The Queendom of Libidine

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Established: 2024-07-08

  • Fantasy
  • Descriptive writing
  • Female / Female
  • Sex
  • Forced cum
Where the Queens of Lust rule~
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The Union of Demoness and Dragon Hybrid

Anastasia_the_Dominant: *steps through portal, magic revealing true dragoness form* H-hello
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: The portal brings you to my realm, the Kingdom of Libidine (Latin for Lust), outside the Palace gates. I stand facing the portal, my hand on my hip as the corners of my lips curl into a sly smile, my eyes taking in your exquisite beauty as I begin to speak. "Welcome, my dear~ I am very happy that you decided to accept my invitation~ I have had my eye on you for quite some time~"
Anastasia_the_Dominant: I have too, you're very...... intriguing
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: Your intrigue runs very deep indeed~
Anastasia_the_Dominant: *I start blushing, my blue scales turning purple* And you're a lesbian Succubus....... not going to lie, that's pretty hot.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: Oh no, darling~ I am much... much more than just that~ 
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: My eyes close as my body bows slightly, my right foot shifting behind me as my left remains forwards, toes pointing towards you. My hands lower to my sides, palms facing you, fingers spread and outstretched as my eyes begin to open, my lips spread wide across my face. A purple aura surrounds my form, a dancing light licking my skin like the embers of a roaring fire, my eyes emitting the same purple glow as the light begins to contract, coating my skin and covering my body, before transitioning and shifting form, solidifying into a crystal like substance. The shiny surface begins to crack, rapidly spreading over the outer shell as it shatters into thousands of pieces, my body emerging like a butterfly from a chrysalis, revealing pale skin, blue hair, red horns and wings, and sporting a black latex one piece with matching gloves and thigh high boots. My eyes open to reveal a crimson hue, my lips still spread wide along my face
Anastasia_the_Dominant: Well now...... *eyes barely leave the sight of your transformation."
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: The transformation is merely the beginning~
Anastasia_the_Dominant: *I can barely hold back a moan and realise she wants me. And she'll get me in the end, but how long will I resist.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: My hand raises as our surroundings shift and morph, becoming a shapeless swirl as the world around us simply fades into constant motion, the swirling colours changing hues subtly as it comes to an eventual stop, the Palace courtyard now nowhere in sight as we now stand in the middle of my private Chambers, a place few mortals ever set foot...
Anastasia_the_Dominant: How did...... wow. This is very swish. *being a dragon meant that the it took adjust was like an guide, so when our scenery changed, it felt like the most natural thing in world. I step forward, your eyes glittering as I visually explore my surroundings.*
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: The window overlooking my kingdom stands tall, almost the entire height of the room, a purple silk curtain adorning it's edges as the walls within are held together with old stone, the surfaces singed black as an effect of being within the vicinity of my overwhelming power on a regular basis. A red, plush rug lines the ground beneath our feet, leading to the very heart of my chamber, and a Succubi's most prized possession~ My bed sits wide along the ground, the width capable of fitting an entire harem at once - as occasionally it must - the red silk bedding drapes from the sides as the dark wooden frame above holds a full sized mirror, enabling all within to see their misdeeds. I gesture towards the bed as my lips spread into a smile. "Shall we, darling~?"
Anastasia_the_Dominant: I look down at my body, wearing my wrestling attire, and realise I don't usually wear anything underneath it. Never having shied before, I remove my boots, unzipping them and pulling my feet out. I pull off my gloves and drop them. Then pull my bra over my head, letting it fall and revealing my firm, ample bust. Finally I remove my shorts, my honey pot freshly waxed and slightly glistening. I walk over to the bed, completely naked, and mount the huge mattress. "This is a very nice bed...."
