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OPCW HELL-O-WEEN: Kayla Kunt debut vs Nadina

nadina: It's the OPCW Halloween show and I am waiting behind the screen for my match against Kayla. She is like 5'3" 57kg little woman but after the matches with Jazmin and Julia I don't under estimate small women. But with the big size and muscle advantage I should be able to handle her and finish this fight pretty quickly. Announcer introduced me and my music start playing, "6ft 175lbs muscular Amazon Nadina" as I start walking towards the ring after a double bicep pose. I hear my fans cheering me and some wants to touch the hand of their favorite muscular Amazon. I give my hands for few on the way and get onto the apron and then walk into the ring over the top rope showing off my height advantage. I show off my muscle once again to the crowd and wait till my little opponent come.


Kayla_Kunt: Tonight has finally come! I have been watching and waiting to finally be called up for my debut and it's happened! Admittedly I'm nervous that my first opponent is of such an impressive physique, but I can't let that overpower my excitement to finally show everyone what I'm about!! I don't have much experience fighting women of Nadina's size, but theres only one way to learn! I finish adjusting my outfit, something practical, not too flashy for a rookie, but also a tiny bit of eye candy πŸ’‹: my hair braided in a ponytail, a long sleeve crop top, matching black gym shorts, and a white/red sneakers. I hear my intro music play, "Fallout" by Sleep Theory plays () . Excited I come almost sprinting down the ramp, waving to all the fans and blowing kisses, hoping to become the next household name one day! I bend under the middle and bottom rope, letting my booty pop and as I make eye contact with you I decide to be a bit playful and blow you a kiss "Coming in at 5'3" and 125 pounds! The rookie out of Maine...Kayla Kuuuuuunt!!!" I get to my corner and climb the post waving to everyone. I settle back down and shake my nerves out as I take a deep breathe. This will not be easy, as you look even more intimidating in person.


nadina: I was waiting with my hands on hips as u get into the ring. "Come on Nadina, look at her, she is so small and no much noticeable muscles. So do not mess this up" I told myself as u settle in and soon bell rings and I start walking around and towards you hoping to lock hands and show you my muscle power.

Kayla_Kunt: The bell rings and my heart races. I see you already make your way towards me. The crowd cheering, the bright lights on us, it's incredible! I see you stalk me like a tiger to a gazelle. You look to lock hands, but that just seems like an easy victory for you as you have the clear size advantage. So instead I approach you acting like I'm going to give you what you want, but just before we get close I'll try to catch you off guard as I quickly dip forward looking to drive my right shoulder right your gut with a spear and knock you to the mat! Hoping to show you what I may lack in size I make up for in smarts!

nadina: As I am trying to lock hands u duck and drive ur self in to my abs. It was like a bullet to my mid section as I double over and gasp. "Uhhaa" the driving force make me knock on to the mat on my butt. Thats not the start I wanted. With the pain in my ripped abs I quickly try to roll to my sides and to get on my knees and then to feet to get away from you.

Kayla_Kunt: CONTACT! YES! I can hear the crowd cheer as I was able to land the first strike of the match! I feel flush with confidence as I hear you gasp and then slam of your ass on the mat. I can see you groaning, but I also see you're getting ready to try and get up. I have to try and keep you down as long as I can to neutralize the size difference. Looking to keep up the pace I bounce off the ropes next to me and run at you as you get onto your knees. I'm small, but I gotta big ass and I'm planning on using it! Using the momentum of the ropes I come flying at you as I turn my body around, my butt aimed right for the side of your head. Its a high risk move, but I can't be scared if I'm going to succeed! I fly at you and turn my body around, hoping to catch you off guard And knock you back down hard!


nadina: I barely get on to the rings and look up only to see you are flying towards me, you turn around in the mid air, no time to move for me. I try to block u with my hands but u came pretty fast to slam ur butt onto my face. The momentum of ur butt makes me throw backward to slam on to the ground. The concussion gives me stars. I feel like the surrounding getting dark despite all the bright lighs are on. I shake my head to stay conscious. But I am lying on my back on the stage spread eagle. That was a tough start for me. I can't let a little girl kick my muscular butt in front of people like this. I have to get up. I shake my head and try to roll and get up.

