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Erin vs Trixie - OPCW Fall of the Heroes

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: First to 3 pinfalls Trixie. Are you ready to lose?

Trixie_Hartz: So 3 count pins and if you get a KO you still need to pin

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: Yes. Those are the BEST pins imo

Trixie_Hartz: especially when you're twitching

Trixie_Hartz: I mean when they twitch hehe

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: Ok Trixie....step up! Start us off!

Trixie_Hartz: I take a deep breath and find myself coming out from the back going for my 1st career win here in the OPCW I'm 0-2 already and this time a pins only first to 3 pins matchup. I skip to the ring in my white cheer skit with white lycra shorts underneath. I have a whte bikini top and black Nike's with my black knee brace on my left knee as I get o my corner and loosen up

Trixie_Hartz: Entering first from Boston Mass at 5'5 137 she is Trixie Hartzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I wave to the crowd and smile as I wait your entrance


Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: I cant help but chuckle as I watch this little cheerleader enter from the back, peeking out into the arena as you make your way to the ring. Now it's my turn and my music hits and I emerge from the back wearing my sexy, simple little yellow bikini for this match, going barefoot myself, my silky brown hair in a ponytail as I strut to the ring staring into your eyes "And her opponent....from Chicago, Illinois...standing 5'2" tall and weighing 116 pounds....please welcome....Emmperesss Errrrrrinnn!!" I slide under the bottom ropes and push up to my feet across from you in the ring, looking this young little girl up and down with a confident smile as I back into my corner and say "You're cheer career is over Trixie! And I'm ending your rasslin career here tonight too!" yt


Trixie_Hartz: "W........I..........N" that's what I'm going to do! I yell as I do a backflip out of the corner and then ebgin to walk to the middle of the ring my hands on my hips as I staree down my older opponent. "3-0 baby get ready for it and don't worry i'll let you be my ring girl for the rest of your career while your injuries heal up. I blow you a kiss and stare you down as I wait for the bell to go off for this big time match

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: You now do some stupid cheerleading move and I just roll my eyes and move to the middle of the ring to meet you, hands on my hips as I stare back into your eyes, pressing my tits into yours as I lean into you and say in an aggressive menacing voice "you have no idea what you've gotten yourself into Trixie" I say as you blow me a kiss, then I hear the bell DING DING. And as it rings, you blowing me a kiss, I swiftly try to lift my knee up into your stomach! yt

Trixie_Hartz: You then get super intense my eyes widen in a bit of shock as you don't seem this bitchy but here we are as i try to lock up but instead I walk right into your knee as I gasp and find myself doubled over and backing up a bit moaning in pain as I gasp for air

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: My knee slams into your belly with a SMACK sound, making you gasp out and double over as you back up a bit, I try to lunge forward as you back up and swing my right arm out and slam it across your chest, trying to take you off your feet early with a clothesline! yt

Trixie_Hartz: you leap at me and take me off my feet with a nasty jumping clothsline where I find myself hitting back 1st and clutching my core as I struggle to catch my breath on the mat

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: The ring shakes as I take you down and send you to your back with a clothesline, and I am still on my feet next to where you fall, and immediately, I swing my arm out and drop down and try to drive my elbow into your chest and crush those tits with an elbow drop, trying to keep you winded!


Wrestle_Girl_Erin: yt

Trixie_Hartz: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww you land hard onto my chest as I roll to my side and cough and wheeze in pain struggling to fully catch my breath in pain

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: I get up smirking after dropping my elbow into your chest, making you roll around coughing and wheezing on the canvas. Having you winded and in pain now, I grab two fistfuls of your hair and start to work you to your feet "come on Trixie...on your feet bitch!" I say as I drag you up and set you up for a

Trixie_Hartz: I groan as I get lifted up with ease by 2 hands struggling to catch my breath and being yanked up hard and roughly to my feet by the veteran wrestler