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: I smile widely as you strip yourself before me, my eyes scanning your delicious body up and down as my tongue runs over my lips, taking in your beautiful bare form. I emit a soft laughter from my lips as I speak. "I could have saved you some time with that~" I tease, my hand raising as I click my fingers, summoning a glowing purple energy as it surrounds my attire, the latex clinging to my torso, legs, and arms all enveloped within the purple light as it shines brightly, before scattering like ash, the material dissipating along with it, revealing my ample breasts, round cheeks, and my swollen mound and clit. My hands and knees sink into the mattress as I crawl next to you, joining you on the bed as I reply. "Yes... fit for a Queen of sex~"
Anastasia_the_Dominant: My nervousness is written all over my face. Knowing that I want this, but worried about that bit about the mental images and what you would see. I shake my head, and face you, so close, our ample frames are almost touching. I put my hands up for a classic test of strength, and exhale, ready to wrestle.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: My eyebrow raises as your hands get into position, delighted to see you initiating the first move. I respond in kind, raising my own hands as I press our palms together, slipping my fingers between the gaps in yours and clenching them around your knuckles, my eyes locked with yours as my smile remains spread across my face. At this point, I could rather easily enter your mind through this intense eye contact... however, I instead simply spread out our arms and lean my body forwards, my frame shifting to align our breasts and nipples as our chests press together, nipples meeting tip to tip, sinking into our areolas and disappearing between our mounds of flesh. I lean my head forwards, resting my chin against the space between your shoulder and neck, my hot breath rolling against your skin as I bring my lips to your ear. "This will be pleasure beyond imagining~" I speak in a soft, breathy whisper, my lips brushing against your ear as I speak...
Anastasia_the_Dominant: You were delighted at my boldness and I struggled not to pull back. Instead our palms pressed together, dragon strength against demon, and you align our breasts, nipples firm and pressing together. Which was already enough to get me revving, but then you leaned in to whisper, warm breath tickling my ear, and I moan into yours, wings stretching out in pleasure. I push my entire weight against your body, wanting to show you my strength and impress you with my prowess. I struggle against you, hoping to gain some ground and not be immediately dominated.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: I feel the power behind your motions, your strength just as impressive as I had expected. As a demoness, the dragon clan are no strangers to our kind. Even the most fearsome of those beasts have never been able to match the power of a Succubus Queen, let alone one as powerful as I. And yet, here you are, a mortal dragon hybrid exerting far more strength than any within the pure bloodline lineage had shown in millennia. I smile as my own body exerts it's own force, pushing back firmly as my fingers clench tightly around your hands, my body shuffling slightly against yours as I grind our nipples together and slip my long tongue from between my lips, allowing it to slither down your neck and run along your collarbone....
Anastasia_the_Dominant: I was firmly in a titfight with a demoness. Oh by the void...... my ancestors were not going to smile about this. I copied the movements trying to give you the same reaction you were giving me, unfortunately, I did not have a long neck, and my sensitive human skin was reacting very happily to it. I moaned as it slithered, and my wings flapped a little, pushing me forward a bit more, maybe just enough to force you back a knee....
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: The taste of your skin on my tongue is of the most delicious treat, your body a fine meal fit for a Queen, and only adding to my near insatiable hunger~ Your wings produce a gust and additional force into your push, my toes digging into the mattress to counteract the force as my own wings wrap around us, the tips reaching around to the base of yours as I run them along the skin connecting your wings to your back softly, gently tracing the area with a sensual touch as my tongue slithers along your breasts, slipping between your cleavage and squeezing between our merged mounds of flesh as the tip softly glides against the underside. My tail slides around your leg, a thick rubbery skin gliding against yours, coiling your thick muscle as I softly compress and squeeze whilst the bulbous tip runs against your inner thigh