Kayla_Kunt: WOW! KAYLA WHAT A START! I soak in the moment of such an incredible opening to my debut. I wave to the cheering fans as I'm smiling ear to ear! This could not be going better, I look back at you dazed and groggy from the impact of this sweet ass! I give it a spank to the fans for some fun as I make my way back to you. I see you shake your head and start to roll over, as you roll onto your stomach I drop to my knees next to you and try to wrap them around your head over your shoulders. If I can lock it in I'll raise my knees and DROP them back down as your face tastes the mat with each slam. The crowd counting with me, "ONE.... TWO....THREE...FOUR!!" making both of our butts point up and shake for everyone

nadina: Before I get up you wrap ur legs around my neck and start smashing my face on to the floor. I can feel my breasts dangle in my top and my butt and muscular thighs jiggles to the impact making this humiliating for me. I can't let a small girl humiliate me like this. I try to use my muscle power to push u forward from ur thighs and pull my head away from ur thighs.

Kayla_Kunt: I giggle as I slam you over and over in this humiliating position. Eventually you snap out of it and using that strength of yours you pop me off your shoulders as I roll off next to you. I lick my lips as you lay face down in those cute bright shorts. Your cheeks on quite a nice display. I walk over to you and stand with my feet on both sides of you. I look to grip your tight shorts as I pull and wedge them up into your ass, pulling it up. If it works then looking out at the crowd I'll give my right palm a nice good LICK, then I'll rain down a forceful SMACK!! Right onto that bare ass cheek making it ripple from the spanking. My heart is pounding from such a rush to start!

nadina: I show my muscle power by pushing u away to escape. But slamming my face for few time make me need some time to recover. But u insist on not giving me a break. you come back and stand above me and suddenly I feel my short which already may have ridden little up to show little bit of my butt cheeks, are pulled up my ass wedging me. "Aaaahh....." I screaam in pain as the narrow fabric line get tight against my girl parts. My thick butt cheeks are exposed to everyone as I scream in pain. This is so embarrassing for a big muscular amazon like me to get wedged like this. But it gets worse as u spank hard on my bare ass. I can feel my butt cheeks shake as I am screaming hard. I can't crawl forward because u r holding on to my only bottom piece and that action will make it strip it off. I grab from your ankles and try to get up making u trip forward.

Kayla_Kunt: The crowd is euphoric as can be! The firey, fit, tiny redhead toying with the big strong Amazonian! I pumped my right arm as they began to cheer my name. This was incredible, everything I could have hoped, my heart was RACING. I feel you try squirm around, never letting go, teasing that I could remove these shorts if I really wanted to ~ ooh how embarrassing that would be. Spending too long enjoying the early momentum, I don't notice your hands grip onto my ankles and "AAAAHHH!!!! UUNNNFFF!!" You yank with your strong muscles, causing me to quickly whip forward face first into the mat. My face flush with pain as I hold it with both of my hands. The impact being face first then the rest of my body follows as when my hips slam on the mat my ass jiggles in my shorts. I groan, but I can take a hit...I try to quickly get up before you can grab me. Shaking my head, I lost track of where you were which makes me nervous. I get up to one knee and try to move onto both feet

nadina: I show my muscle power again to escape from that humiliating position. Even though it was humiliating it gave time for me to recover from all the concussions. I get up quickly, I can feel my short is ridden up my butt and it may be looking like a thong now, but I know you are fast and can't waste even a second on fixing it. I turn as u r on ur knees. I quickly walk towards u and as u get up I try to drive my knee up against ur mid section while grabbing from ur hair and shoulder.

