Beauties VS Beasts

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Established: 2021-07-22
Chat room: #BVB

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Chat about girls fighting monsters. Share pics. No limits
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A Tale of Knights and Dragons

09:55 <Verceera_Blackheart> hehehe, your a very cute knight~

09:59 <Alice_the_Knight> Hey thanks! You're a very cute... Dragodemon?

10:01 <Verceera_Blackheart> Hehehe, that i am~ *as you notice my eyes glowing softly as go into my more...human form*
10:01 <Verceera_Blackheart>

10:09 <Verceera_Blackheart> But, what brings you to my dungeon brave knight?

10:10 <Alice_the_Knight> I heard a rumor of a dangerous beast in these parts, so figured it was my duty to find it and end it's reign of terror! You haven't seen one around here by chance, have you?

10:13 <Verceera_Blackheart> A dangerous beast? I think to myself.. as I tilt my head curiously.. "I have not brave knight, I'm the only creature residing in these parts.." as you see my looking over at you.. "Such chivalry.." I whisper

10:18 <Alice_the_Knight> Really? Huh... they said it was a powerful and mighty monster that only a great warrior could even hope to best. I mean... you don't really look that part but I guess I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't ask: Have you been terrorizing the nearby villages?

10:20 <Verceera_Blackheart> My eyes narrowing slightly at the mention of the villages.. "Mhmmmm, terrorizing is an exaggerating.. for they have trespassed in my domain, and try and take my stuff!"

10:22 <Alice_the_Knight> Ah. So you ARE the beastly monster that terrorizes villages! *I puff my chest up and try to look intimidating.* Then, uh.. by the authority of the Adventurer's Guild, you are hereby banished from the land! Leave now peacefully or you'll have to face me.

10:25 <Verceera_Blackheart> "Wh---i don't recognize the authority of the Guild! and you are trespassing on my lands! so i.. Verceera Blackheart deny your request! and I ask of you to leave my lands, or become a part of my troves of treasure!" as you see me slowly morphing into my half dragon demon form..
10:25 <Verceera_Blackheart>

10:32 <Alice_the_Knight> "I'm afraid you're confused, monster! I'm here to save the villages, and I won't leave until you're vanquished! " I put as much confidence into my voice as I can watching you transform. "Your misbegotten treasure is forfeit and now belongs to the Adventurers's Guild." I unsheathe my sword, my skimpy armor jangling slightly as I draw it and spread my legs wide in a fighting stance to start circling you with shield and sword in front of me.

10:36 <Verceera_Blackheart> "You wish to fight then?! very well, i thought of you as chivalrous but, your nothing but a fool!" I growl as I see you unsheathe your sword.. "You mortals, always trying to take more, and more from me! but no longer, I'll be sure to send your body as a message to those who cross me!" I growl, as you notice me watching you, as I slam my tail down, my muscles tensing.. as you notice a sword of my own on my hip, and I draw it from it's scabbard!

10:42 <Alice_the_Knight> I can't help but startle a bit as you slam your tail into the ground, sending a small tremor through the ground. My heart pounding in excitement and fear, I do my best to keep a calm and confident demeanor. "I'll slay you and save the lands from your terror!" I shout as I leap forward, my lean tummy and long thighs flexing as I throw my sword arm forward, thrusting my sword directly towards your stomach.

10:46 <Verceera_Blackheart> "The only thing that will be slain is you fool!" I growl back and I see you leaping forward! you thrust your sword towards my stomach! but you notice I I slash my sword downward, as I try and parry your sword to the ground! and if successful I would follow up with a tail strike towards your lean stomach!

10:52 <Alice_the_Knight> My muscles tense and my eyes widen as your sword swings down and deflects mine, throwing off my balance and causing me to over extend. "Oh shit-" Your tail swings towards my tummy and slams into my bare, unprotected abs, knocking the wind out of me. "Ooof!" I cough out as I stumble backwards, the blow hitting so hard it causes my thighs and barely covered breasts to jiggle from the impact. I can already feel a bruise forming where your powerful blow struck, my breaths heavy and ragged. "Ow... my tummy..." I moan out, barely managing to stay on my feet. "You'll pay for that beast!" I charge at you, my high heeled boots making my movement more awkward than it should be, then I twist my body throwing a wild horizontal slash towards your head.

10:56 <Verceera_Blackheart> "Your balance is off you fool!" I call out as I see your beautiful body jiggle as you rush towards me again! and soon you throw a horizontal slash towards my head! but you notice, I move to the left as it misses me! and soon I switch my blade to the side as I try and use the blunt edge and I try and swiftly bring it down onto your Hands, hoping i can knock the blade from your over extended grip! and I attempt to trip you with my tail!

