The Queendom of Libidine

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Established: 2024-07-08

  • Fantasy
  • Descriptive writing
  • Female / Female
  • Sex
  • Forced cum
Where the Queens of Lust rule~
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The Royal Toy's first service to the Queens of Lust

Jordyn_Jones: "B.. Being horny is not a.. A.. P.. P.. Probleeemmm!"
ScarletRed: The corners of my cherry lips curl into a sly smile as my crimson eyes emit a low glow, a red mist permeating through the air, obscuring the view of my body, only a silhouette and the shine from my eyes visible through the scarlet cloud. Horns protrude from my head, my wings sprouting, my tail emerging from behind me as I slowly step out from within the mist...
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: As I emerge, my skin is revealed to have shifted to a blue hue, my hair a dark blue, my lips retaining the same sly smile whilst the glow from my crimson irises grows, my attire showing off my voluptuous frame. “Now then, Jordyn~ Let us begin, our Royal Toy~”
Jordyn_Jones: "L.. Let us begin.. What do you mean?!" i was still impressed by the entrances of Mel aswell as her quick yet hot transformation. I stare at her as her sly smirking smile was the first thing I noticed when she entered. I stand there and stare into her glowing eyes being a bit scared
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: I roll my neck as I stretch the muscle, my lips parting as a satisfied exhale emits from within. “Ahh... much better~ Taking my true form always feels like stripping down to something more... comfortable~” I speak in a sultry tone as my crimson eyes scan your delicious form. “Now then, I believe it has been quite some time since you and I engaged in sensual wrestling~ Perhaps now is the time to do so again~” I tease as I step forwards, my heels clicking against the ground, my inner thighs rubbing together and hips swaying sensually with each motion. My hands raise, fingers outstretched and spread as my smile remains wide on my lips. “If you dare~”
Jordyn_Jones: "A.. Sensual wrestling? N... N. No unfair tricks?!" i was a bit surprised you offered me a wrestling match and there was no better training then against Mel. I immediately agreed and nod my head while walking slowly towards you with my hands up in the air for a simple lock up:" OH I am ready! Come to me bitch!"
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: Ahh the beloved Royal Toy~ So sweet, so beautiful... so naive~ My smile spreads further at your words, not fazed by your brazen nature, as all that is required to correct is a simple demonstration, just as always. As you step forwards to meet my advance, my fingers slip between the gaps in yours, clenching around your knuckles as I press our palms together. My feet spread against the ground, my left foot slightly behind my right as I begin to apply modest pressure from my side, not looking to push you back, but merely to hold you in place and allow you to add your own force at your pace, having a much more interesting idea in mind than simply overpowering you...
Jordyn_Jones: Our hands locked up and my right foot is just as your left one behind me to get a steady position and balance to push against you. I use my body to push forward and smirk:"You are done Ms. Loser!" I tease you while starting to flex my muscles and push with a lot of might against you in our battle of strenght
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: It seems our Royal Toy has not learned much from our previous encounters~ My hands keep a firm grip of your own as my feet keep a stable placement on the ground below, my knees bending to bring us eye level as my crimson orbs gaze into yours, my smile spreading further still as I make you use more of your strength. My hands suddenly cease pushing and begin pulling, my arms spreading out and forcing your own to do the same as I step forwards and straighten my stance, intending to have your face crashing into my bust as I attempt to confuse your senses with the ever changing momentum whilst using your own against you, transitioning from pushing, to pulling, and then back to pushing again as I press my body against your own, looking to walk you backwards towards the wall
Jordyn_Jones: I could feel for a moment that I had the upper hand as it felt like I was pushing you backwards, while not noticing, that your arms just pushed to the side. Once I noticed it my eyes pop out wide as I crash face first into your big boobs which smother me badly from the the first second. I though you were going to hold me in it but suddenly I feel my body being pushed backwards, which makes me stumble and lose my control of your arms. I stumble for and backwards over and over again while being crushed by your fleshy round orbs on your chest:"Mppffhhh... Fuck.. I.. I.. Mpffhh.. Fuck. Argh.. Kpffhff!"
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: Having already gained control of the motions within the first few moments of our encounter, you know as well as any other that this alone will not satisfy me. Whilst the flesh from my chest completely overwhelms and encompasses your face, I keep my body firmly pressed against yours to ensure you continue to be forced backwards. My hands raise your own above your head, keeping your arms directly upwards as I keep your feet from gaining any stability throughout the motions by forcing you onto your toes. As I continue pushing, my tail slides around the back of your leg, looping along the joint at the back of your knee whilst the tip slithers along your inner thigh. I tighten the hold and pull at your leg to unbalance you and make you topple to the ground, intending to land atop you
Jordyn_Jones: My arms were in your control in seconds as they lift up with ease right above my head. I stood there with your breasts holding my face in place inside of them when suddenly my legs start to shake badly and I moan lightly into your flesh. My warm breath hits your tots and suddenly I could feel my legs were pulled apart and off the ground. It felt like a slow motion as I start to drop on my back and your body slams on top of mine. I was pretty much trapped under your weight as I squirm and start to shake left and right :"Nnghgg.. Get off bitch.. Gnffmghh!"
