Beauties VS Beasts

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Established: 2021-07-22
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Chat about girls fighting monsters. Share pics. No limits
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The full honey moon


Nathan_gingerbread: The picture in the brochure looks wonderful, Dei and Suki had discussed just getting away from it after the wedding . Somewhere quiet , somewhere picturesque.

Nathan_gingerbread: It is suki who hatches a cunning plan. As investigative journalists she puts a case to the head of the Miskatonic University department of Para normal studies ...: :

Nathan_gingerbread: " To study the influence and significance of the werewolf fable on modern society.". But the more catchy promise of some good documentary material for the university youtube channel may have been what swung it ...

Nathan_gingerbread: The fact the it means they can get away together to an idyllic location in a romantic log cabin expenses paid, is a master stroke .

Nathan_gingerbread: Its not all plain sailing the town of arsend is hardly on any maps . And the dirt roads make the going slow but there are good tunes on the radio and there both in fine spirIts.

Mrs_Dei_Squid: I sit beside my new wife cuddled close as we take the long sow drive to celebrate our honeymoon and to do some studies on werewolves to prove they are around. We had the truck all packed with the equipment and ATV to make the job easier so we can spend more time in the cabin. After the cameras all set up and ready to film anything around. The tech center we can take our time and setup in the nude as we are far from anywhere.

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: As usual out hardy go to guy has found a likey spot plus some trail cams to detect any thing moving at night. With my wife at my side and some tunes its not too bad for our four wheel drive Jeep. The cabing by the stream is a big plus as we can swim in the day. Out in the middle of no where we can go naked as there is no one to see us except maybe some wild life. Peerfect for a honey moon as I expect we will be having lots of sex.

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: Arriving at the cabin we got an unexpected plus. Electric power from a water wheel running a generator. Now we don't need to drive to the town for batteries. Unloading the four wheeler and setting out a dozen trail cams then checking to see if our up link works for our techie to send on if we get any sightings. Every thing unloaded and settled in a quick dip in the stream to get the dirt washed off and the nipples perky!

Nathan_gingerbread: Finally finding the cabin ...thankfully it is exactly as described, a big wood stove tumbles out heat and there are even freshly cut flowers in a vase. There is no key to the door , no lock in fact just i wooden bar that slides across. Mobile signal is spotty and dips in and out but there is fairly modern plumbing and even a shower... The clank of the water wheel making enough power for amenities. As the girls unpack the jeep a voice calls out and a man starts to walk over the bridge .. its hard at this distance to make out much but he is tall and walks with a long gait eating up the ground quickly despite a big full grey beard that makes it hard to guess his age.

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: Having missed the shower tucked away and doing the quick dip in the cold water I was startled to hear a male voice. Geez and me naked as a jay bird so to speak. Scrambling to find a blouse and shorts I see Dei doing the same. The dude is tall with long legs and a grey beard that hides most of his face. Hard to place an age he could be any where from 50 to 100 yet moves like a much younger man. I step outside to greet him quickly doing up the buttons on my blouse.

Mrs_Dei_Squid: Shock a bit by the voice coming from out side and slide my shorts on and a thin tank top as we walk out side to see who is out her I forgot to button my shorts and my nipples are pressing against the thin fabric of my top. As we walk out to introduces our selves to the visitor and see what he wants.

Nathan_gingerbread: " Howdy howdy, y'all found us then i am Seth , me and my brother Zack rent out the cabin ... So i bet your tired and i just thought i would say hi and make sure you have what you need. " His skin is like rich leather beaten by the sun but his eyes are bright and a piercing blue . They definatly dont miss a thing as he stands very upright making him look taller than he probably is . " Town is maybe 10 minutes on this track then when you hit the main road turn right.. i say main road thats a grand title but least it has tarmac. ". He has a gin tooth grin but never reaches his eyes which constantly go from Dei to Suki and back as he speaks . His clothing looks humble at first glace jeans and a check shirt but those jeans are immaculate and best levi. And his boots have a rich deep luster that only comes from expensive leather.

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: Well pleased to meet you Seth, your place is lovely. We have some supplies so will need to go to town at some point." Aware of those bright blue eyes that seem to go right through a person. Also aware of no bra, erect nipples and the eyes going from mine to Dei and back again. He seems to loom over us or tower if you will. The clothing is not cheap by any means so there is money involved ih Seth's background. I look at my wife and back to Seth. This guy is a character.

Mrs_Dei_Squid: Nice to meet you Seth the place is so nice it is perfect for our honeymoon and our research as well I’m so glad you let us rent the place and it was very nice of you to have a pile of wood for us to keep the place warm. I feel his eyes on my nipples poking against my thin shirt as I think wow he is a tall one and he looks shabby at first but those are only the best quality clothes. I thank her for telling us the way into town as I slide my arm around my wife making my shirt pull tighter as my shorts hang open. This place is perfect for us we just have a few more things to do before we need to run into town.

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: Watching the tall figure of Seth turn and stalk away towards the bridge I am reminded of a stork with those long legs eating up the ground. "A strange one dear wife. Did you see those eyes they look right through you or at least through your clothing." Turning and tugging Dei towards the door and the inviting fire with what looks like a genuine bear skin rug in front of it. For a place owned by guys it sure is spotless.

