Only Pro Chat-Wrestling
Established: 2022-02-04
Chat room: #OPCWrestling
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15:57 Awesome_Clark: I'm backstage, after the frog splash I'm preparing to enter, because I already understand that Phil wouldn't have been able to get out of the pin. Then I see from the screen that Jazmin is celebrating, I'm ready. My music starts, Big in Japan by Guano Apes. I walk into the arena with my cowboy hat and camouflage vest. But then I immediately undress, wearing only gray speedos, boots and matching kneepads. I run towards the ring, slide under the bottom rope and stand up, I stand in front of my opponent, already ready to fight
15:58 Awesome_Clark:
18:17 Jazmin: As i destroyed this loser, another one comes out as i hear some uglyyyyyyy music i cover my ears "ewwww what is that!!!" as you get in my face i just grin and walk side to side hyping up the crowd "another victim for you guys huh?" as i laugh out and walk back up to you and try to shove you backwards right as the bell starts to ring
18:17 Jazmin: 

00:51 Awesome_Clark: I hear you and as soon as you taunt and walk towards me, I don't waste any second. I run towards you and aim my shoulder to your belly to try and hit you with a spear
01:11 Jazmin: as I see you rush forward a side grin comes across my face as i leap into the air forward trying to grip my arms around your waist as i hook my legs under your arms and attempt to use your own momentum against you as i try to flip you over onto your back in a sunset flip powerbomb
01:12 Jazmin: 

02:36 Awesome_Clark: I probably thought that the previous match had left more scars on your body, but you quickly manage to dethrone my spear, or rather you transform my move into your counter-offensive. I flip to the floor, my neck and shoulders hitting the mat. I remain lying with my legs raised
18:00 Jazmin: as your legs are raised i press your legs forward clamping my legs over your shoulders as i go for a super fast win so i can get out of this one with no injuries at all as i see the ref slide in smacking the mat counting out loud 1!!!!
00:49 Awesome_Clark: You pin me with your legs, the ref counts 2, but it's to early. I got a bad blow but I'm not done. I quickly close my legs and try to hit the sides of your head with my ankles. Then I roll on my side, towards the ropes. And it's a TWO
02:03 Jazmin: as i try to get the quick count its not enough as you hit my head and i flop to my back and roll backwards on the mat getting up to my feet as i hold my head and look across at you and start to make my walk towards you from behind to keep the pace going
12:18 Awesome_Clark: You walk towards me, I realize you're trying to do something, i hear your steps on the mat. But I don't move till the last moment. Then I jump and slam my back against your chest, grab your head and try to slam your fave on my shoulder and on the mat with a surprising RKO
12:18 Awesome_Clark: 

13:02 Jazmin: as i walk up ready to put a pace on you out of nowhere you jump up grabbing my head as i go face first into the canvas getting hit with a rko as i bounce all the way in the air flopping right over to my back with my arms and legs spread out onto the canvas
13:02 Jazmin: 

22:38 Awesome_Clark: The ring trembles and I immediately realize that I gave you a big damage. You lay on your back and so I quickly stand on my knees, move on top of you, grab your leg and pull it to your chest, going for the pin
03:45 Jazmin: as i hit my face on the canvas and end up on my back you try to go for a quick pin as my leg gets lifted up high in the air as the ref slaps the mat counting out loud 1!! 2!!!! but before the 3 i scream out and kick my leg up high into the air while i lift my shoulder off the canvas to break the pin
03:45 Jazmin: 

04:22 Awesome_Clark: "SHIT" i scream then you move and raise your shoulder from the mat. I sit and complain with the referree. I felt quite confident, but you have 7 lives like cats. I stand on my feet and look at you, I invite you to stand up, thinking about my next strategy
12:15 Jazmin: as i kick out i start to roll on the mat across the ring putting my hands on the ropes breathing heavily as i slowly pull myself back up to my feet and start to brush my long sweaty hair out of my face as i lean against the ropes trying to get some recovery time in.
14:28 Awesome_Clark: I watch you as you stand up holding on to the ropes. As soon as you get up I advance towards you and hug you from behind, I close my hands on your abdomen, push my pelvis against your ass and arch my back to lift you and throw you behind me with a German suplex
14:28 Awesome_Clark: 

03:39 Jazmin: as i get back up you grab me around the waist and i reach for the ropes but im pulled too fast away as i go flying up into the air screaming out as i crash back down onto the mat right on my neck and i keep rolling back falling down on my back as i flop to the side holding my neck in pain as i groan out
03:39 Jazmin: 

03:53 Awesome_Clark: I throw you and you fly to the mat. I stand up and look at you. I aim a stomp to your side to make you lay on your back. I want to finish you. I walk to the corner of the ring closest to you and start climbing the ropes. I climb onto the highest turnbuckle and look at you. Then I jump and try to fall on your chest with my elbow exposed. I try to close the match with one of my signature moves, the flying elbow drop
03:54 Awesome_Clark: 

04:17 Jazmin: i get stomped on the side as i yelp out and roll over to my back holding my side breathing heavy and as soon as i see a shadow of a elbow coming down on the mat i quickly flop over to my belly barely getting the strength up to roll right out of the way from the elbow drop
04:19 Awesome_Clark: While I'm in the air I see you start to roll on the mat, taking you away from my target. Now it is too late to change trajectory or strategy. My elbow and hip hit the mat violently. I roll over and get on my knees. I touch my elbow with my other hand and scream in pain.
01:15 Jazmin: while you are on your knees i push myself up to my feet and see you across and i jump up into the air as i get closer to you attempting to grab the hair on the back of your head and send you forward trying to bulldog you face first into the canvas
01:15 Jazmin: 

