Beauties VS Beasts
Established: 2021-07-22
Chat room: #BVB
- Squash match
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Chat about girls fighting monsters. Share pics. No limits
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12:56 <Biff_the_Bruiser> ok this will be for the title in Beauties and Beasts......ready to start?
12:56 <Stephie> yes ready, should I start? or u?
12:58 <Biff_the_Bruiser> the challenger enters the ring first 😀
12:59 <Stephie> I enter to the ring, going down the ramp, doing little skips and smiling to the crowd, then enter to the ring sliding under the ropes and starting stretching on my corner yt

13:03 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I hear the crowd let out a roar as i make my way down the ramp and slide my big body tinto the ring.......ready to face my bikini clad opponent for the title.....stretching my big muscles as I get ready to defend my title. She is a big girl, this could be a tough challenge. yt

13:05 <Stephie> the ref asks us to meet at the center of the ring, I'm confident smiling and he tells us to start, I get into fighting stance trying to surround you
13:07 <Biff_the_Bruiser> The ref calls us to the middle for final instrx and i hand him my title belt. I see you smiling and i grin back at you. "Good luck Stephie". Then the bell rings and I come at you, trying to shove you back toward the ropes. Showing you my power as the fight gets underway.
13:09 <Stephie> "wow" I got thrown to the ropes with a great strength, I have to think of something to avoid direct tests of strengths, I bounce on the ropes and use the impulse to try to whip you with my forearm
13:11 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I get you back on the ropes, but then you bounce off and slam me with a forearm to the chest uffffffff. Causing me to stumble back a little as the crowd cheers you.
13:13 <Stephie> "i feel how tough you are, I couldn't make you fall , I run and try to bounce again on the ropes, this time jumping and going with my abs and chest trying to hit you and make you fall
13:15 <Biff_the_Bruiser> You run back to the ropes and come flying forward again......slamming those big boobs into my chest.....I try to catch you but i am still off balance and i go down hard to the mat with you on top WHAM ungggghhh
13:17 <Stephie> crowd is cheering me, I walk a little around you, trying to make people excited, when I run again against the ropes and jump, this time attempting a guillotine with my legs
13:18 <Biff_the_Bruiser> (but i am down on the mat now)
13:19 <Stephie> (let me rephrase)
13:20 <Stephie> I bounce on the ropes again, jumping over your body and letting my both legs land on your neck
13:22 <Biff_the_Bruiser> Instead of trying to pin me, you get up and run back to the ropes, using them to get momentum ........but i hear you coming and manage to roll over to avoid your next move, causing you to fall on your butt.
13:24 <Stephie> "ouch" I fall on my butt recieving all the pain of the slam, I try to stand up
13:26 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I roll to the ropes and get up, turning to face you.......raising my fist and trying for a punch to your mid section as you get up.
13:29 <Stephie> "ouch" I manage to see your punch coming, I try to block it but I felt it anyway because of your strength, I bend and fall on my knees
13:31 <Biff_the_Bruiser> You fall to your knees after my punch. I reach down to pull you up and try to apply a headlock on you. Trying to punish you further. "now we having some fun eh Stephie?" i growl.
13:33 <Stephie> "ughh" I moan, your strong arms are crushing my head, I try to struggle, pushing your body and your arms trying to get free
13:35 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I try to maintain my headlock even as you struggle......then reaching back to grab your bikini bottom to lift you horizontally in the air before attempting to slam you face first to the mat
13:40 <Stephie> "wooow" you continue crushing my head and I am so focused on get free that I don't feel the moment you grabbed my bikini to lift me, I slam hard on the mat, and hold my face in pain
13:42 <Biff_the_Bruiser> Now its my turn to walk around the ring, posing and flexing for the crowd while you lie on the canvas flat on your belly. The fans yelling for you to get up....I wait for you, feeling confident now. 

