OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
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  • Outdoors match
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OCW: Amazing Andrea vs. Destiny Desire



21:53 Amazing_Andrea: It's a bright and beautiful Sunday afternoon at the OCW Beach Ring. There's a small crowd gathered around the ringside area, but hopefully we can fill some more seats as we get going! I make my way down the aisle past the cheering spectators, wearing a tiny black bikini with a string connecting the top and bottom. I'm also wearing sunglasses and a haughty expression as I make my way to the ring for my OCW debut, and already I'm in a match that could land me a title shot. I climb into the ring, looking completely unconcerned as I lean against the turnbuckles, awaiting my opponent.

21:53 Amazing_Andrea:

21:57 Destiny_Desire: Beautiful is an understatement for the day as the sun shines brightly, not a cloud in the sky. I had been given a once in a lifetime kind of shot at OCW, a chance at the championship! I begin sauntering my way down to the ring clad in my usual bikini, swaying my hips seductively to the crowd as I get mentally prepared for the match ahead. I break into a slight job, high fiving some of the fans I make my way down the ramp and leap up onto the apron. I step through the bottom rope and bounce around the ring a bit, waving and blowing kisses to the crowd before I make my way to my corner and stretch a bit before the bell.

21:57 Destiny_Desire:

22:02 Amazing_Andrea: I watch my opponent make her way to the ring, smirking a little bit. I grab the ropes and pull on them, stretching while I test their tension, then bounce on the balls of my bare feet. Finally, I take my sunglasses off, setting them down in the corner before going to the middle of the ring to meet my opponent, waiting for the bell to ring to start the contest!

22:03 Levii: *takes a seat in the crowd* Go Andrea!

22:04 Dimitri_Dragoon: *takes a seat next to Levii* Go Destiny!

22:04 Destiny_Desire: I make my way to the center of the ring coming face to face with Andrea for the first time. She’s definitely a bit bigger than me but I’m used to taking on opponent’s larger than myself. No doubt I would have to pull out all the stops to make this match mine. I reach my hand out to Andrea as a show of sportsmanship, ready to give the crowd a good show as I mentally prepare for the night ahead.

22:06 ErinEevee: "You can do this baby!"

22:10 Amazing_Andrea: The bell rings and I move quickly and confidently, trying to lock up with my slightly smaller opponent, hoping to grab her and lock up with her in a traditional collar-and-elbow, with my right hand going for the back of her throat and my left hand going for her right elbow. It's an easy position to reciprocate, so we'll see if she goes for it.

22:12 Destiny_Desire: I reciprocate the lockup with you as we tangle up for the first time in the match. I know I’m at a slight disadvantage here as you have a lot of height and weight on me, but I try my best to keep up with you. I try to outmuscle you a bit hoping to open you up for a transition to a side headlock… a gamble for sure but I will be a big boost in momentum early on.

22:16 Amazing_Andrea: I feel you trying to pull me into the headlock, and I pretend to go with it, releasing the hold and wrapping my arms around your middle. But instead of letting you turn into the headlock I try to rush toward the ropes, wanting to bull rush you into the corner and make you hit your back against the turnbuckles.

22:19 Destiny_Desire: You start to overpower me quickly in the match as I feel you start running me towards the corner… I have to think quickly if I want to get out of this one. But before I can think up a plan to counter I feel my back slam hard into the turnbuckle! A sickeningly loud thud ringing out around ringside as my body collides with it. I arch my back in pain as I quickly find myself in a less than advantageous position…

22:21 Amazing_Andrea: I grin as your back hits the turnbuckles, and I hear how hard you hit. I push your arm off from around me, grabbing you by the wrist and immediately, I try to whip you across the ring into the ropes to bounce you off.

22:22 Destiny_Desire: I don’t want to give up that easily as I try to reverse the whip, putting all of my momentum into trying to throw you towards the ropes… I may still be new to OCW, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to be pushed around by you!

22:24 Amazing_Andrea: I think I've got you where I want you, but you reverse the whip and send me running into the ropes instead. I try to recover from the surprise and recommit, planning to bring my arm up and slam it across your chest in a big clothesline if I can!

22:26 Destiny_Desire: I get ready as I hold my ground seeing you barreling straight for me, poised like a snake ready to strike… I leap into action as I see you getting close ready to land a superkick to your head! I’ll have to be nimble and on my toes if I want any chance at the championship.

22:26 Zack_Davis: *Finally able to settle in and enjoy a good match, an objective observer as this match will determine a championship match-up ... *

22:27 Amazing_Andrea: You don't appear to even be moving as I come in, running at you with my arm extended. But just as I go for the strike, your foot snaps up and catches me right under the jaw, sending me stumbling back, knocking me for a loop but somehow not knocking me straight down.

