Beauties VS Beasts

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Xcom 2. The turning point

XCOM the beginning, can be found here

Warning contains graphic violence ,xeno sex, tenticle sex, rape , death and smoking cigars
Read at your discretion.


 The war with the aliens is not going well, after some initial success XCOM forces started to meet stiffer resistance. The Aliens established hidden bases of operation in remote areas of the world and there influence grew... Most sinister was the undermining of political support with key proponents meeting accidents or out right assassination . Followed by the rise of ADVENT a pro alien human faction willing to assist the aliens in there schemes.

It was not all bad news .... Leaps and bounds had been made in technology, weapons ,armour and capabilities.. but with finances dwindling and countries starting to pull there backing XCOM was under increased pressure.

 Captain Bosco sat in his leather chair frowning as he read documents on his desk ... " How the.." he managed to splutter around the last two inches of a fat cigar. " SARGENT SUKI !" He bellowed not rising from his chair well aware how well his voice carried ..

<Suki_Squid> hears the good Captain Bosco of the terrible temper and runs through the open doorway. Comes to a halt precisely three paces in front of his desk and snaps into a rigid salute "Sir Sargent Suki reporting!" eyes focused over the irritable Captain's head

" At ease," the ciger between his fingers burns bright but its obvious his mood is sullied when he tamps it out before speaking ... " Fuck my boots suki things are getting tough... Look we have chance at a big win but were stretched really thin , i need troops and there are just not enough to go around.. the damn xeno seem to be everywhere at once. " He stood pacing ... " So... I need a full crew and we can maybe knock them back ... Were going to hit ADVENT HQ and expose them ...but That means leaving the base with hardly any troops ... "

 " i need someone here i can trust .. i want you there suki but i need you here" he stares at a map on the wall angry red blotches mar large regions showing the spread of there influence. " I am leaving you trooper Cammy and Hawthorn ,he is walking wounded... Also one of the drone bots. But thats all i can spare ... Lock the place down and keep it tight while we do this ..." You had never heard Bosco ask for anything , his orders were the word of god ... It makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.

<Suki_Squid> At first I was thinking this was going to be a tough assignment out numbered and long odds. Then as it became clearer I was going to head of the rear detachment with a crew of three. One, me, I was sure of. Two and three not so much. A walking wounded and a new unknown recruit who seemed to know far more than she should. Then coming to us from the MI 6 she would know a lot. Looking at the map with the huge red patches it looked like mission impossible. "Aye aye sir I am on the case!"

" Suki .. we need this.. . There wont be much in the armoury were taking the kitchen sink, whats left after we sold a chunk to get fuel and materials....the lab techs and engineers will be here but you and i both know there no good in a fight . ... Make whatever preparations you need .. i need to go brief the boys and girls for operation breaker .. " a rare smile flashed over his face ...  
"This is 'Bildop' battle intelligent laser drone observation and patrol."

 " it 's keyed to your voice and this id bracelet"
 Standing for a moment ,there is an awkward silence..." Dismissed sargent .. "

<Suki_Squid> pausing to put on the bracelet then snap to attention and salute "God speed sir. May the Kami watch over you and keep you safe as well as the rest of us.." does an about turn and marches out to find our latest recruit to brief her, she of the posh pommy accent and touchy hands, especially in the showers. The lab boyos may not be much in a fight but they can be an early warning system. Plus who knows what unpleasant surprises the can rig up for an unwelcome intruder

<Cammy_White_SF> *You find me in the dressing room of the x-com gym.. I’m Just done showering after working out and in the process of getting dressed.. As you walk in, i’m still in my underwear. As soon as I see you walk in, I stand up from the little bench I am sitting at, straightens my posture, and snap to attention.*

<Cammy_White_SF> Good afternoon Sergeant Squid!

<Suki_Squid> "At ease Squaddie we have a mission. There is a major push coming up and we have been selected to be rear detachment. We are to secure the place and mind the techies so they don't get in trouble. Hawthorne will be a third member but he is limited duty recovering from wounds. Draw weapons from the armory and armor up. At least one of us awake 24 7. I'll get the techies on the early warning systems. I think side arms and short range weapons for now."

<Cammy_White_SF> *impressed by your confident attitude, Respectfully i listens to your briefing. There’s a glimmer of admiration in my eyes*

<Cammy_White_SF> *you see the expression in my eyes change for a moment, as soon as you utter the words. “rear detachment”*

<Cammy_White_SF> "Understood, ma'am. I'll follow lead and ensure the HQ is secure. You can count on me! Sergeant Squid"

<Cammy_White_SF> *crossing my arms my voice a little bit annoyed* But I'll admit— when joining x-com i thought i was being recruited to take the fight to the aliens! And with all due respect, i didn’t leave MI6 to play babysitter in the rear. I’m more than capable of being on the front lines with the main assault team.!

<Suki_Squid> annoyed the latest member of the team is not happy with our assignment I choose my words carefully "Cammy you think any of us are happy being here because we are not. The situation is critical, so critical that the boss has stripped the place of every living body. Hawthorne as he is getting used to the new bionic eye so he is not at full capacity. If every thing goes to shit then we are what is left to try and rebuild a force if possible. That leaves you and me to do the heavy lifting. It is what it is so no more crying over missing out. If we survive there will be other missions. So arm and armor up on the bounce!"

<Cammy_White_SF> *I blink, momentarily stunned by the sharp and intelligent rebuke. my face flushing red as I am aware of my childlike remark* "Yes, Sergeant. Crystal clear."

<Cammy_White_SF> *sincere tone* "I’m sorry for overstepping. You’re right I’ll follow your orders and give everything I’ve got for this mission!

<Cammy_White_SF> *I turn away from you, bending over to pick up my tight fitting uniform, my movements slow and deliberate. My position gives you a clear view of my ass, and pussy, encased in the snug thigh fitting white fabric of my underwear*

<Cammy_White_SF> Sergeant, I won't let you down, looking over my shoulder with a sly smile.

