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OPCW grudge match: Raevyn vs Dutch

21:12 Night_Queen_Raevyn: "Venus Pyre" by Crystal Cage coming over the PA system "Introducing first, from the chasm of the darkness... standing 5'7 170lbs... it’s the NIIGHT QUEEN...RAEEEVYNNNN!" and I step forward, throwing the curtain to the dressing room aside, glowering at the crowd. My body is draped in a long Victorian coat, buttoned in the middle giving hints to the ashen coating beneath, the collars are high and conceal part of my cheeks on either side. A gnarled black rot iron crown atop my head... I step forward with my predatory prowl and I grab the middle rope, pulling myself up... one leg languorously slipping over the middle rope when I scoop my upper body through and move to my corner. The crowd mesmerized, terrified and begging for more all simultaneously as I lean over the top rope, hissing at them, my fingers drifting down to the buttons on my coat.. their eyes wide in anticipation to see what is beneath...mtc
21:12 Night_Queen_Raevyn: a wicked grimace creeps up my face as I pull the buttons free and my arms dramatically swing back to let the coat fall to the floor, everyone looks up from my shiny black knee high wrestling boots, covered in black kickpads with aqua outlines, black outlined aqua kneepads tucked into them. My thighs, as well as the rest of my body is covered in a sooty dark grey and black ashen body paint, flakes and cracks craning at the surface just as if I crawled from hell... aqua lines criss crossing in jagged angles up my thick thighs and going up my V lines on my lower abdomen, making the same hard geometric angles up my belly and around my shoulders, down my arms, extending over each finger and then back up to my neck and outlining my jaw and across the bridge of my nose, back down my back and the sides of my thighs. Deep black matte lipstick over my lips and black contacts with tiny aqua pupils in the middle. Licking my lips with anticipation and leaning back in my corner smugly after gingerly placing my crown on the post... staring across at the entryway waiting for my long hated rival...
21:12 Night_Queen_Raevyn:
21:12 Night_Queen_Raevyn:
21:12 Night_Queen_Raevyn:
21:13 Night_Queen_Raevyn:
21:18 Dutch: I wait backstage as I hear the crowd react to your entrance and see you enter the ring seductively. When the roaring goes down I walk into the arena and raise my arms, trying to draw the attention to me as I walk towards the ring with confident strides. Wearing black sports shorts and no shirt I arrive ringside and wink at you before climbing the steps. Then I put my hands on the ropes close to the post and hop in over the ropes, immediately facing towards you with a confident smile as I move into my corner. There I raise my right arm and flex my right bicep, asking "are you ready... to pass out again?" with a smug smile, while I'm eager to get my hands on you again.
21:18 Dutch:
21:21 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I stalk my way to the center, my thick thighs grinding together, a sinister grimace creeping up my face as I approach. Arms crossed over my paint covered bare breasts pushing them up giving my shoulders a wide and imposing figure as I stare through you with my abyssally pitch black eyes, my hair hanging over my face just enough to keep my fangs in plain sight. "It will be you who will be destroyed today... worm" I hiss through my teeth...
21:27 Dutch: You look impressive and if it were my first match with you I might be intimidated, but but I flex my upper body and arms to show off my muscles to you and the crowd. Then I also step out of my corner slowly as I look over your painted body "Do your best... and I'll make you my bitch again" I reply waiting for the bell. Then it rings and I rush straight at you, locking up collar and elbow style as I flex my upper body and try to overpower you, aiming to drive you backwards into the ropes.
21:28 Night_Queen_Raevyn: As you rush into me I smirk, knowing that was a classic start for you and I step back with one leg and then swing my other thick thigh straight up so that as you close in your face comes right into my foot which I placed there with a defensive big boot kick!
21:32 Dutch: I rush at you, already reaching as you step back, and while I have to make another step you surprise me with the speed of your thick leg as my cheek connects with your boot. Grunting out loud my hands miss your body and I stagger away to keep my balance, shaking my head as I circle to your side, buying time to recover.
