the other guy. I then wish my new American friend good luck and sit back down knowing that my match is next and I suddenly become very nervous. I do not wait long as the big Japanese guy soon returns carrying my friends Stars and Stripes wrestling trunks. I ask him what happens and he just says “yank hospital”. I am then called to the ring. I head out to a polite applause. I slide into the ring and bow to the referee and then head to my corner.

Peter_Hurst: Announcer: “The next match is a ONE FALL match with the winner decided by pinfall, submission or a knockout. Please welcome form England PETER HURST”.
I acknowledge the crowd who seem totally uninterested in me. I then return to my corner and wait for my opponent to make his grand entrance. yt

Hiro_1: It is a big fight night at the Underground Dojo in Tokyo. Hiro is the number 1 champ and as usual a big crowd has assembled. I finish my sauna and shower off. My attendant gives me a massage. I change into my blue trunks with a golden eagle on the side. Matching trunks and pads. I grab my white belt. I am set to take on a former European NHB Champ and the key word is FORMER. The lights come up. Fighter pilots on the Jumbotron as I make my way down the aisle. “Your champion at 5’9 165 pounds Hiro 1. The 1 for Number one champ of the Tokyo Underground. My music blaring. “Kamikaze by PJ Harvey” I head down the aisle. I climb in the ring and up to the top rope. Wearing my blue square cuts, a gold eagle on the side matching boots and pads. I’m holding my belt up in the air as the crowd cheers. HIRO HIRO HIRO.

Hiro_1: I turn to face you and I’m not shy or scared of any opponent. I walk right up to you. I give you a smirk and a nod as I flip my hair out of my eyes. I extend my hand to shake yours. “Welcome to Tokyo Peter. Good luck tonight in the ring.” yt

Peter_Hurst: There is something about this place that makes me feel uneasy. Only one guy returned to the locker room after the first match with the other guy’s trunks and my new American friend it seems has been taken to hospital without his trunks after what was a very short match against a huge Japanese man and now this crowd is treating me with distain, like I am a piece of meat, the place is very unnerving. I then hear your music and an announcement in Japanese followed by broken English, I look towards the entrance and see you enter in blue and gold gear, carrying and nice white belt. You make your way down the aisle and the fans could not be more different towards you as they seen to almost worship you. As you get into the ring you hold your belt in the air and all I can hear is HIRO HIRO HIRO.

Peter_Hurst: You walk right up to me and give me a smirk and a nod as you flick your hair out of your eyes and offer your hand and greet me, wishing me good luck in the ring. I have to say that I for some reason although I find you bloody handsome, I have taken a dislike to you but I take your hand and grip it tighter than normal just to give you an idea of the strength in my arms. I smirk saying “luck is something I do not need when I have my strength and technical skill”. I pull my hand away and lean in whispering “after I beat your ass tonight, I will be back for your belt punk”. The referee steps between us and starts to tell us the rules, he then steps back and the old bell rings You are not logged in. . I give you no time and I slap you hard across your face, to show you that I have no respect for you, champion or not and then your fans BOO me and I turn to show them my finger You are not logged in. yt

Hiro_1: You accept my handshake and your grip is a firm one. You tell me you do not need luck. You say you have the skills to win. “Maybe you have little skill Peter but I am Hiro 1 Champ of this underground Dojo” you release my hand without responding but you have the nerve to slap Hiro 1 in the face. The fans BOO you very loudly. They chant DIRTY BRIT DIRTY BRIT over and over. The bell rings and you turn your back to a champ to give the fans your middle finger. I stand behind you and put my finger to my lips telling the crowd to be quiet as I leap up to deliver a big drop kick between your shoulder blades yt

Peter_Hurst: I smirk as I hear your fans boo me and start chanting dirty Brit over and over. While I am giving them the finger, I feel a massive pain between my shoulders and I fly over the top rope landing hard on the Dojo floor stunned, my upper back hurting with your fans cheering loudly. yt

