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OPCW Reload Sigrid vs Scarlett Bordeauxx


Scarlett_Bordeauxx: After my shaky debut in the OPCW, I've needed some time to recalibrate and really knuckle down on my game-plan here. After all, I was going to be the champion sooner or later, whether they liked it or not. And I'm going to stop at NOTHING to make that happen. I can hear the crowd riled up through the walls of my quaint locker-room as I gift-wrap myself in a tight latex body-suit. I strap on the boots to match, then start to make my way out the door. Taking a few deep breaths, and ready to meet my next opponent... ~ I step out, pops from every corner of the crowd. They weren't exactly fans of me yet, but they eye-candy was enough to turn them quickly. I stand at the middle of the ramp for a moment, letting the spotlight hit my skin.. Shining while my hands run down my hourglass figure, bathing in the audience embrace before finishing my strut to the ring. I climb up the apron, blow a few kisses to the boys up-front before diva-stepping over the ropes. Waiting patiently for the Veteran Valkyrie.
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Sigrid: The music transitions into the guitar wail of my own entrance music as the front of the entrance stage explodes into pink lasers and four glitter cannons blast into the air. As the pink sparkly material floats down over the crowd, I step out through the curtain, waving and blowing kisses to everyone in the arena before I dash down the aisle and slide under the bottom rope. I pop to my feet, turning around, keeping an eye on my opponent, and welcoming the adulation that is my due. I'm dressed for this match in my standard pink one piece suit and ankle high matching boots.
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: My music comes to a cut, and the blasting riff of a guitar hits the speakers. I slowly turn around to face the ramp as cannons begin to explode.. "Well.. that's a little much.." I say to myself as my bomb-shell opponent makes her appearance. Her eyes locked onto mine, raising my eyebrows and hands on my hips. Trying to look as un-impressed as possible while I lean back against my side of the ropes. Watching you slide into the ring and stand before me. "Wooo! I love explosions! What are we celebrating? Your retirement from the OPCW?" As a devious little grin grows on my face.
Sigrid: I return the look with a little bit of a smirk, "Oh no, we're just celebrating... me!" I lounge back in the corner for a moment, then straighten up, bouncing on my toes to loosen myself up a little bit. I glance to the side as I hear the crowd's reaction to my bouncing and give a quick laugh. "I hope you are enjoying your time here, we do need some pretty girls that everyone can beat." I swing may arms , loosening them up a bit as well, then roll my neck and glance toward the ring announcer, "We going to do this or what?"
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: My smirk falls, watching as you start to win over the crowd with your little play.. I look left, then right, then start to bounce on my toes.. "Oh yeah, let's do this!" I say, purposely mimicking you and trying to get the crowd's eyes back onto me. "Get your plastic surgeon on speed-dial!" My arms now raised up high, fingers wiggling as I slightly hunch over and pop my booty out. The announcer takes a step back, and signals for the bell to RING ~ And we're off! I start to head to the center, not afraid to get face to face. "Come on!"
Sigrid: I step out of the corner at the sound of the bell, starting to circle to the left as you make your way to the center. I spiral in, moving to the side and coming closer and closer to you, my hands up and ready, until we are close enough that I jump forward, reaching with hands and looking to lock up with you in a standard sort of collar and elbow tie up. "Come here, let's see what you've got."
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: Glaring at you like predator to prey, ready to clash. My hands reach for yours, attempting to steal you in for a quick lock-up. Ready to show off my strength and ability to the crowd as our fingers interlace. "Grrrr... I'm gonna show you EXACTLY what I've got, Barbie." I say with a bit of a growl under my voice, now biting onto my lip and trying to SHOVE you back towards the ropes. Trying to keep my weight in my feet and plant them to the canvas.
Sigrid: My hands reaching for your shoulders are intercepted as you turn it into a fingerlace and shove back at me. I start to give resistance, but then let my arms just go limp, letting you push them back and hopefully stumble forward into zero resistance and right into my rising knee that's aimed at your stomach, "Don't be too quick baby! You showed what you got.. an untefended belly!"
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I keep shoving and shoving, keeping my eyes locked onto yours to try and hypnotize my way into power. Your grip suddenly breaks, and I can feel my push overpower yours.. I lunge into your, now gripping your hands tighter.. "HA!" I roar, as your arms give out. Shooting in close and ready to push you into the ropes when a sudden shock of pain shoots through my guts.. "~OOOUGGH...." My eyes wide, quick releasing my hands from the lock up to reach down and nurse the pain in my stomach after your knee had sneakily drilled into it..
Sigrid: As you double over, I yank my hands down, snatching them away from yours and breaking the fingerlace as i turn to the side, slipping one arm down in an attempt to snake it around your neck and jerk your head against my hip in a standing headlock. "C'mere hon. Let me show you how we do things here."
