Girls Rule The World

Public Open

Established: 2021-07-11

  • Fantasy
  • Male / Female
  • CBT
  • Torture
  • S&M
sub men dom women
212 members
12 stories
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Battle of the Sexes Round 1


11:07 <Dutch> I make my way to the ring and step in through the top ropes. Moving into my corner I start stretching my 5'10" and 195 lbs muscular body, waiting for my opponent. I'm wearing black wrestling trunks and no shirt. As my opponent arrives I stop my warmup routine and stand up, raising my arms and flexing my biceps into hard balls of muscle. Smiling friendly I ask "are you ready for this?", yt

11:10 <Lockheart> you´re already on the ring as I´m walking towards the ring. Admiring your toned muscled body as you pose. I´m wearing my sportbra and compression tights, both black. I slide through the ropes, standing against you face to face. I caress your pecs to tease you, "wheneever you´re ready" yt

11:14 <Dutch> I look you over as you approach me, enjoying the view and flex my pecs as you run your hands over them. Eager to get my hands on you I answer "I was born ready" with a smug smile. I lower my arms and reach for your shoulders, grabbing them firmly and spreading my feet for a firm stance as I lock up with you for a test of strength "show me what you've got, sexy" I say as I start pushing forward to test your strength while I look to force you backwards, yt

11:16 <Dutch> You are not logged in.

11:21 <Lockheart> As your hands on my shoulders I put my both hands on your both shoulders too from inside. you push me so I have to take one step backward "you´re strong" I smirk as I plant my both feet to the mats preventing you pushing me further backwards. Kinda hard to push you back but I smirk. Then I send one knee to your ripped abs and swiftly I uppercut your jawy and finish my combo with my elbow to your pecs sending you bounce to the ropes. yt

11:25 <Dutch> I flex my muscles and push you backwards, but I feel your impressive strength as you stop me. Focusing on the test of strength I lean forward and push harder to drive you into the ropes, but then your knee smacks into my tensed abs. "nnnggghh!" I grunt out and am surprised by your fast strikes. I stagger backwards into the ropes and lean into them with my full weight to bounce out of them and charge back at you, extending my right arm and trying to hit you hard across your chest with a clothesline, yt

11:30 <Lockheart> Glad my combo worked, I see you bounce back so I duck swiftly avoiding your clothesline and hit your pecs witzh my shoulder and grab your head, I make a small jump and BAMMMM, DDT making you kiss the mats. I immediately sit on your lower back, grabbing your mouthcorners with my hands pulling you backwards "how was that, tough guy?" yt

11:36 <Dutch> I charge at you but hit nothing but air as you evade my arm, and before I can react you grab hold of me and take me down hard with your DDT. Shaking my head to regain my senses as you slide onto my back and grab your fingers in the corners of my mouth and pull my head up. "nngghhfff" unable to speak with your hands in my mouth I answer by pushing my left hand down for support, and then slamming my right elbow hard into the side of your body to weaken your position. Then I grab your hands and squeeze my fingers around them, yanking you forward to get you off balance and throw you off me, yt

11:39 <Lockheart> "Ughhh" your elbow to my side weaken my hold than you grab my hand yank me, I lose my grip andfall on your side. "fuck!" I immediately roll my self 2-3 times away from you, than back on my feet. My eyes catching you. I start to run towards you and about to charge you yt

11:44 <Dutch> I push myself up onto hands and knees as I see you roll away, catching my breath and standing up as well. Then you charge at me and I do the same, moving towards you and at the last moment I lower my right shoulder under your defense. I open my arms and reach them around your body as I try to slam my shoulder hard into your abs, attempting to take you down hard on your back with a spear, yt

11:48 <Lockheart> DAMN! Suddenly you stop me by grabbing my shoulders and slamming your shoulder on my abs and with your spear I lose my balance , I slam onto the mats.. "fuck!" I try to catch my breathe yt

11:51 <Dutch> I slam you down hard on your back and let my muscular body land on top of yours. "My turn" I say and get up while I reach down and grab your ankles. I pull your legs up and twist them to turn you over onto your belly as I step over your body, trying to sit on your back while you are weakened, looking to lock your legs in a boston crab hold and bend your body, yt

11:57 <Lockheart> Still breathing heavily as you grab my legs and lock me in boston crab torturing my lower back. I try to focus myself while enduring the bending of my back. WIth both arms I manage to push myback. Sweat drops from my face. But then I realize the rope is in my reach, so I grab the lower rope. "hey let mego!" yt

12:01 <Dutch> I push my butt down on your back and lean backwards, bending your legs and back further as I hear your comment and look behind me. I see your hand on the rope and have to let you go, so I drop your legs to the mat and stand up from your body, turning towards you and raising my arms defensively as I get ready to attack when you get back up, yt

