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OPCW 43 Helloween Show - Kevyn Paparazzi vs Madame Mercy

12:26 Madame_Mercy: " style="background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); font-size: 1rem;">
12:33 Madame_Mercy: The music hits! The crowd in total anticipation, ready to witness this Halloween Special Show-Down! My entrance theme lighting up the arena, sparks flying into the ceiling while smoke machines blow over the ramp! I hide behind the doors, waiting for my moment to step out.... And OUT I go! Making my strut through towards the ring, dressed in one of my favorite Halloween costumes ~ A super sexy cop! My bra made of a tough yet shiny leather, zipped down just low enough for the girls to bounce out and breathe. Meanwhile down below, nothing but a thong with a fake plastic radio attached to the string over my thigh. Oh, and some shiny combat boots to match! ~ My Colgate smile out for the crowd, shining as the spotlight follows my chase to the squared circle! I take the stairs up to the ring and step through those ropes, embracing and bathing in the crowd's embrace as they can't seem to keep their eyes off me! My opponent wasn't here yet, but from the volume of this crowd... It was clear who they were rooting for!
12:34 Madame_Mercy:
15:46 Kevyn_Paparazzi:
15:52 Kevyn_Paparazzi: When the speakers play my music, Photograph, by Nickelback, I walk out into the arena. I'm wearing a post-apocalyptic warrior outfit. I always have my camera around my neck. I walk along the stage and approach the ring amidst the boos of the audience who probably don't see me as their favorite in this match. I get to ringside, walk up to an official and hand him my camera, then take something out of my pocket and put it in his pants pocket. I whisper something in his ear, wink, and finally roll into the ring under the bottom rope. The public is starting to insult me ​​now, but I don't care. I take off my vest, accessories and glasses, hand them to the referee who takes them out of the ring. I just wear black pants and matching leather boots, then I advance towards you, with a bold attitude. But when we're face to face I flinch. What?. I am petrified by seeing your Teutonic physique, you are taller and heavier than me and your big breasts make your appearance even more imposing. I raise my hands and step back to my corner, to wait for the bell to ring
15:52 Kevyn_Paparazzi:
19:39 Madame_Mercy: I place my hands on my hips and slowly strut to the center of the ring. "Alright, big boy.. Hands where I can see em'! You're comin' with me!" *winks* I look towards the crowd for a moment, trying not to giggle as they 'boo' you off... I reach down and pull at my thong, making sure it's well up the booty because that's what everyone's REALLY here to see. My knees slightly bent, my hands leave my hips and reach for the air. At the ready stance for that bell to kick us off as my eyes quickly scan you head-to-toe. Sizing you up to make sure I know exactly what I'm up against. As we get up close, I could sense the nervousness like a tingle down my spine. Call it intuition, I could tell you weren't prepared for what was coming. Or maybe it was my curves, keeping you from staying focused inside the match about to begin. "Time to retire you into photography.. "
09:41 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I see you as very confident and this scares me a little, but at the same time excites me. I participate in your mental game and respond to your provocations "Maybe you're right, because after I have photographed a naked flesh-and-blood doll knocked out in the OPCW ring after her debut match, I will win the Pulitzer Prize, which I will then place next to the my OPCW world champion belt." I raise my hands in warning and when the bell rings I start to approach you very carefully. I don't want to show it, but I'm very afraid of being surprised by an opponent who is strong and bigger than me
09:41 Kevyn_Paparazzi:
09:48 Madame_Mercy: "HAH! I assure you the OPCW World Champion isn't some B-list photographer.." I hear the bell and immediately move to action... My first instinct was to reach in and try your strength in a cheeky little grapple... But that's when it hit me! My debut match, I should debut some of my special moves. I forcefully reach in fast and hard, trying to snag your head by the ears and quickly pull it down towards my chest! ~ Looking to sink your nose down deep between my massive leather plated tits, and SHAKE!
09:53 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I see you coming towards me with a very decisive step, I understand that you want to attack immediately, I put myself on guard, but your move surprises me. I could never have imagined such a beginning. You grab my head and pull it down. With my hands I prepare to block a possible knee, but I don't understand your intention. My face slams into your chest, I feel your hard breasts hitting my cheeks and then my nose and mouth sink into your cleavage. I'm stunned, I don't know what to do. I grab your top with both hands and try to pull and tug to immediately free my face, avoiding suffocation
09:59 Madame_Mercy: I bite my lip, enjoying every second of your muffled gags and grunts vibrating off of my massive cleavage. "Ooh, you like this huh? You dirty, dirty, dog!" Smirking while I suck away some of the oxygen in your body. I tighten my grip on the sides of your head and pull you up from my tits, giving you only a moment to breathe before I attempt to whip it down to slam your head right into my boobs! ~ Once, then twice... then THREE TIMES! "Triple Titty Head-Butt!"