22:29 Destiny_Desire: I get ready to strike yet again as I see you stumble backwards! I charge towards you full speed as I get ready to leap into the air for a dropkick, hoping to take you down the canvas this time… Spurred on by the size of the crowd as I continue to try to ramp up to bigger and bigger moves!

22:30 Amazing_Andrea: I hear your footsteps as you charge toward me. I can't stop the dropkick, only bring up my arms and kind of deflect it. It keeps me on my feet, but I continue to stumble backward, my back hitting the turnbuckles and bouncing me off weakly, off balance and vulnerable.

22:32 Destiny_Desire: I watch as you continue to stagger backwards not quite able to take you down to the canvas just yet… I hop back to my feet, not ready to give up my assault as I come barreling towards you once more, not sure what my plan is just yet but clearly setting up to use the corner to my advantage…

22:34 Zack_Davis: *cracks a beer from my cooler* ...."anyone"

22:35 Amazing_Andrea: You come running hard at me and I try to beat you to the punch. As you come at me, I come out of the corner, bringing up my arm and trying to drive it across your throat in a sort of short-arm clothesline attempt!

22:37 Destiny_Desire: I see you swing your arm my way as I try to remain on my toes! With your kind of power, one single blow could turn the tide of the match… I try to halt my advance using the momentum to duck below the blow as I try to grab at your arm hoping to lock you into a Russian Leg Sweep, ready to fall back and slam you onto the mat!

22:43 Amazing_Andrea: I feel my arm go over your head, and I turn to try to catch you but you grab me, hooking my arm and my leg, and I can't stop you as you fall backward, slamming me to the mat with the Russian Leg Sweep. I hold the back of my head and roll away from you, trying to recover so I can get back up!

22:43 Zack_Davis: Impressive!

22:45 Destiny_Desire: I watch you for a moment as you roll away, sizing you up as I throw myself at the nearby ropes! I come barreling towards your body still on the floor as I leap off of my back foot, preparing for a leg drop to your back before you can find your footing! I’m throwing everything I have at you, eager for a chance at this title match…

22:50 Amazing_Andrea: I roll away, trying to get a little bit of distance from you, but I roll too far, ending up on my back, just as you leap up and drop your leg right across my chest and belly. I groan and double up a little, annoyed that I'm getting dominated early.

22:52 Zack_Davis: Ouch!

22:52 Destiny_Desire: I feel a direct hit as my leg comes crashing down onto your chest and belly! Yes! I’m in a good spot as I get ready to launch off another attack your way… It seems running attacks are my best bet as I make a run towards the opposite ropes yet again, trying to use hit and run tactics to the best of my ability against my larger opponent. I get ready to leap into the air once again this time for an elbow drop!

22:55 Amazing_Andrea: You're starting to piss me off at this point, as you keep running around and hitting me out of nowhere. So I listen this time, hearing your footsteps as you bounce off the far ropes again. I wait, trying to time my movement this time, so that as you commit to the elbow drop, I grab the ropes and YANK myself out of the way and try to avoid the elbow!

22:56 Destiny_Desire: For the first time in this match, my strike doesn’t find its target… it’s too late as I’ve already leapt into the air! I come crashing down hard onto the canvas, elbow first… I clutch my elbow from the sudden sharp pain shooting up it as I try to roll myself away from you this time!

22:57 Zack_Davis: "That's gonna leave a mark!"

22:59 Amazing_Andrea: I start getting up to my feet, grumbling under my breath as I start stalking after you. I don't attack prematurely, instead waiting for you to start getting up. As you do, I'll come up behind you, and attempt to drive a clubbing forearm blow across your back!

23:01 Destiny_Desire: I try my best to scramble back to my feet as I hold my elbow from the impact… I finally get back to my feet but I’ve gotten all turned around in my panic! Just before I can get my sights back on you I feel a shot hammer into my back… I stumble several feet forwards from the force of the impact, trying to regain my sense of direction!

23:05 Amazing_Andrea: You stumble away from me straight into the corner, so I turn you around and push your back against the turnbuckle. I raise my arm and try to slam my hand across your chest in a big chop!

23:05 Thick_Ranya: “Come on Destiny you got this”

23:06 Destiny_Desire: I find myself yet again in the corner as you overpower me… I feel a sharp chop come crashing into my chest as I let out a yelp of pain, quickly raising my arms in an attempt to block any further damage to my body. I have to think of a way out of the corner of this could be bad news for me!

23:08 Amazing_Andrea: I smile wickedly as you take the chop and cover up, turtling a bit in the corner so I can't do it again. Well, fine. I just bend down, grabbing you and trying to pick you up, turning and pulling you out of the corner and trying to just bodyslam you hard in the middle of the ring.

23:09 Destiny_Desire: With ease you lift me up and out of the corner… I have a bad feeling as that sinking sense forms in the pit of my stomach. For a brief moment everything seems to go into slow motion as you pull me out of the corner, slamming me hard against the canvas for a body slam dead center of the ring! I arch my back in pain, letting out groans as I feel completely dazed from the body slam…

23:10 Zack_Davis: *cracks another beer, hands it to @Queen_Olivia, then another for myself* ... SHAKE THAT OFF, ROOKIE!