Kayla_Kunt: Losing track of you, I quickly try to stagger back to my feet. My vision a little blurry from the face planting I just had. I try to find you, and just as I turn around, I let out a deep yelp and groan, "UNNNFFF~" As your knee finds its place right in my gut, send a pulsing sensation around my navel making me blush a tiny bit. Also pushing the air out of me as I spit out and gasp for a breath. My hair and shoulder latched onto me as I'm now bent over your knee, my hands reach up to my head. Trying to pry your fingers off of my hair, your hand on my shoulder keeping me bent over as you use your size and strength.

nadina: I pull ur head under my armpit and wrap my arm around ur neck and then try to grab from the back of waistline of ur short to raise ur body up vertical aiming to drop my self front slamming ur body against the ground.

Kayla_Kunt: As I try to escape, I feel you yank me back in and under your arm. I feel you wrap around my head and lock me in. A bit of panic as I feel you grip the waistband of my shorts, yanking them into my crotch as I groan out. I try push out, but your strength is on display as I can't pop my head out in time before you turn my world upside down.... literally. "No wait... Nadia...AAAH!" by my shorts you lift me up vertically, the crowd cheering at this display of strength over my smaller frame. You parade me around, just to soak in my embarrassment. I've never been picked up like this...I don't know what to do. As I squirm and struggle, it's too late as I feel the momentum of my body shifting back to the mat. I'm come CRASHING down, the canvas shaking like an earthquake as my face, breasts, core, crotch, then legs all slam and bounce off of the ring. The full body pain pulsing EVERYWHERE. I groan and moan on the mat, facing down as again my nice, plump ass shakes in my shorts. That did some damage, as my body is slow to try and get up. I groan as I'm breathing heavy and starting to break a sweat now as my world feels like it's spinning


nadina: I slammed u to the ground and I can hear my fans who were hiding under the chairs are cheering like winners. I get up and pose my biceps to all the sides of the arena walking around, showing off my size and strength advantage. I can see u r still on the floor breathing hard. ur short is ridden up ur ass as a result of me lifting u by ur short. ur sexy little ass is half exposed. I walk towards u and I grab from ur hair and try to pull u up thinking of wrapping my arms around ur body from behind and to german supplex u over my shoulders to slam against the floor.

Kayla_Kunt: The slam hurt, A LOT, groaning as you take your time to soak in your quick shift of momentum. This gives me some time to recover as I think, feeling the power of your slam I can't let myself get tangled up again...I hear your steps as you walk over to my seemingly limp body. I remember that there is no ref, as I decide to play a little dirty, I can't take you on straight up. As you grab my hair to pull me up, I quickly bring my hands to your face as I use both to rake your face, my nails against your skin. "GET OFF!!!" As you react to my dirty play, I then reach out and grab your hair, looking to catch you off balance and send you back down face first into mat, looking to keep rattling that skull of yours, and let that sweet muscle butt of yours jiggle to everyone's delight.

nadina: As soon as I get down to grab u, u attack my face by scratching it. "Aaah..." I scream with the pain and surprise. I didn't expect u to attack me like that and I double over and start wobbling my feet in shock. that's when u grab from my hair and pull me down hard. My head bang on the floor as my body follows my head to bang against the floor. My face and D cup breasts slam hard against the floor as I can feel every muscle of my body shakes to the impact. U didn't let the big girl in control much time as u turn the tables back in ur favor. I am lying on floor spread eagle, I shake my head and get back to my senses. I need to get up.

Kayla_Kunt: I lick my lips at just how good you look~ especially those tits in your bra. I can't get distracted though, I have to keep up this pace and not let her use her size. As I see you spread eagle, it's clear the multiple drops and slams to your head are starting to really takes its toll on you. I may not be as strong as you, but I am no slouch as I kneel behind you, lifting your head off the ground and place your head under my armpit and your shoulder blades over my thigh. "Now let's give your chest some love hm Nadia?" I stretch you back as my arm tightens around your head, really popping your chest out. Taking your left arm and locking it under my leg, I start raining down forearms, aimed right for those lovely breasts of yours. Making your bra slide down a little almost causing a nip slip, If you can't break out I'll notice and I'll grab that bra of yours to lift it up and pop your girls out to the crowds delight and your shame!