 In the distance can be heard Bosco " move your fat asses , lets go ...yes the plana cannon ... What the fuck is the point of having a plasma cannon if we dont take it and use it ? " Even for him the level of irritability is high.. men, women and equipment move with the kind of urgency only he can inspire.

 on the wall an old Polaroid is taped up 
An early win and there is Hawthorn younger but standing around with a trophy ...
Now its a diffrent Hawthorn older ...a steel knee and cybernetic eye ... But still a deadly shot and a cool head . He limps in "sargent reporting for duty " listening to the brief he nods happy to be doing somthing useful after weeks in a cot ... Anything to take his mind off the dull ache in his knee.

<Cammy_White_SF> *as hawthorne walks into the dressing room, i stand back up straight taking a less provocative stance*

<Suki_Squid> "Check the close in warning system to make sure all is in order. The techies some times tend to be sloppy." notes Hawthorne's gaze at Cammy's bum then at my tits, blushes as I remember his fondling them in the showers, watches as the barracks empty out leaving an empty cupboard, sighs at the final slam of the gate and the near silent movement of the whole of X-com

 The roar of engines marks the team are launching and there are the normal flight crew making final checks finally it rises up through the bay door and heads off 
the heavy shutters clang close and give a reassuring Klang as they lock shut ...

Suki watches the progress of the skyranger ..bigger and heavier than the avenger it will she is sure be fully laden ....


In the forest outside the base another set of eyes is equally intrested and watches in silence as the sun starts to dip and long shadows cast out from the trees

<Suki_Squid> the weight of the mission hangs heavy on my shoulders, I have that tingling feeling of being watched as I buckle on my blaster belt with its fighting knife balancing the blaster. Pressing the throat mike to my voice box "Comm check Cammy and Hawthorne." Heads to the chapel to light a few Joss sticks for the Kami

<Cammy_White_SF> *I am in the armory checking weaponry, I pause my work, as i hear the comms crackle to life* Cammy here. Comm check is good, Sergeant.

<Cammy_White_SF> I am on my way, Sergeant squid!

<Cammy_White_SF> I quickly set down the rifle i was inspecting, and head of to the chapel.

Suki_Squid: gets the commo check from Cammy and a delay from Hawthorne, worried as he is about 75% fit and there is that crawling sensation up the spine which usually means some thing not nice is soon to happen. I need to check the techies are wearing side arms and armor and hope they refrain from shooting each other.

The tech staff obviously have never been trained  
Boffins and nerds . Suki does not feel inspired with confidence. But at least they know the drill and what to do if the alarms go off....

There mostly getting on with the buisness but a few seem disillusioned and its obvious that the lack of funding and ADVENT propaganda has taken a toll.

Suki_Squid: Checking the techies to see they are at least wearing armor and carrying side arms I can sense their depression and lack of confidence. "Cheer up lads word on the street is we are going to come into some cash. We need to be on our toes as its a larger than life threat we are facing. Mean while stay alert and watch each other's back. Leave the heavy lifting to us."

Clem Fandango was one such nerdy young man ...a recent addition his brilliance with robotics perhaps blinding people to his odd behaviour and perhaps amongst a group of introverts he simply blended in ... But Clem was a thinker and he attended the ADVENT rallies determined to keep an open mind ... Sadly his mind was indeed very open
The insidious whispering never stopped slowly he found himself agreeing with the voice , there was no need to fight , the voice offered him what he wanted most and he soon found he had new friends ... From ADVENT so intrested in his work willing to help him with his application to XCOM.
Clem accepted the firearm admiring the craft and engineering of it before walking out to the break room where he sat quietly an untouched coffee before him.

 Everything was still as the base went into nighttime ... People relaxed. Went to there rooms . Chatted in the common areas... But with no soldiers around the place was very quiet.  
Cammy watched the security screens flicking from room to room her boredom evident .. ..


Screens flicked by ...empty, empty , empty...

<Cammy_White_SF> The hum of the base's ventilation system was a constant, monotonous drone... The soft blue light of the security monitors cast an eerie glow across the control room, and the unyielding steel of the equipment around me. I sit in a swivel chair, watching screens flickering through various angles of the base—empty halls, deserted common areas, and unoccupied rooms, empty fields and forests on the perimeter—each frame more tedious than the last.

<Cammy_White_SF> I sigh, scanning the monitors with growing frustration. i had been assigned to defend HQ while others went out on missions. Sergeant Suki had given me a stern lecture, about my attitude, her Asian features set in a mask of authority.

<Cammy_White_SF> Now, alone in the control room, on my first assignment for x-com, i reflected on what she said.. I glance at the clock on the wall, it’s red digits sat at 03:11…. mocking me with the slow passage of time.

<Cammy_White_SF> Twelve hour shift.. I sigh… it feels like an eternity. To pass the time, i had taken to disassembling and reassembling my sidearm countless of times. But it wasn't enough to keep me awake.

<Cammy_White_SF> My eyelids start to grow heavy, and i start to nodding off, jerking awake with a start each time. The chair's leather creaks as i shift uncomfortably, as I try to find a position that won’t make sleep so tempting. But the longer i sit, the harder it becomes to fight the drowsiness.

<Cammy_White_SF> "Right," i mutter to myself, "More coffee."

<Cammy_White_SF> Drowsily I leave the control room in search of the break room. My sidearm still sitting on the Control room desk… forgotten after countless repetitions of disassembly and reassembly.

<Cammy_White_SF> The break room was dimly lit, and abandoned, except for Clem the technician, who sat silently staring into his cup of coffee. His dark, sunken eyes nearly devoid of any emotion..

<Cammy_White_SF> I give him a drowsy nod as i approach the coffee machine, my movements slow and clumsy. And totally oblivious to Clem’s strange demeanor… I place a paper cup under the coffee machine and press the button, my mind was elsewhere.

