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OPCW Hollywood Duels: Sheena Bathory vs Pinkzilla

20:25 Pinkzillla: Tonight marks my debut in the OPCW company and butterflies are floating through my stomach. I make my way up to the curtain to the arena hosting "Hollywood Duels". Eventually the ring is ready and so is the crowd as my entrance music fills the building and I make my way out. Wearing a shiny black two piece attire with kneepads and boots I walk down to the ring and roll under the bottom ropes. "...introducing first. Making her OPCW debut. She stands 5' 5" and 120lbs. From Night City, California. Please welcome Pinkzilla!!!" I wave to the fans as I jump on the middle ropes, pink pigtails swaying from the motion as I get a big cheer from the crowd.
20:28 Sheena_Bathory: I stand behind the apron while your entrance nears completion. I have complete confidence I can destroy this rookie and make a statement as to why I’m ready for another title shot. My music hits
20:28 Sheena_Bathory:
20:30 Sheena_Bathory: I barge through the curtains wearing my typical one piece as I stand on the top of the ramp and hit a double bicep pose then I start walking down to the ring. “Introducing her opponent….from Budapest, Hungary….she stands 5’5, weighing in at 155 pounds! The Hungarian Hurricaaaaaaane, Sheeeeeeena BATHORY!” I step up onto the apron and stare directly at you before stepping through the middle ropes and making my way to the centre of the ring
20:37 Pinkzillla: I gulp when I see you stare at me, were the same height but you're clearly much bigger and from appearances you look like its all power advantage. It's not an easy first draw, a woman chasing a title shot. I give a couple quick stretches and scuffs of my boots on the mat as I just wait for the opening bell. This isn't going to be easy but I have every chance of winning this match. Knowing my finisher can end a match in a flash.
20:39 Sheena_Bathory: I retreat back to my corner as the ref instructs me too before he signals for the bell. DING DING DING. Wasting no time I run towards you with my chest out trying to barge you over straight away
20:42 Pinkzillla: You come charging in which gives me a chance as you move across the whole ring. As you near me I look to just drop down. Swinging my left leg in front of your ankles while bringing my right around behind your knees. Looking to send you face and chest first into the canvas with a drop toe hold. Looking to punish you for underestimating my ability to react to being rushed by the bigger woman.
20:43 Sheena_Bathory: As I charge at you, you drop down suddenly leaving me clutching at thin air and falling down to the canvas. My face bounces of the mat as I don’t have much time to brace myself
20:46 Pinkzillla: With that working well. I just look to turn myself over and attempt to straddle your back. Reaching to grab the back of your head as I pull it up then look to use my weight to drop forward to smash your face into the canvas for a second time. The crowd cheering as they seem to instantly take to me as the underdog in this match due to size and experience.
20:48 Sheena_Bathory: I feel you clutch at the back of my head as you lift it off the canvas, before sending it straight back down! “OHHHHH” I groan out as my face bounces off the canvas a second time
20:51 Pinkzillla: As you are struggling early. I look to just grab your hair to pull you up into a sitting position so that I am sitting behind you. Just trying to wrap my young legs around your midsection. Just looking for a simple back body scissors to wear the powerful woman down. Looking towards the crowd and nodding, wanting them to cheer louder for me.
20:52 Sheena_Bathory: As you grab a handful of my hair I call out “Hair ref!” As you pull me towards the seating position though I fire a quick elbow backwards hoping to get you right on the nose
20:55 Pinkzillla: As my legs start to come around you, you swing. Your elbow catching me hard in the cheek and halting my ability to lock my legs around you. Just stuck sitting as your impact stuns me for a moment. The crowd now dying down in concern as you halt my early momentum.
20:56 Sheena_Bathory: I feel your cheek bounce off my elbow just before you get your legs around my. I lean forward trying to get my hair out of your hand hoping to quickly push myself back up to my feet
20:57 Pinkzillla: I feel your blonde strands slip through my fingers as you start to push up to your feet. I know i need to do the same as I try to turn back to my feet. Wanting to create some distance between us as I don't think being in grappling range with you will end well for me.