13:43 <Stephie> I hear the crowd yelling my name and I start to get up, I get on my knees and then to my feet, looking at you
13:47 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I raise my arms high as we renew the fight......coming forward to attempt to wrap my huge arms around your waist.
13:48 <Stephie> A bit tired I' see you are open so I run to you and jump trying to elbow in your chin
13:50 <Biff_the_Bruiser> Before i can grab you, i get slammed with an elbow to the jaw owwww.......i step back momentarily dazed by the vicious blow as the crowd cheers........i try to shake it off and come at me you again with a growl.
13:52 <Stephie> Seeing I upset you and you are coming back, angry, I take advantage and try to jump for a flying kick to the stomach
14:06 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I walk right into a flying kick to the gut ooooooooff.....dropping to my hands and knees, gasping for air as i try to recover before you can get back to your feet.
14:08 <Stephie> I stand up as quick as I can seeing my only opportunity I just spin my body attempting a kick on your face, similar to the signature "trouble in paradise"
14:13 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I manage to stand up but i walk right into a spinning kick to the side of my head BAM ..........sending me down flat on my back as the crowd roars. The Champ appears to be in big trouble now!
14:21 <Stephie> I go for the count, I try to pull your leg but is too heavy so I just drop on you, holding your shoulders and the count starts 1...
14:24 <Biff_the_Bruiser> You fall down on top of me with your sexy body, pressing down hard on my big shoulders ufffff......the ref is no, im not ready to go just yet....rolling my left shoulder up with a loud grunt in time to stop the count.
14:25 <Stephie> I feel how you break the count, I thought that was over, I now grab you from your head and start preparing you for a pedigree
14:26 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I am still dazed as you pull me up by my head ......but i try to slow you down by sending an underhand fist into your ribs.
14:29 <Stephie> "aghh" I bend for the pain under my ribs, your punch was so hard that I'm out of breath
14:31 <Biff_the_Bruiser> Free from your grip now, i straighten up and try for a big chop at the center of your chest with my other hand.
14:31 <Stephie> "uff" I couldn't avoid it, I recieve the chop in my chest, it was so strong that I fell on the canvas
14:34 <Biff_the_Bruiser> My brutal chop drops you to the mat. I reach down to grab you by the hair and pull you up. Trying to set you up for my own pedigree now.
14:35 <Biff_the_Bruiser> 

14:36 <Stephie> "ugghh" I feel you pulling my hair, I know you are setting me up for a pedigree, I struggle trying to get away
14:38 <Biff_the_Bruiser> Our bodies are both very sweaty now and i cant hold you as you slip out of my grasp. But i try to weaken you further with a knee to the belly.
14:39 <Stephie> I manage to slip from your grip, but at the moment I am free, I recieve a hard knee on my belly, I fall near the rope and roll down the ring, trying to recover
14:41 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I follow you as you roll along the ropes, trying to stomp your butt. Hoping to wear you down with some more punishment.
14:44 <Stephie> "ughh" I recieve the hard stomp on my butt which numbs my leg, I arch my back in pain
14:46 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I try to pull you up from behind, grabbing your bikini bottom ....then move you to the corner to slam your pretty face into the turnbuckle
14:52 <Stephie> "ughhh" My face crashes against the turnbuckle, stunning me and letting me hanging from the corner with my arms supporting on the 3rd rope
14:56 <Biff_the_Bruiser> My slam leaves you slumped in the corner hanging over the top rope.......the announcers saying "it looks like it may be close to the end for Stephie" Then i try to pull you out of the corner, lifting you up over my head as i attempt a German suplex.....breathing hard with the effort.
15:04 <Stephie> As I'm still stunned I just may feel when you pull me out of the corner, then easily using your strenght to supplex me, I slam hard on my upper back, the fall let me totally out of breath, and limp on the canvas
15:09 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I hear your body landing with a loud thump behind me. I turn as quickly as i can, moving toward you and grabbing your long legs with both hands......trying to fold them over onto your big chest. Pressing down as hard as i can to get the pin.......1......2........
15:11 <Stephie> 3... I was totally motionless after such a hard slam on the canvas, the crowd is stunned too, the bell rings and I still can't move
15:14 <Biff_the_Bruiser> The count goes to 3 and the bell rings......I release you as i am declared the winner and the ref hands me my hard earned title........the crowd is disappointed to see you lose but gives me a smattering of applause as i celebrate my win.
15:14 <Biff_the_Bruiser>
15:18 <Stephie> I'm just starting to recover as I see you celebrating your win, I try to stand up
15:20 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I reach down to help you up, holding you close for a moment.....both of us tired and sweaty........"Good match Stephie" i say smiling at you.
15:21 <Stephie> holding my back "thank you, you are really strong"
15:22 <Biff_the_Bruiser> I give you a big hug as the fans cheer us for a great match
15:22 <Biff_the_Bruiser> END?
15:23 <Stephie> end
<Published> 2025-03-06, viewed 70 times.