Hiro_1: I look down at you as you land on the hard floor. I give a smirk to the crowd. Tasting blood early on. Like a shark in the water, I leap up on the top rope and leap off aiming my knee at your back looking to weaken you fast yt

Peter_Hurst: As I lay on the floor, I am mad at myself for letting this dingy shithole of a wrestling venue that Apollo has sent me to and this cocky little Japanese asshole who thinks he is a champ and not to mention this crowd of Japanese lower class inbreeds get to me to the point that I made a rookie mistake that has now got me in so much trouble and so early in this match. Thank God I turn my head and see you leaping off the top rope and I pull myself together and roll to my left hoping to avoid that knee that is aimed directly at me back.

Hiro_1: I am flying towards you my knee about to slam into your back when. “Ahhh Fuck Noooo” you roll out of the way. I see you roll and I hear the crowd yell LOOK OUT but it’s too late to correct my movement. My knee Slam into the hard cement floor. My knee pad not helping to absorb much of the blow. I grab at my knee and I roll towards the apron. Trying to pull myself up and needing to get back in the ring quickly. Yt

Peter_Hurst: I succeed in avoiding your knee drop and I see you grab your knee which makes me pleased but my back still hurts and I struggle up, seeing you roll back towards the apron, I move towards you and stomp on the back of that injured knee…1..2..3.. times. I then grab the back of your head and pull you up, slam your forehead onto the ring apron. I then grab the back of your trunks and discreetly shove my long middle finger between your butt-cheeks and push the material of your trunks into your hole, giving you an oil check as I lift you and roll you under the bottom rope and back into the ring. yt

Hiro_1: I barely start to get up when I feel you BAMMM BAMMM BAMMM stomping the back of my knee. I howl in agony. I can’t even put weight on my knee. I feel in trouble and the crowd gets quiet. Then you continue your assault slamming my forehead onto the apron. I’m dizzy and stunned. I feel my trunks wedge up my butt hole and then your finger following. I let out a loud groan as you roll me in the ring. I try to move but I feel hurt and need to recover. Staring up at the lights. Confused that I feel somewhat aroused with this tent in my trunks yt

Peter_Hurst: I leap up onto the apron and smirk as I see you stunned, looking up at the lights. I then grin as I see a little tent in your trunks, my friends in the Hotshots locker room told me you are straight, well we will see how straight you are as I am going to have fun as I beat you, seeing how hard I can get you and how much precum I can make you leak into your trunks. I grab the top rope and propel myself over it as I go for a splash on your chest, hoping that I can then take a quick pin and stun your loyal fans. You are not logged in. . yt

Hiro_1: The pain in my knee is making me feel sick to my stomach and my head is spinning from being smashed on the unforgiving ring apron. I am furious you had the nerve to ram your finger up my butthole in my home dojo. I look up and see you flying down towards me. On pure instinct I lift my knees up to my chest but this was without thinking on my part. As you crash into my knees, I let out a LOUD SCREAM as I push you off me. Your body crashing into my damaged knee sending a shock wave of pain from my knee and up my leg as I roll back and forth rubbing my knee. Yt

Peter_Hurst: As I come down expecting to land on your chest, you bring up your knees and nail me in my guts as I land. You push me off of you and I roll on the ring floor holding my stomach but I slowly recover and pull myself to me feet. I see you still on the floor clutching that knee. “That was a stupid move chump” I say as I try to drop my knee onto your throat You are not logged in. . yt

Hiro_1: I look over and watch you as you slowly recover. Rubbing my knee and I let out some more screams of pain. The only good thing that came out of this is that it is buying me time. You get up faster than I do. I look up at your muscular frame and I am not in a good position early. I glare back at you as you tell me how stupid my move was and then calling me a chump. “Fuck you Brit”, I yell up at you as you drop your knee and it slams down into my throat. I flop around the mat grabbing my throat coughing. Gasping for air. I can’t believe this Foreigner is beating me in my own Dojo. My body is covered in sweat and I can’t breathe as I try to get away from you yt