21:36 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I try to keep up the momentum and as soon as I see you fold forward I lunge into you, reaching out and trying to grab for your head, taking a huge bound as I do. The I try to throw my body out horizontal to the mat, beyond your body. Then I pull your head down over my shoulder with a cutter as I drop down!
21:42 Dutch: I grab your arm with both hands as you grab it around my head, but before I can pull free you use your body weight to take me off balance and down with you. Slamming down hard on your shoulder I exclaim in pain loud as you take the early advantage. Shaking my head I push myself up on hands and knees, but then throw my weight to the side and roll towards the ropes to avoid being a sitting duck.
21:44 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I push my way up to standing and once again reach down viciously for your head and rip you from the mat, one hand on your hair and the other smashing into your face with a mangled face claw, trying to slide my leg in behind your legs as I pull you up to standing
21:49 Dutch: Barely getting any space to recover as you drag me back to your feet I exclaim in pain with your clawing fingers in my face, but with your thick leg sliding against mine I know where you are and I raise my free leg up, shifting my weight onto my other foot as I try to put as much force behind as I can to slam my knee into the side of your abs "let.. go.. bitch!"
21:51 Night_Queen_Raevyn: UGGGN!!! My fingers drill down into your face as my body winces from the hard knee as it struck in a place where I was completely unprotected... I get you to your feet but you bought yourself a moment of respite from my setup before I resume and release your hair, trying to throw your arm behind my back and continue what I started
21:57 Dutch: "" I stammer out while you pull my arm behind your body, but I know how ruthless you can be, and despite the pain I am in I try to fight back. Gritting my teeth I pull the arm behind your back up, trying to grab you around the back of your neck and at the same time throwing my own bodyweight backwards, trying to take you down with me and turn your attempt into my DDT!
21:59 Night_Queen_Raevyn: Pulling you up I try to move my arm around and you use that to your advantage, while I try to reposition myself so I can grab your tights to finish the slam you lock your arm down and throw your body back... pulling my head down and BOOOM! my face smashes into the canvas hard underneath me!
21:59 ritikoed: ouch
22:04 Dutch: My counter succeeds and I let out a sigh of relief as I shove your body off to the side and climb back to my feet rubbing my face, undoubtedly with red striped from your claw hold. "Scratching like a little schoolgirl? I thought you were a real wrestler" I taunt while I take these seconds to recover and get my arms up defensively, ready to attack when you get up as well.
22:06 Night_Queen_Raevyn: My hips up in the air, my cheek on the mat, pushing my large ass up exposing me a little to our crowd as I plant my palms flat to the canvas and I try to push myself up to all fours, my eyes fixed on you and filled with rage...
22:12 Dutch: I see you struggling to get up and walk behind you as I come closer and say "that butt is bigger then I remember, how many donuts ago was it since we wrestled?" before bending down and grabbing my arms around your body from behind. then I try to yank you back to your feet and thrust my hips forward, slamming up against your ass while I try wrap my arms around your abs for a reverse bearhug.
22:14 Night_Queen_Raevyn: As you wrap your arms around me from the back you hoist my body up and I can tell, despite your criticism, that you are enjoying my large ass pushing against you so I grind back and forth a little as you try to squeeze me.... I try to kick my feet up into the middle rope, hoping I can kick us out toward the center of the ring and unbalance you!
22:20 Dutch: I can't hide my arousal as you grind your ass into me, but while I can suppress my moan you still distract me enough to surprise me with your kick off the ropes, sending me staggering backwards with your body pressing into me. Unable to complete my slam I lose my balance but try to twist my hips, hoping to turn our bodies and avoid a rough landing under your thick body.
22:23 Night_Queen_Raevyn: We get knocked back and since you are so unbalanced I manage to free myself and then stagger back up to my feet after hitting the mat. I move back into you and try to catch you by the hair again before you can get back up to your feet *hopefully*
22:27 Dutch: "nnggh!" I land against the canvas ungracefully but at least not under you and roll onto hands and knees as I try to look up where you are and feel a hand grabbing roughly in my hair. Instinctively I grab for your hands and try to squeeze my fingers around yours to break your grip and get back up if I can.
