Beauties VS Beasts
Established: 2021-07-22
Chat room: #BVB
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Chat about girls fighting monsters. Share pics. No limits
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02:53 <Tormentor>
02:53 <Tormentor>
02:54 <Tormentor>
03:02 <Ali_Laurel> I had heard of a spot on the outskirts of town,as I look around when arriving,shifting back to human before standing close by to you. At that moment,I was just spying,ready to fight if needed,even though I was the new hero on the block,so I was a bit nervous as I looked around,knowing I had to try my hardest to stop This.
03:11 <Tormentor> After a hectic day with lots of dirty dealings i was feeling little exhausted and irritated already and so wanted to wind up the business for
the day as soon as possible sent all my sidekicks away now its just me in this whole godforsaken place not a single person around...i accumulating all the cash as putting them inside a small pouch bag,starts to leave the place but suddenly i see a shadow probably a feminine figure peeping through the window,as i get cautious thinking someone from police or other rival gangs,i pull out my gun from the pocket and hide behind a big pillar
03:11 <Tormentor> 

03:13 <Tormentor>
03:13 <Ali_Laurel> I had managed to see you through the window,immediately beginning to run in the direction I had seen you in,taking extremely deep breaths as I raise my arms,prepared to fight as I do so. I then realize I couldn’t find you right then,as I search around,my back often turned away from you while looking
03:15 <Tormentor> As i already hid behind a big pillar before you could catch me,i finding you facing away from me,charge from behind as throwing my big heavy leg,kick your waist from a side
03:17 <Ali_Laurel> I grunt out loudly as I feel you kick me,immediately stumbling to the right as I try to look around,my blonde hair moving with every movement as I try to figure where I was attacked from. “Show yourself!!” I manage to yell without sounding scared
03:20 <Tormentor> I coming out of the darkness,stand tall in front of you,with a wicked grin on my face,cracking my knuckles while staring at you,as i say "who are you bitch? Who sent you here? Are you a cop or something? Hmmm"
03:21 <Tormentor> 

03:22 <Ali_Laurel> “I’m known as the fiery owl. No one sent me here. Not a cop exactly” I say as I look at you,stepping back a bit,knowing I had to keep my true identity hidden for as long as possible as I keep an eye on you. I was breathing deep,looking around a bit to see if there would be anything even somewhat useful,as I was resourceful but also untrained mostly
03:25 <Tormentor> I didn't believe you that you are not a cop,so i decide to eliminate the threat and so being hostile i charge at you to grab you in my grip to beat you badly
03:26 <Ali_Laurel> I grunt out as I get trapped,thrashing about in your grasp,not giving up at all as I look at you,trying to figure out how to escape. My eyes were showing a tiny bit more fear,as I didn’t have any cop gear on me,and had left my belt away to be able to blend in more
03:29 <Tormentor> Having you in my grip,i instantly lift you up off the floor as bearhugging you really tight to rupture your ribcage and hurt you badly
03:32 <Ali_Laurel> I struggle in your grasp,thrashing to try to escape,as I feel a few ribs break in your grasp,one leg stopping moving as I look at you,fearful
03:36 <Tormentor> With brutal squeezes of mine i perhaps broke a few ribs of your but to torture you worse,i i just spin on my leg and fall directly onto the dusty dirty soiled floor in belly to belly suplex, keeping you underneath my heavy body and so as we crash on the ground your body get mashed under my heavy frame
04:37 Ali_Laurel: I yell loudly,landing hard beneath you as I look up at you,hearing more cracks in my back,landing really hard beneath you
11:16 <Tormentor> Soon i move away from you as getting up on my feet.i lean forward to grab your legs and after flipping your body over the floor i sit on your back and ass puting my hip on it as bending your body in full boston crab
11:17 <Ali_Laurel> I begin yelling loudly,attempting to struggle beneath you as I feel all of the pain,some of my ribs already having been quite damaged by now
11:19 <Tormentor> I dragging you over the dusty dirty floor degrade your body to make you feel helpless humiliated more,and leaning backwards as much as i could bend your body viciously to hurt your back as i yell in anger "who are you,why have you come here?"
11:21 <Ali_Laurel> “I already told you! My name is Fiery owl. I came here to try to shut the crime down!” I scream out through the pain,my eyes watering as I failed at struggling
11:27 <Tormentor> Hearing this i realize that someone must have disclosed my lair's location and Thats why these so called vigilante superheroes have started coming and following them soon the cop will come too,i feel the need to neutralize this current heroine threat by knocking her out and flee from here before cops come following her trail,i soon change my move as getting up on my feet by leaving you on the floor on your chest,i pounce on you from behind as sitting on your back,pulling and attaching your arms between my thighs and waist lock you up in camel clutch. Pulling your neck backwards trying to put extreme pressure around Your throat to choke you and knock you out
11:28 <Tormentor>
11:30 <Ali_Laurel> I begin gasping loudly in pain and struggling to breathe,as I look up towards you,terrified,as I also remember what the others said,as I was also screaming,unable to speak as I try to struggle,although they were far weaker now. I knew,deep inside,I had no choice of winning,and instead would definitely faint here
11:34 <Tormentor> Keep straining and pulling your throat more and more with each passing moment as i was on the verge of losing my patience and could twist the neck anytime if i find more resistance from her,while sitting on her back,i keep on jumping on my feet and making my huge heavy body being crashed on her frame over and over from the top,just to put more pressure on her throat blocking her breathing and choke her ultimately
11:34 <Tormentor>
11:38 <Ali_Laurel> I gasp quite loud,,now unable to breathe through the strain and pain,as a few minutes,my struggling fully stopping. I was out cold,and deep inside,I knew I had left this mission on my own,so no others would be coming there. That idea scared her tons,as she didn’t know what would occur if she was still here the next day
11:46 <Tormentor> Realizing she has stopped moving and throwing her feet,i leave her then and there and wrapping up everything from there start fleeing as her partners or cops may come at anytime,before leaving i growl in anger at her as say in disgust "you supers always ruin everything,i will keep it in mind bitch and will come after you soon" i leave the place deserting you there on your own knocked out beaten battered and degraded....
(To be continued.........)
<Published> 2024-04-28, viewed 140 times.