Only Pro Chat-Wrestling
Established: 2022-02-04
Chat room: #OPCWrestling
- Pro wrestling
- Back and forth
- Long-term roleplay
Bring your rivalry in the ring and prove that you're the best fighter in the world!
21:55 FoxyGail: ANNOUNCER: This match is set for 1 fall. At 5’7” and 140 lbs, from Rhode Island, the biggest little state in the USA, she has D-cups of destruction, here is FoxyGail!
21:55 FoxyGail: I come down the aisle as the crowd cheers my entrance and slip into the ring between the top and middle ropes, wearing my long white robe as I stroll to my corner. I’m 5’7” 140 lbs. I stretch a bit on the ropes then open my robe to reveal my barely-there pink bikini. I am barefoot. My body is tight, the top barely containing my 38Ds. My nipples are hard as I let my robe drop to my corner of the mat. The ref comes over to check me, although there’s no place to hide anything. I re-tie my long ponytail, waiting for my opponent.
21:56 FoxyGail:
22:03 SweetMisty: Your music stops and dies down... leaving only the murmur of the crowd for a few seconds. Coloured lights start to flash around lighting up the arena as "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!" by Cyndi Lauper blares over the speaker system. "AND HER OPPONENT... FROM OXFORD, ENGLAND... AT 5'10" AND WEIGHING 125 LBS. I GIVE YOU... SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTT MISTY!!!!!" My arms part the entrance curtains and I dance down the aisle toward the ring high fiving fans as I go. As I approach the ring I flash a dazzling smile at my opponent and point at her. I continue to dance around the ring before climbing up on the apron. I look out at the crowd roaring before slipping through the top and middle ropes.
22:04 SweetMisty: When I get to my own corner I climb the ropes and hold both my arms up smiling. After a few moments of this I drop down and turn to you.You are not logged in. wearingYou are not logged in.
22:05 FoxyGail: Glares at the "good girl" as she enters the ring. She is taller but I have more bulk. And I'm not afraid to fight dirty for my first match in this federation, giving a final stretch and waiting for the bell.
22:08 SweetMisty: Just smiles from my corner until the referee beckons for us both to come to the middle of the ring to explain the rules of the fight. Nothing surprising. Standard rules and the referee asking for a good clean fight. I look over at you and offer a hand. "Good luck!"
22:09 FoxyGail: Smiles at you, grips your hand, then adds my other hand, spins around and quickly twists your arm back up behind your back in a hammerlock!
22:12 SweetMisty: The ribbons streaming from my bows whip around as you grab and pull my hand. "H-HEY!" My body whips around and you lock my arm into the small of my back in a hammerlock. "HNNNNGGG!" My left arm still free slaps at my tight shoulder and I lean forward a bit gritting my teeth.
22:14 FoxyGail: Cranks the arm hold, trying to get control of you early in the match, spreading my legs for balance, both hands on your wrist. "Welcome to the OPCW, Misty!"
22:16 SweetMisty: I stand up straight and arch my back hissing in pain. The ref checks the hold over and steps back... not seeing anything amiss. Your words burn in my ears and I learn an important lesson... don't just hand someone an opening here! I try to pull away a bit before ducking down and trying to slide past your side.... attempting to reverse the hold and bring your arm up into your back.
22:17 FoxyGail: ohhhhh fuuuuukkkkk!
22:18 FoxyGail: you reverse the hold, my arm forced up my back, going up on tippy toes to try to relieve the pressure!
22:18 FoxyGail:
22:20 SweetMisty: I jerk that arm into your back and try to spread my own legs now as you did. "Mmmhmm! Welcome indeed Gail!" I move with you... trying to stay with you as I cinch in the hold painfully.
22:22 FoxyGail: gawwwwdddd!
22:22 FoxyGail: the pain shoots through my arm again. I lean back, trying to force you backwards into the corner.
22:25 SweetMisty: I smile as I feel like this isn't so bad now. Yeah! Until you lean back and use your weight against me... pushing me back and building up momentum until... SLAMMM! My back meets the turnbuckles in the most uncomfortable way! I let go of your arm and grab at the top ropes... sitting on the middle turnbuckle as I arch my back. "HUUUHHHHH!"
22:26 FoxyGail: As you sit against the turnbuckle and release me, I arch forward and then drive my butt back against you before spinning around, my hand pressing your chin back as I raise my other arm.
