OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Back and forth
  • Outdoors match
A Company built outside, from the "ground" up!
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Outdoor Championship Wrestling




15:02 QueenLola: It is now Round 3. Two battle weary competitors, after being cleaned up and stitched up from their first two brutal rounds, stand in their corner as music plays and a cage descended down from above surrounding them, encasing them in like trapped wild animals. Neither wants to walk away without the title and both are willing to put their bodies on the line to achieve their goal. Lola “Queen of Mean” not only has been cut open on her head, but humiliatingly stripped of her bra. However, after a brutal and humiliating beating from her man Zack “Shark Attack” Davis, she gave the beating right back in round 2 as the slightly healed welts on Zacks body are still clearly visible on his rock hard body. It’s winding down to round 3, rules are simple: only way to win this match is to either pin or submit your opponent or by scaling the cage and escaping with both feet landing on the floor. Each viewer is handed a paper with two symbols on it 🦈 to vote for Zack to become Champion and 👑 for Lola to walk away having retained her championship!

15:19 Zack_Davis: After a pretty thorough beating at your hands in round 2, my corner people did yeoman's work in getting me ready for this 3rd and decisive round. A hunk of cold steel pressed against my eye reduced the swelling, while several stitches closed the gash on my cheek. An ice bag was jammed against my crotch 😱 while smelling salts were waved under my nose! When I was alert enough, pure oxygen was pumped into my lungs to replenish the loss from your smother, and an injection of what must have been morphine was stuck into my thick shoulder muscle. All things considered, I feel pretty good by the time the cage settles into place around us. You are of course the Queen of Mean, Hardcore Extreme. Round 2 was your specialty. Cages are mine, and I'm looking forward to both beating your ass unmercifully and re-claiming my belt! We glare across the ring at each other, as the intermission music fades ..

15:20 Zack_Davis:

15:21 Zack_Davis: You are not logged in. You are not logged in.
15:21 Zack_Davis: Yt

16:17 QueenLola: My eyes dart around at the steel structure that surrounds us and even beyond at the fans pouring into the seats, hopefully voting for me, as the bell rings and our match is under way. I make my way towards the center of the ring and raise my hands to attend to give him a proper lock up for this Finale.
16:17 QueenLola: Yt

16:27 Zack_Davis: I step out to greet you, testing my legs for the first time since the end of that disaster of round 2. You offer to tie up, I figure that's a better option than the begining of last round, where my ambush failed miserably! I tangle hands and arms with you, however, as soon as I have your arms tied up high, I lift a sharp knee underneath your guard, aiming right for your crotch! I don't want there to be any doubt as to how this round is gonna go down, and I fully intend to take the initial advantage of that knee lands. Yt

16:29 QueenLola: We lock up and my hands above my head as we do and I groan as I feel your knee between my legs making me slump to my knees and lean on your leg just below your crotch open to an humiliating erotic act as I groan loudly and look up at you.
16:29 QueenLola: Yt

16:35 Zack_Davis: I smirk down at you, your face pressed against my bulge .. "hun, that can wait till later tonight" I tease, showboating for the crowd just a bit, thrusting my hips with my hand on your head...quickly regaining focus, last round still VERY fresh in my mind, I raise my right arm high and swing downwards hard, hoping to land a thudding blow between your shoulder blades! Yt

16:38 QueenLola: I gasp and groan as you show the crowd what could possibly happen tonight hip thrusting against my face and then groan as your chop comes crashing down between my shoulder blades and lowering me down more to the mat as the crowd watches on.
16:38 QueenLola: Yt

16:46 Zack_Davis: Quite pleased with my early advantage to start this round, I stay relentless. Grasping you by the wrist and a handful of that gorgeous blonde hair, I draw you back up tou your feet, looking to quickly duck under to catch you in a signature move, the Zack Attack, my belly-to-belly bearhug ... If I lock it in, I'm looking forward to hearing you GROAN after that last round! Yt

16:49 QueenLola: I feel you quickly lift me into a belly to belly bear hug as I let out a loud groan and looking down at you as I squirm and struggle in your strong arms slowly squeezing the strength out of me as I grip onto your hair and groan loudly.
16:49 QueenLola: Yt

16:58 Zack_Davis: You are not logged in. You are not logged in.