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: I get you onto your feet in front of me now and put my face right into yours, saying to you in a mean voice "you're in for some real pain tonight Trixie!" then try to grip your wrist and whip you hard into the nearby

Trixie_Hartz: I'm yanked up and tossed back 1st into the corner I hit and my ass slumps a bit towards the mat as my baxck is on fire in the corner

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: After sending you to the corner, you hit hard and start to slump down. Then, I hold up my thumbs and fingers in front of me like I'm framing a photo to take a picture, then with a smirk I dart toward you, leap up and spread my body open and look to slam mine into yours and crush you with an avalanche splash against the corner! yt

Trixie_Hartz: I groan my body aching it's been all the older woman to start the match. I'm able to take some breaths in the corner as i look up and hear the boards of the ring loudly bouncing as you charge at me. My eyes widne as i just collapse to the right side and onto the mat hoping you just miss me

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: I sail through the air at you and expect soon to feel your young body crushed between mine and the corner, but instead you drop out of the way as I come toward you and "UUAANNGHFFF!" I slam instead chest first into the top turnbuckle, my torso bouncing backwards off of it as I flop down onto my back with a THUD "uuuhhhnngghh" groaning and breathing heavy now with my arms folded across my chest as I stamp my feet on the

Trixie_Hartz: I sit up and smirk as you miss and get a full face and chest full of buckles "where is all that shit talking now" I yell as I use the ropes to get myself up to my feet. I then take a deep breath I stand over your body and leap trying to splash my belly right across yours

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: As soon as I come to a rest on my back after missing the avalanche splash, you take full advantage, not giving me any time to recover you jump up and come crashing down belly first across my sexy stomach with a loud SMACK "OOOOOUUFUFFFFFFF!" crushing my abs under yours as my sexy little body jackknifes a bit then flops back down flat, pinned under yours as the crowd

Trixie_Hartz: I smirk even more now as i look down at you and caress your face "I think I might have you pinned but let's make it a sure thing you don't move ok babes" I reach down for 2 full handfuls of hair and try to yank you up to your feet. I try to put my right arm between your thighs and try to dip down and see if I can lift you up over my shoulders using my size edge. I take a breath as I try to hold you up and then I leap to my back and try to lift my knees up hoping your land hard belly 1st onto the points of my knees in a gut buster


Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: I lay on my back gasping for air as you peel your belly off mine and instead of pinning me, grab my hair and work me to my feet, only to then slide your arm between my sexy thighs and clench my ass as you dip down low and manage to slide my small 116 pound body onto your shoulders, showing impressive strength either way as you stand upright again, carrying me with you before you then drop back and down and let me fall, raising your knees up and burying them deep in my stomach as I land on them "OOOUUUNNNGHHHFFFFFF!" I let out a long loud groan as you crush my belly and my guts with a gutbuster, my sexy body flopping off your knees and flat onto my back on the canvas next to you now, clenching my abs and moaning in pain, dazed from the brutal

Trixie_Hartz: "you never looked hotter Erin" I giggle as I wink to the crowd and you roll over onto your back I go to lay across you and hook your outer leg and hook it high into the air pressing my body into yours as the ref slides down and slaps ONE on the mat as I try to hold you down for the first fall.

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: You roll me over onto my back and flop your body across mine "uummfff" pinning me flattening my belly under yours as you hook my sexy leg and the ref slaps the mat "one....two...." the pain in my stomach makes it hard to even move, much less kick


Trixie_Hartz: THREEEEEE I hear slapped on the mat I smile and lean in and kiss your forehead "1 down 2 to go" I slam your leg to the mat and roll off of you and go to my corner ready for fall 2 to begin

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Night_Queen_Raevyn: Come on finish her Trixie!