11:04 <Alice_the_Knight> My eyes widen as you move faster than I anticipated, your tail tripping up my ankle as your blade slaps against my outstretched wrist. My grip fumbles, dropping the sword to the ground, and my leg gives way as I topple forward. I hit the hard floor chest first, the impact painfully smashing my breastplate into the soft flesh it's supposed to protect. "Ow fuck, my tits..." I moan out as I instinctively pull my knees in beneath me, raising my ass up into the air with my face resting on the ground. Some strange, twisted part of my body awakens at the situation, and I can feel an unwanted warmth starting between my legs as the hand that was holding my sword, now clutches and massages at my breasts beneath me.

11:11 <Verceera_Blackheart> I see you landing into the ground, and as I turn around my eyes look at your sexy ass... my breath hitches at the beautiful sight.. i try and shake my head of such thoughts, but the way your bent over something I can't handle.. "You---You---" I stutter, as I step closer, as your defenseless right now as I hear your moan.. a unwelcome warmth goes to my chest, and... i blush as I slowly bring my hand over your ass, as I then give it a quick spank! and you then feel my right hand going to your ponytail as I grip it and pull your head back, as my teeth go towards your neck for a love bite!

11:20 <Alice_the_Knight> My breathing is heavy as I try to push myself up onto all fours when I feel your swat land on my exposed, upturned ass. "Ow!" I yelp out in surprise, but my moans take a deeper, sensual tone as you grab my hair and yank, pulling my back up into an arch. "S-stop that!" mewl out weakly as your sharp teeth nibble on my soft neck, my pussy growing warm and damp in spite of myself. I try and crawl away from you, my hands scraping the ground and knees shaking in confused pleasure, but it only arcs my back further as you hold me in place by my hair. "Let-- let me go.... or... or else!"

11:25 <Verceera_Blackheart> "Or---Or else what?" I whisper..against your ear, and...and I enjoy hearing your moans, as more confusing lust takes over, i continue to nibble on your neck playfully at first as my right hand continues to tug at your soft hair as you feel my breasts pressing into your back.. as you feel my left hand going towards your inner thigh... as my dragon blood roars in possessiveness as my tail wraps around your waist..

11:29 <Alice_the_Knight> My mind spins trying to comprehend how things got to this point. I can feel the heat radiating off of your body as it presses against my bare ass and back, your teeth nibbling on my sensitive neck and making me mewl and writhe in your grip, my pussy getting wet and hot as you torment me. "Or else...I'll.. ahn! I'll... kill you..." My words come out weak and unconvincing, my heart racing as your tail wraps around my lithe tummy and your fingers slide between my now slick and quivering thighs. My fingers claw against the stone floor, trying to resist you, even as the rest of my body wants to give in.

11:34 <Verceera_Blackheart> "I....i don't think you will..." I whisper as I feel your slick folds against my fingers, and your unconvincing tone in your voice makes me doubt you would... but my mind reels to how we got into this position, as I... i possessively hold you, like one of my treasures... my skin heating up, as I hear your mewl and that drives me further, as my fingers slowly push into your waiting pussy, and you feel my groin slowly grind against your ass... my tongue flicks against your neck as I suck and lick the spot I bit, wanting to leave a mark as I try and make this noble knight into pleasurable puddy!

11:42 <Alice_the_Knight> I moan in humiliated ecstasy as your fingers sink into my pussy, my body shuddering in pleasure, unable to fight back as you claim me as one of your treasures. "Mmmn, fuck... I...I'll kill... ahhh... kill you... beast..." My words barely make it past my lips, my breath too hot and heavy as your tongue licks my neck. I reach out one arm desperately towards my sword, knowing full well I can't reach it but needing to try anyway. "Ffff.. I...I'm a Knight... of... hnnnggg, of the Guild...! Not some... monster's slut!"

11:47 <Verceera_Blackheart> "You----You can try and kill me,''ll always be my chivalrous whore!" I growl in dominance, as I add a 3rd finger inside you, as you feel my fingers pushing harder and deeper against your walls as your juices make it easier and easier to slide inside your pussy.. i enjoy hearing your mewls and the way I tarnish your pride makes me shiver in ecstasy, as I have this honorable knight in a mess of pleasure... "And i---I'm not just some mindless beast! I am a proud demonic dragon! and if you mortals can't understand basic etiquette ill...I'll just have to torture you until they realize it!" I growl as I pull your hair back a bit more, and feel my lips on yours for a lustfilled kiss!

