OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Back and forth
  • Outdoors match
A Company built outside, from the "ground" up!
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Outdoor Championship Wrestling


02:23 QueenLola: We stood in our corners for the 5 minute intermission, pissed that my man not only completely humiliated me by stripping me and wedgie me but he made me bleed. Second round was starting and it was an familiar match. Hardcore Match, We both have battled in this before and now we determine if a cage is necessary from this match. I stare him down my head stitched up and my top still missing as we get ready to go again.

02:42 Zack_Davis: I give you a mischievous grin as I approach you at center ring. I worked you over pretty good in round 1, but we did have a bit of a break ... long enough for you to bounce back, I figure. Your boobs sure are bouncing, freed of their restraints early. Restraints 🤔. I glance at your stringy top lying in my corner, that may come in handy yet! We've been down THIS road before, last time I ended up nearly crippled. I won't be taking you lightly, but I will be taking you! As we approach each other, the bell sounds to start the round. I reach out a fist to give you a good luck fist bump, but sneak a kick aimed at your crotch under it, hoping to pick up where I left off at the end of round one ... yt

02:44 QueenLola: Walking to the center to the ring as you reach out for a fist bump and as I move to fist bump, you must think I don’t know you by know and catch your ankle nearly away from nailing my cunt as I look at you and grin having you hobble on one leg. “Really like I’d fall for that?”
02:44 QueenLola: Yt

02:50 Zack_Davis: I grin at you and shrug, hopping on one leg ... "I was kind of hoping, baby. I love you" I say sweetly, trying to bounce on one foot away from you. Damn two handed grip on my ankle, though ...yt

02:52 QueenLola: “I love you too baby” I say and grin as I held you ankle and then tried to pull your body forward into a split which will hurt way worse than just me kicking you in the balls. If it works, you’ll be down for a bit long enough for me to deal damage back to you from last round.
02:52 QueenLola: Yt

03:02 Zack_Davis: I bounce backwards, trying to pull away as you pull my trapped leg towards you .... "Ahhhhhhhhh!!!! FUCK!!!!" ... I know it and feel it ... The Mean in my Queen is never to be trifled with, landing in a forwards / backwards split. Perhaps I pay too much attention to my flexibility, because it's not so much the stretch that cripples me as it is my balls being slammed into the mat beneath me! I clutch at my wounded boys, all but blinded by sheer agony...fuck! Yt

03:06 QueenLola: I watch it work as you lay in a curled ball grasping your balls as I smirk and climb out of the ring grabbing two chairs from under the ring and sliding them into the ring. I then climb back and look at you as I slouch over you “Queen of Mean remember baby.” I say and giggle as I grab one of chairs.
03:06 QueenLola: Yt

03:18 Zack_Davis: My intention was to reply with a smart assed comment about you not being so mean when we have sex until the sun starts to rise, but my response sounds more like a wounded animal speaking in some long forgotten tongue ... drool is actually running from the corner of my mouth, a side effect of nearly throwing up from the impact ... I see you setting up a nice selection of chairs ... "sure, take a seat" I do manage to utter through clenched teeth, but any thoughts of even moving at the moment are simply absurd! Christ, just breathing sends wave after wave of fresh hell through my crotch... Yt

03:24 QueenLola: I take one of the folded chairs and try to swing it hard into your back hoping to make you lay face down onto the mat in pain. “Business is Business baby.” I say and bite my lip hoping the metal chair connects with your back.

03:24 QueenLola: Yt
03:24 QueenLola: (Paused)
03:26 Zack_Davis: (more like a hit and run! BIG brat!)

