OutDoor Championship Wrestling

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Established: 2023-01-25

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Megan Challenges Destiny!

MeganFrost (deleted member)

After one of Destiny’s public matches, watching her put a show on for the audience I decided to catch her after one in private and challenge her to a private no rules pro wrestling match! We scheduled it a few days after her recent match, and today was the day. I enter the private ring, standing 5’7 and weighing 141lbs as I climb through the ropes in a dark blue bikini, as I start to warm up and stretch and wait for my opponent to show up.

08:38Destiny Desire
I make my way towards the private ring, taken aback by silence of no screaming fans as I make my meager entrance. I trot down to the ring clad in my usual bikini, making my way up the steps and slipping through the middle rope. I stand at 5’6” and just under 130lbs as we get ready for the match. It would be one of my first times fighting in public since I arrived here but I never shy away from a challenge as I warm up in my corner.

After a few minutes of warming up goes by, I look over at my wonderful opponent as the silence of the ring fills the room, “You about ready to get this thing started?” I ask eagerly, ready for this challenge as I know you can definitely be one.

08:45Destiny Desire
“Ready as always!” I respond bouncing from toe to toe as I’m just as eager to see what you can do in the ring. I start to make my way towards the center of the ring, arm outstretched to you in a show of sportsmanship to get the match started and underway!

I come to the center of the ring and proceed to stretch my arm out, shaking the friendly hand as we both do respect each other! I stop shaking your hand and start to get into a stance, keeping my eyes trained on you!

08:51Destiny Desire
I step back into a fighting stance as well as the deafening silence of the ring creeps in yet again… you could hear a pin drop as we both eye each other up, ready for whoever makes the first strike. Finally I decide it’s time for me to make the first move as I snap off a hard straight kick to your belly! Hoping to gain some leverage early in the match…

As my eyes are trained on you, I have enough time to react as I see your foot leave the ground and go to the air! I am able to back up out of range before your foot can connect as all it hits is air!

08:56Destiny Desire
I watch as you quickly take a step back and my foot finds the air! I realize you’re not to be underestimated and I need to be more careful about telegraphing my attacks. I make a quick move in your direction, eager to close the gap and show you what I’m made of as I fire off another quick strike… this time a chop aimed at your chest!

The chop connects but doesn’t do as much impact as you wanted it to! It connects with my chest and I give out a grunt as it does, but I try to retaliate my self as your in close range with a quick jab at your face to test your reflexes!

09:03Destiny Desire
I find myself overextended from the chop as you quickly jab me right in the face! I take a few steps back from the strike letting out a soft grunt of my own this time… I try not to give you the momentum shift so easily as I try to snap off a quick roundhouse kick to your side!

This time I try to duck under the kick, seeing your leg leave the floor once more! I am now on the floor as I try to grab your other leg and bring you down with me!

09:06Destiny Desire
You go for a quick takedown as I watch my leg soar over your crouched body! I find myself falling towards the canvas and in a bad spot as I land with a hard and loud thud!

The thud echoes the silence of the ring as you hit the canvas! I try to climb on top of you before you can do anything!

09:10Destiny Desire
You clamber onto me as I lay there dazed for a moment, as I come back to reality I realize it’s too late to run as you get on top of me! I try to wriggle my way out, but you have me trapped pretty good…

As I see you not buck your hips trying to get me off you, I sit on top of your chest! I try to grab at your arms to pin them above your head before I try to bring my ass up, ramming it down hard into your chest as you start wiggling!

09:15Destiny Desire
You hit me with a hard butt bomb as I try to wiggle out from under you to know avail! I feel the air pushed out of my lungs as you sit on top of my chest and pin me to the canvas… I try to buck my hips in an attempt to get you off of me, struggling hard to free myself from under you.

Now I feel you start to buck your hips! Rocking me a bit but I try my best to stay on top of you! I try to bring my ass up again for another butt bomb as I try to get some of the fight out of you as you begin to struggle more and more!

09:20Destiny Desire
You smash my chest hard with another butt bomb as I feel dazed for a moment from the shot before continuing to buck my hips! The ground game has never been my best, and you’re taking full advantage of it… I buck wildly trying to free myself as I try to free my hands!

Your bucking manages to finally throw me off to the side! I try to get back up to my feet before you can as you lay on the floor of the canvas!

09:23Destiny Desire
I quickly take your lead trying to scramble back to my feet as well, not finding myself well on the canvas! I feel pain radiating from your two butt bombs as I try to find my feet back under me!

