Aspen's Bedroom

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Established: 2024-07-13
Chat room: #Aspens_Bedroom

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My Bedroom, My Rules!
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Wren destroys Meggy in bed

23:10 <GothCrusher> Very nice bed btw :3
16:57 <Magnificent_Meggy> begins jumping on the bed
16:58 <Aspenkicksass> How does it feel? ^~^
16:59 <Magnificent_Meggy> Fun. I leap into the air then lift my legs as I land on my but on the bed
16:59 <IsabelTheLittleViking> It's a very nice bed ^.^
17:00 <Wren_Peterson> *swantons bombs onto Meg as she lies on the bed*
17:01 <Magnificent_Meggy> I land with a smile on my face then Wren bombs in me, squishing me into the mattress
17:02 <Wren_Peterson> *I pin meg, hooking her leg* "1...2..."
17:04 <Magnificent_Meggy> the Swanton stunned me as I fall into the mattress, my shoulders squished into a hole I can't get out of. Wren pushed me deeper as she covers me 1...2...3..
17:04 Wren_Peterson: *I get on my knees celebrating my swanton*
17:05 Magnificent_Meggy: I lay on the bed covering my head with the sheets, ashamed I was pinned so easily
17:05 Aspenkicksass: Wren is the champion of my bed! ^~^ hehe
17:06 Wren_Peterson: *hugs Aspen*
17:06 IsabelTheLittleViking: So um does that mean we can punish Meggy as the loser?
17:06 Wren_Peterson: go ahead Isa
17:06 IsabelTheLittleViking: Aspy's rules ^.^
17:07 Aspenkicksass: Well.. I think that a loser deserves a little extra humiliation ^~^
17:07 Magnificent_Meggy: Are those the rules?
17:08 Magnificent_Meggy: But...I wasn't even ready for Wren...
17:09 Wren_Peterson: nobody is ready for Wren
17:09 Aspenkicksass: That’s true ^~^ Wren did attack her out of nowhere
17:09 Goddess_Melina: look at the wittle subs playing
17:09 IsabelTheLittleViking: *I turn Meggy forcefully around to put her on her stomach, before I start smacking her bottom* Loser's punishment!
17:09 Aspenkicksass: Maybe you two should have a real match!
17:09 Wren_Peterson: who?
17:09 Aspenkicksass: Wren and Meggy ^~^
17:10 Wren_Peterson: on the bed?
17:10 Aspenkicksass: Yes! Of course ^~^
17:10 Aspenkicksass: A submission match on my bed! With no hitting ^~^
17:11 Wren_Peterson: oh shit
17:11 Magnificent_Meggy: as I protest I am turned around, my ass in the air and I get a smack on the bottom the slap echoed through the bedroom
17:12 IsabelTheLittleViking: *Proudly dished out the first loser's punishment in Aspen's bed!* ^.^
17:12 Wren_Peterson: you can't be serious asp
17:13 Magnificent_Meggy: I hear talking going on in the background but can't make out what they are saying over my ass smacking
17:14 IsabelTheLittleViking: I'm letting you go now Meg, seems like there's another match coming for ya
17:15 Aspenkicksass: Why wouldn’t I be serious? ^~^
17:15 Aspenkicksass: I want you and Meggy to have a submission match in my bed! ^~^
17:15 Magnificent_Meggy: I go to the corner of the room rubbing my ass. Seeing Wren and Aspen having a serious conversation. Thinking I am not done being humiliated here
17:16 Wren_Peterson: *I look saddend but get in the opposite corner of the bed* a spear isn't a hit right?
17:17 Aspenkicksass: Okay okay I want a grappling match! Which means no fancy pro moves ^~^
17:17 Aspenkicksass: You just have to overpower the other person with your wrestling skills!
17:18 Magnificent_Meggy: ' I climb back up into the bed, my ass cheeks showing a red hand print as I kneel forward looking to grapple with Wren
17:19 <IsabelTheLittleViking> *MY red hand print* ^.^
17:19 <Aspenkicksass> - referee outfit ^~^
17:20 <Aspenkicksass> “Okiedokie. No fancy pro wrestling moves, first person to submit is the loser! Oh and no standing ^~^ the most you can do is kneel!
17:20 <Magnificent_Meggy> is distracted as I see Aspen wearing her referee outfit
17:21 <Wren_Peterson> *as meg is distracted I grab the back of her neck and throw her into the middle of the bed*
17:23 <Magnificent_Meggy> as I watch the bunny ears jiggle on Aspens head I am grabbed by the neck. Tossed to the middle of the bed, almost in the same hole I was just pinned in. I land on my back and struggle to get up like an upside down turtle
17:24 <IsabelTheLittleViking> "Like an upside down turtle" is one of the best descriptions I've seen on this site so far
17:24 <Wren_Peterson> *I climb on meg and attempt an inverted headlock as I sit on her stomach* "fucking pathetic ex wrestler"
17:25 <Aspenkicksass> *I put my hands on the footboard and lean forwards, getting a close up look at the action*
17:29 <Magnificent_Meggy> as I try getting up Wren jumps on me like an eager frog. Wrapping her arms around my head as she sits on my stomach. My air restricted by the headlock, and also Wren sitting on my stomach. I jerk side to side trying to gain leverage, the bed squeaking like a honeymoon at a cheap hotel.
17:30 <Wren_Peterson> *I look at asp* "are you sure I can't destroy her with a ddt?" *rocking with Meg like trying to put a baby to sleep*
17:31 <Aspenkicksass> “Yes! That is not allowed! My bedroom my rules. You will make her submit! Because I like when people submit!” *I say with a smile and a pillow between my legs*
17:36 <Magnificent_Meggy> I rock back and forth, pulling and tucking, trying to break free from the grip Wren has on me. I hear her talking about a DDT and I wonder if that would really hurt on this soft comfy bed. As these thoughts go through my head I start feeling light headed from lack of air. " c'mon Wren loosed up a bit " I make the request hoping for some relief as this rocking is wearing me out quickly as I remain stuck under Wren