<Cammy_White_SF> Images of Suki flood my thoughts—her strict and capable demeanor, the way her uniform huggs her athletic frame, her perky breasts rising and falling, her hot Asian features... Would Suki be into blonde women? The question lingered in my mind as my hand slips, knocking over the cup as I try to pick it up from the machine. Coffee spilled over the edge, splashing onto the machine and the floor.

<Cammy_White_SF> "Damn it," i curse under my breath. I grab a handful of paper towels and begin mopping up the mess, my mind still wrestling with the intrusive thoughts of my superior officer.

<Suki_Squid> My mind on keeping the place secure unaware of the potential disaster looming from within. Making a note to use acupuncture on Hawthorne's leg as I noted his limp. The bionic eye will take care of itself. I have the thought that the techies have been vetted but is there a possibility one or more have been subverted. Our security team have been drafted as everyone fights so are unavailable for consultation. I make a mental note to ask our recruit from MI 6 if she can do some sort of back channel check. A possible turn coat is a disaster we can't afford. They are odd ducks at best and if they should fall prey to weenie propaganda disaster looms. So far all is quiet but that does not mean all is good.

 Claxons wail as the doors of hanger bay one are blown away... A huge shockwave reverberated through the complex and the cold night air with it.... Smoke billows forth and the power goes off for a moment until the generators kick in ...

Aliens flood through the breach, giant mutons , snakemen and seekers spilling through the wide open hole... Panic ensues and the engineers and techie types flee from the noise and head toward the furthest areas where there are offices .

Clem Fandango is calm he rises from his seat walking calmly with the crowd but turning off and going down a corridor all on his own ....

 Alien energy weapons lance out at anything that moves as they spread out pouring down side corridors a few gun shots ring out but the silenced quickly by the hiss of far more powerful weapons

The voice of Hawthorn comes across the throat mics " ummm ladies if you would care to join me we have an issue in hanger bay one...

Hawthorn hunkered down and looked through his sight ...experience told him these are the foot soldiers, the expendables. He was waiting , waiting for the right target..

PAFF! The near silent rifle spat as Hawthorns new cybernetic eye worked perfectly picking the grey out from the shadows ... " Scratch one" he muttered into his mic shifting to a new position .

In the ventilation and recycling area Clem walked over the disposal chute and un locked the heavy armoured door an alarm rang but its noise joined the many alarms already sounding ... Moving to a panel Clem shut down the incinerators ...echoing up from the other side of the door scratches and scraping noises... As Clem waited to welcome his friends.

<Suki_Squid> The blast is enough to start me running for the hanger bay. Hawthorne's voice on the comm calm and collected lets me know where he is at. Dropping the shotgun and seizing my lazer rifle I head to the bay hearing the shots and realizing the aliens are harvesting the techies. Nothing I can do about them. Rounding a corner and dropping to a prone firing position to press and hold the trigger cutting a wide swath through the pack to thin the herd. A head explodes and Hawthorne is on the job. Switching to single shot and aiming for the heads to pick off as many as I can. Determined to make them pay a stiff price in bodies before they get me. Fuck there are so many as I roll plama grenades right and left. Well at least Hawthorne and I are killing aliens. The horde slows so I slip into a ground assault car and start firing the lazer cannon back and forth across the gaping opening where the blast doors used to be.

<Suki_Squid> The horde ceases but there are an unknown number and type of alien running loose inside. This is a total disaster there will be hell to pay if any of us survive. No more shots so it can be presumed all of the support staff are dead. "Hawthorn any thing moving?" Wondering if our recruit has survived or any of the support staff.

 Clem smiles as a large green clawed hand pushes back the door and a muton steps through the right fitting doorway quickly followed by another and another ..." Friends says Clem his eyes gleaming " the muton reaches out its hand and makes a mimicry of him. " FRIENDS " as its hand casually swipes across ripping out Clems throat. His body crumples to the floor spurting blood and convulsing As the muton steps over the body and heads down the corridor.

<Cammy_White_SF> The sudden blare of sirens rips through the silence, jolting me out of my drowsy state. My heart pounds in my chest as i hear a loud explosion echo from the hangar. I instinctively reach for my sidearm, but i grasp at empty air. Panic surges through me as i realize my pistol is still in the control room. "Shit!" i bolt back towards the control room. The corridors seem to stretch endlessly, finally I burst through the control room door, my eyes scanning frantically for my weapon. There it is, lying on the security console. i snatch it up, and sprint back towards the hangar bay.,

<Cammy_White_SF> As i round the final corner, and enter the hanger. I take cover behind a nearby crate. The scene before me is one of chaos. Mutons, towering and menacing, are engaging in fierce combat with hawthorne and Sergeant Suki.

<Cammy_White_SF>  Her hair loose, strands clinging to her sweat-drenched face. Her uniform smeared with dirt and blood, but her determination radiating like a beacon. Immediately I feel inspired..

<Cammy_White_SF> From my position behind the crate, I take aim at one of the Mutons. And start shooting my firearm at it. As I hit the alien, it turns towards me, seemingly un impressed. Its yellow eyes narrowing.

 The Alien advances toward cammy bolts from its weapon spitting forth decimating the crate she fires again but it seems to only wound the xeno .

Hissttt... The sound of death whipping past her ear as the Mutons head explodes ... Hawthorns dry voice in her ear " your welcome" the snipers bullet bursting its head like a ripe melon.

" Cammy secure a weapon and provide cover , suki your too exposed " Hawthorn took a moment to do inventory.. exploding rounds another six, armour piercing just one... But incendiary rounds maybe twenty ... He never saw the mutons who had infiltrated from behind 
His last message cut off .. " if we keep them boxed in....'click'"

 Pulling off her helmet Cammy snatches up a discarded plasma launcher 

Bildop...floats down a corridor its AI plugged into the security feeds it moves to engage flying fast it fires mini rockets at the intruders in the hanger bay providing cover and making itself a hard target.