10:00 Madame_Mercy:
10:04 Kevyn_Paparazzi: You lift my face up to your cleavage, I open my eyes wide, look at your face and open my mouth to take a breath of oxygen. However, I don't have time to breathe before you immediately pull my head back down and slam my face into your tits which, compressed in this leather top, seem hard as stones. My face slams three times, then I stagger back, shake my head, noticeably shaken by your shock start
10:13 Madame_Mercy: I let you stumble back while I pose. I wink, sticking my arm out and pointing at you while I prepare to follow up on my attack! "Hey! Capture this!" I yell before lunging in towards you with 2 big strides! Getting up close, I quickly reach for your arm and pull you into a spin! Twirling my body and taking you with me while I attempt to viciously whip you across the ring and SLAM your back into the corner for a little trap!
10:17 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I'm staggering, dizzy from the blows of your tits. You grab my wrist and make me run towards the corner. At the last moment I manage to turn around and hit my back, not my chest, against the turnbuckles. The blow makes me arch my back, I put my hands on the top rope to stay balanced. I snort and look at you
10:24 Madame_Mercy: I swing my shoulders, hopping left and right and getting ready while your back slams against that post and makes the whole ring SHAKE! "Heads up! You've got a delivery!" I yell as I suddenly charge towards you, running as fast as I can. My hair flowing in the wind behind me, curves bouncing faster with each accelerated step I take. I throw my shoulder out, making it the priority to land as I try and smash my body into yours and ram you into the corner turnbuckle!
10:31 Kevyn_Paparazzi: My eyes widen when I see you running towards me, your breasts bouncing with every step and struggling to fit in your bra. But I don't let myself be distracted, when you try to hit me with your body, I throw myself to the ground, leaving only the turnbuckle exposed for your chest. If I can get you to buckle, then I reach between your legs and pull you down to attempt a quick roll up pin
10:31 Kevyn_Paparazzi:
10:39 Madame_Mercy: I shoot in and land shoulder first into that steel corner. Missing the pad and hurting my arm as I grit my teeth and hiss, trying to hold in any loud screams or whimpers of pain. Before I could fully process the pain, my body tumbles over and I roll right into your arms. Landing onto my back while you trap my legs high in the air and press me down for a sneaky little pin... The referee yells out the count, "1!" My legs kick around in the air, trying to wiggle away! "2!" I squirm and squirm. "AAGH!" I yell before giving my legs a good thrust forward to push you off and break.
10:42 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I came within a hair's breadth of a surprising victory, but you managed to interrupt the referee's count. I have to let go, I do so and then I roll towards the center of the ring to stand up. I shake my head and breathe to regain some balance "It was close like that" I gesture with my index finger and thumb to indicate that it was very close.
10:47 Madame_Mercy: I roll in the opposite direction, gaining that bit of distance I need as I claw the canvas and push myself back up to my feet. Taking a few deep breaths while my eyes lock back onto you, this time a little meaner. "Cheeky bastard, you'll pay for that one." I give my neck a quick crack, then raise my hands to approach you. I come in slow, reaching to try and take you in for a grapple!
10:51 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I smile. It seems that my move has taken away some certainties from you, or at least made you nervous. I like this feeling. You come closer to me and try to stretch your arms forward. I'll come towards you and try to kick you in the stomach to make you bend over. If I succeed I try to continue my attack with a European uppercut
10:52 Kevyn_Paparazzi:
10:55 Madame_Mercy: I'm finally close enough to take you in, and as I reach ~ Your knee slams right up into my solar plexus, knocking the wind right out of me. A bit of spit flying form my mouth as I gasp and let the air explode through my mouth before I double over in pain! You had me right where you wanted, completely stunned and paralyzed! "OOOOHH.." Before I can recover, your arm flies up and jacks my jaw! *THWACK!* I fly up and back, landing with my legs in the air before collapsing to the canvas and spread eagle!
11:02 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I fall to the ground, the mat shakes under my feet "WOW, it looks like a rock has fallen." I approach you walking slowly, while the boos of the crowd fill the arena. I start hitting your body with a stomp on the abdomen, then one on the chest, finally a third stomp on the chest. “Let's shake the ring some more,” I growl
11:07 Madame_Mercy: I'm stuck reeling on the ground, trying to find my composure as I lay there and suddenly take the rain of stomps that come down... "Oooph.. Ugh.. " I take your two stomps with no resistance, breaking my abs down while they get nice and tender! I had to do something to escape, and as that third stomp comes down, it's aimed right for my precious boobies! And I wasn't going to let that happen! I arch up and reach, using my stronger right arm to catch your ankle-mid air and quickly PULL to try and throw you off balance to sweep you down to the canvas with me!
