Beauties VS Beasts
Established: 2021-07-22
Chat room: #BVB
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Chat about girls fighting monsters. Share pics. No limits
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19:33 <Alice_the_Knight> 

20:16 <Axl_Greymane>
19:41 <Alice_the_Knight> "Enough words from you, bastard! Draw your blade and make peace with whatever one as low as you would call a god." I step back, drawing my sword and raising my shield, spreading my legs shoulder width and lowering my weight. "I'll not stand for more insults, and I'll certainly not stand for letting the good people here suffer under your violent group of ill bred brigands harassing them!"
19:48 <Axl_Greymane> I force a toothy grin, with sinister intent. Quickly I'd kick over the long table with one paw sending it spiraling down right in front of you.... Stepping up I'd crack my shoulder as my whiskers twitch and bristle, I reach for the Axe right next to my hair, just a lengthy one handed Axe..... Staring down I take note of your sword, Swords beat Axe's if she was actually a skilled swordsman I would be in trouble, but the red headed bitch looks a little green behind the ears! "You'll regret interrupting my diner!" My fellow bandits gather around the captured wall, pressing themselves mostly to the walls, while a few sat by the rafters watching idly by as their 'lord' takes initiative! I'd come charging at ya with a front forward kick to your shield, my Axe then coming towards diagonally at your side trying to cleave ya in two...
19:59 <Alice_the_Knight> My eyes narrow as you stand up, drawing my shield closer to my body as you kick the table at me. "So be it then, bastard. I'll not hesitate to end you." I taunt at you as you grab your axe. I step forward, aptly shifting my blade to parry your axe swing... only to be caught off balance by your sudden, swift kick to my shield. "Oof!" The sudden force of the blow pushes me back as my shield slams into me, the top lip crushing into my breasts painfully as my parrying arm is jostled out of position. "Nggh..." Your axe is soon after, the brutal swing of your blade crashing towards me almost faster than I can respond. Luckily for me, your kick knocked me just far enough back the the head only bites into the leather strap holding my breastplate on that side. My eyes widen as fear starts to fill them, the strap tearing apart as your axe cuts through the weak armor, leaving my breastplate barely hanging from my chest with the opposite shoulder strap. "Ok... you're fast... but that won't save you, beast!" I cry out with as much fake confidence I can muster, then lunge forward at you, extending my blade in a hard thrust aimed at your belly.
20:12 <Axl_Greymane> Faster was understandable, longer legs and lighter armor..... Barely clothed he was vulnerably to a solid hit or thrust for sure, but scratches probably wouldn't slow me down much at all. Ny tail would wag as I noticed I 'pinched' a nerve sending her thing steel plate to be half off, kinda just dangling "Contain yourself, there will be plenty of undressing later!" My regal Axe lifting with one hand flexing his biceps, My golden hair spreading out over my ripped chest, the entire back of humans and few beastmen would be chanting, hollering, hooting, staring! No doubt causing Alice to shy a way a little, maybe turtle up.... Make her just an easier target, another can to carve through! Charging into her tho, my eye's would shoot open as she charged at him with a stiff thrust right for his chest.... Sidesteppin' she would barely miss as all she was able to do is pierce off maybe a few pieces of fluff. Lookin' down at My chest gritting my teeth "stupid BITCH!" Coming right back towards her, aiming for her weapon this time I would bat it aside.... Reaching for her soft sides instead..... placing her in a humiliating bearhug, those taught pecs of mine going right into those hard steel plates, as my arms and claws dig into her back!!! "RARRRGGGGHHH" Lets hope her armor stays firm, hopefully just doesn't just pop off!
20:23 <Alice_the_Knight> My blade misses you and I curse myself for letting myself get flustered. "Savage beasts..." I hiss out under my breath. I backstep quickly to try and put space between us... but you're already on me. I swing my sword towards you again but you bat it aside easily and your massive arms encircle me, pulling me in. "Nghh, you brute... let go!" I squirm in your grip, struggling to escape... but your hug tightens. Your thick arms dig painfully into the small of my back as your bulging, muscular chest presses into mine, my armor creaking from the strain as it presses painfully into my tits and stomach, squeezing the breath out of me. My tits are pushed upward, straining the thin leather strap still keeping my breastplate in place at the same time you claw at it from behind my back. My legs squirm, then kick, then flail wildly, as my sword slips from my rapidly weakening grip. "Grrk... haakkk...." I wheeze out as you crush me in your grasp. The strap finally -POPS- off and sends it's tiny buckle flying a couple feet, leaving your powerful body pulling me into you as the only thing keeping my chestplate in place.
