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Established: 2022-02-04
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20:07 Carolsingapore76:
20:14 Carolsingapore76:
20:18 Carolsingapore76: Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to OPCW 44 The Fall of Heroes SHOW!! The corwd cheerign as the ring announcer makes the introductions
20:18 Carolsingapore76: my music hits as the spot light shift to the wrestlers entrance
20:19 Carolsingapore76:
20:19 Carolsingapore76: Making her way into the ring at 5'7 175 pounds Carol CHEETHA Singapore!!!!! I make my way dressed up in a reb rove as the crowd whistles at me my boot stomping as I make my way to the ring apron blowing a kiss to the crowd as i bend over showing off my ass stepping into the ring heading to my corner
20:24 Jessie_Rez: I'm introduced next and I come out from behind the curtain walking down to the ring in the high school gymnasium. Standing 5 foot 8 134 lb I'm introduced.. I'm walking out wearing a white tank top with denim shorts and my red Converse platform sneakers....."and her opponent she is known as The girl next door the awesome and amazing Jessie!!!". Then I slip inside the ring going to my corner..

20:26 Carolsingapore76: i slide out of my robe getting whistles from the crowd as my opponent makes her way to the ring " she is wearing that" i ask the ref as i get patted down in my black one piece high guy and wrestling shoes
20:26 Carolsingapore76:
20:28 Jessie_Rez: I want you getting patted down then the referee comes over to me and pats me down also.., then the referee signals for the Bell and I come out of my corner with my arms up staring you down
20:31 Carolsingapore76: stretching as i come out of my corner hoping to use my size to my advantage i circling you hands out looking for an opening
20:34 Jessie_Rez: I circle you as well with my arms up and I know you have the size of vantage but I think I'm definitely quicker. Then I lunge in towards you grabbing for your shoulder and your arm going for a classic lockup
20:39 Carolsingapore76: the crowd getting louder as we both circling each other my long black hair hanging loose as you pounce on me for a lock up.. i am driven back a few steps before i start holding my ground grunting as we are arch side to side as i pull you into a side neck lock letting you face meach into the side of my breast as i wind up the side necklock
20:39 Carolsingapore76:
20:40 Jessie_Rez: Quickly I push you back but you changed the momentum pulling me into a side headlock and my face is up against your breast. One arm comes around you and holds onto your hip while the other grabs at your arm as I pull and try to pull my head free
20:46 Carolsingapore76: i wind up the side necklock feeling you hot breath on my skin as you try to wrench free i start to walk wiht you to the ropes
20:47 Jessie_Rez: You take me towards the ropes and I want to avoid anything like this. So I send a couple quick punches with my free hand at your belly
20:50 Carolsingapore76: off i bellow letting you slip out as i cover ym belly with one hands slightly bent over by the ropes tr
20:51 Jessie_Rez: I grab you and I push you against the ropes. Then I step to your right side and I hold on to the ropes and I swing my right leg up trying to connect my shin towards your tits
20:54 Carolsingapore76: you pin me to the ropes before i can react you hammer into my belly with your shin as i drop to one knee holding my belly groaning
20:55 Jessie_Rez: I grab your hair and I pull you up to your feet then I stand in front of you with my ass pushing into your belly. Then it reach back for your hair and I step forward trying to flip you onto your back
21:02 Carolsingapore76: yelping as you yank me to my feet and snap me over as i go flying over you crashing on the mat hard as my body shudders laying there
21:02 Carolsingapore76:
21:03 Jessie_Rez: Now I try to take it out on you as you were making fun of my outfit. I walk around you as you lay there on your back. Then I come to your side and I lift up my leg sending that playful kick down at your belly with my red sneaker
21:04 Carolsingapore76: offfff i bellow harld recovering from the snap mare i get stomped as i turn to my side coughing curling up into a ball
21:06 Jessie_Rez: Then I reach down grabbing for your hair and your arm I start pulling you up to your feet with me I'm trying to lead you around the ring now
