Firestorm Pro Wrestling

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Established: 2024-06-18
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The Purple Punk Challenge!

When both Meg "Punky" Dow and the Magnificent Meggy were recruited for Firestorm Wrestling, it was clear to everyone that they'd come to blows. Both having been in the pro game for similar long careers, although Meggy's had taken a rough turn lately and Punky was still thriving, they were frequently compared with both of them sporting iconic purple hairstyles, and to Punky's particular irritation, both favoring Doc Martens in their ring attire. And of course, they were both Megs! It was Punky who came up with the Purple Punk Challenge - a match to be wrestled topless, wearing nothing but thongs and Doc Martens, with the winner claiming the loser's Docs! What could be more punk than that? The oddsmakers have Punky as the clear favorite here with her dominant record, but Meggy seems determined to prove herself here ...

So we cut to a raunchy Firestorm show for this lewd and rude topless purple punk brawl!

07:42 <Magnificent_Meggy> I walk down the aisle, the fans booing as I make my entrance. Wearing a blue thong and my brown Doc Martens. Weighing 141 and standing 5'4". I climb through the ropes and head to my corner looking up the ramp

07:45 <Punky> I come out with a smug smirk, confident in my ability to humiliate this rival purple-haired Meg, the fans roaring for me as I show off my 5'8 athletic curvy form, my sculpted abs, my firm 34D breasts on display with my rosy nipples pierced with barbells. Purple hair in pigtails, wearing just a black thong and my iconic red Doc Martens, strutting to the ring to the roar of the fans asI slide in and flick you off with both hands, my tattooed middle fingers gleefully defiant as I grin wickedly, my nails and lips and eyeliner all in glossy black!

07:48 <Magnificent_Meggy> You are an impressive sight as You enter the ring. I watch your spectacular entrance. You flip me off with both hands and I move to the center of the ring. " come on, lets see you back up that attitude "

07:54 <Punky> With a grin I come right out of the corner, looking down on your shorter curvy topless frame. Tilting my head at your Docs, my hazel eyes gleaming with avarice. "Oh, those'll look really fuckin' GOOD on me ..." I purr ... before starting off with a dirty kick, aiming to drive the toe of my boot into your soft belly right off the bell! After all, she who strikes first laughs loudest, or something!

07:55 <Magnificent_Meggy> Those are mine..... Ummppp, my words interrupted by your kick. The attack coming as a shock as I double over in pain before you

07:57 <Punky> With a smirk I get your purple head under one arm, the crowd roaring as I show you off by grabbing your blue thong and yanking it deep, leading you around in the front facelock before I dip my knees and yank deep on those bottoms, looking to hoist your curvy little frame up and over for a quick wedgieplex!

08:02 <Magnificent_Meggy> My head trapped under Your arm. You wedge my tights and display my ass for the fans. My early humiliation soon to be followed by pain as you lift me up for a suplex. I hit the mat hard. My boobs bouncing from impact

08:03 <Punky> Smirking as I sit up. "Ooooh, this girl's BOUNCY!" I purr, and roll lithely to my feet, only to immediately jump, showing my athleticism in my toned topless frame, curling my tattooed arm as I look to drop my steely tricep down across your bouncing tits with a jumping elbow drop! 

08:06 <Magnificent_Meggy> I lay motionless and stunned from pain on the mat. Before I can make an attempt to get up your toned body crashes into my softer body. Your elbow digging into my chest causing me pain. And knocking the wind from me

08:07 <Punky> "Mmmmmmm .... this is gonna be a long night for you, sugar cookie ..." I purr, savoring the feel of my tricep grinding into those soft tits before getting to my feet, taking your purple hair to drag you up to your Docs as I look to launch you at the ropes, trying to bounce you back towards me .... after all, I DID just point out how bouncy you are ... waiting eagerly and tensing my long lithe legs because I intend to jump and twist in the air, and SLAM my big thonged cakes into your face with a hip attack as you come back at me, and give you a fantastic Rear View - so to speak!

14:50 <Magnificent_Meggy> I attempted to get my wind back. However You don't allow me to be idle for a second. You whip me into the ropes. I bouce off the ropes and head right towards you. I can't stop my momentum and slam face first into your rear. The slap of flesh hitting flesh echoed through the building. The impact sending me falling to the mat on my back. I lay there feeling like I just got run over by a train.

06:29 <Punky> My thicc thonged cakes SLAM into your cute face, sending you sprawling to the mat as the crowd roars, landing on my Docs neatly as I hit the Rear View! I smirk as I strut around you, swaying my lush ass, my bare breasts bouncing softly as my pierced nipples stiffen. "Mmmm, ya made a BIG mistake takin' this match, cupcake ..." I taunt with a purr, bending to get your brown Docs, looking to lift your legs and spread them out ... only to hop up and drop down, aiming to SLAM my scarred punk forehead into the vee of your cute little blue thong!

