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OPCW Helloween Party - Abel Alby vs Oh Elle No

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15:01 Oh_Elle_No: OPCW Halloween Match. "Boss's Revenge" Last Man Standing match. Abel Alby vs The Picture Perfect Princess, Elle
15:01 Abel_Alby:
15:01 Abel_Alby: Boss KC spoke to me clearly. She trusts me to teach a lesson to the one who humiliated her and who aims to question KC's position as leader of the OPCW. I agreed to take his side and now I am called to give a severe lesson to my opponent in the ring in this Last Person Standing Match without rules. My music plays in the arena, an epic march with drums and strings. I enter the arena and walk towards the ring. I'm wearing my traditional black shorts and ring boots. With every step I show my muscles to the crowd. "I am the chosen one, the chosen one!" I say as I flex my biceps and pecs. I go up the steps and stop on the ring apron, one last flex and then I go between the second and third ropes. I enter the ring as my music fades
15:02 Abel_Alby:
15:11 Oh_Elle_No: I hear your music play from the back and scoff as you make your way to the ring and I watch you enter on a closed circuit TV in the back "Looks like KC got one of her manservant's to come try and do her bidding for her. Well that's just not gonna happen" I think to myself as I fully intend to lay this loser out the same way I did his boss. Now it's my turn. My music hits and I step out into the hot OPCW arena lights as I strut to the ring with that trademark arrogant smirk on my pretty face and strut like a supermodel on a runway as I make my way toward the ring. My hot young body tanned and toned to perfection and clad in my shiny silver 2 piece attire this time, my long blonde hair silky and smooth and flowing down between my shoulders, stomach flat and sexy and legs and ass toned to perfection. I climb onto the apron and step through the ropes into the ring, glaring at you first then making my way to my corner where I climb up on the ropes and shout out at the crowd "OPCW in MINE! And neither KC or her little fuckboy here can stop me! Because you just...cant..mess..with..PERFECTION!" I drop my signature catchphrase then turn and hop off the ropes to face you again, waiting for the start bell....
15:11 Oh_Elle_No:
15:12 Oh_Elle_No:
15:12 Oh_Elle_No:
15:13 Oh_Elle_No:
15:17 Abel_Alby: You seem very self confident and I smile, because I believe that a little girl like you is simply going to meet a fateful fate. I move my pecs while I wait for your music to stop playing. I listen to you but I don't give any importance to your words. "But what does that spoiled little girl think she's doing?" I ask someone unidentified outside the ring. I'm very calm and can't wait for the bell to start the match
15:19 Oh_Elle_No: You try to impress me by making your pecs dance but all it does is make me smirk and say "wtf are you gonna do huh? Pec dance me to death!? Lol...what a JOKE!" I hear the bell DING DING DING as you ask someone outside the ring what I think I'm doing, calling me spoiled in the process....rightly so. But if I'm spoiled, you're stupid and turn your head to talk to that person outside the ring about me, and as you do, I charge across the ring and try to swing my long sexy right leg up into the air and aim to slam the sole of my white boot hard into the side of your head as you have your head turned..
15:22 Abel_Alby: While I'm talking to a person outside the ring the bell rings. I want to turn around, but I get electrocuted by a kick to the temple. The sole of your boot hits my head and makes me go backwards, my back to the corner. I put my hands on the highest strings and shake my head
15:26 Oh_Elle_No: My boot connects with the side of your head with a loud SMACK then your grunt as you are sent falling backwards into the nearby corner, arms on the top ropes as you shake your head, while I step into you, planting my left foot and raising my right around thrusting it forward, looking to bury it in your gut, then retract it and try it again, then a third time, trying to stomp a mudhole through those abs first thing.
15:26 Oh_Elle_No:
15:28 Abel_Alby: I'm in my corner, you're fast and very aggressive. I'm trapped there and can't avoid your stomps. I cough when you hit me. Your boot hits my body several times. I cough, I have a lot of trouble standing up. But then I reach out and put my hand on your face to try to push you away from me
15:31 Oh_Elle_No: In the midst of my kicks to your stomach, you keep yourself upright int he corner then are able to reach out and put your hand in my face and shove me away, making me stumble back a few steps before I regain my footing in the middle of the ring. For a split second I think to charge you, but then I think better of it, instead, I raise my arm up and out in front of me and stare into your eyes waiting to see what you might do first "Come on Able! Come on! Let me teach KC's boy bitch a lesson!" I shout with adrenaline running through me ..