We are both back on our feet now as I try to come back on you, trying to go for a low punch to your belly!

09:32Destiny Desire
You hammer a low bunch to my exposed belly as I try to get back shakily to my feet… I let out a loud groan of pain as you fold my body over your fist! I stumble back several steps clearly hurting from the blow as I try to hatch some plan of a counterattack…

I try to keep my offense going! Not wanting to give you time to think as i know it can be match changing! I quickly come back to you, as I try giving you a left hook to your face followed by a right in a quick combo!

09:38Destiny Desire
Just the moment I was waiting for! As you come matching towards me I quickly try to slip below your hook to my face, rising back up and trying to hit you with a devastating uppercut before you can throw the other punch!

I the uppercut ends up connecting to my chin as it makes me fall to the floor! I wasn’t able to get anything out as it hit, I hold my chin in pain before trying to quickly recover!

09:50Destiny Desire
I watch as you drop to the canvas from the shot to the chin! You grip your chin in pain trying to recover and I size you up as you begin to rise back to your feet… I make a run towards the ropes, bouncing off them a slingshotting back your way!

I see you coming as I quickly try to ignore the pain as I need to make a plan and fast! I see you coming at me full power from the ropes as I step to the side out of your path trying to not take any more dangerous blows like the one I just did!

09:54Destiny Desire
I try to extend my arm to catch you with a clothesline as you step to the side! You’re no doubt a dangerous opponent and I would have to pull out all the stops to beat you… Otherwise, I see a swift defeat in my future.

The arm connects and brings me down! It didn’t do much impact as it was stuck out last minute so it didn’t have as much power! I groan as I hit the floor with a thud as I try to roll over and push my self back up!

09:56Destiny Desire
I watch as you roll onto your belly, and launch myself off my back foot and into the air! Looking to bring my leg down onto your back for a leg drop… I’m in my element now and I’m not looking to let up the pressure!

I manage to turn my head to look behind me as I see you go into the air and fall! I try to roll out of the way before you can connect and do more damage as I try to stay in the fight!

10:09Destiny Desire
You roll out of the way at the last second as my leg comes crashing down onto the canvas! I feel the sharp pain shoot up my leg as I don’t connect with my target… I quickly try to scramble back to my feet, trying to get some distance between the two of us…

I take the time to push my self back up now, coming back close to you once more, as this time I try to lunge at you, grabbing at your waist to try and bring you to the ground!

10:30Destiny Desire
You tackle me to the ground once more as you come lunging for my waist! Before I have time to react, I find myself coming tumbling down to the canvas!

My tackle succeeds, as I try to flip you over onto your stomach so I can sit on your back! I try to drape your arms over my knees, pinning them there before grabbing at your chin and yanking on it in a camel clutch!

10:34Destiny Desire
I let out a high pitched shriek as you sit onto my back! I’m trapped in your camel clutch as my back begins to burn, kicking my feet wildly as you hold me in place! I refuse to submit here, but things could start to look dire at this rate…

I decide to put my fingers at the edges of your lips, keeping your beautiful hair out of your eyes as I force you to smile, yanking on the chin a bit more..

10:37Destiny Desire
I let out a loud yelp of pain as you pull back on my body forcing me to arch back… my body on fire as you pull me further into the hold! You force me to smile to a nonexistent crowd as I try to start desperately to break the hold, beginning to try to flail wildly as a result!

I release you, letting you nurse your back for a few seconds before flipping around to give your legs some attention, grabbing them and bending them upside down as I try to get you in a Boston crab! Putting more pressure onto your sore back!

10:42Destiny Desire
I feel as you turn around trying to grab me into a boston crab! I’m in serious trouble if you can lock that hold in… I try to muster up all my strength in an attempt to flip you off of me… desperately looking for a way to turn the tide of this match!

I try to keep a tight grip as you struggle! I try to sit on your back to keep you down before trying to lock the hold as I know this hold can be devastating for you!

10:50Destiny Desire
I let out a scream as you sit back onto me once more! My arms flail wildly for a moment as I forget where I am from all the pain shooting through me… I finally get my brains unscrambled trying to use what strength I have left to crawl over to the ropes!

I feel you start dragging us to the ropes as you crawl! All my weight is being used to keep the hold in place so there’s not much I can do to stop you besides bending your legs further!