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: A bit stunned and out of breath from that shocking blow to my tummy, I struggle to try and compose myself for what comes next.. Your arm drops, wrapping it around my neck and yanking my head into your side to keep me pressed up against your hip. Locked and forced to walk at your command as I wince and growl.. "Arrgh, you l-little... Aggh... Let GO!" I roar, flailing my arms around wildly..
Sigrid: "Let go? Already? What if I say.. no!" And I squeeze down tighter and start to pull you forward, moving toward, and trying to increase speed as I run at the corner, attempting to use your head like a battering ram aimed at the center turnbuckle.
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: Gritting my teeth and desperately trying to pry your arm open but you had me in quite an uncomfortable position. "You fucking bette~ WAAGGH WHAT ARE YOU DOIN~ " You suddenly start to shoot towards the corner, taking me with you and forcing me to run as fast before tossing me head-first into the turnbuckle.. "AAGGH!" I yell out, my hair flying all over the place as my head BANGS into the buckle.. Seeing stars.. "Ooooghhh..?!!"
Sigrid: I let out a little bit of a laugh as I see you stagger back and I step up behind you, reaching around your waist to grasp my own wrist. "If you have to ask that question, you have no business being in this ring!" And I squeeze, lifting up and falling back, trying to bring you up and arching back into a german suplex.
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I start to straighten up, stumbling out of the corner with my hand reaching up to hold onto my tender forehead.. "Ooggh.. w-what? I.. I wasn't ready... I ju~ WAAGH?!" My eyes wide as your arms suddenly hug around my waist, waking me right back up into action as I look towards the crowd in fear and shake my head.. "W-WAIIIIITTTT!" I scream on the way up as you seamlessly bridge back and drop me shoulders/back first over your body with a massive Suplex.. I hit the mat and make it shake as I tumble onto my side and lay there for a moment.. "Aaaaghh.... f-fuuck.." Eyes clenched, trying to reach for my back in pain..
Sigrid: I release your waist and roll to the side, pitching up to my hands and knees to look over at you and make sure that the suplex hit. As I see you reaching for your back, I stand up, getting back to my feet and cross the few steps of canvas to reach down, slipping fingers into that platinum hair and using the handhold to 'help' you get back up to your feet. "Come on honey, let's get you up here."
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: Breathing through the pain, trying to recover from that painful drop before your hand comes down and tangles itself inside my luscious mane. "Aagh. Not the hair.. NOT THE HAIR." I say, gritting my teeth again and trying to move my head at your command to stop the painful yanks off my scalp. My hands grabbing onto your legs, laddering my way up your body as you pull.. I get to my knees and stretch an eye towards the referee and attempt to catch his attention.. "HEY, THE BUCKLE BROKE!" Nodding him over to the buckle behind him as I wind an arm back and SWING it up between your glistening legs... Looking to bust that baby-maker and free myself.
Sigrid: Fingers in your hair, I start to pull you up, bringing you up to knees at first and I give a little laugh at you complaining about the hair pull. "Oh come on, like anyone cares about that..." then your yell toward the ref about the buckles makes me blink, momentarily confused as I keep pulling, but then the confusion is shattered as your fist hammers up into my crotch. My eyes widen and cross, my knees buckle, pointing toward each other as I slip down to kneeling and my fingers spasm, slipping out of your hair, "Oooohh..."
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: Your fingers slide out of my hair, looking up to watch your body start to collapse before me.. I gulp in relief, feeling the momentum start to shift as I look around to the crowd and start to smile. A loud gasp from every corner of the arena. "HAAHAHAHA!" I start giggling like a maniac as I push my hands up from the canvas and stand over you while your knees topple. "Eeekk.. that looked like it hurt.." I mock before taking my hands and reaching down to cup my own crotch.. "Owwiee!" The crowd watching in awe, unsure of whether they hate me or love me even more now. ~ I reach down to tangle my fingers between your blonde locks and start to tug you over towards the corner, trying to walk you like a dog on hands and knees.. "With me, bitch."
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
Sigrid: I groan, my own hands between my legs, trying to soothe myself as your matching pose serves to mock. My head shakes and eyes water a bit from the low blow. As you return, I try to pull back, but my hands are a bit slow and my hair is snatching into your grip, pulling me foreard and I'm forced to catch myself with my hands or faceplant into the canvas. As you back away, I'm dragged forward, forced to crawl, one hand reaching up to grab at your wrist in an attempt to relieve the pain in my scalp. "
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I pull you over near the buckle, keeping a tight cling on your hair as I position your face in front of the bottom buckle. "Hmm, how about a quick facial? Looks like you could use it!" I say, suddenly yanking your hair up high, trying to force you onto your knees and position your head in front of the middle buckle. ~ I tightly clench the roots of your blonde strands then thrust your face towards the corner pad, once, then again, then again.. The savage in me starting to really come through as I couldn't stop myself. Bang after bang after bang, the pad leaving an imprint of your face as I pull down and aim for the bottom pad now. Thrusting your head back and smashing it into lower pad once, then again, then again.. "HOW'S THAT?! HUH?! HOW'S IT FEEL?!"
