All-Asian Association (AAA)

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Established: 2021-12-18

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Boxing
The Triple A League exists to gather Asian fighters from across the globe.
39 members
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Backyard Pro Niko Warrior VS Hiro


05:56 Niko_Warrior: wrestling in a local backyard wrestling fed in California as we are the middle match of a Saturday night card, packed house in a small yard as I jog to the ring first at 22 years old 5’10 160 pounds called out as NIKO WARRIOR, I hail from the USA - as I wear aqua blue wrestling high cut compression shorts over matching boots and no shirt, black headband as I leap over ropes to corner bouncing around ready
05:57 Niko_Warrior: focused and prepped for the Japanese wrestler, it’s USA vs JAPAN
05:57 Niko_Warrior: yt
06:01 Hiro_1: I come to wrestle in this backyard in California. I am the champ of the Tokyo Undergound Hiro1. 1 for #1. My driver pull up in my blacked out Lincoln Navigator. I step out and strut to the ring. 5’9 165 in blue square cuts with a big eagle on the side marching boots and pads. I look you over. About same size and look around at these sub standard conditions You are not logged in. yt
06:03 Niko_Warrior: might not be what you’re used to wrestling in in Japan but the yard is packed and I’m here to prove I can defeat the #1 Tokyo kid in the ring - as I roll my neck and shoulders around coming to mid ring as the ref pats me clean and I dance side to side light on feet stretching and loosening up, as I nod at you and await the shake and bell yt
06:05 Hiro_1: I watch as you bounce around and I smirk. I flip my hair out of my eyes and to the side. The bell rings and I just lunge right at you to pull you into a collar and elbow lock up. I let out a growl as I try to push you back against the ropes “You will regret challenging a champ pretty boy “ yt
06:06 Niko_Warrior: we lock up at the bell DING DING DING DING and I plant feet to the mat as you collar and elbow tie up but then give a little to the right and twist left as I lower my left shoulder under your right armpit and hip flip you over the top of me
06:07 Niko_Warrior: then dance side to side on boots and re circle at middle yt
06:09 Hiro_1: You show some skill as you manage to hip toss me but I am no newbie I roll through and back to my feet. I come at you fast looking like I will clothesline you but I duck low last minute to try to grab your legs to tackle you to the mat yt
06:10 Niko_Warrior: you roll smooth to feet as you fake the high lunge and then wrap the legs low and off balance me to the mat, but I’m not a newbie either and when I hit the mat I use the bounce up to spring upper body up off the mat and latch my right arm around your head and pull back into a front facelock
06:11 Niko_Warrior: yt
06:13 Hiro_1: I feel you grab my head in a front face lock. I let out a grunt as I Send a fist to your gut and another yt
06:15 Niko_Warrior: I secure the front headlock trying to crank you down when you land two fists to the abs uffff ufffff I release tuck legs in and spring them out aim two boots to the face before I swivel and roll backwards with a backwards roll to feet and up
06:15 Niko_Warrior: yt
06:18 Hiro_1: I get you to release the headlock I see you tuck in your knees and I manage to dodge your kicks and I watch as you roll back and to your feet. I wait for you to be about standing and I leap up and aim a drop kick to your chest You are not logged in. yt
06:20 Niko_Warrior: I was fast with the feet aimed at your face but you’re able to dodge and roll up faster than me and already leaping high to the air when I roll up, uffffffffffffff no time to move as a launched dropkick lands to the pecs and I drop to the mat stunned
06:20 Niko_Warrior: yt
06:21 Hiro_1: I Kip up to my feet and look down at you only for a moment. You are very fast wrestler so I know I must keep up the pressure. I jump up extend my leg going for a leg drop to your chest yt
06:23 Niko_Warrior: I fight through the pain in my pecs and manage to see the leg drop at last second and roll my body sideways to avoid, then spring to one knee and handstand up to air, swing back down with right knee aimed to your throat
06:23 Niko_Warrior: yt
06:25 Hiro_1: You dodge my leg drop and I crash down on my butt. I feel a Odin shoot up my spine I let out a groan as I am laid out a moment when BAAM your knee drives into my throat. I cough and gag as I start to flop around the mat. Can’t breathe yt
06:26 Niko_Warrior: I use my speed to counter and land the knee to your windpipe as I quickly roll over your body using my weight to roll into your belly mashing it down - then grip your hair and yank you up to feet fast - plant and pivot and aim a right side kick right into your belly button
06:26 Niko_Warrior: yt
06:30 Hiro_1: I feel you as you roll your weight over my guts. I let out another cough. And you pull me up by my black hair. It is sweaty now. I feel weak after that nasty knee drop to my throat. And you waste no time as you kick me in the navel. I drop to my knees as I hold my guts. Looking up at you. I feel in shock. But need to act. I grab your waistband and I pull you towards me as I bring my head forward to aim a headbutt at your navel yt
06:32 Niko_Warrior: I land the solid kick right into your belly button as I’m all over you and have the top Japan wrestler in trouble as you drop to your knees, I plant my feet about to swing a right knee up to your jaw to set you up for a possible quick finisher afterwards when you yank my gear and off guard me with forehead to belly uffffffffffff I bend a little and lose air jarred