11:13 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I hit you with some stomps, but then on the third blow you get ahead of me and grab my foot. You twist my ankle and throw me off balance. I fall forward, chest on the ground, while you keep my leg pinned in your hands. I try to reach out and touch the bottom rope to prevent another attack
11:24 Madame_Mercy: I successfully sweep you down, nearly landing you face-first into the floor with my little tactics but this wasn't enough. ~ I roll over and quickly scramble up to my feet, trying to chase you from behind and quickly squatting down to reach for your head and pull you back into a seated position. I try and force you onto your ass, sitting while I stand right behind your head and back. I grab your head and step over your shoulders, trying to press my thighs against your ears for a scissor before twisting us over into a push-up position! "NO MERCY!" I yell as I palm the canvas to keep myself up while you're head is trapped between my legs, facing that canvas! This was a wild move to go for, but I had to show these people I meant business! I try and thrust hips up, pulling your face away from the canvas before pushing back down to SLAAM your face down! Trying to bust your nose into the hard ring-floor over and over as I try and thrust your face down over and over..
11:25 Madame_Mercy: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
11:34 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I try to reach the ropes, but your thighs squeeze the sides of my head and crush it. I let out a groan, then I'm flipped onto the ground. I feel your thighs twisting my neck and then, with the movement of your pelvis, you slam my face into the mat repeatedly. Compared to the mat your boobs were more pleasant. You focus on my head, you want to stun me. My face bounces on the mat, I feel like my head is almost exploding
11:40 Madame_Mercy: SLAM SLAM SLAM I thought I would nearly put your head through the canvas after each of those painful scissor stomps. I let you roll over while I push myself up off the canvas and arch my way up to my feet. I shrug my shoulders, placing a hand under my ear and listening to the crowd's embrace with a dirty little smile on my face. "You okay!? Strugglin' a little? Photography a little more enticing now, huh?" I bend over and try to grab your left arm, pulling to try and stand you back up for a little more punishment...
11:41 Kevyn_Paparazzi: You grab my hand and force me to stand up. I stagger and try not to fall. But I'm unbalanced and can only stand because you hold my wrist. I'm kind of drunk
11:53 Madame_Mercy: I force you up and quickly notice your inability to stand straight. If it weren't for my grip, you'd be wobbling and crashing all over the place! I try and switch my grip, releasing your arm and swiftly clutching your head tight! I pull your head down right between my thighs, letting you rest beneath my crotch while you're bent over. I try to explode into a power-move, opening my arms fast and wrapping them around your waist ~ I attempt to haul you up into a total flip, landing you into a seat over my shoulders with your shockingly large bulge in my face! I try and WHHIIIIIP you down as I fall to my ass with my legs open, looking to smash your back into the ring-floor with a PowerBomb!
11:56 Madame_Mercy: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
12:05 Kevyn_Paparazzi: You lift me on your shoulders, demonstrating to the audience your extraordinary strength. I sit there for a moment, with my penis right on your face. I understand that something terrible is about to happen. I use the few moments to wave my arm at the ringside official who I had given something to. Immediately afterwards, however, I am slammed to the ground, with my back and the back of my head hitting the mat hard. I remain on the ground, with my legs and arms apart, semi-dazed
12:15 Madame_Mercy: After a slam like that, you had to have been out! It's been a while since someone's survived my PowerBomb, and I wasn't planning on reviving that trend tonight. I quickly toss your legs over and try to position myself across your body. Crawling over your chest and laying down, letting my plump tits push down over your mid-section while I reach for your leg and hook it high into the air! The crowd at their feet, ready for the finish! The referee jumps in and slides before his hand slaps the mat! "1...."
12:27 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I'm stunned, you move on top of me to pin me. The referee begins the count. I'm not moving. Count TWO, the audience is ready to cheer, but then, suddenly, the titantron lights up and some of your private photos begin to appear, which were contained in a thumb drive that I had handed to the man at ringside during my entrance.
12:28 Kevyn_Paparazzi:
12:34 Madame_Mercy: I keep you pressed down, staring out to the audience and listening for that count... ~ But their eyes start to shift away, and their smiles turn to faces of astonishment. No longer was I the center of attention, but it was what was happening behind me. I wait for that count, but it wasn't coming... "R-ref?" I slowly push up off the pin and turn my neck back to see what was going on.... *gasps* "W-WHAT?! HOW IS THAT?! HOW DID YOU GET THOSE?! TURN IT OFF! SOMEONE TURN IT OFF!" It was hopeless. They'd already seen it all, and the damage had been done. ~ I quickly crawl towards the ropes and tumble out onto the apron before dropping to my feet and leaving the ring. My skin crawling, feeling the rage build inside my blood as I stomp towards the nearest camera. I snatch one of the mini camera's from the crowd and quickly run right back into the ring. "Oh yeah? You wanna take pictures huh?" *snap* I stand near your body and start snapping photo after photo of your sprawled out body on the canvas.*snap* I raise my boot up and try to press it against the side of your face before taking another zoomed in shot of your agony. Just to add to the humiliation of it all. *snap*
12:39 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I hear the referee stop the count suddenly and in my mind I think my plan worked. You get out of the ring and get a camera. I shake my head, slowly regaining some energy. You take photos, I stay on the ground, puffing out my chest to breathe heavily. I guess the awkwardness of the photos took your attention away from the match. I'm trying to take advantage of your distraction. While you take the photographs I grab your wrist and try to pull you to the ground, with a snap I cross my legs with yours and try to pin you with an inside cradle
12:39 Kevyn_Paparazzi:
12:42 Madame_Mercy: You suddenly reach up and snag my wrist, pulling me right down to the canvas and forcing me to roll! *gasps* Panic mode hitting me while my legs fling into the air, balled up inside your arms as you fold me into a nasty cradle for the pin. Luckily, the referee was quite distracted too. After struggling for a few seconds, I had just enough time to keep wiggling until finally breaking free! Letting your plan foil itself on it's own.