Sigrid: Stunned by the crotch shot, I'm dragged to the corner by the hair. Once the forced crawling is stopped, I reach back with both hands, grasping at your wrists as I try to pull your fingers from my hair. But the shaking and pulling jerks me up and erect on my knees in the corner before yanking right back forward, bringing me face first into the middle buckle, "Ooooph!" my forehead bounces off, stunning me, but I feel the yank again, bringing me back down to the buckle, then again, and again... if I was standing, i'd feel my knees buckling, but I' already on my knees as the world starts to spin and another shot bounces my face off the bottom pad. I can vaguely hear the referee protesting as your fingers leave my hair and I slump, one arm draped over the middle rope barely holding me up as I blink rapidly.
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I look towards the referee, giving my lips a quick lip as the sinister smile on my face grows teeth-wide. "My bad, my bad!" Quickly whipping my hand out of your hair and reaching for your arm instead as I quickly try and turn you around and sit you back against the corner buckle.. "Here, let's just let her rest for a moment.." An eery tone in my voice as I grab the ropes and help myself up to my feet before walking towards the center, giving my butt a few slaps on the way.. "Maybe a bit of dessert'll get her head goin' again." I say, before suddenly turning around and SPRINTING towards in the corner.. I come in fast, turning my hip and trying to thrust my butt right into your skull with a vicious Hip-Attack!
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
Sigrid: I let out a groan, head shaking back and forth as I try to get my bearings back after having me head treated like a bouncy ball on the turnbuckles. I slump back, arms on the middle ropes to hold myself up while I blink some vision back into my eyes. The vision starts coming together, but it's a vision of you charging, turning, and then a very large vision of your ass slamming into my face. my neck snaps back, the back of my head bouncing off of the middle buckle again and everything starts to spin as my arms flail and reach up, trying to gtab the top ropes to keep my from falling all the way down.
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: You could hear the loud SPLAT of your face as it hits my bounce-alicious booty, making the entire ring vibrate as your head hits the pad with FORCE. "Hahahahha" Laughing as I step out of the corner and turn to look at you. "What's wrong? Not a fan of cake?" I mock before quickly reaching to snatch a handful of your hair and quickly tugging you back up to your feet, but making sure you stay back-first against that corner buckle.. I step up real close, getting in your face and near your ear. "I'm going to really enjoy this.." I whisper before slapping my tongue down onto your cheek and sliding it up towards your sideburn. ~ My hand still tangled in your hair, I pull it back to try and force your head to arch back and prop your chest up for me, while my free arm winds up in the air.. Then I swing it down to viciously CHOP across your breasts!
Sigrid: I'm on wobbly knees as I feel your fingers in my hair, yanking me up with that very familiar burn on my scalp. "Uhhng...." Leaning back in the corner, I hang onto the top rope as you yank my head back by the hair. Your tongue laps up my cheek and I can feel my face flush from how you are handling me there. I start to grit my teeth, hands reachin and SMACK! the overhand chop comes straight down across my brasts, stinging and knocking a little of the wind out of me, but it does serve to slap the fog out of my head and wake me right back up. "Oooww!"
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I keep my hand inside your hair as your eyes suddenly widen.. "Oh.. look who's back!" I taunt as I pull you out of the corner but stay near the ropes. I step over the middle rope, and exit out onto the apron while trying to yank your head out through the top and middle ropes. Keeping you neatly bent as I look to the crowd and give my butt a quick wiggle.. "This should wake you up!" I hiss before attempting to yank your head towards my hip as I thrust my butt into your face! Then again, and again!"
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
Sigrid: "Aaah!" Your tight grip in my hair continues to let you lead me by the head, yanking down to bend me over as I'm pulled halfway out of the ring. My hands grab for the middle rope to keep my body from getting pulled all the way out, and also to save me from just falling fac first. But face first is the way it goes anyway as you turn and yank my head into your swinging hip, assaulting me again with that hip and butt attack. One, two, and a third staggers me, my hands slip off the rope and I'm doubled over half in, half out of the ring and held by the hair.
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: "Mm, you look good in that position. Must be an expert!" I say, smacking my teeth with my tongue and chuckling while you dangle helplessly over the rope. I step a bit closer to you and latch my free hand onto your hair to really get the grip I need. Both hands in, pulling on your roots before I jump up and drop myself down onto the ring floor, whipping your head down with me and trying to RING your neck against the rope as I release.
