HRW - High Rise Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-08-15

  • Pro wrestling
  • Long-term roleplay
  • Descriptive writing
The World Wide Leader in Wrestling Entertainment is under new management.
20 members
2 stories
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The Regime Begins

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19:41 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: I have created the private room #HRWArena.
19:41 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: I have invited @Tricki_Nikki to join #HRWArena.
19:41 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: I have invited @Punky to join #HRWArena.
19:42 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: (Let me know if I set this up correctly or incorrectly)
19:42 Punky: (Looks good!)
19:57 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time for the 35th Annual Summerfest! We are reviving a well carved tradition here in HRW and it is about time for our main event! With commentators Mikey Foal and Tony Tombs on duty and standing by. In the ring, we have our faithful referee and ring announcer. I am backstage getting ready for my first official match as Owner of HRW. I have a tradition to live up to. And I won't let the Storm name down! I am wearing as you see in my picture the gold top, matching bottoms, knee pads, wrist tape and black boots. I have my GM Blazer draped around my shoulders and sunglasses on for my entrance. I just hope that Indy Legend Punky remembers to show up! Can she be trusted? Well, I am paying her enough. Time to shine!
20:00 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: My theme music plays and it's 'Shine Like a Diamond' by Rihanna! Predictable but here I go. The ring announcer calls it out as I hit the entrance ramp, strutting like a boss as I look to one side of the stage and then the other. The fans don't know whether to cheer or not. They are happy the old regime is gone, but curious as hell as to what mine will look like. Early indications though are that I am petty and vindictive as fuck. I coyly drop the sunglasses over my nose as I make eye contact with the fans and continue my strut to the ring.
20:03 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: The ring announcer says, 'The following contest is set for one fall... and if Tricki Nicki loses the match, she will be... UNEMPLOYED! Introducing first, from the mean streets of Greenwich, Connecticut... She is the owner and acting GM over HRW, please welcome... THE GEMSTONE.... SARAAAAAH STORRRRM!!'
20:05 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: I salute the fans, and hop up proudly onto the ring apron, facing the fans before undoing my blazer and then SHOWING off my gorgeous body! I throw the blazer to the side and the fans cheer... Just happy to see me out of the GM attire for once as I carefully hand my shades to the referee! I do a few arm stretching exercises as Rihanna dies off. I am looking forward to this! yt
20:05 Tricki_Nikki: It is finally showtime! Sarah Storm is in my way. I had her daddy wrapped around my little finger, but this little twit is proving to be no pushover. After a fierce round of negotiations, I got the main event slow in Summerfest!!! But winning is crucial, as this young twit seems to want to wipe out everyone connected to the previous regime. And that would include me. But, like I am going to allow that to happen!!! I KNOW everyone wants to see The Gemstone eat a taste of humble pie between the ropes tonight! She is an owner of the fed, not a wrestler! And I am going to prove that her ass should be riding a desk, not the ring!! mtc
20:11 Tricki_Nikki: Now that you have made your way to the ring, it's my turn. I push out from behind the curtain and head down the ramp, wearing my purple thong backed one piece with white trim. White boots with purple laces and white knee/elbow pads with purple trim. My blonde hair flows, as I slide under the ropes and hand spring up to my boots before blowing kisses to the crowd!! I give you a dismissively sideways glance as my classic Tina Turner ' Simply The Best' blares over the speakers. "NOW ENTERING THE RING, FROM MIAMI FLORIDA, AND A TOP CONTENDER FOR THE NEXT CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT....YOU KNOW HER , YOU LOVE HER....PLEASE WELCOME TRICKI NIKKI SULLIVAN!!!" I flex my right bicep and wink to the crowd, before settling back into the corner. I look you over in your little gold outfit. A feral smile curls up on my lips as I just wait for that bell to ring. There is a lot riding on this battle tonight, and I do not plan to let this opportunity go to waste!!! DING!!!!!!!!!! yt
20:14 Tricki_Nikki: You are not logged in.