Anastasia_the_Dominant: I'd never had anyone touch the base of my wings the way you just did, and it was making me terribly aroused. And the tongue pushing through our combined cleavage to caress my breast was certainly a new thing to experience. The tail slid around my leg and gave it a gentle squeeze as the tip ran against my thigh. All of this, and I was still going, trying force you back, wanting to prove my strength and my body could be useful to you.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: Your determination and strength is most admirable, your spirit pushing you to drive forwards, despite the sensations my motions inflict upon you. My smile widens still as I attempt to goad you into using your strength against me, enjoying the force behind your motions, however also with a purpose... As I feel your push against me heighten slowly, I suddenly lean back, my legs shifting as I look to use your motions to pull you over me as I lay on my back, my legs opening as I look to wrap them around your waist and keep your body tightly pressed against mine
Anastasia_the_Dominant: The sudden pull back throws me off guard and leaves me wide open for you to wrap your legs around me and hook your feet to pull me in closer to you. I drop the grip I had on your hands as I begin to caress your ample body, wanting to feel as much of you as I can. Our breasts were still pressed together tightly, but I was rubbing against yours now, hoping to at least making a Succubus Queen moan from my large breasts. I would consider that a win if nothing else. My left leg also pushes up further, feeling your soft skin against the knee as I work it up to try and rub your pussy with it.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: As our bodies press together tightly, my legs slide around your waist, pulling your form against mine firmly as I feel the motions of your breasts, rubbing against my own as my lips emit a soft hum. "That's it darling~ Take what you want~" My smile only widening as I feel your leg pressing between mine, prompting my tail to slither up your thigh and slide the bulbous tip against your labia, tracing the skin softly and rubbing your clit as I look into your eyes. "Let's see how we can... accentuate... this moment further~" I speak softly as my orbs begin to emit a purple glow
Anastasia_the_Dominant: The soft moan was sending me soaring as my wish had been granted. I keep going with my thigh, the blue scales on my leg were starting to flush purple as the red blood rose to the surface and your tail was being used better than any thing else had ever been. But as I looked to you, my vision swam with purple, and my thoughts felt like they began to sing.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: My eyes peer into yours, infiltrating your mind as my motions continue to stimulate your senses, looking to weaken any mental barriers in place to allow my access to your thoughts. I project an image into your mind... wrists and ankles bound, scaly skin tightly wrapped with leather straps, clawed fingers clenching, reptilian toes curling, limbs trembling and struggling as my tail glides past the point of view perspective I present. The vision fades to black, accompanied by my echoing laughter, denying you the satisfaction of knowing what is done to your body to elicit those reactions...
Anastasia_the_Dominant: The lustful passion was to be expected but the vision? That was something else, something I wanted to explore....... no, I was here, now, sexfighting a demon, and making the most of the opportunity. My hands caress your curves as I rub against you, hearing your laughter in my head. I blink hard and keep my knee close into you, rubbing your labia with it, but on a severe back foot thanks to your tail.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: I continue to be impressed with your fortitude, able to sense your arousal heightening.... but your spirit remains unyielding as I feel your leg pressing against my folds, your hands explore my body. My hands slide over your shoulders as my fingers gently clasp the back of your neck, softly pulling you towards me in order to press my lips against yours. My tail runs against your folds, spreading them as I sink the bulbous tip into your pussy, running the end against your insides as your lips shape and morph around the form of my tail
Anastasia_the_Dominant: You had beaten me to the kiss as your hands grab the back of neck and pull me into a sensual lip lock. And the taste was indescribable, words failed meaning. Except one, lust. You tasted of the concept of lust itself, and I realised the tale I'd heard that was similar to this. I couldn't recall it right now though, as your tail was now spreading my lips apart completely and entering me, filling me up with a physical sensation that I knew was new to me, but with the way you worked? You've done this many times before, at all the different levels of passion required. And I only hoped that I was worthy of a high level of it.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: As our lips meet, my long, thin tongue slips between yours and enters your mouth, coiling around your own to keep our lips sealed against each other and your mouth open as I secrete a powerful aphrodisiac in the form of a purple mist from my throat, forcing you to breathe in the substance designed to double the sensitivity of your erogenous zones. My tail squeezes into your pussy, the tip gliding against your insides as it begins to swell, enlargement inside you as it's width presses firmly against your insides, stretching them to fit my girth. My hips take a sudden sharp motion, attempting to shift your body from atop mine and roll you onto your back atop the mattress, my legs uncrossing as I look to straddle you