Sigrid: I start to stumble as I feel your other hand joining the first one in the tangle of blonde hair on my head, getting a tight grip. "Nuh..." And then you drop off the apron, yanking my head down and catching my neck over the second rope. "AAUCCKK!!" As the rope arches down, I feel a tear as my hair is released. A bit of it comes away in your fingers, but the tension let loos on my body springs the rope back up, reversing my fall to bounce and launch me back into the ring. I fall to the canvas, hands gripping at my throat as I roll side to side, gasping and coughing and sputtering... trying to breathe.
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I keep giggling as I walk over towards the crowd, sending a few high fives to the crowd as I circle the entire the arena.. "Thank you, thank you! I know, I know.. I'm amazing, what can I say?!" Before finally heading back to the apron and hopping to re-enter through the ropes. "How's my cute little slut doing?" Stepping up to stand just near your head as I look down and tower over you. "Hey-uhh.. Ref! Come count her out.." I say as I slowly come down to my knees and pour my body across yours, trying to flatten you onto your back and reach for your leg. Hooking it up into the air for a pin.
Sigrid: Coughing and kicking, I roll back and forth on the canvas as you showboat outside of the ring. It gives me enough time to start to get my breath back before you drop down and go for the cover. My head shakes and before even the full one count, I twist, throwing an arm up to break the pin. "Nuh!" and I kick my leg hard to let my body twist over to my side.
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I flatten you to the canvas for barely second before an obnoxiously powerful kick thrusts my body right off of you.. "AH?!" I roll the opposite way and push my hands up from the canvas to stand back up, shocked you hadn't given up yet. "Mm, so you want some more? My pleasure." I growl before lunging towards you and winding a swift soccer kick straight into the side of your mid-section as you start to get up.
Sigrid: The kickout serves to get you off of me and I cough again, feeling the damage to my throat as I roll over to hands and knees, pushing up to start to rise when the punt comes up, slamming hard right into my side and belly, knocking me back to the side and doubling me up. "Bwaaahooww!"
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: "Hahahaha, looks to me like you're enjoying this.. How about some more?" I taunt as I close the gap between us and bend down for a nice handful of your long hair. "Up!" Commanding you like a dog as I try and twist you over onto all fours, once again turning you into my little dog as I try and force you to crawl to the ropes. As we get close, I pull your hair out through the middle rope, dangling you over and keeping you neatly bent before me. I look at the crowd and wink, before raising my free hand up and licking right across my palm. "BAD GIRL!" I shout before attempting to whip my hand right across both of your ass-cheeks.
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
Sigrid: Feeing my lower ribs, I start crawling toward the ropes, looking for a handhold to get back up when you meet me almost all the way there. Fingers twine in my locks again and I mutter, yelping as the pull jerks me forward instead of up to put me over that middle rope again. My hands are quicker this time, grabbing the center rope to keep it off of my delicate throat, I don't want that choke again SMACK! Eyes widen as I feel your openhanded spank land right across my ass though and I yelp, jerking back, pushing off of the ropes and coming to my feet, on hand behind me, rubbing my pinkening ass.
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I wince a little from the loud crack popping off your skin as I smack those perfectly round cheeks.. Letting you stumble away and try to nurse that burning ass of yours. "Hahahahhaha! Sorry, I'm a pain in the ass!" Maybe starting to enjoy this a little too much as my eyes accidentally fall towards your breasts, and suddenly I've got an idea. I quickly step towards you, trying not to give you any time to recover as I reach both hands towards your body-suit. My fingers quickly attempting to snatch the shiny little buckle keeping the straps over your tits. With a quick tug, I try and pull the latch open to let those titties BOUNCE right out of your attire.
Sigrid: Stumbling back, I turn to face you seeing you charging up, rushing in. my hands come up, looking to fend off your attack, ready for another lockup as I feel like I'm starting to recover from the earlier abuse. I've got a little bit of breath back and the spank, while stinging, didn't really hurt me that badly. I reach for you but your hands slip between mine and instead of the lockup, I hear and feel the POP as the buckle holding the top of my suit together stops doing just that and my chest is exposed to the elements. "Wha?! You bitch!" I back away, hands instinctively going to try to cover up.
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: "Oh!! Oh my! Wardrobe malfunction!!" Hearing some loud gasps before a suddenly flurry of camera flashes blast from all sides of the crowd. "Hey now, they're nice boobs! Don't hide them!" I smirk as I viciously reach for your wrists and try to pry them from your chest, trying to yank them up over your head as I step around you to get behind. Looking to twist your arms right back and have your breasts be the center of attention. "SHOW OFF FOR THE CROWD BABY!"
Sigrid: I back away and see you following, chasing me quickly down as I try to cover up and pull the top of my broken suit back up. "Stop that! Let.. go!" And i try to pull my hands away from yours, flustered and you manage to get around behind me, tying up my arms. I can feel the loose straps falling down to my waist and I growl out, "You better let me go!" Then I swing my head back, trying to catch you with the back of it.