23:13 Amazing_Andrea: I smirk as you lay there on the mat in pain. Not planning to let up on you at all, I stand over you and stomp on your belly and chest a few times with my bare feet, trying to keep you from getting back up immediately.

23:16 Destiny_Desire: You rain down shot after shot on my poor body as I quickly try to curl up to defend myself in vain. I take each and every stomp as I make a desperate attempt to defend myself… I try back away from you using my arms and legs, not sure how I found myself in this predicament!

23:19 Amazing_Andrea: As you scramble away from me, trying to keep me from stomping on you, but I reach down and grab you by the wrist, pulling you back toward me and up to your feet again. Not wanting to give you any time to recover, I yank hard and try to send you whipping into the far ropes.

23:21 Lucicat: fingers crossed,

23:21 ErinEevee: You can do this Destiny

23:22 Destiny_Desire: I limply get back to my feet as you yank me hard by the wrist pulling me back up… I stand there for a moment dazed before you whip me towards the far ropes! I bounce off them reading myself to use the momentum for an attack of some sort, my brains still somewhat scrambled from that big bodyslam just moments ago! I finally decide I will throw myself at you with a flying crossbody, hoping to knock you down to the canvas once more!

23:30 Amazing_Andrea: You come flying through the air at me, and I smile as I see the opportunity. I catch you, smiling wickedly as I hold you there, right arm between your legs holding you by the ass, left arm wrapped around your upper body. I hold you there and start posing for a moment before lifting you up, falling forward and trying to absolutely crush you with a falling powerslam!

23:32 Destiny_Desire: A sea of camera flashes go off as you pose with me in your arms… I’m shocked by your strength as you catch me mid-air and raise me up! The ring shakes from the huge impact as you powerslam me into the canvas, an echoey reverb coming from the ring as my body crashes into it! Completely dazed from the shot I struggle to remember who or where I am… undoubtedly one of the biggest slams I’ve taken since arriving here!

23:33 Rylee_rocket: Go Andrea!!!

23:36 Thick_Ranya: “It’s looking so bad hopefully Destiny can come back”

23:37 Amazing_Andrea: I get back up, grinning and yelling loudly as I pose in a dominant position, flexing and winking at Rylee.

23:38 Rylee_rocket: Smiles at Andrea

23:38 Nathan_gingerbread: Come on destiny ...get up

23:38 ErinEevee: "Come on baby, you can take more than this"

23:39 Dimitri_Dragoon: I cup my hands around the sides of my mouth to yell at the ring. "Get up Destiny! You can do this!"

23:42 Destiny_Desire: I lie on the ground groaning in pain as you pose over me… I can’t seem to make my body move as the pain starts to settle in from all the damage I’ve taken in a short amount of time…

23:44 Amazing_Andrea: I grab you by the hair now, snarling at all the boos as apparently Rylee is my only fan. I huff as I yank roughly, trying to pull you up to your feet so that you're facing away from me. From there, I'll wrap my arms around your middle and wait for the high elbow that I know is going to come...

23:45 Destiny_Desire: I let out a slight whimper as you grab me by the hair, pulling me back up to my feet for some more punishment… I feel your arms wrap around me and I start to get the feeling something big is coming! I fall right into your trap as I swing a high elbow right for you, hoping to stop the setup in progress!

23:47 Zack_Davis: *cracks a third beer ... Taking notes*

23:48 Amazing_Andrea: But I expected the elbow, and I duck under it. As your elbow swings over my head, I lift and arch my back, trying to send you overhead and slam the back of your head and shoulders into the mat with a huge German suplex!

23:48 Destiny_Desire: I lay there motionless on the canvas in lala land for a moment as my head comes smashing down onto the canvas… I lay sprawled out on the mat as I try desperately to yell to my body to get up and fight!! Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be listening right now…

23:51 Amazing_Andrea: I smirk and pose again for the crowd, soaking up the boos as it seems the entire crowd is pretty much united against me. From there, I turn back to you, grabbing you by the hair again and pulling you to your feet. But before we go anywhere, I grab your bikini and try to quickly strip it off of you, first the top and then the bottom, wanting to untie it or just tear it off.

23:51 Rylee_rocket: Keep it up Andrea!!!

23:52 Destiny_Desire: I feel the fabric slip off of my body exposing myself to the crowd! Normally, I would quickly cover up embarrassed by being completely nude in the ring… but my arms feel too heavy to move… I continue to try to nurse my wounds, taking as much punishment as I can… waiting for an opening to mount a comeback. An opening that would have to come soon, or I was done for!