20:58 Sheena_Bathory: I get free of your grip and bounce to my feet. As you try to turn and create distance I reach down to try and get a grip on your ankle before you can create the distance
20:59 Pinkzillla: I manage to get a foot under me but right a I do you yank on my ankle. Tripping me right back down onto my ass as I let out a yelp of pain. Just trying to get my ankle out of your grip as I yank my leg away I hope.
21:00 Sheena_Bathory: I manage to get you straight back down but you are trying to scramble. You pull my arm back and forth with your leg causing me to lose grip on your ankle. As I do though I send a hard right kick to your inner thigh
21:02 Pinkzillla: I manage to free my leg but as soon as I do there is a meaty SMACK! of leather meeting flesh as you hammer my thigh. I roll away after as I grab onto the bottom ropes as I try to pull myself to them so I can use them to help stand back up, my leg still throbbing means I will need the assistance.
21:03 Sheena_Bathory: The loud smack echoes in the arena causing many concerned looks from your fans. “Where do you think you’re going stinkzilla” I taunt before swinging my leg upwards going for a head kick
21:06 Pinkzillla: Just trying to get up at this point as you taunt me, suddenly your boot comes for my head. I manage to block some of it but your power shows as you still sending me stumbling towards a corner of the ring. Just trying to turn my back to the buckles as I try to keep my arms up to defend my head, which is ringing in spite of blocking some of your kick a lot of it still hit and it did some damage.
21:08 Sheena_Bathory: I kick somewhat connects but I know I didn’t catch all of it sweetly. Either way you stumble to the corner which I closely follow you to. I put my hands up almost mocking you as I act like we’re about to get into a boxing style of fight but then I lean in and lift my knee up towards your stomach
21:10 Pinkzillla: Things starting to go a bit as the crowd had feared initially. I try to cover up my head as you fake with your hands while the ref yells about me being in the ropes. It doesn't matter though as my upper body shoots forward and down as I double over around your stiff knee into my young belly. Coughing out as I realize why I knew evasion was the best plan against you.
21:11 Sheena_Bathory: I lift my knee up hard into your stomach as you fold over it. I hold it there for a moment before pushing you back up to a vertical base, pushing on your jaw so your head tilts back leaving your chest exposed as I lower my leg back down
21:13 Pinkzillla: You don't even follow up immediately and that seems to be you showing how confident you are as you just push my chin back so that my teen body is arched back over the buckle as I try to just push at your wrist to get your hand off my jaw. Knowing whatever you have planned isn't good as you just bully me in the corner.
21:14 Sheena_Bathory: I feel you struggling as you try to push at my wrist. Teasing you I let you push my hand away but then just push your jaw back with my other hand
21:16 Pinkzillla: As you essentially switch hands I don't look to just take it. My body is hurting but I know I need to react. Trying to return the favor as I try to swing up the toe of my boot into your stomach in response. Trying to get free of my own accord instead of waiting for the ref to finally pull you off me.
21:17 Sheena_Bathory: I push your head back and cock my arm back, ready to go for a chop but then you boot me in my stomach! I cough as I stumble backwards towards the middle of the ring
21:19 Pinkzillla: As you stumble back I look to yank myself up to stand on the middle ropes. Focusing my eyes on you as I leap at you. Looking to land my shins on your shoulders as I use my momentum and weight to send you down onto your back with me landing on top with a Meteora to get the crowd right back to roaring for the underdog.
21:20 Sheena_Bathory: Looking to retaliate I march back towards the corner, but you show off your quickness and agility as you bounce off the middle rope and take me down with your knees
21:23 Pinkzillla: I roll forward after the impact to get right back up to my feet. I stumble towards the ropes holding my midsection as I just look to come right back off them. I roll forward as I approach you to gain momentum before leaping high off the mat. Rolling forward so that my back is facing your body. Attempting to hit a Rolling Thunder style Senton.