05:30 Awesome_Clark: I feel your arm on my neck. Then you pull me down and I can't resist your action. I hit the ground face first and roll onto my back. I remain lying on the mat dazed from the blow I suffered
05:09 Jazmin: as i see you down i sit up and look around with a grin as i get to my feet and make my way over towards the corner of the ring stepping one foot over the ropes and then my next one as i walk on the apron grabbing the top ropes to climb up on the top turnbuckle and look down at you as i start to shimmy my shoulders side to side and pat my chest "VIVA LA RAZA!" as i leap off the top turnbuckle bringing my elbows down to my knees then all the way spread out as i try to frog splash you with full impact.
05:09 Jazmin: 

18:00 Awesome_Clark: My head hurts and I'm lying on the ground groggy. I puff out my chest to take in big breaths of air. I can't figure out where you are. Then I hear the audience cheering and it makes me understand that something big is about to happen. I see you on the corner ready to jump towards me. When you're in the air I pull my knees to my chest to make your chest and abs hit my shins
18:06 Jazmin: i hit your knees and my eyes grow wide bouncing up into the air flopping down on my back gasping for air as i start rolling towards the edge of the the canvas slapping my hand down on the mat in pain
18:08 Awesome_Clark: You slam into my knees and then roll sideways. I also move on the mat in the opposite direction. I grab the ropes and stand up, not without difficulty. But I look at you, get down on my knees and growl "Come on, get up!"
18:17 Jazmin: after slapping the mat being pissed off i wasn't able to end this i press my palms down onto the canvas pushing myself up as i reach out and grab the ropes using them to get myself up to my feet as i turn around to look at you and grit my teeth knowing i was so close to victory.
03:24 Awesome_Clark: I move carefully towards you. I was able to counters your frog splash but I needed some time to recover and so I wasted time and couldn't catch the benefits of my move. I raise my hands to grab your head, but it's only a fake. I quickly move my right foot towards your belly to hit you with a heel kick
03:30 Jazmin: I see your hands coming up and put my hands up to focus on them but before i know it i get kicked in the stomach and my eyes get wide as i bend over jumping up as i clutch my stomach with both hands groaning out and coughing in the air by this sneaky manuever.
03:30 Jazmin: 

03:34 Awesome_Clark: You double and offer me your head. I try to grab it and lock it under my armpit, pass your arm over my head and finally grab your panties to lift and throw you over my head with a snap suplex
03:35 Awesome_Clark: 

03:46 Jazmin: as im doubled over you grab my neck putting it under your arm as i wiggle around and start to get lifted in the air and wiggle my legs hard before i can get thrown all the way over and i position my arm around your head trying to wrap my arm around your neck as i bring my body back down trying to hit you with a big ddt and spike your head into the canvas
03:46 Jazmin: 

03:52 Awesome_Clark: I lift you up, but you move, you squirm, I can't complete the rotation. Improvisation I feel you pulling me down. My head hits the floor and I do a flip to end up sitting first, with my head hanging forward, my forehead almost touching the mat and my arms hanging at my sides.
04:03 Jazmin: as i hit the ddt i sit up breathing heavy and look over to see you slumped forward and shake my head up and down knowing i have to keep this up as i get to my feet walking over to you taking a big deep breath in as i reach down grabbing your hair trying to lift you up to your feet and grab your arm trying to tuck it under my arm as i attempt to set you up for my next move.
04:07 Awesome_Clark: I'm stunned, my head almost explodes after he slams hard on the mat for your DDT. You grab me by the hair and pull me to my feet. I'm exhausted and I can't resist your action. You take me in a strange position, but it seems that the crowd knows what's happening
04:09 Jazmin: as i grab your arm i press my back into you as i hear the crowd get even louder, knowing i've finished off many many people with this before as i reach down grabbing your leg and stick my tongue out at the crowd as i see some jumping in their seats as i scream out "TEAR DROP" and i twist my body in a cartwheel motion taking you with me as i attempt to slam and bounce the back of your head off the canvas
04:09 Jazmin: 

04:14 Awesome_Clark: The crowd screams and I expect the worst, but I still can't find the strength to free myself. Immediately afterwards I feel dragged to the ground, my head and back hit the mat and I remain lying, lifeless, with arms and legs spread apart
04:18 Jazmin: as i plant you into the canvas i crawl right over you lifting your leg up high in the air as i throw my other leg over your other one and look up at the ref "ANOTHER LOSER DOWN!!!!" as a big smile comes across my face as the ref comes in slapping down on the canvas counting out loud 1!!!!!!!. 2!!!!!!!
04:18 Jazmin: 

04:19 Awesome_Clark: You grab my leg and pull it, try a pinfall. The referee counts relentlessly and in the end the THREE arrives which establishes my elimination
04:22 Jazmin: as the 3 count finally hits i drop your leg and press my hand down on the mat standing up as i press my boot down on your chest and let the ref raise my hand "AND YOUR WINNER OF THIS MATCH....JAZMIN!" as i grin rubbing my boot down onto your chest and take it off as i walk over to the ropes stepping on the bottom one and pointing to myself "THESE BOYS CAN HANDLE THESE JOBBER GIRLS BUT NOT THE BEST GIRL!!!!!"
04:22 Jazmin: 

04:22 Jazmin: yt/end
04:25 Awesome_Clark: I'm stunned and as you celebrate an other point for your team i rollo under the bottom rope to move outside the ring, leaving the light for the next wrestler who joint the Battle of the sexes
Published: 2024-11-11, viewed 58 times.
Oh Elle No
2024-11-11 20:09How TF does she keep doing this! She's not that good!!!
2024-11-11 20:26(In reply to this)
well all know i'm the best!