<Suki_Squid> Hears Hawthorn's transmission and does an immediate forward roll into a prone position. Hears the cut off transmission, shouts into the comm "CLOSE YOUR EYES" throws a flash bang up in the air to see if I can't blind the aliens. Hear the rockets going off and opens my eyes to engage as many of the Mutons as I can aiming for the heads as their internal organs are not known yet. Weapon runs dry so snatches up an alien blaster to try that out on the vermin.

<Suki_Squid> We need to get out of this hot zone and retreat to a corridor where their numbers are a disadvantage. "CAMMY LEFT HAND CORRIDOR NOW!" Moving as I speak blasting a path so we can make a run before turning and making a stand.

<Cammy_White_SF> my heart pounds in my chest as i snatch up the discarded plasma rifle from the Muton's corpse. I can hear Sergeant Suki’s voice barking orders over the chaos, her tone sharp and decisive even amidst the battlefield chaos.

<Cammy_White_SF> "CAMMY LEFT HAND CORRIDOR NOW!" Suki’s command cuts through the air like a whipcrack. Seeing the mutons temporarily blinded i burst into a sprint, zigzagging between crates and overturned equipment. Alien blaster bolts whizzing past me as Suki covers my retreat, And mutons return fire. Burning off metal surfaces around me as I go. I can hear the guttural snarls of the Mutons close around me, as they are being hit by suki’s blaster, their hulking forms now disoriented.

<Cammy_White_SF> I skid to a stop just inside the corridor, my breath heaving as i turn to face the hangar. Taking cover behind a thick steel girder in the entrance of the corridor. I have a good sight of the disoriented mutons. As suki provided covering fire for me to reach the corridor.. I now open up with my new alien Rifle Raining down plasma bolts on the mutons inside the hangar..…

<Cammy_White_SF> Suki Quick!!! Move!!!

For a long time, when people talked about Alien abduction there was talk of wearing tin foil hats, how ironic that it turned out to be true...  
The grey men it seemed could find those susceptible to influence and use this insidiously whispering into there mind or in some cases screaming and triggering fear and panic.

 Cammy had removed her helmet and while it looked like a children's bicycle helmet the gel held strips of tin in alternating positive and negative charges providing some protection.

Now it seemed the Aliens were seeking out those they could Reach working together to drag these minds to there influence...
Already some of the technicians had fallen under there control.

 Suki fights with everything she has , a pile of xeno corpses laying testimony to her determination . But the return fire is getting thicker Hawthorn was right, its time to drop back. 
And just in time as the mutons bring heavy weapons up .

Bildop swoops and dives its rockets all gone the AI has only one strategy left as it overloads its power source and dives at a group of seekers exploding in a shower of razor sharp bits.

<Cammy_White_SF> Suddenly a new sensation is creeping in—a strange, invasive pressure on my brain.. that seems to come from within my skull. I try to shake off the odd feeling. But it only grows more insistent.

<Cammy_White_SF> “Something’s… wrong,” I mutter

<Cammy_White_SF> My heart starts to pound in my chest… not just from the fight, but from this sense of being watched, of being probed. It is as if invisible fingers are reaching into my mind, searching, prodding, invading. I shake my head violently, trying to dislodge the sensation, but it persists. The plasma rifle suddenly feels heavy in my hands. I Look around the corridor, half-expecting to see some alien monstrosity lurking in the shadows.

<Cammy_White_SF> My grip on the plasma rifle tightens, as start firing at the mutons from my position again. Trying to ignore the pressure that is building in my brain..

... ...
卩乇卂匚乇 ... 尺乇丂ㄒ 几ㄖ山 ...ㄒ丨尺乇ᗪ ...''

<Suki_Squid> It is like a spaghetti western, there is hell to pay on the lonesome as blaster bolts and rockets explode and the smell of death in the air. Who could have foreseen this disaster. Every thing went to poo is a hurry. If any of the herd of science wonks and techies are alive is unknown. At least Cammy was listening and obeyed orders. I note her helmet came off but naught I can do about that. No doubt the infamous grey men are about so it is down to me as I run, dodge and jump to get to the corridor and turn and bring down hell fire. I throw my last two plasma grenades and duck behind a girder to avoid the blast. I can expect no help with the detachment on a raid. 

 The engineers, scientists and technicians ...those who are left are huddled up in the office space , tables have been over turned and a make shift barricade created as there is no where to run ...those with guns hold them ready. One or two had the wit to grab prototypes others have nothing more than a table leg clutched in there hands.

 There is nothing but silence and as a group the strain to listen for any sign that the zeno are coming... The tension is palpable.

 Meanwhile the mental assault on Cammy increases ... 尺乇丂ㄒ 几ㄖ山 .. a plea, a command ... All the time there closing in from every side there no longer advancing but cutting off escapes .
" 卩乇卂匚乇... "

<Suki_Squid> Even with my helmet on I can feel waves of some sort of mental commands and think Cammy will be toast. Taking a quick look from behind the girder I can't see any grey men but there are a pair of hulking mutons in plain sight. I snap a couple blaster shots and down they go. There is one of the mind monsters so I snap a shot aiming low in the body hoping to wound and cause pain. Perhaps its mental distress will throw off the others. Its not much but all I can do. Remembering the tentacle monster I shoot a quick glance above me to ensure one is not creeping along the ceiling. My life span I reckon is seconds and I regret not sampling that blonde piece of candy.


<Cammy_White_SF> Suddenly, it hits me.