20:16 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: I shake my head and give an unimpressed smirk. I had seen you in and out of daddy's office constantly. The hair being scattered as you left, the lipstick on my daddy's collar... You miserable bitch! No wonder he has health issues today! You are the leader of my daddy's old regime and I am going to change it. I mean, I should be grateful to you because I am in this position now. But yeah, I make the rules now! I snarl after the bell and without thinking, I see red as I just BURST from my corner and dart towards you! I raise my hands and try to INSTANTLY hook up with you in a collar and elbow, hoping my rage is enough to overpower you backwards! yt
20:22 Tricki_Nikki: And here she comes! Little Miss Trust Fund coming at me like her boots are on fire!!! But I am not about to be bullied by the likes of YOU!!! I lean hard into that collar and elbow with my boots banging the boards! Arching my back with my hand on your neck and the other on your left upper arm, I press my boots into the deck and try to walk YOU backward toward the corner you came out of! The crowd is cheering, as I consider giving you a good knee strike, but I dismiss the idea, as I just want to show everyone I am stronger than you just moments into the battle!! "What's the matter boss lady? Struggling because no one is in here to do your dirty work for you!?" I try to get into your head early while the fans look on to see who will win the first moral victory yt
20:26 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: 'ACCKK!' I let out a grunt as you just stand right up to my power game! We clench very tightly, so hard that our arms shake and I feel the vibrations going right up and down my arms! 'DAMNIT!!' I yell loudly and can feel you turn on your own power! My eyes go wide as I look behind me over my shoulder for a brief second, losing concentration of what I should be doing as you go to embarrass me and walk me back where I came from.. My blonde hair shakes from side to side as I say, 'No.. NO!!' Early panic setting in as I didn't expect that power from you... TO STOP MY RUN STONE DEAD! I feel my back getting closer to the ropes, before I give a roar and try a reversal at the last second and throw you in the corner before me! yt
20:30 Tricki_Nikki: I have her!! I feel your body yielding to the early pressure, as your black boots skid on the canvas floor, and now, it's only a matter of time before I finish the opening 'win' by pressing your back and ass right into your own corner!!!! But I am a little too focused on that goal, and you use my own power edge and forward momentum against me, spinning us as I twist and GUHH! my back and butt slam the buckles, with my arms flying back and hooking over the top rope!! My blonde hair is a curtain over my face from the whiplash effect of the corner slam. I blush a bit and curse you under my breath as you pulled a last minute reversal out of your hat to get the first little 'win' of the bout!!! yt
20:35 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: I did it! I got you and that felt good! A surge of adrenaline courses through my veins and I feel damn good about myself now. I give you a really big smile as I try to milk that moment for every last drop! The release as I swung you around was something else. I can't even resist to pat you on your head. 'How did that one feel, Tricki?' I said as I keep the trash talk coming! I feel so damn proud of myself as the referee tries to get me to back up. I point my finger at him. 'Just remember who signs your paycheck!' I scowl as I step back, not letting him ruin that moment for me. I slap my palms off each opposite shoulder as I get psyched up for you to come after me again. 'Come on!! Come get me!' I taunt you as I step back. yt
20:40 Tricki_Nikki: You taunt and tease me like you already won the match!! Flipping my golden mane up and out of my face, I just watch you. Slapping your shoulders, preening and showboating to the fans. But I am ready to round 2!!! I lift my right boot up and press it against the bottom buckle as your trash talk me. Using it for leverage, I spring out of my corner like a rocket, with my right arm extended and stiff! I attempt to run right THROUGH YOU with the clothesline attempt!!! I want to knock you flat onto your back and ass so badly I can taste it!!! "This is far from over, Daddy's Girl!!!" I try to keep reminding the fans that the only reason you are gracing the ring right now is because of your daddy's name! yt
20:46 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: I was ready for you to come out, but I wasn't expecting it to be so fast! You used your boot on the rope for the momentum and that was crucial! I had expected a slower return and was going to counter by dropping to one knee, but the fact you springboarded out like that, means I ducked too late and the impact from the clothesline was a whole lot worse! Instead of catching me on the chest, you arm flails upwards towards my face and I get SMACKED right across the face in an ugly looking collision! I fall backwards and instantly hold my jaw!! My back lays out on the canvas and my blonde hair in a semi circle on the mat, looking like a child's version of a drawn sunset! 'UGHHH!!' I let out a few groans as I hug my chin and try to rub the jawline of it, working to ease out any pain I have and checking if it's okay! What a hit! It ain't ballet for the Billion Dollar Heiress! yt