22:29 SweetMisty: Your tush impacts with my tummy! "OOOOoooo!" My left hand goes down to it just as your hands grab at my chin... arching me back over the corner. My lean lithe body stretched out and my hands pawing and grabbing at your wrist. Wait... wrist? Shouldn't there be two there. My eyes blink as I stare up at the lights and just make out your other arm raised up. I shake my head as my eyes go wide.
22:30 FoxyGail: Brings my other arm down for a brutal forearm smash to your chest as the referee yells at me to let you out of the corner!
22:32 SweetMisty: SMACCCKKK! "AWWWWWWWW SHHHHH!!" The smack of your hand can be heard in the back of the arena! I fling my torso and head forward and rub at the red spot you just made on my cleavage.... my mouth in an 'O' shape and my hair flying out to cover my face and shoulders.
22:34 FoxyGail: The ref starts to count me as I move my hand from your chin and grabs a handful of that long hair to YANK you out of the corner, forcing your head down and using my free arm to wrap around your head to go for a front facelock.
22:36 SweetMisty: I skip out of the corner... my legs barely under control as you yank on my strawberry blonde locks. "MY HAAAAIIIIRRR!!! REF!" Around I come and am pulled forward into you with your arm snaking around my neck. "Huhhhh.... Uuhhh..." My left hand smacks against your arm and my right rests onto your side as you pull me in.
22:39 FoxyGail: Struggles to hold you in the reverse headlock, my free hand coming up, yanking at the strings of your top to try to untie them to distract you and maybe give the crowd a show.
22:42 SweetMisty: The strings around my neck start to tug and pull at my skin. "W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?", I complain. I flex my legs and struggle more in your grasp but nothing helps. The strings of my top untie at the neck and my star print one piece top drops down hugging my waist spilling my 35C breasts out. I immediately start to blush. "R-REF!!!"
22:45 FoxyGail: I hold up my free hand innocently for the ref as I see your top start to fall, my other arm stays around your neck to try to hold you in place as I sneack my free hand under you, gripping your tit hard, trying to maul in, my fingers digging in deep, twisting, trying to turn you so the ref can't see the move!
22:50 SweetMisty: "AUUUGGGHHHHH!!!" I buckle and lean toward the side your hand is mauling and I scream out, "RRREEEEFFFF!" It's obvious he is not going to do anything so I have to take matters into my own hands.... literally! I reach down and grab one of your legs and surge forward to jam my shoulder into just below your chest. My feet bounce and I use my shoulder and momentum to try and take you up and over... falling back as you go over me and slam your back to the mat.
22:51 FoxyGail: Yikes! I'm focusing on mauling you and suddenly you're charging and have me off balance as I go flying backwards as you jam your shoulder into me, releasing your head as I land on the mat!
22:54 SweetMisty: As soon as we hit the mat I flip over and look down at you furiously. "So you want these out!? HAVE THEM!" My arms wrap around your head and I jam my breasts in your face... trying to hold you there in a breast smother. The ref immediately comes around and starts yelling and counting at me.
22:56 FoxyGail: May arms flail as you smother me with your breasts, struggling to breathe, them my hands come up and grip the sides of your breasts, trying to get a claw hold on each one as an encouragement to get those boobs out of my face as the crowd cheers you on!!!
22:59 SweetMisty: I bounce around as you struggle underneath me before your hands wickedly claw into my orbs again. "AWWWWWW LET GOOOO!!" MY arms come out from behind your head and I wrestle your wrists away from my girls before rolling a few times to the side. I get to my knees and take the time to redo my top... all the while complaining at the referee about how the match is going so far. "Are you blind!?"
23:01 FoxyGail: I gasp to catch my breath as you finally get off me, rolling to my hands and knees, watching you as you get to your knees, then getting to my feet, moving toward you as you kneel and struggle to restore your top, reaching for your hair.
23:03 SweetMisty: I'm still down on my knees when you approach... your fingers splayed out and reaching for the prize... my strawberry blonde hair. Your fingers sink in but I aim a little lower at your tummy... smacking one and then two punches there as you try to pull me up.
23:04 FoxyGail: grips your hair, ready to pull you up, but suddenly your slam those fists into me and I drop down next to you, on my knees, gasping from the pain!
23:06 SweetMisty: As you come down on your knees with a thud I rise up and look to do to you what you were going to do to me. My hands come down and I try to get you to your feet using your hair.
23:09 FoxyGail: my hands come up to your wrist, trying to pull your hand out of my hair, yelling to the referee as you pull me up, but getting no help. As I get to my feet, I ball up a fist, preparing to send a punch of my own to your belly.