23:53 Nathan_gingerbread: 📸

23:53 Thick_Ranya: Hits on the barricade trying to motivate Destiny anyway I can

23:53 Dimitri_Dragoon: "Booo!" I yell, but still thankful for the sights Andrea has bestowed.

23:54 Zack_Davis: *tosses empty beer bottle at Rylee* 👅

23:55 Amazing_Andrea: I laugh a bit at the predictable audience as I shove you into the corner. Not wasting any time, I hook your arms and legs over the top and bottom ropes, wanting to trap you there so that I can play with you a bit. I start by teasing your nipples with my fingers, grinning at the booing crowd.

23:56 Rylee_rocket: Catches it* thanks zack

23:56 Destiny_Desire: I let out a gasp as you shove me into the corner… but that gasp quickly becomes a moan as you begin to tease my sensitive nipples. I have nowhere to run, and no chance of attacking from this position as you play with me, toying with me for everyone to see… almost putting me on display…

23:57 Zack_Davis: *amazing reflexes 😜*

23:57 Rylee_rocket: Shocking I know I am shocked I got it to hahaha

23:58 Rylee_rocket: Come Andrea finish her!!

00:03 Amazing_Andrea: I see that you're enjoying my attention, so I advance my action some, bringing my right hand down to start rubbing between your thighs and lean down to start sucking on one of those hard nipples.

00:05 Destiny_Desire: My moan become breathier and breathier as you work me over in the corner… I’m not used to this level of eroticism in my matches as you show your sexual dominance over me in the ring to the whole crowd! I feel the excitement starting to mount in my body as the pleasure spreads through my entire body… I don’t try to resist, attempting to save my strength for a pivotal moment…

00:08 Amazing_Andrea: After a minute or two of this, I pull you out of the corner and bend down, attempting to lift you up into position for a tombstone piledriver. But in your current nude state, this also gives me the opportunity to trap your head between my thighs and create a standing 69 position. I use my tongue on you, wanting to really get you ready to explode before attempting to drive your head into the mat!

00:09 Rylee_rocket: 😳

00:10 Destiny_Desire: My moans become louder and louder, almost echoing around ringside as you hoist me up and begin using your tongue on me! I kick my legs somewhat but I still don’t have nearly enough strength to reverse the hold… I can feel myself being brought to the edge of ecstasy nearly forgetting where I am from all the pleasurable sensations…

00:10 Dimitri_Dragoon: Holy Hell. Uhh... Go Andrea!

00:11 Rylee_rocket: At least I did not change sides lol

00:11 Amazing_Andrea: You keep squirming and moaning and I can tell you're ready for it, so I take your clit into my mouth and suck on it as I drop to my knees, trying to drive you to the mat in the standing 69 piledriver finisher!

00:12 Dimitri_Dragoon: I'm a bad guy at heart.

00:13 TheBlackHulk: *😲what a finisher !

00:13 Destiny_Desire: I cum hard from the stimulation to my clit as my moans almost become screams of pleasure… I don’t have long to feel that though as suddenly I come crashing down hard onto the canvas! I’m left sprawled out as I feel dazed and confused from all the punishment I’ve been taking!

00:14 Amazing_Andrea: I hear the gasps and buzz of the crowd as I deliver my signature move, dropping you and leaving you laying there completely out of it. I smile as I float over, getting on top of you, hooking your near leg and laying across your chest, going for the academic pin, waiting for the referee to come in.

00:14 Rylee_rocket: Yeah Andrea!!!!!!

00:16 Destiny_Desire: “1!” I barely hear the shout of the ref as I lay there in my stupor… I try to yell for my body to do anything but it just isn’t having it!… I barely start to stir, having saved my strength for a moment such as now… it all comes down to this…

00:17 Zack_Davis: *I'm outta beer 🤷 heads for ThaBar to beat the crowd*

00:17 Amazing_Andrea: I grin at Rylee over at ringside, winking as I hold you down. The referee's hand comes up and down again and she shouts "2!" The boos are deafening as it's clear that you've got nothing left.

00:18 Destiny_Desire: I have very little left in the tank… but I’m not out of gas yet! I put what little strength I have to use, attempting to hook my leg on the nearby ropes, praying for a rope break so this match can continue!

00:21 Amazing_Andrea: I'm just waiting for the 3-count, but instead the referee yells... "Rope!" I look up incredulously and see your foot on the bottom rope. "WHAT?!" I yell out in absolute disbelief, letting go of you and turning to the ref. "Are you an idiot?!" I scream at her.

00:22 Destiny_Desire: I lay there in a moment of disbelief that I was able to get my foot onto the ropes… I crawl onto all fours, trying to use the ropes to help myself back to my feet, eager to show the crowd this match isn’t over quite yet!

00:27 ErinEevee: "Damn right it isn't over yet!"

00:27 Karri_Muggins: oh please... stick a fork in her... she's done!!!

