The Blitz Boxing League

Public Restricted

Established: 2021-05-07
Chat room: #TBBL

  • Boxing
  • Male / Male
  • Female / Female
  • Extreme violence
  • Blood
A varried type of boxing that focuses highly on punishment and knockouts through way of varried rules.
2 members
0 stories
5 photos
0 files


22:05 <Jordan_Winter> I have created the public room #TBBL.
22:11 <Justin_in_the_ring> Hope to join a fight soon
22:12 <Justin_in_the_ring> You are not logged in.
22:12 <Jordan_Winter> Welcome @Justin_in_the_ring thanks for being the first ever member of the BBL.
22:12 <Justin_in_the_ring>
22:22 <Justin_in_the_ring> Hey @Percy_Mugglestone it seems that we’re going to face again in the ring
22:23 <Jordan_Winter> The photos section now shows the style and color choices available for shorts to wear to Blitz Boxing matches.
22:25 <Justin_in_the_ring> I pick the clear blue short
22:26 <Jordan_Winter> You can pick whatever you want for each individual fight. Just make sure you and your opponent choose different colors.
22:27 <Justin_in_the_ring> Ok
22:29 <Justin_in_the_ring> You are not logged in.