15:35 Abel_Alby: Your start to the match was aggressive. You hit me repeatedly. I was surprised. My main weapon is power, certainly not other qualities. I shake my head, you provoke me and I attack with ardor rather than clarity. I run towards you and try to hit you in the chest with a clothesline, trying to use all my power against you
15:35 Abel_Alby: WWE GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
15:40 Oh_Elle_No: As I stand in the middle of the ring and wait to see what you do, almost darting you to try something as I entice you to come join me in center ring. I can see in your eyes you are surprised, and angry. And then you do what I had hoped, charge right toward me as I watch you do it, and I'm ready, seeing your arm come up and swing out, I dive down and to the side, extending my legs as I do, trying to trap yours with mine and twist, trying to drop you face down to the mat with a drop toe hold, only to then immediately try to push back up and run into the ropes behind me, hit them and come back at you leaping up and trying to smash my knees into your chest and face as I return now to lay you out!
15:43 Abel_Alby: I got too caught up in the heat and anger. You, on the other hand, remained cold and attentive. You trip me and I fall forward. I hit my face and chest on the ground. I get down on all fours, with one hand on the ground and with the other I check to see if I'm bleeding from my nose. I cough and try to recover. But you're quick, you bounce against the ropes and come back towards me, kicking me in the face. I roll to the ground and end up with my back on the mat. Hands in the face
15:48 Oh_Elle_No: After dropping you face down onto the canvas, I come back at you are you try to get up and my knees smash into your face, snapping your head back and sending you flopping over onto your back on the mat, hands on your face checking for damage and obscuring your view as I stand on my feet over you now at your side, I leap up, stretch my right leg out and look to drop it down across your throat with a classic leg drop!
15:48 Oh_Elle_No:
15:52 Abel_Alby: I'm on the ground, your blows are hard, but above all fast. You don't give me time to catch my breath. I have a hard time moving quickly, so when you jump I can't move as I would like and your thigh hits me right in the throat, crushing me to the ground
15:57 Oh_Elle_No: After dropping my sexy thigh across your throat, I keep it draped across you for a moment as I blow a kiss to your fans in the front row, then I swing my leg off of you and while i would normally go for a pin, this is a last man standing match and I know you're not down for the 10 yet, so I proceed to try and inflict even more damage. I grab your right arm and try to step over you using it to pull you over and roll you onto your stomach now..
15:59 Abel_Alby: You grab my arm and try to roll me onto my chest. But I try to use my strength, even though I'm a little dizzy. I oppose and then I raise a foot to hit you with a heel kick in the stomach from the ground, trying to make you stop your action
16:04 Oh_Elle_No: As I go to roll you over "OOOUUFFFF" I grunt out as you catch me off guard and slam a kick up into my sexy stomach, stopping my movement as I drop your arm and clutch my abs, backing up a step before stopping and then trying to come right back at you and send a sweeping, punting kick toward your ribs with the toe of my right boot..
16:06 Abel_Alby: This time I can predict your attack. When you try your stomp I grab your foot with both hands, blocking it. Then I lift my foot for another belly kick and push your foot back. Finally I try to stand up and take a deep breath to recharge my energy
16:11 Oh_Elle_No: I swing my foot toward your side, and you black it, my foot hitting your arm instead. Then "OOUUFFFF!" I take another kick to my sexy belly, this one doubling me over more as you shove me away and I stagger back several steps this time holding my stomach. I wince and breath heavier now trying to keep my composure as I look at you standing up again, back on your feet, and I just can't have that so I let out a frustrated scream as I charge you, leaping up and turning my body leading with my legs and trying to thrust my boots into your chest, attempting to drop you again with a dropkick!