06:32 Niko_Warrior: yt
06:35 Hiro_1: I am thankful that worked. A champ has to be resourceful. You look a bit stunned and I get to my feet. I wrap my arm around your head and I send a knee to your guts. Then I grab your waistband and I bend my knees. Let out a loud ROAR as I attempt to hoist you up vertical and fall back for a snap suplex
06:35 Hiro_1: [IMAGE:]
06:35 Hiro_1: Yt
06:37 Niko_Warrior: you secure the head as you swing and land a knee up into the same spot at my stomach oufffffffffffff I double over and cough air as you bend the knees and then lift me to air as I try to kick legs and feet in the air to stop it but frustrated and can’t, land in the snap suplex ouggggggggggg and bounce off mat and back down
06:37 Niko_Warrior: yt
06:40 Hiro_1: Land the suplex nicely. The crowd does not seem to like Hiro. I am used to my fans at my Dojo. They worship me. I look down at you and pull you up by your head. I slide my arm between your legs and put one over your shoulder as I scoop you up to give you a hard body slam to the mat. Yt
06:42 Niko_Warrior: your fast two moves have me stunned after I was in control and now my hair gripped and up as you again react fast and scoop me and then angle me down to the mat in the body slam ugggggggggg and I bounce again my body in shape but now tiring some as I arch up and one hand comes around to my back yt
06:46 Hiro_1: I hear you groan and watch as this time you arch and rub your back. I am targeting that now. I make mental note. I am not going to let you rest as I pull you up again by your head. I give you a nice punch to your guts in the way. To keep you under control and I try to scoop you up again across my chest only this time as I drop you I extend my knee to try to slam your back on to it with a back breaker yt
06:47 Niko_Warrior: sweat drips off my body and hair now as you again lift it to get me up, the hair grab pisses me off as I send a right elbow to your solar plexus but then a punch right into my stomach yet again SSSSSSSSS settles me down as you lift me across your chest and I try to jerk free but you launch me down and extend your knee
06:48 Niko_Warrior: backbreaker as my body jolts and I let out a high pitched squeal of severe pain yt
06:50 Hiro_1: I hear your loud squeal and I press down on your chest and thigh and apply more pressure. “ Oh the California boy liked that move. You will love the next one “ I press again and I give you another headbutt to your gut. Then slide you off my knee. Yt
06:52 Niko_Warrior: you bend me over the knee making my spine freaking throb now as I’m hurt and back bent awkward, then another headbutt into my belly button SSSSSSSSSSSS I spit out air as I’m slid off the knee
06:52 Niko_Warrior: legs and feet slide back and forth on the mat in pain yt
06:54 Hiro_1: I signal to the crowd it is over now. You look in very much pain. I lean down and I grab your head and I shove it between my thighs. I wrap my arms around your waist and I try to lift you up vertical and then drop to my knees in one swift motion to execute my signature finisher THE HIRO DRIVER
06:54 Hiro_1: [IMAGE:]
06:54 Hiro_1: Yt
06:56 Niko_Warrior: you get my hair again and then rise me to feet but then plant my head between your thighs as I panic some and pry and slap at them, clawing but then lifted up as I try to swing legs to off balance you but it’s one fast motion and I’m landed to top of my damn head
06:56 Niko_Warrior: as I flinch and land face down, eyes close and body shifts once but then laid limp and still yt
06:57 Hiro_1: I lay across you. I hook your leg high my other hand pressing down your shoulder. The ref is counting 1…2… yt
06:58 Niko_Warrior: you roll me over as I’m badly frustrated but badly KOed in a rare loss - but it’s over as im finished and out
06:58 Niko_Warrior: leg dangles to air eyes matted snugly jammed together shut yt
07:00 Hiro_1: The bell rings you are KO’d I get to my feet. My driver comes out and hands me my white belt. I put it on and I flex my biceps over you as the fans take pictures to post on their social media. They got to see the champ of Tokyo wrestle in a California backyard. You are not logged in. Yt
07:01 Niko_Warrior: your finisher executed and I’m limp and pinned at the bell as my leg falls to the mat and body spread at your feet, splayed as you stand over my frame and belt on as you flex up
07:01 Niko_Warrior: pics snap and iPhones flash
07:01 Niko_Warrior: yt
07:05 Hiro_1: I get down kneel next to you and I flex my bicep by your face. Many getting this shot. I mess up your hair and tell you “ thanks for the workout Cali boy “ I strut back to my blacked out Lincoln Navigator. Head to the airfield. Hop in my jet back to Tokyo. Another win under my belt

Published: 2022-10-09, viewed 52 times.



SweatAlpha aka AlphaEd

2022-10-13 00:59

This was another great performance by the Japanese champ fighter and again he comes in from the Far East and showed the US stud what he’s got. All I can say is awesome.


2022-10-10 15:51

Love the driver at the end , HOT AS HELL !!!!!

Apollo Dante

2022-10-09 16:17

The Hiro Driver is definitely a Lethal finisher poor Nico was done once he différés it! The tough Japanese stud notches up another impressive win!

Gatlin Thean (deleted member)

2022-10-09 15:14

The Hiro Driver claims another victim! Well done to both for a fun read