12:04 <Lockheart> Finally you release me. I take a few seconds to recover my back. Grapping the ropes, I lift my body and stand up again, leaning on the ropes. I see you´re in defense. Damn this guy is strong and tough! I need a strategy to take him down. I give signals with my hands "come and get me, tough guy!" yt

12:08 <Dutch> I see you're in trouble and move towards you carefully. When I get closer I reach forward with my left hand to grab your right wrist to yank you forwards and out of the ropes as I turn in my right side and reach my right arm around you, trying to lock my arm around your head for a headlock and flex my bicep hard around your neck, yt

12:15 <Lockheart> You yank me away from the ropes and now you lock my neck with your mighty biceps, making me hard to breathe. I close my eyes to cencentrate. I elboy your side twice but not with all my strength just want you to concentrate strengthening your sides. I´m focusing my strength on my right foot instead. Than I stomp hard on your food. Than I manage to pull your arm away an instead bend your arm behind your back punishing your arm. yt

12:20 <Dutch> "unnggghh!" I grunt out as your elbow lands, but I can keep my hold locked and I try to squeeze my rock hard bicep around your neck tighter, trying to weaken you as I suddenly feel your foot stomp hard on top of mine. Surprised as I exclaim in pain my hold weakens a bit and suddenly you grab my arm and twist it behind my back. I grit my teeth to resist the pain as I try to flex my arm while I push myself up on my toes to relieve the pressure. Then I try to turn my body towards you quickly, try to twist my arm free before you take control, yt

12:26 <Lockheart> I realize of your strength I can´t keep locking you for long time. You turn your body but not letting you free I throw you to the ropes and before you bounce back, my elbow already hit your face . as you bend your back bakwards opening your torso I slap your pecs with both hands and quickly get off the ring grab your both ankles. "where you´re looking at, big guy?" I pull your ankles making you stumble and pull your legs further until you fall on the hard floor outside the ring yt

12:32 <Dutch> I escape but you whip me into the ropes with surprising strength and stun me with your elbow. I try to grab my hands on your body and shove you away, but you're too fast and pull my legs out from under me to send me falling out of the ring. I try to land rolling, still smacking hard into the floor as I grunt in pain and slowly try to push myself back up, looking where you are while I try to stall to recover from the hard impact, yt

12:35 <Lockheart> I see you push yourself about to get up, but while you´re still in sitting position I side kick your face sending you back to the floor before I climb to the ring again. yt

12:39 <Dutch> "aaarggg!" I exclaim as your kick lands against my head. I fall to the side and try to roll with the blow, shaking my head dazed while I struggle to recover. I get onto my hands and knees slowly and know I need to get back into the ring. Staggering about I move around the corner post to another side before putting my hands on the mats and sliding back in under the ropes, trying to stand back up before you attack, yt

12:44 <Lockheart> I´m watching carefully your movements I´m calculating my move as you´re about to slide yourself under the ropes about to get back on ring. I run to opposite ropes bounce my selfback and sliding myself on the mats lengthening my legs so my feet hit your head pushing you back to outside of ring. We both now outside the ring again yt

12:47 <Dutch> You bounce off the ropes and dash at me while I'm vulnerable sliding in under the ropes. My eyes grow wide and all I can do is cover my face with my arms. Your feet slam against my arms hard and the impact is passed through to my head as your momentum is enough to force me out of the ring again, landing on the floor again dazed on my back as I look up at you, struggling to regain my senses, yt

12:52 <Lockheart> "Get up, bigguy!" I pick you up by grabbing your hair, "not really your day, huh?" I slap your face twice to humiliate you as I make you stand up than BAMMMM I bump your head to the apron of the ring yt

12:57 <Dutch> You pull me back up and slap my face hard, feeling the stinging pain in my cheek as my male pride starts to kick in. I want to strike back but you turn me towards the ring and slam my head onto it. I land with my arms on the ringside, grunting and groaning in pain as I think "have.. to.. escape.." as I'm in desperate need for space to recover if I still want to stand a chance. I use my hands on the canvas to slide forward into the ring as I pull my feet up and try to kick them backwards, hoping to hit your body so I can slide back into the ring, yt

13:05 <Lockheart> Your kick did push me back giving you time to slide back to the rings. But your kick fortunately not cause much damage to my torso. I follow you sliding from the lower ropes, I´m back to the ring. Making small jumps as I see you now weakened. You´re still crwaling on the mats trying to recover. I climb one of the post, waiting for you to get up. "Hey, handsoem, over here!" I try to get your attention and to provoke you yt

13:11 <Dutch> I crawl away from the ropes towards the other side as I hear you get back in the ring as well. Pushing myself up on my hands and knees I turn my head and see you climbing onto the corner post. You stand confidently to challenge me, but instead I try get back to my feet and lean back into the opposite corner where I try to calm my breathing and regain some more strength before attacking you again "come and get me, babe" I reply as I stay out of reach, yt

