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Established: 2025-02-13
Chat room: #The-BWP-Ring

  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Grappling
  • Freestyle wrestling
  • Female / Female
Welcome to Battle World Pro-Wrestling!~♡
76 members
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Information for non-members

Welcome to Battle World Pro-wrestling!

Come and join the action in the ring!~♡

I hope this is a place where members are encouraged to role play with no real limit on creativity, whether it's wrestling, boxing, or catfighting

Feel free to message and post stories in the group

Open to all female fighters, including boxers, martial artists, and furries/anthros.
I just ask that you respect each other's limits, and please, nothing underage or death fight related; Thank you!~♡

About BWP

Welcome to Battle World Pro-wrestling!

Come and join the action in the ring!~♡

I hope this is a place where members are encouraged to role play with no real limit on creativity, whether it's wrestling, boxing, or catfighting

Feel free to message and post stories in the group

Open to all female fighters, including boxers, martial artists, and furries/anthros.
I just ask that you respect each other's limits, and please, nothing underage or death fight related; Thank you!~♡


Zayda Steele

2025-02-21 13:11

Hey everyone, Zayda here :)

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21:49 <Tarina_Iman> It's skilled me ig :)
21:49 <Tarina_Iman> Best of luck. U ain't finding any luck here ig
21:50 <Sheril> LoL okay
21:51 <Sheril> God forbid in a room full of fighters
21:52 <Sinful_Senorita_Carmen> jejeje
21:53 <Sheril> And it wouldn't be fair
11:01 <Sheril> Empty..
11:01 <Sheril> Echo.. echo.. echo
16:10 <Sheril> Back on try
16:10 <Sheril> Track
16:10 <Sinful_Senorita_Carmen> hi
16:10 <Sheril> Hello
16:12 <Sinful_Senorita_Carmen> what's up
16:13 <Ambysta_Maris> Yo.
16:13 <Sheril> Getting back on the winning track
16:13 <Sheril> I had a loss but this time I got the fat bitch down
16:14 <Sinful_Senorita_Carmen> cool, who?
18:11 <Sheril> Get her Carmen!
00:51 <Maggie_The_Mountain_Matsunaga> hi.
23:06 <ᕦYukina_Wrestlerᕤ> Hi there