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: You kiss my forehead as the ref counts THREE and you slam my leg down aggressively before rolling off of me. You get to your corner and after taking some time to come to on my back, I roll over and push onto my hands and knees, then stagger to my feet and hobble to my corner as well, clutching my gut still my abs aching as I turn back to face you again, still trying to catch my breath as the bell rings again DING DING and I stare daggers into you now, not saying a word but clearly upset "I

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: yt

Trixie_Hartz: "can you breathe bitch" I say to you mocking feeling good about myself up 1-0 knowing you're winded "how humilating when I Sweep you 3-0 hiuh" I giggle as the bell rings for the 2nd fall to begin. I come out and start to circle you for an opening

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: I step out from my corner as the bell rings and y0ou do the same, my eyes locked on yours as we close in again "you better enjoy that feeling Trixie...its the only one you're gonna get!" I say as I lean in toward you and then drop to a knee trying to fire my right fist straight into your stomch! yt

Trixie_Hartz: "just lay down it'll be best for you" I say with a snarl in my voice. I then comein ans try to lock up with you again and try to bully you into the ropes but before I can you drop down and slam a hard jab into my belly as I double over your fist and gasp loudly for air

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: Again I nail you in the belly to start, getting you doubled over as I'm on my knee now in front of you. I reach up and try to grab y0our long hair with both hands, gripping it tight as I say "screw you Trixie!" then try to rise up and drop right back down onto my knees, looking to crack your jaw into the top of my head with a

Trixie_Hartz: offffffffffff my head snaps back as you nail me with a rough jawbreaker. The room spins a bit on me as I lay on my back my mouth open as I feel dizzy from the blow

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: I love the sound of your jaw cracking against my head and your head snapping back as you fall onto your back now dazed yourself, moaning with your mouth open as I reach for your head again both hands in your hair, I waste no time pulling you back up but only far enough to be able to shove your head under my left arm, my right hand grabbing your little cheer skirt as I then say "night night Trixie!" and drive backwards looking to drive your face and head into the mat with a

Trixie_Hartz: I get yanked up but you act quick and shove my head under your arm and yank on my skirt to hold me in place as you fall back I hit face 1st hard my ass is up in the air my skirt over my hips to show my shorts as I moan and lay their stunned my face on the mat groaning in pain

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: I feel the ring shake as I drive your face into it, looking over to see you stuck there with your ass up in the air, I shove your hips to make you flop over onto your back, then throw myself across your stomach just as you did me. I slide my arm under your far leg and jerk it up, hooking it, pulling your knee toward your chin as I shout "Count her ref!" and the ref scurries into place "Onnee......twwooo..." I arch by back really pressing my stomach down into your

Trixie_Hartz: My eyes still closed I just moan each time I get moved and shoved around now on my back my leg hooked tight my ass up off of the mat as the count gets to 2 but I'm motionless my head is spinning a lot right now

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: "THREE......that's it!" The ref announces as I shove your leg away now and push down on your stomach and chest with both my hands as I push back up to my feet, the ref signaling that the count is now tied 1-1. "It's gonna be 3-1 soon enough!" I snarl as I back into my corner, feeling my confidence returning to me again as I wait for you to

Trixie_Hartz: mmmmmmm I moan as the match is all tied up. I roll to my corner holdin my head a bit dizzy as that DDT and jaw breaker combo got me really badly as I slowly get to my feet by the ropes

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: You drag yourself to the corner and struggle to your feet, the ref calling for the bell as soon as you are upright again DING DING and I don't intend to let you recover as much as you did me, so as soon as the bell rings, I'm darting across the ring at you, lowering my shoulder, aiming to drive it hard and deep into your gut in the

Trixie_Hartz: waittttt reff timeoutttt I scream as you begin to bully me in the corner and drive your shoulder into my ribs and stomach as I gasp with each blow struglging to catch my breath

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: My shoulder slams into your gut as I spear you into the corner, but the ref has no obligation to keep me off you. The bell already rung! I try to keep you there now, grabbing the middle rope on each side of you then thrusting my shoulder hard into your belly once, twice, three times like I'm trying to split you in half! yt

Trixie_Hartz: uhhhhhhhhhh uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkkkk fuckkkkkkkkkk ttapped in the corner just bgeing abused not getting the time in between falls like you did as you try to break my ribs with your shoulder