12:46 Kevyn_Paparazzi: The referee is very slow, dazed looking at the photos scrolling on the titantron. It doesn't count and when it does it's late. You manage to break the count. I let go of you, and move on my knees and hands towards the ropes. I push the camera out of the ring and slowly stand up, sweaty and tired, but luckily I absorbed the effect of your powerbomb and escaped the danger. "You wanted to give the crowd a show? Well! I just gave them what they want most!" I smile and hold on to the top rope with one hand
12:46 Kevyn_Paparazzi:
12:55 Madame_Mercy: I snarl, slowly picking myself up off the canvas and staring out into the crowd... "No... " I reach and grab my leathery top, holding each cup tight in my hand before tearing them apart! "THIS is what they came for!" The zipper slides down and slices the bra in half, letting my tits bounce right out into the open! The crowd pops, and I manage to catch the referee's attention. "That's right!" I say, grabbing my tits and giving them a nice shake and bounce while all of the camera's zoom in onto me now. "THIS IS WHAT YOU WANTED!? HERE IT IS!" I yell out as the crowd explodes! I just made their money worth it. I turn back and find you, stancing and ready to continue the fight despite how ridiculous I looked now...
12:56 Madame_Mercy:
13:05 Kevyn_Paparazzi: You take off your top and show everyone your huge breasts. The audience is excited and erupts into cheers which clearly shows how much they enjoyed your striptease. Even the referee doesn't know what to do. I'm surprised. Respond to my provocation with a move that makes you even more popular with the crowd. They are all focused, waiting for what you will do next. I feel quite frustrated because you have a counter to my every action. I growl and run towards you with all the anger I have, then I try to hit you in the sternum with a chop. "Let me mark your tits!"
13:05 Kevyn_Paparazzi:
13:09 Madame_Mercy: You rush towards me fast.. Way faster than I could have expected, especially after the beating you've taken. I couldn't move fast enough in time, you get in close enough for your hand to swing down and whip across my bare chest! "AIIIE!" I shriek, my eyes getting wide from the stinging pain as you chop my tits! Makin' em painfully start to bounce while a hot red rash starts to print between them. I stumble back a bit stunned, trying to hold my chest and calm some of that burn...
13:11 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I hit you in the breast and you step back. You uncover your abdomen and cover your chest with your arms. I then bend over and put my shoulder on your stomach, hug your back and then run to the corner to try to slam your back into the turnbuckles. I hope to finally bring the momentum of the match to my side.
13:13 Madame_Mercy: My tits still on fire, gritting my teeth together trying to hold my composure. Maybe this whole bare tits idea wasn't the best... You go down and tackle into my stomach, ramming into my mid-section while I was still a but stunned. My feet are taken from the canvas, and I'm forced to stumble back into the corner where my spine meets the painful steel! "OU~ AGH." Digging deep into that turnbuckle as you ram me.
13:19 Kevyn_Paparazzi: Slam with your back into the corner. My shoulder penetrates your stomach, I feel your naked breasts resting on my shoulder and on the back of my neck. Now I feel the adrenaline flowing through my veins and I want to attack this very strong opponent who has put me in great difficulty with all my strength and wickedness. I put my hands behind your thighs, I try to lift you, also using my neck under your armpit. I try to get you to sit on the highest turnbuckle. Then to try to stun you I try to hit you with a slap on the left cheek
13:20 Kevyn_Paparazzi:
13:26 Madame_Mercy: Trapped in that corner, and you were to close for me to make any kind of running escape. Your hands reach down, gripping onto the backs of my thighs and basically groping my ass-cheeks before hauling me right up onto the very top turnbuckle. Struggling to make any kind of moves as I try and catch my breath, trying to figure out what you were setting up for as we're real high up from the canvas. One things for-sure, things were getting DANGEROUS. "Uuggh.. " You slap me across the face, making spit fly right out of my mouth and getting me a bit dizzy..