11:53 <Alice_the_Knight> I moan in pleasure and agony as your three thick fingers slide in and out of my tight cunt. I squirm and moan as you call me a whore, my hips bucking against your fingers and tail as my legs quiver and shake, my mind and body torn between pleasure and pain, desire and hatred. "You'll pay for... for... ahhhnn, fffuck, I'll... kill... mmmgh..." My desperately reaching hand fails to find my sword, but it does find a rock. Just as your lips invade mine, stealing more of my breath than I'd like to admit, I make my move and swing the rock awkwardly towards your head!

11:56 <Verceera_Blackheart> My focus was to have you fully, and the way you squirm on my fingers makes me want to go faster, your soft lips are like poison as i try and invade your mouth, but I can feel the hatred, desire, pleasure rolling through you! but as i was about too deepen the kiss, I feel something strike my head! as I moan in pain! as I feel the blunt object hitting me! as my grip loosens, as I feel the world spinning! my fingers stopping in your pussy as I slide behind you and off to the side as I groan in discomfort!

12:04 <Alice_the_Knight> "Gotcha!" I shout triumphantly, though it sounds more like a whimper than I'd care to admit. As your grip loosens and your weight falls off of me, I'm finally free! I push myself off the ground and crawl desperately on hands and knees towards my sword whilst you're stunned. As my panicked crawl brings me close enough, I grab the sword and whip around sending my chest jiggling. My face is a mix of despair, fury, and unwanted arousal as I rise to my knees and crawl back towards you, weapon in hand. "Once you're slain no one will know what happened here!"

12:08 <Verceera_Blackheart> "Nghhh, noooo! get---get away from me!" I moan as you crawl closer, as my eyes look into yours... as I see your despair, fury, and arousal mixed in... My fingers holding my head, as I puff my chest out.. "St--Stay back!" as you notice a small scorch of flame leaving my mouth! as I try and stall your advance as I try and have it land in front of you!

12:11 <Alice_the_Knight> My heart pounds and I pant with lust, rage and fear, as you threaten me. I want to end this quickly so that I can be rid of these unwanted feelings you've forced me to experience, so that no one can learn my shame. I step forward, sword ready to strike you down when your fire breath shoots out of your mouth... "Ahhh!" I yelp out as the fire lands on the floor in front of me, the unnatural heat washing over my almost nude body as I cover my eyes and turn away instinctively.

12:17 <Verceera_Blackheart> I manage to keep you away, as you turn away from my flames! and i...i try and crawl towards my sword, as I turn away from you... my head still pounding from your attack, as I slowly crawl towards it! "Nghhh, ill---ill kill you!" I growl lustfully, as my need to finish you in more ways then one takes over as my fingers grip my sword! and I slowly get to my knees as I turn and face you with a lustfilled gaze!

12:20 <Alice_the_Knight> I blink as your fiery blast clears away, my body trembling with adrenaline and arousal as I turn around and face you. "This ends here, monster!" I shout as I rise to my feet and run at you once more, sword held high over my head with both arms. I close the distance in a reckless charge as you rise to your knees, both our bodies heaving with exertion and with lust... and I leap in the air, swinging my blade in a wild overhead arc straight down towards you, my tits jiggling and lean abs flexing tightly as I throw my entire body into this wild chop. "HIYAAA!!!"

12:25 <Verceera_Blackheart> I see you leaping up into the air, and I see your blade gleaming in the light, and soon you send a wild chop downwards! as your breasts jiggle! and soon you hear a clang! as our blades meet! and you notice I'm holding my blade above me, as my arms tremble.... "E--Enough!" I growl! but my arms start to give as i feel myself getting pushed back!

12:30 <Alice_the_Knight> "N-Not enough, beast! Not until I slay you!!" I shout back at you, though the way my legs are quivering from my own arousal makes it difficult to be truly intimidating. Our blades lock, our bodies pressed against each other in a deadlock of strength. Standing over your kneeling form, I keep my two handed grip and lift my blade before swinging it down again... and again. Hacking and chopping at you from above with wild abandon born from panic and indignation. I've forgotten all my training, all my technique, and stand legs spread widein front of you as I hack at your blocking sword like I'm splitting wood. The sweat covering my shivering body glimmers, and mixes with more shameful fluids down my thighs as continue my clumsy assault.

12:34 <Verceera_Blackheart> "You---You won't slay me! not---not with this shameful display!" I growl as you chop your sword down like an axe! as I can feel you panicking deep down, and I notice your shameful fluids drip down your thighs! I look at you with lust, desire, and hatred, as my tail works towards me, and soon I lash it out as i try and hit you in between the legs! as I try and parry your blade to the side! as I try and low blow your wet pussy!