06:34 <Magnificent_Meggy> Me head still spinning after getting rocked so early in the match by a face full of ass. The move both humiliating, but more importantly so painful. I lay on the mat, watching you strut and hearing you mocking me. I try to get up, but you grip my legs, dropping your head right into my v. The impact causing my bottoms to move out of place. The pain is instant. Shooting through my insides.

06:36 <Punky> There's a gorgeous moan as I sit up, smirking as you clutch your wrecked pussy, your thong knocked askew. I smirk as I lick my pouty black-painted lips mockingly. "Mmmm, not used to gettin' that nerdy cunt busted, bitch?" I taunt with a grin, grabbing your purple hair as I look to lead you to your feet ... then grabbing for the back of your thong with my other hand, looking for a deep humiliating wedgie as I try to run you forward by the hair and the panties and toss you through the ropes to the outside!

06:42 <Magnificent_Meggy> Getting nearly knocked out by your booty, now have my cunt busted. This match is off to a humiliating start for me. You pull my hair and pull my thong up my ass. Reminding me of the Punk girls giving me wedgies in school. My ass on display for everyone as You throw me through the ropes. I crash into the floor, landing ass first, but coming to rest on my back. 

06:44 <Punky> "LOOK AT THIS CHUBBY FUCKIN' WANNABE!" I yell tauntingly, getting the crowd roaring as I step through the ropes. "BITCH GETS TWO DOLLARS WORTH OF MANIC PANIC AND THINKS SHE CAN FUCKIN' HANG WITH A REAL PUNK ..." I growl with a grin as I stand on the apron, looking at your sprawled mostly nude body ... and I run and JUMP, curling my tattooed arm, looking for a running diving elbow drop to your bare tits off the ring apron to the floor, Cactus Jack style! "BANG BANG, BIIIIIITCH!"

06:55 <Magnificent_Meggy> Finally regain enough air to grunt in pain. My body feeling the effects of hitting the dirty floor so hard. My ears are ringing, but I can still hear you mocking me. My vision is doubled as I try to regain my senses. Before I can made any sense of where I am or where you are. The elbow hits me hard. The full weight of your body crushing me into the floor. My body provides a nice cushion for you as I absorb the full impact.

06:57 <Punky> THUUUUD! The sound of my toned arm crushing your buxom tits makes the crowd roar as your legs fly up and then land with a flop. Smirking as I drape my arm over your crushed breasts, leaning down to mockingly plant a kiss on your groaning lips before I lift my head with a grin. "Tastes like a fuckin' nerd to me," I laugh as I grab your hair and look to lead you up to all fours ... and then try to BITCHWALK you on all fours, your bruised tits hanging down and your big ass swaying, over to the announce table!

07:06 <Magnificent_Meggy> I don't know what is harder the floor or your toned arms. Either way, they were both hard enough to hurt like hell. The taste of your lips actually excited me for a few seconds. Although it's done to further mock me. You pull me up to all fours, my head still fuzzy from pain, I am to wobbly to rise to my feet. So I follow along, like a puppy being walked by her owner. On my hands and knees, my hair served as my leash. I try to rise up to my knees but your firm grip on my hair keeps me in place until we reach the announce tsbke

09:48 <Punky> Smirking as we reach the table, I look to drag you up to your Docs only to go for a swift knee to that soft belly, trying to double your curvy topless form over so I can guide your head between my toned tattooed thighs and turn your big ass around so it's facing the announce table, grabbing your blue bottoms and trying to yank them deep in a big wedgie to jiggle that plush ass for the roaring crowd as I prepare to hoist your curvy little form up onto my tattooed shoulders and powerbomb your soft curves right through the table!

11:02 <Magnificent_Meggy> I try to pull away but your grip on my purple hair keeps me intact. Leaving me an easy target for Your hard knee to my soft belly. I double over in pain, soon finding my head between Your muscular legs. I feel you wedging my bottoms between my cheeks. Giving the audience a show before you lift me in the air. Desperate to avoid this fate I attempt to thumb your eye as You lift me. Going a bit dirty, but trying to avoid a quick destruction

11:04 <Punky> I hoist you up onto my shoulders with the wedgie lift, ready to deliver a big huge wedgie bomb, staggering under your mostly nude weight before you jab your thumb into my darkly lined hazel eye! "AGHHHH FUCK! YA CUNT!" I groan, letting you drop back to your Docs as I stumble back clutching at my burning eye, the crowd booooooing as I stagger blindly since they hate it when people don't go through tables! And who can blame them? 

