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Established: 2025-02-13
Chat room: #The-BWP-Ring

  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Grappling
  • Freestyle wrestling
  • Female / Female
Welcome to Battle World Pro-Wrestling!~♡
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21:43 <Sheril> And other stuff
21:43 <Tarina_Iman> It sure hurts:)
21:44 <Sheril> Especially when they grab other parts while you're in a submission hold
21:45 <Sinful_Senorita_Carmen> yep had that done
21:45 <Sheril> ☹️
21:45 <Tarina_Iman> Surely a latina would know
21:46 <Sinful_Senorita_Carmen> I've done it and had it done to me
21:46 <Tarina_Iman> I have done that but not done to me yet
21:47 <Sheril> Lucky you
21:47 <Sheril> I need to get back on the winning track
21:49 <Tarina_Iman> It's skilled me ig :)
21:49 <Tarina_Iman> Best of luck. U ain't finding any luck here ig
21:50 <Sheril> LoL okay
21:51 <Sheril> God forbid in a room full of fighters
21:52 <Sinful_Senorita_Carmen> jejeje
21:53 <Sheril> And it wouldn't be fair
11:01 <Sheril> Empty..
11:01 <Sheril> Echo.. echo.. echo
16:10 <Sheril> Back on try
16:10 <Sheril> Track
16:10 <Sinful_Senorita_Carmen> hi
16:10 <Sheril> Hello
16:12 <Sinful_Senorita_Carmen> what's up
16:13 <Ambysta_Maris> Yo.
16:13 <Sheril> Getting back on the winning track
16:13 <Sheril> I had a loss but this time I got the fat bitch down
16:14 <Sinful_Senorita_Carmen> cool, who?
18:11 <Sheril> Get her Carmen!
00:51 <Maggie_The_Mountain_Matsunaga> hi.
23:06 <ᕦYukina_Wrestlerᕤ> Hi there