The Queendom of Libidine

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Established: 2024-07-08

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Where the Queens of Lust rule~
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The Origins of The Succubus Queen


A deep , dark purple sky met my gaze as my head tilted upwards, the various colourful sparkles of the stars glimmering in the reflection of my young eyes, the sight mesmerising me as I looked over the horizon, noticing the manner in which the fading light of day danced with the darkness, two opposites merging to create their own unique cacophony of colours and patterns. Within my view was the royal palace, the various towers topped with dark blue points, a grand spectacle for the common Succubi like myself, a pipedream for those who wished to set foot within their grand walls, to obtain the power promised to the one who proved herself worthy as the Monarch of this Kingdom, the Demoness fit to lead the rest in her reign. 


The current Queen was known as a firm ruler, having reigned for many centuries before my own birth into this realm. Her rule was one of gluttony, feeding on the sexual energies of her subjects and leaving them weakened, even fatally according to the history taught. The selfishness of her monarchy knew no limits and ensured that she, and only she, was the one to benefit from her power, not serving her people, but only her own self. Passed down legends say she is only our second Queen, our first Queen known as a virtuous and patient ruler, caring for her subjects and reigning with a sense of altruism in each and every decision she made for the land. Her name was Lilith.


Lilith had been ruling for millennia by the time her reign came to an end, much to the despair of her people, according to the legends passed down from centuries before my birth, having been overthrown by the current Queen, named Jelamet. Jelamet was said to be a powerful Succubus, believed to be second only to the Queen herself, and served as Commander of the armies of the land, tasked with ensuring borders remained safe from the more aggressive demons of the surrounding lands, as well as the various beasts that could be found in the lands between Kingdoms, places even the most powerful demons dare not tread. According to the historical texts. Jelamet was convinced that Lilith had been leading the Kingdom to ruin, believing her compassion was a sign of weakness, and that their 'enemies', in her own mind, would take advantage of this sooner or later. Soon enough, Lilith would find herself betrayed, taken by surprise by her trusted confidant who used her own impressive powers to disable the virtuous ruler. Once rendered helpless, Jelamet would absorb the powers of Lilith, feeding on her sexual energy and gaining her immense strength, combining it with her own formidable abilities, essentially stealing Lilith's energy and crown all in one fell swoop, and beginning her own tyrannical reign.


It was within this reign that I was born, my family coming from a powerful lineage, a long line of nobles who prospered in the days of Lilith's rule. However, beneath the heel of Queen Jelamet, our influence and political power was gradually chipped away, century by century our social status dwindled by her deliberate design, well aware of our allegiance to who we considered to be the True Queen and our opposition to her own rule. I often questioned the wisdom of my ancestors in their vocal stance against the rule of Jelamet, but never their courage. By the time my birth occurred, my mother had no family left, nor any political power, joining the common Succubi of the overcrowded and poorer regions of the Kingdom. I, however, was one of the lucky ones, the wealth of my family wisely hidden in order to ensure descendants would be able to stave off poverty for as long as possible. Every time I looked at the palace I was reminded of this, the tyranny of the Queen, the destruction of my family's influence, the disappearance of my mother, the source of all misery to not only myself and my lineage, but to the entire land, nestled comfortably within those walls. 

Shortly before my mother disappeared, something that, looking back, she seemed to already know was going to happen, she revealed to me there was another reason Queen Jelamet had campaigned against our family. It had been foretold long ago, even during Queen Lilith's reign, that one would emerge from my family line with the power to challenge even a Succubus Queen. Jelamet had heard of this legend, writing it off as a mere myth publicly, however her actions seemed to have indicated she secretly feared it, first stripping my family of political power, and when this did not quell her paranoia, had taken to getting my family line out of the way once and for all. At that time, I was a mere 200 years old, barely an adolescent at that age, yet even then, my mother firmly believed that I was the one the stories foretold of. I could barely believe it, even after a full century, it was still difficult to fathom, but I made my mother a promise I would do my best. For this reason, I was sent away into hiding, my mother having successfully hidden my birth, hoping to fool the Queen into thinking she was the last living member of my family. Not long after this, her very existence itself seemed to have ceased, leaving me to live with trusted family friends, well under the radar of the tyrannical Monarch. 100 years later, I stood, gazing at the starry night sky, the palace of Her Majesty Jelamet, finally ready to embrace the responsibility thrust upon me, and challenge the tyrannical Queen for supremacy and dominion over the land...