<Cammy_White_SF> In my mind’s eye, a vision appeared—disorienting and vivid. A Grey alien, its slender frame slinking forward with eerie grace, its large black eyes locked directly onto mine. The creature’s presence is overwhelming, its intent clear. My mind melts in chaos as the Grey’s influence weave’s deeper into my consciousness. The creature’s mental tendrils are insidious, wrapping around my thoughts like vines choking the life out of a tree. I can feel myself weakening, my barriers crumbling under the relentless pressure. The alien’s offer is seductive, offering peace—rest—things i have been denied for so long.

<Cammy_White_SF> “No…” I whisper, my voice barely audible. “I won’t… let you…”

<Cammy_White_SF> But the words are hollow, powerless against the force of the alien’s persuasion. Images flood my mind, images of a world without conflict, without war. A world where i can rest in peace. The Grey alien’s soothing voice enters my mind, smooth and hypnotic, wrapping around me like a warm embrace.

<Cammy_White_SF> *grey* You are tired, my child. So very tired. The fight is not worth it. Give in to me, and I will give you what your soul craves.

<Cammy_White_SF> With terrifying clarity, I realize i don’t want to fight at all! I don’t want to resist. The alien offer is perfect. Fighting the aliens had all been a great mistake. My barriers fall away, one by one, until there was nothing left but surrender.

<Cammy_White_SF> “Alright,” i whisper, in a soft voice, filled with calm. “Take me. Take it all.”

<Cammy_White_SF> At that moment the alien’s control over my mind become’s absolute As the chaos of my thoughts drop away, like leaves on a gentle breeze. I still see my surroundings.. The mutilated corpses on the ground, suki putting up a heroic fight.. but the horror of the fight fades into the background, replaced by a strange, serene silence. I longer feet fear, or anger, or determination.

<Cammy_White_SF> There is only peace.

<Suki_Squid> A quick glance at Trooper Cammy raises the hair on the back of my neck. She appears to struggle, then droop then the blaster drops from her hands as she sinks to her knees. Her hands rising like they had life of their own to unzip, unbuckle, unbutton her uniform, I tear my eyes away and fire at the mutons as they close in. It is useless we are vastly out numbered and who knows how much longer this thing will work. I scream "Ghost who walks help us now!"

<Suki_Squid> There is a blast and I fly through the air to slam into a wall to fall on my back looking up at the flickering lights wondering what just happened.

Mutons , tentacled seekers ,snakemen and finally the grey men enter ... Admittedly a lot less some have nasty looking wounds but it does not seem to affect them .. as suki lays stunned on the floor a muton puts its heavy clawed foot on her ankle leaning in its bulk while aiming a weapon with a huge muzzle directly at her chest.

The grey men it seems have taken hold of Cammy's mind making her get naked...

 Suddenly the activity stops ... Another Alien glides in diffrent from the rest even the grey men bow there heads as its tall thin body seems to move with a sense of authority ... Unlike the others it wears a rich red robe which goes from its neck to touch the floor covering its thin looking seven foot body.

Is this how it ends? Looking up at the huge mouth of the blaster and then into the cold empty eyes as I gather saliva to spit at the ugly vermin. Mean while Cammy is totally under the control of the grey men. Hawthorne dead in the line of duty. The AI blown to bits in a heroic self sacrifice. If any of the wonks are still alive it won't matter.

<Cammy_White_SF> The Mutons had secured the area, their hulking forms moving with deliberate purpose, their beady eyes scanning the surroundings for any remaining resistance. Sergeant Suki lay unconscious nearby, her uniform torn and bloodied, a muton holding a large weapon at her chest… Strangely all of that, means nothing to me now….

<Cammy_White_SF> The tendrils of the Grey Alien’s influence are wrapped firmly around my mind. Suddenly, to my surprise, I start to walk towards the center of the hangar bay. Close to where suki is lying on the floor.. Totally ignoring suki, I face the hangar bay doors. The place from where the aliens started to stream into the base minutes earlier… The material of my green leotard suit all of a sudden feels foreign against my skin. My fingers twitch and my hands start to unzip my one-piece green leotard..

<Cammy_White_SF> “Take them off,” a voice whispers in my mind, soft and commanding. It wasn’t my own voice—it was deeper, smoother, and laced with an otherworldly allure. “You don’t need them anymore. Let go.”

<Cammy_White_SF> I undo the zipper… exposing every inch of my athletic frame… as the uniform falls away.. My firm, big breasts bounce slightly as the fabric drops to the floor.. revealing my small, tight pussy…

<Cammy_White_SF> Completely naked ,surrounded by alien monstrosities, with no means of escape. I am exposed, vulnerable…But yet in my mind, I am completely at peace and secure….

The grey men refocus there attention on Cammy and it seems the tall thin alien is content to stand impassively by or perhaps there is some communication that is not so evident ... Cammy for her part has a blissful look apon her face and the grey men begin to paw and grope .

The muton looks down at suki its face nothing more than a collection of features inanimate and without care for aesthetics. Reaching down it places a huge hand around her neck lifting her bodily ... The seekers gather there tentacles thrashing the air in seeming excitement.

<Suki_Squid> Gathering my saliva I glance over at Cammy who has the look of rapture on her face. It they ate her mind or mere took control of it is unknown. In either case she is lost and of no help. Returning my attention to the muton as it grasps my neck and lifts me. I see the hot water tanks with the many different tentacles lashing and thrashing the air. I immediately flash back to the last encounter and cringe inside. The muton peels off my helmet and I immediately feel the mental assault. Caught in the vivid imagery of the sexual assault my mind can only grasp that. My uniform shredded I manage a last act of defiance and spit in the muton's face.

<Cammy_White_SF> As the grey begins to touch and fondle me, my thoughts are muddled, my will stripped away by the alien’s insidious control. All i can do is stand there, my body reacting to its touch, my mind succumbing to the greys guidance.

<Cammy_White_SF> The alien’s fingers trail down my neck, before dipping lower, skimming my breasts. My nipples harden, and my chest start heaving as the alien explored my body. Its touch feather-light, teasing, driving me deeper into a haze of arousal that clouded her senses.