16:14 Abel_Alby: I take a deep breath and see you running towards me. I also take two steps forward to counter you and, when you jump to try to hit me with a dropkick, I move and grab you on the fly, with one hand under your armpit and another at your side. I hold you up, do a rotation and finally try to slam you to the ground with a black hole slam
16:14 Abel_Alby: SHWAperth GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
16:17 Abel_Alby:
16:23 Oh_Elle_No: Before I can launch myself toward you for the dropkick, you step toward me to meet me, cutting me off, then hoisting me up and my feet sweep up off the ground as we spin and I let out a scream as we plunge down and BAAANNNGG "UUUAAANNGGHHFFF!" I groan out loud as the ring shakes and you slam me down into it, knocking the wind out of me as my body bounces off the mat a bit before settling back down flat on my back, stunned and groaning in pain now...
16:26 Abel_Alby: I kneel next to you, the ring shakes and I finally managed to hit you with a good move. I take a deep breath and stand up, I grab your hair and try to get you to stand up too "come on, let's have some fun, little girl"
16:38 Oh_Elle_No: I wince a bit as I feel a stinging in my scalp as you grip my hair and work to drag me to my feet as I am still gasping for air and trying to catch my breath after your last big move. I know there are no DQs and I try to take full advantage here, as you drag me up I try to swing my right fist up hard between your legs!
16:41 Oh_Elle_No: I have invited @KC_Lauren to join #Helloween_Abel_vs_Elle.
16:42 Abel_Alby: I'll pull you up by your hair, ready for another power move. But as you stand up you punch me between the legs. The knuckles of your hands crush my balls against my cock and my pelvis. My eyes immediately widen, my pupils feel like they're popping out of their sockets. A pain envelops my entire body. I put my hands on my groin and moan. I remain paralyzed, with X-shaped legs
16:42 Abel_Alby:
16:47 Oh_Elle_No: I smash your package with my fist and make you stop in your tracks, gasping out and doubling over holding your balls, now I swing my right arm up and wrap it around your head, pulling it down against my body as my right hand which would normally grab your shorts, instead reaches down to grab a fistful of your already busted balls, then with a sick grin I fall back and try to drop down and drive you head and face first into the canvas with a DDT, my hand squeezing and twisting your package as I do..
16:47 KC_Lauren: That's not what I expected to see!
16:50 Abel_Alby: You put my head under your armpit, then you grab my balls with your hands and prevent me from having any kind of reaction. I moan in pain, I can't move a muscle. Then you throw yourself back and hit my face on the mat. I moan, then lie on my chest, with my hands under my belly
16:57 Oh_Elle_No: I love the sound of your face driving into the mat and the ring shaking under us as I hit you with it. I roll over and get to my knees, smirking confidently at @KC_Lauren and blowing her a kiss as I wait for the 10 count to start. "onnee.....two.....three......."
17:00 KC_Lauren: I cover my face with my both hands
17:02 Abel_Alby: I stay on the ground, the referee counts. I'm stunned, but not knocked out yet. I take a few seconds to recover, then when the referee gets to six I start crawling towards the ropes. I grab hold of the lowest rope first, then the second, then I pull myself up and snort. I look into the stands and notice that KC has taken her seat. I shake my head, I have to react
17:03 Oh_Elle_No: Sees KC covering her face and shouts "No! you WATCH this bitch!" then I see you starting to move, and eventually at 6 starting to crawl toward the ropes, reaching for them to start to stag yourself up, onto your knees now at the ropes as you see KC now in the stands. I come up behind you, trying to take advantage and press my right knee into your upper back between your shoulder blades while I try to grab the middle rope and pull it back against your throat, trying to choke you on the ropes right in front of your boss!
17:06 Abel_Alby: As I'm about to get up you push me and I end up with my neck against the second rope. I strangled myself using your whole body. My strength has decreased due to the many blows I received and even my head is no longer 100%. I can't breathe. I grab the rope and try to flex my arm muscles to lift my throat off the rope.
17:11 Oh_Elle_No: I clench my teeth and groan trying to hold you against the ropes and choke you as I do, but your strength starts to overpower me as I start to get worn, and eventually you manage to pull your throat off the rope and I release you. Instead I try to grab your head with both hands now and work you into your feet if I can, then turn, my hands still holding your head as I turn my back to you, holding it over my shoulder, then try to drop down to my ass, performing the perfect splits as I land showing off my flexibility as I try to nail you with a neckbreaker..