11:09 <Magnificent_Meggy> Relieved that I saved myself from a quick defeat, I drop down to my feet. I see you stumbling backwards. I lift my foot looking to run my Docs into your ribs with a blindside attack

11:12 <Punky> Still blinded in one damn eye thanks to your thumb, I'm not able to see you launching yourself at me boot-first! "UNNGHNHHHHFFF!" I groan, that big brown leather Doc crashing into my lean toned side, folding me over as I clutch at my ribs and stumble, my thick tattooed cakes jutting back and bouncing softly as I stagger back to the ring apron, growling in pain and embarrassment as the chubby tart sends me reeling!

11:16 <Magnificent_Meggy> Seeing you against the apron I take a step back. I then spring forward, attempting to smash my body against yours. Trying to crush you against the spron. My bottoms still wedged between my ass. My cheeks jiggling as I try to connect with the running splash!

11:20 <Punky> Groaning and still partly blinded, clutching at my side, I look up and my eye widen just in time for your shorter buxom topless frame to CRASH into mine, your soft tits slamming my bare firm 34Ds as you smash into me! "UUUUUUUNNHHHhhhhhfff ..." I groan, my spine arching deeply and painfully over my back as I slide down to my ass on the concrete, the crowd boooooing at the dirty tactics but cheering the hot action, torn as they alway are in the philosophical ethical struggle between traditional wrestling morals and topless chicks slamming into each other.

11:27 <Magnificent_Meggy> Standing above you as you slump to the floor. I lift my leg and drive my right foot into your face. Grinding it in as I attempt to push you to the floor. " you wanted these shoes, you got there, bitch. Who's being a big shit now? You look great at my feet " I taunt you and taunt the crowd as I lift my arms in victory

11:30 <Punky> "UNNNHHGNHNHH!" I groan as you SLAM that right boot into my face, your Doc Marten sole mashing my pouty painted lips and my cheeks as you stomp my head to the matted concrete, my legs kicking up and flopping down out wide, splayed out as I'm forced to taste the chubby bitch's boot on the outside, the crowd booing as you flex over me! The match obviously only ends on a facesit KO in the ring, but you've got the undeniable advantage right now, hitting a humiliating pose over my downed topless body as your Doc's sole mashes my lips in an incredibly fucking demeaning grind!

11:34 <Magnificent_Meggy> I remove my boot from your face. Admiring the boot print I left. "" c'mon punk bitch. I thought you were going to shut me up and embarrss me?" I reach down and grab your hair to pull you up. I attempt to slam you into the apron before throwing your sexy ass back into the ring

11:37 <Punky> "Unnghhhhhhh ..." I moan dizzily as you step off my face, my lip busted and trickling blood and my cheek bruised, your Doc's fucking AirWalk sole print outlined on my pretty features as you taunt me, my cheeks burning in shame as the jobber Meggy mocks me, dragged up by my purple pigtails as you SLAM my head into the apron! "UNNNNNHhhhhhh ..." I groan, dazed as some saliva trickles down my chin, tossed into the ring to splay out on my back, humiliated that this soft un-tattooed bitch is working me over in my own Purple Punk Challenge!

11:41 <Magnificent_Meggy> I watch as You roll into the ring coming to rest on your back. I smile as confidence fills me. I climb up to the apron. Seeing you still laying on your back, I continue up the ropes. Climbing to the top rope. ' your ass and your shoes are mine ' I jump off the rope looking to hit an elbow drop to your chest

18:45 <Punky> A little blood runs from my busted lip and now from my scarred and easily split forehead after that slam to the apron, trickles of crimson on my pale skin as I flop to my back, dazed from the headshots, my bare breasts rising and falling, my pierced nipples knocked stiff as you mount the ropes ... and land a show-off elbow drop right across my tits!

 "UNNNNNNNNNGNHNHHHHHHH!" I groan, spit misting from my lips as my long legs kick up and flop down out wide, the crowd in awe at how the curvy shorter purple punk has turned this ass-kicking around, my cheeks flaming not only from a lack of breath after the tit-crushing elbow, but from the shame of getting battered by this jobber bitch! Adrenaline reserves start to pool in my tight core as the humiliation burns towards rage ...

18:52 <Magnificent_Meggy> Jumping up from hitting the elbow, I spring to my feet celebrating. I look down seeing blood on your lip, I am almost surprised myself. Sensing the rush of momentum I find myself in I look to capitalize. I reach down and pull you up by the hair, getting you up to all fours, I place your head between my legs, wrapping my hands around your waist and pull up, attempting to lift you for a piledriver

19:00 <Punky> "Aghhhhh ... biiiiitch ...." I groan as you grab my purple pigtails and drag me to my hands and knees, my plush thonged ass jutted back, the snake tattoos dancing as my hips rock dizzily, my aching tits swaying under me as you guide my head into your thick thighs! The crowd ROARS as you wrap my trim waist, slowly managing to hoist my knees off the mat! "Ohhh fuck no no no ya CUNT!" I growl in frustrated fury  as my red Docs come up in the air, pedaling at empty space, my thick inked ass jiggling in your face as you show off my taller stronger frame in one of the most humiliating piledriver lifts of my career before dropping to your big curvy ass to spike my head into the mat! "UUNNNNGHNHNnhhhhhhhhhhh ..." I moan as I JOLT on the impact, my legs flopping down with my knees splayed out and loosely bent under me, my head resting on the mat between your thick thighs as my plump ass jiggles humiliatingly up in the air, little spasms making it shimmy as I drool onto the canvas, the crowd in fucking awe!