Peter_Hurst: My knee drop has the desired effect and you flop around, grabbing your throat, coughing and gasping for air. This place is so hot and musky, making us both sweaty. I stand up and look down at my white trunks and realise that it was a mistake to wear tight white trunks as they are now practically transparent and I swear to God, that I can see you tenting your trunks also. I grab you up by your hair which makes your fans mad at me and even the referee gives me a dirty look. I grab your wet yes wet crotch and your neck and lift you above my head groaning as my back hurts. I adjust my hand so that I grip your hard cock and I then lift you way above my head, keeping you there until I feel a very nasty twinge in my back, I wanted more time to line you up perfectly but I drop you hoping that your throat lands on the top rope You are not logged in. . yt

Hiro_1: I look up at you as I gasp for air. I can see through the daze that your white trunks are not only growing but wet. Your sweat dripping down on me. You grab my hair and I growl at you. Nobody touches the champ’s hair. I feel your hand grip my crotch and I now realize that my trunks are wet and my cock throbs through my trunks in your hand as you grab my neck with your other hand and lift me up high over your head. Treating the champ of the Tokyo Underground like a rag doll. I try to kick my legs to unbalance you. My eyes are wide with panic. I yell out “put me down I am the champion here and you do not want to see me mad” you comply but not the way I want as I land with my throat on the top rope. I bounce off and onto my back. Clutching my throat. My face turning red as I cannot catch my breath and my throat burns. Stunned on my back. Hoping I can get back into this match. This is by far the most trouble I have been in, in my home Dojo yt

Peter_Hurst: Just as I hoped, your throat lands on the top rope and the force catapults you onto your back in the middle of the ring. I look out at your shocked fans and draw my thumb across my throat. I then grab you up and again I pass my hand under your crotch while the other grabs your shoulder and I lift you in a crotch hold, again and once more my long middle finger pushes your trunks into your asshole before I slam you back down onto your back. I run to the corner and leap up onto the top turnbuckle, I stumble a bit as I hate these high flying moves but I turn and steady myself before I leap off, going for a devastating leg drop on your injured neck You are not logged in. . yt

Hiro_1: You easily pull me back up and scoop me across your chest. I feel you shove your finger in my asshole as I think this Brit dude is obsessed with Hiro’s butt. Except this time, I let out a moan and I am confused as the sensation causes me to leak precum in my trunks. As I’m caught up in these distracting thoughts you slam my back to the canvas hard. I arch up my back and rub it groaning. I look up and I do not see you right away but I do hear the fans. LOOK UP MOVE!!! over and over they chant. I glance up to see you on the top rope. I notice you do not look comfortable there. I stay where I am until you jump off. If this hits me, I may be finished. I roll out of the reach of your leg and continue to roll to the corner. Pulling myself up to my feet. Watching you close as I try to recover yt

Peter_Hurst: As I dive off the turnbuckle, I see you roll away but far too late for me being able to stop myself from landing hard on the canvas. **THUD** I SCREAM as my ass lands hard and sends a shockwave of pain up my spine. I roll around the ring moaning and groaning as I kick my feet on the canvas. Your fans find their voice again shouting HIRO HIRO HIRO. “You cheap little shit I will get you for that” I groan. yt

Hiro_1: I manage to dodge your leg drop. Breathing a short sigh of relief, I hear you call me a cheap little shit. My face turns red with anger. “It is you who will pay you dirty Brit”. I take many deep breaths as I get to all 4’s. The crowd is loud again sensing the momentum shift. I start to get to my feet but as I take a step. I howl in pain again as I put pressure on my bad knee and drop to a knee. I am afraid you have damaged my knee. I growl and slap the mat hard. I try to get up again. Fighting through the pain. I hobble close to you and I try to drop an elbow to your big chest yt