20:31 <Axl_Greymane> It would be minutes as I have you in my debilitating hold..... I loosen up as I realize you are an especially weak specimen of an adventure, no strong, or fast, definitely not clever.... Just weeny and frail. I toy with ya, enjoying are bodies press together as I snort, blushing as my face panes away. A tent forming as my covered groin shoots out between your soft legs, only managing to get harder as your armored leg caps kick and flail. As your sword falls I drop you down, your face brushing up against my belt buckle, and a bit against my length "RAWRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHH" Roaring out as you slump over to your knees, a solid victory roar as you disgrace my hall with your lack of experience, spitting down at the floor besides you, I'd take my massive paw, bend your head a little downwards and FLATTEN you against the wooden floor- "Pathetic!!!! Get. UP." Just standing there, arms crossed, licking my lips... the rest of the brigands just enjoying the sight... few of the despicable ones enjoying the view of her now mostly visible flesh, good they can have you after....
20:39 <Alice_the_Knight> "Gahahhkkk.... nnnggg... ghhhllkk..." My cries and grunts grow weaker as my vision starts to dim from the pain and lack of air. I'm growing too weak and tired to fight anymore. When you finally let go and I'm allowed to breathe again, my legs collapse out from under me and I slump to my knees, my lips brushing down the entirety of your length. My breastplate releases, tumbling the ground before me as I gasp for air, my chest rising and falling quickly as I desperately fill my lungs with much needed oxygen. But I only get a couple gulps of air before your hand smashes my still dazed face down to the ground, pressing my chest flat to the floor with my knees beneath me. "Mmmmphf...." I whimper into the wood as I paw at the floor blindly, looking for my weapon. "I-I'm not done yet, bastard..." I barely manage to mewl at you between pants and moans, my ass shifting slowly from side to side in the air behind me with only the tiny strip of my leather thong pretending to cover it.
20:48 <Axl_Greymane> The fox was having a field day.... I was momentarily halted by the pleasant view of her shaking hips.... tilting my head my tongue hangs out and I drool, reaching down the boys hollers as I take a nice squeeze and then a SPANK to halt you from grabbing you toothpick, before I lift you up by the shoulder guards, spinning you around you would no doubt be teetering in place.... Cracking my knuckles, I would grav you by the throat, with my left as my right crashes into your petite jaw.... Luckily for me, a table was rifht behind you. If you stumbled over, you would be spread out over it, I was hopin' to clock off your dumb tin helm-*
20:56 <Alice_the_Knight> "AAaaiieeeee!" My eyes widen as you grab my ass and I'm spanked. I try to pull away from your humiliating groping, only to find my self lifted off my feet. Your strong arms toss me around and before I have a moment to think. I feel your fist slam into my face, my head jerking back with enough force to toss my helmet completely across the table that I sprawl out over with a -THUD-. "Ooof!!" I moan out between gritted teeth as I fly backwards, my shield's straps breaking and sliding off my wrist as it falls to the floor next to me. I can't help but cry out as my bare back hits the hard wooden table, leaving me dizzily blinking as I stare at the ceiling and my body lays limp over the table, spread armed and spread legged with my chest heaving up and down in spastic breaths, and my head rolling from side to side aimlessly. "Ungh... ungh... unnnnngh..."
21:06 <Axl_Greymane> I was making an absolute mockery of our 'duel' in all my years I have never fought an adventurer that was so helpless in a battle, I get the impression that if I sit on you long enough I could win... but I digress! I'd flex my Vulpine torso and arms, My muscles peaking past my shoulder guards I'd leave ya a pretty view... if you could even gain control of your ditsy head. My clawed hands would reach for my belt, drawing a small knife from my sheathe I'd raise it over you.... the blade lowering.... Cutting off the strap of your hip guards! "Yesss YESSSSS" I'd cry as if like breaking into a vault, quickly before you could react I would hop up on the table, takin' both legs with me as I fold them over your head, putting your heels RIGHT up near your head.... Hope your flexible, our body's ripe up against one another as I utterly crush you with my nearly 300 pound beastly frame, my groin guard against your thin leather strap you call a thong! The others joined in, hammering away at the table as the silver ware and other utensils slap against us.... most notably a filled wine goblet bouncing down on your forehead~
21:16 <Alice_the_Knight> "Hnnaa... mmmaaa..." I groan and whimper weakly as I try to push myself up, my elbows pushing my upper body up as I try to roll to the side to get off the table. But before I have time to react, I feel your weight shift towards me and see the gleam of your dagger and fill with dread as you raise it above me.... then with humiliation as you simply use it to slice the straps of my faulds, letting them fall tot he table with a soft clatter. "N-No please..." I cry out in a soft, strangely husky voice as you grab my high heeled sabatons and fold me in half, my armored boots banging against the table next to my head as my hips let out soft pops. "N-nnggggh..." My cheeks flush as my leather thong is crushed into my pussy by your groin guard. The cajoling and cheering of your crew drives me to even greater shame, but not as much as the realization that part of my blushing was something other that humiliation or fear... The heat in my cheeks makes the cold splash of wine across my face almost as jarring as the goblet bashing into my forehead, and I cough and sputter as my face, hair, and chest are drenched in the sweet liquid. "Ungh...." My arms flop around weakly as you dominate the rest of my body, pinning and crushing me beneath your muscular form.