21:08 Carolsingapore76: uggh no no not my hair i groan as you jerk me up getting to my feet you moving us about as i slam an elbow into the side of your body
21:08 Jessie_Rez: I'm about to whip you across the ring but instead I get a hard elbow into my side making me grunt. I let Go walking away from you now
21:09 Carolsingapore76: grabbing you arm as you walk away " where you going missy" i jerk you into me as you turn into me i raise my knee into your belly
21:11 Jessie_Rez: Oommpphhh... I take a second shot to my upper body this time to my belly. Leaning into you now I rest my head on your shoulder as I hold my belly
21:13 Carolsingapore76: " oh baby did that hurt" as you slump into me wrapping ym arms around you waist i lift you off you feet pivot and slam you to the mat in a belly to belly suplex as the ring shudders
21:13 Carolsingapore76:
21:15 Jessie_Rez: My lighter body gets lifted up and I'm just going for the ride I get slammed down by you with a big suplex slamming my body into the canvas making the ring shake
21:18 Carolsingapore76: on all 4 fours watching you lay there i grab you hair yanking you to your feeet as i get to mine " come on darling the fun just begun"
21:19 Jessie_Rez: I'm holding my back and now you're using my hair like a leash getting me up to my feet. I stagger a little and lean into you as you hold my hair
21:20 Carolsingapore76: straightening you up i whip you to the ropes hard and start to get ready to welcome you back as i stretch out my arm crouching a llittle
21:21 Jessie_Rez: Bouncing off the rope and it feels like the ropes throw me back at you and as you come at me I get hit with the clothesline to my chest knocking me hard onto my back.
21:26 Carolsingapore76: i stagger past you to the ropes asi rub my arm blowing kisses tothe crowd as the jeer me.. i come bock over to you measuring you and try to land a leg drop across ur chest
21:27 Jessie_Rez: It seems you're not letting up for me to recover. I get hit with the leg drop from your thick thigh jarring and making my body shake
21:28 Carolsingapore76: i let out smile as l slide my body over you for a cross body pin the ref drops to themat slapping it ONE!!!
21:30 Jessie_Rez: After the one count I kick out my leg and lift up my shoulder avoiding the pinfall. I've got to figure a way back into this match
21:31 Carolsingapore76: you kick out as i am shoved away from your body above ur head on all fours getting to my knee grabbing you hair getting you into a sitting position as i am behind you wrapping one arm under you chin and the other cupping your chin i arch back in the necklock wearing you down
21:31 Carolsingapore76:
21:33 Jessie_Rez: Getting desperate as you got me on my ass sitting there. I feel you gripping my chin and holding my head in this position. I get desperate and I throw an elbow back at your side trying to make you let go
21:41 Carolsingapore76: i try to work the hold but you have other plan slamming the elbow in i grunt letting you go as i drop back on my ass behind you
13:14 Jessie_Rez: I shake my head then I get to my knees while you're behind me. I turn around and grab your right boot and I start to stand up starting to pull your leg in the air with me
13:16 Carolsingapore76: As you grab my leg my right boot in your grip as I am slowly leverages to be on my back
13:17 Jessie_Rez: I keep hold of your boot then I step over your leg putting your boot in between mine and I start wrenching on your ankle and trying to put pressure on your leg in a step over toe hold
13:20 Carolsingapore76: My hands slap the mat in frustration as i shake my head side to you start to turn over i plant a boot to your ass shoving you over
13:21 Jessie_Rez: I managed to get a few good twists to your ankle but then I feel your boot from your other leg pushing on my ass shoving me forward and I fall hard to my chest
13:25 Carolsingapore76: Feeling my ankle trying to shake off the numbness as i grab the ropes to get to my feet hobbling a bit
13:26 Jessie_Rez: I get to my hands and knees then I start turning around and getting up to my feet as I see you pulling up. Then I Rush at you extending my arm trying to hit you with the clothesline to your chest
13:33 Carolsingapore76: Ughh you forearm pancakes my tits i bounces on the ropes arms hooked on the ropes to stop me from falling forward.
