Aspen's Bedroom

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Established: 2024-07-13
Chat room: #Aspens_Bedroom

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My Bedroom, My Rules!
80 members
4 stories
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About Aspen's Bedroom

Welcome to my bedroom ^~^

In my bedroom, I’m in charge ^~^
You should join this fed if you are interested in fighting somebody on my bed while I referee the match.

Of course there does not always have to be a referee ^~^
But if I see anything I don’t like, I will let you know. My bedroom.. my rules ^~^



2024-07-15 19:57

I'm new here and I'm looking for one or two ladies who would be interested in facing me in a match

My bedroom, my rules!
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17:35 <LaylaaBish> Good one!
17:36 <Aspenkicksass> Thank you ^~^
17:37 <LaylaaBish> Kitten
17:41 <Aspenkicksass> πŸ™„ I am not your kitten.
17:47 <LaylaaBish> Emoji says otherwise
17:48 <Aspenkicksass> The emoji does not mean I am lying πŸ™„
17:49 <LaylaaBish> Yes it does πŸ™„
17:49 <Aspenkicksass> You don’t make the rules here. I do!
17:50 <LaylaaBish> No emoji there woah!
17:51 <Aspenkicksass> 😀
17:51 <LaylaaBish> πŸ™„
00:49 <Julienne> it is really quiet here the last few days~
01:09 <TheObsceneMadameD> Indeed it has been, my child
01:10 <Julienne> oh hello Madame D~
01:19 <AjanaDark> hii
01:24 <TheObsceneMadameD> Hello child, and other child
01:04 <Jaylin> hi
18:55 <GothCrusher> Its gotten so quiet 😭
18:55 <GothCrusher> It'd getting dusty in here!
00:12 <Princess_Faye> Maybe the goth should clean it than~ Maybe turn her into the Goth Maid 🀭