Peter_Hurst: I feel so hot and sweaty and the humid heat is taking my strength away. My body hurts. I see you standing over me, looking in pain but I am unable to move out of the way as you drop an elbow onto my chest. I HOWL clutching my chest trying to gasp in some air, feeling like you cracked a couple of my ribs. yt

Hiro_1: My elbow connects and I get a smile on my face as I hear you growl. I know my legs are useless for now and I twist to get behind you. I try to wrap my arms around your head and neck for a rear naked choke and if I can get it on, I snake my legs around your core and squeeze in a body scissor, not at full strength but I hope enough to cause pain. “How fast the tide turn Peter” I growl in your ear yt

Peter_Hurst: You get behind me and I have no defence as you grab my head and neck in a rear naked choke. I start to panic right away as you know how to apply it and instantly cut off the blood flow to my brain. You then wrap your legs around my core and I am in big trouble as you squeeze enough to make me Squeal. You growl in my ear about how quickly the tide turns”. I claw at your arm but it quickly turns into a paw as drool runs out of my mouth and precum shoots out of my slit, for all to see as it seeps through my transparent white speedos. yt

Hiro_1: I feel you claw at my arm as you struggle. Your growls are making my adrenaline surge through my veins. It makes me flex harder. Your struggles are slowing down. I smile at the ref feeling very confident.

Hiro_1: I glance down and see that big bulge in your trunks. I do actually see this tough Brit shoot a load of precum into his white speedo. I move my feet down so they rub on that hard bulge. I whisper to you “What is that I see down there Peter”. I then feel some drool drip onto my arm from your mouth. “ahh yuck, you drool on the champ? Or maybe you drooling OVER the champ?” I laugh in your ear You are not logged in. yt

Peter_Hurst: I feel you rub your boots against my bulge as you slowly apply your sleeper. My head is light now and I cannot think of any defence you then mock me about drooling but your whispering into my ear turns me on and then I suffer the total humiliation of your feet forc have a massive orgasm in front of your fans, my cum can be seen pumping through the wet material and the Japanese fans laugh and cheer. You feel me going limp in your hold as my eyes roll back. You are not logged in. . yt

Hiro_1: I look down at your white trunks. I can see right through them. Your cock throbbing. This has never happened in a match before. You actually cum in your trunks as you start to go limp. I feel my bulge pressing into your back. Knowing I made you lose your load like this. It actually turns Hiro on. I see your eyes roll back. The ref lifts your arm up. Ready to ring the bell. I keep the sleeper locked in knowing I have to be sure before I release you yt

Peter_Hurst: I feel the referee lift my arm up and it drops. He lifts it a second time and it drops again. My orgasm continues and my body shakes uncontrollable. I have been made to cum during stakes before but never during the match itself. I feel your hard Japanese cock pressing into my back. The referee lifts my arm for the last time and I try my hardest to hold it up but it feels so very heavy and I feel so sleepy. yt

Hiro_1: Your arm is not going straight down the third time. I growl “I wasn’t finished with him yet anyway” I release the hold and roll up to my feet. I test out my knee. The long rear naked choke has given my knee some time to rest. I ROAR at the crowd. They get on their feet. Shouting HIRO DRIVER HIRO DRIVER. I reach down and grab your head and shove it between my thighs. I wrap my arms around your waist and sneak a rub of that wet bulge, I then hold up one hand showing the crowd your cum on my hand. They cheer loud. I lick my hand in a sign of dominance and rub the rest on my chest. Then I once again wrap my arms around your waist. I have to do this fast my knee is weakened. I flip you up vertical and in one swift motion I drop straight down to my knees making sure I put most of the pressure on my good knee as your head is slammed to the mat executing a Hiro Driver [IMAGE:] Yt