Anastasia_the_Dominant: The tongue had coiled around mine and I wasn't sure, but there was something else. A misty feeling inside my mouth. In mere seconds, my body's sensitivity was kicked into overdrive, and your tail's tip actually grew inside me and stretched me out. And then your hips tweaked hard, rolling my body over as you uncrossed your legs to straddle me. My hair had spilled out under my head on the bed like a pool of blood, and my wings were completely flat against the bed. I was breathing heavily, my tits heaving as I looked up at you.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: Our forms roll together in tandem, as if merging and becoming one as our wings softly rub together, my knees pressing against the satin sheets whilst my torso remains glued to yours, our breasts and nipples pressing tightly against each other, your delicious body on mine acting as a drug, unable to get enough of your sensual touch. My eyes open as your own stare into mine. With our lips still merged, no words are spoken, as none are needed in this moment. Everything you need to know is conveyed within my red orbs, my lust, desire, and want for you and your delicious form, feeling our mutual arousal heightening as my aura flares up around us, the visual representation of my power emerging through sheer excitement. My thickened tail slides in and out of your tight pussy, shaping your folds around the thick tip as I repeatedly squeeze it through your insides, wanting to push your body to it's very limits
Anastasia_the_Dominant: This felt like more than your latest. This almost felt as if...... you wanted this just as much as I did. The way you kept us together as you rolled us over. Your wings touching mine was definitely a new sensation for me, and you were rubbing against my breasts as much as I was yours. We looked back into each other's eyes, red meeting blue and seeing it all. I was right. You DID want this, almost more than me. And the feeling only got stronger as an aura emanates from your body. Your tail was sliding, not thrusting, in and out of me, the power and girth behind it was pushing me hard, and I was determined to take it and keep going.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: The fire inside your soul burns brightly, your arousal building further as the corners of my lips curl into a smile against yours, emitting a soft hum into the sensual embrace as my tongue massages yours. The tips of my wings softly glide against the outside of yours, tracing the tops from the base all the way to the tips, rarely getting the chance to engage with such a beautiful foe with wings of her own, ensuring I get my fill of the experience. My tail slowly pushes deeper inside your pussy, keeping your sensitive spots stimulated as it curls against your insides. My hands press against your shoulders, fingers and nails softly gliding down your scales as my hands reach for yours, our palms pressing together, fingers slipping between the gaps in yours as I look to slide your arms up over your head, wanting to feel all of your body with all of mine
Anastasia_the_Dominant: There it was again. The soft sound made by you as our bodies intertwined. And I could feel your lips curling upwards, your enjoyment shining through as the kiss continued with such passion. And you clearly loved my wings, tracing their top edges from their bases to their tips, making me wish I had that much control over mine. Your tail was pushing deeper and keeping its presence in my sensitive areas known as it slid and coiled around inside me. Your hands pushed on my shoulders with your fingers feeling my scales along my arms before they reached my palms. I gratefully took your fingers in between mine and gripped tight as you slid my arms up the bed. I felt my claws pulling at the skin on your palms and panicked slightly, hoping that I wasn't hurting you or drawing blood.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: Your claws dig into my skin, pinching the surface tightly as my own fingers clench firmly around your knuckles, pain being a sensation tightly intertwined with pleasure for a Sex Demoness such as myself. My lips part from yours as my tongue slithers out of your mouth, softly gliding against your lips as my eyes gaze into yours, my smile still ever present on my expression as I feel my tail sinking repeatedly between your folds, shaping your insides around the thick appendage as my tip begins to emit a warm vibrating sensation, low constant pulses stimulating your insides as I drive the end against your cervix, intending to heighten your arousal and sexual pleasure further still as I enjoy your body and mind to the fullest.