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I keep your arms tied right back, bending them to add a bit of pressure and making sure your chest stayed propped right out. "Come on!! Look at those babi~ AAGGH!?" I shriek as your head suddenly swings back and bashes right into mine. My grip immediately breaking from your wrists as I stagger back and try to shake off the little daze you just struck me in to. "Aggh.. b-bitch.." I growl under my breath..
Sigrid: I feel the back of my head connect with something, hopefully your face, and I snatch my arms down and away from your grip. I look down at teh broken suit, recognizing that there's no point in trying to fix it, so I turn, my hand coming up and out with a chop? No, this is a slap, aimed right at the side of your face, hoping to back you up and away from me.
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I hold onto the side of my face, growling as I stare at you with an evil look on my face. Quickly turning back around and swinging your hand straight for my face. "NOPE!" I roar before ducking into a squat to dodge before shooting back up with my hard forearm aimed straight up for your jaw to break some of the momentum you thought you had.
Sigrid: I turn, hand outswung and my eyes widen as my hand passes right over your head. "What the?" The swing sends me a little off balance and as i right myself, coming back, I feel the rising forearm slamming right under my chin, rocking my head back, stumbling me backwards with arms windmilling for balance into the ropes.
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I chase after you, staying on the prowl as you stagger towards the ropes... I reach to grab onto your hair and forcefully pull you back towards me. Twisting your head to face me up close, forcing you to look into my eyes as I try and humiliate you for a moment. "How's it feel? Huh? You're nothing but my little rag-doll.. A toy, for me to fucking break.."
Sigrid: My head is spinning from the huge shot to the jaw as I reel first backwards, then get my hair snatched again, jerking me off the ropes and back towards you. Pulled face to face, I can see the intensity in the face and eyes of my rival blonde and stumble. "Nuh..." Hands start to ball into a fist, I know I've got to do something about this and get myself back into the match and I pull back to start to swing a punch towards your belly.
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: Looking at you like you were nothing but a piece of meat that I was about to tenderize and eat.. Enyoying every second of your humiliation as the crowd craves for more.. "Hm? Nothing to say? That's why you're my~ OUUGH!?" I gasp, doubling over as my hands release your hair.. Stumbling back from that fiery punch straight to my guts.. "AAgghh..."
Sigrid: I feel it land and see you doubling over in front of me. My hand then slashes up and I wince as I knock your hand away from the grip in my hair. "I'm no one's little punching bag!" With a deep breath, I turn to the side and grab a handful of hair with one hand, an arm with the other, and turn further, using the grip to try to fling you toward the far ropes with a hair assisted Irish whip. I bounce back to the near ropes, feeling them across the bare skin of my back as I launch myself on an intercept course with you in the center of the ring.
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: Stunned for a moment, trying to catch my breath after that punch before your hands grip me tight and I'm shot across the ring.. Forced to run towards the ropes with an Irish Whip.. I turn, hitting my back against the ropes before running right back towards you.. You shoot at me from the opposite side, and we were just mere moments from clashing.. I drop to my knees and slide to you instead, hoping to throw you off as I open my arms to catch your legs and throw you over me and behind with a back-body drop!
Sigrid: I hit the ropes and charge, seeing you bouncing off of the far ropes and we close the distance between us. It's time to turn the tables and my arm comes up, reaching back and I start to swing it forward for a huge clothesline but halfway to me, you drop, sliding on your knees and i stumble, trying to redirect. My arm swings where you are not and i feel your arms around my legs, lifting and I fall forwards. "aaughfuck!" Hitting the canvas hands and chest first.
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: The ring shakes as you land, taking a gasp of relief before quickly springing back up to my feet and turning towards you.. "That's what I thought.. " I grunt, a bit breathless as I reach down to quickly snatch your arm and YANK you back up to your feet. As you stand, I try and swing my head right into yours for a stunning headbutt to get you wobbling!
Sigrid: I push up to my hands and knees, feeling my bare breasts sway beneath me and I can't help but hear the crowd's response to it. I try to shake it off and stand, feeling a bit of 'assistance' from you pulling on my arm. Then the arm is yanked harder, forcing me to you and I lean in, only to catch the crown of your head right in the temple. "Uhhng!" I stagger back, knees wobbling from another shot to my head and I almost instinctively just swing a wild haymaker at nothing.
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I bash my skull into yours, watching you struggle to keep standing as you wobble around.. "Ya.. doesn't feel so good, DOES IT?" I snarl as you randomly throw a powerful but inaccurate jab straight into the air. I quickly throw my legs and drop to my knees, dodging your cutesy haymaker and quickly reaching for the waistband of your body-suit. Gripping that pink thong tight and YANKING it down your thighs, right to the ankles and keeping it there to make it impossible for you to run.. "WHOOPSIES!"
