Beauties VS Beasts
Established: 2021-07-22
Chat room: #BVB
- Squash match
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Chat about girls fighting monsters. Share pics. No limits
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<patricia> After my failure to win the BKB title against Suki, our financial situation got even worse, we had incurred costs for this participation, we sold our pro wrestling outfits. With Sylvie we harassed, begged Lady Darci to schedule us in a new fight. My mechanic agreed to wait until the next fight to be paid for his last repairs, a new imperative victory for us. I couldn't change the battery of the car, Sylvie pushes my old car, it starts as usual with a big black cloud coming out of the exhaust pipe and a hellish noise. To give us courage we sing in the car, the journey is a bit long, finally we arrive at our destination. We get out of our carriage.
<patricia> Welcomed by Lord Darcy, we also begged him by multiple phone calls to schedule us and he directed us to the beer reserve: this is your cloakroom, it's enough for you! You cost me a fortune to organize your fights, not a penny if you lose it! We quickly put on our clothes, the hubbub of the room and the smell of tobacco reaches us, then we leave our luxury locker room and head to the place of our fight
<sadhana_g> I had come to this country for adult studies in a prestigious college but ended raving around hooking up with some rich married men and had to start a part time job, evidently it was not enough to support myself and hence I decided to use my fetish as a source of income. Back in the day of wired internet connection I used to rule an national favorite fetish channel and remained their pro-style champion for the longest time, now I feel it is time to relive those moments and enjoy my life again fulfilling my fetish while earning some money. I came across the Darcy's through a fetish website where I'd established contacts with Lord but soon due to my competing looks, jealous Lady came into our conversation too. If it was not for her I would have made the Lord agree for more cash prize for this match, sending him a few lewd pictures in the name of 'profile' sharing and hoping Lady has not yet got a whiff of them I somehow make my way into their dungeon but being their Royal selves they've offered me to wrestle this loser from a match I attended and accompanying her will be the bitch who nearly got her ass handed in a spontaneous catfight.
17:50 <sadhana_g> So I finally transit to the dungeon wearing a black nike trackpant and same color jacket over a pair of white flip flops, rushing past a few attendees and even the organizers I make my way to the changing room..... Holy fuck! This is what they call a fucking changing room?... I stare at used condoms and stained panties on the floor with a strange odor filling up the nostrils which helps in stripping off quickly. Standing in just my wrestling attire now I adjust my hair and tie it up in a tight ponytail before exiting the 'change room', I strut over to the ring with no music going off due to me still being a 'newbie' hence walking over a steel ramp plainly and hands adjusting my shoulder straps. I climb the steel steps and enter the ring taking deep breaths awaiting my opponent, stretching my brown body and checking the attire to fix it from places
<patricia> When we arrive in front of the ring, the noisy and agitated crowd does not even notice us; The women wear evening dresses, the men have salacious looks. Sadhana is already here. Sylvie the elastic adjusts my ponytail and gives me a slap on the buttocks: destroys this little whore. I climb into the ring, suspicious, fearing a surprise attack from my opponent, the organizers will soon introduce us and give us the rules and stakes of this fight. I head to a corner of the ring
<patricia> Coming from France, measuring 1.62 m and weighing 54 kg, 59 years old Patricia!
<Sylvie> I look at Sadhana, I smile at her wickedly, at the first opportunity she will have to fight in 1 vs 2 against me and my sister, I sit on a chair in the front row
<sadhana_g> I watch both the sluts walk out from the back with a sadistic smirk and I did not expect anything less from these skanks.... I am ready for war, u wanted it and u will get more than u two can digest.... I glare at both of u but especially Sylvie and pointing her out I mouth "I'll knock u out, cunt!" I wait till Patricia is being introduced..... 'Hailing from Haryana, India weighing 85 kgs and standing 5'7". She is 45 years old SADHANAAAA' and lets the words hang in there before announcing the rules as I move into my corner beginning to stretch, barefoot brushing the canvas
<patricia> Ding! The bell rings, I readjust my mini bikini, first the bottom, then the top, my big breasts have a hard time staying here, but I only have this outfit left, I sold all the others. My opponent is much heavier than me, I approach like a boxer, I circle around my opponent, cautiously, then I try to surprise her, I lean on my right foot and try to hit her in the stomach with my left foot
<sadhana_g> I hear the bell ring and exit my corner with arms up fingers wiggling in excitement, I lean forward bending a little from the knees with legs spread wide for a better base...... U think this is a boxing match bitch? Let's see if ur style beats mine..... I keep a safe distance from u to begin with as we circle eachother and slowly begin moving towards u but like an idiot u send a kick at me which would have been a good choice against another brawler not a wrestler.... U idiot... U fucking idiot!!.... I swat my left arm against your incoming left shin to try deflecting ur kick outward and away from me with hopes to step in closer to aim a quick right jab into your belly, I will attempt to dig my knuckles deep into ur already busted belly
<patricia> You push my left foot away with your left arm, bitch, you watched my lost fight for the title of bare fists, you know that my opponent had turned my belly into a punching bag, your right fist sinks into my stomach: uch!I'm unbalanced, fall to the ground, but get up immediately, I start to circle around you again like a Thai boxer, My stomach still bears the blue marks of my last fight, your blow to awaken the old pains, given our weight difference I will continue my tactics, I turn around you, I prepare to hit you again......