17:37 <Wren_Peterson> *I let meg go, pushing her back onto he bed and getting up, grabbing her legs for a cloverleaf* "sure I'll loosen up you loser"
17:39 <Aspenkicksass> “Hey! I said no standing!” I shout, pointing a finger at Wren.
17:40 <Wren_Peterson> *gets on my knees, rolling my eyes, keeping the hold but arching Meg's back more*
17:43 <Magnificent_Meggy> I am pleasantly shocked by Wren releasing me, I roll to my side and gasp for air. I lay near the edge of the bed my face bright red, matching my ass cheeks. As I attempt to rise to my knees. Following Aspens rules like a good girl. My legs are pulled out from under me. I am rolled to my stomach and trapped in the cloverleaf. My back strains as Wren archs my back. I look around the room and see the joy on everyone's faces. Especially Aspen. I know what they want to hear. But but...." Is that all you got Wren ". I challenge her, seeing if she can push me over the edge into submission
17:44 <Wren_Peterson> *I put a leg on Meg's back to put more pressure on her in the cloverfwield hold* "tap out you jobber"
17:48 <Magnificent_Meggy> I scream in pain as Wren pulls back harder my back burning like my ass was earlier . It's not tap out itts.....Arrggghh arrgghjj !!! I pull at the sheets with my right hand ripping them off the bed. I look up into Aspen's eyes.. I submit, I submit I scream my submission as I bite into the sheet
17:52 <Aspenkicksass> *my smile grows bigger and bigger as I watch green bend purple’s back harder and harder! I lurch forwards, getting my face right in front of mouth! My eyes focus in on it as she screams! I wince and close my eyes tight for a moment. “Okay okay! Wren you win! The first ever winner on my bed! Well.. besides me in the past..”
17:52 <Wren_Peterson> *I keep the hold, staring into darkness as I blank everything else out*
17:54 <Magnificent_Meggy> wren keeps me locked in the hold, my back burning in pain. Please, please Wren, you win I submit, please I beg as tears hit my eyes, running down onto the sheets.
17:55 <Wren_Peterson> *I keep ignoring the cries of pain, turning full destruction mode*
17:55 <Aspenkicksass> “Wren! Let go of her! Or this will be your last time in my bed!”
17:58 <Wren_Peterson> *I hear aspen shouting and I snap out of it letting meg go* "I'm really sorry"
18:03 <Magnificent_Meggy> my body crumbling to the bed as Wren releases me. I bury my head in the sheets as I use them to wipe away my tears. I lay on my stomach and look at Wren as she apologized. I pause for an answer because I had a similar moment as her. Enjoying the pain, I finally stammer my response.'s ok Wren. I look around the bedroom as I remain on my stomach, by back still in great pain. A part of me still nervous about what Wren might do next
18:04 <Wren_Peterson> *gets up and shakily drinks a glass of water*
18:06 <Aspenkicksass> Okay! Well that was very fun! I mean.. Meggy.. you kind of got totally destroyed! But.. it was still fun to watch! Now get off my bed please. I want to replace the sheets!
18:08 <Magnificent_Meggy> I try to get off the bed, my back and legs wobbly from my fight. As I take a step I fall to the floor along side the bed I am glad you enjoyed it Aspen, I tried my best
18:09 <Aspenkicksass> “That’s all I ask of the people that play on my bed! Well.. I guess I also ask people to follow my rules” I say as I quickly pull the sheets off and get to work replacing them
18:11 <IsabelTheLittleViking> Is there a punishment area in your room Aspen? In case someone just happens to want to punish the loser Meggy
18:11 <Wren_Peterson> take her isa
18:11 <Magnificent_Meggy> I followed the rules... I submitted really well. I try to sit up but fall against the wall I would help Aspen, but my back is killing me. Can I get a water please?
18:13 <Magnificent_Meggy> Great match Wren, does that count as one or two matches for my record?
18:13 <Aspenkicksass> I’m not your personal maid! There is water in the bathroom you can drink from the sink if you need to. A punishment area? The bed is the focal point of my room! If punishment happens, it happens on the bed! That’s why I invested in the feet stocks in the footboard!
18:14 <IsabelTheLittleViking> Well yes, of course, but you're busy changing the sheets so we had to get out ^.^
18:15 <Aspenkicksass> I didn’t think she deserved anymore punishment than she received ^~^
18:15 <IsabelTheLittleViking> Oh I'm not necessarily going to give it to her, just...curious ^.^
18:15 <Wren_Peterson> sorry
18:15 <Magnificent_Meggy> I lay my head back against the wall. Too weak to even crawl to the bathroom for a drink. I close my eyes as I groan softly
18:16 <IsabelTheLittleViking> The upside down turtle gets to rest for now
18:16 <Aspenkicksass> No I want all things to happen on my bed! ^~^
18:16 <Magnificent_Meggy> That isn't my nickname
18:17 <IsabelTheLittleViking> One can't have too many nicknames right? ^.^
18:17 <IsabelTheLittleViking> *Psychological punishment*
18:17 <Magnificent_Meggy> Fuck Wren. You killed my back
18:17 <Wren_Peterson> I'm sorry meg
18:17 <Magnificent_Meggy> It's ok
18:17 <Magnificent_Meggy> I kinda asked for it
<18>! ^~^
18:22 <Magnificent_Meggy> I try to win...but it's hard. Especially against Wren. She is viscous

<Published> 2024-07-14, viewed 139 times.