Anastasia_the_Dominant: You match my claws with your fingers clenching firmly against my hands, making me grunt in pained pleasure. You release the lip lock, your tongue leaving my mouth as we look into each other's eyes, and I feel something more than lust and infatuation, not knowing if it's real, or just your power, and not caring either way. Your tail was a spectacular addition to everything that was going on, now pulsing inside me and making my whole body feel it, especially my cervix as I feel the end of your tail press against it. I couldn't help it, but I moan loudly as my eyes roll back for a few seconds, then tried to look back at you, mostly succeeding.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: As our eyes lock, our minds intertwine in thoughts and feelings, our two realities swirl together and combine, our very concept of consciousness beginning to merge, fuelling this union between Sex Demoness and Dragon Hybrid. I feel the sensations inflicted upon your body, the deep heat from your erogenous zones, the tingling of your wings as mine glide over them softly, the pressure of my torso and breasts against yours, the aphrodisiac overwhelming your body and mind, filling you with a sense of pleasure, I can see it all... And it is beautiful~ At this stage, I need no further projections into your mind, no further aphrodisiac pouring down your throat, there is only the motions of our bodies now... and the feeding on your sexual energy, the most intimate act for a Sex Demoness to share with a partner~
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: Long ago, this would have also consumed life force, though I have now mastered this ability to the extent I will be able to consume your sexual energy without endangering your life... Something far too valuable for me to risk~ I lean down slightly as my lips brush against yours, my tail twisting inside your pussy as the thick tip grinds against your inner walls, squeezing through your tightest regions as I emit a soft whisper. “You are mine~” I tease, before sealing your lips with my own again, my throat opening as I begin to extract your sexual energy through your mouth, the sensual process starting to fuel my own power...
Anastasia_the_Dominant: I could feel you in my mind again, but not trying use a vision to make me submit, but rather a merging of consciousness, making me feel connected to you, unified in our pleasure. You needed no more of your tricks, why would you? The hybrid underneath you was being touched in a way that both of us do not usually feel, our breasts almost perfectly aligned for pleasure. Your lips brush my for a moment as the tail within pushes through all the tightest parts of me. Then, you say three words that I hoped would remain true after our encounter, and lock my lips again.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: My aura spikes further, the purple flame like illumination reaching the reflective surface directly above us as I extract your sexual energy through our sensual lip contact, my tongue massaging yours between our parted lips. My tail expands further gradually, the tip pressing against your insides as it swells slowly, stretching you out as I drive it in and out of your folds, shaping your pussylips around the girth whilst my body remains pressed firmly against yours. My eyes glow red as I maintain the eye contact to stay as connected to you as possible on an ethereal level, as well as within the physical plane
Anastasia_the_Dominant: I wanted more of you. I was moving my jaw to get my lips to rub against yours as your tongue curled and pressed against mine, the length making it very easy for it to twine around mine. As your tail moved in and out of me, I feel it getting bigger, stretching me out and shaping me to you, even as your hips barely moved. Mine, however, were gently bucking against your tail, wanting to feel as much of it as possible. Your eyes glow with power, and the purple aura is doing nothing to make me feel dissuaded from pursuing this as much as I possibly could, and I wanted our connection to last.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: I feel your reciprocation for this union, for our embrace, for our connection, allowing my aura to spread from my body, the purple light flowing between our fingers, our wings, our lips, all the way to my tail against your insides, the warm light enveloping us both and becoming our aura. The connection between us strengthens as I hear your thoughts, allowing my own to speak into your mind... ‘I have been watching you... waiting... biding my time... and you are everything I expected, as well as much more~” My voice echoes inside your own mind, my lips busy massaging yours to speak this aloud.