20:53 Tricki_Nikki: The move works far better than I had hope, and when I feel my stiffened arm slam across your admittedly gorgeous face, I feel a little thrill race up my spine! And down she goes!!! I see you writhing on the floor, rubbing our battered face, and yeah.....that is something I have been wanting to see since well before you took over the reins of the HRW! As you lay there, I angle over your head and step ON that halo of blonde hair splayed against the canvas floor. Reaching for your wrists as I lean down, I try to snatch your forearms and lift UP...and up HARD!!!!! I try to anchor your head to the deck with my white and purple boots, while tugging your upper body upward toward me....and something's gotta give with those two equal and opposite actions!!! " Scream for me, BITCHY Rich....SCREAM!!!!!" yt
20:58 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: I am down on the mat after that one and that was a real awakening to the wrestling business! I have been with qualified trainers. Quite literally, the best money could buy. But I never was in the ring with someone who genuinely hated my guts! This is going to be something I am going to have to get used to as you bend over and take a hold of my taped up wrists and then pull on them upwards. 'NO NO NOOOO!!' I whimper as I feel my head coming up off the mat and you standing on MY HAIR!! My golden locks as you angrily step on it and almost pull my hair out from it roots!! Do you know long I spent on my hair? I scream for the referee to help me!! 'REF! REEEEEEEFF!!' My belly coming up off the mat as I am forced to bend over backwards literally!! I am looking upside down now as I wail!! yt
20:59 Punky: I keep waiting right where I was set up earlier. It's fine; despite my well-earned reputation for bloodthirsty rage, I can be as fuckin' Zen as David Carradine when the needs arise. Besides, I've got a vape full of a strong sativa, so I can pass the time. Waiting for my cue. I'm sure I'll know it when I hear it. My ears perk up at the squeals - but she's squealing for the ref, not the go-word. So I check the taped grip on Skipper, my spray-pink barbed wire bat, and keep waiting, unseen.
21:04 Tricki_Nikki: I give the ref my best innocent shrug of the shoulders as I am told to break the hairpulling hold. I linger for a few more moments to hear your whimpers...but then I relent. I release your taped wrists to let your back hit the canvas again. Stepping off your splayed out hair, I try to to send a right boot SLAMMING down across your bare midriff, and again, give the ref an innocent shrug as I walk away and turn to face you. Bending my knees, I wave at you with my right hand ..."Come on then, boss lady. No laying down on the job!! You wanted to moonlight as a real wrestler, so....get up and wrestle!!!" The crowd laughing a little as I taunt your transition from the PR department, to the executive suite, and now you think you can hang in the ring with top tier talent!! Pffftt!! I'm going to show everyone that you are a fraud!!!! ytt
21:10 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: I am relieved when the tension on my hair releases a little bit, as the burning sensation dies down. I felt like my hair was going to be ripped out of it's roots. I run my hand through my hair, which means I was unprepared for the belly stomp!! 'PUHHHHHHH!!' I just cough upwards as my arms splay up in the air and then down on the mat again as I feel the air rush from my lungs and trap midway up, causing me to cough violently. I turn over onto my side, rubbing my belly as you just skip away. 'Fucking useless ref... first to be.. unemployed, after YOU!' I think to myself as I have to get myself back in this. I am being laughed at and that was NOT the plan. I turn over and get to all fours, before looking up at you. I try to get to a three point stance and run towards you in retaliation! I am not sure how much air I got back, but I just go for it anyway. I try to lean my shoulder into your gut and push you back towards a corner! yt
21:16 Tricki_Nikki: This saucy sorority girl is persistent, I will give her that!! I see you push to all fours, then get into your little butt wiggling three point stance. And , as if at the sound of the gun, you lower your shoulder and bull rush me!! But the distance is just a wee bit much, so I pivot on the heel of my right boot to let you rush right past me, and during the spin, I bring my left leg and boot up, trying to soccer kick that bent over billion dollar ass to add a little speed to your date with the empty corner buckles...."OLE!!!! TORO TORO!!!!" The crowd laughs again, at your expense as I try my best to make you look like an amateur between the ropes "Damn, this girl's apple didn't just fall far from the tree! She fell from the tree, rolled down the hill, and floated a few hundred miles downstream!!" I seem to have the crowd now, and I want you to FEEL vulnerable. Helpless. WEAK!!! yt
21:23 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: I go to wrestle you again as I shoot up, but then shoot PAST you as I look like a completely fool and stooge. You complete the humiliation with a swift kick to my golden ass! SMACK! My shoulder lands between the top and middle turnbuckles, hitting the ringpost as I scream again!!! 'YEOOOOWWW!' I very slowly try to peel back from the corner and rub my shoulder and then sort of half rubbing my golden ass. That was embarrassing and hearing the cheers of the fans is just making me even angrier!! I am almost ready to snap as I say, 'Stupid... stupid.' Closing my eyes as I groan and try to remember the code word for Punky. 'Ahhh... banana!' I said, which confuses the referee and I am not even sure that was the right word! yt
21:24 Punky: "Banana"? Did someone up there say "banana"? Shit, are there bananas here? I could use a snack.