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: After a solid 5 or 6 shoulder thrusts into your stomach in the corner, I finally pull away and stand up straight in front of you. AS you hold your aching stomach, I turn to face the middle of the ring with you, wrapping my right arm around your head and pulling it down against my side, then I try to start running toward the middle of the ring, dragging you with me before jumping and kicking my legs out in front of me and dropping down and looking to smash your face again into the canvas but this time with a running bulldog! yt

Trixie_Hartz: mmmmmmmmmm I moan and begin to melt into the corner as you just abuse my core soo badly. I gasp and then feel you grab me out of the corner. I feel us run I'm helpless as we leap and I find myself hitting face 1st into the mat laying on my belly not moving

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: The ring shakes violently again as I drive the poor cheerleader down face first into the canvas, leaving you face down and motionless on the canvas next to me as I grin wide and blow a kiss to your fans at ringside, grinning smugly, I get to my knees and roll you over onto your back, but instead of pinning you just yet, I show off by stomping my foot down hard onto your belly, stepping up onto you with all my weight as I walk across you and stand on the other side of you now, then bend my knees and show that even at 33yo, I can still fly. I try to explode up and back performing a standing moonsault which I look to land across your abused

Trixie_Hartz: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you stomp on me again after rolling me over my ribs feel broke i have red marks around my belly button as I gasp and can't catch my breath as I roll to my back and then OFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF you hit a nasty standing moonsault on my injured core more air just rushed out of my lungs.

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: I splash across your busted belly, further crushing your stomach with my abs as I land on top of you, making your little body jerk then flop flat on your back. I don't even bother with hooking a leg this time, just laying my abs across yours and slapping the canvas along with the ref as we both count the pin together "onnee....two......" yt


Trixie_Hartz: my ribs feel broke trying not to cry under you as you lay across me I can't move I'm frozen in pain as you pin me so easily

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Night_Queen_Raevyn: wow trixie

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: "THREE...another pin for Erin!" the ref announces as the bell rings again DING DING DING and I whisper in your ear in a mean tone "that's 2-1 bitch! You're FINISHED!" I say as I push up off you and deliver a mean stomp to your chest before turning and strutting back to my corner, waiting for what I'm sure will be the final round as I intend to pin you a third and final

Trixie_Hartz: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you stomp on me as I realize I've lost 2 in a row I'm in tears now from the pain as I crawl slowly to my corner needing a timeout and a chance to recover

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Night_Queen_Raevyn: its over

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: This time it takes you even longer to get to the corner. "Come on babe....stop fighting it! Just come back out here and flop down like a good little girl!" I say mockingly as I point to the mat in the middle of the ring. yt

Trixie_Hartz: I hear you and my heart sinks I push up to my feet and stand up using the ropes fully I lean in the corner on my right shoulder as I try to catch my breath in the corner and ignore your bitchy attitude to me

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Jon_Cutler: Go Trixie!!! Don't give up!!

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: DING DING the bell sounds again and I strut slowly toward you, an arrogant smirk on my face as I approach you, barely able to stand even with the ropes in your corner, I stop right in front of you, hands on my hips and say with a grin "I'd say you fought well Trixie...but let's be really didn't!" then I try to swing my right foot up and slam it into your belly to double you

Trixie_Hartz: The bell rings you walk right ovee to me and talk so much shit as I get more and more angry and then I push out of the corner and try to catch you off guard with a superkick aimed for your jaw

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: As I strut toward you, seeing you in the corner looking like you could collapse at any moment, I keep my hands on my hips, looking defiant, but my guard is down, and before I can send a kick your way, you suddenly push out of the corner and show your flexibility as a cheerleader, extending your leg up and out and smashing your foot into my pretty face with a loud CRAAAAACK sound "AAUUGGHH!!" snapping my pretty head back violently as saliva sprays from my mouth, my arms swing a few times trying to stay up before then falling over backwards flat on my back with a THUD. Blood on my bottom lip as I lay there dazed and moaning

Jon_Cutler: YEAAAAAAA!!!! Go get her Trixie!!!!