00:28 Amazing_Andrea: I argue with the referee for a moment as the crowd goes wild. But I realize that you're starting to get back up. Well, I better finish you off then. So I grab you as you get back to your feet, grabbing you and trying to shove you back into the corner so I can beat on you some more.

00:30 Destiny_Desire: I feel you pull me up to my feet yet again, as I bide my time… you throw me into the corner and like a cornered animal I take my chance! I throw all of my body weight behind a sharp knee aimed right to your stomach, hoping to gain some semblance of momentum in this match…

00:31 TanyaSexfight: Marvelous technique

00:32 Amazing_Andrea: I was just about to slam my forearm into your head in the corner, but your knee slams into my ribs and I double over, stepping back just a little, surprised and trying to catch my breath.

00:33 Destiny_Desire: Now’s my time to strike! I channel my inner rattlesnake and pounce on my opportunity… I try to take advantage of my newfound position by going for a hard hitting stunner, hoping to take some of the wind out of your sails!

00:33 Nathan_gingerbread: Yeah !!!

00:34 TheBlackHulk: Amazing !

00:34 Dimitri_Dragoon: Majestic!

00:34 Amazing_Andrea: I try to get out of your reach, but you time the move perfectly, grabbing my head and dropping into a picture-perfect stunner! you slam me down and I bounce out of the move, landing flat on my back in a daze, groaning as I hold my head and try to move.

00:36 Destiny_Desire: I look down at my nude body, panting hard from the intense match so far… in a shocking turn of events I feel an immense rage sweep over my body from the match thus far. I march over to you like a woman possessed, and promptly tear off your bikini… eager for some revenge as I toss it sailing into the crowd. No more playing nice!

00:36 Nathan_gingerbread: Stamps feet in rhythm

00:37 Nathan_gingerbread: Grabs it from the air ...

00:37 TheBlackHulk: Go Destiny !

00:37 TanyaSexfight: An eye for an eye

00:37 Dimitri_Dragoon: Oooooh! Wooo! *claps*

00:39 Amazing_Andrea: I gasp as you tear my bikini off and toss it into the crowd. "Bitch," I think, "That bikini cost $200!" I grab you by the hair trying to drag you back down, wanting to make you pay for that!

00:41 Destiny_Desire: I let out a slight yelp as you grab my hair, but I’m not ready to give up that easily! I retaliate by planting my foot firmly into the side of your body, hoping to shake you loose… for good measure I fire off a few more kicks to your side with my bare feet, ready to get some revenge for what you’ve done to me…

00:41 Amazing_Andrea: I yank and pull, but you manage to kick me off and I groan in pain as your foot slams into my ribs three more times, leaving me gasping and trying to recover.

00:43 Destiny_Desire: I hop onto you trying to pin you down with my bodyweight as I maneuver my head to your nipple and begin sucking… I snake my arm down your body, teasing the whole way as I begin rubbing your pussy, slowly at first as I look to give you the same as you’ve given me. Some erotic revenge!

00:43 Rylee_rocket: Turn it around Andrea!!!!

00:44 Amazing_Andrea: I moan as you surprise me with the erotic attack, I've never seen you actively involved in sexual stuff like this. But I can't help responding to your touch, getting wet and squirming as I feel your fingers enter me.

00:45 Destiny_Desire: I feel your whole body react to my touch as I knew it would… Usually I’m all for a clean fight but as the crowd so eloquently put it “an eye for an eye”! I push my fingers deep inside of you and begin trying my hardest to pleasure you, running my tongue along your nipples… almost in a lashing motion as I try to get you to cum for the crowd!

00:46 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: “Things getting spicy in here~”

00:46 Karri_Muggins: resist Andrea!!! get the little tart!

00:46 Dimitri_Dragoon: "Hot damn! Go Destiny!" I say as I lean forward to get a better view of the action.

00:46 TheBlackHulk: Tart ?

00:47 ErinEevee: My Destiny is not a tart

00:47 Amazing_Andrea: My back arches as you lash at my nipples with your tongue. I grab the back of your hair with my free hand but then your fingers push deep and I moan louder, unable to really jerk your head away like I wanted to.

00:47 Karri_Muggins: you prefer... Tramp... or Twirp... or...

00:48 Karri_Muggins: fight it Andrea!

00:48 Rylee_rocket: Come on Andrea

00:48 TheBlackHulk: I get to choose ?

00:49 Destiny_Desire: I feel you starting to react more and more to my touch, barely having enough willpower to fight my desirable touch… I continue to lash at your nipples for a moment before going back to sucking on them, simultaneously pulling my fingers out of you and working on your clit!

00:49 TheBlackHulk: Work her good Destiny !

00:50 TanyaSexfight: Wonderful work on the right areas

00:50 Nathan_gingerbread: Holds up sign You are not logged in.

00:51 Amazing_Andrea: My body starts tightening up, unable to fight against the pleasure. I know the longer I try to resist it, the more it's going to sap my strength, so I go with it, bucking my hips and moaning loudly as I cum, soaking your hand and throwing my head back.