<Cammy_White_SF> “Your body… so eager.” the grey whispers, its alien voice resounding in my skull… It’s large black eyes deepening in my mind...

<Cammy_White_SF> My knees weaken, and i find myself leaning into the alien’s touch, my hips start to rock subtly forward as if seeking more. The grey obliges, its fingers slipping lower, grazing the inside of my thighs. I start to moan softly, the sound low and guttural, involuntary but sensual.

 There intent it seems on enjoying the fruits of there victory or perhaps the stories of alien sexual interaction are all true ...who knows there alien thinking but there actions speak plainly enough . As the grey men 
Have no hesitation in taking full advantage ... Passing her back and forth as there arousal becomes more than evident in fact in becomes almost alarming as what passes for a penis becomes larger and larger an improbable size from its humble beginnings..

As sargent suki has her helmet ripped off there is a frenzy of tentacles with many of the seekers wrapping think moist appendages around her near naked body 
Coming at her from every angle they waste no time invading, squeezing and patently targeting erogenous zones.. as suki finds her vision blocked by the see off tentacles the last vision she has is Cammy being guided to her knees 

<Cammy_White_SF> A strangled whimper escapes my throat. My mind fights against the alien’s influence, flashes of Sergeant Suki’s stern gaze, her commanding presence, cutting through the fog. But it is of no use. The alien’s control is too strong, too complete. The final remnants of my resistance crumble, replaced by a raw, primal hunger.

<Cammy_White_SF> The alien’s fingers dip between my legs, finding me wet and ready. I let out an aroused cry as the alien strokes her with expert precision. Every movement sent waves of pleasure coursing through me, leaving me breathless, my limbs trembling with need.

<Cammy_White_SF> As the first alien steps forward, I spread my thighs as the alien positions itself between them. my breath hitches as i feel the tip of the alien’s member pressing against my entrance, the cold, smooth lizard-like tip brushing against my heated vagina. My body trembles, the alien pushes forward, slowly sinking into my tight, welcoming pussy.

<Cammy_White_SF> Then the second grey moves up next to me.. its still soft and thin, snakelike penis draping itself on my hot breasts… as if voluntary… I reach out and take him up in my mouth… licking and sucking his tip trying to get him hard…As his penis swells to a large size my mouth starts to drip with his alien pre-cum.. The size of his cock making me choke a little…

<Suki_Squid> My mind goes blank as the horror of the alien rape comes true once more. A tentacle wraps around my head my last vision is Cammy in the clutches of a a monster with at least a two foot long cock. My own pussy twinges as a tentacle invades it. Thickening up and stretching me both width and depth. Another tentacle invades my bum hole as I feel the full horror of the alien monster rape begin. My nipples are sucked by pod like ends on specialized tentacles. Alien slime coats my naked body and insides. The horror is complete as my body responds by becoming sexually aroused. Whether or not it is the grey ones infecting my mind or my body secretly craving a return of sexual molestation. The tentacle pressing against my cervix delivers a powerful electric shock and my body bucks and thrashes.
 Suki resists, struggling and thrashing but this is far worse than her encounter with just one there bodies seem to coalesce forming a fleshy wall from which there is no escape ...thick heavy probing fleshy ends push into her forcing there way in , pulsating and throbbing. 
More and more joining the frey . 

.... Cammy finds a huge alien cock forced into her mouth her mind told to enjoy it and want it and though she gags and chokes sputtering to breath her head bobs up and down taking an impressive amount . 
Soon the grey is joined by another who grabs her hips chittering to its cohort as it thrusts without care for her body driving into her ruthlessly using her body hard.
Spit roasted in a brutal fashion she still wears a small smile.
 Suki writhes in there grasp taking there plunging and pressing strokes she sees the muton standing back from the mass in its hand somthing that should be a reproductive organ but is simply too huge to warrant such a name thick and truly huge even the mutons hands look small holding it underslung as it is by massive purple sacks that each are bigger than a humans fist .

<Suki_Squid> A tentacle wrapped around my head with another shoved down my throat throbbing and pulsating as it pumps slime, semen, alien goo? The same is happening in my throbbing puss and ass. The tentacles throb and pulsate with the added addition of electric shocks to my womb. To say the alien sexual stimulation is intense is an understatement. My body thrashes and bucks while to my horror I fall into the most intense orgasm of my life. This is not happening yet it is. Will I crave this unwanted but now welcome sexual molestation in the future?

<Suki_Squid> I fear the answer is yes.

<Cammy_White_SF> Suddenly the grey between my legs retracts. Making place for the second alien. Leaving small pussy throbbing with a mix of pain and pleasure, stretched beyond anything i had ever experienced before. The sensation was overwhelming, but in the meantime the grey’s choking me, had grown to an impossible size...

<Cammy_White_SF> At that moment the aliens switch places.. The smaller grey.. placing it’s member in my mouth.. and shoving it down my throat.. forcing tears from my eyes..

<Cammy_White_SF> The second alien tilts its head, as it takes it’s turn between my legs. Its large black eyes locking onto mine. With that, it presses forward, its impossibly long member sliding into my tight folds. The alien’s size is unlike anything i have ever encountered, and even though my body was still adjusting from the first alien’s penetration, I can feel myself being stretched even further.

<Cammy_White_SF> But the grey doesn’t stop. It keeps pushing, inch by agonizing inch, until every part of its massive length was buried inside me. Bulging my stomach. My mind a complete aroused hot mess.. My vision blurs, tears stream down my cheeks as i try to process the overwhelming sensations coursing through my body. Her pussy clenched around the alien’s member, instinctively trying to accommodate the intrusion, by moving my hips.. I am already over my limit.