Trixie_Hartz: I connect but I'm so exhausted and hurt all I do is just fall on top fo you. My head right in between your boobs as I moan but the ref sees it as a pin as she hits the mat and counts ONE as I just lay there both of us moaning and stunned from this long big time matchup

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: "Unnghff" I grunt out as you fall like a ragdoll on top of me, and the ref sees this as a pin and drops to the canvas, slapping the mat next to my head "one..." The sound of the ref's hand slapping the mat next to my head stirs me a little "Two..." after the 2 count I can tell I'm being pinned and I use all the strength I can to try and jerk my soulder up off the mat to break the 3

Trixie_Hartz: you just get a shoulder up as I moan and then roll to the ropes and use them to get up to my feet. i groan and begin to walk to you and try to lift your legs up and see if I can lift your ass up and flip you into a Boston Crab

Trixie_Hartz: yt


Wrestle_Girl_Erin: I just manage to kick out from under you and you roll off of me, exhausted yourself as you make your way to my feet and grab my legs, trying to lift them up and turn me over, as I try to resist the turn, trying to pull me knees toward me then thrust them back into you trying to shove you away from

Trixie_Hartz: nooooooo I yell as I get yanked in and shoved out as I find myself hitting back 1st into the corner. My ass slumps a bit as my back is hurting as I try to catch my breath as you sneak out of my move

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: I kick you away from me and send you staggering back into the corner, as I take this chance to try to push up to my feet again, unsteady on them and still woozy from the superkick, I turn toward you as you slump in the corner. I raise my guard and come toward you again, preparing to defend myself in case you should strike first, then as I get close, I try to fake a kick to your stomach like before, only this time, just out of pure anger toward you, I hope you'll drop your arms to block my kick so I can wind up my right hand and try to slap the taste out of your mouth with an open palm slap as hard as I

Trixie_Hartz: I go to block a kick as I stare you down but as I do you slap me so hard in the mouth spit flies out as i groan "you bitchhhhh" I yell as I get angry from the rough slap but I try to stop myself from makin the room spin as I shove at your hips to get you away from me

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: I snap your head to the side with a vicious slap just to remind you who is boss here, and you shove my hips forcing me back a step, and then I reset me feet and now I do try to come right back at you and swing my right foot hard up into your

Trixie_Hartz: The slap pisses me off a lot as you come at me I try to grab to spin and hiope you miss me and your foot gets caught into the ropes

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: My foot swing up toward your stomach but you roll away and my heel lands on the middle rope, and I hop on my left leg as I try to pull my right foot back as quickly as I can. yt

Trixie_Hartz: I try to get behind you and put my hand between your legs and try to roll you up into a pin I try to put all my weight on the back of your thighs as the ref slaps and hits ONE on the mat

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: You slide behind me and reach between my legs, pulling me back from the ropes and folding me over, pressing my shoulders to the mat as my legs kick and I squirm as you press your weight down on the backs of my thighs TWO........the ref counts 2 as you try to steal one from me but I am desperate not to have it, so as you lay on top of me I try to reach up and jab my thumb into your eye! yt

Trixie_Hartz: Trying to lean all my weight on you so close to tying the match but you jam your thumb into my eye I scream and roll off of you and feel blinded as I hold my face on the mat and kick around screaming

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: I use a dirty tactic to get you to break the pin just at the last possible moment, sending you falling off of me rubbing your eye in pain as I roll over onto my stomach and push to my feet, coming toward you I reach for your head

Trixie_Hartz: I shake my head thankfully you only got 1 eye. I then look up from my knees and see you coming as I try to bury an uppercut into your stomach wanting to double you over in front of me