00:53 Destiny_Desire: I sit back on my knees raising my arm triumphantly as I feel you cum hard onto my hands… it was the first time I had to use such a technique in the ring, but all’s fair in love and war! I take a moment to catch my breath before getting back to my feet, trying to grab you by the hair and force you back to your feet…

00:54 TheBlackHulk: What a reversal !

00:57 Amazing_Andrea: I hiss in pain as you drag me to my feet. I'm moving slowly after the effects of the stunner and the orgasm, but I'm not done fighting you yet. And with you in control I want to try anything I can to get back into this, so I sneakily try to rake your eyes with my fingers, hoping to surprise you with the heelish move.

00:59 Thick_Ranya: “Get her Destiny!”

01:00 Karri_Muggins: YAAA... that's it Andrea!!!

01:00 Rylee_rocket: That’s it Andrea!!!!!

01:00 Destiny_Desire: I soak in the cheers of the crowd as I raise you to your feet… only to have you rake my eyes with your fingers! I let out a slight scream at the heelish tactic taking a few steps back while grabbing my eyes, trying to regain my will to fight in an attempt to stay in this match!

01:01 Dimitri_Dragoon: I can only respect the eye attack, as I cheer for Destiny, hoping no one notices the turncoat.

01:01 Amazing_Andrea: I get fully back to my feet now, feeling you pull away and try to cover your eyes. It gives me the perfect opportunity, and I grab your wrists, trying to send you into the ropes again with another HARD Irish whip!

01:01 Rylee_rocket: *glares*

01:02 Destiny_Desire: I feel you grab onto my wrists and I begin to move with you as you try to throw me for an Irish whip! Only I’m not having it this time… I try to stand my ground hoping to reverse the Irish whip and send you in my place! Ready to follow close behind with a harsh clothesline against the ropes!

01:05 Amazing_Andrea: I feel you trying to reverse the whip, but I can't stop you, and it's me that goes running this time, all the way across the ring, catching myself on the ropes so I don't bounce back. But you come running right for me with a clothesline, and as your arm slams into me all I can do is to grab you so that we BOTH go ass over teakettle out of the ring and crash onto the sand!

01:05 Thick_Ranya: This is definitely getting intense

01:06 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: it is indeed

01:08 Destiny_Desire: Much to my surprise I find us both spilling out of the ring and into the hot sand… I lay there for a moment groaning as I try to find myself back to my feet before you can. I take a quick moment to survey the surrounding area before a shockingly evil thought crosses my mind… I grab at your hair ready to bash your head against the nearby announcer’s table as I hope to roll your dazed body up and onto it…

01:09 Lucicat: oh that's harsh

01:10 TheBlackHulk: Harsh is fun !

01:10 Lucicat: cruel

01:11 Amazing_Andrea: I groan as we're in a tangle of limbs, but somehow, you manage to get up before I can. I'm working on it but suddenly the table comes into view and I see stars as you slam my head into it. You roll me up onto the table and I lay there, trying to shake off the cobwebs.

01:11 Karri_Muggins: let's go Andrea!!!

01:11 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Well, it did get erotic so anything can be cruel at this point!

01:11 Karri_Muggins: as stated... all's fair!

01:12 Zack_Davis: A handful of sand in the eyes is always effective ... Not that I've ever done that 😏

01:12 TheBlackHulk: 🤣

01:12 Rylee_rocket: *smirks because I have*

01:12 Destiny_Desire: I hop up onto the table with you, biding my time while I wait for you to get back to your feet like a predator sizing up its prey… I get ready for a big boot to your stomach when you rise to your feet…

01:12 Zack_Davis: (ask Sig 😁)

01:13 Amazing_Andrea: You start pulling me up and I want to set you up for a backdrop over me and back onto the sand, but your foot sinks into my belly instead and I go back down to one knee!

01:14 Dimitri_Dragoon: I watch, slack jawed in amazement as these two beautiful women are fighting right near where I sat.

01:15 Destiny_Desire: Exactly the moment I was waiting for! I put my arm around your head, gripping you tightly as I set up for one of my biggest moves to date… I make sure I’ve got you tightly in my grasp as I raise one arm triumphantly, my entire body dripping with sweat! I kick out my leg and begin to fall backwards…

01:17 Amazing_Andrea: My eyes widen a drop of sweat falling from the tip of my nose as the table comes rushing up at me, your DDT hitting fully, SPIKING my head into the table and breaking it, leaving me laying on my back dazed and twitching as the crowd goes absolutely bonkers.

01:17 Rylee_rocket: Nooooo

01:17 Dimitri_Dragoon: WHOA!! She ate that table!

01:17 Lucicat: come Destiny!