<Cammy_White_SF> I let out a Muffled aroused cry.. as I climax, while Gagging on another aliens cock…

Suki struggles but soon her movements become less resistant sheer stimulation driving her body to betray her mind as the thick heavy muscled tentacles drive against every sense she has forcing from her a deep and juddering orgasm
Her cries joined by Cammy who it seems has also had her limits exceeded... The tall thin Alien raises what we might assume is a hand but the folds of the robe hide it ...and the grey men cease there actions ... The rithing mass of tentacles suddenly becomes almost still though pulsing and sliding over her body ...

The tall alien reaches up pulling at the robe and it falls away revealing a mass of small angular bones and strange angular pieces of flesh horrified fascination suki watches as parts start to move ... Dropping away from its body and moving on there own .. heading to Cammy who is on her ass now trembling with after shocks and though her face is placid tears run down her cheeks...
 seems whatever this is its intent on her:

As it skitters across the floor toward her...

 Divested of whatever this is, the Alien regards suki making a gesture that causes the seekers to pull her limbs apart.. it seems suki too will not escape this new horror 

<Suki_Squid> If I thought this could not get any worse I was fooled. What has gone on so far the genitals or what passes for genitals were at least humanoid. Even though they were of grotesque size as if designed to cause pain rather than pleasure. But this new head alien is of such a total foreign construction as if to defy the laws of nature. The thing between its legs such a horror it makes the mind go blank. Every orifice stretched to the point of tearing and throbbing in pain as the thing slithers like it had life of its own aimed at my stretched gaping vagina. I scream as it enters like little slashing tendrils with a hard outer shell exuding a fluid that burns especially on the tender membranes of my inner walls.

<Cammy_White_SF> I’m laying spread-eagled on the cold, metallic floor of the hangar bay, my body still tingling from the alien's assault. The gray have retreated. But the ordeal is not over.. Before I can gather my thoughts, I hear a faint skittering sound, like claws scraping against metal. As they escape the elder’s robe i see them... Smaller aliens, angular and grotesque, slithering into view. They look like worms, their bodies segmented and glistening with some unknown fluid.

<Cammy_White_SF> The first of the creatures reaches me, its slimy body sliding across my skin with a chill that sent shivers down my spine. I gasp.. as the creature finds its mark. Its cold, damp form pressed against my vagina, and then, with a sudden slither, it disappears inside of me. Soon the worms little friend follows suit.. and a second worm slips inside me.. then another… and another….

<Cammy_White_SF> Soon other skittering worms find different targets… One by one, they latch onto my chest, their sharp, angular mouths sucking and nipping at my teats. The sensation is electric, each pull sending jolts of ecstasy straight to my core.

<Cammy_White_SF> Another worm approaches, its narrow body weaving through the others until it reaches my face. The alien wastes no time, slipping past my lips and into my mouth. Its texture foreign, smooth yet filthy, its movements unrelenting. I gag initially, my throat tightening as the alien pushes in deeper deeper. But soon, my body adjusts, my instincts taking over as i begin to suck and swallow in more and more worms…

<Cammy_White_SF> After a while my body is covered in worms… And I am helpless to their assault… their wet bodies crawling over and inside of me… dominating my womb.. my breasts and my mind…

<Cammy_White_SF> Once again I let out aroused gaps and climax.... muffled by the amount of worms in my mouth…

Bosco was in a marvelous mood and after giving the pilot some advice on how signs can be folded up but leave sharp corners when inserted rectally. He enjoyed a well earned cigar... His first signal back to home one did not get a reply it was 4 am and his good mood shrugged it off but as his second hail along with ETA also met no reply his brow began to crease..

The mission had been a crushing victory. Not only had ADVENT and there xeno masters been handed a royal ass kicking but there propaganda machine had backfired in the most spectacular way live feeds streaming around the world of the Aliens striking out at civilians and all pretense of a ' we come in peace 'initiative were a smoking hole.

<Suki_Squid> The only glimmer of hope in this protracted alien sexual molestation is perhaps the main force will be victorious and return. But they must some how be warned which is impossible unless some techno geeks and engineers are still live. When Bosco and company see the destroyed blast doors they should have a clue. Even as the boss alien rapes me and Cammy I think of at least trying to take it down.

Bosco tamped out his cigar unable to enjoy it as a bad feel crept over him his suspicions confirmed as the ship came over the horizon in the first few glimmers of a new days sunlight . His vision greeted by a column of smoke thick and black coming from the open wound of hanger bay one...

 " muther fuckers... " He growled " ok you monkeys ,were not done yet...we have uninvited guests.. mount up , we are loaded for ass kicking and These zeno scum are gonna take it all the way up to my knee " ...the men and women roar there approval slapping magazines into weapons , priming chambers and loading up from the racks on the wall " DO NOT SPARE THE AMMUNITION... from here on out somthing tells me money will no longer be an issue..."

Landing outside the compound , the squads start to work there way in , a well oiled machine in perfect synchronisation. At first there is nothing except huge piles of mix and match zeno body parts and a few looks are cast between the troops at the sheer scale of carnage.

But noises ahead show that its not over... In the office space the last of the staff have made there stand ... Bodies lay on the floor both human and alien ... Ammunition is almost all gone and the few other weapons lay used up or broken... Pail faced and huddling together they fire off the last few rounds hoping to keep the aliens from the door....

" ok move out .. maximum effort people . " Taking the lead Bosco is almost caught off guard as an alien lunges at him from some crates but experience and sheer fuck you attitude keeps him alive as he blasts it down its open maw .

<Nathan_gingerbread> The troops advance leaving nothing in there wake. Blasting, lasering and plasma grenade blasting anything that twitches,slithers , walks or moves ...

 Inside the room the aliens are suddenly in consternation.. the seekers and mutons obviously being sent to meet the threat but the three remaining grey men and the tall alien are not going with them .

 The thing that crawled from the tall alien squeals and skitters back to climb back on the tall aliens body as it closes the robe covering up... One of the grey men is Shepherding Cammy toward the rear doorway .