19:14 <Magnificent_Meggy> Your head bouncing off the mat, your ass in the air inches from my face. I give it a smack with my right hand before shoving you to the mat. I get to my feet as you lay motionless on the mat. " ok bitch, you call me a jobber? Look at you, beaten by a jobber, you want my Docs? Well here taste them" I lift my right foot and press it down on your face, smiling as I do. " awe look whose mouth isn't running now. You thought you were hot, you thought I was some loser. Whose is the loser now? " I pull your hair lifting your head up to show the crowd. I throw you back to the mat then turn my back to you as I gloat to the fans

19:21 <Punky> "Unnnnhhnhh ..." not quite entirely out of it thanks to my legendarily hard skull, but I sure LOOK KO'd as you roll me to my back, my inked arms and long legs splaying out into a humiliating spread-eagle, my damp black thong strained against my pussy as you prop your Doc on my bloodied face again, grinding the AirWAlk sole into my pretty features! "Mmmmff ...." the pain stirs me awake as you grind my aching busted forehead and lip ... taunting and talking trash, your voice like glass as you step off me to flaunt for the fans after lifting my head up to show my bloodied face to the cameras ....and my eyes open as my aching head bounces off the canvas. My skull ringing as you pose for the booing, cheering mix of fans - some disdainful of your smugness, others cheering your amazing comeback ... but they're all surprised as I get to one knee behind you and SWING my inked arm up, aiming to DRIVE my tattooed forearm up into your warm pussy from behind!

19:29 <Magnificent_Meggy> " I am the best, time to finish her offfffummmm!!!" Your for arm catching my pussy from behind. The smug cockiness wiped right of my face as I take a step forward. I grabbed the middle rope as I double over in pain. I slowly turn around not knowing what I'm going to see. I was so confident I had you in place. I turn and see the blood fueled rage in your face. I drop to one knee still holding my throbbing pussy.

19:31 <Punky> My pouty lips painted glossy black, one curling up in a snarl as blood still runs slowly from my bottom lip. My eyes burning with fury and fire as you crumble to one knee, blood running in slow trickles down the sides of my nose from my lightly busted forehead. "Ya SURE that's what time it is?" I hiss, as I snatch your purple hair, stepping back and drawing my long right leg back as I aim to DRIVE my knee up into your jaw - but keep a tight grip on your hair if it hits, so I can chamber my leg and do it AGAIN and ... fuck it,  maybe even a third time! I ain't drivin'!

19:45 <Magnificent_Meggy> My insides burning in pain. But more importantly in shock at your recovery. I was so sure victory was mine. As I process this information you grab my hair, driving your knee into my jaw, then quickly a second, I feel my jaw crack and my teeth chatter together. Blood running from my bottom lip, you ponder a third knee and from my knees I plead with you "... please ... don't do it ..." blood drops splattering the canvas as I speak

19:46 <Punky> "Mmmmm ... okay!" I purr rightly, and back up, the crowd booing (and cheering, the sickos) as I brush your blood off my tattooed thigh consideringly, leaving you swaying on one knee ... before I suddenly twist and plant my left foot, lashing my right leg out and aiming to DRIVE my red Doc Marten into your cute face with a brutal superkick to my kneeling little rival!

19:52 <Magnificent_Meggy> I feel relieved as you agree and back off. " thank you " I reply but my mind is thinking of an attack of my own. I get up to one knee looking for an opening, as I do the Doc hits me. The hard sole leaving an imprint on my cheek as I fall to my side on the mat. Everything in my vision is just white except the brutal replay of the boot catching me over and over

21:45 <Punky> "Mmmmnhhhhhhh ..." a shiver of raw brutal arousal runs through me as my Doc connects with your fucking face, sending you to the mat with my bootprint on your face. I give my hips a mocking sway, shimmying my spectacular tattooed ass just to pop the crowd, instantly getting them back on my side, both topless thonged purple pixies now a bit bloodied up in a sexy way, but the badass tattooed girl definitely back in charge! I nudge you to your back with my boot. "You really thought a chubby lavender loser like you stood a chance against a real fucking Purple Vixen?" I purr nudging your feet out wide, looking to splay those thick thighs before I leap and curl my inked arm, aiming to drop my elbow onto you're aching soft pussy!