Mrs_Dei_Squid: They do look right through you love as we turn and head in side as it is getting late time to celebrate and check the cameras in the morning as I slide the bar down on the door I shove you down on the bear skin rug and shove my shorts of and pull top over my head I kneel down stripping you baby I have been so horny all day I need you now I pull your top of binding your hands with it as I kiss you. After I have your hands tied up I slowly pull your shorts off kissing my way down your legs sitting back looking at your naked in front of me hands tied above your heard your hard brown nipples pointing in the air I can’t resist slapping one then the other as I stare at you.

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: If I didn't know my wife so well I might be shocked as she comes on rough. Peeling my clothes off like she was peeling a banana and tieing my hands together over my headas I am shoved down on my back .

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: Her hands flash out and there are twin cracks as she slaps my chocolate tipped breasts hard. There will be marks but up in the mountains not a problem. She kicks my legs apart and I look up at her lifting my hips and exposing my gash to her h ungry eyes.

Mrs_Dei_Squid: As you catch up i see your lips are all wet damn baby I have wanted this all day turning I put my leg over you lowering my pussy on your face as my tongue goes to your clit and licking and flicking it as my finger hold your lips wide open my tongue circling your clit I let two fingers slide inside your wet folds as I hear your moans.

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: Geez I am so excited I am shaking as I watch those pale white globes descend on my face. Her dripping slit lowering to my mouth as my tongue comes out to lick and suck on my wife's pussy. I feel her fingers pry me open like a flesh taco and her lips and tongue feasting on me. I moan as I feel her fingers enter me opening me further to that hot wet tongue. My hips bounce a little as I try to engulf her sweet face.

Mrs_Dei_Squid: Moaning as your hot mouth works on my wet pussy I start grinding it on your face as my tongue works your clit harder my fingers start moving faster in you pussy I can hear your juices each time my fingers move in and out of you. So on edge from wanting this all day long

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: I know I am excited if not the wet sloshing sounds coming from my open pussy would be a dead giveaway. Her fingers go faster and faster exciting me more and more until I feel I must explode. Tasting her juices as I lick and suck her lips and wet folds let me know she also is super excited. My hips bounce to the movement of her fingers inside me.

Mrs_Dei_Squid: My moans getting louder against your pussy as my juices start flowing down on your lips you can tell I’m ready to explode and I fuck faster with my fingers as I suck hard on your clit want to push you over the edge.

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: My sweet wife knows my pussy as well as I do, where and when to touch, how deep to go and she is hitting all of the spots. The taste of her juices in my mouth as well as their wetness on my face adds to my rising sexual excitement. I can't contain my rising tide of sexual heat and explode as she sucks on my hard clit. I go off like a bottle rocket.


Mrs_Dei_Squid: As my hand and face starts getting soaked my wife’s tongue pushes me over the edge as I start squirting hard on her face aaaaaaaaa mmmm damn I fall forward breathless as my body trembles as I recover I turn and untie my wife’s hand so we can snuggle on the bearskin together

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: Panting after such an intense orgasm, body covered with a light coating of sweat as we cuddle on the bear skin rug in front of the stove. A perfect start to our honeymoon. All is quiet with no city noises, cars, buses or trucks. Just me and my lovely wife together on our journey of discovery.

Mrs_Dei_Squid: Cuddling enjoying the silence we fall a sleep in front of the fire place as we wake up in morning and have coffee and my wife starts breakfast I check the camera feds and notice we have a couple of cameras down and not working I tell my wife after breakfast we need to check a couple of cameras and might have to run into town.

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: "I didn't hear any beeps so it had to be wild life. So little is known about these critters we can't be sure of any thing. Mention of them goes back to the Greeks and Romans all else is folk lore." Goes back to frying eggs and bacon and some cut up potatoes. Gets out the enamel ware and cups. "Its been a while since I made coffee in a pot over a stove. Good thing we brought some mini trail cams. We might have to put them up in the trees depends on what we find love."

Mrs_Dei_Squid: We sit down and have our breakfast and coffee together I get up and give you a kiss as I go to have a quick shower and get some clothes on I slide my jeans and hoody on and then my boots you have shower love and grabs those trail cams I will get ATV ready and gassed up then we will check.

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: "Sounds good love." Taking a quick shower and dressing like my wife in jeans and hoodie over soft wool shirt. Grabbing my go to bag containing a camera, climbing spikes, knife and a 12 inch ruler to show scale. Then hurry out to the four wheeler and off we go.

Mrs_Dei_Squid: As my wife comes out I have the list and location of the malfunctioning cameras up on my phone and I drive is out to check them. As we arrive at the first camera I notice the camera has been damaged and some odd marks on the ground damn we can’t fix this we will need some new cameras. Find a hidden spot and put up a trail cam see if we can see what made these marks.

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: "It looks like it was chewed! Let me put a mini up in that popular tree." Getting out a bottle of bear musk to cover my human scent as I climb the tree and position it pointing at the wrecked camera. Arranging some leaves around it to hide it. "OMG look at that paw print!" Putting my hand down to show the size as I snap several pictures. "This may be evidence of were activity love."

