Aspen's Bedroom

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Established: 2024-07-13

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My Bedroom, My Rules. I’m the Referee ^~^
43 members
2 stories
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About Aspen's Bedroom

Welcome to my bedroom ^~^

In my bedroom, I’m in charge ^~^
You should join this fed if you are interested in fighting somebody on my bed while I referee the match.

Of course there does not always have to be a referee ^~^
But if I see anything I don’t like, I will let you know. My bedroom.. my rules ^~^

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2024-07-15 19:57

I'm new here and I'm looking for one or two ladies who would be interested in facing me in a match


14:08 Zack_Davis: Guilty as charged ;-)
14:08 Fit_and_Trim: i am sure he'd love see us wrestle on your bed too
14:08 Aspenkicksass: He would probably enjoy that ^~^
14:09 Zack_Davis: I'll make myself comfortable 🔥
14:13 HannahCatfights: I’ll put on a good show for Zack but I’m really here for aspen
14:15 Zack_Davis: I'm here for the popcorn 😁
14:16 Fit_and_Trim: well Hannah you do look like more of a cheap thrill anyway's!
14:19 Aspenkicksass: A cheap thrill? That sounds fun ^~^
14:19 Fit_and_Trim: it could be would like to have some
14:20 Aspenkicksass: I’d like to have some fun too! But I have to go to work >~<
14:22 Fit_and_Trim: I guess it just you and me big boy!
14:24 Zack_Davis: hehe ... and it's my turn I just realized ;-)
07:53 Lee_Soo_Hyuk: Hi the room :)
22:58 Magnificent_Meggy: Hey there everyone. I remember when this room was fun.
19:41 RafaPR: Hey
13:23 GothCrusher: It's cause not as many people are on unfortunately:/
13:23 GothCrusher: Things happen...that's life
16:49 RafaPR: Hey everyone
16:54 Aspenkicksass: Mhm! I’ve been very busy lately ^~^
02:52 Magnificent_Meggy: Same here. Been very busy

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My bedroom, my rules!