Peter_Hurst: Somehow, I manage to keep my arm up and I hear you growl that you were not finished with me anyway. Your fans seem excited and start to chant HIRO DRIVER over and over I have no idea what they are talking about, and then you pull me up and shove my head between your thighs, you wrap your arms around my waist and I feel you rubbing my wet bulge which makes me groan. You remove your hand and then I hear a big cheer from your fans. You lock both arms around my waist again and flip me up vertically and my blood starts flowing to my scrambled brain. I then feel myself falling and THUD my head feels like it splits open and then silence I am out cold with only my right leg twitching. yt

Hiro_1: I flip you over and sit my ass on your chest facing your feet as I pull your leg up under my pit. Your other leg twitches and I am all but certain you are finished. The ref is down and counts 1….2…. The crowd is deafening as they cheer the amazing come back of their champion yt

Peter_Hurst: I make no attempt to move and appear to be in a deep state of unconsciousness. yt

Hiro_1: The ref counts 3 and I lower your leg and get to my feet. My hand is raised as the fans chant HIRO HIRO HIRO. The ref goes to hand me my belt. I tell him to hold on a minute. I am outraged at what you did to me in this match and I decide you deserve to be punishes and humiliated for it. I kneel down and I grab your waistband and I peel off your soaked white trunks. I lean forward to smack your cheeks. “Nice try Peter but nobody tries to humiliate Hiro in his own Dojo” I wipe your trunks on your face and stand up. I take my white belt from the ref and hold it high in one hand and your white Speedo is held up with my other hand. The crowd cheers louder as I take one last look at your defeated and naked body. Then step out of the ring and out the doors of the Dojo. My blacked-out Lincoln Navigator is waiting to take the champ back to the Shangri La to rest and recover yt

Peter_Hurst: Just like the losers of the first two matches I never make it back to the locker room but I wake up later in a medical room with no trunks on. My face feels sticky and I realise it is from my cum. An attendant brings my bag and I am told I must rest for 24 hours as I have concussion. I am taken back to my hotel where I remain in bed with a splitting headache. I send Apollo a text “I want a rematch with this fucker Hiro”.


Published: 2022-10-09, viewed 75 times.



The Traveler

2022-10-12 23:20

Great match you two, glad to have been able to read it. So much fierce competition awaits :)

Rob Hunter

2022-10-12 06:52

Damn. This boy wrecked another muscle stud. Maybe I should have a trip to Japan soon. *books flight*

Hot match guys! Loved it!

Hiro 1

2022-10-12 06:57

(In reply to this)

Thank you for the comment Rob :) I will wait here for you at my DOJO. You can be the next muscle stud that Hiro takes down. I would enjoy that.

Rob Hunter

2022-10-12 07:13

(In reply to this)

We’ll see who’s gonna get laid out in the DOJO 😏

Apollo Dante

2022-10-10 23:59

I was only too pleased to be involved in setting up the sexy young rookie Pete Hurst’s HOTSHOT debut. He asked for a tough opponent and they don’t come much tougher than Hiro who was happy to take him on.

Sure the highly talented tough wrestler got the big win using his trademark finisher to get it but as he openly admitted Peter did show lots of spirit and potential in his opening bout.

The action was great…and both these HOTSHOTS boys deserve lots of credit!

Jay Jones

2022-10-09 18:54

Peter did great in his first match and almost had the chump.
Jay J

Hiro 1

2022-10-09 20:12

(In reply to this)

Yes Jay Jones. Peter was very good. He almost had me and I needed a lot of spa time in the Shangri la to recover but the champ still win. He will have bright future. But Hiro a chump? No way. You always must must throw a dig at the champ. You will pay a price for this Jay Jones

Jay Jones

2022-10-09 20:31

(In reply to this)

Bring it any time CHUMP

Eugene Scott

2022-10-09 18:50

Well done Hiro.

Hiro 1

2022-10-09 20:13

(In reply to this)

Thank you Eugene. This was a very hard fought victory. Peter is a very skilled wrestler.

Eugene Scott

2022-10-09 20:29

(In reply to this)

I'll make sure to run him through eventually. Plenty of folks around here who need a whoopin.