Mrs_Dei_Squid: It is a good start get all the pics we can but we need to get back to cabin and go to town and replace these broken cameras so we can try and get some video footage and that will be all of the proof we need as i put the busted camera in my bag.

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: "Should we check the other cameras first love see what evidence got left behind?" Busy snapping shots and looking around spotting some greyish fur caught on a near by thorn bush. Fumbling around to find an envelope to secure it in. "I think it may be wolf fur love."

Mrs_Dei_Squid: Let’s hurry and check the rest so we can get to town and if we see Seth again we can ask if he has seen or heard anything that might help us some with this. I head back and start the Atv ready to head to next camera and we find same thing at the other two broken cameras

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: After finding more paw prints and some fur at the other two sites and placing mini cams high up we head back to the cabin. There to upload the pictures and send them to our tech support just in case some thing happens. "I hope there is a post office there love so I can send the fur samples to Miskatonic U so they can analyze and tell us what we have. All this on the first day even."

Mrs_Dei_Squid: When we get back to cabin input the Arab away and start the truck up so we can run into town looking for replacements and to listen to the local gossip to see what we can find out.

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: "well sent every ting off to our techie. Got the fur samples in an envelope all addressed. All we need is a post office and an electronics store. Post office may be good as they should know everyone and every thing like most rural post offices."

Mrs_Dei_Squid: I kiss you as we jump in the truck and head off into town to get what we need and to listen to the gossip I drop you at post office as I go to get the cameras I will pick you up and we will go for lunch before we head back baby.

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: Going in the post office there are few customers so its not long before I have my envelope stamped and on its way. I tell the post mistress we are staying here on vacation so are there any sights we need to see. She looks me up and down. "Doing some hiking I see." The boots and rough clothes giving it away. "You best be careful as there are some wolves in these mountains. Big uns they are and mighty smart as no one has managed to trap any. Haven't heard of any people getting took but there is always a first time." Confirmed we are in wolf country I head out to meet my wife for lunch.

Nathan_gingerbread: Arsend is only small but its obvious there are those trying to make a buck from the stories of werewolves , A small shop slash weird museum sits a few doors down its in disrepair but still there are some interesting things articles framed on the walls...

Nathan_gingerbread: Trinkets and stuffed werewolfs , DVD's and T-shirts... Obviously once apon a time someone thought there was money to be made. But now it looks drab and slightly sad.

Nathan_gingerbread: The shopkeeper , a short tubby lady is no suprise , adamant there real and has personally had sightings so some notes are taken and a few pics , who knows maybe it can be used in the final report. ... Feeling sorry for her two matching t-shirts are bought if nothing else a little momento ...


Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: "Well love I'd say there is some thing to this werewolf business. Like where there is smoke there is fire right? Not sure if Miskatonic U will accept this but it is good back ground stuff. I think we are going to get some good shots from the minis. How did you make out with the electronics?" In the scarce data I was able to dig up silver bullers were mentioned but I don't like guns. More likely to shoot my beloved wife or myself rather than a charging werewolf.

Mrs_Dei_Squid: The hunt for new cameras was tough I found some new ones they are not the quality we had it they still should work. And what you found out seems promising I say we eat and get back and set them up I’m excited to see what we can find out now. This could be huge for us if we get real proof.

Nathan_gingerbread: Returning to the cabin both are shocked when a tall thin man wielding an axe comes around the corner of the cabin ....

Nathan_gingerbread: His hands are dirty as are his cargo pants .. he stands there the axe resting on his shoulder as he looks over the jeep his face stern in concentration.

Nathan_gingerbread: Then he smiles broadly... " Hay there i be Seth's brother zack ... Just making sure you got wood for the burner " he says hefting the axe like you needed a visual clue . ... He too has a weather beaten face and might have been handsome but that his lower jaw seems to over extend a little . " Didnt think you would be around just yet ... Still i am all done Seth says its your honey moon ... Thats real nice here for your honey moon during the honey moon ...that being what they call it ...or hunters moon ... You will see its real pretty " he doesnt wait for a reply as he shambles to the bridge you note a large bowie knife hanging from his belt... " Now dont go leaving food out , i know you city folk dont understand but see... It brings the bears and there dangerous. And the coyotes and maybe even a wolf.

Mrs_Dei_Squid: A little shocked seeing a man with a axe over his shoulder come around the cabin my hand goes to my can of mace but then I notice the resemblance to Seth so I relax as he explains what he was doing. I think to my self this is a tall family and something seems different about them but they seem nice. I put it out of my head as I want to get new camera up and running.


Nathan_gingerbread: It is indeed a honey coloured moon ... Lighting up the lake and giving everything a strange hue... Its a warm night and very still no breeze and even the frogs and wildlife have decided to be quiet....

Nathan_gingerbread: Not that the couple care naked together on a rug infront of the fire doing what newly weds do , exploring and enjoying each other.. soft music playing from a phone adding to the romanticism.

Nathan_gingerbread: But there trist is disturbed by the loud and piercing howl of a wolf into the night. While they jump and lay listening ... There is a creak of floor boards coming from the landing outside the door.