nadina: u lock my head under ur armpit, immobilize my left arm and stretch me backwards and start pounding on my breasts. "Aaahh..." I scream hard as ur pounding on my chest. every hit makes my breasts dangle and my muscular body jerk. My thick long legs are kicking out wildly as i am trapped in this awkward position. Even a muscular strong woman like me is helpless when the way u trap my body. I can't see whats going on in chest area, if my top still can contain those D cups. I didn't expect I would be punished like this otherwise i would have worn something more protective. Who thought a 5'3" 125lbs girl would make me end up like this. I try to hit ur head from my right arm. But with this positioin I don't know how effective it is. All I can do is moan hard and wriggle hard to make ur lock lose.

Kayla_Kunt: You try to flail that right arm around, but in this position it's only swinging wildly and can't seem to find a clean connection. I noticed your bra barely doing its job, "Here let me help you!!" I yank on your bra and flip it over your chest, exposing those big lovely mounds, a stark contrast to my small perky chest, to everyone's cheerful delight! WHAT A RUSH THIS IS! Confidence is oozing out of me in this moment, I want to keep showing everyone what I'm about! I drop a few more forearms that should your body aching in pain. I think it's time to hopefully pull off one of my signature moves ~ I start to stand up, keeping you locked in this dragon sleeper. Hoping you're in too much pain to break out, I look to stand up and bridge your back since you're so much taller. A small crowd in the stands who have followed me from my indie days know what's coming as they cheer my name! If you don't break out I'll go for my signature, "High Voltage", with your head under my left arm, I swing my right foot around and as I do I release your head as you start to fall backwards. But this time with my right calf flying and slamming into the top of your chest and ramming with force down on the back of your head, as the canvas rattles and shakes from your powerful frame being brought down with such force

nadina: I feel u grab from my top and yank it and suddenly feel my breasts pop out and dangle in the air. omg she just strip my top I feel so embarrassed being so big and having so much muscles spending hours in the gym to be strong but yet can't do a thing when a little girl half of my size strip my top in front of people to humiliate me. "No what r u doing" I am almost crying out there but u ruthlessly pound on my naked chest again few times as my tits dangle rapidly in the air. Then u start pulling me up as I wobble with my thick long legs. I am bent backward and I can't think of a way to escape as I am trapped in an awkward position. I didn't have much time to think as ur leg comes banging on my chest as I drop backward on my back. Ur leg comes down with me to slam against my naked chest making my breasts shake wildly from double impact. "Aaaahh...." I scream hard in pain arching my back and drop my torso back on the floor flat. I am lying on the ground in pain breathing hard as my naked chest go up and down hard. what the fuck happened to me I ask my self. I should cover my breasts. I try to grab from my top blindly to pull it back to cover my breasts.


Kayla_Kunt: "oh...oh I don't think so!" As your aching body squirms and twitches on the mat, I see you try to fix your top. I grab it from your hands as I slip it over your head, off of you and throw it to a fan of yours as I blow them a kiss. Hoping that will convert them to a fan of mine. Now you lay on your back, dazed and topless. Your panties wedged in you still, what a sight you are. I have some more to show everyone~ I grab you by your hair and look to drag you over to the ropes. Oh how it must feel, being so tall and mighty, now being dragged like a dog by a small, freckled red head. I strut my hips in confidence as I place you on the middle rope, your shoulder blades pressed against it with your arms swung back. I look out to the crowd as I try to place my legs over your shoulders, and if I do well ~ then I begin bucking my hips, forcing your face to crash into my crotch over and over again. Pain for you, pleasure for me ☺️. no ref to stop me as if I can pull it off and I'll hold it for a good while until I can tell your dazed and groggy again.