13:29 Kevyn_Paparazzi: You are in front of me, my slap makes you dizzy and your tits shake in front of my face. I get excited, but I don't lose focus. I climb first on the first and then on the second rope. I put your head under my armpit, try to pull you to get your feet on the top rope and finally try to lift you up. I also want to impress the crowd in some way. I try to throw you behind me from the top of the corner with a super plex
13:29 Kevyn_Paparazzi: Primetime Live Slam GIF by United Wrestling Network - Find & Share on GIPHY
13:36 Madame_Mercy: You stand me up on the ropes, both of us trying to maintain our balance while you hold me tight... Your hand reaches for the string of my thong, using my attire as your leverage while you tuck my head down and prepare me for something BIG. I was still a bit dizzy, and my face hurt like a bitch... "Ughhh.. f-fuck.. N-no.." You lift me up and back, inverting my body on the way down as I come crashing down in a painful vertical suplex from sky! *THUD* I crash and bust my back into the canvas, bouncing on my landing as I sprawl out... "AAOUGHH!"
16:05 Kevyn_Paparazzi: We both fall on the mat. The ring trembles, it seems like it's about to collapse. I feel a little pain in my back from the fall, but I'm sure you're the one who got the worst of it. I try to roll on top of you and cover you. I put my sweat-soaked chest on yours, I crush your breasts. Then I grab one leg and pull it towards your chest to try for a pin
10:23 Madame_Mercy: Body on body, soaked in sweat as I lay there feeling like my back had just snapped in half. Your chest smushing against mine and that weight making it so difficult to move. The referee drops to his hands and knees, then slaps the mat to count me out. "1!" Time was ticking, my life flashing before my eyes. Surely this wasn't the performance I had planned for my debut, and I couldn't bare losing like this... Sprawled out, breathing heavy and totally topless?! How much more humiliating could it get. "2!" We're in the homestretch, and before the final count ~ I thrust my leg out of your hold and push my hips up from the canvas to roll you off! "NO!"
10:28 Kevyn_Paparazzi: As the referee counts, my confidence increases. On 2 I'm almost certain I won the match, because you don't show any signs of life. My chest presses on your breast and I still hold your leg. Then suddenly you move, with a jerk you lift your shoulder off the ground and the referee stops his hand 2 centimeters from the mat. I'm ready to cheer, but he yells, "That's only a TWO." I choke my scream in my throat, get up on my knees and look at him with wide eyes "WHAT?". I get annoyed and clap my hands on the mat, while the audience cheers. You are lying, topless, in front of me.
10:30 Kevyn_Paparazzi:
10:40 Madame_Mercy: I toss you off and save myself before the final bell... Rolling over and trying to tumble as far away as I can while you manage your emotions. Making it near the ropes, I push up from the canvas and spring my way back up to my feet! "Phew... okay.. focus, focus..." Talking to myself trying to save my psyche and lock in. I bring my fists up to my face, and stand my ground. "Come on, GET UP!"
10:44 Kevyn_Paparazzi: You roll towards the ropes and I get up too. But I don't stop complaining to the referee for counting too slowly. I observe you, when you are standing and you turn towards me, I take a running start and try to hit you with a shoulder in the stomach to try to knock you out with my spear
10:44 Kevyn_Paparazzi: Roman Reigns Wrestling GIF by WWE - Find & Share on GIPHY
10:52 Madame_Mercy: You CHARGE! Coming in like a bull, shoulders out and flying through the air ready to tackle me down for another body-crushing spear. But this time, I had a plan. I had to react fast, and as you get close I leap up high. I reach for your head, trying to grab it mid-air while I throw my body back and ball my knees up into your jaw! We come down, and I SNAP your face into a massive Code-Breaker to reverse! ~ "HYAAHH!"
10:57 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I lunge towards you, but you grab my head and pull it down, dropping it onto your exposed shins. The move is clever, you hit me on the chin. My head snaps back and I'm left on my knees, with one hand on the ground and another on my face. I moan in pain
10:58 Madame_Mercy:
11:09 Madame_Mercy: Jaws DROP from around the stadium, witnessing one of the most unexpected reversals yet. I fall softly onto my back while you roll over in total anguish, and quickly try to close this out. I nod the referee to force him over, and when he gets close... ~ I reach into the pockets of his dress-pants and snatch his phone right out! He's left confused, but the sight of my body alone made him damn-near careless about anything at this point. "Heh, thanks!" I give him a wink, then quickly open the camera app. I slowly pick myself up to my feet while you dangle on your knees, dazed out of your mind ~ Then give the referee the camera. "Say Cheese!" Making him position the camera right in your face to get the reaction. ~ And here it comes! I run behind you, leaving your sight and hit the ropes! Then come shooting back and jumping up with my legs out to slam my boots right into the back of your head with a Drop-Kick!
