Girls Rule The World

Public Open

Established: 2021-07-11

  • Fantasy
  • Male / Female
  • CBT
  • Torture
  • S&M
sub men dom women
212 members
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Bar Fight


14:40 <BigBalls> I'm sitting at a bar, it's late night and i've drunk a little too much alchoolics..the girl who i've flirted with all night has gone away leaving me with my unfulfilled excitement, there aren't so much people now, but i see you drinking alone at a table with a sexy are my last chance of fucking tonight so i come at your table and starts to talk with you "'re so sexy, too much to drink alone, wanna come with me to have a drink?" yt
14:41 <Lockheart> I´m drinking alone minding my own busines after a long dy behind me. What the hell this guy doing. "sorry, please just mind your business. I´m enjoyingmyself." yt
14:44 <BigBalls> "oh come on let's have fun together!" i don't have inhibition and start to grab your shoulders to make you follow me yt
14:46 <Lockheart> Grab your hand that touches my shoulder " don´t fucking touch me!" after I twist your arm and throw you away I grab my glass of wine as if nothing happened. while you stumble to an empty table. yt
14:48 <BigBalls> i hit the table with my back, bouncing.. "AAAAHHH ! damn bitch!!" i nurse my aching back, then i come back to you "do you want to brawl bitch? do you want i spank your slut ass uh???" i shout at you yt
14:50 <Lockheart> you slap my ass I stop and see you in your eyes. withouth saying a word take a sip from my wine glass. yt
14:50 <BigBalls> brb
14:59 <BigBalls> i start pushing your chest " come on little girl, let me see how you you are tough, cunt!" i start grabbing my bulging package in front of you "i know you wanna taste a real big cock, i know you miss it slut ! yt
15:02 <Lockheart> I put aside my wine, grab your head and bang your head twice to the table "just leave me fucking alone!" I throw you away to other table making you stumble. I get up from my seat and throw you the wine that is left in my glass. "U said leave me fucking alone" I see your crotch open so I kick your crotch with my red high heel. yt
15:07 <BigBalls> i can't expect your brutal reaction, so you smash my head to the table and push me away, i'm dazed when your wine arrives in my face blinding me "oh fuck stupid bitch!" i shout at you angry, i'm moving towards you but i can't see your kick landing brutally on my exposed balls "OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH FUCCKKKKK!!!" i scream as i fall on my knees in pain holding my crotch yt
15:10 <Lockheart> "Now gotta teach you some lesson, you bastard1" people start to gather and watching us. I grab your shirt which is now stained by the wine. I make you get up and throw you to the bar. some of the buttons pulled off yt
15:12 <BigBalls> you slam me to the bar, i hit it with my back...i'm dazed and all aching but i'm so angry now, i look at you with fierce eyes and start to run to you trying to drive a series of left right punches to your chest and your belly yt
15:15 <Lockheart> I can dodge your attacks. you´re quite drunk so you´re not so accurate. I grab your collar and your waist I can easily lift you nd throw you to the bar. you land with your back. your shirt taken off. I throw aside your shirt. yt
15:17 <BigBalls> "fuck bitch!!!!" i'm now bare-chested, i nurse my back but i can't believe you are beating me, you're just a i run toward you again driving a kick to your knee and then a punch right to your chin yt
15:19 <Lockheart> your kick to my knee makes me down to one knee but your punch I can dodge easily. I grab your hand wirst and now I twist your arm behind your back yt
15:21 <BigBalls> AAAHHHH you lock and twist my arm, i scream, with the other hand i try to reach your face and scratch your face and your eyes to push you away
15:24 <Lockheart> I just have to pull my head away to avoid your desperate attack aiming my face. While maintaining locking your arm behind your back I drag you away. We´re going to the stage. the band stops playing and move away as I throw you to the drums. yt
15:27 <BigBalls> you slam me against the drums, i lean with my back against the drums, the pain from the arm is excruciating, so i desperately raise my knee to hit between your thighs to make you let me free yt
15:28 <Lockheart> I let you go.. "just fucking go, ok!" I warn you before turning away. yt
15:31 <BigBalls> i nurse my arm while i see you turn away..i think to go out from the bar, you are so strong to beat you but i'm so angry so i take the metal microphone stand and i come at your back to slam it to your neck yt
15:33 <Lockheart> "AGHH what the fuck!" you hit my neck. Now I´m angry . I grab a guitar nearby and I hit your face with guitar yt
15:35 <BigBalls> oucchhhh!!!"FUCCKK BITCH!!!" you hit my face hard making bleed my nose, the stand fall from my hands and i step back bouncing and dazed yt
15:36 <Lockheart> the guitar is not broken. I lift the guitar and swing it slam it to your torso. the spectators gasp and then yell and cheer for me yt
15:39 <BigBalls> OUCCCHHHH you hit my torso hard, i bend over in pain and i keep stepping back to recover...i see the people in the bar cheering for you " she's a crazy bitch! damn stop her !" yt
15:41 <Lockheart> as you step back. I grab your hair "where you think you´re going?" I drag you by grabbing your hear. we walk to wrads the toilette. I kick the door open and throw you inside. we´re in male toilettes. yt