23:13 SweetMisty: As you get up I try to start pushing and manuevering you toward the ropes when your own punch hits my stomach. "HNNNNGGG!" It sinks in and I drop back to my knees... grasping at it as my hair flips over my face a bit. My breaths blow out strands of my hair in and out...
23:15 FoxyGail: As you drop to your knees, I backpedal into the ropes, bouncing off them, charging toward you, jumping up at the last minute to try to deliver a dropkick to your chest.
23:20 SweetMisty: I feel the rumble of the ring as something is happening. When I look up it's too late and your feet SMACK into my girls. "SSSSHHHHIIII~!" My back thuds into the boards of the ring and my arms cross across my already mauled chest as its battered. My feet kick against the canvas in pain as I roll onto my left side.
23:20 FoxyGail: I'm on the mat, I knee-walk over to you, pull you onto your back and fall across you for a cross-body pin, yelling for the ref to count!
23:22 SweetMisty: The ref slides into position and smacks his hand against the mat. "1!" That's enough to rouse me as I lift my legs up to kick out!
23:22 FoxyGail: you manage to toss me off you, I get to my knees, looking at the ref, yelling for him to count faster!
23:23 SweetMisty: Rolling off to the side I look for the edge of the ring before sliding out and onto the ground. Walking around the ring I try to get a breather from you and let you complain to the referee as I adjust my top again... making sure my girls in firmly in place this time.
23:24 FoxyGail: Watches you slip out of the ring, yelling for the ref to start counting, waiting for your to try to climb back in.
23:24 FoxyGail: "She's just stalling, ref!"
23:26 SweetMisty: I take in a few good deep breaths as I trot around the outside of the ring. Smiling I jump up onto the apron... but am ready to jump back down if you head my way.
23:27 FoxyGail: watches you, waiting for that leg to go over so I can charge at you and get hold of that hair again.
23:28 SweetMisty: As soon as you start to charge in I drop back down smacking the apron with my hands. I wag a finger at you as thought to say, "I know your tricks." However I do try to surge forward and grab your boots if they are in range.
23:29 FoxyGail: I come up to the ring and you escape, but you reach in and grab my ankles!!! (I'm barefoot).
23:30 SweetMisty: I give your feet a yank and try to bring you down to the mat before trying to pull even further... wanting to slide you out of the ring and onto your feet next to me.
23:31 FoxyGail: fuuuuuukkkk!
23:31 FoxyGail: I hit the mat hard, pulled out of the ring, managing to land on my feet, bringing up my left arm to try to fire a forearm to your chest, unless you beat me to the ... uhhhh... punch.
23:34 SweetMisty: You come out and now we're on equal footing. My right raises up to give you a walloping but you beat me to it! Your forearm slams into my chest and after the mauling I took it does more damage than I would have thought. "AUUGHHHH BITCH!" I turn around and clutch my orbs trying to get some steps away from you.
23:35 FoxyGail: tries to follow you, reaching for your hair, planning to grip it and slam your head onto the ring apron as the ref starts to count us both out.
23:39 SweetMisty: Something snakes into my long tresses. My scalp lights up as you pull my head back. "GAAAWWD! NOT AGAIN!", I cry out before you slam me face and chest first on the apron. I bounce off the surface lightly before my upper body settles on the apron. I groan and bring one hand up to your hands in my hair... pawing at them.
23:41 FoxyGail: I roll into the ring to break the count, moving much slower now as the exertion of the match is beginning to take its toll. I get to my feet, seeing your upper body on the ring apron, going over to the ropes, reaching between the bottom and middle ropes to try to grip your hair again to try to drag you back into the ring.
23:44 SweetMisty: I think for a second I'm catching a lucky break as it seems like it takes a moment for Gail to do anything more... but its not to be. My hair is tugged hard and I cry out... not for the referee... that moron... but in general as my hands come up to grab at your wrists. You lift me up and I have no choice but to crawl back into the ring or loose a lock or two. You get me up... the pained look on my face facing yours for you to plainly see now.
23:45 FoxyGail: I manage to pull you up, my right hand going between your legs, trying to lift you up across my body.
23:47 SweetMisty: Your right hand cups the V of my legs and suddenly gravity feels really different. "Huh? UUHHHH!" I start to wiggle and squirm looking to ruin whatever it is you have planned. I know it can't be good for someone like me! "Put me DOWN!"
23:48 FoxyGail: "Sure enough, sweetie" I grunt as I drop to one knee and slam your across it for a backbreaker, trying to hold you there, keeping you bent across my knee.