22:29 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I pull you up and I try to twist my upper body back and try to lift my knee up into your gut instead... if it lands I try to grab your wrist and torque your arm back behind my armpit so I can start to turn you around into an ab-stretch....
22:36 Dutch: "Oofff" I grunt out as your knee lands, but it was only the setup and before I realize what's happening you trap my arm and twist my body in an ab-stretch. I grunt out as I flex my upper body muscles, trying to free myself from my humiliating position. "you're..not..strong....enough!" I growl out as I wriggle and twist in an attempt to break free.
22:37 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I lock my thigh over your thigh and I want to work you over a little bit so I ratchet down the stretch and then I use my free hand, drifting down to your bulge I grip on and I start to rub a bit to make you become a little more pliable....
22:43 Dutch: I'm unable to break free using brute strength as you lock me in tighter... and the I let out a gasp as I feel your hand between my legs, spread out and put on display I feel my erection grow in your hand while my face grows red. Aroused but embarrassed I swing my free arm backwards, hoping I can hit you with my elbow as I fiercely struggle to escape.
22:44 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I feel you grow in my hand and start to get a little more confident but you are nowhere near ready and you twist your body back and throw your arm back, having nothing to connect with but my jaw... I release your bulge and shake my head out for a moment
22:47 Dutch: Relieved I stagger but stay on my feet as you let me go, aroused but looking for payback as I breathe in and turn towards you while swinging my right arm out, trying to smack it across your upper chest in an attempt to take you down with a lariat "take that!"
22:48 Night_Queen_Raevyn: Too close as you pull free and then dive into my body, your arm smashing into my chest and dropping me to the mat before I have a chance to react, popping back up again but clutching my chest and breathing hard
22:53 Dutch: "Nice try, but you're not hot enough to seduce me" I taunt as you get back up, but as you get back up I reach my arm down and grab my hand deep between your thighs without warning, pushing my middle finger into your bare pussy to distract you as I bend my knees and try to pull you onto my shoulders, grabbing your arm with my other hand to keep you there in a modified firemans carry.
22:54 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I get hoisted up with your finger pushing into me, holding me in place you pull me up into a fireman carry but I know I cant let this abide so I try to wrap my arm around your head, hoping to get a hold locked on to at least lock me in place and then to try for a choke
22:58 Dutch: I feel your arm slide around my neck, squeezing tightly, but before you can escape I throw my weight backwards and arch my back. Gasping for air as you choke me, but trying to slam you down as hard with a Samoan drop, attempting to us your big butt to make the ring shake.
22:59 Night_Queen_Raevyn: UGGGN!! you manage to throw yourself back before I can try to hook in for a reversal and my weight smashes into the canvas with a hard thud, laying me out on the mat and trying to push over to my side, my lungs burning
23:03 Dutch: Breathing in deep as your arm slips away and I roll over onto hands and knees, turning towards you "Thanks for helping, fat ass" I say and grab your leg, twisting it to turn you over all the way onto your belly as I step over your body and try to pull your leg in a single leg boston crab.
23:08 Night_Queen_Raevyn: My body gets twisted over onto my belly and my leg pulled back… pushing up with my hands and hoping I can pull myself to the ropes to get free. I’m in no danger since it’s a KO match, but this could hurt
23:12 Dutch: Knowing full well it it a KO match, but trying to weaken you limb by limb starting with your thick legs as I lean back and pour on the pressure while I spread your legs open wide while a side smile appears on my face. My free hand slides down your painted thigh and then two fingers slide into your exposed pussy "getting wet for me down there?" I taunt while I keep the pressure on your trapped leg.
23:14 Night_Queen_Raevyn: Aggg!!! I scream with an intense rage as you push into me this time… I’ve had enough! I push up as hard as I can trying to gather all the strength I can to unbalance you and topple you from my leg!
23:17 Dutch: I work you over on two fronts as I hear you scream out, thinking I'm already breaking you but then you surprise me with your burst of strength "!?"I exclaim as my foot slips and I lose my balance, forced to let your leg go as my fingers slip out of you and I roll off you to the side.