11:13 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I'm on my knees and you could hit me, but wait and think about taking a photo with your smartphone camera. This makes you nervous, but at the same time I think this works in my favor, because I have time to recover and understand what you are doing. When you run towards the ropes and then come at me, I roll sideways to miss your drop kick which, if it had hit me in the back of the head, would probably have sent me to the hospital. I try to reach the ropes to pull myself up
11:15 Madame_Mercy: I crash down onto the side of my body, not getting that recoil from the kick as you manage to roll right out of the way! I roll over, and quickly palm the canvas to try and get back up while you escape to the ropes. Trying to shake off some of the damage from that botch. "Aggh.. you gotta be kidding me!?" The referee still standing there and recording... ~ "DUDE.. TURN IT OFF?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?"
11:21 Kevyn_Paparazzi: The referee is still struggling with his cell phone, you get distracted and I try to take advantage of it. I come behind you and pass my arms under your armpits and then cross my hands on the back of your neck, to try to take you in full nelson.
11:21 Kevyn_Paparazzi:
11:24 Madame_Mercy: My arms fling back, trapped inside of yours while you take my neck and lock me in tight. "AAH!?" I yelp, panicking and unsure what to do, especially with that camera in my face recording every bit of my humiliation. The referee was zoned out, his eyes glued onto my now-bouncing tits while I struggle and squirm inside this Full-Nelson. I gulp, and think fast. Only one way out, and I had seconds to action. I suddenly kick my right leg back, trying to fire it up between your legs for a Mule-Kick Low-Blow to bust your balls into my freedom. "LET GO MOTHERFUCKER!"
11:28 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I hold you in full nelson, my penis rubs against your ass. I get excited and the whole audience can notice it by looking at my pants. I'll try to make you give up, but the referee is distracted because he has his cell phone in his hand. He seems clumsy with technology. Suddenly I feel your calf crushing my balls. I feel a pang running through my entire body. The pain isn't very strong, luckily the blow wasn't direct, but it's enough to make me let go. I put my hands on my groin and step back, huffing
11:50 Madame_Mercy: I free myself from that terrifying Nelson, breaking those balls in enough to get winded and backed up. My rage really starting to hit the maximum, and I needed to hit you with something hard and fast! I reach for the phone from the referee's hands and quickly spin myself around ~ My arm swinging wildly, trying to build as much momentum with it in the air and looking to WHOP you right across the mouth!
11:54 Kevyn_Paparazzi: They're leaning forward, you grab the phone from the referee's hands and try to hit me in the face. Probably if I hit myself with that object the referee would disqualify me. But I instinctively wither. Your arm passes over my head and your fist with the phone hits the referee's jaw, and he staggers and then collapses to the ground in a daze. I immediately try to take advantage of the situation and reach out towards your face to try an illegal eye rake
12:02 Madame_Mercy: My phone flies up over your head, spinning recklessly into the air and accidentally knocking the referee right out! The phone flies from my hand and you shoot your fingers right up to stab into my eyes! "AAGH!" Raking right down my sockets and blinding me as I yelp and start hopping around my toes ~ In a total panic! "AAIIIIIEEEEE!?"
12:06 Kevyn_Paparazzi: You are blinded by my incorrect move. But the referee is on the ground struggling after receiving the blow with the phone. I'll try to hit you then with my signature move. I jump, grab your head and slam your neck on the mat with my special neck breaker, the "Flash down"
12:06 Kevyn_Paparazzi: Showcase Epw GIF by Explosive Professional Wrestling - Find & Share on GIPHY
12:24 Madame_Mercy: You jump down and take my neck while I'm stunned, pulling me right down towards that canvas and nearly busting my neck as I come down ~ But landing on the REF! "Ouuuff..." Saving myself with his body as my cushion, and quickly rolling away as far as I can... My neck taking a bit of a crank, but I managed to save myself from what could have been the end for me...
12:28 Kevyn_Paparazzi: My special move hits. But you fall on the referee. I would like to pin you, but the referee is knocked out, it wouldn't make sense. I stand up, I don't know what to do. I grab your arms and move you to the referee. Then I go to him and slap him in the face "hey, hey... wake up". As soon as he wakes up, I come back to you, grab your blonde hair and pull you, to make you stand up.
12:43 Madame_Mercy: The referee finally wakes, and you quickly sneak up from behind to take my hair and yank me right back up to my feet. I wince and grit down on my teeth, hissing as my pull on my scalp and nearly rip out my extensions.. "Aggh... grrrrrr ~ HYAH!" I yell out and fire my elbow back into your guts! Once, then twice! Looking to escape and take your breath away!
12:51 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I pull your hair to get up. My intention is to try my finisher again, but you hit me in the stomach once, then again. I bend and stagger. Your fist clears my body of air
13:00 Madame_Mercy: I turn around and quickly swing my arms around your body, just under your armpits to pull your arms back. Your face falls down underneath my own arm-pit while I lock my hands together against your upper back and I attempt to haul you right up into a cradle. Hoping your legs will wrap around my body as I squeeze you against my tits and hold you in place... "URRGH!"