23:54 SweetMisty: "Whoooaaaa... NNNNGGGGGMMMmmm!" My back is draped over your knee like a piece of laundry hung out to dry. My back arches and I try to roll off you but you're faster than I am... and you grab me to keep me in place. My tummy is flexed and taut and my booted feet tap the mat. I have to plant my right hand down to keep myself balanced and try to push against the pressure... trying to keep myself balanced. My hair falls down to the mat like a waterfall and pools near your foot.
23:56 FoxyGail: My left hand goes to your chin and my right hand goes to your thigh to keep you bent backwards. "Ask her, ref, before I make this even worse," I yell.
23:58 SweetMisty: Your left hand presses into my chin and I grit my teeth. "NNMmmmfff!" Your right goes to my soft inner thigh and you start to press down... looking to rack me over your knee. My face starts to turn pink and is quickly on its way to red as you pile on the pressure. I shake my head a little but and grab at your chin with my left hand. All the while I think... and remember... we are close to the ropes. I reach out with my right hand looking to try to grab one of the strands.
23:59 FoxyGail: You grip the rope, the ref sees it, I know what's coming to I switch my hands. My right hand goes between your legs for a brutal pussy claw, my left goes off your chin, digging my fingers into your right boob as I keep you bent back!!!
00:02 SweetMisty: Relief... I grab the rope and the ref starts to come over to break the hold. Then you switch things up... and grab my tit and I feel the prick of your claws through my suit into my sex. "AAAAUUUUUUGGGHHHHHHH!" My right hand holds onto that rope for dear life! My legs start to kick and I scream out as the fans start to boo your tactics! The ref comes around and yells at you to break the hold! "1!"
00:03 FoxyGail: an evil grin comes over my face as the ref counts, loving this as I punish you....
00:03 FoxyGail: 2!
00:03 FoxyGail: 3!
00:03 FoxyGail: knowing this can feel like forever....
00:04 FoxyGail: I wait until the count of 4 and then release you, but not before raking my right hand across your boob to try to tear the cup away, then holding up my hands innocently for the referee and pushing you off my knee!
00:06 SweetMisty: I scream and writhe in your grasp. I cry out to the referee to do something as tears of pain start to build up in my eyes. And suddenly.... you rip your hand away from boob ripping some of the material leaving not only openings in my suit but red streaks behind before flipping me off your knee onto the mat. I land with a THUD! "MMMFFFFF!!" You can hear me cough and gasp under my hair as I try to crawl away.
00:08 FoxyGail: You move to crawl away. I come over to you, hand going into your hair AGAIN! Pulling you up, planning to introduce your head into the nearest top turnbuckle.
00:10 SweetMisty: Once again my hair is used as a handle to get me under control... or in this case get me to my feet. You pull me back then start charging forward toward the nearest set of turnbuckles. My eyes widen and just before impact I lift my left foot up and plant it on the middle buckle... stopping our momentum! I then reach up and grab your hair and try to slam you into the top buckle instead!
00:12 FoxyGail: Ohhhhh noooooo!
00:13 FoxyGail: my head is spinning after you reverse the move and SLAM my head into the turnbuckle, my arms draped over the ropes as I am stunned for a moment!
00:15 SweetMisty: I grab at you and try to turn you around so that your back is in the corner. My body aches and complains but I have to keep going or this bitch is going to eat me for breakfast! She almost already has! I straighten my right hand and send a knife edge job right across your chest.
00:15 FoxyGail: fuuuuukkkk
00:16 FoxyGail: My hand comes up to protect my chest after your chop sends a spasm of pain through my chest. I gasp and try to move along the ropes to escape you as the crowd cheers.
00:17 SweetMisty: I follow behind you and raise both my hands up into the air. One of them grabs your hair while the other looks to grab one of your arms. I pull your hair toward the ropes and snap you into them before trying to whip you across the ring to the other side!
00:17 FoxyGail: yikkkkeesss!!!
00:18 FoxyGail: I find myself being whipping across the ring, twisting at the last minute to hit the ropes with my back, bouncing off them, coming at you fast, still dazed from my head's encounter with the turnbuckle.
00:24 SweetMisty: As you leave my grasp I push myself in the ropes as well and start running toward you. As you come back toward me and we meet in the middle of the ring I leap in the air... aiming a one footed dropkick right at your chest.
00:25 FoxyGail: gawwwwwddd!
00:25 FoxyGail: Your foot connects and I fly backwards landing hard into the mat, the wind knocked out of me, my chest heaving, looking up at the ceiling.
