Porfessional Killer federationPublic OpenEstablished: 2022-08-23DeathProfessional Federation of Hitmen and Assassins14 members0 stories0 photos0 files HubTournamentsMembersForumsStoriesPhotosFiles14 members Filter Filter × Fighter Jobber Heel Face Trainer Trainee Puncher Punchee Hero Villain Squeezer Squeezetoy FighterJobberHeelFaceTrainerTraineePuncherPuncheeHeroVillainSqueezerSqueezetoy No holds barred Pro wrestling Submission Boxing Even match UFC/MMA Romantic Fantasy Back and forth Squash match Pin to win Dice match Long-term roleplay Descriptive writing Karate Taekwondo Kick-boxing Bareknuckle/fistfight Grappling Freestyle wrestling Judo Sumo Brazilian jiu-jitsu Oil wrestling Mud wrestling Pool wrestling Outdoors match Weapons Trash talking Male / Male Male / Female Female / Female Two on One Tag Team Straight Gay Anthro Superhero Supervillain Stakes Naked Sex Face Sitting Rip and strip Cock fighting First to cum Wrestle for top Forced cum Workout Forced Workout Bodybuilding Muscle Growth Muscle Testing Handicap Gutpunching Muscle worship Lift and carry CBT Torture S&M Interrogation Trampling Extreme violence Blood Broken bones Death Foot fetish Bearhugs Scissors Giant and tiny Musk/Scent Mind control Hypnosis Dad/son Brother Sister Family Underage Catfight Catball No holds barredPro wrestlingSubmissionBoxingEven matchUFC/MMARomanticFantasyBack and forthSquash matchPin to winDice matchLong-term roleplayDescriptive writingKarateTaekwondoKick-boxingBareknuckle/fistfightGrapplingFreestyle wrestlingJudoSumoBrazilian jiu-jitsuOil wrestlingMud wrestlingPool wrestlingOutdoors matchWeaponsTrash talkingMale / MaleMale / FemaleFemale / FemaleTwo on OneTag TeamStraightGayAnthroSuperheroSupervillainStakesNakedSexFace SittingRip and stripCock fightingFirst to cumWrestle for topForced cumWorkoutForced WorkoutBodybuildingMuscle GrowthMuscle TestingHandicapGutpunchingMuscle worshipLift and carryCBTTortureS&MInterrogationTramplingExtreme violenceBloodBroken bonesDeathFoot fetishBearhugsScissorsGiant and tinyMusk/ScentMind controlHypnosisDad/sonBrotherSisterFamilyUnderageCatfightCatball Chatting now Followed Has storiesContributing Federation staff onlyGender -- gender -- female male other Body type -- any body type -- Slim Normal Toned Athletic Muscular Stocky Large Age18 -100Height1'8"-7'3"Weight66-551 lbsOrientation100% gay -100% straightPosition100% bottom -100% topWillpower100% submissive -100% dominantSort by Federation join date Last login Last updated Start of membership Name Number of public stories Age Weight Height
Leon Black 00356'1"181 lbsToned67% endurance74% straight63% top89% dominantFighter Heel VillainThe Agonising AntagonistBack and forthSquash matchDescriptive writingBareknuckle/fistfightFreestyle wrestlingWeaponsTrash talkingMale / FemaleSuperheroGutpunchingTortureS&MInterrogationExtreme violenceDeathLast login: todayJedediah Jackson 00226'0"181 lbsToned55% endurance100% straight100% top100% dominantFighterI like taking on strong opponents for fights with a clear victor. One strong victor over another, full domination phyiscally and sexually.No holds barredUFC/MMARomanticFantasyLong-term roleplayDescriptive writingBrazilian jiu-jitsuWeaponsMale / FemaleStraightBodybuildingGutpunchingBloodDeathLast login: 3 days agoestranglina 7136315'3"104 lbsSlim60% endurance75% straight50% bottom70% submissiveFighter Jobber SqueezerI'm an ordinary girl. I love naked death fight, sexfight to death, suffocation, drowning. Languages English and RussianNo holds barredGrapplingOil