14:43 Zack_Davis: Not like I'm in any condition to spring out of the way ... I see you wind up with that chair, geez my baby can swing a chair! I love it, unfortunately, all of your hardcore experience at the moment is directed at ME! Not that I particularly enjoy getting slammed with a steel chair, but I certainly admire the skill with which you swing it ... WHAMMM!!! the folded chair lands flush and hard, I think tensing up in anticipation of the impact only makes it worse! I topple forward grimacing in pain, now reaching for my back, even though my boys are still searing... Yt

14:47 QueenLola: I see the chair connected and bite my lip as I walk around and try to grab your hair to lift your head up and place the chair under it. “Made me bleed babe, Mmmm I feel I need to return the favor!” I shout and grin as I look at you.
14:47 QueenLola: Yt

14:51 Zack_Davis: I groan, vaguely aware of what you're doing, but quite certain it's not going to be pleasant ... "Do your worst, babes, that's why we're here" ....thinking of some way to slow down your momentum, but writhing in agony kind of stifles any plans ...
14:51 Zack_Davis: Yt

14:54 QueenLola: Your head laying on the steel chair as I bite my lip and pick up the other chair and raise above my head, only to try and slam it down on your head, giving you an conchairto aka sandwiching your head between two chairs
14:54 QueenLola: Yt

15:00 Zack_Davis: Brutal, vicious and effective, one steel chair slams my head against another... The world turns a fuzzy, blurry shade of black and white, the instant deafening ringing that I suddenly hear seems to be coming from inside my head rather than from my ears. I sense my body convulse, a single spasm as my nervous system is shocked by the impact... Suddenly the pain in my back and balls isn't such a big deal compared to fighting to remain conscious and hopefully find a way clear of your onslaught! Yt

15:03 QueenLola: “Hmmm how evil should I be?” I think say out loud and bite my lip as I climb to the outside and look under the ring finding cuffs and grin as I look in the ring seeing you still on the ground as I climb back into the ring. I wanted payback for you busting me open last round.
15:03 QueenLola: Yt

15:11 Zack_Davis: I manage to get one arm to semi respond to a command, lifting the second chair off my head as my head still rests on the ground chair... The side of my face is definitely way too numb, I'm guessing a black eye and swelling has already begun to set in... I suspect the tickle I feel on my nose is probably blood. Fuck! Fuckkk!!! I see you climbing back into the ring now that I've tossed the chair aside, still unable to focus enough to see what you're up to... yt

15:14 QueenLola: I come over and bite my lip as I walk over to you and take the good arm and try to slap the first cuff onto it and see the blood trickle down your face as I look down at you. “Business is Business baby and it’s an Hardcore match after all.”
15:14 QueenLola: Yt

15:20 Zack_Davis: I feel the cuffs click around the wrist of the arm that had somewhat begun to obey commands... Well, damn! My vision is gradually becoming clearer, the ringing in my head subsiding, only to be replaced by an insane pounding ... Probably a concussion... I focus my sight in on your legs, in my current position the only thing I can really see. "Babe, whatcha doin? This isn't our bedroom...". Yt

15:24 QueenLola: I bite my lip and try to pull you to the ropes to cuff the other cuff to the rope in order to have an bigger advantage here as you’ll be completely trapped and stuck during a match that can and would get brutal.
15:24 QueenLola: Yt

15:29 Zack_Davis: I feel you tugging my larger body towards the ropes, little by little. Determined little thing, aren't you?! Since you don't answer my question, I can only assume that this application of handcuffs won't be for recreational purposes.. my cuffed wrist is at the ropes, I pull, then push with that arm, trying to make things difficult for you while other body parts begin to respond to my efforts.. yt

15:32 QueenLola: You start tugging and making it hard for me to cuff the rope as I drop the cuff for a moment and come around as I look at you with one foot between your ankles and a grin on my face giving you that ultimatum of being cuffed or kicked. I look down at you and wait to see how you’ll react.
15:32 QueenLola: Yt

15:39 Zack_Davis: Wondering if we could negotiate a third option, "hey, babe, I have an idea" ... Actually, I don't, but trying to stall somehow. The way I see it, either way I'm getting cuffed, and THAT will certainly not end well. That all too familiar devilish twinkle is in your eyes and half smile on your lips, which tells me your having waaaaayyyy to much fun to simply leave me unharmed and handcuffed to the rope. If I'm going down, I'm going down fighting! I will my leg to lift, aiming a weak kick at the kneecap of your front leg... Yt