21:26 Sheena_Bathory: You move so quickly, your momentum never stopping which doesn’t let me react as you land on my body with the senton. I sit up slightly holding my stomach as you momentarily knock the wind out of me
21:28 Pinkzillla: I know all I have going for me is that quickness in this contest. I look to turn over. Straddling your chest as my ass sits on it. I grab your left leg as I pull it up to my chest and go for a pinfall. Wanting to test the title contender's heart. The crowd counting along as the ref hits the mat "ONE!"
21:30 Sheena_Bathory: I feel it almost disrespectful that you think you would be able to win just like that. At the count of one I try to push up on you, wanting to try and throw you off me showing you’ll need much more than that
21:31 Pinkzillla: You show both your spirit and your strength as I just get thrown forward onto all fours past your legs. I just look to go with it. Crawling to the ropes in front of me as I look to use them to pull myself right back up to my feet. Wanting to stay on the offensive as I turn to look for you.
21:33 Sheena_Bathory: As you go towards one side of the ring I try to roll to the other. Trying to get back to my feet, taking deep breaths as I try to get some air back into me after being winded
21:35 Pinkzillla: As you get up on the opposite side of the ring I rush at you, just looking to throw my right arm as hard as I can into you as I go for a clothesline I hope will take you up and over the ropes. Thinking if I can send you down to the floor I can set up for something spectacular but very effective as well.
21:36 Sheena_Bathory: Taking deep breaths I look up and see you start charging at me from across the ring. I wait for the right moment and as you get close enough I duck down and try to use your momentum to send you flying over the top ropes
21:38 Pinkzillla: Suddenly I feel my legs just grabbed by you as you lift me up and send me over the ropes myself instead. The crowd gasping as I end up landing on my feet but the high fall means I just crumple as I land. Ending up with one arm over the barricade in front of the fans as now my legs are aching from the landing as I drop to one knee. My face showing the pain I'm in after the counter.
21:40 Sheena_Bathory: I hear you land on the hard floor outside the ring. I quickly step through the ropes and stand on the apron. I take a leap as I fly towards you, hoping to crush you between myself and the barricade
21:42 Pinkzillla: I try to force myself to stand as I know any time you have will only make things worse. I get up to my feet but its still not a good outcome. Your larger body just slamming into me and knocking me back into the barricade, your weight smashing into me to squish me between the solid bars and your solid muscles.
21:43 Sheena_Bathory: The crowd collectively show their shock at the move as I don’t often do moves of that nature, as well as the outcome for you as I crush you into the barricade. I lay on top of you for a moment, before trying to get back to my feet, bringing you with me as I grab a handful of hair
21:45 Pinkzillla: My young body looks like I've been crushed after that impact. Just my arms hooked over the barricade are all that's holding me up. You grab a pink pigtail and I just stumble behind you, clutching my sore ribcage after that big impact paid off for you.
21:47 Sheena_Bathory: As I get you back to your feet I walk you towards the corner post. I turn around and wrap my arms around your waist. Then I try to hoist you up and over me, leaning back as I go for a northern lights suplex onto the stairs
21:49 Pinkzillla: There is a gasp from the crowd as they can put the situation together as your arms come around me. Seemingly the only person who doesn't see it coming is me. Suddenly I find myself getting thrown around with an easy I'm not used to. My back landing hard on the top of the steps as I can hear the crash as my body hits the metal. Just left laying on top, legs hanging off one side, arms and head hanging off the other as as the crowd are silent.
21:52 Sheena_Bathory: I send you crashing down onto the steel steps as the hope from the crowd seems gone. I get back to my feet while you’re laid out on the steps. I hear the ref at a count of 8 and quickly slide my head into the ring then crawl back out to break the count. Then I see your head dangling over the steps. I walk over to you and step either side of your head, looking down at your face as I go for a standing headscissors
21:54 Pinkzillla: I feel your thighs go either side of my head as my cute young face is mashes into the crotch of your attire as you just squeeze my pretty defenseless body futher. The crowd booing as they watch you crush me as my legs kick and my arms smack at your powerful thighs. Unable to do much more.