13:01 Madame_Mercy:
13:02 Kevyn_Paparazzi: You grab my back, pinning my arms. I feel your naked breasts squished into the side of my face and my neck. You hurt me so much. Then with a thrust of your kidneys you force me to bring my legs to your body. You have me in a very painful grip by my neck
13:06 Madame_Mercy: I hold you tight and scream, locking you into position as I throw my body back and flip you up! Forcing your body to invert before I release and attempt to smash your back right down onto the hard canvas with a Cradle-Suplex Combo. "GOOD NIIIGGGGHHTTT!"
13:06 Madame_Mercy: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
13:09 Kevyn_Paparazzi: You throw me behind your back like I'm a garbage bag. My face rubs against your chest and then my body ends up in the center of the ring. I hit my back on the mat. I scream "AAAAAAGHRRR". I put one hand on the ground and remain seated. With my other hand I touch my back, which has suffered a very hard blow.
13:12 Madame_Mercy: I bridge my body back up and straighten out, looking back at you and immediately looking to take advantage of your position! Hoping you're too tired to move, I run for the corner and quickly grab the ropes to help myself climb up each pad! Trying to make my way to the top to stand before the crowd, and position for a massive sky-attack!
13:18 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I'm sitting, my back hurts. I expect another blow, but it doesn't come. I look around. I see you're climbing around the corner. I try to stand up. I first get on all fours, then on one foot and finally I stand up. I try to move, but I have a pain in my back that doesn't allow me to be quick. I'm also a little dizzy
08:05 Madame_Mercy: I get to the ropes and jump onto the ropes, legs spread as I use the bounce to leap onto the middle ropes, then the top! ~ I throw my body high into the air, throwing my hips and thrusting my legs over into a beautiful flip! Moon-Saulting in the air and coming down like a meteor ~ Aimed right for the center of your body to CRUSH you!
08:05 Madame_Mercy: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
09:52 Kevyn_Paparazzi: Although with difficulty, and very slowly, I had managed to stand up while you climbed the corner of the ring. You do a somersault and the audience is enthralled by your moonsault, which makes your bare breasts dance. But I throw myself to the side to avoid it and, just before you hit the mat, I also try to kick you in the chest while you're in the air.
09:52 Kevyn_Paparazzi:
09:54 Madame_Mercy: I come flying down in a gorgeous Moon-Sault, only to land tits-first into that kick! "AAAAAHH!" I scream as I crash onto my side and start painfully rolling across the ring, faster and faster and faster ~ Before my body suddenly rolls right off the apron and down outside the ring! Hard crash onto that concrete.. "Ooouufff..." A shockingly quick reversal!
10:05 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I hit you but then I roll to the ground in pain due to the blows I received. I could have been finished by your spectacular move, but instead I managed to avoid it and counterattack. I slide towards the ropes and grab onto my feet. I see you're not in the ring, I lean over to see where you fell. I take this opportunity to catch my breath
10:10 Madame_Mercy: I slowly start to make my way back up, feeling a bit achy after that painful drop onto the hard-floor outside the ring. As you head over towards the ropes, I crouch and hide myself down underneath the apron... Waiting for my next victim ~ YOU! As your head peers out through the rope, I jump up and attempt to swing an EXPLOSIVE uppercut straight to the sky! Aiming knuckles straight to your jaw!
10:23 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I look out to see where if and as soon as my head sticks out beyond the third rope I get a punch under the chin from nowhere. My head snaps back and I stagger to the opposite side of the ring. I hold on to the top rope so as not to fall
10:24 Madame_Mercy: I ROCK your jaw, breathing a bit of life back into me after that painful drop... As you stagger across the ring, I push myself up and jump onto the outside of the apron. Getting to my feet, I glance at you and quickly lunge towards the corner post, climbing up the turnbuckle and trying to get to the top! Seemingly to attempt another aerial attack!
 10:24 Madame_Mercy:
10:30 Kevyn_Paparazzi: They're on the ropes, you quickly get back to the apron and then go up to the corner. I look at you, then I grab the top rope and shake it to make it shake, trying to make you lose your balance and hopefully fall
10:48 Madame_Mercy: Making my way up, struggling as I start to get to the very top.... Almost up, positioning myself for my next move but you violently shake the ropes, tugging and pushing against the ring to make it almost impossible for me to keep my feat steady... Just as I nearly stand, my feet slip and my legs split apart ~ Dropping down to BUST my cooch against the top pad of the turnbuckle. "AAWOUUGHH.." My mouth open in an 'O' shape while I moan out in my pained little seat.
10:57 Kevyn_Paparazzi: Fall sitting on the highest pad in the corner. My attempt to make you lose your balance was successful. I'm watching you, thinking about how to get an advantage out of this situation. I climb over the ropes to enter the ring. Then I climb with my feet on the second rope, jump and then try to put my legs around your neck to flip you to the floor with a super hurricarrana
10:57 Kevyn_Paparazzi: Take Down Cwfh GIF by United Wrestling Network - Find & Share on GIPHY
11:09 Madame_Mercy: Paralyzed, stuck on that top buckle with no aid in sight... You fly up and throw your legs high into the air, landing them over my shoulders before they suddenly lock around my head. Before I can even scream, your legs squeeze me tight and your body comes down in a twist, tossing me over in a massive flip before I land crash back-first onto the hard ring-floor! "AGGH.....!!" I yell out, sitting up and reaching for my back in pain as my eyes clench shut....