Sigrid: My big bow is a swing and a miss as I stagger from the headbutt. You duck the swing and I can feel, briefly, your fingers on my hips, and then the suit that was half busted is suddenly down around my ankles. I hear a huge cheer and then feel a cool breeze, and then shock pierces through the fog of my brain. "No!" I take a step backwards, or try to as my suit catches both ankles and I trip, falling straight down onto my bare ass in front of you.
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: "Oh my... HAHAHAAHHA!" I parade around your body, purposely trying to make you the center of attention as you fall flat, and totally exposed in front of me. I stand near your hip and drop to one knee before reaching for your arm and trying to pull you up.. Slithering your body up and over as I extend one knee out and try to bend and drape you over it. Propping that shiny booty of yours up.. "Oooooh!! this is my favorite part!"
Sigrid: I hear the catcalls and I reach for my ankles, trying to grab hold of the pulled down suit when your hand intercepts mine and my leaning forward continues, pulled along and up until I'm belly down over your knee. "No.. wait.." I kick out with one foot, trying to get up but the tangle of the suit stops it and I start to kick both feet in an attempt to just kick it off of me so that I can use my legs again.
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: "Hahahahah. Noo!!! Waitt!! Don't spank me Miss Scarlett!!" I coo, trying to mock you while you flail and kick trying to escape.. I raise my right hand up, while the left pushes down on the back of your neck to keep you bent. I give it a hot long lick across the palm before viciously swinging it down to SMACK across those cheeks..
Sigrid: "Aaah. nononono AAAHH!!" I feel the sharp, stinging spank across my bare ass and hear the sound echoing across the arena as the crowd shuts up long enough to listen to the smack. My body jolts and I pound the mat with one fist, then twist hard, trying to roll off of your knee as I kick my pink suit off of my boots.
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I bite my lip at the delicious sound of your ass clapping against my palm.. "Fuck... that felt good.." I say with a smile before you quickly twist your body over and manage to stumble right off of my knee.. "Oohh.. Feisty one. You just never learn, huh?" I say as I start to get back up to my feet and watch you struggle to get that suit off..
Sigrid: I roll on the mat, kicking the suit away and then make it to my hands and knees. I know that I look ridiculous, crawling away, but I need to get some distance to get my composure back. I've been stripped in a match before, but it's not really the kind of exposure that I want for something like this. I reach for the ropes and use the handhold to pull myself back up to my feet. One hand drops down to soothe my reddened cheek as I turn to face you, my face stormy with a growing rage.
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I slowly start stepping up from behind you, sneakily trying to get right up behind you while you grip the ropes for some leverage on the way back up to your feet.. Waiting for you to stand as you quickly turn around and find me right in front of your face. "Hiya!" I say, smiling with my teeth before quickly trying to send a WHOPPING bitch-slap across your face!
Sigrid: The growl starts low as I turn around and prepare to attack, but the sound stops immediately in surprise to see you right there and SMACK! The hard slap turns my head to the side, my body twisting to follow as I stumble into the ropes, an arm drapes across the top one to keep my balance and I work my jaw side to side to recover.
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: "Ouch!" I taunt as I reach for your arms, trying to out-muscle you and tug them away and behind you. I pull them back and try to lock them in a chicken-wing inside my arms and slowly start to walk you over towards the center of the ring.. "Tsk... tsk.. Where do ya think you're going..?"
Sigrid: Turned to the side, I feel you snatching my arms behind me, locking me into the double chicken wing to force my bare chest forward and turning to push me away from the ropes. I try to twist, grunting against your grip as I'm exposed and pushed to the middle of the ring in nothing but my boots.
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: "Let's really give you the spotlight now.." Keeping your arms tightly tied behind your back as push my arms together and lift, attempting to hoist you right up into the air. Using that chicken-wing as my leverage to keep you propped right up, chest and face out in the open and glistening in the light of the spotlight. You're the center of attention now.
Sigrid: I feel you moving behind me, arms shifting their grip on mine as I twist and strugle to try to get my own free. And then the pressure changes from in to up, lifting me. The pressure in my shoulders increases as my feet leave the ground and I'm picked up, hanging by the chicken wing, chest thrust up and forward, legs dangling and kicking weakly and I scream out from the agony in my shoulders, "Aaaauugh!!!"
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I keep you up for a few more seconds, really letting you gather the kind of position you're in.. "Now let's BUST those boobies!" I roar before suddenly releasing the chicken wing and opening my arms to catch your waist before WHIPPING you down face and tits first right into the canvas!
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
Sigrid: My head shakes as my arms and shoulders feel like they are on fire. I hear your comment and can hear the crowd's roar as we before I'm falling, gravity doing it's thing to bring me down fast, too fast to bring my arms around to break the fall and I hit boobs first, then the side of my face, bouncing hard onto the mat and I feel my tits squashed flat against my own ribcage. "Unnnph..."