17:11 Oh_Elle_No:
17:17 Abel_Alby: I finally start breathing again, so you stop pressing and I try to stand up. But I feel you pull my head back and keep my neck bent on your shoulder. Then with a split you take me down and hit me with a neckbreaker. I fall sitting down and then collapse on my side.
17:18 KC_Lauren: I start to think that my plan to punish the blonde bitch is failing! I bite my lip
17:20 Oh_Elle_No: The ring shakes as we both land at the same time as I drop you with a neckbreaker now. You sit up and flop back over now and I roll over and push back to my feet as once again, the count starts "one....two.....three...." I look at KC again "Your boy toy is turning into a ragdoll!"
17:25 Abel_Alby: I stay on the ground, I have a pain in my neck that doesn't allow me to move as I would like. I feel a tingling in my hands. The referee keeps counting, I try to crawl towards you. You put me on my knees, with my hands on the ground. I hold onto your thighs and when the ref counts 8. I grab your top and stand up when the count reaches 9.
17:33 Oh_Elle_No: You crawl toward me slowly, clearly in pain, your hands desperately reaching for me, and I stand my ground, letting you touch me as the ref reaches 8, kinda liking the way it feels to have my beaten down opponent crawling to me as it he's asking me for help, or for mercy, but you'll get neither. You reach up and grab my silver top, pulling it down as you use it to pull yourself up to your feet just in time to avoid the 10 count. My tits are exposed now as the top snaps back into place under them instead of over them. I look into your eyes, an intense glare piercing you as I say to you "time to sleep for good Able!" then I try to swing my right foot up and kick you hard between your legs with another low blow, taking full advantage of this no DQ match, and if that connects and you fold over, I try to grab your head, turn my back and drop down, this time looking to crunch your jaw against my shoulder and lay you out with a stunner!
17:33 Oh_Elle_No:
17:40 Abel_Alby: Your breasts pop out of the top when I hold on to it. I struggle to stand, but luckily I managed to avoid defeat. But you hit me with another punch in the balls, I bend again, now you've almost disintegrated them. Grab my head, you're in total control of the challenge. Put my chin on your shoulder, after you turn around. Then you drop to the floor sitting down. The audience appreciates your breasts bouncing after impact. I lean down and my chin hits your shoulder. Immediately afterwards my head snaps back. I stagger and end up with my back against the ropes. I bounce and return to you, moving with my legs at an angle, one hand between my legs, my head hanging. I look like someone from the walking dead
17:41 Abel_Alby:
17:42 KC_Lauren: I stand on my feet "Stop Elle, he's done!"
17:50 Oh_Elle_No: The stunner doesn't quite lay you out, but it does send you staggering back into the ropes then stumbling back towards me like a zombie. I reach up and grab your head and pull it down against my side and whisper in your ear "you go to hell, bitch!" I shout in your ear calling you a bitch as I look at KC and give her the cut throat sign before then taking two big steps toward the ropes, dragging you with me then lifting my feet up onto them, swigging around and jumping off, looking to pull your head down and drive it into the canvas as hard as I can with a tornado DDT off the ropes.
17:51 Oh_Elle_No:
17:51 Oh_Elle_No:
17:54 Abel_Alby: I'm dizzy, I'm staggering. You grab my head under your arm and slam me into the ground with a devastating DDT. I remain on the ground motionless, lying on my chest with arms and legs spread apart. I passed out, I can't move
17:56 Oh_Elle_No: I watch you laying motionless face down on the mat now as I slowly back away, letting the ref do his thing "one.....two....three" each time he lifts your arm and each time it drops back down without a responde "four.....five....six" I smirk arrogantly at KC "Well what loser you got next, bitch?!"
17:58 Abel_Alby: The ref continues to count, I'm totally out cold. seven...eight...nine....then". The bell rings, I am still motionless while the crowd cheers for you
18:01 Oh_Elle_No: I hear the crowd cheer as the bell rings, signaling my victory I strut toward you and plant my right foot on your package, posing on you and I smile at KC and blow her a kiss "I told you both...I am the REAL BOSS around here, and you just...cant..mess...with....PERFECTION!" I step on your balls as I leave the ring. yt (or end?)
18:01 Abel_Alby: end for me

Published: 5 days ago, viewed 0 times.

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