12:38 <Alice_the_Knight> I barely pay any attention to what you say, too caught up in the frenzy of my attack to think properly, my pussy drooling from my arousal as my attacks become more and more frantic. My blade swings down... and is bounced to the side, leaving me leaning awkwardly forward, my chest dangling beneath me. But before I can even recover.... -THWACK- !! Your tail slaps directly into my bare cunt, my thong offering me no protection from the hard, painful spank to my wet pussy. "AAaaanngh!!!" I moan out in shock and agony, the impact sending a painful shudder up through my core. I drop my sword and clutch my battered mound with both hands as my eyes cross. " pussy... fuck...." I moan out in agony and ecstasy as the impact sends a wave of pain through my lower body as I'm leaned forward over you, my arms now trapping my breasts and squeezing them together as I try to soothe my punished slit.

12:42 <Verceera_Blackheart> I feel you leaning over me, and your beautiful breasts are right in front of me, my mind racing as i feel your shameful juices on my tail, as I bring it away, you drop your I think if I should punish you more! and I growl in lust as I decide to drop my sword, and I wrap my arms around you... and you feel me trying to lift you up, and attempt to power bomb you into the ground!

12:46 <Alice_the_Knight> I feel your arms encircle my body, my eyes still wide as your hands grip my ass. I can only blink and look at you as you wrap your arms around me and try to pull me in close. I can feel the warmth of your breath on my breasts as you grab and heave... then lift me off my feet and into the air. "Uuugggh..." My mind is still reeling from your tail smacking against my pussy and I can't even resist as you lift me up. I just barely get my eyes to stop rolling around when with a loud THUMP! my back crashes down into the ground. The impact ripples through me, my thighs and chest jiggling as my long lean tummy and back spasm in pain. "Oof!!!" I moan out. I lay on my back helplessly dazed as the world spins around me.

12:49 <Verceera_Blackheart> "Gi---Give?!" I growl above you, as i look down at your dazed face, as my hands go up and pin yours down to the ground!... and you feel my tail slowly rubbing your inner thigh, as I glare down at you... as you notice my gaze is filled with fury she lust as i have you trapped underneath me!

12:52 <Alice_the_Knight> "Hhhhaaaah...." I moan weakly as you pin my arms down. I writhe and wiggle beneath you as I feel your tail menacing my soft inner thigh. My hips and legs squirm, trying to pull away. I'm helpless and pinned beneath you, and my traitorous cunt only responds with a warm and wet desire for more punishment that drips from between my thighs. I pant and moan beneath you as your lustful gaze pierces into me, my will to fight you competing with desire for something else... "I-I'll never surrender."

12:57 <Verceera_Blackheart> "Why---why must you be a fool, your beaten!" I growl as I look deeply into your eyes.. "those mortals don't deserve your protection, they are menaces!" I growl in anger, as you feel my tail tap against your pussy again, as I bring my lips to your neck as my serpentine tongue licks over it... as I look at you with desire

13:01 <Alice_the_Knight> "...hhaaa...ahhhn!" I pant out as you lick and nip my neck. "They are... my duty... my responsibility to protect from beasts like you." I try to argue, but it sounds more like an excuse as my body responds to your tail tapping at my pussy lips with more shameful juices leaking out. My pussy spasms with each tap, seemingly confused if it want's them to stop, or wants them to hit harder. "My chivalric code does not allow surrender, no matter the odds."

13:03 <Verceera_Blackheart> "That's code, will be your demise..." I whisper as my tail starts to tap a bit harder, as my teeth dig into your neck once more! as my tail wants to have you, as it taps harder and harder! and you feel my fingers digging into your hands!

13:07 <Alice_the_Knight> "I will.... never surrender. Never. No matter what... I will... protect... them..." My voice grows weaker as your teeth nibble and bite at my neck. I writhe beneath you, my skin glistening slightly as I pant and sweat in arousal. My hips quivering as your tail spanks and abuses my dripping pussy. I squirm as your fingers dig into my palms and your tail pounds into my pussy. My eyes unfocus as I feel the pleasure building and building as your assault becomes faster and harder, the spanks to my cunt coming quicker and more powerful. I try to hold out... try to resist... but I can feel the pleasure growing and growing, the pain from your tail and your teeth on my neck driving me to horrible ecstasy... "I'd.. mmm.. rather... hngh.. die." My body starts to tense up, every muscle clenching in preparation for climax a I fight against it with everything I can muster.

13:10 <Verceera_Blackheart> "Well death will not come, until I have had my fill of my knightly slut~" I purr as you feel the tip of my tail start to tease your pussy, and with a quick motion the tail whips through your pussy! as it plunges in and out of you with hard thrusts! and soon my teeth slowly tear at your throat as i try and dig into your soft flesh!