13:35 Jessie_Rez: I get lucky having you hooked onto the top ropes. Then I grab your shoulders as I step to the side then I throw my leg up smacking my thigh into your belly
13:39 Carolsingapore76: My ass thrust back as you slam that thigh on aas my ass juts out as my chest lurch forward as much the the ropes allows me to sag
13:40 Jessie_Rez: I unhook you from the ropes and I hold on to your wrists. I put my sneaker into your lower chest then I start to lean back and trying to pull you so I can flip you over with the monkey flip
13:42 Carolsingapore76: My suit soaked in sweat as you slowly peel me off the ropes before i can attack you monkey flip over as I crash hard the ring shuddering
13:43 Jessie_Rez: Feeling more confident as I roll up to my feet as I see you flat on your back and obvious pain. Then I step over you running to the ropes. I bounce off of them coming back towards you then I jump in the air attempting to give you a splash across your upper body
13:44 Carolsingapore76: I feel the ring ahudder as you come back as you leap i try to roll away
13:46 Jessie_Rez: I go high in the air and I come flying down but with you rolling away I crash hard to the canvas with my upper body and my tits slamming into the canvas. I lay there flat on my belly moaning in pain
13:50 Carolsingapore76: I lay on the mat as the ring shudders with you body crash on to the mat as you lay on you belly i crawl over you trying to keep you on your belly add drive a knee to the side to your belly
13:51 Jessie_Rez: The knee to my side hurts but not as hard since I've got you worn down a bit. I still lay on my belly holding where your knee connected
13:51 Carolsingapore76: I slowly
13:53 Carolsingapore76: Getting a much needed break from you onslaught i climb.on you back and boubce my ass on your back
13:54 Jessie_Rez: I feel your round ass and you're thick thighs on me and I grunt from the impact as it knocks some air out of me.
14:01 Carolsingapore76: Trying to contorl you i lean forward grabbing your red hair jerking your head off the mat as i sit on your lower back
14:02 Jessie_Rez: I keep my arms underneath me but then I feel my red curly hair yanked back yanking my head up off the canvas now I'm forced the stair outside the ring at the crowd. Slowly I kick my legs and tapping my sneakers on the canvas
14:04 Carolsingapore76: Buying time as i sit on your lower back shaking ur head side to side "whats the matter red head" as i lean foward cupping ur chin one hands and hair in the other and wrench ur head back
14:05 Jessie_Rez: Damn this bitch is all over me now. She's playing it smart. I feel my chin cupped and my hair pulled. Now I'm forced to look towards the ceiling as you strategically stay on me. The referee ass if I give up and I tell him no
14:09 Carolsingapore76: We are near the ropes the ref and crowd getting and up and close view i kean my head by your ear as i keep you in position licking ur ear lobe " i am going to make you mine "
14:11 Jessie_Rez: Moaning hearing you and then I get chills down my spine when you lick my earlobe. I stopped struggling for the moment trying to conserve my energy as you keep pulling on my hair.
14:12 Carolsingapore76: Letting go of your chin as i climb off you holding on to your red hair my otherbgrab the back of you tshirt as it buts into your breast as i haul you to your feet
14:14 Jessie_Rez: I feel you having control of the match for the moment and you make things worse for me as you grab my red hair and my flimsy white top pulling me up to my feet. I stagger a bit then I realize my tits are almost popping out of my top
14:25 Carolsingapore76: I take you to the corner pinning your arm over the ropes clasping the back of ur neck with both hands " here is some payback " as i drive my thigh deep into your belly
14:26 Jessie_Rez: I'm helpless for the moment and as you hold me I feel you're thick thigh ramming into my belly causing me to cough and gas for air. My head tilts forward almost in between your tits
14:28 Carolsingapore76: Welcoming your face into my bosum i drag you out of the corner your face planted into my sweaty cleavage i plant my heel.into your belly and fall back monkey flipping you over me
14:29 Jessie_Rez: My tall lanky body gets flipped over you easy and I land in a heap on my back. I clutch my back as I lay there and I roll onto my side but then roll onto my back again
14:34 Carolsingapore76: Grinning slowly getting to my hands and knees as i flop over you in a cross body pin one arm between my thigh while ur other arm i pin it down with my arm my weight on top of you as the ref counts ONE!!!