nadina: As I try to fix my top u just pull it away from my finger tips and strip it off above my head. "Aah..I moan softly as I realize now I dont have any chance of covering my breasts again. Now my upper body is completely exposed from my toned abs to muscular shoulders. My long 6ft amazon body is covered only by few inches of skimpy short. You didn't give me much time to recover as u grab from my hair to drag my amazonian body to the ropes as I am too overwhelmed to resist. U place my back against the ropes and jump on my shoulder and chest trapping my muscular biceps against ur thighs and ropes. Doesn't matter how muscular my biceps are, they are pinned by ur thighs against the ropes as my arms wriggle to ur hip thrusts. ur but pounds against my chest making my breasts jiggle rapidly. It makes my hips bridge up and my long thick legs start stomping wildly giving people in front a nice view of my jiggling thighs. Once again I am trapped in a humiliating position that I can't think of how to get out. All I can do is wriggle and moan hard like a helpless bitch.

Kayla_Kunt: Oh I am having TOO MUCH FUN!!! The crowd loving it as I can tell after this, I think I'll be able to sell A LOT more posters! I am so ALIVE! Unlike my poor opponent, but sorry sister this is what I wrestle for! After I see I got your spirit a bit broken and your skull rattled a little more, I do love the feeling of your face on my crotch, might have to give you my number later ~ anyway FOCUS! I slide off your shoulders and see your eyes rolling in your head. I can see I've really hammered it home in your head, and why should I let up now...with you still rested back against the ropes, gasping for air I grab the top ropes as I wiggle my plump ass in your face and WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! I thrust my cheeks into your face over and over again. The crowd counting with me, then after you're freshly rattled I roll you over now placing your breasts over the middle rope as to put them in a pedestal. Youre looking out into the crowd as you see them snapping photos of you, well if you can see straight after all this beating your head has taken. I then decide it's time setup my finisher with one of my other signature moves! I give your wedged muscle butt a firm spank and squeeze them I run to the opposite ropes and bounce off, as I approach you I attempt to grab the top and middle rope, swinging my legs through them and back into you. My left left leg slapping into your breasts and my right going right for you face! I call this "Sparky Wiring"! Hoping that if this lands you'll be defenseless for my finisher!

nadina: U hammered ur hip on me as my head banged by ur crotch over and over. I feel everything is getting darker and darker as my muscles getting weaker an weaker. Then u roll me to face the crowd as my tits rest on the middle rope. My eyes are getting closer and feel my muscular arms and legs heavy for me. u pull my short up to wedge me "aahhh...." I moan softly and then feel my muscle ass spanked hard as I moan even harder. I came to this match with high hopes of winning. Losing is one thing but getting humiliated like this is another. I feel like it's better to give up than going through this humiliation. I hear the heavy steps on stage as u run across the ring and then ur legs come around to land on my face and breasts as I am thrown to a backward roll and stop at lying on my face down, spread eagle with my wedged but up and jiggling.

Kayla_Kunt: The crowd erupting as I you are flung off of my legs, off a frame like yours it would normally hurt but I'm too caught up in the moment to even feel it. As your sexy, muscular body is laid before me yet again. I could finish you now....or.... I could have just a tiny bit more fun...I kneel next to you as I grab your hair and growl into your ear "your nightmare is almost over love~" I pull you up to your knees with my left hand clasped in your hair, my right hand gripping your panties. "Let them hear your song Nadina~" I begin wedging the thong deep into your folds, the crowd behind us getting a great look of it~ my hand then slides, covering your crotch as I begin to rub your panties into your sex. "Moan for us Nadina~ Moan and it can be all over" I rub firmly and slowly, hoping to extract your sensual sounds in front of everyone.

nadina: u grab from my hair to get me on to my knees and while u holding on to my hair u wedge me again and my own short splitting my muscular ass hard. "aaaah.....noo......" I moan hard and looks like u enjoy my moans and screams. Who wouldn't if they can make a woman twice as them and muscular like a warrior moan like a whore. My back is arched making my breasts pop out of my hard pec muscles and dangle in the air in front of all the people in the arena. U slide ur hand further down and reach between my thighs to rub against my woman parts. "" I scream and moan helplessly with a shock as now not only beat me up phisically but dominate me sexually. Its not easy for a woman to resist the feeling when her cunt gets touched like this. "" I start begging u to stop humiliaating me like this, but my body start shaking to the ryhtem of ur rubbing as my breasts bounce accordingly.