15:45 <BigBalls> you throw inside the toilet i'm a little scared now, cos you re are very strong, i turn and face you in guard position waiting for your move " what do you want to do bitch?"..a guy are pissing in the urinal and look amazed and dumb at the scene with his dick in his hands yt
15:48 <Lockheart> I grab your hair and throw you to the urinal, the guy who´s pissing is shocked hey hey hey.. he´s pissing on you before he can manage to hold his pee and moves away to the next urinal. yt
15:52 <BigBalls> "OH FUCKKK" you push me to the urinal, and i'm coverd of pee now, i'm legs are bending, but i try to move forward to drive an uppercut right to your cunt yt
15:54 <Lockheart> that was so close but luckily I´m swift enough to dodge it. I kick your face make you stumble on your back. "you´re too dirty, you and your fucking mind." I grab your hair and drag you to one of the toilettes, I shove your face and I flush the toilette. I laugh yt
15:59 <BigBalls> oucccchhh you kick my face and then my head hit the wall back, i'm so dazed now and i can react when you drag me to the toilette and put my face in the toilet...ooomppfff the water are choking me, i drive my elbow back to you to push you away...the guy who was peeing run away and find a little crowd of people outside the toilette door "hey it's unbelievable what it's happening, she's giving him a good lesson!" yt
16:02 <Lockheart> "come one big guy, got still some lessons for you" I manage to put off your belt. I use the wrap your the belt around your neck and titghten up but not too tight. I use the belt to drag you outside the toilette. yt
16:05 <BigBalls> you drag me outside the toilette, i can't stand so i fall on my knees "ook..please..stop now..please-"people outside the toilette cheers for you and are so amazed to see this scene, some girls are really going out mad yt
16:07 <Lockheart> with some efforts I drag you with your belt around your neck. "what did you say earliear? what did you say about your.. what? your cock or something?" grirls laughing as I mention the word cock yt
16:09 <BigBalls> "no..i don't know..i'm drunk..i'm sorry..." i can't stand on my feet, i see a sadic smirk on your face and all the girls laughing yt
16:10 <Lockheart> "you said earlier you had a big cock and I should want your cock.. let´s see if that true!2 I give signs to 2 girls around they pull out your jeans and then your underwear exposing your manhood to the publuc. people laugh. yt
16:13 <BigBalls> "noo..noo pleasee" i can't react while the girls strip off my jeans and underwear exposing my manhood, i'm naked now with my hairy groin with big and bruised balls but with only a 5 inches cock, limp and soft yt
16:17 <Lockheart> I take off your belt from your neck just to tie your both hands behind your head after having the 2 girls help me meking you on your knees. "hold him I´ll be right back!" They hold your tied up hands behind your head and step on your lower legs. While I go to the kitchen. After a few seconds I´m back hiding something behind my back. yt
16:19 <BigBalls> i'm tied and on my knees, they hold me and i can't move, i see you arriving with something in your hands, i'm so scared now but i can't run away..."please..are all you crazy???please let me free"yt
16:22 <Lockheart> "move him here to the table!" the girls make you move to a table. "Put his cock on the table so everybody can see!" one of the girls position your cock on the tabl exposing to anyone.. "well you did hit me earlier maybe I got some brain concusion.. i didn´t remember what did you say about your cock earlier?" I smirk yt
16:24 <BigBalls> "ok..ok..i've told you if you wanna my big cock..i know..i'm sorry please..please stop" i cry and scream now, i'm totally in your power yt
16:26 <Lockheart> I reveal my one hand holding a big knife. I lift the shining knife "YOUR WHAAATTTTT?" I swinga and stab the knife on the table just like right next to your cock. some people gasp in scare and some cheer. yt
16:28 <BigBalls> AAAAAAAHHHHHH i wide my eyes open at the sight of the big knife and scream for fear...i'm so scaried and shcked now, i can't even say word, i can only stammer "no please, dont do it "yt
16:32 <Lockheart> "OPpps I miss.. maybe I´ve drunk too much" hahahahaha people laugh. your cock touches the sharp of the knife though. 2This time I can´t miss, would you be so kind?" I give a signal to one girls. As I show the next big sharp shining knife. She helps to positioning your cock. I lift the knife "This time I won´t miss" I stab the knife to.... yt
16:33 <BigBalls> "NOOOOOOO!NNOOOOO PLEASEEEEE!" i scream with all my breath, i can't move, i don't want to watch yt
16:36 <Lockheart> STAB on the table but very close to your cock, so your cock trapped betweenthe sharp edges of the two knifes. Everybody laughing tehir ass out seeing you almost pass out. "My advice, don´t move if you don´t wannna hurt your.. well.. big cock, as you said." Iarrange back some mess "sorry for the mess, I´ll pay for everybody today!" people cheer and some taking fotos of you yt
16:39 <BigBalls> i breath heavily, i feel i'm going to faint, but i can't move...i stand with my cock trapped between the two knife, i feel the sharp blade touching my cock, i try to go away slowly to run away "hey can't leave me this way..let me go"yt
16:40 <Lockheart> But everybody either busy taking pictures of you or go back to their drinks.
16:40 <Lockheart> end

<Published> 2022-03-26, viewed 155 times.