I stood there for what seemed like an eternity, only the darkness of night keeping me company as I remained in silence, my gaze affixed on the grand palace, where the tyrannical Queen resided somewhere within. My breathing was steady, my heart calm, despite the immense task that lied ahead of me, the destiny I was yet to change, not only my own, but that of the very Kingdom itself. I knew what must be done, closing my eyes, taking in a deep breath, before releasing the air through my lips as my aura began to surround my body, a deep purple hue lapping at my skin like flames, focusing on controlling my powers, channelling the very energies of the land and making them mine to command, something few Succubi have mastery of, the only other capable of this being the Queen herself. Knowing full well Jelamet would be able to sense my presence, I look to make my intentions known... To issue a challenge to her directly...

As my power raised within my form, I could feel it, Jelamet knew I was here, our thoughts and feelings intertwining through the energies of the land, almost as if in communication with each other. However, my own energies did not convey a simple conversation, they conveyed a warning, a direct message to the Queen herself, one I could feel she had received loud and clear... I was coming for her... tonight. My eyes opened, a purple glow enveloping my usually red iris', before I began to casually walk towards the palace, ensuring my aura remained, my power still able to be sensed by the Queen, making sure she knew full well my promise was not just some empty threat, but a fulfilment of my assertion. I could sense the demeanour within her change, from her usually pampered self, to anger, rage, seething that a little demoness would dare challenge her authority, her own power swelling, knowing I could sense it, as if warning me away by showing off her immense energy... but I was undeterred, having decided long ago that I would not flee from this responsibility, and claim the destiny that awaited me...

By the time I had reached the courtyard, the Queen's anger and rage had peaked, giving way to alarm and panic as her guards had set up position at the main entrance, each one standing against me, their hands trembling at the sheer display of power my aura represented, most other Succubi unable to produce one of the same density of mine. I could see the fear they had been ruled with for so long, as if they were unsure of whether to be more afraid of my overwhelming power, or the Queen herself if they failed to stop me. I had no reason to want to bring harm to these dutiful Succubi, prompting me to lower my aura, leaving myself vulnerable to their weapons and powers. Confused, the guards looked at each other, before turning their attention back to me as I began to speak. "You are not my targets, I wish no harm upon any of you. My only goal is to free this land of it's ruthless ruler. You all have loyalty within your souls, I can feel each of your inner thoughts and emotions, but I can also sense your fear. You have no reason to be afraid of me, but your fear of the Queen is much more palpable. Please, allow me entrance, and I will relieve you of this fear, and ensure it will never again terrorise your minds".

Silence descended upon the courtyard as I finished my little speech, not one I had intended to make, and certainly addressing a crowd had not been something I had any real experience in. Yet, whether it was charisma on my part, or whether they simply wanted to see the Queen dethroned, I was allowed to pass with no resistance. As the crowd parted, I stepped between them, my eyes narrowed straight forwards as the palace doors opened, calmly walking towards the entrance as one of the guards offered her assistance, the rest almost gasping in shock, before more began to join in on the offer to reinforce me. Without turning, I simply replied. "I do not need it." My aura returning as I raised my power once more, demonstrating to the guards I had faith in my own abilities to take down the Queen myself. Stepping through the halls, I ascended the stairs to the throne room, each step I took up the stone steps emitted clicking sounds that echoed throughout the staircase as my heels impacted the hardened surface of the steps. I finally reached the entrance to the throne room, able to sense a magical barrier put up by Jelamet, having been able to sense my infiltration into her stronghold, likely using this as a last line of defence. I calmly walk towards the door, placing my palm against the wood, my eyes closing for a moment before opening them again, a single word uttered from my lips... "Aperta" A purple glow surrounded my hand and fingers as the glow shone from the centre of the door, breaking the seal and forcing the doors to open.

Stepping inside the throne room, I found Jelamet exactly where I had expected to see her, sitting comfortably on her throne, attempting to put up a nonchalant front, even in the face of my powerful magics which had already proven superior to hers. However, her act did not fool me, able to sense her sheer panic as I stepped closer and closer, my eyes narrowed on her as she began to rise, a grimace painted on her face as she began to speak. "Wretched child! How dare you barge in here! Who do you think you are?? Your lineage has long since lost it's status and power. You would have been better off staying in the hole you crawled out of! Now that I know of you, I will not allow you to leave this castle alive!" Her words delivered impressively forcefully, despite the cowardice behind them. I remained stoic in my stance, my expression completely unchanged, my demeanour still and calm, angering the Queen further as she made her move, raising her hands and emitting a dark sphere of energy from her palms, hurtling the blast towards me. My body remained still, calm, and composed, my eyes closing for a moment, before opening once more and widening as the pink glow from my orbs shattered the Queen's attack, the energy ball disintegrating and scattering like ash before her very eyes, leaving her in disbelief that I was not only able to nullify her attack, but with just a simple glare.