14:39 Jessie_Rez: Two!!!.. then I try to conserve my energy then I kick out lifting up my shoulder breaking the pinfall attempt. I hear the crowd cheering for you taking over the match at the moment. I was clearly the underdog coming into this match and that's what it's looking like now
14:40 Carolsingapore76: You kick out breaking the count gtabbing you hair as i haul you to your feeet and whip you into the corner hard
14:42 Jessie_Rez: Gggaaeeeeeee.... I get thrown into the nearby corner as you use my hair. I grunt as I land in the corner using the ropes to keep me up on my feet
14:42 Carolsingapore76: As you steady ur self i run into the corner full speed hoping to body splash you in the corner
14:43 Jessie_Rez: I'm just getting my footing and bringing my legs together stand up then I see a flash coming at me and it's too late and I get smashed with the big body splash from you. This knocks the wind out of me then I Fall to my ass in the corner with my legs extending out
14:47 Carolsingapore76: The ring cornee rockes the ropes wobbles as my 175 pound frame pancakes you in the corner as you fall to you ass i turn around grabbing the ropes on either side shifting my pelvic forward and drive my ass hard into your face
14:50 Jessie_Rez: Before I know it I'm getting a face full of your ass feeling your warm cheeks shoving my head back into the middle turnbuckle. I start waving my arms around and then slapping at your thighs trying to get you to move away
14:53 Carolsingapore76: "And here i thought your were loving it" as i slam my ass into your face
14:57 Jessie_Rez: All of a sudden your ass slams into my face again knocking some sense out of me. My head drops a little as I'm leaning in the corner trying to get my senses back
16:28 Carolsingapore76: i turn around grabbing you tshirt trying to yank you to your feet in the corner "hope oyu are enjoying honey" as the crowd jeers me
08:01 Jessie_Rez: My senses are a little foggy as I am trying to get back into the match. Desperate I send a forearm at your belly as you haul me up...
08:03 Carolsingapore76: offf i bellow not expecting that as the crowd cheers their approval as i stagger back folding over body soaked in sweat
08:10 Jessie_Rez: As you back up I step up on the middle ropes in the corner balancing myself...trying to recover as I wait for you to straighten up...
08:12 Carolsingapore76: pushing back my hair one hands around my tummy i slowly straighten up
08:15 Jessie_Rez: I steady myself and then launch myself at you...twisting my body in the air and going for a flying cross body block to your body...
08:18 Carolsingapore76: oh fuck i snarl as you slam into my.. i crash onto the mat the ring shuddering as you land cross body on my knocking the wind out of me
08:18 Jessie_Rez: I grunt as I land on you...then hooking your right leg and going for the pin. 1....
08:20 Carolsingapore76: dazed as you hook my legs laying under you i tryto get ym bearing asi heard the ref slap the mat one..
08:22 Jessie_Rez: It seems like the referee is taking forever. I keep your leg hooked in the air... 2.
08:24 Carolsingapore76: taking a deep breath as our bodies mesh into each other i pivot my boy lifting my shoulder to break the count still laying under you
08:26 Jessie_Rez: My body bounces and lifts from you breaking the pin. I lay on your chest now feeling our tits molding in with each other. Then I slide my head and my face to your right side. Nestling into you I kiss your cheek then I start licking your earlobe.."a little payback".