21:25 <Axl_Greymane> It would be a sweeeet few minutes that I have you under my complete control, swaying side to side as my humongous tail wags with sastifaction. And deep down in side I was scared before 'This might be the one that ends me' if only I knew how much of a joke you were. Taking my dagger from earlier I would press it into the table beside ya, stabbing it right into the plank. lightly cutting your cheek in the process as my face goes alight with sadism "Do they just let any little girls into the guild these days!? I was hoping for more of a challenge, but all I goot~" Roughly humping into her covered puss, no doubt that groin guard causing her lips to spread, picking up pace to really 'grind' it in "-Was a bendy straw-" Whipping my golden locks around, my face would lower as my lips and locks would find their way right up against that so so innocent face. Before ya know it we would lock lips, the stench of alcohol amazingly strong.... To think I was fighting you drunk off my ass and won without a hitch, heh! My big muzzled lips overpowering yours, that big dumb tongue feeling up your mouth.... forcing you more and more into a knot on the table, if you came out of this alive, your back no doubt would need weeks to heal-
21:31 <Alice_the_Knight> "S-Shut up..." I moan weakly at your insults. My body's too tired and my mind too fogged to do much more than lay limp and defeated beneath you. My eyes widen when I see the knife raised above my face, then shut tight in terror when you stab it down. I feel the blade cut my cheek and I yelp out in fear and pain, my legs squirming in your grip as you slam and grind into me, the rhythmic pounding of my head and feet bouncing off the table accompanied with the occasional popping from my back as my body stretches. "Ungh.. Aaaanghh... unnggh.... Hnnnn..." I moan and whimper, my body responding to your rough treatment by getting wet. "N-No... stop... nnnggh..." I try to protest weakly as your lips suddenly press into mine and my face scrunches in disgust. I try to fight it and keep my lips pursed tightly... but your tongue is relentless. You overpower me, forcing your tongue into my mouth, forcing my mouth to kiss you back, your saliva flowing into me as my face resists weakly, but my sore slit starting to grind back against you with a mind of it's own. "Mmmf..."
21:46 <Axl_Greymane> minutes would pass, our lips intertwined finally spread apart leaving a thick string of saliva between our faces.... I take a soft big lick of your face before finally, finally letting off just a bit! letting your flimsy sabatons fall to the table, I cock my head spouting "Your lucky I had this plate down below, otherwise you would be giving birth to a buncha dirty robbin' bastards like me" I know that at least, I press my paw against your throat, my thumbs squeezing your cheeks lightly as I first look into your mouth, then into your eye's.... there was no mistaking it~ "You enjoyed every minute of that didn't you-"I croaked as I couldn't help but be overjoyed, my hand going over to your throat "How about it, you toss down your sword and be my dirty wench" I spat, eye's narrowing as I look ya over "I need to spread myself while im still in my prime" As Beastman much like dogs age a tad faster than the average human "Just think of it! you'll have the pleasure of all of this...." taking off my shoulder guards, stripping naked for you! The bandits hooting and hollering, whistling can be heard! "im gonna slam my junk into your fat ass until I get myself some warriors.... Make me a king~" for no man is a king without a 'wife'
21:55 <Alice_the_Knight> My mouth finally manages to break away from yours with a gasp. I try to respond, but it comes out as a slurred mumble as my tongue tries to clean up my own saliva and yours, my face red with shame as my hips twitch up towards your groin, grinding my slit against you in a shameful display for anyone, much more a knight. I pant and mewl, trying to find words as my body is allowed to relax and unfold itself, my legs sliding limply to the table. "No!" Both hands come to my lower back, desperately trying to massage some of the pain out of it. "You disgust me, dog..." I spit out with hatred, both at you for your actions, and myself for not being able to resist them. "I would NEVER let a beast like you put hands on me, much less enjoy it!" I hiss, desperately trying to believe my own lie as I'm acutely aware of so many eyes watching the scene unfold. "And I-I swear I'll k-kill you for that!"
22:04 <Axl_Greymane> I shoulda figured it would come to this, I simply shrug...... my hands would reach for my Axe, but to my surprise for whatever reason the head of my axe has fallen off!? All I am left with is a shaft of wood, I look dumbfounded as I killed hundreds of things but after all this time it finally broke. Must of been her sword that somehow broke the binding..... Mumbling to myself I stare back as you keep cursing and swearing as a knight of Pharea- blah blah blah I shut you up with a solid THUNK to the top of your head, aiming to knock you out cold~ Sitting up I push the table over, having your limp unmoving body pinned by it! My entire mead hall rejoices as I defeated the great.... Whoever her name was, didn't catch it! Lifting my shaft of wood up, letting out a wink "Next time they should send a man, not even the finest woman is a match for me~" no doubt coming off a weee bit sexist, but that's just gallows humor for ya! She'll turn around tho! Im takin' my broken axe as a sign... Time to bury the hatchet so to speak, and this time not into a skull for once! Ima just keep beating her and beater her until her will breaks. Bend that honor towards my chiseled ass-. Taking one last look at her I mutter "what a waist. Raven, bring her into my quarters I will have a word with her later~"
Published: 2025-03-06, viewed 29 times.
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