19:44 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: What did I miss?
19:45 Punky: Virginia, my home sweet home, I wanna give you a kiss ... I’ve been in Paris meeting lots of different ladies... I guess I basic’lly missed the late eighties... I traveled the wide, wide world and came back to this ...
19:45 Punky: Sorry, I can't resist a Hamilton drop.
19:48 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: Punky, is this a bad time to remind you of our Wellness policy?
19:49 Punky: It usually is.
19:51 JobberifficTiff: Speaking of the Wellness policy. When does the health insurance kick in? Is it 30 days or 3 matches?
19:52 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: Health insurance? Whoa, whoa, whoa.... slow down. Let's not get hasty.
19:54 Punky: Here's how ya handle health insurance, Tiff. Ya get yourself a plane ticket to Canada. Hit a hospital there, do what ya need, tell 'em you were mugged and lost your ID, then fly back home.
19:55 JobberifficTiff: That's really good advice.
19:56 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: I am pretty sure having Punky on the roster would invalidate any health insurance policy anyway.
19:57 JobberifficTiff: From what I've heard and the few google searches I've done, that sounds about right.
04:27 Night_Queen_Raevyn: sure went quiet in here... guess punky was the only one who could stir the pot in here
10:29 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: Pot stirring is encouraged. I shall not frown upon it. This group is also 'open challenge'. So, if you see another member that you like the look of, or rather can't stand the look of, then challenge them to a match. The HRW Arena is open and I know the fans want to see those awesome main event matches.
17:12 Michelle_Pantero: Well I see a lot of people I know
17:18 Night_Queen_Raevyn: Good point Sarah... I think @The_Bratty_Princess is finally ready to be taken apart
23:53 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: The GM's door is open. I am ready to hear the concerns of group members.
15:12 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I haven't had the chance to break any of the pathetic bitches in here yet
23:05 Night_Queen_Raevyn: seems pretty quiet in here for a group dedicated to talking shit
15:51 Blaze_Freya: Nice to be part of this! I can't wait to debut <3
02:03 The_Gemstone_Sarah_Storm: Greetings to newest members, Raven Reigns, Blaze Freya and Nataliakitten. The GM's door is always open.