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: Zack was a trip for sure and now its the full moon and what a moon. What was all that about the moon Zack said. Rolling around naked with my sweet wife touching each other and getting aroused. Suddenly there is a howl and we both jump. Not that I heard many wolf calls in my life but that sure is not a dog barking. Worse yet is the creaking of the boards out side the door like a heavy weight is standing on them. Damn should have gone with the silver bullets. I look to the laptop but no beep from the trail cams. "What do we do now love?"

Mrs_Dei_Squid: Snuggled up in front of the fire with my new wife starting to repeat our first night of marriage and howl rips through the night I pull her close to me as there is a creaking of the boards out side the door I pull a baseball bat closer to us as we watch the door for any signs of it trying to be opened up.

Nathan_gingerbread: The door is barred with a thick slat of timber but now in the silence they hear it click as the door moves a fraction ...a noise they recognise from when the wind blows but now all is still... Then a new sound a * grunting chuff * as the light of the moon under the door is broken by a shape blocking it. Both the girls jump as the laptop beeps into the deathly silence sounding much louder than it is as there ears strain ... Loud bangs..metallic in nature follow then a long teeth clenching screeching sound like nails on a chalk board... .

Nathan_gingerbread: Its a long time before either move ...has it stopped , is it gone ? They cling to each other as minuets tick by and finally they decide it has .

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: "Holy crap love did you hear that? Some thing big out there to make those boards creak. WTF was that scraping on the door? We got some thing on a trail cam too. Maybe we should have given more thought to this. Like weapons, spears, bow and arrow, guns even. If its safe a trip to town and see what we can find maybe?" Gets up and checks the laptop. "We got some thing but it is too blurry we need to check the mini cam."

Mrs_Dei_Squid: Gets up keeping bat close as we try searching through all the cam feeds looks like that blurry image is all we got not much else we can do till it gets light love let’s take turns sleeping on keeping watch.

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: "sounds like a good idea. Then check the mini at that location and head for town. I don't think that base ball bat is enough. If its a regular wolf we need like a shotgun or some thing don't you think."

Mrs_Dei_Squid: I jam a chair under the door handle and slide a couch up to it as I start to take my watch while my wife get some sleep. I place a chair by the bed and set the computer so I can watch the screens as she naps.

Nathan_gingerbread: The hours crawl by... But slowly the sun rises and a fresh breeze brings the smells of morning dew wetting the grass and the birds begin there calls....

Nathan_gingerbread: Going outside is quite a shock down the side of the jeep four long jagged scratches run from front panel to rear panel and The bonnet looks like a giant fist simply stoved it in ... Outside the door there are gouges in the wood ,scraping and digging deep where the door meets the floor.

Nathan_gingerbread: The jeep starts but it makes noises of protest and does not run smooth... But the worst news is that equipment is simply smashed some of it unused it is the manner these tough carry cases are decimated rent apart and utterly destroyed....

Mrs_Dei_Squid: Seeing the damages to all the equipment and how bad the jeep is and is running I’m not sure if it is going to make it in to town even. It is looking like we came so unprepared for this as we should have done more research and got better equipment.

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: "Come on love we have to get to town. If it conks out we can take turns pushing as it mostly down hill. So we take the jeep and it runs real rough sputtering and back firing. At the edge of town there is a service station with one old style pump. A short dark skinned man with curly hair comes out in green cover alls.

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: "Aye Mami jew got som big troubles maybe a bear. I can pound out som dents and see if motor has damage. Jew come back maybe tew hour hey. So off we go to the hardware shop in search of some sort of weapons.

Nathan_gingerbread: Its not much farther to walk into town ...more odd folk it seems in the hardware shop a rather robust Germanic woman called Greta gets curious as suki swings a hatchet and then picks up a machete. " Your not using the weight " she explains ever practical as her people are showing how holding the handle lower increases the swing ... When suki only wants these items she gives an odd look ... Then a barking laugh. " You are going to war with your hedges " she is most amused by her joke . But as suki explains her needs she nods ... " Wait here .." she clips not waiting to see if she does before vanishing in the back ... She returns with a long box and inside is a military knife compact and lethally sharp.... "$100" she intones ..."but you didnt buy it here ...yes?". ...

Nathan_gingerbread: Dei has peeled off to see what other things can be found in this small town . There in what for all the world looks like a 1950's diner sits the sheriff... Dei orders some treats from the delicious looking cake carousel and waits to pay. When the sheriff a portly ,red faced , whisky nosed, moustached sweaty guy decides to engage the visitor to town ... Dei is quick to tell him her woes and how much damage has been done ...speculating to him about wolves ...

Nathan_gingerbread: " told em about bears .." zacks voice cuts across from a corner where Dei had not seen him .." sounds like a bear" , he intones addressing more the sheriff. " N'not leaving food out " ... The sheriff smiles obviously used to this rhetoric. " Well , certainly sounds like a wild animal ... That honey moon seems to send the crazy he gives a greasy smile his eyes straying over Dei figure " But i got duty tonight and i will swing past make sure your good "

Mrs_Dei_Squid: Thanks sheriff we would appreciate you having a look I’m sure it might be bears but we left nothing outside to tempt them so it never hurts to be safe. Hi Again Zack thanks so much for all of the fire wood it helped. Walks out the door thinking to my self this sheriff is total useless he could not catch a cold. As I take the treats and head back towards the hardware store.