05:41 <Magnificent_Meggy> My vision slowly comes back, but it's a bit blurry, I can see enough to see you swaying your hips above me. Though you are my rival, I can't help but to be mesmorized by your swaying ass. My focus coming back to me as I concentrate on the tattoo on your ass. You nudge me with your boot. I lick my lips tasting the blood and still tasting the rubber from your Docs. You call me a chubby loser as you spread my legs. The elbow dropped on my already sore pussy. My screams spitting blood into the air. I kick my legs as the point of your elbow feels like it violated me through my skimpy bottoms

02:59 <Punky> "Yesssssss!" I hiss. "How's THAT for a real elbow drop, bitchcakes?" I taunt, grinding my pointy elbow into your mashed swollen folds a little more before I get lithely up to my red Docs. Bending to grab your sweaty mass of purple hair - god this IS fun to pull, it's so pretty. Is this why everyone likes pulling MY hair?-  and try to peel you off the mat, my other hand going to your thong, yanking on it deeply as I go for yet another wedgie, wanting to finish what I started earlier ... my eyes on the announce table as I try to run you bent over to the ropes and throw you through them to the outside once more!

04:15 <Magnificent_Meggy> I scream in pain, kicking my legs, my Docs pounding on the mat. You grind in a bit before finally rising to your feet. I roll to my side clutching my throbbing pussy. You grab my hair pulling me off the mat, then you pull my bottoms up in a wedgie. Further torturing my swollen pussy, and expousing my plump rear to the crowd. My ass cheeks jiggling as You toss me through the ropes. Landing hard on the floor, my exposed ass slapping the hard floor. I land on my ass, but fall to my side. Laying on the dirty arena floor grunting in pain near the announce table

09:38 <Punky> "Mmmmmm ..." licking my lips, I can't resist but to go for a LITTLE more humiliation ... slithering to the outside, strutting a slow ass-swaying circle around you. "You were SO sure you were gonna make that heroic comeback and stand up for yourself at last, right, bitch?" I taunt. "But your life is just gonna be a series of series of humiliations from stronger, hotter women!" I grin evilly as I bend down to your curvy hips, grabbing the straps of your blue bottoms .... and looking to peel them out of your ass and down your legs, over your brown Docs, wanting to strip your o just your boots on the arena floor,so I wave your panties triumphantly overhead for the eager audience, basking in the glory!

09:52 <Magnificent_Meggy> Still reeling on the floor from the rough landing. I hear your mocking words. They hit hard adding insults to my injuries. It's true, you are thinner, more toned, stronger and have a much hotter ass. Though the crowd is going to see more of mine. My head pushed forward to the floor as my lower body is lifted up. My purple hair brushing the dirty floor. My panties removed, I hear the audience squealing in delight. I feel the fresh air tickling my privates. I stumble around on the floor attempting, unsuccessfully to cover myself up

10:01 <Punky> I smirk wickedly as I get your panties off, your big ass now totally bare, your pussy on display for the roaring crowd as I strut around proudly, showing off my lithe curvy body, almost inviting a comparison between us as you're face down and ass up on the arena floor, swaying my tattooed cakes as I purr and go to your hair, looking to pull you up by your sweaty purple locks onto your knees. Looking to stand beside you and show your nude-except-Docs curvy soft body off. I try to rub your own sweaty panties into your nose and lips. "Mmmm, tell me Meggy, does this smell like arousal to you? Ya gettin' turned on from getting that chubby ass kicked?" I purr, BASKING in the moment.

10:30 <Magnificent_Meggy> My face down on the floor my ass in the air on display for the crowd. Out of the corner of my eye I see your sexy toned tattoed body mocking me. The rage building inside, knowing I am not in as good of shape. It's not enough that you are proving to be stronger but you are being so cocky about it. Just as I am lifting my head up you rub my own panties in my face. The smell of sweaty ass, and the moist fabric. The moist fabric a reminder that I am actually a bit turned on by the dominant hot punk girl. This cause the rage to boil over. " you fucking bitch!!!" I scream out as I raise my legs trying to boot you between the legs with both my Docs!

10:32 <Punky> Purring as I rub that damp scented fabric into your cute face, utterly humiliating you with your own scent, I'm just pulsing with heat and confidence, my pussy wet and eager - which of course makes the double boot to the cunt all the more brutal! There's a squishy THUMP as you DRIVE your heavy brown Docs between my tattooed thighs, mashing my mound! "AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHhhhhhhh ..." I moan, and now it's my turn to get humiliated for the cameras, my eyes crossing and my tongue lolling out as I stumble forward with my face locked in this stupid slutty expression, my big ass jiggling as I stagger past you and flop to my knees just behind your head, cradling my swollen drooling sex! "Auuuuuuuhhhhfuuuuck ...." my pierced nipples knocked agonizingly stiff by the cunt punt!