21:30 Tricki_Nikki: I hear you mumbling something about a banana, and think maybe you hit the corner a little harder than I thought!! I stalk in behind you as you rub your golden posterior. Grabbing at your shoulders to spin you to face me, I wink at you, before sending a right forearm European uppercut toward the underside of your chin, to try and knock you even more loopy if I can land it!!! "You can recite all the fruits and vegetable names you want while you are in dream land, cupcake!!!" I don't want to let you off the hook, as I know my career is riding on a big W right now!! I need to soften you up just a little more before going for a finisher!!!! The crowd is chanting my name, and I feel the excitment of control washing over me like a tidal wave yt
21:31 Punky: Yeesh, it sounds rough up there. Still, I'm sure ol' Diamondtits will remember the go-phrase when she's ready. Must just be building dramatic tension.
21:36 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: I am there stopping and saying, 'BANANA!' again as the referee even stops in his tracks and asks if I am okay. 'I am fine!' I scowl at him! I am midway through shouting BANANA again when you bring me around to face you and send a sickening European uppercut my way! My chin rocks upwards and my blonde hair shoots up high as I step back after feeling my teeth GRIND together when my head violently shook from the move! I step back groggily and my back hits the corner, with my arms draped over the top rope. My head is dazed and rocks back and forth as I say, 'UHHH... APPLES... UMM, ORANGES...' Still nothing as I say, 'Fuck it!' And then try to raise my boot and raise it towards your belly, trying to aggressively push you away from me, grabbing those ropes for some additional leverage! yt
21:39 Punky: God damn it, now I want a fruit salad.
21:40 Tricki_Nikki: And there you go, sounding more fruity than normal as you recite more and more fruit named. I furrow my brow, and the little giggle I have distract me just long enough for you to plant your boot against my belly to shove me back and away from you, a little rougher and stronger than expected! UHHN!! I stagger back a few paces, nearly losing my footing but I stay upright. Bending my knees, I nod my head "Okay tough girl....bring it!" I watch you closely,as it seems you are determined to prolong your punishment. I am more than happy to oblige!!!! yt
21:45 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: I still have a hold of the ropes as I grab them. I can't remember the word for Punky and you might have me mauled by the time I do remember it. I am going to have to try something for myself for once so, I try to quickly bring myself to face the ropes on my right as I scoot quickly from the corner. I look over my shoulder at where your position is, as I try to pull off some lucha libre magic as I hop up onto the second rope, back turned still to you and try to surprise you and everyone else with a quick springboard elbow as I extend my arm and try to send that elbow right towards your face! I hope this works like it did in training! yt
21:50 Tricki_Nikki: I'm not sure what you are up to with all the fruit names, but than I see that purple punk at ringside, and it seems that you are trying to remember the magic word so she will come into the ring and lay it on me!!! Well, it seems that little trick went sideways for you!!! I see you angling toward the corner and I give chase. You rush into the corner and leap up on the ropes, then twist and spring right at me at considerable speed....WHUMMMPPPPP!!!! the business end of your elbow thuds right between my eyes, recoiling my head as if I just got punched in the face!!! I sway for a moment. then slump to my knees, and pitch forward onto my chest and right cheek, with my ass in the air as my knees are trapped under me!! I just got my freaking bell RUNG!!!! OOoOOoooo a little drool comes from the corner of my lip as I lay there in a crumpled heap, and the crowd is shocked nearly into silence from the unexpected high flying , flush landing blow!!! yt
21:52 Punky: (I'm actually hiding under the ring, for humor's sake.)
