Beauties VS Beasts

Public Open

Established: 2021-07-22
Chat room: #BVB

  • Squash match
  • Male / Female
  • Female / Female
  • Anthro
  • Death
Chat about girls fighting monsters. Share pics. No limits
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Styyg is hunting a human female

On the schedule in the arena is a hunt. The audience in the arena is looking forward to a spectacle. The hunt will be brutal and voilent.  The arena is filled with an artificial landscape. Some hills, a small river, some trees and bushes.  Styyg and Desi will fight there, without any weapons and clothes.

02:35 <Desi1> The door opens. I am dropped into the area. I will try to hide anywhere.
02:35 <Desi1>
02:37 <Styyg> *The thick iron gate rattles as it raises, and I step out into the arena, glancing around. The arena is mostly dirt floor, but has several artificial hills and ridges, as well as a stream on one side. I do not immediately see my so-called "opponent", though I've been told she is just a mere human female, dropped into the arena for the entertainment of the crowd.*
02:37 <Styyg> 
02:40 <Desi1> Totally nervous I try to hide anywhere. They gave me a minute before they release my opponent to the arena, telling me I should hide anywhere. I walk to the other side of the gates. If I survive for several hours I might get free, but first I have to get away from my opponent. I rush behind a small hill from where the gate is not visible. I stop and breath due to exhaustion.
02:42 <Styyg> *I stalk slowly towards the center of the arena, my heavy footsteps making the ground shake slightly. I'm wearing little, just a simple leather strap and shoulder pad that is more for show than anything, and a leather covering for my loins. I tilt my nose upward, making a sort of chuffling sound as I sniff at the air, seeking an out of place scent.*
02:45 <Desi1> The crowd gives me the imagination that something is happening in the arena. From several meters above the crowd looks into the middle of the arena. The look to me, then again into the middle of the arena. I move to some bushes to hide behind. I can feel the branches and twigs on my bare skin. Still the people are looking into the middle and to me. I feel that something is coming up.
02:49 <Styyg> *I tilt my head, catching a smell I'm familiar with...fear. As I turn my body, surely enough several of the nearby crowd are glancing at a clump of greenery in that direction. I snort with derision...the audience always takes the fun out of the first part of the hunt. Still...I have your scent now...and there will be no more hiding. I move towards your hiding place with brisk, clomping steps. My claws clicking together as I approach.*
02:52 <Desi1> Arrrgghhhhh I see a green monster approaching my place. My heart beats. I breathe faster. What should I do? Next to the bushes is a tree. Behind the tree there is a small river and a swamp. I stay behind the bushes, ready to jump up and flee wherever I may be able to move to.
02:54 <Styyg> *I get closer and closer...and still my quarry does not break from her hiding spot. Either she is stalwartly brave, or frozen in place. Either way, she will not last long. I smile a sharp-toothed smile as I come within just a few steps, then lunge into the bushes, clawed hand outstretched...*
02:55 <Desi1> I get a shock when you touch the bushes. In panic I jump up, running behind the tree. Behind the tree I look back. I see how you turn around, towards me. In panic I move on, try to run as fast as I can.
02:58 <Styyg> *The human finally breaks from cover~diving behind a tree and then scrambling to her feet, rushing towards an area of the arena fashioned into something like a swamp. As I launch myself after her, I get a first good look. She is diminutive, even by human standards, though she seems a healthy example of her species. She is naked but for some dust she has picked up in the arena. She won't make much of an opponent...but she'll be an excellent chase. She is quite quick, though as I run after her in long strides, I seem to be slowly gaining.*
03:01 <Desi1> I take some steps, then turn around again. The creature is following me. I passed the tree, running towards to knee-deep river, that is about 3-4 meters broad. I wade through the water, but getting slower due to the water resistance. I look back again. I get more panic. With force I try to get through the water and reach the other side of the river. I hear the crowd getting loud. They cheer.
03:06 <Styyg> *The human makes a clear mistake, rushing into the river. It rises to her shins, then her knees, slowing her down. Perhaps where she is from, putting water between herself and her pursuer might buy her from safety, but here, she has left herself vulnerable. The crowd's noise rises as I close the distance. She is past halfway across the river when my foot first hits the water, but it slows me down hardly at all. My legs churn across the river easily, my tail swishing along the top of the water. Just as she hits the opposite bank, I slash my claws across her back, leaving three parallel marks, and sending her sprawling forward onto the ground.*
03:11 <Desi1> AAAaaaaaaaaaa - I scream loud and shrill. It is more the shock of being touched, then the real pain. I fall and roll over. In panic I try to jump up again and get away. I try to orientate, I look back to you and see your predatory face and your hot eyes. Full of panic I try to flee away.
03:14 <Styyg> *You fall onto your stomach, scrambling desperately, trying to get your hands and feet under you. You start to break into a run again, glancing back over your shoulder to see my reptilian grin. I turn swiftly in the opposite direction, and you do not realize why until, a split second later, the thick mass of my tail slams into your chest like a massive whip, driving the air out of your lungs and sending you careening sideways.*
