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Natalia Markova vs Awesome Clark @ OPCW Apocalypse

11:37 Awesome_Clark: After our unofficial match, in which I barely managed to beat Natalia Markova, my opponent asked for and received a rematch. This time, however, it will be a violent match, without disqualification, during an official OPCW show. I worked hard to defeat her and so I know I have to be very careful and focused.
11:41 Natalia_Markova: It was finally time for my re-match against Clark, and after last time.. I had something to settle. I was humiliated, beaten and destroyed in our match. Unprepared for the kind of dirty tricks he had ready for me, giving him the victory. Thankfully, this time it was an official match. This one was for the records, and I had seen enough to know exactly what he was about. A No DQ re-match, anything goes, anything can happen. Blood pumping viciously throughout my body.. Ready for whatever was coming.
11:43 Awesome_Clark: The announcer introduces me and I enter the arena. I'm wearing my traditional gray panties, with boots and kneepads in the same color. I have a vest and a cowboy hat, which I will take off before starting the match. I walk proudly towards the ring. Then I climb the steel steps and enter, passing between the second and third rope. Finally I spread my arms and shout at the audience "There is a fucking Soviet to destroy and humiliate today". Then I take off my hat and vest and throw them out of the ring
11:43 Awesome_Clark:
11:48 Natalia_Markova: I hear my name yelled through the speaker, knowing it was finally my time to come out and face the beast again. I gulp, taking a few deep breaths before slowly stepping out onto the ramp. I make my way down, wearing my signature black and gold one piece with high boots to match.. I strut down the ring, seeing my muscled opponent from across stadium and showing no fear. I climb up the apron, jumping and landing in my perfect splits. "HE'S MINE!!" I yell to the crowd, pulling myself up and stepping through the ropes to enter the ring.
11:49 Natalia_Markova: Entrance1 GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
11:52 Awesome_Clark: We can't wait to start the match. The audience appreciates your dramatic entrance. But I'm in my corner, I slam my feet on the ground. I don't wait for the bell to ring and as soon as you're standing inside the ring, I run towards you to try to hit you with a series of forearms to the chin.
11:54 Natalia_Markova: I wait on my side of the ring, raising my arms and embracing the chants of the audience as I prepare for the bell to ring. I turn back towards you when suddenly, you were in my face and slamming my chin with your forearm over and over.. "AUGGH?!"I yell out, shocked as my head dribbles back and I windmill towards the ropes behind me.. Attacking me before the bell had even rung.. And then it goes off.
12:06 Awesome_Clark: I hit your chin with my forearm and you step back towards the ropes. The referee doesn't know what to do and finally decides to ring the bell. Now the match has officially started. I don't stop and, seeing you on the ropes, I try to hit you with two right uppercuts to the abdomen
12:10 Natalia_Markova: Shaking off the daze as the match had begun, you immediately send two hard uppercuts into my abdomen to slow me down.. Doubling over in pain as you punch the wind right out of me.. "OUGGH.. " I gasp out, already panting for air so early on in the match..
12:14 Awesome_Clark: You fold, I immediately took control of the match, although not very fairly. The audience punctuates my every shot with boos, but I just want to destroy you and so I don't let myself be distracted. I grab your wrist, pull you and try to throw you towards the opposite side of the ring to bounce you off the ropes
12:15 Awesome_Clark:
12:16 Natalia_Markova: The audience audibly angry with how the match had started out.. Each 'boo' making my blood pump hotter as I really want to make my fans proud this time around.. Huffing for air as you grab my wrist and suddenly yank me away from the ropes. Shaking my head when you viciously pull me over and throw me towards the opposite side of the ring.. My body slamming into the ropes as I start to run back towards you with little control in my feet. Trying to regain some composure as I get closer towards you.. "AAAH"
12:23 Awesome_Clark: I throw you towards the ropes, you bounce and quickly run towards me. I try to grab you. Your chest bumps against mine. My arms are wrapped around your body. I try to lift you up and slam you to the ground after a semi-rotation of the body, with a black hole slam
12:23 Awesome_Clark:
12:27 Natalia_Markova: I grit my teeth, getting real close to you when suddenly I manage to plant my heels into the canvas and stop myself from running all the way.. Stopping just in front of you, your arms open in anticipation to catch me and leaving your whole body exposed as I quickly send a straight soccer kick into your crotch with as much force as I could muster through the momentum I had from the ropes.