Anastasia_the_Dominant: Your aura flows strongly from your body and onto mine, engulfing me into your connection with me, as every single part of my body is being touched by you in some way. Even now in my mind, I hear your words as my own thoughts, that smooth and intoxicating voice put front and centre. With our kiss, this must be our only way of communicating, and so I try to think of what I want to say..... "You flatter me.... I want you..... want to be yours...." Wishful thinking perhaps, that a humble Dragoness would be with a Succubus Queen, even as a consort. But, it's how I felt.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: Whether or not you are already aware of this, your words are not the only aspects of your thoughts that I can hear... I can feel your doubts also, your hesitation that a being such as yourself would have a place within my Kingdom, within my fold. My lips emit a soft hum into your mouth as they remain firmly pressed against yours, my tongue slithering around and holding yours affectionately as the motions of my tail slow, allowing you to feel every inch as it parts your insides in a sensual manner, looking to convey actions of adoration through my motions as I project more of my words into your mind... ‘I have already claimed you as such~”
Anastasia_the_Dominant: The hum from your lips. One word, reassurance. That's what it felt like to me. The affection of which your tongue held mine showed the care you were going to put into me, and your tail slowed down and I felt every single inch of length inside me, even as it stretched me out, it felt like...... adoration. A sensual act to ease me, as you project the words to claim me. And upon hearing these words, I moan deeply from my throat.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: I hear not only your moans, but feel the passion behind the reaction, adoring the arousal I sense from within you as it merges with my own, becoming a singularity of passion and intense primal lust. My tail begins to slowly rotate at the end inside of you, the tip sensually grinding against your inner walls as I push them out further, the motion of my thrusts beginning to pick up in pace and force once more, gradually fucking you harder and faster with each cycled motion, eager to see your arousal hit it’s peak and allow you to surrender your body to me completely.
Anastasia_the_Dominant: And of course, the tail rotates. And it was doing this, while sending its pulses, and thrusting into me. Part of me wanted it in my mouth, another part wanted it between my breasts, but I mostly wanted it to stay right where the fuck it is, as it thrusts and rotates harder and harder within me, stretching me out further than I thought even possible. I moaned louder into your mouth, as my climax was finally nearing, eager to orgasm for you at your command, and hoping it would be the first of many.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: I feel your emotions, your sensations, your desires, fuelling my own lust for your delicious body and mind. A small slit opens at the end of my tail, the resulting hole beginning to extract your juices from your insides whilst secreting another aphrodisiac, though more concentrated in a thick liquid form. I speak into your mind once more, letting you hear the thoughts that I know you so wish for... 'Submit to me... let your body surrender to the pleasure and allow your climax to emerge... and become mine... my consort~"
Anastasia_the_Dominant: I feel a thick liquid inside me and my body trembles with sexual pleasure. My back arches under you, rubbing our stiff nipples together, and my toes curl with pleasure. My climax hits, making me squeak and moan under you, the words in my mind helping me to let my body feel this sensation of pleasure underneath you. It was by your command that I had this orgasm, and that made it something even more for me.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: ‘That’s it~’ I continue speaking into your mind as I feel your arousal peak and your climax wash over you. ‘Be mine~’ The slit in my tip begins to create a vacuum, consuming your juices as the main body of the tail expands with your fluids being taken in, feeding on your sexual energy as my aura spikes further around us, your adorable sounds and bodily motions only fuelling my appetite for you all the more as I continue to squeeze the thickened end of my tail in and out of your pussy, looking to heighten the pleasure of your orgasm and increase the intensity.