03:18 <Desi1> Urrrghhhhhh Something hits me at my chest. I did not see it coming. A strong blow hits my ribs and my breasts. I fall over. I remain lying on my side. For a moment I am paralyzed. Then I catch my breath again. I take a deep breath, my belly moves up and down, but the pressure on my chest is painful. For a moment I cannot get up and run away.
03:24 <Styyg> *You crumple to the ground, a long red welt slashing across your chest. Each breath stings with the bruise. You can barely hear the excited cheers and jeers from the crowd as you try to drag air into your lungs. Your moment of paralysis is more than I need. You feel a powerful, scaled hand close around your ankle, and then pull you back towards me along the ground. I lift your leg up, and then with a single, brutal twist, something in your ankle pops, making you cry out. I release your leg, letting you slump back to the ground. I know my prey well enough to know that the chase is now over.*
03:28 <Desi1> You lift one of my legs up on my ankle, then, after a twist you let me fall. In panic I try to stand up, but my left feet does not really work. I limp a little, then collapse and fall to my knees and then to the ground again. But, again I try to stand up and make some steps... again I only make a few steps and collapse again.
03:32 <Styyg> *You try to stand once...twice...but your leg cannot hold any weight. I walk behind you slowly, my tail swishing back and forth, enjoying your desperate, futile attempts to get away. The crowd seems to enjoy it as well, whistling and cheering loudly. Finally, when you stumble the second time, I reach down and grab you by the back of your neck, easily pulling your small body back up until your toes just scrape the ground. My other hand moves up and down your body, raking long, painful scratches across your leg, then your belly, then your side, marking you from several angles while you dangle in my grip.*
03:37 <Desi1> AAAAaaaaaaaaa you lift me up and then your other hand scratches me badly. I scream. In panic I kick with my legs and hit wildly with my hands. I squirm back and forth in panic. I feel your claws on my thighs, I notice you scratching across my belly and my upper body. I scream endless and desperately try to brake free.
03:40 <Styyg> *You flail your limbs, trying to strike at me behind you, but to little effect. Your screams delight the crowd as your body is clawed again and again and again. When I drop you back onto your feet, you're not prepared, and your injured ankle buckles immediately. I grip your arm and spin you, then deliver three quick blows in succession. A punch to your ribs, my heavy fist impacting like a sledgehammer, then a downward blow onto your shoulder that drives you to your knees. You kneel there for a moment...too stunned and in pain to move, and then I slash a clawed slap across your face, scratching and marking your cheek and knocking you to your back. I loom over you, staring down, seeing if you have any fight or flight left in you.*
03:47 <Desi1> Arrgggghhhhh Uuuuuuuuhhh Aaaaaahhhhhh I fall to the ground. My rips hurt and are partly broken and make it more worse to breathe. I am lying on my back, jerking violently back and forth. In my panic and high adrenaline levels, the pain doesn't come through yet. I can only feel how some parts of my body are no longer working, such as my left ankle and my lungs. I try to move. I try to stand up, I try to roll. Might look desperate from outside, and, yes, there is not plan, just the get up and get away. I moan loud and squirm.
03:52 <Styyg> *Your body flexes and spasms, trying anything to flee. But you can do little more than twitch. A low growl rumbles out of my chest as I feel a predatory thrill at your helplessness. I reach down, grabbing one of your arms and dragging you up like a ragdoll. I take each of your wrists in one massive hand, and lift you up off the ground, holding you suspended with your arms in a wide "Y". Your body hangs on display for the audience, who relish the sight of your dirty, bruised, scraped body. Scratches criss cross your legs, belly and breasts, while the thick bruise from my tail as turned a bright purple. I walk you around part of the perimeter of the wall closest to us, showing you off, then turn to the widest part of the arena. Your back rests against my chest, your body twitching with what is left of your resistance. My tail slithers slowly up your side, then coils around your neck. It tightens, and tightens, until you have to struggle to get just enough air to keep from passing out. You are completely helpless as I prepare your end.*
03:58 <Desi1> I notice the noise of the crowd while you present my body, my thighs, my belly and my breasts to the crowd. I squirm in your hands. I feel your tail getting at my neck. I dont have the power to do anything against it. Desperately, I whimper in pain and shame.
04:01 <Styyg> *I hold you on display for several more long seconds. The crowd's noise is at a crescendo. You tug weakly at your arms, unable to budge them at all, and your feet just hang in the air. My tail coils a little further...a little tighter, cutting off your breath completely. Your heart pounds in your chest, and you feel it in your head as you begin to run out of air. Then, as easy as breaking a twig, my tail jerks to the side, snapping your neck, and ending our hunt.*
04:05 <Desi1> My body continues to twitch. I lose consciousness. The crowd cheers and screams. The wanted to see a huge massacer and they liked what you showed to them. They continue to celebrate you and they rejoice at your victory.

<Published> 2024-09-15, viewed 35 times.



Harley Malone

2024-09-18 03:11

A well deserved meal! Good work!

Gladiatrix Zaida

2024-09-15 20:34

Nice story. Clear end. I like it!