12:31 Awesome_Clark: I'm ready to grab you, but you get ahead of me. You hit me with a very violent kick in the balls. I let out a moan and freeze. I feel like my balls are almost squirting into my throat. My face turns red. I put my hands on my groin and bend my legs, doubled over in pain. I can not breathe. My eyes are wide open at your breasts
12:31 Awesome_Clark:
12:33 Natalia_Markova: I regain some composure, watching as you tremble to your knees and cup your groin after that massive low-blow. I step back, re-charging myself before running forward towards you and jumping up. I grab your head mid-air, falling into my perfect splits as I pull your head down and attempt to smash your face into the canvas with my Face-Buster!
12:33 Natalia_Markova: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
12:35 Awesome_Clark: There is no disqualification, so no warning from the referee for kicking the balls. I'm bent over, you grab my head and slam my face into the ground. I fall in the center of the ring, semi-dazed. I put my hands on my face and gasp on the ground in pain
12:38 Natalia_Markova: I roll over on my back and quickly spring up to my feet. Recovered and ready to attack! With you on the ground writhing, I quickly walk over and kick the side of your body to roll you onto your back. I then make my way towards your head, standing behind your hair and stepping right on top of those luscious blonde locks. I bend down, reaching to grab your arms and attempting to yank them up and force you into a painful little stretch as my feet keep your hair pinned to the canvas.
12:40 Natalia_Markova:
12:42 Awesome_Clark: You hit me and I moan in pain. Then you take me by the wrists and put my feet under my hair. You pull me, causing me to bridge and pin my head to the ground. I feel excruciating pain in my scalp from this typical women's wrestling move. I scream, then put one foot on the ground and try to lift the other in a desperate attempt to hit you in the head
12:44 Natalia_Markova: I keep pulling you back, really making you struggle as I threaten to nearly rip those hairs right off your head. "GIVE UP?! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!" I yell, applying that pressure and not letting up until your leg flies up and slams right into my head. Hitting me just enough to knock me back and stumble right off your hair, rubbing my forehead trying to shake it off.. "OW.."
12:47 Awesome_Clark: I hit you and you immediately leave me. I get on my knees and hold my hands on my head. My scalp hurts. I growl in pain. I try to breathe, I'm tired. This match is as I imagined, very tough. I try to stand up, but then I stagger back towards the corner
12:50 Natalia_Markova: "Grr.. I'm not done with you yet.." I shake it off, watching as you stumble to the corner still exhausted after that last move. I stamp towards you, running fast and attempting to twirl myself around, raise my boot up high and slam it into your face to try and stun you in the corner..
12:55 Awesome_Clark: I shake my head as I stand on the corner. You run towards me, I see you raise your leg to hit me in the face. However, I can move my head to send you away. Your foot passes a few millimeters to the side of my head. Your leg slides over my shoulder. I grab you and then I do a 180° rotation and then I try to launch you towards the center of the ring with a Leg Hook Belly to Belly suplex
12:55 Awesome_Clark:
13:01 Natalia_Markova: I get close, shooting my leg up high but hitting the pad instead as you manage to dodge out of the way. My leg stuck at the top, unable to recover myself fast enough when you quickly grab my leg and hook it in before pressing my body into yours and flipping me back, sending me flying across the ring and crashing onto my spine with a massive suplex.. "AAUGGH" I yell out, arching and flailing in pain on the canvas..
13:16 Awesome_Clark: I stand up, take a deep breathe to recover some energy. I know it's a good break for me, so I don't want to waste my momentum. I walk close to your and grab your hair. Pull you up to your feet and then I try to knee your belly to let you double and prepare my next shot
13:19 Natalia_Markova: I grit my teeth, trying to recover as you walk over and quickly grab my hair to tug me back up.. Forcing myself to stand at your command to try and keep the hairs from being yanked off my scalp. I brace my gut and prepare for the incoming knee, letting it slam into me as I go to catch with both arms. "UGHHF" Holding it against my body and groaning from the pain of that blow, I quickly try to roll my body over and sweep you down to the canvas by your leg. Sending us both crashing down.
