The Blitz Boxing League

Public Restricted

Established: 2021-05-07
Chat room: #TBBL

  • Boxing
  • Male / Male
  • Female / Female
  • Extreme violence
  • Blood
A varried type of boxing that focuses highly on punishment and knockouts through way of varried rules.
2 members
0 stories
5 photos
0 files
Information for non-members

If you like knockdowns and punishment and can take and give a beating this is the federation for you. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions whatsoever.

About The Blitz Boxing League

Blitz Boxing is a new generation of Boxing that focuses on knockdowns and punishment more than traditional boxing.

The new rule set is as follows,
1. Fighters must wear a special pair of shorter trunks
2. Instead of using a traditional 10 count the knockdown count in Blitz Boxing is 60 and once a fighter recovers from a knockdown during the count it resets to the nearest rounded down value of 10 for their next knockdown.
3. The count resets at the end of each round.
4. The rounds are 6 rounds of 5 minutes as opposed to the traditional 3 rounds of 3 minutes
5. Breaks are only 30 seconds opposed to the normal minute
6. Fighters wear classic MMA gloves as opposed to Boxing Gloves
7. All other rules are the same as Boxing


Jordan Winter (deleted member)

2021-05-07 22:23

The photos section now shows the colors and styles of trunks you may wear to Blitz Boxing fights. Glove and shoe choices are at the fighters discretion.

Latest Stories
The First Blitz Boxing Championship Tournament
Author: Jordan Winter (deleted member)
1 Replies
1 Replies
4 yr
Jordan Winter (deleted member)
2021-05-07 22:17
New Members
Online in chat

22:05 <Jordan_Winter> I have created the public room #TBBL.
22:11 <Justin_in_the_ring> Hope to join a fight soon
22:12 <Justin_in_the_ring> You are not logged in.
22:12 <Jordan_Winter> Welcome @Justin_in_the_ring thanks for being the first ever member of the BBL.
22:12 <Justin_in_the_ring>
22:22 <Justin_in_the_ring> Hey @Percy_Mugglestone it seems that we’re going to face again in the ring
22:23 <Jordan_Winter> The photos section now shows the style and color choices available for shorts to wear to Blitz Boxing matches.
22:25 <Justin_in_the_ring> I pick the clear blue short
22:26 <Jordan_Winter> You can pick whatever you want for each individual fight. Just make sure you and your opponent choose different colors.
22:27 <Justin_in_the_ring> Ok
22:29 <Justin_in_the_ring> You are not logged in.