23:18 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I get back to my feet, trying to catch my breath again but knowing I have to do something big and fast I try to catch you and pull you up this time trying for a kata ditch fireman carry of my own
23:22 Dutch: I get to my feet and lunge in to lock up with you, but your arm reaches between my legs first and before I know it you lift me onto your shoulders. Surprised I start to twist and turn my body, trying to break free and slide off your back if I can.
23:27 Night_Queen_Raevyn: You slide down my back and I don’t want to lose this chance so I turn around as quickly as I can and try to swing my leg uo
23:29 Night_Queen_Raevyn: Up again and around so I can aim my foot into the side of your head for a roundhouse kick!
23:32 Dutch: I slip free and slide off your back, landing on my feet but before I can raise my arms your leg kicks up and smacks into my cheek. "unngggh!" I grunt out loud and drop down like a brick from your powerful kick, landing on my side first and trying to crawl away for recovery.
23:35 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I immediately rest my palms on my knees to catch my breath and then I get up lurching forward and reaching out for your hair and trying to torque your head to me so I can drop straight down into a facebuster, aiming your face between my thighs
23:42 Dutch: I crawl away but before I can reach the ropes your hands grab in my hair and I look up as I try to resist, but you yank me with you and drop down, spreading your and slamming my face against the canvas, leaving me stunned on my belly groaning in pain from the impact.
15:58 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I push up to my feet and grab for your head again, standing up and trying to regain control of the match by shoving your head between my thighs while I have a chance to take advantage!
16:01 Dutch: Stunned by the impact I can't prevent you from trapping my head between your thick thighs, but my eyes widen when I realize I'm in danger here. Stammering out " way" as I pry my fingers between your thighs and let myself drop down onto my knees, trying to prevent you from lifting me up while I pull at your thighs.
16:03 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I increase the pressure on your head, twisting my hips to lick the hold in deeper as I reach down for your body and try to pull you back up, driving a fist or two into your back to add to it
16:06 Dutch: "nnngg!" I grunt out from your punches, enduring them but unable to overpower your thighs in my still weakened state. You pull me back to my feet and I try to react quickly, sliding my hands down your legs and grabbing one of your ankles with both hands before yanking at that ankle, trying to pull you off balance before you can lift me off the canvas.
16:07 Night_Queen_Raevyn: Aiiii!!! You pull my foot out and unbalance me, my body shifts back and I fall to the mat with a thud and the ring shakes… I try to scramble back up to standing as quickly as I can!
16:10 Dutch: I smile as you go down and call out "the fatter they are, the harder they fall" as you crawl backwards. Unable to follow up right away as I recover from your punishment, but I don't want to let the opportunity go so I move after you and jump up, kicking my legs forward and trying to land across your body with a leg drop, hoping to stun you and regain the upper hand.
16:12 Night_Queen_Raevyn: Before I can rise you jump up and drop your legs down and smash them into my body crushing the air out of me and flattening me out on the mat for a moment yggnnn
16:15 Dutch: I lay across your body painted body as I turn my face towards you, seeing you breathe out as I roll over your head and get back to my knees. Grabbing my hands in your hair I get my feet back under me and yank you back to your feet "time to finish slam you around like the jobber you are"
16:16 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I go up with you exhausted after the match and barely able to stand as you wrench me to my feet I try a last ditch effort and I place my hand on your bulge again and I try to rub my palm on it to hopefully buy some time
16:23 Dutch: As I pull you up I slide my arms around your body from behind, pulling your naked body into mine as I gasp out suddenly. My erection grows in your hand again, tenting my shorts as my grip relaxes. My hands slide up over your abs and towards your breasts, grabbing them firmly and pinching your nipples whispering into your ear "two can play that game", trying to distract you as well while I spread my feet for a firm stance.
16:24 Night_Queen_Raevyn: Since you are behind me now you break my grip and pull up behind me, gripping my breasts, and I try to push your hands away, struggling to pull away but running out of gas
16:30 Dutch: Your hand slides off my erection as I shake off the distraction while I gently squeeze your breasts. "So disappointing... too saggy and too small... only good enough for this!" and with that I lean backwards, pushing my feet down and pulling you off the canvas, arching my back and trying to pull you over my body to slam you down on my other side with a boobplex.