13:22 Awesome_Clark: You block my leg and throw me off balance. I try to push you with my hands on your shoulders, but I can't help but fall. I end up with my back on the ground. I'm dazed for a moment and then I try to push you to free my leg. I squirm
13:25 Natalia_Markova: I quickly roll over and spring up to my feet, using the nearby ropes for leverage to pull myself up with ease. I run towards the corner buckle and start to climb up, trying to get to the pad and stand while I face the audience.. I bend my knee, squatting down and hoping to leap off, flipping in the air to try and land on top of you for a massive moon-sault.
13:31 Awesome_Clark: As soon as I fall you head towards the corner. Climb the ropes to go onto the highest turnbuckle. But I don't stand by and stand up. You gain momentum, jump and do a stunt in the air to hit me with your moonsault. But I'm there waiting for you and I try to grab you on the fly in a powerslam position, ready to throw you to the ground
13:31 Awesome_Clark:
13:32 Natalia_Markova: I fly up beautifully, flipping my body in the air and coming down like a shooting meteor towards you.. But you had already got back up. Standing up right with your arms open, catching my body mid-air and letting me fall over your shoulders.. You throw me over and slam me to the canvas, reversing my move totally with a massive power-slam.. The weight difference making it near impossible to keep up as I shriek in pain, arching my back and rolling to my side..
13:37 Awesome_Clark: I want to get the most benefit from my power move. So, while you're on the floor I grab your shoulder and put your back on the mat. Then I grab your leg and pull it. My chest on yours. I look at the referee inviting him to count "Better if you stay down - I whisper in your ear - otherwise I really have to kill you". I try to intimidate you
13:39 Natalia_Markova: I growl, hearing the ref start to count me out and realizing I was just a few seconds away from losing to him for the second time in a row. All of my training would have been for nothing, and my reputation would be crushed. I fight for my life, desperately thrusting my free shoulder up and forcing you to break the pin..
13:42 Awesome_Clark: You raise your shoulder, the referee yells that it's only a two count. I'm shocked. "What? It's not possible." Protest. I stand up and push the referee. Then I go to the corner and grab the prosthetic pad of the top string. I use all my strength to tear it away. Then I come back to you and grab your hair to try to bring you back to your feet. Now I'm a fury "You should have listened to my advice, slut!"
13:46 Natalia_Markova: I groan, eyes wide as I panic, feeling your aggressive yank on my hair to force me back up to my feet almost instantly. You were furious, and I wasn't sure if I could deal with that much muscle and anger combined. I instinctively reach up to smash my knuckles against your forearms.. then quickly try to grab your head, thrusting it towards my breasts and attempting to smother you inside my bust to break the hold..
13:48 Natalia_Markova:
13:50 Awesome_Clark: I'm furious and now I want to finish you. But you have seven lives like cats and you don't want to give up. You grab my head and pull it towards your chest. press my face on your breasts. My nose and mouth are covered by your boobs. I can not breathe. Your move excites me, the audience notices it through my pantie, but I panic. I put my hands on your hips and try to push to free myself
13:53 Natalia_Markova: I smother for a few more seconds, making sure I get those lungs drained before I finally let up.. I let you wobble around, light on your feet and dazed, watching you trying to catch some air as your body becomes less weighted. I lunge forward and attempt a power-move, reaching one hand between your legs and grabbing your glute, the other over your shoulder and gripping your back as I grunt and hoist you up. Lifting your body up and taking a few steps forward towards the corner. My knees ready to buckle, barely able to keep you up as the audience screams and chants, watching me lift another man into the air. I rotate you upside down and place you forward, letting your long legs do the work and hang down the top rope, trying to lock you in a tree of woe.
13:58 Awesome_Clark: I don't breathe for several seconds. Then as I feel like I'm about to free myself, you put your hand between my legs. I think about another low blow, but then I feel you lift me up. The audience cheers as you can lift and carry an 84kg man. I try to move, but you don't lose your grip. Finally you corner me, tie my legs, crossed, to the ropes. I'm hanging upside down. I stretch out my arms and try to grab some edges of your outfit, while I scream desperately, fearful of what is about to happen
14:00 Natalia_Markova: I release you, letting you hang down totally helplessly. I take a second to re-charge while you're trapped, enjoying these few moments to myself before I start stamping back towards you. "Wanna know why they call me the Russian Crush?" I ask, climbing up the rope next to you and standing on the middle buckle, before slowly raising my foot and hovering it over your crotch. "Why don't I show you!" I smirk, then viciously stomp down on your crotch, pressing and grinding my heel into your testicles..