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: Checks out the military knife and the rather large germanic Greta with Zeppelin like breasts. "Nice Ja I take him. I buy in city right not here in hardware store. You think this will be good against bears or wolves? We seem to have a problem at the cabin we are staying at." Greta goes pale at the mention of wolves and mutters in rapid fire German. "Take knife and you go now. I know nothing." Pushing me out the door and I hear the door lock and the blind come down. Turning to see my lovely wife coming with a couple packages.

Nathan_gingerbread: The weird little mechanic has indeed got the jeep running much better though he says it will need a few things doing shortly to keep it that way... He comments on the scratches and tut tuts .. riding back to the cabin it is a glorious evening the sun is starting to dip and the light is fading, almost subconsciously the pedal goes down a bit harder and the drive gets rougher but the cabin comes into view just as the sun begins to set ..looking across the lake the moon is on the rise ...looking oddly huge in the sky.

Mrs_Dei_Squid: As we get back to the cabin we are mesmerized by the moon but soon snap out of it get the jeep unloaded and a raging for going in the fireplace. As my wife gets the weapons laid out I install our last trail cam over the door hoping for a clear pic if it comes back tonight then I slid the door bar in place and strip off as the fire heats the cabin up.

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: Lays out the hand axe, the military knife and a couple stout wood staffs similar to the quarter staff of old. Hopefully this is enough. Checks the lap top to make sure all is in working order. The fire heats the place up as I make dinner after stripping off. "Let me get a bucket of water for later love." Lifting the bar and opening the door going to the stream bucket in hand. The moon seems to fill the sky and its almost as light as day. My chocolate colored nipples pucker with the chill. I see nothing out of place just a few night birds chirping.

Nathan_gingerbread: But somthing is very out of place .. deep in the shadows eyes watch , big eyes. , sharp piercing blue eyes..... But suki returns to the cabin pale in hand making sure she bars the door behind her ...

Nathan_gingerbread: The moon is at its zenith, huge and pale . The girls are quiet neither saying what hangs in the air and neither wanting to mask any noises that may come from outside ... Suddenly the roon is bathed in a blue light that seems to flicker and move but the unmistakable sound of a car door slamming is both a reassurance and a new concern.... Outside the sheriff stands looking at the ground shifting the earth with his toe the blue lights of his cruiser washing over everything ... Dei and Suki watch from the window for a few moments as he reaches back into the vehicle and pulls out a large pump action shotgun which he casually puts over his shoulder as he turns and surveys the open ground ... Before heading toward the cabin .

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: "Oh geez its the sheriff get your clothes on love." Scrambles to dress quickly puts on sweat pants and a sweat shirt. Makes sure Dei is dressed then lifts the bar and opens the door. "Why you must be the sheriff my wife mentioned come to check on us. We are pleased to see you. So far its been quiet but then its early yet." Looks up at the huge moon filling the sky.

Nathan_gingerbread: "Ahhh yeah ... Well i can see some tracks over there but looks more like coyote .. .. i am gonna poke around then i will carry on my patrol" ... But he makes no move to carry on , rather the silence stretches awkwardly as he just stands a thumb in his belt and the shotgun over his shoulder he was waiting for somthing ..." Well ok then .. " he finally breaks the weird little moment turning and heading to to the wood pile .

Mrs_Dei_Squid: Thank you sheriff let us know if you see anything we will make a fresh coffee and have a snack you can take with you on your rounds. As I tuck my shirt in to my exercise shorts.

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: Whispers to my lovely wife, "that was certainly odd and awkward what do you think he wanted? Watching the sheriff check the wood plie. "I should have checked for tracks but the Jeep all ripped apart took my mind away from it."

<Nathan_gingerbread> A piercing howl cuts through the air ... Echoing across the lake and making hairs stand on end ... The air is chill and you see the sheriff turn for a moment but quickly return to his search vanishing around the corner... Standing in the doorway the cold is doing wonders for Dei's nipples... Though the moon casts a strong light it only seems to deepen the shadows.

<Mrs_Dei_Squid> I step back in the room to warm up and see my nipples pressing out hard on my shirt shot I better put a bra on that must be what he was doing staring at my nipples. I whip off my shirt and put a bra on quick.

<Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei> "Holy crap love that is the same howl we heard last night! Where did the sheriff go hope he gets it before it gets him!" Starting to think this whole trip was not such a good idea after all. Our throats ripped out on our honeymoon what a horrid fate. Well we will go down fighting if we are to get killed.

<Nathan_gingerbread> There is a polite knock at the door and glancing out the window you see the cruiser is still there...

<Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei> I look at my wife then out the window. "The sheriff you think? Get ready I am going to open the door." Lifts the bar. "Is that you sheriff?" Opens the door ready for just about any thing. All senses on high alert as this is really creepy to the max.

<Mrs_Dei_Squid> I stand behind my wife with the military knife in my hand a she opens the door slowly to see if it is the sheriff again.

<Nathan_gingerbread> the reality of a six foot tall wolf is mind bending enough but when its forcing its way in and almost ripping the door from its hinges there is a shock factor beyond words.. it smells of dankness and barrels Dei over , a good thing as its swiping arm then misses her head its outstretched talons slicing only air.. as it enters you realise another is behind it ... grunting and following in there almost naked but the second wears the tattered remains of a check shirt that seems to valiantly hang on well past beyond any useful purpose .

<Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei> "Holy mother ... where is that fucking sheriff and where did these fucking monsters come from?" Seeing my wife get thrown like a paper cup across the cabin. Freaking as there is a second monster right behind the first. The check shirt reminding me of some one but to scared for my mind to work. Grabs the small axe and swings at the lead wolf trying to bet between it and my wife. "Fuck we found the werewolves or they found us!"

<Mrs_Dei_Squid> As I am knocked down and to the floor the knife flies out of my hand and across the room I try to scramble back to my feet as I see two of them against my wife I reach for the staff in a blind state of mind just trying to keep us alive.

<Nathan_gingerbread> The first wolf dominates the entrance snapping its jaws but it seems to recognise the threat an axe poses at first ducking back but as she swings again it tries to block with its arm and the axe bites deep into its forearm ... Still holding the axe it seems stuck .. embedded as the wolf howls and turns its shoulder in trying to backhand suki across the face.... The second werewolf has room to get into the room and heads toward Dei its lower jaw protrudes in an under bite and it seems thinner than the first but moves with speed snarling and showing a massive maw bristling with teeth ...

<Mrs_Dei_Squid> As the second get past as is charging at me I stop and brace my self swinging the staff with all of my strength at it miss formed lower jaw thinking I have seen a face like that before but pushing it from my mind as we are in a fight for our lives. I did not even notice when I was shoved to the floor my shirt had ripped open no time to worry about that now.

<Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei> It is hard to deal with the super human speed and strength of a were creature but I manage to sink the hand axe into its forearm. A mini second of glee before I get back handed across my face which sends me flying and sliding across the floor. My sweat shirt riding up and covering my face. As I scramble to my feet to peel it off and use it Jason Stratham style as a weapon. My wife is after the second one as I move in bare breasted to see if I can't do some thing against these monsters.

from the outside nobody would know that inside a desperate battle takes place ... The first werewolf stands glaring with piercing blue eyes as it grasps the axe and rips it free obviously it hurts and blood splatters to the floor but surprisingly little given the severity of the wound brings up its forearm licking the wound as it stands now armed with a hand axe to go with the huge claws and massive teeth .. it starts to advance but halts as the other wolf takes a smashing blow to the side of its muzzle and staggers into the firsts path ... Then... From the door way comes a blessed sound the click clack of a pump action shotgun being chambered and both turn as stood in the doorway his pot belly jutting out over his tight belt is the sheriff .

<Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei> "Oh finally the sheriff are we glad to see you!" Whips the sweat shirt Jason Stathams style over the wrist of the paw clutching the hand axe and jerks hard while swinging a booted foot up at the paw. Need my axe back but odd it didn't do much damage. Screams "SHOOT SHOOT." My heart pounding like a trip hammer while the hair on my neck is standing straight up.

<Mrs_Dei_Squid> I keep swinging the axe as I hear the shotgun being pumped as I look to hit the other side of the jaw that I had just hit the staff making me feel a bit over confident in this fight as I did not notice the little damage the axe did to the other one.

<Nathan_gingerbread> The second werewolf staggers to a knee and bows its head clutching at its jaw and Deis follow up blow glaces off it shoulder cutting a wedge into the flesh but it seems to hardly react... BOOM ! .. in the room the shotgun is deafening and the smell of cordite fills the air rapidly followed by the click clack of another round being chambered ..." Enough ! " You hear the sheriff shout , but instead of blowing a hole in the were wolf you have a black circle of destroyed ceiling where he shot the blast up into it ... Both the werewolfs back up putting space between themselves and the women...

<Nathan_gingerbread> But the bizarre situation continues as the sheriff steps into the room and behind him is greta from the hardware store and behind her is the portly woman from the werewolf shop in town.. behind her is a young girl it takes a moment to place but Dei recognises her fron the diner ... And finally the weird mechanic still in his cover all rubbing his oiled hands on an old grey rag...

<Nathan_gingerbread> The sheriff is speaking and suddenly he seems to have found a more commanding presence " you city folk .. you just cant leave it alone , coming here looking for a werewolf .. too stupid to realise , there ain't never been A werewolf .. wolves ...well they be pack animals .. and as he speaks and to there horror greta falls to all fours and screams as a metamorphosis takes place .. her face contorting and growing long as her body becomes covered with fur ... As if it is catching the young girl and the mechanic both also fall to all fours starting to turn in a shocking and harrowing way ....

<Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei> Watching the horror show unfold in front of me I just can't wrap my mind around it. It looks like the whole town are werewolves. At least everyone we have me so far. Under the shot gun threat pointed at me I slowly relax and let my hands fall to my sides. Seeing with my very own eyes the change from human form to wolf form is unnerving to say the least. The mind just can't grasp what is happening. "What happens now sheriff?" There is no trump card to play.

<Mrs_Dei_Squid> Standing with my mouth hanging open i let the staff slide from my hands as i watch the town people switching forms i have heard it was how it worked but i never thought it was true but it must be now that i see it with my own eyes i move to my wifes side sliding my arm around her i think we have found more then we bargained for here love i think they will do what they want with us i think the sheriff is one of them as well. and it seem like he is in charge we read this all wrong. so lets just calm down and see how they want to handle this.

<Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei> Shaking my head in denial of what I am seeing as my wife breaks to me the reality of our situation. We are so fucked clearly walked into some thing we should have ran to the farthest corners of the earth away from. "What ever these creatures have in store for us I am sorry my rash thinking got us into this. I love you more than life itself. If we manage to survive this the ordeal will make us stronger."

The room is filling up with huge hairy brutish monsters even the females though smaller emit a sense of power and the big males forearm looks like a weeks old scar, istead of a gaping wound... " Well now ... " Says the sheriff putting the shotgun back casually over his shoulder " y'all seemed like trouble but ...then we talked it over and decided that would just being more people ... Arsend dont need no more city folk poking around but you two are gonna stay here ... Living the quiet life in the country . You will be cared for ...and kept . A part of the pack important part too.. " as he talks you see his face is twitching and then that his teeth grow long ... As he crouches and his uniform splits and rips as his fat form seems to melt leaving him half wolf and half muscular man ...

<Nathan_gingerbread> The two big werewolves move in getting closer ignoring blows and deflecting strikes slowly cutting off anywhere to go as the others start to crowd around .. Dei is grabbed and the werewolfs jaw opens but he does not bite.instead manhandling her and spinning her around as his claws rent her top apart his muzzle pressed into her neck obviously smelling her. suki finds herself in similar peril as she turns her concerns with Dei only to feel the heavy weight of a hairy muscular body starting to push her down from behind onto her knees.

<Mrs_Dei_Squid> Turned and my shirt ripped apart I feel the hairy body pressing up against me and the hot breath on my neck I can see my wife getting the same thing and forced to her knees my body shivers as I scared and turned on at the same time with the breath and body against me my nipples harden instantly press out as my bra was ripped also.

<Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei> I hear the words of the fat sheriff and groan at what appears to be a life sentence. What is more horrible is his half transition to a wolf man figure with a huge dick hanging down. Thile Seth and Zack are huge full fledged wolves with big pointed red cocks sticking out. My wife is easily wolf handled her clothing being ripped off while my sweat pants go the way of her clothes. Thrown naked to all fours and feeling the weight of heavy paws on my back pinning me in place. Some thing is rubbing between my lips and HOLY FUCK jmmed into my cervix.

It's obvious now what the werewolves intend and it seems the females are excited the one that was greta with the zeppelin breasts growls as her clawed hand rubs between her legs. Dei feels inhumanly strong fingers running over her belly as a huge penis presses to her hip but suki fairs worse impaled as hand paws reach around grabbing and squeezing her breast as the rutting begins .
What was once or still is the sheriff moves forward pushing his massive phallic into Dei's face as his clawed hand sinks into the hair at the back of her head.

<Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei> FUCK I can feel the pointed tip of the wolfman cock penetrate my cervix even. It is so thick my pussy walls are stretched. It feels some what like giving birth in reverse. Then the thick thing is abruptly pulled back almost out and rammed back in deeper making me groan. Facing a wall I can't see what is happening to my poor wife but from the sounds it is similar. Out it comes and rams back in as I feel hairy haunches slap my butt cheeks. I feel totally humiliated yet at the same time some sexual arousal is happening down in my belly.

<Mrs_Dei_Squid> I moan with out think about is as the strong hand rub my body and I feel the large penis on my hip a shocked look passes over my face as the sheriff big cock is shoved at my face I open my mouth wide and lick the head of it as he forces it into my mouth spreading my jaws wide with the size of it my breast swing in the air as my hip rubs the cock against it.

<Nathan_gingerbread> Now the sounds in the room are those of flesh meeting flesh and the growling and whines of the werewolves as they use there powerful muscles to over power and sexually dominate the two women.. the other wolves bay and bare there teeth the females now rubbing against them needing attention and the males only to happy to respond excited by the show before them .. it is not gentle as suki is slammed over and over sharp claps leaving scratches in her hips and breast nor for Dei as she finds herself spit roasted with cocks of enormous size.. the room is hot and sweaty and the energy starts to get frenzied as the pace of action gets faster.

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: The pointed wolf cock is so big it stretches me with every thrust. Suddenly there is another red pointed wolf penis slapping my face. I open my mouth to protest and it is jammed into my throat. Fighting for air as I and face and pussy fucked by these inhuman creatures's cocks I am helpless. My thick nipples are sucked on by sharp pointed teeth and the horror show continues. Dazed all I can do is take it.''

Mrs_Dei_Squid: My mouth stretched wide open as a big cock stretches my pussy wide as it enters me and I try to scream around the big cock in my mouth my pussy get soaked from the cock entering it as it bounces in me it forces the one in my mouth into my throat omg I filled up so much on in each hole my tits swing my nipples scrapping the rough floor with each thrust my mind scream to fight but my body says to enjoy it.