I grasp my wrist behind you in the small of your back, using my full strength now to SQUEEZE your petite, athletic waist, hissing in your ear "how's not being able to breathe working out for ya, babe?", referring to your breast smother pin that ended round 2... Taking a certain sadistic delight in your loud groan. yt

17:02 QueenLola: I grunt and groan as he really squeezes up against my lower back and squirm as I struggle and try to yank and pull on his hair trying anything I can to get free from his grasp as if not my strength for this match could fade as it’s getting hard to breath.
17:02 QueenLola: Yt

17:10 Zack_Davis: I squeeze as hard as I can for as long as I can, until my arms begin to slightly tremble from the exertion. Time to cut you loose, just a question of how ... I have two seperate releases from the Zack Attack, and given the hard knee that I landed to start the round, I opt to go with the Clam Digger ... Arching my back slightly to lift you a little higher, I let go of my grip to guide your body slightly away from mine, dropping to one knee and allowing you to straddle my upraised knee ...

https://coub.com/view/2uv9yu ... yt

17:15 QueenLola: I gasp and groan as I am able to breath but now I rest on your knee and feel my body already getting a bit weak from the attack and even though the environment isn’t being used this match is still in your favor so far.
17:15 QueenLola: Yt

17:23 Zack_Davis: "Business is business, sweetheart. You know how it goes, gotta tenderize the meat before you cook it"... Oddly, you don't seem to find my humor funny ... "Kitty got your tongue, babe?", Lifting your head by your hair to gaze into your eyes, the mischievous little twinkle for the moment gone ... Pulling you up again by your hair and your wrist onto wobbly legs, I use that wrist as a launch for an attempt at an Irish Whip into the ropes... The steel cage is so tight to the ropes, it would in effect be an Irish Whip into the steel cage... Yt

17:59 QueenLola: I get whipped towards the cage and slammed into it as I groan nailing it back first and groan as I lay on the canvas of the mat and hold my back as I look at you.
17:59 QueenLola: Yt

18:17 Zack_Davis: Earlier in the mat h, I won round 1 by drawing first blood, yet nothing compared to what your little chair sandwich did to me. Perhaps that ledger should be balanced ... As you clutch at your back, I guide your head to the steel meshing, looking to drag your stitched up wound along the unforgiving cage. Yt

18:20 QueenLola: I feel my face pressed into the cage and try to stop and squirm against his efforts as he drags me along the cage wall and scream in pain as I feel the stitch work pop as we move along the cage and he reopens my wound from the first match. My face now a crimson mask of blood pressed up against the cell. The chances of retaining my title have began to plummet fast.
18:20 QueenLola: Yt

18:36 Zack_Davis: "Honey, you really are a mess!", stopping the carnage against the cage wall to slam you face first onto the mat. Sufficiently distracted, I feel it's appropriate that since your boobs are bare, your ass should be as well. I work your sexy little black wedgie bikini down over your hips and down your legs and off, tossing them to my corner where your top still lies. Yt

18:38 QueenLola: I groan being thrown to the floor and then worse you proceed to further humiliate me by yanking down my bottoms off of my body. I am now bleeding from my head and I am completely naked in the middle of the ring surrounded by steel.
18:38 QueenLola: Yt

18:48 Zack_Davis: I stand there for a moment to catch my breath ... It takes quite a bit of energy to leave a sexy blonde laying naked and bleeding in a cage. Finally I reach down to grab your wrists, pulling your limp body over to my corner where your attire now lays ... "I apologize for not thinking to bring handcuffs like you did. I hope you don't mind me borrowing your top? ... No reply.... "baby?" ... Not waiting for a reply as I tie your hands over your head to the ring post with your bikini top...yt