01:17 Nathan_gingerbread: 🙌👐🙌👐

01:17 TheBlackHulk: Yesssss

01:18 Thick_Ranya: Jumps up clapping whistling my enjoyment for what has happened “come on Destiny finish her”

01:18 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: There we go!

01:18 Karri_Muggins: NOOO!!!... snap out of it Andrea!!!

01:18 TheBlackHulk: Looks like she got snapped into it

01:18 Thick_Ranya: Lol

01:19 Lucicat: I look at Karri..I laugh

01:20 Karri_Muggins: sneers... it ain't over yet Luci

01:20 Destiny_Desire: I peel myself off of the cold hard ground after such an amazingly devastating move, but I’m not done showing off the crowd just yet… I have some more payback before I finish things. I calmly begin making my way over the apron, stepping up onto it and beginning to mentally prepare myself… I had been practicing a move for a while now and I think it’s finally time to unveil it. I take a moment to quiet my nerves as the ring seemingly quiets with me. Ever the daredevil, I jump up onto the middle rope! This will finish it! I springboard off of it, soaring through the air in a moonsault as I prepare to collide with your semi-unconscious body!

01:22 Rylee_rocket: Come on Andrea

01:22 Karri_Muggins: WAKE UP ANDREA!!!... ROLL!!!

01:22 Dimitri_Dragoon: 😲

01:22 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *watches*

01:22 Lucicat: yes Karri, it's not over yet.. not for Destiny

01:23 Karri_Muggins: whatevaaaa!

01:24 Amazing_Andrea: I hear a muffled shouting from what sounds far away... I think my name was part of the shout, but I can't fully tell. I look up and through the fog, all I can see is the nude body of my opponent flipping through the air... I try to move, but I can't commit to either rolling or pulling my knees up, and I'm too late either way as I sit up right into the moonsault, your chest crashing against mine and flattening me back down into the wreckage of the table!

01:25 Rylee_rocket: Nooooooo Andrea

01:25 Karri_Muggins: NOOOOO!!!... God damn it!

01:25 TheBlackHulk: Yesssss

01:25 Thick_Ranya: Never count out Destiny

01:26 Dimitri_Dragoon: I bang on the barrier in excitement! "YES! Destiny! Never doubted you for a moment!"

01:26 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Finish it!

01:26 Destiny_Desire: I take a moment to catch my breath rolling off of you and falling to my knees somewhat exhausted from the display so far… this grueling match was taking its toll on me and I would have to end it now if I wanted to come out on top… I once more go to pick you up by the hair, parading you over to the apron before trying to smash your heavily injured head into it, getting ready to roll you back into the ring…

01:28 Amazing_Andrea: It's like dead weight rolling me over and dragging me, barely crawling, by the hair back to the ring. Unable to hold myself up after the pair of devastating moves on the outside. Just as I start to get to my feet, you slam my face into the apron and I collapse again into the sand making you have to pick me up again.

01:29 Destiny_Desire: I have to use all of my strength to hoist you up as I roll you back into the ring, following closely behind myself as I try to think of what I will have to do to put this match away… I slink about the ring, eyeing you up as I taunt you to return to your feet.

01:30 Rylee_rocket: This is it reverse it Andrea fast!!!!!!!

01:30 Karri_Muggins: come on Andrea... snap out of it.. you got this girl!!!!

01:31 Dimitri_Dragoon: Loving the brutality Destiny! You might make a good heel too!

01:32 Lucicat: I have to laugh when you say that Karri

01:33 Karri_Muggins: happy to help ya stop laughing there Luci anytime... GO ANDREA!!!

01:33 Thick_Ranya: Thinks about Karri and Luci might be in that ring next after this

01:34 Amazing_Andrea: I'm laying there, hearing the crowd cheering, feeling your presence, watching me, stalking me. I grab the nearby rope with one hand, trying to use the time to recover a little, but climbing the ropes like a ladder, getting to my feet, trying to feel where you are. As you approach I turn, trying to surprise you as my foot lashes out, trying to kick you hard in the breadbasket!

01:35 Robs40: Come on Destiny!

01:35 Karri_Muggins: YAAA.. there ya go Andrea!!! WOOOO!!!

01:35 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: And here we go again

01:35 Lucicat: I smile arrogantly, seriously Karri?

01:36 Destiny_Desire: I have the advantage of preparation on my side! I watch as you heavily telegraph the kick, and catch it in my arms… I try to use what strength I have remaining to spin you around and go for a distracting kiss to your lips… showing the crowd a taste of what’s to come…

01:37 Amazing_Andrea: The kick misses entirely, and suddenly, I'm spun around and pulled into a kiss. My eyes widen and I try to pull away!

01:37 Lucicat: Yes Destiny

01:37 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: And never mind, good job!

01:37 TheBlackHulk: Hehehe!

01:37 Thick_Ranya: *writes to remember that tactic for my matches*

01:38 Destiny_Desire: I take this moment to strike my finishing move! Destiny’s Fortune! I pull your face against mine for a soft and sensual kiss, before going to drive my knee right into your belly yet again!