21:55 Sheena_Bathory: I look out to the crowd “awwww you don’t like me hurting her? How about this!” I grit my teeth and visibly flex my leg muscles to crush your head even harder
21:57 Pinkzillla: My eyes bulge and cross as you just squeeze hard to the boos of the crowd as you just prove a point now as you have me in a bad spot. My hand smacks your leg once more before just sliding down towards your boot as both of my arms hang limp back from my shoulders as my resistance is gone in this hold now.
21:59 Sheena_Bathory: As I see you going limp I put both my hands together and press them to my cheek, mocking you yet again as you start going to sleep. When your arms go limp I open up my legs and waist no time as I grab you by your head and throw you like a ragdoll back into the ring
22:02 Pinkzillla: Just grabbed by the head as I can barely stand under my own power by your offensive onslaught has left me near the brink. Just being guided towards the ring as you roll me roughly under the ropes. Sending me flopping over a few times before ending up sprawled out on my chest as the crowd worry the underdog tale is effectively over.
22:05 Sheena_Bathory: I walk up to the cameraman who is on the outside of the room. I walk right up to the lense “HEY KC! IS THIS HOLLYWOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU? Well wait for the grand finale” I call out before sliding back into the ring. I walk towards you and pull you up by your pigtails, spinning you so your back is to me
22:07 Pinkzillla: Just left barely able to stand under my own power as I try to see you through the tears your yanking my pigtails forced in my eyes. I suddenly realize you're not in front of me, which can only mean one thing but its probably too late as I try to glance behind me.
22:09 Sheena_Bathory: I hook my arms around yours and pull them behind you, then using my strength I hoist you up into the air as I set up for a glam slam!
22:10 Pinkzillla: The power difference shown completely right now as you just hook my arms behind my back then lift me up. My young chest jutted out as I shake my head back and forth. My boots against your hips as you just hold me in a shockingly dominant position that I can do nothing about. The crowd booing as you seem to be sending a message to someone at my expense now.
22:12 Sheena_Bathory: I hold you in the air for a moment, displaying my power as you shake your head. Then I drop my arms down and grab your legs as I drop my ass down to the mat, hitting you with the glam slam
22:14 Pinkzillla: Suddenly there is nothing I can do as my upper body starts to fall. Your grip on my legs means there is no way to land that isn't bad. My breasts and face take all the impact on the canvas as my arms stretch past my head as I lay there face down between your legs motionless. The crowd silent as any final sliver of a chance I had has been extinguished with that brutal landing.
22:16 Sheena_Bathory: The ring shakes and the crowd is completely silent as I lay you out on the canvas. I’m not done with you yet though. I slide my legs behind my so I can get to my knees and try to tuck your ankles under my armpits. Then I lean forward and go for this devastating hold
22:20 Pinkzillla: I'm in no condition to resist or fight free but it doesn't stop me from trying as you practically put my boots against the back of my head. My teen body showing every bit of its flexibility as I try to reach out, the ropes nowhere close. I try to reach my hands for yours, trying to pry your hands apart but you're just too strong. My small body at its breaking point nobody in the crowd can fault me as I look up with tears in my eyes and my hand starts to slap the mat desperately. Hoping at least this will give me a quick way out of this brutal hold.
22:23 Sheena_Bathory: I basically bend you in half with this submission hold and just as it is fully locked in I hear you frantically tapping the mat. The ref immediately calls for the bell as I let go and let you body untangle as I get to my feet and stand over you, holding my hand out waiting for it to be raised
22:25 Pinkzillla: I just lay there where you leave me. My young body left in a broken heap as you give me a rough welcome to my new employer. The crowd booing as you just hold your arm out in front of the ref as they try to check on me. Forcing them to stop and dutifully raise your arm in victory as your music comes in while you're announced as the winner by submission.

Published: 2024-10-05, viewed 47 times.