10:42 <Magnificent_Meggy> I get to my knees seeing you sprawled out next to me. As I rise i lift my right hand smacking your ass hard. "How does this feel bitch? You think you are better than me and going to humiliate me? Let's see how you like it!" I move behind you, I stand up placing my right boot on your head to hold you down. Then I rip at your bottoms pulling them off. I take a step away from you, holding them up for the crowd. The fans going crazy seeing the srxiest ass in wrestling exposed. I take your bottoms putting them in my own mouth and swirling them around as the fans chat YOU SICK FUCK! I pull you up to your knees. I take the panties from my mouth and shove them into Your mouth. "Tell me punk slut, how do these taste?"

10:45 <Punky> "Auuuuunhhnhhhh my cunnnnnt ..."I moan weakly, humiliated as you SMACK my big tattooed ass, making my aching pussy clench as I buck on the floor .. utterly embarrassed now as the nerdy chubby bitch I was just destroying is the one taunting ME. You step on my head, pinning it to the grimy concrete as I writhe before you grab my stretchy black thong! "NO NO WAIT WAIT .. AUUUUGHHNNAGUHHHHHH ..." I cry out, my eyes rolling as you SAW my panties into my wet swollen cunt and sensitive ass before you RIP them off entirely, much more cruelly than I removed yours by the way, I was basically GENTLE -  leaving me moaning lewdly and clutching my ravished pussy as I'm displayed for the fans! And then you drag me up by my pigtails after fucking STYLING on me by playing with my panties in your fucking mouth - ughhh, how is this soft bitch displaying ME naked on my knees?! - and show me off for the roaring crowd, my bald pussy drooling and pierced clit jutting up aggressively as you stuff my own panties in my mouth, my eyes crossing as I taste my own sweaty ass and drooling cunt! "MMmfmffffffff .... mmmnnff!"

10:55 <Magnificent_Meggy> " c'mon bitch, choke on them, choke on those nasty things. How do you like the taste? " while keeping the panties in your mouth I roll you over to your back. I lift your legs up by your your ankles. Putting my head between Your legs as I attempt to lift you up. I then reach to your side and pull your arms lifting you up in a power bomb position. Your pussy inches from my face. I want to powerbomb you, but I stumble backwards a bit landing with my ass on the ring apron with you still in my arms on top of my face - you fall back on me on the ring apron a bit. You sweaty wet pussy right in my face. I can't help myself but to lick it. My tongue teasing it as I recover my balance. I continue softly licking as a move over to the table. I then drop you down hard, your body a tattooed punky blur as You fall through the table. I get to my feet, juices mixed with dried blood dripping down my smiling face. I stand above you placing my Doc covered foot on your pussy. I lift my arms in victory as I tease your pussy lips with the tip of my boot. Making a double biceps pose for the frenzied crowd!

11:15 <Punky> "Auuunhmmmmff .... mmmfff ..." Still sucking on my own damp sweaty black torn thong as you hoist me up the hard way, taking me off the floor instead from a standing position, staggering back with the effort of lifting my taller frame ... but you start to LICK my bare aching wet pussy as I'm straddled on your shoulders, my efforts to reach out and grab the ropes for balance failing as my hips rut, my abs flexing, moaning dizzily as I grind against your tongue, getting right to the edge of unwilling humiliating orgasm on my nerdy rival's tongue even while I'm sucking my own fucking panties ...  before you jolt down and BOMB me through the table! CRUUUUNCH! "AUUUUUUUUUNHHNGNHHNhhnhhunhhhh ..." I splay out, spasming as my pussy gives a hot SQUIRT on impact, my tits jiggling as my head lolls, the panties drooling out of my lips as you set your brown Doc on my dripping cunt and grind her, thighs quivering as I give a little gush against your sole as my punk cunt quivers, the crowd in awe as the curvy softer shorter purple punk manages to humiliatingly table the legendary Purple Vixen - with both of us buck naked, no less!