Anastasia_the_Dominant: A flame appears in the back of my throat, smoke entering my mouth as the orgasm rocks my body. The tip of your tail is doing such work in ensuring you collect all of my juices from within, the purple aura further expanding around us like a purple fire, matching the colour that my scales have flushed with. Your tail does not stop, pushing my orgasm even further and intensely than I've felt before. And I couldn't help it, but I nearly screamed inside your mouth with pleasure.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: I feel the heat emanating from your mouth through our sealed lips, as well as the tensing of your throat muscles as we share in indescribable pleasure and arousal. My energy soars from the abundance of sustenance gained through your pussy and mouth as I absorb the energy of your sexual pleasure. My hand leaves yours, a single finger running softly down your arm as I glide the tip down your skin, gently tracing the surface as I slide it down your side and shifting towards your abdomen. The tip of my finger glows with a warm purple light, stroking your stomach in a specific pattern as a trail of light is left on your skin, marking you with the symbol of my kingdom...
Anastasia_the_Dominant: I could still feel your pleasure connected with mine, and knew you were feeling the exact same thing i was feeling. Yet you could still move on your own. One single finger. And yet, it felt incredible as it traced down my arm, feeling all the scales down its length, slowly moving down my side and to my waist, tracing a pattern on my stomach. Still connected in you mind, I saw the symbol of your kingdom, and my heart soared, knowing that this meant that I would be a part of your court for as long as you wanted me to be. And that thought swam through my mind.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: The feelings of pleasure do not fade, yet reach their crescendo as I part my lips from yours, a wispy purple energy connecting our lips briefly before it dissipates into the air. My tail remains deep inside, yet no longer thrusting. My hands move to your midsection, fingers spread as palms lay flat, my arms extending as I push myself upwards, our breasts finally parting, both glistening with sweat from the long, sensual press. My glowing red eyes stare into yours as the corners of my lips curl upwards to produce a wide smile. My tongue runs over my lips as I emit a satisfied exhale, looking over your beautiful body with longing, satisfaction... yet with a slight undertone of a territorial nature... “It has been done... you are now mine... my Consort~”
Anastasia_the_Dominant: As you pull upwards, I exhale, not realising just how much I needed to breathe in this moment, and I see the smallest wisp of purple dance between us before disappearing. There are no more thrusts as you place your hands on my waist, and push upwards off of me, breasts finally parting from each other, my absolutely dripping, but yours with a beautiful shine. Glowing red meets shimmering blue as our eyes lock with each other, and that beautiful smile shines through. You lick your lips and look me over, many thoughts and emotions in the pools of red, and you say the words I've been dying to hear throughout this encounter. And my only response? A breathy, moan..... "Yes, my Queen....."
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: Satisfied with your response, my eyes shin their crimson hue as my smile widens further, a large grin spreading from ear to ear as my eyes land on the crest marked upon your skin, my hand sliding down from your midsection to your abdomen as my index and middle finger softly stroke your skin, running over the pink symbol forever marking you as mine. My eyes shift to yours once more, the lust, the hunger, the pleasure... all are shown within your beautiful blue orbs. “This is merely the beginning, darling~ I have so much more to show you~”

Published: 2024-01-25, viewed 114 times.



Sweet Misty (deleted member)

2024-02-07 14:54

OH MY! I'm not sure what to say... I.... *Blushes!*

Anastasia the Dominant

2024-02-07 14:55

(In reply to this)

Your comment is more than enough


2024-01-26 00:20

GOODNESS! I hope to see some more of you together ;)

Anastasia the Dominant

2024-01-26 00:21

(In reply to this)

I'm sure you will

Lee The Demonic giant (deleted member)

2024-01-25 15:11

Incredible! Great fight both of you! I hope you guys keep on fighting! It's could really be a great rivalry!

Anastasia the Dominant

2024-01-25 17:32

(In reply to this)

Maybe not fighting~

(In reply to this)

I concur completely~

Emm R

2024-01-25 10:58

OMG what a story

(In reply to this)

Thank you dear~

Anastasia the Dominant

2024-01-25 10:59

(In reply to this)

Thank you~

Luna the fiery boxer

2024-01-25 10:33

Hot... and fucking CUTE, good job you two~

(In reply to this)

Thank you dearest~

Anastasia the Dominant

2024-01-25 10:34

(In reply to this)

Thank you Luna