15:41 QueenLola: I take the kick to the knee and drop down to my knees right in front of you as I growl and look at you “wrong move babe.” I say and reach forward trying to slap your balls for kicking my knee and making me drop down.
15:41 QueenLola: Yt

15:58 Zack_Davis: My short lived satisfaction at staving you off is dramatically cut short when you retaliate with a slap at my balls. Already continuing to throb waves of agony through my body, your slap to my already wounded boys hurts more than the original split crunch. I cry out a shrill, unreserved shriek of anguish as I sit up sharply, clutching at my crotch as I topple to my side from my sitting position ... Yt

16:00 QueenLola: With you down from the slap I bite my lip and grab your the already cuffed hand as I walk towards the rope and hopefully now am able to easily cuff the rope and cuff you to the rope with ease. “Business is Business love.” I remind and grin.
16:00 QueenLola: Yt

16:07 Zack_Davis: I don't even look up, my free hand still clutching at my balls as I grimace, incapacitated by agony ... Yt

16:11 QueenLola: I get the cuff, cuffed to the rope and bite my lip as you’re trapped as I look at you and slide out of the ring, looking under the ring and pulling out an kendo stick and climb back into the ring with it.

16:11 QueenLola: Yt
16:13 QueenLola: (Paused)
16:13 Zack_Davis: (paused, ✓)

01:16 Zack_Davis: My vision and my mind is clearing as I watch that wedgied ass crawl out through the ropes. I take the opportunity to test the cuffs ... Fukkk! Of course you know how to put cuffs on, we "practice" enough 😏. This isn't "practice", though, and I'm well aware of how sadistic you can be... I slide the cuffs along the rope as I work my way into a corner. At least I'll see what's coming straight on, my back and flanks protected. You crawl back into the ring with a kendo stick. Crap! I'm the one who put it under the ring! Maybe a bad idea on my part, it now in your expert hands... "Hey, babe. Did I mention how nice you look tonight?" ... Yeah. As if flattery will get me out of this pickle! Yt

01:22 QueenLola: “Aww, Thank you baby, but flattery will not help you here love. Business Is business.” I say and grip the kendo stick and try to swing it hard into your abdomen over and over as you are cuffed to the ring rope.
01:22 QueenLola: Yt

01:34 Zack_Davis: "Awwww fuckkkkkk!!!!" With only one arm to cover up with, you hit my upper midriff ... My arm reflexively wraps around the inch wide welt that now runs across my upper abs... With my guard arm high, you smack my lower abdomen ... "YOOOOOOO!!!! A little low!!! I yelp, now clutching at that welt, kicking again at your knee as you wind up and swing again into my abdomen, across my navel this time..."You are gonna get SOO fucked up next round" I growl, as I attempt to drive your knee into a hyperextension... Yt

01:37 QueenLola: I drop the kendo stick and drop to a knee as you kicked my knee again. I drop back and scoot on my ass to the opposite corner giving my knee sometime to recover as I scoot and look at you still trapped in the corner.
01:37 QueenLola: Yt

01:54 Zack_Davis: I glare at you as the trapped, wounded animal that I am ... fight or flight instincts are not an option, flight is out being handcuffed to the middle rope, and the fight is basically being methodically beaten out of me. I know your chair stunt is swelling my eye shut, and judging from the amount of blood that has dropped onto my chest it cut me open pretty good as well. My body is tormented from basically my thighs to my head, and I can't say that the look in your eyes from across the ring doesn't worry me! I weakly use the ropes to get to my feet, slumped back into the corner for support, my hand cuffed arm dangling trapped to my side... I take a deep breath and brace myself for what's yet to come ...yt

01:58 QueenLola: I grab onto the ropes and slide up to my feet as I look at you and watch you move up to your feet as I grin “Oh love, you’ll definitely need medical personal after before the cage fight.” I walk over to you and pick back up the kendo stick as I stand on your side this time keeping away from your feet as I try to swing the kendo stick into your stomach again.
01:58 QueenLola: Yt