<Cammy_White_SF> Inside the base, energy blasts streak through the air, sizzling against metal walls and detonating with concussive force. Grenades explode in brilliant flashes, sending shards of debris flying in all directions. Mutons roar, their guttural cries mingling with the crackle of plasma rifles and the sharp retorts of conventional weapons. The air is thick with smoke and the acrid stench of death.

<Cammy_White_SF> Completely unaware of the events in the base, amidst all this carnage, I remain in place, lying on my back on the floor. My body moved by impulses I cannot control. The sight is obscene, as i am covered in worms. My once lithe stomach now bloated, the skin of my belly stretched tight over mounds of writhing, pulsating worms embedded in my womb. Dozens of them, maybe more squirm within me and around me. their slimy bodies seeking warmth and comfort As i lovingly try to accommodate them… Aroused out of my mind.. oblivious to my surroundings..

<Cammy_White_SF> Then.. with great care, almost lovingly I am helped up by the greys who attacked me…And. With my arms wrapped around my swollen belly as if cradling some precious gift. I am helped out of the hangar bay by the greys…

<Suki_Squid> Suddenly my aching vagina is empty except for the alien slime, goo or jizz leaking out. Two mutons and the tall leader remain. Keeping my mind a blank as best I can and grabbing for a jagged piece of pipe. The alien's attention focused on the hanger deck with the sounds of blaster fire is lessening. Then to toss it at the alien's body hoping to pin him, her, it for Bosco and company.

 Distracted and gesturing for the lower aliens to join the fight , suki sees her chance and summons her strength throwing the pipe like a javelin from her seated position .. it pierces the robe where a human would have a belly and the alien screams in a warbling high pitched way clutching at the pipe as green blood trickles down the outside staining the red robe ... The grey men seem to panic ignoring suki and the remaining two take positions either side half walking half carrying him out ...

 Cammy and her keeper have gotten to the environment room where clem fandango's body lays still and cold. Ushering her through the grey looks back as the sound of gunfire seems to get closer and closer ... Stepping through the door he follows Cammy as they make there exit.

<Suki_Squid> No the alien scum is escaping! This cannot be. It must die. I crawl after the retreating vermin leaking alien jizz from my stretched vagina ans anus as they retreat. The environment room why would they go there? We had a traitor who turned off the flames and let them in. Crawling to the controls to hit the flame on button as the door shuts behind them. I am coated in slime and even throwing up some of the bitter liquids. A niggling thought forms as I look down at my protruding tummy. Perhaps it is the sexual stimulation or is it I am some how bearing alien spawn! I hear the flames come on with a roar.

 The scream is keening and you hear scratching then thuds at the heavy metal door... Quickly these diminish as the burners set too in there purpose incinerating anything and everything ....  

 Heavy gunfire outside the offices falls suddenly silent. " stand down ... Xcom forces ..." The few remaining support staff cheer hearing a human voice and in there relief as they hug and celebrate simply happy to still be alive . ...

 Bosco and two heavily armed troopers enter the environmental control room ... " Well holy shit , sargent suki , what the fucknuggets happened to my nice shiny base " but as suki turns to face him he takes in her state and his face softens .. " suki .. you did a hell of a job "

<Suki_Squid> I fall over on my back my belly grossly swollen. I look down in horror and disbelief as I start having cramps. This cannot be I think it feels like labor pains. A sudden contraction and a round object the size of a grape fruit pops out. Dark in color like an egg plant and coated with slime. Another pops out and rolls to the boots of Bosco as I look up, shock and horror on my face. Another and another until seven of the pulsing things lay there.

<Suki_Squid> "i tried Commander, but too many died. I don't know how many support staff. They got away with Cammy! The look of shock and horror on their faces is quite evident.

 In the woods the last grey hurries to escape with Cammy following behind like a child being taken for a walk careless of where she goes or why ... The space ship is waiting large and silver its body a five sided flat shape pressed currently into the earth .. big enough for all the aliens but now it echo's as a skelton crew begin lifting off as soon as the grey and Cammy are inside... As it rises into the sky it will no doubt show up on radar but its trajectory is straight up . .. sitting now in stange scooped chairs the Alien passes its fingers through Cammies hair intent still upon her as the ship rises and begins its journey through space 
It enjoys again her body 
Indeed the future for Cammy is bleak kept a prisoner of her mind and used in awful ways by any and all . Forever willing forever wanting and yearning to please her new grey masters.

One of the troopers makes a retching sound covering his mouth as bosco stares slack jawed... A moment passes while peoples brains wrestle with the reality ... " Med team, detox team to the environment control room " bosco's normal voice crushed down to a whisper. Shaking his head he gets a grip of himself .." Sorry suki but until we know more your under guard ... You two ... You dont leave her side , i want these.. " poking the pulsing objects with his booted toe " Get these in haz mat i want full containment .. " his voice rising as he tries to marshall order by sheer force of will. " For the love of god someone get me a coffee"

<Published> 2024-12-15, viewed 74 times.



Mrs Dei Squid

2024-12-15 16:59

Great story loved it

Suki Sweet wife of Dei

2024-12-15 17:00

(In reply to this)

Thanks lover it was a long one.

Nathan gingerbread

2024-12-15 16:33

👽 we shall come for you suki ...

Suki Sweet wife of Dei

2024-12-15 16:35

(In reply to this)

I have taken all you can throw at me alien scum and will drink the ichor of many more!

Suki Sweet wife of Dei

2024-12-15 16:31

The alien scum have struck again. Cammy where ever you are X-com is coming we never leave a trooper behind.

Nathan gingerbread

2024-12-15 18:33

(In reply to this)

👽🛸 she belongs with us now....

Suki Sweet wife of Dei

2024-12-15 19:50

(In reply to this)

What a fate, sex toy for alien life forms!