21:57 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: 'YEAH!! YEAH! YEAH!!' I get up as I scream and beat my chest with raw excitement! My body is sore after that as I get a huge adrenaline rush. I got to get used to bumping off the ropes like that. I see you bending over in an awkward position as I smile with evil intent! The crowd admiring the move, but have an uneasy feeling about what I am thinking. I then stroll over to you with new found confidence as I see that upturned ass and can't resist bending down near my MAIN EVENT girl and trying to humiliate you as I go to SPANK your ass ONE... TWO... THREE! times, bringing my hand down on that ass of yours. Reddening up your cheeks. My plan all coming together now as I shrug and then say... 'PUNKY!! PUNKYYYYY!!' The crowd all gasp in shock.... I am mentioning the name of the revered wrestling legend, who has never been seen in HRW before. I scream again... 'PUNKYYYYYYYYYY!!' yt
22:01 Punky: Oh, shit. THERE it is. Yeah, we'd thought about a cool code word but just calling me in is way easier. I slide out from under the ring, rolling out in a plume of THC to a huge pop from the crowd that recognizes the Brutalist Artist, wearing one of my merch tees (This one has me as a zombie rising from he grave under the words PUNK IS FUCKIN' DEAD) with the sleeves and belly ripped off to bare my inked arms and toned 6-pack, a microskirt belted over a black thong flaunting the tattooed creamy glory of the Best Ass in Wrestling™, black knee socks and my iconic red Doc Martens, clutching Skipper, my spray-painted pink bat wrapped in barbed wire (a gift from MIck Foley), purple hair in pigtails held with silver skull clasps.
22:04 Tricki_Nikki: I am really knocked for a loop by that elbow strike, but then I am rudely rousted out of my near KO haze with a bare bottom spanking!!! The thong back of my purple suit offers no protection from your palm as you warm my jiggling cheeks with the smacks!! I groan ,and start to come out of my haze. Pushing to all fours, I blush a little from the position I am in, and the fact that this desk jockey is having her way with me at the moment!! I crawl toward the ropes, and shake my head vigorously. I try to clear the fog as the crowd goes wild. I have no idea why, for the moment as I am just starting to get back to reality. I kneel by the ropes, and reach up, gripping them one at a time to try and climb them to regain my boots under me. Another shake my of my head, and I hear the music..."Can't be...." I say to myself as the blow to the head must have been a little worse than I thought!! yt
22:09 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: 'Punky is here! Punky is here! Punky is here! THE BRUTALIST ARTIST!' screams Mikey Foal as he instantly comes up with a name for her! I can see Punky strutting around in front of the crowd, but everyone is wondering WHY? WHY IS SHE HERE? I approach you as you are down with your back to the ropes. I smile as I said, 'Oh, you poor naive fool, Nicki? Did you REALLY think I wanted you to just dance out of the ring towards the unemployment line? No, I WANT to reward you with that two year deal, where you WILL be my employee and I want to punish you and extend your torture for as long as possible! But that would mean, I would have to lose, right? So, here's what's going to happen. Punky is going to come in here, kick your ass and get me disqualified, meaning... I lose the match, BUT WIN IN THE LONG RUN!' I tap my forehead as I say, 'I outsmarted you... I OUTSMARTED YOU!' I said as I look at Punky and then point at you. I said, 'DESTROY HER!' yt
22:13 Punky: I grin wolfishly, and rub my fingertips together in the universal sign for filthy money, drawing a chorus of boos. Fans are fickle, though - they love or they hate or they cheer or they boo, but bank account balances are what LASTS. "You're the boss," I purr, and blow Nikki a kiss as she starts to drag herself up on the ropes. "Hiya sexy," I grin, my darkly lined eyes gleaming feral as I SWING Skipper from the shoulder, right from ringside, aiming to drive it between the second and third ropes into Nikki's sexy abs in her purple one-piece - and maybe a little lower - trying to double her over so I can reach up between the first and second ropes, grab her hair, and yank her head over the middle rope and right into a Skipper Smooch, a head-on bash from my barbed wire bat into that forehead! yt