<sadhana_g> I land the first punch instantly taking u down to ur knees and letting u get back up to see u begin to circle in a different stance, I immediately change my tactics making fists and pulling the guard a bit lower blading my body by keeping stronger right side of my body back.... Come on bitch, lets do this in ur way! I'll show u who the fuck ur dealing with.... I watch ur movements but eyes widen when ur foot comes back in for a second time and I twist towards it trying to take most of it's impact onto my left hip making it jiggle, OUUHHH, I gasp and stomping the canvas to move in on u I send a left hook aimed at the side of ur temple in order to get ur guards up before raising the right foot aiming a side kick at your ribs
<patricia> My second kick hits your hip, as I rest my foot on the ground you send a left fist hook towards my temple, I block your punch with my right forearm, I don't have time to back off, your right foot hits me in the ribs: uch! My right foot is back on the ground, your kick in the ribs has taken my breath away, I wince, as you are close to me I try to hit you in the crotch with my left shin.......
<sadhana_g> I grin when my kick connects to ur ribs but instead of backing away, I step forward and into ur incoming kick. OOAAAKKKKKHHH REEEEEEE!!!! .. My grin disappears making my mouth gasp open in a wide O croaking as the left hand cups my aching mound and walk cross legged fat ass thrust out I drop to my knees nursing myself.... OOOOOOOOHHHHHHH MY..... OOOOHHHH....
<patricia> I smile as I see you kneel in front of me, both your hands are on your mound, I grab your hair with both hands and pull your head towards me, I try to pin your neck between my thighs in standing head scissor
<sadhana_g> I clutch my womanhood in pain staring up at u in disgust but then u do the worst adding fuel to my anger by grabbing hair, I try to stop u in ur tracks by scything my right forearm up between ur legs and aiming it for ur bald cunt before u can cause further damage to me as my head nearly gets pulled towards ur spread thighs and that when I attack looking to retaliate for ur dirty move
<patricia> Your head almost touches my thighs, but you hit my crotch :aaah! aah the string of my thong is pushed into my slit! the lips of my vulva had been crushed and reduced to mush with Suki's boots during my last fight, the intense pain paralyzes me, I roll on the ground, I am on my back waving my legs as if I was riding a bike, both hands on my hairy clod
<sadhana_g> "Doesn't feel so good, does it bitch?" I cough clutching my hairy pussy and TTSSSS AAAAHHHH I slowly push myself up cross legged, I lean forward thrusting the ass out towards our spectators and taking a deep breath straighten up to beging making my way to u reaching out for a handful of ur hair sinking my right hand into them to drag u up
<patricia> You grab me by the hair, and straighten me up, my two hands are on my pussy, I'm topless, my breasts have escaped from their little cups, my face red, my mouth wide open, I try to catch my breath...
<sadhana_g> I stagger a little with my thighs closing from time to time due to the throbbing pain and awkwardly lifting u up by ur hair, I twist inward towards u from the waist trying to bring my right bicep up aimed at ur jaw to see how that feels while hoping to maintain the grip on ur hair for control
<patricia> The audience has stood up, several women are at ringside, they want to bet on the winner and examine the condition of the two gladiators, sneering and mocking at the same time. I am tottering, I grasp the ropes of the ring, I firmly grasp the top rope with my right hand to restore my balance, I still moan paralyzed by pain.....
<sadhana_g> I see ur smaller frame in agony thanx to the earlier beating from Suki which is now working in my favour, I hurl ur left arm across my shoulder for a better grip when I try to lift u up by supporting ur back with right hand while left scoops ur sweaty thigh and plan to drop u down over the top rope with both legs on either side of it. I aim to attack ur battered crotch by letting u drop ur privates first on the top rope, giving u a rope ride "Time for a ride u bitch!!"
<patricia> You straddle me, lift me up and let me fall on the top rope. The string vibrates under the effect of my weight, penetrates my vulva. My left hand joins my right hand on the top rope, I try to touch the ring mat with the tips of my feet but my legs are too short. A little lady of the group of women who had approached the ring from the opposite side to ours, readjusts her glasses on her nose and grabs the ropes to see the exact situation, she causes the undulation of the ropes of the ring, like in a rodeo, I bounce on the rope, sliding forward, backward, the rope rips against my crotch, Mashing with the lips of my vulva, I try to reach the floor of the ring, but I bounce, get back in the air, come back down. Now several of these furies are clinging to the ropes, they comment on our situation, evaluate the chances of each one; There is no referee, Lady Darcy will probably arrive soon, I call her for help: LADY DARCY!LADY DARCY!