13:18 <Alice_the_Knight> "Aaah, hnnngh!" I can't even respond to your threat as your tail violates my pussy. I cry out in ecstasy, the pain from your teeth mixing with the rough, pounding thrusts from your tail as it penetrates me, violating and claiming my poor pussy. I squirm and struggle, trying to free my hands or push away from you but you're so much stronger than me... And as I wriggle in pleasure and agony beneath you... your teeth sink into my throat. I gasp and moan, feeling a strange sense of pleasure and fear at the danger, and at knowing there's nothing I could do to stop you. Your sharp, deadly teeth easily dominate the soft warm flesh of my delicate neck and... It's all too much for me, your tail thrusting and slamming into my poor cunt despite being way too big, your fingers holding my arms helpless, your teeth sinking into my throat signaling my inevitable and ultimate defeat... it's too much and I feel the orgasm crashing over me like a tidal wave. I cum hard around your tail, squirting my juices all over your as my body tenses up, then shudders in pure bliss, my back arching and toes curling as my head lolls back, eyes rolled up and tongue hanging from my mouth. "Aaahhaaa..." I'm barely conscious as waves after wave washes over and through me, my body spasming and flailing but other wise limp and only held up by your piercing fangs holding me in place. My legs kick and flail as my high heeled sabatons try to find purchase, but slip and slide uselessly.

13:24 <Verceera_Blackheart> I growl in satisfaction as I feel your beautiful body starting to cum! My teeth gently tearing at that soft flesh as i faintly can taste the iron on my tongue, and I feel you lying limply, as I hold you up by the throat.. but to your surprise, I don't go for the kill.. as I release your throat.. and I turn towards our swords~ "Such a beautiful knight, but it's a shame that you choose this path.." as you feel my claws moving off your hands and towards your throat as my tail claims your beaten pussy...

13:31 <Alice_the_Knight> "Mhhaaaa, haahhhh, ffffuck, ngggggh..." My body is shuddering as I ride out my orgasm beneath you. My body twitches and writhes as I moan and mewl. My pussy clenches down on your invading tail as your fangs pull away, leaving their mark of ownership and defeat. I collapse limply, my arms not even moving when you release them, as if they subconsciously accept my position. Your tail continues to abuse and plunder my pussy even after my orgasm has faded, keeping me on edge as it forcefully pumps and pounds my defeated slit, forcing me to keep moaning in agonizing pleasure and pain even as my exhausted body tries to fight it. "Mmmnh, my pussy... my pussy's so... sore..." I moan out as your tail keeps pounding in and out, your claws gripping my neck and holding my in place. "I can't take anymore..."

13:47 <Verceera_Blackheart> "Then give up, submit to me~" I growl as my tail doesn't slow... as I want to abuse you.. "submit, and be my pet..." I purr as my fingers slowly squeeze your throat as i squeeze your gullet... my eyes shining in victory... "if not, ill make you my slave..." I purr viciously

13:54 <Alice_the_Knight> "Mmnf! Hrrk, ugh..." I can barely moan and mewl out weak, pleasure filled gasps as your fingers tighten around my throat. Your claws squeeze my throat closed, blocking my air as my body is held still for your tail's onslaught. I'm dizzy and my eyes roll around aimlessly as my pussy is used and abused mercilessly by your tail. My hips weakly buck up to meet your thrusts as my body surrenders even if my mind tries not to. I don't want to submit, but it feels so good... I can't breathe... I'm losing my mind... I can only lay and take it, my hips bucking into your thrusts as I spasm weakly. My pussy is raw and sore from the rough fucking but my mind has no resistance left, I can only take it... and cum again as my eyes cross. "mmmgffgg". Instead of the violent flailing of the first, this climax is a weak spasm as my muscles lack the strength for anything more than a pathetic display. Combined with the lack of oxygen, my eyes finally roll back into my head, and my tongue flops out wetly across my chin as you forced-cum KO me on the floor like a pathetic, slutty, fucktoy.

13:58 <Verceera_Blackheart> I see your beautiful eyes closing, as you just take my tail like the whore you are! you pass out and are now at my complete mercy, as my tail drips on your juices... "I seem to have broken you my slutty knight, but no matter...I'll break you all over again once you awaken... because your my newest treasure.." I purr as my fingers let go of your throat.... i smirk at the pathetic display, as my tail leaves your beaten pussy... and soon I grip your soft legs as i slowly start to drag you home, to add you to the treasure trove.

<Published> 2025-03-02, viewed 40 times.



Biff the Bruiser

6 days ago

So who is the BEAST In this match?