22:23 Tricki_Nikki: I feel a little woozy and like this is all some kind or acid trip. At least, until the pink bat drills into my lower abs, making my cheeks puff out, and my buns jiggle and shake from the impact!! The crowd gasps as I get my hair used to press my chest to the ropes, then THUNKKKKK!!! I take a bat between the eyes, in almost the same spot that flying elbow landing just a minute before. My arms drape over the top rope, as my thong split buns poke back toward the CEO!!! My eyes are glazed and hazed as a little dazed moan comes from my parted lips. The arena is spinning around me. I can't tell if the fans are cheering for, or against me at this point, but I try to blink away the wooziness, and focus. "" I mutter out the words as The Gemstone's rumored and well paid enforcer makes her inaugural appearance at the HRW Summerfest..... yt
22:27 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: The bell sounds as Punky hits you with the bat! The referee acting quickly as chaos descends into the arena! I point at the referee to shut up! Then, our ring announcer stands up and says, 'Here is your winner...' I turn around and tell him, 'SHUT UP!' He quickly sits down, almost comically fast as I turn back to Tricki Nikki! I smile as I walk towards you. 'Congratulations on winning! I guess I might as well collect your award!!' I said as I stepped in front of you and got you into a front facelock! My arm around your head as I force you to bend over! I look at Punky as I present her with the target, as I shuffle you in front of her with your posterior sticking right up! yt
22:30 Punky: Sliding into the ring, I lick my lips, and the fans are aghast as the evil heiress grabs the sexy main venter in a face lock, flaunting your golden ass for the cameras. I heft Skipper consideringly - but honestly, scarring up an ass like yours would be like torching paintings in the Louvre. So I set Skipper down to a gasp - and some boos? Sickos. I love wrestling fans - and instead I frame Nikki's ass with my fingertips held out like a director as I back up - and then step in and SWING my right leg allll the way back until my boot heel hangs over my back before I straighten up and WHIP that leg gracefully all the way around, aiming to DRIVE my round toed Doc up into Nikki's pussy with my terrifying cunt punt finisher, Greetings from Portland! yt
22:37 Tricki_Nikki: I hear the bell ring, and it appears as though I have won. But I'm feeling like anything but a winner right now, as I get wrapped into a tight face lock!!! I feel the pressure, as your arms are stronger than they appear!! Either that, or I am way more dizzy and weak than I thought. But as you secure me , I hear my fans screaming for me to watch out!! Look out!! Move!!! As if I would not do any or all of those things if I could! But the desk jockey has me wrapped tight, and in a split second, I feel a wave of pain and nausea wash over me as I am crotch punted up and off my boots!!! My boots lift, my buns shake violently, then I slowly puddle up to my knees on the canvas, clutching at my barely covered kitty!!! My eyes are screwed tightly shut with the pain, and my head lolls shoulder to shoulder. I am hurting....badly!!!! I kneel there, mumbling incoherently as the bell rings again, and half the crowd cheers, half boo's are the antics of the world famous bad girl that just drilled mtc
22:37 Tricki_Nikki: me between the legs for shits and giggle, and probably a case full of cash!! yt
22:43 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: 'YES!!' I pump my fists into the air in a wave of celebration! I get to keep Nikki on the card and do this as often as I want to you! You have just screwed yourself with that request you made! Sure, I have to pay you a little extra, but I am a Billionaire! It makes no matter to me. I look at Punky as I tell her to hold you still as I turn around and start to twerk my little ass! Oh, you will love this! The fans start to turn away in disgust as this has just turned into a complete ego trip for me as I try to destroy Tricki Nikki's reputation! My regime looking worse than my father's ever did! I start to back up my golden ass as I smother you around and around, shoving the material into your face and around the curvature and crevices of my ass! I giggle as I peel away after humiliating you. And now, I step behind you as I switch places with Punky. I say, 'Punky.. remember what you said earlier about giving her some cake? Well, now is your chance... LET HER EAT CAKE!!'
