Beauties VS Beasts

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Established: 2021-07-22
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Stalking the Devil:Chapter One


18:46 <Matthias999> 3 AM. The Witching Hour. The full moon shines brightly over the Griffith Observatory nestled high in the hills over Los Angeles. The city lights and cars on the highways create a cacophony of light in the valley below as the domed structure looms over it from the hillside like a gargoyle. The lot is empty save for a silver Honda Civic, it's surface marred with rust, parked in the first row next to the sidewalk. In the trees, a young couple in various states of undress fumble with each other. Young love, so innocent, so clumsy. The comely blonde tongues the earlobe of the boy who came here tonight to become a man as he fumbles with the clasp of her bra.
18:58 <Matthias999> A blood curdling howl pierces the night sky. The lovers, startled, look around in a panic. In the darkness, they see a pair of glowing red eyes approaching. The couple trembles as they clutch each other tightly as a large, ebony wolf emerges from the shadows into the light, it's fangs bared, tongue hanging from it's mouth, and it's lips twisted into a sinister grin. The couple panics, grabs their clothes, and make a frantic dash for the safety of their car. The wolf breaks into a run, charging after them. As it's front paws hit the ground, they twist into hands. A body, human in shape, tears through the sea of black fur into reality and the sickening visage of the grinning wolf shifts into the face of one Pietro Neminov, one of the vampiric underlings of Matthias Faustus, an ancient evil that has plagued mankind for centuries. The devil has come to the City of Angels, and he has brought his hounds of hell with him.
19:10 <Matthias999> Pietro bounces off of his newly formed hands and he shifts into a sprinter's gait as he closes on the couple, his eyes still glowing red, fangs bared, and his maniacal laughter splitting the silence. He doesn't need to menace his prey like this. He likes it. For him, the fear makes the blood taste sweeter and he fully intends to drink his fill this night. The boy's keys clatter to the ground as he drops them in a panic, fumbling for the key to unlock his escape as the blonde's wails drown out Pietro's jibbering. He stops for a moment in the trees, staring into their souls in their final moments upon this earth. The boy, panicked, drops to his knees to try and grab for his keys as the blonde wrings her hands and sobs. Pietro licks his lips, then charges through the trees at his prey, unaware that tonight the hunter has become the hunted...
20:38 <Midnight_Stalker> I'd spent almost a week narrowing down the beasts location to a handful of blocks, having traded some info about a minor poltergeist with the local Men of Letters for a tip about a 'werewolf' currently using the L.A. parks as it's hunting grounds. "Fuckin' amateurs..." I mutter out before taking another slow drag on my Silk Cut, finishing it. "Can't tell a Gangrel from a Garou... but I still got what I need to get this game started." I reach into my jacket pocket, pulling out another cig as I sit, watching the shadows and listening to the night air for my prey, knowing that he the bloodsucker hadn't fed in some time now, and would certainly give in to their thirst soon.
20:38 <Midnight_Stalker> Just as I touch the redhot cherry of the old to light the new stick, I hear what I've been waiting for. A scream too savage to be man, and too sadistic to be beast... and it's not coming from very far away. "Gotcha..." A slight curl forms on the edge of my mouth, and I casually flick the cold butt off the roof onto the street below as I move towards the shriek. As I get closer, I can hear the sounds of a chase, tipping me off that the vampire has changed back to it's human form, and is probably playing with his food. I'd seen enough of those fuckers to know the routine... and they'd already be dead by now otherwise. Moving quickly across the rooftop, I see my prey, and his victims. A couple, college kids, I'm guessing. Both of them look panicked, the girl screaming, the boy frantically searching the ground for his keys.
20:38 <Midnight_Stalker> I can't help but shake my head; if this city had any decent hunter presence, the creatures wouldn't be so bold. I see the sick bastard pause under some trees to torture his prey; A fatal mistake on his part. "Well, let's get this shit started..." I whisper, my voice equal parts excited and irritated. I duck behind the small superstructure for the roof access stepping into the darkness behind it, then out of the feint shadows the streetlight was casting on the trees. The same trees little Pietro was standing in. The bloodlusted scumbag doesn't even notice me arrive only a couple feet behind him as he menaces the terrified couple, until I shout past him just as he lunges. "For shit's sake kid, you never used keys before? You just put them in the lock and twist."