<Sylvie> I'm going to get a beer when Patricia has dealt a low blow to her opponent, when I come back with my can of beer the situation to evolve well, I go in search of Lady Darcy who must be counting the revenue of the starters rather than refereeing this fight which does not count for a title.....
<sadhana_g> "That fat cow cant save u here tonight, she can only watch while I destroy u slowly" I hiss clutching on ur thong bottoms from either side of it's waistband while u hang over the top rope with legs on either side of it and YANK upwards, I pull the waistbands of ur bottoms further into u while shaking ur body up and down while u sit on that top rope making u ride it like a texan whore
<patricia> I am totally immobilized, my hands grip the rope and my feet do not touch the ground, you pull on the strings of my panties, sawing my slit, ploughing my intimate flesh, an unbearable pain runs through my lower abdomen :aaaa! aaaaa! No! pity! Stoooop! stooop! My face is distorted by pain..... The group of women is still clinging to the ropes of the ring, they shake the ropes, I feel like the rope is a wild horse grazing on my vulva........
<Suki_Squid> "Work that pussy, wreck it!"
<patricia> Bitch! Slut!
<patricia> I invited the 25-year-old man who works as a waiter at the bar in the Darcy club to a restaurant, I promised him a torrid night, this bitch will ruin everything!
<Suki_Squid> Never fear I will givew him a good ride.
<patricia> Grrr! Hands off, don't steal my admirers!
<Suki_Squid> Not stealing just keeping him warm since your pussy is wrecked.
<lord_darcy> Sees Patricia is in a bad position and stands up to cheer her, "Come on Patricia, fight back! Fight back!"
<Suki_Squid> Boooo Lord Darcy
<sadhana_g> I hear a lot of commotion from our audience but I keep my focus on the task at hand and let my hands yank ur thong rocking ur body up and down to rake ur vulva with further rope attack, I push more weight on the top rope by leaning forward onto it before stepping back to let go of it at once and try to send u springing back into the ring with a sudden crash. "Ur friend is done for the night Lord, time to select a new favorite! I know u like women of my stature" I coo pacing around the beaten bitch and cup my breasts teasing the Lord
<patricia> I see this slut Suki towards the young bartender, by these gestures I understand that she explains to him that she pureed my crotch last week, she is smiling and takes her number casts a pleading look at my handsome young man. I'm trying to free myself: han! I lift my right foot, but it is impossible to get it over the rope, I try a second time, a third. Sadhana continues to torture me, she rakes my vulva several times on the rope, a few black hairs remain attached to it, my thong continues to saw my private parts, Sadhana pulls on my panties with all her strength and squeezes them like a saw. Suddenly you release me and throw me into the ring, I land on my back, the ring vibrates. Sadhana coos to Lord Darcy, I'm sure he prefers a mature woman like me, I roll on my stomach, grab the bottom rope and start to get up with loud cries of pain :aaaah my pussy
<Suki_Squid> Punish the slut, tear her apart.
<lord_darcy> Sadhana shows her power and treats Patricia like a ragdoll, catapulting the feisty little lutteuse off the ropes. I have to admit, Sadhana is a voluptuous powerhouse, she is impressive, and is ruthlessly using her size to dominate the plucky French woman. I wonder how much Patricia can take and if she can fight back.
<Daveyboy> Come on patricia
<sadhana_g> "U have a lot of fans Patricia, u've been a very naughty girl havent u?" I tease giving a good look around us at everyone in presence and I enjoy u clutching urself, I sway my hips walking over u to clutch a handful of ur hair when u try to get up but instead of helping u up to ur feet; I drag u further away from the ropes staggering a few steps with u before trying to push u against the canvas in an attempt to lock u in stretch muffler. I try to trap u in a tight painful hold if possible in order to twist u like a pretzel
<patricia> Sadhana tortures me with a stretchy muffler, completely stretching every muscle from my belly to my toes, including my groin already so badly mistreated , also applying a ton of pressure to my hips and lower back, leaving the audience with an amazing view of my tight, completely stressed and painful big ass. I can only scream and try to crawl while being abused. The opposite side of the ring is about two meters away, to free myself, I contract my free leg, the leg trembles with all its muscles protruding, indicating how desperate my situation is because the slight tremor of my leg has no effect on my situation, I try to take support with my foot, I just manage to hit the ring mat, Sadhana replies by increasing the pressure on my legs stretching my leg and my stomach a little more. I let out a loud cry as my ligaments stretched to the limit.: Aaaa! Oh my god! Stoooop! then I try to crawl towards the group of women to grab the ropes: aaah, aah! I move forward a few centimeters, I stretch out my right hand, I am still far too far from the ropes. The ladies are from a wealthy background, dressed in beautiful outfits, they have no compassion for the two gladiators who are fighting each other, one of them takes pictures with her cell phone, the others sneer while commenting on the fight. Suddenly my face reddens because Sadhana's right hand is walking over my clod, will she finger me? I shake my free foot to try to squeeze my thighs, but it's impossible, I just manage to accentuate the pain, a cramp starts to paralyze my big buttocks, beastly grunts come out of my mouth, I try to crawl a little more, I desperately reach out my right hand towards the ropes, out of reach.... The organizers of the fight are happy with the evening, the loudspeakers announce in a nasal way: the donations of the spectators allow us to double the bonus that will be paid to the winner! Good luck ladies!
