Only Pro Chat-Wrestling
Established: 2022-02-04
Chat room: #OPCWrestling
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Reginald: The music starts playing in the arena as I'm waiting by the curtain and someone pokes me, "That's you, get out there!" I blink, then realize that the music playing is just some generic entrance theme, I really need to pick one out for myself that I recognize soon. I run out into the arena, hoping I'm not late for my match and dash to the ring. I hop up onto the apron and duck through, just as the announcer finishes my intro. "INTRODUCING FIRST, AT 5'10 AND 175 POUNDS.. REGINALD!"

Jazmin: Walks through the curtains still with my t shirt on as i strut my hips from side to side with a smirk across my face with my pink booty shorts on with matching pink leg straps knee pads and some silver boots with every step my booty bouncing side to side as i walk up the steel steps and step over the bottom rope standing 5'2 115lbs as i step up the turnbuckle smiling out to the crowd as i take my t shirt off and throw it out revealing my pink crop top with silver lining as i hop off onto the mats as i turn to you across the ring winking "you're DEAD" as i make a kissy face

Reginald: I watch as you climb up into the ring and strut your stuff for the appreciative crowd. My eyes widen a little bit and I give a chuckle when you mouth the words to me. I shake my head a little bit and turn to the referee, "She's tiny!" My confidence is up as I wait for the bell to ring, and the start of my first win in the OPCW rings. "Let's do this pipsqueak!"
Jazmin: shaking my arms around bouncing side to side.... finally hearing the bell ring as you already run your mouth as i grit my teeth together and rush forward in a fast sprint leaping up towards you as i try to grip the back of your head as i try to surprise you with my speed and attempt to fall backwards and smash your chin into my knee in a codebreaker

Reginald: I hear the bell ring to start the match and I turn from the referee towards you, and see you already right there! Jumping up at me, your hands grab the back of my head and I pitch forward, falling and feel your thankfully slightly padded knees smashing me right in the face. "Bwaa!" My head bounces and I pop back up, staggering, arms waving a little bit as everything is spinning and it's really hard to think.
Jazmin: rolls over and gets to my feet and sees you wobbly as i lick my lips and rush into you again leaping into you as i grip my arms around your body and try to spin us around as i plan on slamming your face into the mat in a flatliner attempt

Reginald: My eyes blink, my legs a little bit wobbly as I try to remember what exactly I'm supposed to be doing in here and you jump up, penduluming yourself around my body and hanging from my neck, using that moving weight to bring me down face first onto the canvas with another huge crash. "Oww..."
Jazmin: sits up and looks over at ya "awwwww look at the big WEAKLING!!!" as i lick my lips and start to crawl towards and and straddle you and take a grip of your hair with my left hand as i attempt to send down punch after punch on your face as my hair flows through the air side to side with each strike attempt

Reginald: Groaning, I roll over, looking up as you crawl over and straddle my waist. I feel the tug in my hair as you grab it, then a swinging punch down into my face, "Oooph!" The pain of the strike breaks me out of my daze pretty quickly and my arms come up, moving to block more shots to the face as they rain down onto my forearms and triceps until I plant my feet and buck my hips up, trying to get you off of me.
Jazmin: screaming out with each strike as your arms come up and you buck your hips making me go in the air rolling over you in a front flip as i get to my knees reaching for the ropes in front of me to start pulling myself back up to my feet as i start to turn back towards your direction
Reginald: My head shakes after bucking you off of me, surprised at the speed and persistence of this tiny terror. I sit up and roll over to my hands and knees, starting to push myself back up to my feet and look to see where you went.
Jazmin: over the corner crouching forward as i see you starting to get up as im aiming and as soon as i see you stand i launch my right leg forward and try to send my chick kick aimed right for your temple as kick my leg as hard as i can

Reginald: Up on my feet, I turn, the wrong way, spinning a full 270 degrees before I see you and the foot aimed at my head. The top of your foot cracks hard across my temple and the shock quickly spreads down my body, buckling my knees and I fall backwards, starfishing out onto the canvas.
Jazmin: Looks at you fall and laughs out as i dust my hands off "what a pathetic LOSERRRRRRRR" as i confidently walk over towards you with half of my sucked up in my shorts in a wedgie bouncing around as i get over to you bending over lifting your hair "get up loser!! so i can finish you!!! as i hisssssss out

Reginald: "Hnnnfff...." I feel my hair being pulled, dragging me up as I stagger and a part of my mind realizes that maybe my third ever professional match isn't going very well... and another part of me wonders if Uncle Freddy's Pro-Wrestling Training and Massage Parlor really properly prepared me for this...
Jazmin: grips your wrist placing your arm under mine as i lift your leg up cuffed into my grip as i smirk "time for funnnnnnn RIDE LOSERRRRR" as i stick my tongue out towards the crowd and wiggle my hair in your face as i swiftly turn a cartwheel with you in my grip and try to smash the back of your head down into the mats in the Teardrop

Reginald: Staggered and turning, I feel you grabbing my arm, twisting it over and then under your own, your other arm catching my leg. I can't for the life of me figure out what you are trying to do here until you flip yourself over and I go with you, "WooaaOOOPH!" I land hard on the mat, your full weight landing hard on top of me and squashing me to the canvas.
Jazmin: looks over and laughs out as i lean over you gripping your cheeks "YOU NEVER STOOD A CHANCE JOBBER!!!" as i laugh in your face and stand up over you pressing my boot on your face "count this LOSER out ref!!!" as i lick my finger and poke my right booty cheek with it as the ref comes over slapping the mat 1......2.......

Reginald: "THREE!" I barely hear the referee slapping the mat, but I do hear the cheers that come up after it's over, unfortunately not for me though. I groan, looking up at you, after your foot comes off of my face and I think about maybe finding a more reputable training school.
Jazmin: smirks as i smoosh ur face more with my boot as i turn around dusting my boots off in your face "patheticcccccc!" as i strut my hips over to the ropes stepping over them as i look in the ring with a big smile laughing out as i strut back up the ramp my ass jiggling side to side as i walk out through the curtains raising my hands up

Jazmin: end
Published: 2024-02-29, viewed 77 times.
Bobby Boy (deleted member)
2024-02-29 11:48Wow, Jasmin, you took down a 175 lb dude and he never could even fight back because of your aggressive fast movements. Impressive. Better luck next time Reggie.
2024-02-29 11:57(In reply to this)
thanksssss, I appreciate you for reading it.