Refusing to accept the reality in front of her, Jelamet grew desperate, lunging towards me recklessly as her arm pulled back, hand clenched into a fist as she aimed a punch directly towards my face. With a simple motion, I leaned slightly to the side, her fist barely grazing my cheek as I raised my own arm, my own fingers clenching as I returned her attack with one of my own, burying my fist deep into her abdomen, sending her flying back, barely able to keep to her feet as her heels skidded against the stone floor. Jelamet held her hands over the point of impact, clearly suffering immense damage from the assault, her head bowed as she trembled, before raising her head back up to face me, teeth bared and clenched, seething with anger as hate filled eyes locked with my own, stoic gaze. "Your reign has gone on for long enough Jelamet. It is long past time for you to be dethroned..." I say ominously, before raising my own arm, palm facing her with fingers outstretched and spread, a purple hue lining around my hand as I launch a purple orb towards her, the Queen shrieking as the energy ball made impact, stunning her body and holding it in place.

Unable to move, Jelamet was completely at my mercy, something she never showed to any of her subjects, though I would not stoop to her level. All I needed to do was obtain her power, her life was of no concern to me. I stepped towards her sensually, allowing my inner thighs to rub together as my hips swayed, my tail whipping and swirling behind me as I approached. Jelamet's eyes widened in terror, this being about the only movement she was capable of making at this point, unable to even beg or plead. The corners of my lips curled into a sly smile as my fingers ran over the tops of her breasts, tucking beneath the material of her top, before peeling it away from her chest, revealing her nipples as I slid my thumbs over them, tracing her areolas softly to harden her nipples. Whilst my hands worked her chest, my tail slid between her legs, shifting the material covering her mound to the side to reveal her already wet folds, before pressing the tip against her clit and moving in soft, circular motions.

Even though she was unable to speak, Jelamet was more than capable of whimpering and moaning in response to my motions, her body responding against it's will as I felt her arousal skyrocket, her nipples harden under my touch, her labia moistening further against the movements of my tail. My smile widened as I subjected the Queen to the same treatment she had given others for almost a millennia, looking to humiliate her before taking her power for myself. As her parted lips uttered soft moans, I leaned forwards, pressing my own against hers and sealing her mouth, my tongue slithering inside and wrapping around her own as I showcased a new ability even the Queen herself did not possess... My mouth emitted a purple mist, secreting the gas directly into her mouth and forcing her to breathe it in, having developed the ability to secrete a powerful aphrodisiac, heightening her already peaked arousal and doubling the sensitivity of her erogenous zones as I felt her desperate and muffled moans against my lips. 

My index fingers and thumbs slid against the sides of her nipples, softly rubbing the rough pads of my fingertips against the edges of her sensitive nubs, occasionally squeezing them gently as my tail glided along her folds, before parting them and sinking the tip between her labia, the appendage burying itself into her pussy and gliding against her pink inner walls. The tip of my tail began to swell, expanding as it stretched her insides, eliciting more muffled moans from her sealed lips as my thick tail forced itself in and out of her pussy, using it to fuck the former Queen. Jelamet almost squealed into my mouth as I launched a sexual assault against her from multiple angles, my tongue infiltrating her mouth whilst secreting the aphrodisiac, my digits stimulating her nipples whilst my tail fucked her harder and faster, bringing this so called Monarch to orgasm as her legs trembled, toes curled within her boots, her moans so powerful they almost broke my seal over her lips.

As Jelamet's climax washed over her, I began to feed on her sexual energy, taken in gradually through our lip contact. However, in order to absorb her true power, a small slit opened in the tip of my tail, taking in all of her juices which contained the true powers of a Monarch, my appendage beginning to glow as my aura spiked, raising further as I felt the power coursing within my form, transforming my appearance as my hair darkened, my skin transitioning to a blue hue, my body growing and strength increasing tremendously. In contrast, the former Queen became a shadow of her former self, her body withered and weakened. Releasing her from both my grip and spell, I let her fall to the ground, a pair of wide, terrified eyes meeting my gaze as I looked down at her in pity. "This Kingdom is now mine... Leave." I order, the former Queen wasting little time in making a clumsy and stumbling exit, fleeing from the throne room, the palace, and even the Kingdom itself, never to be heard from again...

I embraced my new position, the very fate of the Kingdom itself in my hands. From that moment, the Kingdom of Libidine entered a new chapter, a new period of it's history. As I took on the title of Succubus Queen, I vowed that this land would prosper, the methods of my predecessor would never again be repeated. From now on, all will hail the new Queen...

Queen Melascula...

Published: 2023-11-11, viewed 77 times.




5 days ago

That was an enjoyable read, Melas :3

Loved the speech you gave to the guards there.