Aspen's BedroomPublic RestrictedEstablished: 2024-07-13Chat room: #Aspens_BedroomSubmissionPin to winGrapplingTrash talkingMy Bedroom, My Rules!80 members4 stories2 photos0 files HubMembersForumsStoriesChatPhotos80 membersPage 1/3123Next Filter Filter × Fighter Jobber Heel Face Trainer Trainee Puncher Punchee Hero Villain Squeezer Squeezetoy FighterJobberHeelFaceTrainerTraineePuncherPuncheeHeroVillainSqueezerSqueezetoy No holds barred Pro wrestling Submission Boxing Even match UFC/MMA Romantic Fantasy Back and forth Squash match Pin to win Dice match Long-term roleplay Descriptive writing Karate Taekwondo Kick-boxing Bareknuckle/fistfight Grappling Freestyle wrestling Judo Sumo Brazilian jiu-jitsu Oil wrestling Mud wrestling Pool wrestling Outdoors match Weapons Trash talking Male / Male Male / Female Female / Female Two on One Tag Team Straight Gay Anthro Superhero Supervillain Stakes Naked Sex Face Sitting Rip and strip Cock fighting First to cum Wrestle for top Forced cum Workout Forced Workout Bodybuilding Muscle Growth Muscle Testing Handicap Gutpunching Muscle worship Lift and carry CBT Torture S&M Interrogation Trampling Extreme violence Blood Broken bones Death Foot fetish Bearhugs Scissors Giant and tiny Musk/Scent Mind control Hypnosis Dad/son Brother Sister Family Underage Catfight Catball No holds barredPro wrestlingSubmissionBoxingEven matchUFC/MMARomanticFantasyBack and forthSquash matchPin to winDice matchLong-term roleplayDescriptive writingKarateTaekwondoKick-boxingBareknuckle/fistfightGrapplingFreestyle wrestlingJudoSumoBrazilian jiu-jitsuOil wrestlingMud wrestlingPool wrestlingOutdoors matchWeaponsTrash talkingMale / MaleMale / FemaleFemale / FemaleTwo on OneTag TeamStraightGayAnthroSuperheroSupervillainStakesNakedSexFace SittingRip and stripCock fightingFirst to cumWrestle for topForced cumWorkoutForced WorkoutBodybuildingMuscle GrowthMuscle TestingHandicapGutpunchingMuscle worshipLift and carryCBTTortureS&MInterrogationTramplingExtreme violenceBloodBroken bonesDeathFoot fetishBearhugsScissorsGiant and tinyMusk/ScentMind controlHypnosisDad/sonBrotherSisterFamilyUnderageCatfightCatball Chatting now Followed Has storiesContributing Federation staff onlyGender -- gender -- female male other Body type -- any body type -- Slim Normal Toned Athletic Muscular Stocky Large Age18 -100Height1'8"-7'3"Weight66-551 lbsOrientation100% gay -100% straightPosition100% bottom -100% topWillpower100% submissive -100% dominantSort by Federation join date Last login Last updated Start of membership Name Number of public stories Age Weight Height
Tasha Brooke 00205'6"116 lbsSlim15% endurance50% gay80% bottom79% submissiveJobber Punchee SqueezetoyI'll fight any girl any dayNo holds barredPro wrestlingSubmissionBack and forthSquash matchPin to winBareknuckle/fistfightGrapplingFreestyle wrestlingOutdoors matchTrash talkingCatfightLast login: 2025-02-24TheObsceneMadameD 09185'7"146 lbsSlim78% endurance75% gay83% top82% dominantFighter Jobber HeelObscenity and Serenity are 2 Sides of the same CoinNo holds barredPro wrestlingRomanticFantasyBack and forthSquash matchLong-term roleplayMale / FemaleFemale / FemaleCBTTortureS&MBloodLast login: todayHotParis 017195'4"126 lbsToned7% endurance51% straight51% top50% submissivePuncher Punchee Squeezer SqueezetoyHotter than uLast login: todayMorgan Harvill 24245'5"117 lbsSlim40% endurance90% gay50% bottom77% submissiveFighter Heel TraineeAss kicking ActressPro wrestlingSubmissionBoxingBack and forthSquash matchDescriptive writingGrapplingOil wrestlingTrash talkingFemale / FemaleRip and stripFirst to cumWrestle for topScissorsCatfightLast login: 2025-02-02Littlle Ashley 222184'11"99 lbsSlim15% endurance80% gay90% bottom95% submissiveSqueezetoyCute as a button!FantasyLong-term roleplayDescriptive writingFemale / FemaleTwo on OneSexFace SittingRip and stripForced cumBearhugsMind controlHypnosisSisterLast login: yesterdayJessie Rez 1871325'8"132 