14:01 Natalia_Markova:
14:04 Awesome_Clark: You stomp my balls and I scream in great pain. "AAAA GGRR" you're crushing my already hurt testicles. I feel my energy leaving me and my body starts to tremble. I sob "Please stop" I try to use my hands to unbalance you
14:06 Natalia_Markova: "MAKE ME! MAKE ME!!!" I yell out, furiously stomping your balls. Something getting to me, flashbacks from last match making me more and more angry as I keep grinding and twisting my heel into your balls, so hard that your head bounces and dribbles off the canvas over and over as the entire ring shakes. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" I scream out, stomping and crushing your balls in the tree of woe before finally starting to lose balance, stepping and hopping off the ropes and back to the ring.
14:09 Awesome_Clark: Your move hurts me, weakens me. You continue to crush my balls under the sole of your boot for several seconds. I feel pain that also envelops my stomach and legs. My head hits the ground with every stomp, it stuns me. Then finally you come down on the mat and my legs come untied. I fall with my shoulders on the mat, but my legs remain on the second rope. I try to put my hands between my legs, but I struggle to move any muscles
14:12 Natalia_Markova: I walk back towards you, seeing you in total agony and barely able to move a muscle as half your body still hangs down the corner. I step all the way down your body, legs spread as I stand over your waist and bend down to wrap your mid-section up in my arms, slowly picking you up into my arms in a pile driver position. I grunt, panting as I grip you tight and turn to walk you to the center of the ring. "SAY.. G-GOODNIGHT.. CLARK." I say, my breath taken as I struggle to keep your weight up.. Ready to drop you and drill your head into the canvas.
14:14 Natalia_Markova:
14:16 Awesome_Clark: You grab me while I'm motionless in the corner. The barrage of stomps on my testicles sapped all my energy. You have extraordinary strength, you can bring me to the center of the ring. I'm still upside down. I feel the blood rushing to my brain. My face is just below your pussy, my arms wrapped around your muscular thighs.
14:17 Natalia_Markova: I grit my teeth and scream before dropping fast and hard to my knees, crushing your skull into the canvas with a tombstone piledriver in the center of the ring.. A loud thunderous THUD shaking the stadium, my arms slowly opening up and letting you fall and flop to the canvas below. Breathing heavy, my body slowed down as I crawl towards your body, trying to lay across you with my hand reaching behind your knee, hooking it up towards your chest for the pin.
14:19 Natalia_Markova: The Undertaker Wrestling GIF by WWE - Find & Share on GIPHY
14:20 Awesome_Clark: My head hits the mat. My light goes out. Slowly my body collapses to the ground and I remain with my arms wide beneath you. I almost fainted
14:23 Natalia_Markova: I keep your leg up, no fight in you at all as I felt 0 resistance in the pin. The ref slaps the mat as I adjust my elbow to lay against your crotch, piercing it for some extra pain as he counts. "1...." "2.....!" "3........!" I hear the bell ring, like music to my ears as no climax could have matched my euphoria in that moment.
14:27 Awesome_Clark: I blacked out after this terrible move. My body lies helpless in the center of the ring beneath you. The only vital aspect of my body is the bulge in my panties. I don't move, I don't realize I've been beaten. The audience rejoices, you have had your revenge
14:35 Natalia_Markova: I slowly pull myself up, wiping a bit drool from my mouth as the bell rings.. The ref pulling me off of you to raise my arm and declare me the victor for crowd to see.. But I wasn't finished yet, breaking free from the ref's grip and reaching back down to grab your ankles, lifting your legs up high and spreading you apart. "YOU'RE FUCKING CRUSHED!" I yell, raising my foot up and slamming it down onto your balls, then again, then again, then again, crushing your balls before the ref finally pulls me away and helps me exit the ring. The crowd on their feet, chanting and screaming my name..
14:35 Natalia_Markova: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
14:37 Awesome_Clark: When you grab my legs and spread them I come to for a few moments. My eyes widen seeing you in that position. "NO NO NO, please!" I scream. Then you hit me several times in the testicles. I cry in pain. Then when you leave me I stay on the ground with my hands in my groin and my face on the mat, red in the face, coughing.
08:52 Natalia_Markova:

Published: 2024-06-07, viewed 88 times.



Big Bailey

2024-06-07 09:17

Valiant effort Clark but Natalia’s brutality was just too much!