18:49 QueenLola: I keep my eyes closed as the blood ran down my head and over my eyes as I squirm feeling you tie me up and groan as I struggle being tied up is bad for me as it leaves it open for me to easily lose my championship.
18:49 QueenLola: Yt

18:55 Zack_Davis: I lean up onto my knees as I complete the task of binding your hands. I give you a sly smile as I kneel at your side ... "Sometimes, babe" ... Straddling your naked body, facing your feet ... "Business IS pleasure". Straddling your naked body, I slip my hand down between your legs, slipping my finger through your exposed labia, slowly working it in a small back and forth motion into and through your inner folds until I've entered your vagina ... "Nobody said no erotics, babe" ... yt

18:59 QueenLola: I gasp and moan as you slide your fingers into me and work my pussy as I struggle and groan “Mmmm fuck you!” I say as instead of just stepping out of the cage and claiming your title you decide to work my pussy as I tug hard on my bra.
18:59 QueenLola: Yt

19:10 Zack_Davis: I raise up onto my knees and drop my ass and my full 175 pounds onto your midsection ... Then do it again. "Business IS pleasure, babes", probing for your g-spot I'm so familiar with ... Yt

19:16 QueenLola: I groan as you landing on my stomach takes the air out of me as I moan from the fingering and squirm as you keep me trapped and humiliate me in the corner of the ring as I keep yanking on the top.
19:16 QueenLola: Yt

19:25 Zack_Davis: I give up my efforts, you're not even aroused much less ready to cum ... I stand, looking back at you yanking on your bindings. "Ohh, babes" I sigh ... Stepping between your legs, faking a heel stomp... A warning ... "Behave, will you?". I cross the ring to the opposite corner, scaling the ropes as I grasp the mesh caging, ascending literally to the top... Yt

19:27 QueenLola: I tug harder on the top and watch you scale the cage my pussy wet from your erotic attack on it and struggle harder as I look up at you as you ascend the cage “No!” I shout and struggle harder “I will get you back for this!”
19:27 QueenLola: Yt

19:41 Zack_Davis: I pause at the top, looking back down at you, an exaggerated grin on my face ... "Baby... You're bleeding". Climbing over the top, scaling down the outside of the cage ... "Maybe I'll be nice and give you a title shot some day" I smirk.yt

19:44 QueenLola: I groan as I watch you look back at me and trash talk as you exit the cage and there’s nothing I can do to stop you as I look up at you and struggle.
19:44 QueenLola: Yt

19:51 Zack_Davis: I hop down from about apron level on the cage, both feet landing squarely on the ground! "UH-OHHH!!! Somebody's gonna need to buy a new belt, cause I just took this one!" ... I look at you glaring at me ... Probably not gettin none tonight ... That's ok, I'll be out celebrating my new title anyway 😈.

19:54 QueenLola: The cage gets opened after you’re declared winner and medics run in and untie my hands and immediately attend to the wound on my head as they try to close it back up with a few more stitches this time.

20:11 Zack_Davis: I plop down, exhausted, in the front row, signing some autographs, as I drink a beer or 3. Waiting for the medical crew to get done with you ... We rode here together, we'll go home together. The belt will still set on our mantle, only now it belongs to me ... For now ;-)

20:13 QueenLola: The medical staff finish up and I collect my outfit and cover up as the cage rises and I weakly leave the ring and latch onto your arm to hold me up and leave the arena together.

20:15 Zack_Davis: ❤️💋

20:15 QueenLola: ❤️💋


Outdoor Championship Wrestling



Published: 2023-05-27, viewed 53 times.




2023-05-27 13:41

Amazing match!!!

Zack Davis

2023-05-27 20:22

(In reply to this)

Thanks Lisette ;-)