01:39 Robs40: 😳

01:39 Lucicat: I applaud Destiny

01:39 Zack_Davis: Been there 🤢

01:39 Amazing_Andrea: Ungh! The kiss distracts me enough that the knee slams into my belly, doubling me over and keeping me from pulling away! I try to shove you off but that doesn't seem to be working either!

01:40 Rylee_rocket: Nooooooo

01:40 Nathan_gingerbread: Yeeeeees

01:40 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: There we go!

01:40 Robs40: Mmmmm you got her D

01:40 Nathan_gingerbread: You are not logged in.

01:41 TheBlackHulk: Finish her !

01:41 Destiny_Desire: This is it! The big finish! I raise my arm triumphantly to the crowd once more as I pull your head tightly to my body… I catch my breath for a moment, hurting badly from all the pain you inflicted on me this match. Instead of kicking my leg out for once, I leap up and back first down to the canvas… ready to land my brutal DDT once more!

01:41 Lucicat: finish it, Destiny

01:42 Rylee_rocket: Booooooooooo

01:42 Karri_Muggins: anytime darlin!

01:43 Amazing_Andrea: You wrap your arm around my head and I struggle in a panic. I shove and push and even try to punch you in the belly, but you're too fast, and I've taken too much damage. You leap up and back, pulling me forward and spiking my head onto the mat with more force than the DDT on the table! I collapse in a heap, basically melting onto my back, laying unmoving.

01:43 Karri_Muggins: BOOOOOOOOOOO!!!... wake up Andrea!!!

01:43 TheBlackHulk: Yessssss

01:43 Dimitri_Dragoon: Standing up I hold my arms up in the air clapping at Destiny's finisher!

01:44 Destiny_Desire: I lay there for a moment in disbelief before starting to crawl my way over to your body… I have nothing left, this would have to be it or I was finished. I place a single hand onto your body still lying on the mat as I wait for the count to begin…

01:44 Lucicat: Come tell me more.. darling

01:45 Amazing_Andrea: There's almost no reaction as the ref slides into position. Her hand comes up and slams down... "1!" The crowd seems to be holding their breath it's so quiet all of a sudden.

01:45 Rylee_rocket: Kick out!!!!!!

01:46 Karri_Muggins: buck her off Andrea!

01:46 Lucicat: 👏

01:46 Destiny_Desire: I lay there somewhat in a daze myself as my body screams out in agony, exerting myself to the absolute limit for this match. The referee’s hand comes up… and down again! “2!” Neither of us is moving a muscle as the count continues…

01:47 Zack_Davis: Edge of my seat ... Beerless

01:47 TheBlackHulk: 😆

01:48 Rylee_rocket: Throws the empty on at Zack he threw at me*

01:48 Amazing_Andrea: My brain registers the referee's count and the vibration of her hand slapping the mat. My body tries to kick out, but after two DDT's and a moonsault, there's nothing left and the only movement is my right foot coming up and weakly kicking as the ref's hand slaps the mat a final time. "3!" She gets up and calls for the bell as the crowd explodes!

01:48 Thick_Ranya: Yessssss

01:48 Karri_Muggins: BOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

01:48 Thick_Ranya: Let’s go Destiny!!!

01:48 Dimitri_Dragoon: Woooo! Go Destiny!

01:48 MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Cmon!

01:48 Zack_Davis: *ducks 👅*

01:49 TheBlackHulk: Oh hell yeah !!!!!!!

01:49 Rylee_rocket: Mumbles and grumbles irritated*

01:49 Destiny_Desire: I flop onto my back, my entire body drenched in sweat from the hard fought and absolutely grueling match I endured… it was without a doubt my hardest fought victory since joining the league. I lay there motionless in the middle of the ring, no gas left in the tank to showboat as I weakly hold up one arm in a show of triumph.

01:50 Lucicat: Yes Destiny

01:51 Amazing_Andrea: I moan in frustration, rolling away from you weakly, unable to actually get up. The referee seems to be trying to help you up so that she can raise your hand to make the match official. I watch and seethe, knowing that I was so close to having you earlier...

01:52 Destiny_Desire: I shakily make it to my feet as the referee holds up my arm in triumph! I wave to the crowd, my body burning all over from the intense matchup… I have an immense amount of respect for my opponent after the match.


Published: 2023-05-22, viewed 94 times.



Mrs Cora

2023-05-25 21:53

What a deliciously fabulous match!

The Mangler

2023-05-22 10:21

Wow ladies. You both put on a great show. Really very intense right down ti the last. So many back and forth. Tough, violent and nicely erotic too. Well done..

Queen Olivia (deleted member)

2023-05-22 07:17

What an excellent fight I'm impressed with both, congratulations Destiny

Zack Davis

2023-05-22 04:01

Outstanding Both! Instant classic!