11:24 <Magnificent_Meggy> I remove my shoe from Your sopping pussy. I string of liquid stretching as I remove my foot. I pull your hair, prying you off the floor. Dragging your lifeless body to the ring apron. I lay you on the apron and begin untieing your Docs, i slide them off your feet revealing your moist socks which are stuck fast to your toes. I then climb into the ring pulling you by the legs to line you up in front of the turn buckle. As I pull your legs I yank your sock off exposing your feet. Then take one of your shoes and hold it high. " these are going to be mine now" I climb to the top rope with the shoe. Looking to jump off and drive it into your face

11:37 <Punky> "Auuuuuuuuhhhhhh ..." My cunt pulsing as you step off her, trailing sticky webs of orgasmic juices, humiliating me on camera even more, before you drag my shuddering nude body up, rolling me to the apron! I lay there like a rag doll as you add the additional humiliation of taking my Docs off before the match is even done, removing my iconic punk footwear as the crowd roars at the humiliating tactics, my purple socks revealed before you drag me into he ring, and even take my socks off, leaving me COMPLETELY naked on the mat! Fortunately for me, you take so long enjoying removing my tight laced boots and peeling my socks and getiting me into just the right place that by the time you're getting my Doc from the apron and carefully climbing the ropes, your naked body shining as you look to mount up top again ... I've had just enough time to recover a bit ... and so as you try to find your balance, nude body glistening up on the top rope, I manage to snap my bare foot up and drive a kick upwards, toes smacking the top rope! You had me VERY close to the corner, probably knowing you couldn't jump super far, so I'm in range to lift my hips up enough to kick the rope and jiggle it, trying to make you lose your balance and fall pussy-first onto the top buckle!

11:45 <Magnificent_Meggy> I am in position to leap and I noticed You're stirring. Your barefoot reached up kicking the rope. My chubby frame already uneasy on the top. I lose my balance and drop the Doc. Worse than that I fall forward, landing full weight on the top turnbuckle The rough rope burning my pussy. I SCREAM out in pain. I have landed like this before, but never without any protection. I sit on the top buckle trying to get a grip with my legs to get down. So far being unsuccessful

11:49 <Punky> "Nnnhhh ... you ... fucking tubby bitch ...." I growl, flushed with humiliation at how you just made me cum in front of a roaring audience and my body pulsing with bruised ache from head to toe from being put through the table I had been trying to put YOU through. Pulsing with hurt and arousal and embarrassment, I painfully drag myself up with the ropes, getting to my feet. Knowing I need more time to recover but needing to put you down hard, I go for one of my favorite wrestler's vintage finishers .... reaching for your purple hair, I try to pull you forward until your thighs are hanging on top rope and your jaw is against my shoulder, my hands around your head, trying yo make a bridge from my shoulder to the top rope with your naked body before I drop to my ass, looking to give you the top rope hanging Stunner called the Tower of London!
11:49 <Punky>

12:02 <Magnificent_Meggy> I sit on the top rope, still stuck and reeling in pain. So sure victory was mine, that I even claimed your shoes. I am quickly learning that you are hard to keep down. My chubby body being a negative now as I am neat spent and you seemingly have a third wind. Even after cumming. You pull me forward by the hair, then drop me straight forward. My boobs then my head flopping off the mat. I lay face down moaning in pain. The affects of the match taking its toll as I lay motionless, drool pooling on the mat in front of my mouth

18:45 <Punky> Both I and the audience are honestly a bit shocked at how competitive you've made this - I came in expecting to walk all over you and I've been piledriven, stripped, powerbombed through a table and cum like a slut right on your Doc sole ... but my addiction to cardio has kept me going, my six pack abs still holding tight and flexed as you're wearing out. I hit the Tower of London, dropping you to the mat as you lay spasming, your big ass jiggling as you drool to the mat, and I purr, taking the time to unlace YOUR brown Docs, peeling them off your feet along with your sweaty socks to bare your toes, and then looking to bring both boots high overhead and deliver your own intended move as I lithely leap to the middle buckle, twist around and jump back down at you as  I drop to my knees, trying to slam your own boots into the back of your head!

18:58 <Magnificent_Meggy> I stare straight ahead, my eyes open but blank. Drooling on the mat. My body quivering, my body shaking as I breathe heavy. You untie my shoes removing my shoes and socks. My sweaty feet exposed, everything exposed as I lat in the ring. You climb to the top. Jumping off the rope, using my own idea against me. Slamming the hard rubber heel of my boots into my head. The force causes me to roll to my side. Drool flying through the air. My boobs bouncing and sagging to the Side. My soft body laying like a pile of sweaty purple goo in the ring.

19:00 <Punky> "MMmnhhh ... there's only ONE real Purple Punk in this town, slutcakes ...' I purr, and I casually tie your Doc laces together, and hang them over my shoulders, preemptively claiming your boots as I strut around your spasming drooling nude body ... nudging you to your back with my bare foot, making sure to gently kick your arms and thighs out wide to put you into a full completely naked spread-eagle as the fans take dozens of dazzling photos ... as I stand over your head, swaying my hips, facing your feet. "And now it's time to say goodnight, slut ...' I purr, and slowly lower my curvy rear, swaying my naked glistening ass as I look to slowly settle my shins over your arms and plant my perfect ass on your dazed drooling face, working to grind your nose in DEEP!