08:27 Carolsingapore76: i bite my lip as you licking my ear love body raked in pain from the cross body as i lay there recovering enjoying the pleasures
08:28 Jessie_Rez: I shift over to the other side doing the same thing. Kissing your cheek and then licking your earlobe.. one hand slides around your belly up towards your tits
08:32 Carolsingapore76: being distracted i close my eyes as your hands work their magic i try to get off the mat
08:33 Jessie_Rez: I get both of your ear lobes glistening with my saliva. Then I get to my knees and I grab your hair and the back of your neck starting to pull you up to your feet with me as I'm trying to gain more of the momentum
08:35 Carolsingapore76: jerked back to reality i am yanked ot my feet as i stagger slowly getting up
08:36 Jessie_Rez: Then I grab your arm and I throw you to the ropes quickly. Expecting you to bounce back towards me then I turn my body and I try to hook your arm and your shoulder with my right arm trying to hip toss you to the canvas
08:38 Carolsingapore76: whipped to the ropes i pivot my back into it and away to you not sure what to expect as you hip toss me over you to the mat as i crash heavily on my butt and side as i slowly lay there curling into a ball
08:39 Jessie_Rez: Some of the crowd is getting on my side then I walk towards you and I grab your left leg and roll you onto your back. I start twisting your boot to the outside again
08:44 Carolsingapore76: pivoted on to my back as you lock on to my boot twisting slapping the mat.... pulling my right boot back to try to kick out at your belly
08:44 Jessie_Rez: The heel of your boot catches me in the belly and I grunt from the impact. And let go of your boot and I bend over slightly taking a few steps back away from you yr
08:46 Carolsingapore76: i turn to my side than all fours asi start to crawl trying to get away from you
08:47 Jessie_Rez: I want you to try to crawl away. I stagger towards you then I grab your hair and I start mounting your lower back almost like I'm trying to ride you. I pull on your hair telling you to give me a ride around the ring
08:48 Carolsingapore76: ughh the crowd has a laugh as u straddle me my hear arched viciously by ur hair grab as i try to straighten up on my knes
08:50 Jessie_Rez: Whoooaaaaa! As you start to straighten up then I fall off of you landing on my back behind you now after releasing your hair as you're on your knees in front of me with my legs around you at your sides
08:52 Carolsingapore76: you lock ur legs around as i start to fall back on my ass in fornt of you
08:53 Jessie_Rez: I'm on my back and I try to secure my legs around your waist and squeeze trying to cross my sneakers in front of you as you sit there.
08:57 Carolsingapore76: quickly grabbing you ankles as i feel the strengths fro you legs around my waist i glance back trying to throw an elbow but i miss
08:58 Jessie_Rez: I'm trying to keep squeezing you but I feel you grab my ankles making it hard. I sneaker at you when your elbow misses me. Then I reach up tapping your cheek a few times asking you if this feels good
09:00 Carolsingapore76: the cheek slaps irritate my as i shake my head in defiance... working you ankles trying to get it unhooked i drive an elbow into the inside of ur thighs
09:01 Jessie_Rez: I'm thinking I'm getting the momentum but all of a sudden your elbow smashes into my inner thigh and it breaks my scissor hold on you. I hold where your elbow smashed my leg as my legs collapse to the sides of you on the canvas
09:02 Carolsingapore76: on my ass as i lean on my side on the leg that i just elbowed grabbing you ankle i pull it into my body trying to twist
09:06 Jessie_Rez: I feel my leg pinned by your weight and now my leg is bent in. I feel you grabbing my red sneaker and twisting my ankle as well. I shake my leg around and then I slap my hand on the canvas showing the pain that I'm in.
09:11 Carolsingapore76: hearing you slap the mat i crank on the ankle again as i shake my head " not so happy now eh "
09:12 Jessie_Rez: I feel my ankle twisted a little bit tighter. Then I slap at your back a couple times trying to get you to let go
09:14 Carolsingapore76: your slap stings as i let go of you ankle as i let go i drive another elbowew into you thigh as i start to get to my feet
09:15 Jessie_Rez: Screaming again with your elbow smashing my inner thigh in the same spot. I clutch my thigh with both hands as you get to your feet. I look and glare up at you
09:17 Carolsingapore76: i bend down " two van play the game" as i grab you right leg hoisting it in the air twisting ur ankle
09:18 Jessie_Rez: You're smart as you grab my good leg and twist my ankle really holding onto my red sneaker. My other leg is hurt so I can't kick at you. I try to pull my leg out of your grasp as you stand above me
09:21 Carolsingapore76: knowing your left leg i just elbowed i work you right ankle hair grinning asi twist it as i slam and stomp into your hamstring holding on to your sneaker
09:23 Jessie_Rez: Oouuxhhhhh! I grunt from the stomp...I lift my left hurt leg and try to kick you but my sneaker just grazes your leg..