11:20 Kevyn_Paparazzi: With a flip I can make you fall onto the mat from a considerable height. I roll on the mat, I get on my knees, I look at you. You are sitting and touching your back. I stand up and try to complete my attack. I take a running start to bounce against the ropes and then I accelerate coming towards you. Then I try to jump to hit you with a drop kick to the chest
11:20 Kevyn_Paparazzi:
11:25 Madame_Mercy: I hiss and moan as I try and rub away some of that radiating pain shooting throughout my spine, but that hit one hit hard... One thing's for-sure, you were one hell of an opponent! Ego aside, I had to really think BIG if I was going to come back inside of this match. I glance up while you hit the ropes in front of me and start sprinting ~ You shoot fast and throw your body with your legs firing right out for my chest! "YAAGGGHH!" I yelp and throw my body over, tumbling away to dodge! As I roll, I catch a glimpse of that smartphone we dropped earlier and quickly snag it.
11:31 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I only hit the air, because you manage to avoid the blow. I hit the ground. It doesn't hurt, but at this point in the match the fatigue makes itself felt and every move that doesn't go well becomes a problem. I roll onto the mat and hold on to the ropes to stand up and come towards you
11:35 Madame_Mercy: I slowly push myself up to my feet, hiding the phone inside my hand while you start making your way towards me for more. I quickly turn towards you and arch up, swinging the phone up into your face and FLASHING you with the camera light! Trying to blind you! "SAY CHEESE, BITCH!"
11:35 Madame_Mercy:
11:40 Kevyn_Paparazzi: "What the fuck!" I say as a blinding light hits my face. I don't see anything for a second. The referee doesn't know what to do, because you didn't use a blunt object, or at least you didn't hit me with it. I cover my eyes with my hands and try to figure out where you are
11:46 Kevyn_Paparazzi:
11:48 Madame_Mercy: "HYAAAAHHHHHH!!" I scream out while you wobble, and quickly open my arms to reach for your waist! Going in for a tight hug, locking my hands behind your back and planting my feet before I try to scoop you up into the air but inverting you on the way there to flip you around. If I can get your legs in the air, I let them rest over my shoulders while I slip my hands up and around to grip your thighs ~ Meanwhile my thighs lock around your head.
11:49 Madame_Mercy:
11:51 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I can't understand what's happening. You grab me and pin my head between your legs, you manage to lift me up and trap me head down. I try to move but you hold me tightly. "Noooo Noooo" I understand that something bad is about to happen
11:55 Madame_Mercy: I keep your legs split open while I hold your tree-trunk thighs up in the air. Slowly squishing your head down below between my meaty thighs ~ Showing you off to the crowd while my breath gets faster and faster. I wanted to really humiliate you, but my energy was low... Which only meant it was time for one more thing..... "NO..... MERCY!" I scream out the name of my Finisher, getting the crowd to jump to their feet as they mentally prepare themselves for what was to come. ~ ~ I JUMP up, taking you to the air before dropping to my knees and DRILLING your skull into the canvas with a massive Reverse Package Piledriver!
11:55 Madame_Mercy: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
11:59 Kevyn_Paparazzi: My head hits the mat. My legs are spread apart, locked under your armpits. When I hit the floor your tits hit my balls. I let out a groan, then my head was crushed to the ground. I am shocked, stunned, unable to move
12:01 Madame_Mercy: The ring RUMBLES and SHAKES from the power of that drop, feeling you almost go completely limp inside my arms while your face stays trapped underneath my ass. I keep your legs in my arms, pressing down and holding tight to make sure you don't go anywhere while I keep you balled up for the pin! The referee walks over and starts to count, but still not really sure he's looking at you or at my massive tits... "1! ....... 2!"
12:03 Madame_Mercy:
12:03 Kevyn_Paparazzi: I'm stuck with my back to the ground, my face is crushed by your ass, while your huge, heavy tits are pressing into my balls. I can't move, I'm finished. The referee counts THREE and then the bell rings
12:05 Madame_Mercy: The bells rings and I let out a gasp nearly just as loud! "AGH YES! I DID IT!! YESSSSS!" I scream out, throwing your legs out as the referee reaches down to take my hand and help me spring to my feet... The lights flash, pyro's blasting through the floor cannons while the crowd goes WIIIILDDDD! "I LOVE YOU ALL! THANK YOUUUUU!!!!" Blowing kisses to the fans while they throw T-Shirts and posters into the ring!
12:05 Madame_Mercy:

Published: 3 days ago, viewed 53 times.




3 days ago

Ma'am, you got some Goood moves..!