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: Landing on my ass while your body brutally shatters before me. Almost wanting to call my own plastic surgeon before turning her over to see the damage I'd done. I throw your legs over and flip you onto your back, crawling right up next to you.. "Now, that was fun!" I whisper near your head before slowly pouring my body across yours again. I reach for that bare leg and lift it high into the air for the count..
Sigrid: Groaning, I roll to my hip as you throw my legs to the side, my hands coming up to try to soothe my hurting tits. My chest heaves to try to get my wind back and and don't stop at the hip, feeling you push me the rest of the way over onto my back and crawling on top of me. My leg's hooked and I see the lights above, then the referee counts "ONE!"
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I keep you pressed down for another moment.. "TWO!" And this was my chance... If I was going to save my reputation, I had to make a statement.. I turn my head and suddenly release your leg, lifting my chest off of yours and breaking the pin.. "OH! Oh my goodness! She broke the pin!! What a FIGHTER?!" Up onto my knees as I reach for your hair once again and savagely start to pull you back up to your feet with me. I try and walk us over to the ropes before sticking my other hand inside that blonde mane and WHIPPING your body over, trying to toss you through the ropes and out of the ring!
Sigrid: I twist, croaning, hearing the two count and I start to try to kick or something, when I feel you release my leg and rise up instead. My eyes blink in surprise and half disbelief, but then they widen in pain as I'm ripped up off of my back by the hair, jerked up to stumbling feet and propelled at the ropes, not just at but between. My hips hit the middle rope as my body goes out over them and I trip, falling through the gap to crash first on the ring apron, and then roll off and fall to the lightly padded floor at ringside.
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: You slam out onto the ring floor as I open my mouth and look totally shocked... "Oopsies!!!" Then quickly bend through the ropes myself and chase you out onto the floor.. I jump off the apron, boots landing right near your pretty face. I reach down, snagging a handful of your hair with one hand while the other takes your arm.. Pulling you back up and walking you over towards the announcer table.. The referee and announcers sliding their chairs back, afraid of what was to come.. "Thanks boys.. I'll be needing this now.." I whip your head back and quickly attempt to bash your face against the hard wood!
Sigrid: My head comes up as I lay on the thin mats at ringside, seeing your boots landing next to me. I start to push up, but liks so many times, the now familiar burn in my scalp accompanies my body being pulled up in front of you. I stumble forward, seeing the announcers abandoning the table and then the table rushes up at me, my head whipped down by the hair, forehead thumping off of the wood and my knees buckle as I half collapse onto it.
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: Your body collapses into the table, half of your body barely held up as I climb up onto it. I reach for your shoulders and slide you up with me. You had become nothing but dead weight at this point. "Agh.. alright.. You want the spotlight, right? Here it is, slut." I say, a bit breathless from all the dragging and lifting. I kneel down, planting another knee out in front as I reach for your arm and start to slide you up onto me. Trying to turn you over onto your back as I slither your body across my knee and let you bend right at the center of your spine...
Sigrid: "Nnngh..." I feel you harshly draging my up onto the cleared announce table, raised a dew feet above the floor and my head shakes weakly, my arms trying to push you away but all the blows to teh head have left me weakened and spent. I'm pulled up, sliding over your knee until it stops in the center of my lower back and I'm arched over it. Boots scraping the table, hair brushing the table on the other side, hips and chest thrust up and I feel the pain of the arch of my back, "Nnnnghhh.. noh...."
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: "Muauahahah! Yes.. Moan for me! GIVE IN!!" I roar as I place a hand down over the top of your chest, near your neck and push to bend you even harder. Meanwhile my other arm is pressed down against both of your thighs to make sure you weren't going anywhere.. "COME ON SIGRID. PLEAD FOR MERCY! BEG, BITCH!"
Sigrid: Up on your knee, up on the table, my naked body is laid out like a sacrifice on an altar just feet from the roaring crowd behind the barricade. I can hear the yells and shouts, the catcalls, but above it I hear your demands. My head shakes as you start pushing down on my chest and legs, increasing the arch, folding me over your knee into an inverted U shape and I scream out, then my hand flails, trying to find something to tap against, my shouts coming as loud as yours, "AAAAHHH!!! I GIIIVE!! I GIIIVE!!! OHGHADITHUUURRTS!!!"
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: "Hahhahahahhah!" I keep pushing down, making sure I bend you to hell as you scream music to my ears. "Mmm, did you hear that guys?! She gives!!" I say, turning my head to look at the referee.. "Oh wait, honey.. Look! He can't count it, cause we're not in the ring!! Muaahahahahhaahha!" My maniacal laughing echoing throughout the crowd, the referee powerless as I CRUSH your back and keep you neatly exposed for the thousands that circle us.