09:27 Carolsingapore76: holding on to your right ankle i undo the laces and throw the sneaker to the crowd as they jeer my i grab your right big toe aid twist it hard
09:29 Jessie_Rez: I grunt and yell as you take off my new red sneaker! My body shakes and jerks once you twist my toe so hard! I can't stand it as my pain in my toe is so Intense....
09:31 Carolsingapore76: "ask her ref" as the ref turns to you dropping to one knee i take ur big toe in my mouth and slowly suck it
09:32 Jessie_Rez: My body starts to melt and relax as you keep my toe in your mouth..I feel the slow sucking and tongue action. The ref asks me if I give...slowly I shake my head wondering what else you might try...
09:36 Carolsingapore76: my grip on your right to control not to hurt as i work you big toe in my mouth running my tongue around it as the ref is focus on you a little payback for the distraction earlier
09:38 Jessie_Rez: I watch you keep my toe inside your mouth and now I run my hands through my hair feeling the intense pleasure from this. At this point I don't even care my sneaker is in the crowd. Now even rub my lower belly towards my shorts
09:41 Carolsingapore76: sucking on each toe letting it out of my mouth wiht a pop i work form the big toe tothe smallest one
09:42 Jessie_Rez: My of me wants to fight back...I start to sit up but then you move to different toes and this overwhelms me...I fall to my back again...feeling so chills down my clit starting to get swollen...
09:43 Carolsingapore76: i drop to one knee working on your toes as the ref catches me asking me ot break
09:46 Jessie_Rez: In my mind it's almost like I don't want you to stop. I watch you go to your knees and I hear the referee. I'm getting a little bit more life back into my left leg as I slide it on the canvas. It will be a little bit awkward with just one sneaker on walking around
09:47 Carolsingapore76: frustrated i grab both you ankles hoisting them in the air as i get to my feet and stomp on your left hamstring
09:48 Jessie_Rez: Unnnn...unnnnn! I squeal and grunt with you kicking my hamstring right above my ass. Both of my legs in your control. I rub the back of my thigh where you kicked me as the referee continues to watch
09:51 Carolsingapore76: locking you ankles under my arm pit i try to slowly twist you body to turn you on your belly
09:52 Jessie_Rez: With my legs together I have no leverage and you are able to slowly roll me over to my belly.. I reach out for the ropes but they're too far away. Now I look back behind you looking to see what you're trying
09:53 Carolsingapore76: i slowly step over my back to you now locking on a boston crab still standing i lower my ass a little by little increasing the pressure on your back
09:54 Carolsingapore76:
09:54 Jessie_Rez: I'm feeling the pressure slowly increase on my back as you lock in the Boston crab. I feel my feet locked underneath your armpits. I reach back with my right hand grabbing at your calf muscle and then your thigh as I'm trying to pull my legs free
09:55 Carolsingapore76: "ask her ref" as i slowly crank back the crab till my ass touched yours sweat pouring both our bodies make the grip slippers but i hold on as yougrab my ankle
09:55 Carolsingapore76:
09:57 Jessie_Rez: The referee asked if I give up and I shake my head no side to side. I'm desperately trying to get my legs free but I feel locked in this hole pretty tight. I slap at your thigh a couple times trying to get you to release me
09:59 Carolsingapore76: as i crank the hold to work you back you slowly inch towards the ropes as the ref pats my shoulder asking my to break asi let go of your ankles in frustration
08:13 Jessie_Rez: My legs finally drop after you let go of them and now I'm holding my back. Now I'm using the ropes in front of me pulling me up to my knees as I still feel the pain in my back
09:51 Carolsingapore76: getting to my feet pushing my sweat soaked hair back as you pull your self to your knees i come after you grabbing you by the hair tucking your head between the top and second ropes making you face the crowd i reach over the top ropes and cup ur chin pulling ur head back stretching you over the ropes for the crowd to jeer me
09:51 Carolsingapore76:
09:53 Jessie_Rez: I'm about to get snaked in between the ropes and then as I'm pulled back by my chin in this chin lock my tits jut out towards the crowd and I'm trapped in this position. I struggle and gravit your hands trying to get my chin free
09:56 Carolsingapore76: the ref warning me as the ref starts counting to break the hold, i stretch you as much as i can than let go of you raising my hands in the air to the ref as you slump on the ropes
09:58 Jessie_Rez: I slump and my body bends over the middle rope as my upper body hangs outside of the ring. I'm rubbing my chin as I hear you arguing with the referee. I grab the ropes trying to position myself to slide back into the ring
10:02 Carolsingapore76: after receiving the lecture from the ref i turn to you " here let me help you" as i grab your hair pulling you into the ring tucking you head between my legs i double hook your arm teasing the crowd as my free hand spanks your ass counting 1....2...3 i puck you up and pedigree your body to the mat
10:02 Carolsingapore76:
10:03 Jessie_Rez: I'm trying to fight out of this but I get teased then hit with the pedigree and my face slamming into the canvas. I lay there stunned trying to keep my eyes open as I lay face first into the canvas
10:12 Carolsingapore76: on my knee as i survey the damage and roll you over on to your back.. crawling over your body i reverse face sit straddle your face as i grab you soaked tshirt jerking it up exposing ur tits to the crowd as the ref counts 1...