00:28 SweetMisty: Thinking faster than I can move I struggle back up to my feet. I see you lying there having just been laid out by my booted foot. Once I make my way over to you I reach down and try to grab both of your feet... looking to hold them up by the ankle and look down at you.
00:30 FoxyGail: Shakes my head to refocus my brain, only to see you gripping my ankles, bringing up my legs as you loom over me, my chest heaving.
00:33 SweetMisty: The tables seem to be turning! I look down at you and smile wickedly before dropping to down... putting my left knee into the back of your right thigh. I quickly raise back up before pitching forward looking to headbutt you right between the V of your legs.
00:35 FoxyGail: Your head SLAMS me between my legs, my body jolting as pain rockets through me, crying out, feeling my the strength has been drained from me for a moment.
00:38 SweetMisty: I feel the impact and sit back up... watching you writhe on the mat. "Doing ok there Gail? Had enough?" I grab at your ankles again and lift them with me as I rise... before tangling my own with yours. When I drop my back to the mat I bring my leg over your ankle and lock in a figure four leglock.
00:39 FoxyGail: gawwwwddddd
00:40 FoxyGail: You go for the submission hold as I feel my legs being tortured, afraid something is going to break. My hands slam the mat in pain and frustration as I squirm on the mat, then trying to twist to the right, trying to fight back by trying to turn us over, not sure how much of this I'm going to be able to take.
00:44 SweetMisty: I feel you twist to the right and you take us over onto our sides before I start to fight back. I know the pain of a reversed figure four and I just lean the other way as much as I can... holding the move as much as I can. However you do have the weight advantage... how long can I hold this before you take me over! Come on Misty hang in there!!!!
00:46 FoxyGail: We are in a battle of wills now as we twist for control. I try to reach for the ropes, but they are just out of reach. If I could just grab one for a moment!!!!
00:47 SweetMisty: Sweat has broken out over all of my body and I swing an arm in the air trying to keep us the 'right' way. Suddenly physics takes over and we teeter over... with me on my tummy and a sharp pain twisting through my leg and into the rest of my body. "AWWWWWW!!!", I scream as you reverse the figure four. I lift my head up and bring my hands around to cover my face!
00:49 FoxyGail: you are on your belly and YOU'RE the one in agony now as I reverse the hold, rocking my body, trying to destroy that leg, up on my elbows as the crowd is on its feet.
00:50 SweetMisty: I'm desperately trying to pull away and break the hold but its cinched in. My body twists and contorts painfully and now its me looking for the ropes. I reach out toward them but they are just too darn far away! My arms start to try to drag us both closer.... a slow and, I do have to say, painful process!
00:51 FoxyGail: claws at the mat, trying to keep you from going forward. I press my hands onto the mat, trying to add to the pressure of the reverse figure 4. "Give up Misty" I scream, sweat dripping from my chin.
00:55 SweetMisty: It's plain that I am not going to make those ropes. I twist to my left as the ref asks me again if I want to give in. My head shakes and I scream out an emphatic "NOOOO!" It's now or never.... and I whip myself to the right... twisting and trying to re-reverse the move. Hoping to just catch you by surprise.
00:56 FoxyGail: Hears you yelling you won't quit and suddenly I find myself off balance and back on my back. I let out a scream of my own again at the pain shoots through my leg once more!!!!
00:57 FoxyGail: I twist to look back, but you've pulled me too far away from the ropes. My back arches in agony!!!!
00:57 FoxyGail: I can't take anymore!
00:57 FoxyGail: With a yell I scream for the referee, frantically tapping out!!!!
01:03 SweetMisty: I grab your foot and haul back grunting as I do... teeth showing as I grimace and try to just eek out a little more punishment. I suddenly hear the referee. "BREAK THE HOLD! BREAK IT! IT'S OVER!!" I blink sweat out of my eyes and ease up off the hold. What? What happened? I look down seeing you writhing on the canvas and tapping the mat. I... I did it! I uncoil my legs and slowly get my knees... rubbing my injured leg. I was... I was so close... she almost... all the moves... all the things she did and... The referee raises my hand in the air and I hear the fans scream out. I get to my feet and limp over to Gail... reaching down with my left hand... and grabbing a handful of hair. "You tried... all the tricks... and still..." I raise my right hand in the air as I hold on to your hair.
01:06 FoxyGail: gasps in relief as you release the figure 4, my hands going to my face in frustration as I knew I was soooo close to winning! I fall back, still trying to catch my breath, only to have to deal with the indignity of you holding my hair as the announcer declares you the winner and the referee holds up your arm in victory.
Published: 2023-02-07, viewed 68 times.