16:35 Night_Queen_Raevyn: UGGGNNN I get lifted up and you bend back crashing my head and shoulders into the mat with a hard suplex and my body goes straight up and down and cartwheels down into the canvas leaving me laid out in the middle of the ring
16:39 Dutch: Feeling my confidence rise again as I slam you down hard, strength flowing back into my body as I get back up and walk around your spread out body, grabbing your head and trying to yank you back to your feet while I raise my left knee, attempting to slam it into your abs to keep you stunned "get up, weakling. I'll slam you down so hard they'll be scraping that cheap-ass bodypaint off the canvas for weeks"
16:42 Night_Queen_Raevyn: UGGGNN I take the knee and I am dropped to one knee myself, clutching my belly and gasping for air, unable to get back up to my feet, my head is spinning and I am out of gas... struggling to pull your hands away...
16:47 Alicewrestling: Go Night Queen!! :)
16:47 Dutch: I let you pull my hands away for a moment as you are on your knee in front of me as I keep taunting you. "What does night queen stand for anyways? That you're too ugly for the light of day?" But then I grab your head again and shove it between my thighs, pressing them together while I bend over and push my chest against your back so I can reach my arms around your body and attempt to pull you up while I roar out loud, flipping you onto my shoulders in a seated position as I turn towards the center of the ring.
16:49 Night_Queen_Raevyn: WHOAH! I get pulled up, using what little wherewithal I have left I try to grab your head and push my hips forward so my kitty is in your face and holding on... hoping that is enough to distract you and buy me a moment to counter
16:54 Dutch: I brace myself to make the ring shake with a devastating slam as you surprise me and pull my face deep between your thighs. "mmmffff!" I stammer out as I feel your wetness pressing in my face while I struggle to breathe. Unable to see what I'm doing I stagger but try to keep my balance as I push my hands against your abs, trying to free my face from your pussy smother.
16:55 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I lock my legs around your head and try to push you back, hoping to get your back to rest against the ropes... trying to set up a move that can do some damage but buy some time as I shove my wet kitty into your face
17:00 Dutch: Your thick thighs clamp around my head, locking my face firmly against your wet pussy, and unable to breathe I stagger backwards not sure where I am until I feel my back pressing into the ropes. Leaning into the ropes feel myself weakening while I struggle to stay on my feet and keep supporting your weight. Desperately I try to push out of the ropes and let myself fall forward, attempting to still land some kind of powerbomb but now to free myself from between your thighs.
17:02 Night_Queen_Raevyn: Using the ropes before I could switch up and turn my body around you bounce off and then throw your body forward, pulling me down and you drive my back into the mat with a powerbomb and driving the air out of me yet again, my thighs dropping from around your neck...
17:03 Djcbaby1: "Come on Dutch, put this bitch in her place"
17:09 Dutch: I slam you down on the canvas and end up on my hands and knees hovering over your body, gasping for air as I look you over while catching my breath. With an evil grin on my face I decide to humiliate you before finishing you and grab your legs, pulling them up and then pushing them towards you to fold you up, trying to push your feet down over your head while I lean in, grinding my crotch over your wet pussy as I trap you in a mating press "no count out today, honey".
17:12 Night_Queen_Raevyn: You trap me in a pin, luckily this is a KO only match so I can take some time to catch my breath after that hard slam... feeling your bulge grinding over my wetness I let you have your fun and I try to breathe deep and recover as much as I can while you are distracted
17:18 Dutch: As you don't resist much I assume you're ready to accept your fate and I push your ankles together so I can keep your feet pinned down with one hand while I move my other hand down... "you don't deserve my cock" I say and thrust two fingers of my hand inside instead as I start to move my hand up and down, fingering you roughly, which is probably just how you like it.
17:19 Laxer: Aawww this will make our gothic bitch sad haha. Again no dick for you.
17:20 Night_Queen_Raevyn: UGGGNNN! I am folded up as you slam your fingers into me, still trying to control my breathing, starting to get some of my energy back but not able to kick out just yet... knowing I have to buy just a little more time...