<Sylvie> I have mingled with the women's groups, Patricia is bravely enduring the pain, we have played so many matches, such ordeal are familiar to her, but I see that she is in great difficulty, she is reaching out her hand, she seems to be asking me for the relay. But I don't dare to intervene, if the organizers ask me for a financial penalty for intervening I would be unable to pay. I show my fist to that slut Sadhana: whore! you're just a big whore! I hit the ring mat with my fists, I was very close to my sister, without being able to help her......
<Valenzuela> C'mon Patricia, reach and stretch a little further, that rope is only a few more inches babe!
<DirtyWrestler> come on Patricia, you can do this!
<lord_darcy> "You got her Sadhana, break her! Break her!"
<sadhana_g> I look around the ring and stare at every supporter of urs as they witness me toying with u, I wink at Lord Darcy before utilizing ur position in my favor by clamping on the spread womanhood of urs and let the nails sink in deep with the claw twisting ur flesh at times. I grind my teeth exposing all my teeth while raking ur groin with utmost cruelty, wanting everyone around us to witness what happens to an unprepared woman who crosses my path
<Valenzuela> C'mon Pat! Suck up that pain, and break free, you can do this!
<patricia> Our two bodies are mixed, so close, I smell the scent of Sadhana skin, the smell of its perfume, it continues to pull on my leg, the cramp of my buttock grows, reach my thigh, my calf and my stomach :aaaa! Stoooop! I beg you....aaaa! My left arm is stuck against the ring mat, I can't move it. I see my sister who is nearby: Sylvie help me, aaaar! I can't take it anymore! My left arm weakly hits Sadhana's thigh, I am totally immobilized, I try to bite his foot but his shin blocks my chin. Sylvie stretches out her right arm to try to free me, but she is too far away, her hand only brushes my face, the organizers have noticed this forbidden intervention, the loudspeaker announces that she has been fined 100 dollars. I try to scratch Sadhana's thigh with my nails when suddenly your nails sink deep into my pussy, her claw twists my sensitive flesh :AAAAA! AAAA!!, I try to wiggle my arms :aaaa! Stooop! Stooop! pity! aaaa!
07:36 <patricia> You start again once again and the middle finger of your hand sinks between the lips of my vulva, ploughing the inside of my cave, I shake my free leg, contract it, but I am totally trapped, mouth and eyes wide open, I let out long grunting pain....
<sadhana_g> I clutch ur body tighter upon feeling the leg free leg move upon latching on ur cunt with a painful crotch claw, shoving nails and fingers deep into ur womanhood parting ur vulva lips to dig deeper. I twist my wrist to crank the claw and strain my body to add pressure on u, bending ur spine some more to see how flexible u are as my big belly flattens against ur bum and back. Big ass squatting and parting with my wrestling attire nearly disappeared between those cheeks, I wonder if the Lord is taking a good look at me or is it his wife that's got her eyes on me
<patricia> Aaar! your nails have reached my clitoris which is swollen with the excitement of the fight, you scratch my erect pimple:AAAAAA! AAAA! I shake my leg even more: Stooop! stooop! bitch, whore! You bend my spine a little more, I hurt all over, you stretch all the muscles in my body, I slap your thigh with my left hand:oh my god, stoooop! I beg you!
<Suki_Squid> oh the pussy claw it is almost over
<Sylvie> Hey! the Darcys! instead of looking at Sadhana's ass, intervene!
<lord_darcy> "Have you had enough Patricia? Do you submit?"
<Valenzuela> "Damn! Keep going Patricia! You're gonna wear that bitch out!"
<patricia> Sadhana's big belly flattens against my buttocks and my back, our sweats mix, finally, Lord Darcy intervenes, but he does nothing to help me, he asks me if I submit, I answer between two grunts of pain: Aooo! Aoo! No! No! never!
<lord_darcy> Signals to Sadhana "FIGHT ON!"
the fight will continue, can Patricia come back in this fight? What are the cruel stakes for the loser? be continued........
<Published> 2024-09-03, viewed 0 times.
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