Kayla_Kunt: The crowd now sees this big strong Amazonian brought to her knees, pleas for mercy coming from her. Well I'm here to show that if you're looking for mercy, don't step in the ring with Kayla fucking Kunt! Your groans and begs only making me rub you harder and harder as I feel your panties get soaked as the crowd can now see some of your own honey dripping down your toned thighs. "Please what? You're saying no, but your body clearly wants it. Now be a good loser and cum for everyone! Give the crowd what they want!" You can hear them chanting, begging for the ultimate humiliation. I lick the back of your neck as slide my hand under your soaked thong and press my fingers directly in your clit. "Now Nadina! CUM FOR US!!" I rub with frantic pace and intensity, yanking your head back more with your hair to really get those breasts bouncing and so you can scream your orgasm into the shining bright lights above us!

nadina: I can't stop getting my pussy wet as u increase the intensity of rubbing. When ur opponent beat u up till u feel ur own muscles heavier for u, strip u naked and raid ur womanhood against ur consent, that fight is over. That what happen when ur fingers go underneath my shorts. That sensational feeling gets higher and run through my whole muscular body. Those thick muscular thighs I trained so hard, must protect my womanhood from attacks like this but they are overwhelmed. "Aaaah...oh my god....aah...uuhh....aaayy." I moan like a whore who get fucked up. u pull my hair harder to pop out my D cup tits even more as my nipples get so hard and erected. I couldn't resist for much with ur continuous attack on my cunt as I start dripping cum along my mucular amazon thighs. little 5'3" 125 lbs fucked me up. I have 9 inch height advantage and 50 fucking lbs of lean hard muscles over her yet beat up, begged for mercy and ended up fucked up by her. It's the halloween show and this has been a real nightmare for me.

Kayla_Kunt: I finally feel your body shake and tremble, your nectar gushing out of you and over my fingers. I keep up the rubbing to make sure to stretch out your humiliating orgasm as long as possible as I laugh. The crowd is off of their feet cheering at such a wild moment they've all just experienced, at your expense~ "Good girl we can wrap this up" I whisper into your ear as I grab your face and slowly look in the camera, licking your your cheek Now let's put a stamp on this, I drag you to your feet as you barely stand. You stumble around, groggy like a zombie. I pull your panties down to your ankles so they crowd can get a real good look of your shame. Then I run to the outside of the ropes as my few loyal fans, and now a bunch of my newly made fans will as well, know that my favorite finisher is coming. I leap off of the ropes as I fling over to you, grabbing your head under my arm as I twirl you around and slam you head first into the mat. My fans yell out, "CIRCUIT BREAK-HER!!" as I deliver the tornado DDT. LIGHTS OUT NADINA!! As you lay on your back, out cold I plant my ass over your face with your shoulders pinned. I lean over to lick the fruits of my labor, your spread legs giving the fans a view of your soaked sex, watching me give it a lick as they count out the pin for me when I sit back up. "ONE!!!!.....TWO!!!!....."