17:21 Laxer: Dutch finish her this desperate whore ain’t worth any of our time
17:24 Dutch: My fingers slide in and out, increasing the pace slowly, but then I stop, not wanting to give you the satisfaction of an orgasm. I pull my hand back and run it across my face to wipe off some sweat as narrow my eyes and say "oh... that smell! When was your last shower?" and to give you a taste yourself I reach for your face with my hand, putting it down roughly with a faceclaw as payback for early in the match "here, try it yourself"
17:25 Night_Queen_Raevyn: UGH! you wipe my fingers on my face and then clamp on a tight faceclaw, I scream, kicking my feet and trying to buck my body under you hard, prying at your hand and squirming from side to side hoping to dislodge you!
17:30 Dutch: I latch on the faceclaw as you start to squirm and buck fiercely. Focusing on the faceclaw I keep it locked on with a grin on my face as you pull on my hand, but with only one hand I'm unable to keep your legs under control, and as you kick them free I lose my balance and am forced to let you go, rolling away over my shoulder to quickly and fluently get back to my feet "time to finish you... so you can take that shower"
17:31 Night_Queen_Raevyn: you get forced off me and I roll over to all fours, my hips in the air, ass pointed up as I cough and breathe deep, trying to slowly push back up to all fours and once again to my feet... my eyes locked on you...
17:33 Djcbaby1: Someone loves being on her knees, only time she gets anything
17:35 Dutch: Seeing you get up slowly I already tense my muscles and put one foot back, and as you raise to get back to your feet I rush towards you, extending my arm across your chest for a clothesline attempt as I exclaim "On your back, bitch"
17:38 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I get up but I am not that far out of the game yet and I duck under your arm and try to run to the ropes behind you, hoping I can nail it twice I try to swing my big leg up and hope to plant it into your face with a big boot kick on my return!
17:39 Laxer: Please put that tired ass pussy away. I think we all had enough of it and it stinks
17:41 Dutch: My arm hits nothing but air as I pass you, but I throw my back into the ropes on the other side to bounce back for another attempt... Instead as I bounce back I see you do the same and kick your leg up to slam your foot into my unprotected face. Letting out a loud grunt of pain my legs give out and I crash down against the canvas, shaking my head to regain my senses.
17:43 Night_Queen_Raevyn: Screaming out I catch my breath and then reach down, grabbing for your head and trying to pull you up from the mat, "FUCK ALL YOU STUPID MEN!" I shriek at the heckling crowd as I try to throw you into the corner backfirst and follow up with a boot into your throat for a choke as I grip the ropes
17:47 Dutch: I grab your hands while you pull me back to your feet, but before I can escape you whip me into the corner. "ungggh!" I grunt as I use my arms to stay on my feet as you push your foot roughly against my throat. Gasping and groaning I grab your ankle with both hands to try and twist your ankle and push your foot off my throat.
17:48 Djcbaby1: Come on Dutch, you can't let this talentless whore win
17:49 Night_Queen_Raevyn: I let you get a good view of my powerful kitty as I push in but your hand comes up... After all the hard slams I cant resist as you push my foot off and I collapse into you... my body flat against yours gasping for air
17:55 Dutch: Even while struggling for air I can't help get aroused as you put your naked body on display, legs spread open wide but then I push your foot off my throat and gasp for air, followed by a loud "oooff" as your body smacks into mine, pinning me against the cornerpost as I open my mouth to breathe in again. "Surrending your body to me?" I whisper in your ear as I slide my arms around your back and try to grab my own wrists, hoping to regain the upper hand as I flex my arms with my remaining strength as I lock you in a bearhug.
17:59 Night_Queen_Raevyn: Feeling you getting hard underneath me I give a little smirk "I think you want me... worm" I hiss into your ear as I also try to lock on a bearhug of my own, flexing hard against you as we meet face to face and I brush my lips over yours to tempt you
18:05 Dutch: I gasp as I feel my erection rub against your thigh, distracting me as you lock your arms around me as well. I can't hide my arousal as our bodies grind together as I feel your lips touch mine, but my arms are still locked in place and I use my male pride to focus on the word worm instead of everything else you do to seduce me. My biceps flex and I squeeze your body with trembling arms as I try to push us out of the corner "are you forgetting... I am... stronger than you?"