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: As I come toward you you ball up our fist and out of nowhere, drive a brutal uppercut into my stomach with a loud SMACK "OOOOUUUFFF!" I gasp out and fold in half clutching my abs

Trixie_Hartz: I push to my feet I take a breath and try to take a move out of my favorite Alexa Bliss and leap onto your back and try to hit a code red and flip us both around to the mat


Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: As I stumble back holding my abs you leap forward ang flip over me and grip my hips as you do and pull me over, flipping me through the air and BAAAANNNGG "AAuunngghhfff......" slamming me down hard onto my back the back of my head bouncing hard off the canvas, stunning me as I come to a rest on my back my arms stretched out over my head and my body bent in half with my legs folded over my

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: yt

Trixie_Hartz: My legs go over your arms as I hug your waist and do all I can to keep you there and tie this match up as the ref comes down to the mat and slaps ONE as I try to hold on.

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: You use your legs to pin my arms flat to the mat as you squeeze my waist tight, pinning me again as the ref counts.....1......2.....I can't move, laying stunned and folded in half, my feet on the mat on either side of my head I'm bent over so far, your arms around my sexy wasit......"THREE......" yt

Trixie_Hartz: I push your ass away and roll to my corner as we are all tied up to 2. I get to my feet as I stare you down the last fall is about to happen now

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: You shove me away and my body flops over and unfolds on the canvas, staring up at the lights as I try to suck air back into my lungs and regain my senses after the back of my head smashed into the canvas. Finally I roll over and push back to my hands and knees and crawl to the corner, using the ropes, I use them to drag myself up as the bell rings one last time DING DING

Trixie_Hartz: We're both exhausted the ref checks on us both as i see you get up to your feet I then shove the ref away and do a cartwheel and then a backflip and a 2nd one and hoping I land my body right into yours after the last backflip.

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: As soon as I stagger to my feet in the corner, you are backflipping your way at me and I allow myself to simply drop down hoping to get out of the way and avoid your handspring splash in the

Trixie_Hartz: I finish the last flip but hit the back of my head into the top buckle and collapse to the mat as i groan in pain

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: As I roll to safety on the mat I look up and see you land against the empty corner, the back of your head smashing into the top buckle as you then collapse to the canvas. I need to end this. This bitch isn't in my league and I need to make sure she knows that, I think to myself as I get back up and hobble toward you, grabbing your head by the hair, I jerk you to your knees and try to shove your head between my legs, looking to close my thighs tight around your head as I then lean forward and try to wrap my arms around your

Trixie_Hartz: you lift me up and throw me in between your thighs you close them as I feel the room get tight on me as I groan and slap at your thighs I feel your uarms go around my waist "NOOOO" I scream trying to keep my body weight on my knees and on the mat as best I can

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: I get you bent over in front of me and my arms wrapped around your waist as I clench my hands against your stomach, but I can't quite lift you the way I intended in this weakened state myself, so I try to adjust and move my arms from your waist to try and slide them under your arms instead, trying to jerk them up over your back desperately trying to set you up for some finisher "come on Trixie..stop fighting it!" I groan in

Trixie_Hartz: you yank my arms up over my back as it begins to sit and pull me up doubled over as I start o get up though i go to lift my head up and try to back body drop you up and over me hopefully able to power out of whatever evil move you have planned for me

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: I get your arms hooked over your back and lift you to your feet, abandoning my hope at a piledriver and deciding to settle instead for a pedigree. But as I pull you up, you raise up yourself also, lifting your body and pushing up on my thighs, sending me flipping up and over you with a back body drop BAAANNNGG "AAUunnghhff!" landing me flat on my back now on the other side of you, knocking the wind out of me as I try to roll over and crawl

Trixie_Hartz: I collapse to 1 knee as I'm lucky to get you up and over me. I then collapse to my butt and try to grab your head and shove it between my thighs and lock in a figure-4 headscissors "come on choke for me bitch" I yell as I know there is no submissions but if you pass out I win" I smirk as i try to really lock it in