Kayla_Kunt: Grabbing your legs as I pull them back so your toned ass is up on display, shined in sweat and cum, sparkling in the lights and making you get a faceful of my ass for the cherry on top

nadina: u drag me on to my feet and pull my short to ankles to expose only few inches that have been covered all this time. Now the whole fan base of OPCW knows how Nadina the amazon's pussy looks like. I think even my fans enjoyed this match by getting to see the naked body of their idol. As i am wobbling on my overwhelmed legs completely naked you jump through the ropes to tornado DDT me as my big 6 foot naked amazon body flips in the air making my short around my ankles fly away. I land hard on my back as freely hanging flesh of my body jiggle as they want. I lie on my back spread eagle exposing my woman parts for all to see.


nadina: Finally u sit on my face and pull my thick long tree trunk legs towards u making me double over with my cum dripping naked pussy up and exposed as u count to 3. My body doesn't respond at all as u count to 3. This must be the most humiliating position for any wrester to get beaten in and to make it worst a little 5'3" 125lbs girl did performed on a woman who is almost a foot tall and 50 lbs heavier with lean intimidating muscles. You release legs as they fall down like cut down tree trunks. The impact make a shock wave along my thighs to my breasts as I lying spread eagle kissing ur thick little ass.

Kayla_Kunt: "THREEEEE!!!!" THE CROWD ERUPTS AS THE VICTORY BELL RINGS! I did it! All of the training and waiting for this moment paid off! I take a huge sigh as I turn around and look down at your defeated, muscular, beautiful, toned....I'm getting carried away ~ the rush of this all makes me grab your face as I lean down and give a good kiss on your lips. Something sweet to remember this night by, although I'm sure you'll never forget the night a cute redhead DOMINATED you in her DEBUT! I look back up at the crowd cheering, whistling, and hollering. An emotional smile on my face as I claim victory! I stand to my feet as I can hear a wave of new fans chanting my name, "KAYLA! KAYLA! KAYLA!" My rock music plays again as I trot myself out of the ring. As I strut my confident hips up the ramp, some new fans beg for an autograph, which I gladly provide with a smile. Some ladies even just gave me a note with their phone number, I think they were jealous of Nadina~ I look back at you limp in the arena as I decide one last thing. I run back into the ring, and to show off that I have some strength of my own I drag you to the edge of the ring. Then I step out and roll you over my shoulders, you're less than my max squat ~ then I carry you up the ramp fireman's carry style. Letting some of the crowd give your naked ass a good spanking. I make my way to the locker room and place you in a warm tub. I put you through alot and now that the match is over you deserve something nice. I then leave you to shower and celebrate my debut to the OPCW! Very pleased with the message I sent to the other wrestlers. Happy Hell-o-ween!

Kayla_Kunt: (end?)

nadina: (end)

Published: 2024-11-03, viewed 129 times.




2024-12-07 20:42

i love the detail, the intensity and the humiliation, very lovely fight


2024-11-06 23:28

Wow incredible fight from both, but kayla just incredible humiliation of a bigger opponent! Poor Nadina!


2024-12-15 08:56

(In reply to this)

Thanks for the sympathy Lucy. It's not easy when u lose to someone half of ur size.

Beth Rassle

2024-11-04 02:31

great match

Zack Davis

2024-11-03 16:57

Awesome debut! Nadina, defeat looks good on you 😏! Great match

Kayla Kunt

2024-11-04 01:11

(In reply to this)

I think she maybe even liked it ~


2024-11-04 02:59

(In reply to this)

I liked it when I slammed ur ass on to the floor.

Kayla Kunt

2024-11-04 03:34

(In reply to this)

I liked it when your pussy was spread and put on display <3

Zack Davis

2024-11-05 03:05

(In reply to this)

I liked that part too 😏


2024-11-04 03:32

(In reply to this)

I liked it too, thought you had her there!


2024-11-05 01:51

(In reply to this)

I had. Then she cheated. It's a cheated victory.


2024-11-04 03:02

(In reply to this)

End Matters.. Kayla had you nice & Good..
Good fight !!

Summer loves slams

2024-11-03 07:01

Lovely match both of you. Kayla is just so resourceful, but Nadine definitely had her moments too.

Kayla Kunt

2024-11-03 14:08

(In reply to this)

She was great! Thank you for reading!


2024-11-04 03:00

(In reply to this)

oooh..thanks. you too.


2024-11-03 04:38

Nice Fight Kayla

Kayla Kunt

2024-11-03 04:52

(In reply to this)

Thank you Ben!