10:54Destiny Desire
I continue to crawl for what feels like an eternity as you trap me in a boston crab… I finally begin to reach the ropes as I stretch my arms out grabbing onto them for dear life as you put all your weight onto me!

10:56MeganTheWrestlingGirl Edited
I finally decide to release you, letting you take a moment of relief and grab at your back, before I try to send a stomp onto your side or back or belly depending on how you lay to keep you down so I can keep going!

10:58Destiny Desire
You stomp hard onto my side before I can use even process the immense amount of pain from the boston crab… I try in vain to gain my bearings as your foot comes crashing down onto me! I try to use the ropes to help myself up, looking for a way back to my feet eager to show I’m not just some jobber to be pushed around!

10:59MeganTheWrestlingGirl Edited
As you work on getting back up, I decide to keep the attack on, grabbing at your hair to help you the rest of the way up and keeping you pushed against the ropes as I try ramming my knee into your still sore back!

11:05Destiny Desire
I let out another small yelp as you grab my hair and pull me up by it… things are not looking good as you ran you knee into my back as I flop forward onto the ropes! I try to stabilize myself on them, seeking any way to turn the tide of this fight, dazed from all the damage to my torso! I try to put all my strength into a back kick, hoping to show you I’m not down and out just yet!

11:09MeganTheWrestlingGirl Edited
I am glad to see you still resisting as you kick your leg back, but it doesn’t do much impact as you hope it would with the angle your at! Your kick pushes me back a bit, but I still am right on top of you as I try getting you to sit on the ropes side ways, going along with them as I get creative, deciding to use the ropes and making your crotch press against them and putting your legs on either side of them as your still dazed from the previous shots you took!

11:11Destiny Desire
You rush back in and plop me over the top rope forcing me to hold my crotch in pain as I know what you’re setting up! I try to struggle to get down off of them, trying to show I still have fight left in me as I try to grab at your body…

I try to ignore your grabbing as I start to try and push the ropes up and down, making you ride them as I feel you doing your best to resist and fight back!

20:35Destiny Desire
That takes the fight out of me! As you begin bucking me up and down on the ropes I have no choice but to endure the torture as you grind me against them… I let out an loud scream as I can barely stand the pain, much more painful than a standard low blow! I frantically kick my legs trying to free myself from the ropes…

Your screams of pain echo the empty room as you ride the ropes, you end up shaking free and falling to the floor as I let you recover and lay in pain! (inside or out, your choice)

20:39Destiny Desire
I finally get a moment to breathe but not for long as I go spilling outside of the ring! The cold hard ground letting out a big crash as my body comes colliding onto it… I take a moment to try to steady myself, using the apron to stand back up as I try to regain my bearings and some momentum in this match…

After a few minutes of watching you struggle to get back to your feet out side of the ring, I decide to go under the ropes and after you as I try to grab your hair and help you the rest of the way up!

20:43Destiny Desire
You grab my hair once again in this fight helping me to my feet in the most painful way possible, I shakily stand there for a moment devising a plan for how to recover in the match as I see my slight window of opportunity arise! I try to setup for a match turning move as I attempt to drive my knee right into your belly!

The knee takes me by surprise, it connects with my belly as I let go of your hair, doubling over and now leaning on you to stay on my feet as I let out a groan as your knee pushes into my belly!

14:21Destiny Desire
I’m poised and ready to strike as I get ready to perform a modified version of my finishing move… Destiny’s Fortune! Normally I would plant a distracting kiss on your lips first but there’s no time… with my knee driven into your stomach, I wrap one arm around your head. I raise the other arm triumphantly after all the damage I’ve taken this fight ready to DDT you on to the cold hard floor!

I am still leaning against you as I feel your arm wrap it’s way around my head, I’m still trying to collect air back from your knee but time is limited as you pull me into a DDT! Making me dazed once I hit the floor with a thud that can be heard around the room!

14:27Destiny Desire
Just the opportunity I needed! I shakily get back to my feet clutching my stomach after all the immense pain you’ve put me through this match as I hop onto your back, wrapping my arm around your throat and trying to do some more damage to your head as I try to roll you over into a rear naked choke/sleeper hold!

I sit there, dazed for a moment but when I regain my senses I feel you hop on my back, keeping me down! Realizing you’re there you wrap your arms around my throat, as you roll me over! Into a read naked choke/sleeper hold! I desperately try using my arms start to pry your arms apart from my throat as I need to think of a plan and fast!