20:51 <Matthias999> Pietro skids to a stop just short of the sidewalk, then wheels around to look at you menacingly. "Well, well, well..what do we have here...", he giggles in a disturbed tone, his red eyes tracing from your boots to your face still covered in shadow. " You seem like a delicious little morsal.", he chortles as he slowly approaches. Suddenly, his hands jerk out to his sides as bestial claws spring from his fingers and he rears his head back, laughing maniacally. His red eyes travel down to meet yours. "Time to die, hunter...", he whispers as you can hear the car door slam shut behind him, he cocks his head as the car whines to a start, then barks the tires as it speeds away. Then, Pietro turns to you and charges, bent on bloodshed, clawed hands cocked at his sides ready to strike.
21:03 <Midnight_Stalker> My smile widens as the blood-crazed monster turns to face me, and his eyes light up with murderous intent. I wonder if he picks up on that same intent smoldering in mine behind the brim of my hat... "No, not quite yet. You've still got a couple more moments of unlife." He's definitely a lesser vamp, but I'll take what I can get tonight. It's been too many nights of waiting patiently, and I'm overdue for some action. My legs bend slightly, gently creaking the skintight leather, and my own arms raise, hands open as I wait for his claws to get closer. I don't want to give away just how easily I'm tracking his supernatural movement until he's fully committed to an attack. I need some info, so want to break his spirit first.
21:13 <Matthias999> Pietro closes the distance between you quickly, his torn blue jeans and faded Alice in Chains t-shirt flapping in the wind. "Tiiimmmmeee to diiiiiiiiieeeeee!!!!", he shrieks with gleeful intent as he comes down from his sprint with his lead leg bent and then launches his body high into the air, his claws outstretched over his head like a macabre marionette and both legs bent up into his midsection as he attempts to drive his old, dusty Vans through your midsection and bring both sets of claws down in a rake across your torso. The monster's eyes gleam with sadistic delight as he descends on you.
21:31 <Midnight_Stalker> The vampire's claws reach the halfway point of their swing before I move. In the span of half a blink, I pivot back and away, firing off my front leg around the long way in a scorpion style roundhouse until it smashes into the bloodsucker from behind as his pounce carries him through where I stood just a fraction of second ago. I maintain eye contact with the beast, enjoying the subtle micro-expressions on his face play out in slow motion as he processes, but is unable to react before my kick smashes into his lower back. I feel the metal heel of my boot driving hard into his kidney as I assist him to the ground, face first. My cheeks take on the slightest hint of pink as the blood starts pumping through me; This always was my favorite part of the job. "What was that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of you eating shit." My voice is a deadly whisper, the edges lined with venom.
21:45 <Matthias999> "Uck!!!", Pietro grunts as his claws slice through the air, touching nothing until ricocheting off of his knees and to the side as your kick alters his descent and sends his maniacal visage into the dirt. " Yooooooouuuu...bitch!", he mutters as he twitches for a moment before tucking his head to the side and getting his legs underneath him to roll himself over into a crouching position with his back to you. "A hunter's blood always tastes the sweeeettteeeessttt.", he exclaims before twisting his body to attempt a backhand claw with his left hand aimed for your left thigh.
22:04 <Midnight_Stalker> Pietro's backhand swings for my leg, and I almost giggle as the thrill of the hunt fills me. The blood-crazed vampire has no idea what he's gotten himself into, but I'm more than happy to teach him. I watch the attack with an amused grin, and step forwards into it, catching his palm just above the wrist with one hand as I drive the point of my opposite elbow below it. I quickly push myself forward, trapping his arm in place behind him as my breasts press against the back of his shoulders, and I list the menu for tonight's service in a hot whisper across the fiends ear only inches from my soft lips. "I need some information. You're going to give it to me. The sooner you give it to me, the sooner I kill you. And if that doesn't sound like much of an offer..." I pour the pressure with both arms, yanking his claw in the opposite direction my elbow forces his forearm, and am rewarded with an immediate and loud -SNAP!!!-
22:19 <Matthias999> Pietro's bone splinters and muscles rip as you apply pressure, snapping his forearm like a dried branch. "Aaaaaahhhhh!!!", he screams as his glowing red eyes take in the sight of his clawed hand dangling uselessly from the end of his shattered arm. "YOU FUCKING BIIIIIIIIITTTTCCCCCHHHHH!!!!", he bellows as he tilts his head back, his pained voice echoing off the hilltop. "I'll never tell you anything!", he cries as he chokes back tears of blood from his eyes as he slumps forward away from your ample bust, shoulders slumped, his matted black hair surrounding his face. Then, a sadistic glint appears in those eyes as a plan comes together, as he reaches back with his right hand to try to grab hold of your right boot and yank to try and send you tumbling to the ground.