Trixie_Hartz: yt


Wrestle_Girl_Erin: As I lay on my back breathing heavily now you grab my head lift it up and wrap your thighs around it. My eyes go wide as you start to squeeze and put me in a figure four lock. My legs start to kick and body squirm an the mat as my hands slap and claw at your legs. I try desperately to sick in air when I can but you have it locked in and the deep breaths are few and far between, my lungs start to burn as my body starts to get

Trixie_Hartz: "stay still and take it bitch" I scream as i try to choke you with my thighs you slap and claw at my legs I groan and struggle to hold on doing all I can. I try to hump the air a bit to almost hang you a little as I try to kepe it on "fuck you're tough" I moan

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: I start to leave claw marks on your thighs and lower legs as I desperately try to free myself but you keep it locked on, squeezing my head and neck between your legs as my thrashing and squirming slows way down, my eyes getting watery, head getting heavy and mind fuzzy. You thrust your hips up, making my head lift off the canvas as it adds to the pressure and I moan

Trixie_Hartz: I then get a fun idea as I take a breath and try to put my palms on the mat and see you starting to fade. I unhook my legs and grab your hair and try to stand both of us up "time to get my 1st win you bitch" I yell as I take a deep breath and try to lift you up upside down in front of me holding you tightly against my body.

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: You bring me just to the verge of KO, then abruptly break the hold, letting my head drop heavily back onto the canvas with a THUD as I grunt out, still barely awake when you get up and grab my hair and peel me off the mat only to shove my head between your legs, the same way I had you not more than 5 mins ago, but I'm a zombie, and you know it as you are able to wrap your arms around my body and lift me upside down and hold me against your body, tightly, my tits and belly pressing against yours

Trixie_Hartz: "so you were saying sexy mama that I wasn't in your league huh you're right I've surpassed your btich ass" i Yell as I leap and try to land in a split and drive your head into hte mat as hard as i can

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Beaten_Brooke: Is Erin really gonna lose to Trixie? lol

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: You take one last opportunity to insult me as you hold me upside down against your body, my face pressed against your crotch and my stomach against yours. don't just drop down, but leap up, performing the splits like the slut cheerleader you are as you come crashing back down and drive the top of my head violently into the canvas, "UUUaaannngghhffffff!!" I let out a long, deep groan as you spike my head into the canvas and my body goes limp and flops over like a ragdoll on my back in the middle of the ring. yt

Trixie_Hartz: I smirk and blow a kiss to your fans as I then knee walk over putting my ass on yoru face fcing your feet my skirt covers your fugly face as the ref comes over and hits ONE on the mat as I wink to the camera

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: You crawl over to me and sit your ass right on my face as your skirt drapes over me. The ref drops down and starts the count "one.......two......" I don't move, completely out now as you pin me with a humiliating facesit

Trixie_Hartz: I punch your belly 1 last time to rub it in as the ref slaps THREE on the mat as I flip my head back and blow a kiss to Brooke "you're next!" I yell as I keep myself on my new rival showing off now as I flex and get my hand raised

Trixie_Hartz: yt

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: Before the ref reaches 3 you can't help but punch my sexy stomach one more time "Ummff" making me grunt out under your ass as my belly ripples "THREE! That's it! Ring the bell!" the ref announces DING DING DING as you taunt another potential future opponent in the crowd. You stay seated on my face posing on my KO'd body as you take the last of the best of 5 falls. End?

Trixie_Hartz: I bounce twice on your face and then roll out of the ring fix my skirt and smile to the crowd getting my 1st career in win the OPCW as I walk out END

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: Wow. Super fun match

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: You rock Trixie

Wrestle_Girl_Erin: but everyone knows ya got lucky

Trixie_Hartz: hugggggg you're awesome too babe and nope I own your ass now post the match :)

Published: 2024-11-13, viewed 120 times.




2024-11-14 19:36

Such a great give and take, back and forth match. Real edge of the seat stuff. Excellent pro wrestling story!