02:19 Zack_Davis: "GAWDDDDDDD!!!!" I groan as you land another clean strike with that damn stick! Grimacing, doubling over as I turn to face the ropes ... It's not just the welts the stick is causing, the cumulative gut shots are taking their toll as well, each strike like a punch in the gut and each successive strike adding to the weakening and destruction you're giving me...yt

02:22 QueenLola: You turn your back to me and I grin as you gave me a new canvas to create welts onto and bite my lip as I just start swinging over and over trying to connect with your back and welt and ware down your whole body as I look at you.
02:22 QueenLola: Yt

02:25 Zack_Davis: I simply arch my back in pain as each strike drives me lower and lower until I'm on my knees, leaning onto the middle rope for support. I no longer cry out in anguish, my face twisted into a mask of pain, my teeth clenched tight as I'm forced to endure your sadistic glee ... Yt

02:27 QueenLola: I grab the key and undo the cuff as I let you fall down to your back from the corner as I hope and pray that was enough to make you weak from the pain.
02:27 QueenLola: Yt

02:35 Zack_Davis: I fall backwards with a rather nasty yank of my hair, THAT wasn't really necessary, as I collapse to my back, my hand slowly pounds at the mat as I try to cope with the unbearable agony you've unleashed on my body ... Another spasm, too many nerves firing too many signals at once ... I look up at you through a swollen eye and waves of torment, your bikini now has a pussy wedgie, but for once I don't have the drive to become excited by it. Yt

02:36 QueenLola: I grin and bite my lip as you lay on your back and try to slide ontop of you and lay my breast in your face and attempt to grapevine pin you hopefully for the three count.
02:36 QueenLola: Yt

03:01 Zack_Davis: You slide your sexy body atop of mine as I lay helpless at your feet, straddling those sexy, athletic legs of yours over me before snaking them into mine, eliminating any chance at bridging out of your pin. You lay your bare breasts over my face, pulling my face into your 34d's for the 1,000 time, but this time it's not for pleasure. My eyes grow wide as my hands paw at your breasts, struggling to draw a breath with your delicate breast flesh smothering me in addition to your pin attempt... I struggle frantically but weakly, and growing weaker as my lungs sear attempting to draw a breath In a not draw... Fukkkk, where's the fucking ref!!! Yt

03:10 QueenLola: The ref comes in and slides into position as you lay on the mat with me ontop of you and legs grapevined, as they start the count as I hope and pray to take round two. ‘1!….’ The ref shouts and slaps hand down on the mat as the count goes on
03:10 QueenLola: Yt

03:22 Zack_Davis: I paw frantically to breathe, not even noticing the ref's count as my wold begins to go dark, suffocating in your sensuous breasts ... The irony! I vaguely hear the ref yell "TWO" as I begin to slip into unconsciousness ... Yt

03:23 QueenLola: I grin and lift up to let you breath as the refs count hits ‘Three!’ And the bell rings as I look down at you. “Mmmmm love you baby, mmmm get ready for the cage.” I say and slide off of you as I raise my hand in victory and walk back to my corner.
03:23 QueenLola: Yt

03:44 Zack_Davis: I'm unable to move, unaware of my corner crew even entering the ring until the smelling salts are jammed under my nose! "Unghhhhhhh!" I sit up rapidly, instantly regretting it as I tink every part of my body screams our in protest. Your area of expertise, the hardcore round, was a complete disaster for me! Tied at one round of Hell each, my only hope is that I can recover fast enough to be prepared for the cage round, something a lot more fitting to my strengths ... If I have any left! We vacate the ring for this intermission, I receive much needed medical attention as a crane begins to set our cage into place ...


14:27 Zack_Davis: ... the PA announcer declares over the sound system... "THE WINNER OF THE SECOND STAGE OF HELL, HARDCORE RULES, IS THE QUEEN OF MEEAAANNNN HERSELF, LOLAAAA!! !


... feedback again screeches over the loudspeakers as she sets the microphone down and turns up the intermission music ...


Outdoor Championship Wrestling



Published: 2023-05-25, viewed 30 times.