22:31 <Midnight_Stalker> My grin curls even higher when I hear the vampire scream, and his forearm gives out under the pressure. The bloodcurdling cry only encourages me, starting to fill my core with sadistic warmth. I know this was the first of many bones I'd be breaking, and I'm going to love every second of it. I watch Pietro's expression change, reading his moves like a book. It'd almost be cute if he wasn't a filthy bloodsucker. "Nu uh uh..." I mockingly chide him as I raise the foot he reaches for, then rapidly drive it back down, stabbing the silver stiletto heel through his outstretched hand, pinning it to the ground. "I said you're giving me some information. I don't think I said anything about you laying your filthy hands on me." I grind the boot in small circles, the sizzling sounds an aphrodisiac on my ears..
22:46 <Matthias999> Pietro's grin turns into a grimace of anguish as his hand finds nothing but air before you crush his clawed hand, as well as his pathetic little plan, beneath the heel of your boot. The tears of blood are now streaming down his face openly as his fanged mouth opens once again, this time with a low moan of pain and frustration as your heel grinds into his flesh and the silver causes his flesh to burn up and dissolve into flakes of ash that scatter in the breeze from the top of the hill. He starts to whimper, unable to believe eternity will end like this. He's being utterly dominated, by a hunter no less. In a last ditch effort to save himself, he brings his left leg back, then extends it in a desperate attempt to smash his sneaker into your left knee.
22:56 <Midnight_Stalker> I'm just about to start the interrogation when the bloodsucker shifts his weight to one leg, clearly broadcasting his intent like the rookie he was. It was time to layer in psychological damage on top of the purely physical destruction, and nothing hurts the male psyche like some well placed humiliating pain. The same knee that he kicks at, shifts just a couple inches to the side, before I slam it forward, throwing my shoulders back and flexing my toned abs to put my whole body into it. I drive my knee past his pathetic kick, and directly into Pietro's crotch with a sickening -CRUNCH!!!- that sends a visible shiver of ecstacy across my skin. "You've surely picked up by now that you're to weak to be on my radar. How do I find your master?"
23:12 <Matthias999> You drive your knee home into Pietro's manhood, eliciting a yelp from his lips not unlike the one a dog makes when it is kicked. He groans loudly as his body slumps forward, resting on your thigh for a moment before sliding down face first into the grass at your feet, writhing in agony. More bloody tears stream down his face into the earth below and he softly bumps his head against the soil as he accepts the fact that he is beaten. A seasoned hunter such as yourself can see the moment his spirit breaks. "I... I...I don't know...he's in the city somewhere... I swear I don't know...I get my orders from Ted O'Rourke... please...spare me... I'll live off rats and livestock... I'll do anything you want...just spare me...", he weeps as he sees his unlife flashing before his eyes.
23:19 <Midnight_Stalker> Hearing the pathetic sniveling as the creature beneath me breaks, my cheeks and chest flush to a deep red, my breathing controlled, but clearly excited. I lean down close to his sobbing face, brushing my lips over his ear as my warm breasts press into his back, gyrating against him slightly, and I wrap one hand around his damaged manhood, gently squeezing. "Ted O'Rourke you say? Tell me how to find him, and I'll let you go." My voice carries obvious tones of arousal, paring with the hot, wet breath into his ear.
23:29 <Matthias999> "Ohhhhh....God...", Pietro moans as your bust presses into his back. His body trembles as you take hold of his member, which to his shame is already erect from being conquered so easily by such a beautiful woman wrapped head to toe in leather. He shivers as your sultry breath invades his ear canal as he senses that you are aroused, but knowing that you are still the alpha predator here. " Yeah...Ted O'Rourke... he's got an office..Los Angeles harbor....pier 78...dock 4...please spare me...I'll do anything.... ", he whispers.
23:41 <Midnight_Stalker> Hearing my prey break, I can't help but purr with sadistic pleasure. My teeth clamp around his earlobe, gently nipping at it. "Exactly what I wanted to hear. Now... as promised." I release his manhood, and draw back, standing over the pathetic creature as he scrabbles and claws forward away from me, so very slowly in his damaged state. I savor his false hope, raising my silver heeled boot, taking my time to line it up against the base of his skull as my breathing builds more and more ragged, until my eyes close, I bite my lip... and I STAB the heel down and through him. "MMmmmm" waves of pleasure shoot through me as I feel Pietro's eternity come to an end, pulsing my thighs and abs as I take several seconds to thoroughly enjoy the moment, before slowly opening my eyes. "Pier 78, Dock 4..."
23:48 <Matthias999> A soft whimper is heard as Pietro Neminov dissolves into ash beneath the sole of your boot. His ashes flutter away in the warm breeze towards the city of lights below. One leech down, many more to go. While Matthias Faustus may not be concerned when he learns of the destruction of such a lowly underling, he knows that he is being hunted and a reckoning comes someday. TO BE CONTINUED

<Published> 2024-02-29, viewed 92 times.



Rimuru Tempest

2024-02-29 07:19

I love it when she smashes balls xd

Nick CKO

2024-02-29 00:32

Short but sweet, a great start to something and loved it :) Nicely done you two!


2024-02-29 00:34

(In reply to this)

Appreciate it, Nick!