13:13 <Lockheart> my provocation failed. But even so I can see you haven´t recovered fully yet. My chance. I jump to do body slam on you yt

13:17 <Dutch> Having recovered some strength I step out of the corner and then you jump further than I expected. My eyes grow wide and I raise my arms to catch you as your body smacks into mine. The sound of our collision is clearly audible as I stagger backwards and fall, trying to turn our bodies desperately trying to land on top of you, yt

13:21 <Lockheart> Our bodies make contact and the ring shakes. You try to roll over making you´re on top of me. Immediately I try to rolll over again making me on top again, realizing you haven´t really recovered, I clench my fist and punching your faces several times before I get up, jump and elbow drops hitting your abs. yt

13:25 <Dutch> I land on top of you, but before I can take advantage I feel you twist and turn, forcing me off and rolling on top of me instead with impressive strength. You raise your fists and I can only try to cover my face to protect myself, leaving my abs exposed to your elbow. "oooooffffff!" I double over and gasp for air as you smack down into my sixpack abs, yt

13:30 <Lockheart> This is my chance I tell myself. I slide my one leg under your neck and scissor your neck with my both tights. I grab one of your lower arm and pull it away stretching and opening your side. I need to weaken you further and quick before I start to lose stamina, i tell my self. seeing you so opened and vulnerable. I clench my other fist and punch your opened rips twice and finish my combo by punching your pit, making your strecthed arm limp yt

13:39 <Dutch> While I gasp for air I feel your legs slide around my neck and as your strong thighs flex I can hardly breathe. I reach for your thighs with my hands, intending to use brute strength to break free, but before I can you take control of one of my arms. "" I stammer out as you slam your fist into my body. I flex both arms and pull at your strong thigh with my free hand while you overwhelm my other arm. Trashing around with my legs I feel myself weaken between your strong legs, yt

13:47 <Lockheart> I can´t do anything with your free arm I concentrate on what I can handle already. I maintain my grab on your arm and pull it again opening your pit again and punching your arm pit twice making the arm numb. Then I roll halfway so your other arm trapped under my weight. I try to put more pressure on my tights scissoring your neck. Knowing I can start losing stamina too, I punch your pecs. sweats flowing like crazy UGHHHHHHHHHHH I try to give all my strength yt

13:52 <Dutch> Your second strike lands hard and I feel my arm go numb while I try to pull at your thigh with my free hand. Then you roll us and I feel the pressure increase as I realize I would need both arms to stand a chance against your strong thighs. My air gets cut off completely but I keep trying to resist until I start getting light headed and I realize I'm at your mercy. I stop struggling and start tapping your thigh with my free hand as a sign of submission, yt

13:57 <Lockheart> I start to feel lightheaded as I try to put all my strength scissoring you. I don´t realize you tap on my tights I just keep on thinking I can´t loosen it. ARGGHHHHHHHH I scream as my last strength starts to fade

13:58 <Lockheart> before I finally loosen my scissor. I breathe haeavily . After a while I realize you don´t move anymore . I kick your limb body making sure you pass out.. "I... I won... yeah I won...." I yt

14:01 <Dutch> I stop resisting and am completely overwhelmed by your strong combination hold. I tap your thigh again but it's of no use as my mind slips into darkness, passing out between your thighs. Finally you release your scissors but it's too late for me and I end up with my arms and legs spread out on the canvas while I'm on my back with my eyes closed, knocked out and defeated, yt

14:07 <Lockheart> still breathing heavily I get up and lay one foot on your chest "haha.. better luck next time, handsome1" I flex my biceps posing victory

14:07 <Lockheart> You are not logged in.

14:09 <Dutch> Slowly my eyes start opening, and I shake my head to regain my senses. I loop up and see you flexing over me as I suddenly realize what happened. Barely able to move still I see your impressive biceps and all I can say is "wow..."

14:10 <Lockheart> "how it feels losing to a woman, big guy?" I give my hand to help you get up

14:15 <Dutch> I take your hand and get back to my feet, still a little unstable on my feet as I give you a hug to congratulate you "if she's as strong as you I can accept it" I answer and add "but I'll be back for a rematch!"

14:18 <Lockheart> I hug you back, but than DDT you to the mats. I then pull off your shorts, exposing your nice butt. I slap yoour butt.. "well I´ll give you back your shorts if you can beet me, until next time.. tot ziens!"

14:21 <Dutch> I feel you grab me tightly and then slam me down again. Completely surprised you stun me and take off my shorts, leaving me in the ring humiliated and naked. I look after you and raise my hand while I think 'I'll get you next time'... (the end)

<Published> 2022-04-10, viewed 147 times.