Nathan_gingerbread: Such lustful action cannot last as the one behind suki suddenly rears back its head and lets rip a long baleful howl its cock pulsing inside her as its seed shoots deep filling and warming her belly . The sound has barely finished when the wolf behind Dei digs in its claws to her hips and throws back its head joining its brother in the long wailing song this happens it seems to inspire the others and the young female pitched higher makes a keening noise as she judders har small breasts jiggling as she thrusts backward onto her partner... It becomes a song a bizarre and odd wailing and undulating song full of animalistic feeling ... The wolf in Deis mouth suddenly grabs her head his hips thrusting forward as he unleashes all his pent up lust. 
And the wolf hold suki by the hair pulls back as his powerful thighs judder and his seed starts to spill before the muscles contract and it shoots out thick and rickly creamy.

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: I scream with the pointed wolf cock in my mouth but it is muffled with the tip down in my throat pumping wolf semen into my belly. Mean while the wolf cock buried in my womb is also sending jets of wolf semen. They finish and I would collapse when they pull out except there are two more wolves taking their place. Not so big as the first two but the cocks feel like they the same size as again I am spitted between two wolves. They are busy thrusting away and I realize the liquid in my birth canal is not all wolf semen. To my shame and horror it is my own vaginal juices.

Mrs_Dei_Squid: my body shuddering with waves of pleasure as both holes are pumped full of hot cum i swallow as hard and fast as my stretched mouth can as cum over flows my pussy dripping down on floor under me as the two stop cumming i see the other in the room and know we are in for a long night my body battered and clawed up but my eyes are wide open and full of pleasure. as i know this is where we belong.

Nathan_gingerbread: The youngest female starts to change back writhing on the floor and her animal howls become human screams .. as her claws that dug big gouges in the wooden floor become human fingers almost dainty looking now from the size they were. 
Wiping herself and watching as wolf after wolf spends its seed inside the women until there little more than limp rag dolls being used and very much abused... " You are blessed " she grins ,leaning in to look into their faces as she drops her tone to a conspiratorial wisper * " i admit , i am jealous " she smiles coyly .. " you will be mothers to the next generation .. you wait and see . If the alpha can be elected as a senator ..well then things will change a lot here in Arsend .

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: Having lost track of how many cocks have penetrated me orally and vaginally laying there gasping for breath to watch a your female change back to human shape is a horror show by itsself. Burping werewolf semen while some leaks out of my pussy as she speaks after the transformation is complete. The hair on the back of the neck rises and I shiver. Mothers to the next generation no way yet I don't know how they reproduce. Folk lore has it they are bitten to change but that is not physical evidence. Maybe they do have litters of wolf pups. In that case we are screwed. Even if we could escape we would not get far with swollen bloated bellies.

Mrs_Dei_Squid: Laying also spent looking over at my wife as listen to the talk of the female it sinks in that we were used to make a new empire and that if we are successful in having the new empire we will be high in it and will never have to fight and what it takes to keep it safe and to grow as this will be life now.

Nathan_gingerbread: Arsend begins to prosper over many many moons it slowly expands .. the alpha is smart and uses the weapons of money and power to protect his pack . Subtle changes to laws, land rights mysterious promotions of people to positions of influence in every arm of the structure .. government , law enforcement, the courts and even the FBI ... The wolf pack grows from strength to strength . And there at its heart .. two women still very much in love but with a new purpose to protect there children and orchestrate what is needed for there success. Supported by the pack and held in esteem.

Mrs_Dei_Squid: Our lives changed in a whole new way we have a new home with lots of children that we both are willing to die to protect the little cabin has grown in size the drive into the place now gated off to keep strangers out so they don’t try to harm our young as they grow to lead a new generation. This whole thing has led to a new and enjoyable life as we cut all ties with our old life. And we are excited each time the moon raises high and big in the sky as we know it will lead to adding to our family and dominance of a new era.

Suki_Sweet_wife_of_Dei: Our bellies swelled fast from the night of impregnation and four months later we each gave birth to three wolf pups. Imagine our shock as mid wife Greta delivered them. When the day light came the pups morphed into human children. Nursing at night was a pain as those sharp little teeth dug into our sensitive nipples. The children grew fast as the area prospered. As brood mares we were pampered with Greta running our growing household and a growing staff. As brood mares we were used by most of the town but oddly only became pregnant at the full moon and the pack gang fuck.

<Published> 2025-01-19, viewed 59 times.



Kittygirl The Best Jobber

2025-02-02 08:09

purrrrrrrfect honey moon


2025-01-21 16:33

What a Honeymoon!! Things did go horribly wrong, but what a way to go!!

Mrs Dei Squid

2025-01-21 18:06

(In reply to this)

Thank you for reading and comment

Suki Sweet wife of Dei

2025-01-21 17:46

(In reply to this)

Thanks Ivbncavalier


2025-01-20 00:14

Wow! Probsbly the most ‘Awesome’ hineymoon I’ve ever seen !! So good that you ‘newlyweds survived !! ❤️

Mrs Dei Squid

2025-01-20 00:18

(In reply to this)

Ty hun it was great

Suki Sweet wife of Dei

2025-01-20 00:15

(In reply to this)

Thanks Kelly yes we did but at a price!

Mrs Dei Squid

2025-01-19 21:27

Yes and you still love it.

Suki Sweet wife of Dei

2025-01-19 21:28

(In reply to this)

That I do my loving wife.

Mrs Dei Squid

2025-01-19 21:31

(In reply to this)

Ty wife :)

Suki Sweet wife of Dei

2025-01-19 21:26

When things go wrong horribly!