14:35Destiny Desire
I wrench the hold a few times, not trying to let you escape and do more damage to me… I want you down and out! I continue to try to lock in the hold tight as you pry at my arm. I attempt to use my legs to spread yours wide open giving you no chance to run!

Instead of prying at your arm, as I start gasping for air and feeling light headed I try to reach back with it and try to grab at whatever I can to try and pull you off or get you to loosen up the hold a bit!

14:40Destiny Desire
I feel you starting to get desperate as you claw at my arm and anything else you can get your hands on… After all the pain you’ve put me through this match I’m not especially keen on letting you out. I hear you begin to gasp for air, squeezing as hard as I can as I try to wrap my legs around your body!

14:48MeganTheWrestlingGirl Edited
I try staying in the fight as I start feeling the air quickly leave my body! I start to use my nails to try to be as annoying as I can be by trying to dig my nails into the side of your belly as I desperately try to find air!

14:49Destiny Desire
The nails are certainly a painful nuisance as you dig the into the side of my belly causing me to briefly ease up the hold… I won’t let go as I cling on for dear life, returning to squeezing as hard as I can in an attempt to put you out cold on the floor! I’m eager for some payback for the match I’ve had to endure so far!

I end up feeling your arm loosen up from the nails digging into your side! I quickly take the time to find air, before you’re locking it once more! I am feeling light headed, desperately thinking of a plan to get my self free when one finally pops up! I try cranking my elbow enough to hit it into your side to try and get you to let go!

15:14Destiny Desire
You elbow slams into my already aching side as I finally release my arm from around your neck unable to take any more punishment… I shove you off of me taking a moment to grasp at my side, feeling the toll this match has taken so far as I try to get back to my feet…

I end up gasping for air, still on the floor from the dangerous sleeper I just managed to get my self out of, as I try pushing my self back up..

15:24Destiny Desire
I give you a taste of your own medicine as I grab you by the hair this time, pulling you to your feet and forcing you to look me in the eyes! I try to grab you back of the head, looking to bash you brutally against the apron!

As I try pushing my self up, I feel you grab my hair for the one of the first times of this match! You end up pulling me up to my still wobbly legs from your earlier DDT, and make me look into your beautiful eyes before you ram my head into the apron, making it ring once more! I tried grabbing the sides to stop it but I haven’t had enough time to recover!

15:31Destiny Desire
This was the moment I had been waiting for! I watch as you clutch your head in agony, stepping back for a moment ready to strike yet again. I hold my ground waiting for you to turn to face me as I prepare a big boot right to your lower abs! If I can get you to double over again, I might be able to put the final nail in the coffin for this match…

I hold my head in pain, reeling before turning around, seeing you there! I am still recovering from that shot, so I don’t notice your boot come up and hit my lower abs! I let out a low moan of pain, as I move my hands to clutch my lower portion..

15:38Destiny Desire
I try to wrap my arms around your now doubled over body, forcing your head in between my legs… I prepare to lift you up with all my strength for a vicious piledriver onto the cold hard floor!

I feel you wrap your arms around my once more doubled over body, finding my head in between your legs as you bring my head down to the cold floor outside the ring once more, and this one ends up knocking me out cold as my head is still hurting from the previous blows you gave it!

15:55Destiny Desire
I watch as your body goes limp in my arms from the force of the piledriver! I roll you off of me before rolling myself onto my back, almost spread eagle and exhausted from this grueling fight. Taking a moment to catch my breath, I get back to my feet before coming over to make sure you are alright.

I lay there still out cold on my back for a few moments, on the cold floor of the gym as you come over to check on me, before waking up slowly..

16:07Destiny Desire
I congratulate you on an amazing match, helping you to your feet as you slowly came to. It was one of the hardest fought matches I had participated in since arriving here. The deafening silence taking over the gym once more as the action subsides and I walk you towards the locker room… I have an immense amount of respect for you as an opponent.

I thank you and congratulate you as well, for putting up such a amazing fight, you help me up and walk me towards the locker room as we have now formed mutual respect for one another as opponents.

Published: 2023-05-22, viewed 100 times.



SweetDreams (deleted member)

2023-05-22 16:47

Great match Megan but I knew it would be with you in it. I'm sorry you lost but you both were amazing. Congrats destiny!


2023-05-22 07:19

Wow what an amazing fight both of you! Thank you for sharing the story you both were so good