18:07 Night_Queen_Raevyn: "Who said..." I groan into the bearhug, I draw in everything I can so I can nibble on your bottom lip a little, pushing my hips into your hardness "You talk a big game... but you want me..." I pant into your ear as we constrict around each other
18:14 Dutch: "You did" I say answering your first comment, but I can't suppress a moan of pleasure as you push your hips forward, forcing my cock to grow rock hard and almost tear through my shorts, feeling the wetness of your pussy. Almost tempted to kiss you as I whisper "I want you... knocked out" as I push forward, trying to overpower you and drive your back into the cornerpost on the other side of the ring.
18:18 Night_Queen_Raevyn: You try to push out of the corner but I'm not ready for that and I hook one leg over the middle rope... then I slide my other over it so I can lock us in, squeezing that bearhug together... smushing our bodies closer... feeling your body respond to my lips I push myself forward, knowing you are distracted I slide my wetness over the top of your shaft poking out as I smash my lips into yours for a deep kiss...
18:23 Wimpy_Pete: Look at this 'Queen'... pathetic. Just wants to get fucked into a mess on the mats after getting beatdown like the bitch she is~ Get her Dutch! Knock her bitch ass out!
18:25 Dutch: Unable to push us out of the corner with your legs entangled with the ropes, keeping me trapped in the corner as you plant a kiss on my mouth. Not resisting as first as feel your wet pussy grinding against my still covered manhood, but then I realize I'm losing ground and you are getting the upper hand. Turning my head to the side I try to break the kiss "get your... filthy lips... of me" I stammer out as I try to twist my hips as well, desperately trying to turn and buck my shoulders into the corner, struggling to escape.
18:26 Night_Queen_Raevyn: Squeezing each other I try to wrap my legs around you as they are hooked into the ropes, pulling my body in tight as I grind a little in response to that... you pull away from my kiss and I lean in to nibble your ear now... I can tell you are breaking...
18:34 Dutch: My biceps are burning from the long squeezing, feeling the power of my bearhug fade while you slide your thick legs around my body, wrapping your naked body around mine seductively. "Nn..oo.o.." I stammer out in disbelief, feeling myself weaken in your embrace. Desperately I give up on the bearhug and push my right hand under your chin instead, pushing my chest forward hoping to get my weight behind, hoping to make you fall on your back with my body dropping on top of you.
18:36 Night_Queen_Raevyn: My legs come unhooked from the ropes as I lock my ankles together to squeeze your midsection but you take another approach and throw your body forward, pushing me from the corner as you force my head back and I hit the mat hard under you in a makeshift spinebuster, gasping deep from the hard impact
18:37 Wimpy_Pete: Yes! Now embarrass her! Show her who's in charge here.. and who's the weak slut~ You're gonna lose Raevyn~
18:38 Captain_Casey: The only weak slut I see is you Wimpy Pete. Get him Raevyn!
18:40 Dutch: I grunt out loud as you squeeze your thick thighs tightly around my body, but before the pressure becomes too much we land against the canvas and your legs slide off my body. Panting for breath and still very aroused I push myself up with my hands and then slide over your body, dragging my still covered cock over your abs and between your breasts all the way up to push my butt down on your face, trying to trap you in a facesit pin while I try to recover some of my strength.
18:41 Night_Queen_Raevyn: mmmmph!!! you slide up my body as I try to catch my breath and sit your ass down straight on my face, kicking my legs and screaming muffled underneath you but far too tired to be able to push you off from me
18:44 Wimpy_Pete: What are you even Captain of Casey? Losing~? Getting wiped all over the mats?
18:45 Dutch: I try to slide my knees over your upper arms to pin your upper body firmly against the canvas as I grind my ass down on your mouth "that's where those lips belong!" I taunt between breathing as my erection rubs over your face and I look into your eyes with my smug smile returning.
18:46 Captain_Casey: Let’s see…..would I rather be Captain, or Wimpy? At least you let everyone know what you are. No surprises.