10:12 Carolsingapore76:
10:16 Jessie_Rez: I can smell your pussy as you straddle my face then I realize my top is getting ripped off. My bare tits exposed.. I struggle underneath you moving my shoulders around waiting for the referee to count again
10:19 Carolsingapore76: The ref counts 2 as arch back more pinning your body down as i feel your hot breath between my legs as my fingers pulls on ur exposed nips
10:35 Jessie_Rez: I groaned and grunt as you start pulling on my nipples as my mind and my sights are still a bit hazy from the pedigree.
10:43 Carolsingapore76: I raise my fingers counting 1..2... 3 to mimic the ref counting as the bell rings signaling my hard fought win. I continue to sit on your face as the ref raises my hand
10:45 Jessie_Rez: I'm clearly defeated as you continue to sit and smother my face. I feel my nipples so hard with the cool air helping. I'm so overwhelmed and I thought I could win this match but you were just too good for me
10:53 Carolsingapore76: I slowly get to my feet standing beside you offering you my hand
10:54 Jessie_Rez: I start to wake up and I see you giving your hand to me. I grab it and I start pulling myself up to my knees trying to get to my feet
11:00 Carolsingapore76: Raising you hand as the crowd cheeers us both as i give you a hug and head out of the ring
11:10 Carolsingapore76: End
Published: 2024-11-15, viewed 92 times.
2024-11-16 17:50Epic back and forth match with a lovely decisive finish. Well done both wrestlers.
2024-11-22 03:40(In reply to this)
Thanks Brandi
Summer loves slams
2024-11-16 02:40That was great match up. Carol did amazing and Jessie looked so good on the receiving end.
2024-11-16 02:41(In reply to this)
Thanks Summer, would you like a few slams?
Summer loves slams
2024-11-16 04:23(In reply to this)
I am always a sucker for those both giving and receiving.
Jessie Rez
2024-11-16 02:39Thanks to everyone who read and commented
2024-11-15 10:02Carol as dominant as ever, Jessie, you put up a great fight <3
What a match ladies! Amazing
2024-11-15 10:03(In reply to this)
Thank Nikki darling, we need to set a date soon
2024-11-15 10:10(In reply to this)
We definitely do! Looking forward to sharing the ring with you <3
2024-11-15 09:17Great match both of you and congrats on the deserving win, Carol!
2024-11-15 10:03(In reply to this)
thanks Tap
Rassler in 20s
2024-11-15 07:44Wow that was devastating...Jessie you really need to find someone who match your weight class....Get well soon
Awesome Carol that was Savage!!
Jessie Rez
2024-11-16 02:40(In reply to this)
I think I did pretty well against her
2024-11-16 07:13(In reply to this)
Yes 👍 you gave your best
2024-11-15 07:50(In reply to this)
Thanks for the kinds words
Holly Princess
2024-11-15 07:41great match both of you ^^ and bravo for Carol
2024-11-15 07:42(In reply to this)
Thanks Darling, Jessi make it awesome