wrestlingMud wrestlingPool wrestlingFemale / FemaleTag TeamNakedDeathScissorsLast login: todayAby R 99265'11"188 lbsMuscular20% endurance100% straight80% top80% dominantFighter Heel Hero VillainI am looking for some competitive and interesting cyber wrestling matches or rp with likeminded peoples hereNo holds barredPro wrestlingSubmissionUFC/MMAFantasyBack and forthSquash matchDice matchGrapplingMale / FemaleStraightStakesFirst to cumDeathScissorsLast login: todayAishath 445195'4"126 lbsSlim59% endurance50% gay50% bottom50% submissiveFighter Jobber HeelMuslim Maldivian GirlBack and forthKick-boxingWeaponsTrash talkingMale / FemaleFemale / FemaleTwo on OneStraightGayNakedFace SittingBloodBroken bonesDeathScissorsLast login: yesterdayLucieDaRogue 00254'10"144 lbsNormal15% endurance51% gay81% bottom88% submissiveJobber Heel Villain SqueezetoyRogue looking to fightNo holds barredPro wrestlingFantasySquash matchLong-term roleplayDescriptive writingWeaponsHandicapTortureInterrogationExtreme violenceDeathCatfightLast login: 2 days agoBad Wolf 8143456'0"214 lbsAthletic65% endurance100% straight90% top100% dominantFighter Puncher Villain SqueezerI love all kind of mixedfightsLast login: todaymixwrstkiller of females 06455'11"181 lbsAthletic46% endurance100% straight60% top59% dominantFighter Jobber Squeezeryoung confident dangerous male killervof femalesNo holds barredEven matchFantasyDescriptive writingGrapplingPool wrestlingOutdoors matchWeaponsWrestle for topInterrogationBloodDeathBearhugsScissorsSisterLast login: 2 days agoRibbRabb 33266'6"300 lbsMuscular100% endurance80% straight100% top100% dominantFighter Heel Puncher VillainMale wrestler and sexfighter that loves to use and abuse his female opponents. Stands at 6'2" and weighs in at 250 lbs.No holds barredPro wrestlingBack and forthSquash matchDescriptive writingMale / FemaleNakedForced cumGutpunchingTortureS&MBloodBroken bonesDeathFoot fetishLast login: todayYulia Snow 12296'4"287 lbsAthletic78% endurance90% gay75% top74% dominantFighter Puncher PuncheeJustice is self-madeNo holds barredBoxingRomanticFantasyLong-term roleplayDescriptive writingBareknuckle/fistfightFemale / FemaleSexRip and stripExtreme violenceBloodDeathSisterFamilyLast login: 2023-01-18Laurissa 6330225'6"129 lbsNormal15% endurance51% straight70% bottom90% submissiveFighter Jobber Punchee SqueezetoyYoung and confident, Laurissa fights to prove herself in the underground scene, taking on formidable foes... inevitably leading to a fatal tragic end.No holds barredSquash matchBareknuckle/fistfightMale / FemaleTwo on OneAnthroLift and carryExtreme violenceBroken bonesDeathBearhugsGiant and tinyLast login: 2 days agoSlave fighter 00575'7"141 lbsNormal52% endurance100% gay100% bottom100% submissiveJobber PuncheeArena fighterOutdoors matchWeaponsMale / MaleTwo on OneGayNakedCock fightingGutpunchingTortureInterrogationTramplingLast login: 2022-11-01Kirah Vacar 014185'5"136 lbsNormal66% endurance100% gay67% top72% dominantFighter Jobber Heel PuncherMy legs will cut you down to sizeNo holds barredBoxingKick-boxingBareknuckle/fistfightMale / FemaleFemale / FemaleFoot fetishSisterFamilyLast login: 2023-01-22SpandexLex 911235'4"144 lbsNormal60% endurance65% straight82% bottom67% submissiveJobber Face Punchee SqueezetoySpirited but limited fighterNo holds barredPro wrestlingSquash matchLong-term roleplayDescriptive writingBareknuckle/fistfightOil wrestlingTrash talkingMale / FemaleFemale / FemaleTwo on OneStraightExtreme violenceBroken bonesDeathLast login: yesterday