18:46 Night_Queen_Raevyn: mmmmph!! your ass slides over my mouth and nose and my arms are pinned and I have no recourse here, flailing around on the mat under you and running out of air... I cant kick out though!
18:51 ritikoed: it seems like the end.
18:54 Dutch: I start to grind my hips back and forth as if I'm fucking your face, but with my cock still in my shorts. "I know you want it, but you're not getting it" I say as I continue while I feel your resistance is fading. "This is too good for the slut you are" I say when I'm satisfied and roll off over your head, turning around and grabbing your head to pulling you into a seated position with your back to me.
18:55 Dutch: I agree!
18:55 Night_Queen_Raevyn: Running low on air my fight diminishes with every passing moment and I am lulled into a state of dizzy confusion.... you finally get off me and I am too winded and exhausted to really take in deep breaths as you pull me up in a seat....
19:00 Dutch: "This will be over soon, night trash" I say as I take a few breaths and then put my right foot down and pull your back onto it while sliding my right arm across your throat, squeezing my bicep to cut of your air, attempting to lock you in a dragon sleeper while my other hand slides down your abs and between your thighs where I hook my fingers in pussy.
19:01 ritikoed: Raevyn can still eye rake or a sneaky move hopefully can still turn the tide
19:02 Night_Queen_Raevyn: My body is bent backward at an awkward angle as you snake your arm around my throat, pulling me onto your knee to reinforce my unnatural position... unable to breathe from before I am now put right back into that situation and you cram your fingers back inside me....
19:09 Dutch: I gather my strength as I keep squeezing my bicep around your throat, wrapping my arm all the way around your neck for support as I push my other foot down for support and pull your ass up into the air, using the grip of my fingers hooked in your pussy, standing up and holding you upside down, turning around to show off your beaten body to the crowd... and then I kick drop onto my knees, attempting to slam your head down hard against the canvas while I push my hand deeper into your pussy to add to the force, aiming to knock you out with a ring shaking finisher!
19:13 Night_Queen_Raevyn: UGGGNNN!! I get pulled up but your fingers, my body trembling as you lift, my feet leaving the mat and I am pulled upside down, suspended in mid air unable to move as your fingers are buried in, and then you drive my head into the mat under you hard and my body flops to the mat spread eagle from the devastating impact
19:14 ritikoed: SHE IS DONE
19:14 Lee_Soo_Hyuk: Told you! Rae weaky
19:16 Wimpy_Pete: That's brutal! Go Dutch! Finish her off~
19:16 Captain_Casey: Oh no. Raevyn. 😩
19:20 Dutch: The ring shakes with the impact and I straighten my fingers to let them slide out of your pussy as you flop down and I comment "what do you know, that pussy was good for something after all" The ref checks you but each time she raises your arm it drops down "I could have told you she was out cold without that" I say and stand over your body, wiping my fingers off on your face to cover you in your own juice, and then I put my foot down between your breasts as I flex a double biceps pose for the victory photo's.
19:21 Night_Queen_Raevyn: my body lays limp underneath you, you slide your wet fingers out and wipe them on my face as the bell rings, not moving at all completely spread eagle and unconscious....
19:27 Jazmin: hahaha
19:28 Dutch: Basking in victory I pace my breathing and finally take my foot off your chest. Then I grab a black marker and "Beaten by Dutch... again!" on your inner thigh for you to find when you wash off the bodypaint later.
19:30 Night_Queen_Raevyn: Slowly starting to come to with all the camera lights and seeing you writing on my chest before I fade out again on the canvas
19:31 Jazmin: KO
19:35 Dutch: I don't even notice your eyes opening and stand up as I take another look over your defeated body. Saving the rest of the comments for when we meet again, and making sure I'm getting the pictures from the photographers I say "If anyone wants a piece of that, go ahead" while pointing to your beaten body. Then I exit the ring and go for a hot shower. (the end?)

Published: 2024-08-24, viewed 77 times.



Big Bailey

2024-08-24 23:09

Dutch beats her again! Just as I predicted