22:43 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: I said with cruel intent and malice in my voice! yt
22:48 Tricki_Nikki: I kneel there after the flush landing low blow drained my will to fight right out of me. And the bitchy billionaire starts to rub and scrub her tight golden clad butt cheeks allllllll over my weary face!! A lap dance I didn't pay for, and definitely didn't want is performed for all to see! My head is buffeted all about until you grow wearly of humbling me, and you get behind me, and order Punky to do her worst. And for that crazy tramp...that is saying something!!! I so want to protest. To escape. But I cannot. You know it. I know it. So I kneel there, ready to take it. But I am taking mental notes, so WHEN I get my revenge, I will be sure to even the ledger. With interest!!! I blink slowly and hear the canvas creaking, knowing the lavender lunatic will some into my bleary view any moment now.... yt
22:49 Punky: A hot purrrrr as I watch my new employer work her VERY sexy rich girl ass into Nikki's pretty face, and I eagerly shift my hips, my luscious snake-tattooed ample cakes bouncing under my microskirt in anticipation, flashes going off all over the arena as the proud blonde former champion is humiliated by her boss -and her boss' new enforcer! I step over as Sarah takes my spot, flipping my skirt up and tucking it into my thong waistband as I flaunt the Best Ass in Wrestling™, with a nice glaze of light sweat from sitting under the ring for so long - and I SHOVE my hips back, grinding back and forth, letting the boss enjoy using Nikki's hair to scrub her newly re-contracted employee's face into her newest employee's lush ass! I even make sure to use one finger to hook my thong strap juuuuuust a bit to the side to let Nikki get some of the full effect, shimmying to jiggle my cheeks onto hers as I try to team up with the Diamond Princess to put Tricki Nikki outti for the nighti! yt
22:53 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: I step behind Nikki as I PUSH her face deep and hard into Punky's asscrack as I laugh!! Having my hands on Nikki's hair as Punky's jiggling makes Nikki's head judder and shake, which I feel travelling up my wrists as I sing to myself, 'OH NIKKI YOU'RE SO DUMB.... BEATING YOU WAS LOTS OF FUN... HEY NIKKI.... HEY NIKKI!' to the tune of Hey Mickey! HAHAHA! I am laughing so hard as the crowd boos seeing this happen to a respected former champion! My vindictive reign or terror beginning in earnest! yt
22:59 Tricki_Nikki: I feel Sarah's hand twisting my damp blonde hair around her fingers, and I am forced ears deep between the punishing pale ass cheeks of the purple punk before I can even mutter out a single protest. I vastly underestimated the treachery of this trust fund twat, and I am paying the price. Sweaty ass cheeks fill my field of vision . Her's like gemstones against a chalkboard!! Deeper and deeprer my nose and face oozes between the hired gun's buns. And in my weary state, it's not long before my eye lids flutter, and my eyes roll back into my head, as I am literally smothered senseless!! My ass cheeks rest on my heels, as my arms dangle at my sides now. I pass out between glimmering , ivory ass cheeks, as the crowd sits in nearly stunned silence from the raw treachery on display by the new leader, undisputed leader of the fed. You were looking to make an example out of someone...and unfortunately tonight, that someone was ME!! yt
23:04 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: I keep your head pressed RIGHT into Punky's ass, good and hard and aggressively forcing you to pass out as I feel you start to slump in my arms, and I let you sink right down onto your back. Letting Punky sit comfortably down on your face!! What a visual as I let you there buried under Punky. I let Nikki's head go as I straighten back up to a standing position!! I start clapping and applauding my first investment of what will be many! I shake my head in awe of Punky! 'WOO HOO!' I smile as I go and grab Punky's hand and raise it as I stand alongside her to give everyone a photo opp. A photo that has STUNNED all the websites and dirtsheets as Punky, the Indy Legend, sells out! yt
23:07 Punky: That's a photo that's gonna be a thumbnail on ALL the MeTube blogs - indy darling, hardcore icon and rebellious badass Punky, grinning ear to ear and having her hand held up by the young woman who represents everything that indy fans HATE about wrestling. But y'know what I have those indy fans don't?
23:07 Punky: And Nikki's cute face buried SO fucking deep in my ass. Mmm.
23:07 Punky: I can get used to this kinda corporate gig.
23:12 Tricki_Nikki: Buried. You can't tell where my face ends and Meg's ass begins!! I lay splayed out on the canvas floor, knocked out cold. Smothered out cold is more accurate. But I am already dreaming of the next encounter. I 'technically' won the match, but no one in their right mind will look at me right now and think of me as a winner. No, this night belonged to the new CEO and her lovely lunatic. But it is only chapter one in what promises to be a feud for the ages. The Dawn of Sarah Storm is rising....but if she thinks cleaning house and bringing order to chaos will be easy, she is sadly mistaken!!
23:14 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: (Awesome! Thank you both so much!)

Published: 2023-08-15, viewed 0 times.

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