19:08 <Magnificent_Meggy> You stand and pose above me. Taking your well deserved victory lap ,with my shoes, after a hard fought battle. You use your beautiful barefoot to kick me to my back. Making sure to lay me out spread eagle. Fans taking advantage to snap pictures of the plump purple pretend punk. You sway your hips above me before lowering onto my face. Burying me deep between the cheeks. My head swallowed by your sexy sweaty ass. My mouth and nose pressed right against your brown star. In my state I unknowingly breathe in your scent. To the fans your position makes it look like your birthed a jobber in the ring. My head so far up your ass. It's all over but the counting

19:10 <Punky> Biting my lip in pleasure as I feel those deep unwilling sniffs of my sweaty bare ass, your nose nestled right into my fucking pucker.I shiver and relax the muscle a little bit, dropping another half-inch onto your face as I bury your cute nose inside me, my hands on your big plump tits, kneading them, twisting your nipples to force more sniffs as I grind my hips, my aching wet cunt smearing your lips, smothering you nice and deep to make sure you're out cold. The referee politely waiting until you go limp before she starts her count!

19:15 <Magnificent_Meggy> My nose so deep inside I can feel your muscles tighten around it. You knead and twist my nipples, my screams muffled into your pussy. My face getting drenched from your pussy. My breathing growly slower. My arms flopping beneath your legs. My legs going limp. My bareeet falling to the side. My body showing no signs of life

19:16 <Punky> As you finally go completely limp, I purr and bring my hands up off your tits, flexing my tattooed biceps in a display of pure dominance, straddling your face naked, your features completely buried in my bare ass, so just your sweaty purple sticks out from under my smothering cakes. The ref drops and makes the desultory count on your KO'd curvy form. ONE! TWO!

19:21 <Magnificent_Meggy> As the ref hits the mat with force.. 1...2... My body jiggling under you. Such humiliation in the sexy ass of a dominant punk. You relish every moment as you pose the the hand strikes 3!!! . the bell rings, my humiliating lose official. The true punk goddess declared. The true loser also known. There is no discussion who is the better woman here.

19:23 <Punky> I get to my feet, recovering my boots ... and I take the time to put my sweaty boots back on my feet, to make sure the victory pictures tell the tale - your boots claimed as a trophy worn around my neck, and my boot planted on your drooling pussy as I flex both arms over the fallen purple pretender! "There's ONE Purple Vixen, bitchcakes! And she wears Doc Martens and has a fucking fantastic ass and isn't the one unconscious on the fucking mat!" I pant, my naked body glistening, basking in the fucking glory as I flaunt with my re-booted foot on your sex, your sweaty boots around my neck. Normally the scent of sweaty Doc Martens isn't one that they'd bottle and sell at the perfumers of Paris, but tonight, it smells like VICTORY. And sweaty leather. But mostly victory.

<Published> 2024-06-25, viewed 163 times.




2024-07-13 09:36

very lovely decisive winner and a extremely sexy loser. I loved the vivid descriptions!

Magnificent Meggy

2024-07-13 09:38

(In reply to this)

Thank you for your kind words. I am glad you enjoyed this story.

Little Red

2024-07-08 10:05

You are the best purple haired girl there is! Another amazing match by the best around

Magnificent Meggy

2024-07-13 09:39

(In reply to this)

After this match I must agree. She really put me in my place

Blaze Freya

2024-06-26 16:01

What an incredible match! Punky is great at humiliation and Meggy showed that she isn't afraid to 'go there' either!

Magnificent Meggy

2024-06-26 17:41

(In reply to this)

Thank you very much. I had to "go there" unfortunately this time it wasn't enough.


2024-06-26 14:36

Meggy did really live up to her name here. As for Punky, she’s always magnificent.

Magnificent Meggy

2024-06-26 14:40

(In reply to this)

I really tried Punky was great, but she's not taking my Magnificent name.


2024-06-25 21:18

I was wondering if Meggy would run into Punky ever since I saw Meggy pop on here. I have to say y’all exceeded my expectations. Really hard fought fight Meggy. Awesome win, Punky.
Looking forward for more from both of you.

Magnificent Meggy

2024-06-25 23:23

(In reply to this)

Thank you, we were bound to collide. I will miss my beloved Doc's but Punky earned them


2024-06-25 11:37

Such a nice read, very well done! Congratulations Meggy on getting a crack at Punky!

Anastasia the Dominant

2024-06-25 11:28

Putting a second comment to give this a vote

Anastasia the Dominant

2024-06-25 11:27

Fuck I love Punky's writing style. And Meggy Cat definitely had a fight on her hands, I'm so proud of her

Magnificent Meggy

2024-06-25 11:31

(In reply to this)

Thank You very much Queen Anastasia, that means so much coming from You. It was such a tough battle for sure. I lost my prized Doc's, but Punky certainly earned them.