lbsSlim80% endurance73% gay53% bottom67% submissiveFighter Jobber Face HeroThe Girl Next Door looking for pro style and apartment style wrestling encounters that are competitive and flexible.Pro wrestlingSubmissionRomanticFantasyBack and forthLong-term roleplayGrapplingMale / FemaleFemale / FemaleTwo on OneTag TeamStakesFirst to cumLift and carryFoot fetishLast login: todayCaladan 512235'10"181 lbsToned51% endurance100% straight60% top75% dominantFighter Heel Trainer SqueezerChilled at times, sometimes wild.No holds barredPro wrestlingSubmissionEven matchRomanticFantasyBack and forthPin to winLong-term roleplayDescriptive writingGrapplingFreestyle wrestlingOil wrestlingMale / FemaleTwo on OneLast login: 9 days agoTrashPandaTrish 03185'3"141 lbsSlim15% endurance60% gay59% bottom75% dominantHeelCatfighterNo holds barredPro wrestlingFantasyOil wrestlingPool wrestlingOutdoors matchTwo on OneTag TeamStakesForced cumFamilyCatfightLast login: 2025-02-26Princess Faye 02295'7"119 lbsSlim4% endurance100% gay90% bottom90% submissiveJobber Heel Squeezer SqueezetoyThe cutest Princess in the world is here~Back and forthSquash matchMud wrestlingTrash talkingFemale / FemaleStakesFace SittingRip and stripForced WorkoutMuscle worshipS&MFoot fetishMusk/ScentHypnosisCatfightLast login: 5 days agoKai Donovan 211235'11"173 lbsNormal80% endurance100% straight70% top60% dominantFighter Puncher Punchee SqueezerLooking to fuck up brats that don’t know their place.No holds barredPro wrestlingBoxingEven matchRomanticBareknuckle/fistfightOil wrestlingTrash talkingMale / FemaleStraightRip and stripForced cumGutpunchingExtreme violenceLast login: yesterdayCam Johnson 01245'3"113 lbsSlim70% endurance100% straight90% top60% dominantFighter Heel Squeezer SqueezetoyVeteran WrestlerPro wrestlingSubmissionRomanticBack and forthDescriptive writingFreestyle wrestlingTrash talkingMale / FemaleTwo on OneFirst to cumBearhugsScissorsLast login: 12 days agoSexxyEmma 1821185'7"133 lbsSlim68% endurance64% straight65% top67% dominantFighter Jobber Hero SqueezetoyI’ll make you mine.RomanticBack and forthSexFirst to cumForced cumLast login: todayTrixie Hartz 620215'5"137 lbsSlim73% endurance50% gay90% top51% dominantFighter Heel FaceThe one you can't keep your eye off of in the middle of the ring!Pro wrestlingSubmissionEven matchBack and forthPin to winTrash talkingFemale / FemaleTag TeamScissorsLast login: yesterdaySong Yuxin 134235'3"136 lbsMuscular100% endurance50% gay99% top99% dominantFighter Villain SqueezerChina's finestNo holds barredSubmissionUFC/MMASquash matchKarateKick-boxingBareknuckle/fistfightBrazilian jiu-jitsuPool wrestlingMale / FemaleFemale / FemaleTwo on OneSupervillainFace SittingMuscle worshipLast login: yesterdayShilpa 00325'6"167 lbsLarge2% endurance100% gay100% bottom100% submissiveJobber Trainee Punchee SqueezetoyI'm fairly nice and only into women! 🥰SubmissionBack and forthSquash matchPin to winOil wrestlingMud wrestlingOutdoors matchSexFace SittingCBTBearhugsScissorsGiant and tinyMusk/ScentMind controlLast login: 2025-02-27Blauu 37295'1"119 lbsToned63% endurance100% gay71% bottom70% submissiveFighter Jobber Puncher PuncheeRockstar turned underground fighterNo holds barredPro wrestlingBoxingSquash matchDescriptive writingTrash talkingFemale / FemaleStakesNakedSexRip and stripForced cumLast login: 9 days agoHeatherGLong 2968435'8"147 lbsNormal50% endurance100% gay75% top75% dominantFighter PuncherFemale Boxing Federation, Erotic Boxing Champion Mature, experienced lesbian fighter/wrestler looking to step into the ring with other like minded women.BoxingUFC/MMADice matchDescriptive writingKick-boxingFreestyle wrestlingOil wrestlingFemale / FemaleStakesNakedSexFace SittingFirst to cumForced cumGutpunchingLast login: 4 days agoDark Sheik 36355'7"143 lbsSlim72% endurance100% gay52% top51% submissiveFighter JobberAmerican professional wrestler currently working as a freelancerPro wrestlingSubmissionRomanticFantasyBack and forthSquash matchPin to winGrapplingMale / FemaleFemale / FemaleSexFirst to cumLast login: yesterdayThe King Carlton 25245'10"190 lbsMuscular51% endurance70% straight50% bottom65% dominantFighter Heel VillainStrong, dominating king ready to crush youNo holds barredSubmissionBoxingEven matchUFC/MMARomanticFantasyDescriptive writingGrapplingOutdoors matchTrash talkingNakedFirst to cumForced cumLast login: 6 days agoLevii 144226'0"181 lbsAthletic85% endurance100% straight67% top69% dominantFighter Heel FaceI am the best there is at what I do. But what I do isn’t very nice.No holds barredPro wrestlingSubmissionBoxingFantasyLong-term roleplayDescriptive writingBareknuckle/fistfightTrash talkingMale / FemaleFace SittingGutpunchingS&MBearhugsScissorsLast login: todayAjanaDark 012195'5"127 lbsNormal60% endurance90% gay50% bottom50% submissiveFighterProud African WomanRomanticFantasyBack and forthTag TeamStakesSexWrestle for topTortureCatfightLast login: 8 days agoMaxine Williams Abs..51214195'3"147 lbsSlim65% endurance100% gay60% bottom50% submissiveFighter Puncher PuncheeA cocky boxer looking for other women to fight! Lil' Maxine's here to drop ya to the mat!BoxingUFC/MMABack and forthSquash matchDescriptive writingOutdoors matchTrash talkingFemale / FemaleStakesNakedSexFirst to cumForced cumGutpunchingMusk/ScentLast login: todayAva Leena 06306'1"198 lbsAthletic70% endurance50% gay100% top100% dominantFighter Heel Villain SqueezerI came here to look fo the strongest! men and women for submission wrestling.Pro wrestlingSubmissionFantasyGrapplingMud wrestlingMale / FemaleFemale / FemaleSuperheroSupervillainHandicapTortureBearhugsScissorsBrotherSisterLast login: yesterdaySelen Tatsuki 418245'3"120 lbsAthletic50% endurance85% gay96% bottom100% submissiveJobber Heel Villain SqueezetoyBratty overconfident bitchNo holds barredSubmissionBoxingBareknuckle/fistfightTwo on OneStakesNakedSexFace SittingGutpunchingTortureS&MExtreme violenceBroken bonesDeathLast login: todayQueen Aria 4549225'7"122 lbsSlim100% endurance100% gay90% top100% dominantFighter HeelI'm Aria. I am wild, sexy and strong.No holds barredSubmissionKarateKick-boxingBareknuckle/fistfightOil wrestlingMud wrestlingPool wrestlingTrash talkingFemale / FemaleGayNakedSexFirst to cumHypnosisLast login: yesterdayJulienne 06225'2"128 lbsSlim72% endurance66% straight65% top50% submissiveFighter Squeezer SqueezetoyThe cutest girl around (hopefully)No holds barredPro wrestlingSubmissionBoxingEven matchBack and forthSquash matchPin to winLong-term roleplayDescriptive writingFreestyle wrestlingOutdoors matchFemale / FemaleLift and carryLast login: yesterdayGoddess Vivi Winkler 224325'10"229 lbsMuscular25% endurance50% gay80% top80% dominantFighter Face Trainer SqueezerInstagram's most successful cyber wrestler of all time. Humble brag, I know.Pro wrestlingBoxingRomanticSquash matchPin to winDescriptive writingOil wrestlingFemale / FemaleMuscle TestingMuscle worshipBloodBroken bonesBearhugsScissorsGiant and tinyLast login: 2024-12-18Kayla Kunt 816225'3"125 lbsToned79% endurance100% gay67% top73% dominantFighter Heel PuncherLooking for Pro Wrestling and NHB Brawls. (Erotic/nonerotic) Current record 9-2No holds barredPro wrestlingBack and forthDescriptive writingBareknuckle/fistfightTrash talkingFemale / FemaleTag TeamNakedSexRip and stripForced cumCatfightLast login: 2025-02-24Marc the Menace 16245'10"149 lbsSlim75% endurance100% straight50% bottom50% submissiveFighter FaceThe Italian Menace - promising wrestler ready to fight the most dangerous girls!Pro wrestlingSubmissionBoxingFantasyMale / FemaleStakesSexFirst to cumLast login: 6 days agoMacke RPCW 12276'3"274 lbsAthletic69% endurance100% straight70% top70% dominantFighter Heel Trainer SqueezerA strong, creative wrestler with years of experience.SubmissionEven matchRomanticFantasyLong-term roleplayDescriptive writingTrash talkingMale / FemaleTwo on OneTag TeamStraightStakesFace SittingFirst to cumScissorsLast login: 3 days ago80 membersPage 1/3123Next