Sigrid: With no help or relief coming fom the referee, my screams intensify as you push down further, my knees on the table on one side, my hair pooling on the other side with my head shoved down. My hand finds your shoulder and taps, rapidly, insistently along with the scream that starts to become begging. The crowd on their feet, camera flashes popping just feet away from my exposed body. "AAAUUGH!!! NNOOO!!! STAAHHP!! IGIVEIGIVEIGIVE PLEEEASSEE! PLEASSSEE!!!!"
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I grit my teeth and give one little last push to really engrain my absolute domination over you. Craving more and more of your screams and moans, trying to beg for mercy but I hadn't any left. I take both arms and open them up in a scoop, one near your legs and the other behind your back as I slowly start to stand back up from my kneel. Lifting you up into my arms with me.. "Ooof.. Gotcha.." I start to raise you up, adjusting my grip as I get you above my head, bending my neck forward and trying to rest your back across my shoulders. Leaving your legs and head to dangle from each side as I hold on tight.
Sigrid: "AAAUUGHH!!!" the yell reduces as you stop pushing down on my legs and chest, my body uncoiling a bit but still draped over your knee and I nod, feeling a bit of wetness in my eyes as I blink. I gasp, refilling my lungs from the yelling as I feel you scoop me up in your arms and stand. Then I'm lifted even higher, I start to panic as you raise me high, thinking you are about to throw me off of the table, but you duck underneath and drape me over your shoulders. My back arches out again, arms dangling on one side, legs dangling down the other, placed into another backbreaking hold and held up higher with you up on the table, displaying me to the crowd. "no... please no... no more... i... ohgod..."
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: "Oh, shut up!" Up on that table, showing you off for the slut that you are in front of this crowd.. Pops, roars, and screams from every corner as they can't help but snap picture after picture of your beautiful destruction. I slowly step down off the table, making sure I keep you firmly up on my shoulders as I slowly start to head near the barricades.. Making my round and walking the entire length of the arena.. "Woohoo!! Look everybody! Look at your Valkyrie now!"
Sigrid: My body jolts as you step down from the table, naked form stretched out across your shoulders as I'm carried all the way around the ring and forced to see and be seen up close by all the front row ticket holders. As arms and legs dangle limply, the prior screams have turned into more of a loud whimper, my head turning left and right in weakened protest as I feel weness across my cheeks.
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: "Hahahahaha!" The villainous tone in my voice really coming through every exaggerated laugh.. I finish the entire lap around the ring, then finally walk towards the ring and use what's left of strength to hoist you up just over my head and TOSS you right onto the apron to bash against it and roll you back inside.. "IN YOU GO!"
Sigrid: Hurting, whimpering after the beating and torture outside the ring, I feel you hefting me up and soving me forward, my body hits the ring apron with some force, bouncing me and I roll under the ropes and back into the ring on my back, chest heaving.
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: I jump onto the apron and crawl beneath the bottom ropes to get inside.. Slowly and sensually crawling towards you now.. "Ahh... Let's put you out of your misery..." I say, trying to catch my own breath as I lift a knee up over your body and straddle your stomach. I reach for your arms and pin them down to the canvas, pressing my crotch up against yours as I yell.. "OKAY, REF... COUNT!"
Sigrid: On my back, I feel you crawling over me again, pulling my arms up over my head to pin them down, your weight settles over me, hip to hip as you have to expend very little effort to hold down my now unresisting body. I blink up at you, then turn my head to look away, unwilling to look at your eyes staring down at me as I hear the pin begin... "ONE!!" "TWO!!"
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: Before your head turns, I pucker up and sink my head down towards yours. Dropping face to face as I try and plant a deep, humiliating, and wet kiss over your lips before the last count.. "THREE!!" Smacking your lips with mine as I slowly release and tumble off of your body.
Sigrid: "Mmmnnff!" I feel you turning my face back to yours and planting the deep kiss on me, my face flushes red just as the referee finishes the count and I gasp when you release the kiss, and then the pin. I turn aside and roll over to my side, curing into a protective fetal bal, holding myself and wiping my face with the back of my hand.
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: The audience jumping to their feet as the bell sounds.. The referee heading over towards me and sticking an arm out to take mine and help me back up.. Nothing but pure satisfaction on my face, knowing this was exactly what I needed to get myself back on track. I stand tall, push the referee back and away as I whip my hair and stare out to the crowd. "THANK YOU.. THANK YOU..!" I turn and bend through the ropes, jumping off the apron and heading to exit through the ramp. Turning my head and blowing a few kisses out to the front-row as I leave my opponent crushed in her own pile of drool.
Scarlett_Bordeauxx: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Published: 2024-09-17, viewed 47 times.




18 days ago

Great match... Well written... Very realistic and descriptive. It would be fun to step into the ring with both of you.


2024-09-17 20:06

A great match indeed! Lovely lovely pro wrestling. Kudos to you both.

KC Lauren

2024-09-17 10:57

What a great match!