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: As my tail pulls firmly at your leg, I feel your balance lost almost immediately as your back crashes down to the ground, my own body landing atop you as my breasts remain pressed against your face, the floor beneath pressing against the back of your head to keep you from moving as your lips and nose sink deeper into the vast crevice of my cleavage, the flesh of my chest completely sealing your features. My midsection presses down against your own breasts, squeezing them to your chest as my tail uncoils from around your leg, my own looking to slide around yours and tangle them together, locking the backs of our knees as I attempt to hook my feet around your ankles and force your legs to spread open, leaving your core vulnerable
Jordyn_Jones: "Nghg.. I.. Was trapped in a simple yet not able to get out grapevine hold as I squirm into your breasts :" Mmpfghfg.. Fucckckcc! " As your breasts scent completly overwhelm my brain. It melts in second as I couldn't get any fresh air. I knew this hold from past encounters and knew how vulnerable my pussy was at this time. I struggle with my legs and trying to somehow get a good push or pull to get them free but your experience in fights show, I was defensless
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: My feet lock around your ankles as I immobilise your legs, controlling their spread as I force them open, intending to keep them within the threshold that your joints are able to handle, only looking to restrain, not cause immense pain. My hands press the backs of yours against the ground beneath, pinning your arms above your head, leaving you unable to resist as my ample breasts smother your pretty face, your lips and nose completely sealed by the mounds of flesh encompassing my chest. “Right where you belong~ Let us take this further, shall we~?” I tease as my tail slides over your inner thigh, the bulbous tip gently stroking your skin as I slowly bring the end towards your core, using the thick tip to glide along the length of your labia through your panties, reaching your clit and stroking your jewel in slow, circular motions
Jordyn_Jones: I was trapped in this hold several times and each time was being worse for me. The feeling of knowing what will happen next just made me sweat so bad as I close my eyes and already could feel my body shaking even though your tail tip was not even touching me. It felt like I could already see what will happen and suddenly I moan out so loud into your breasts, which should be bearable for everyone. Your tip of your tail slowly teases my pussy and made my bidy twitch badly, and suddenly it was time to completly muffle into your breasts with moans as it circles against my clit. I was immediatly getting wet and just start to feel my eyes rolling back into my head as each circle made me twitch once
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: My lips emit hums of satisfaction as the end of my tail feels the exact shape of your clit and labia beneath your panties, the sensitive skin tingling at the sensual touch of your sensitive and private area. My legs keep your own spread wide as my hands remain latched atop yours, keeping the backs pressed and pinned firmly against the ground as my eyes emit a low crimson glow, a low aura of purple energy surrounding my breasts as they begin to slowly expand, increasing in size as the flesh presses more firmly and tightly against your facial features, your entire head almost buried beneath the size of my bust. My tail slips beneath the fabric of your panties, disregarding the garment entirely as I slowly glide the tip along your bare labia, stroking the length softly, before positioning the end against your entrance and slowly inserting the thickened bulb between your folds, forcing them to shape around the width as my tail slowly sinks into and grinds against your inner walls
Jordyn_Jones: Being smothered like this happened several times... But feeling your breasts push harder against me while not noticing them being manipulated by your magic to increases in size was something new. I was smothered so badly that not even snapping for air was possible for me. I was at the point where my body just moves randomly left and right, struggling badly trying to get a single drop of fresh air when suddenly I lose my mind as your tail completly dominate my lower body. My hips move up and down once your tail was slowly teasing the inner walls of my pussy which made me get wet in seconds
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: My tail squeezes through your tight inner walls as the thick end grinds against your insides, stretching you out and forcing your pussy to open to the relentless advance of my thrusting, the tip circling and swirling around your pink innards to ensure no parts of your insides are neglected by my sensual advances. My legs keep your own spread wide as my hands emit a low glow, strands of my own power emerging and sliding around your wrists, attaching to the ground as I use my energy bonds to restrain your wrists and keep you bound to the ground. My now free hands slide down your arms, fingertips softly tracing your skin as I move them around to the back of your head, cupping at your scalp in what could be perceived as a loving manner, in spite of the true nature of my motions. My palms press against the back of your head as my fingers lace, pulling your face more firmly against my breasts as my bust keeps your features completely covered and smothered breathlessly
Jordyn_Jones: My finger were tied up or more like restrained from moving by your magic as it was kind of the first time I noticed how dirty your magic can work on me. Your hands were in no need to hold me down now as they press my face even deeper into your breasts which made me speechless. I tried to wiggle out but all I could do was moan and let my warm breath spread against your breasts. I was dominated badly, could not do anything as I even feel the first wave of juice slowly leaking out of me as I suddenly yell:"Nghghh.. Mpffhff.. Give.. Up..."
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: “Hmm~? What was that~?” I ask teasingly, pretending not to hear as my hands pull the back of your head harder, squeezing your face into my breasts as the flesh shapes around your features, the sides of my breasts almost pressing against the ground as they wrap tightly around your head. My tail slowly pulls out, the skin glistening from your juices smeared against the surface. I hold the tip against your entrance for a moment, keeping your folds stretched wide along the width, before slowly sinking the end between your pink innards once more. As my tail descends through your insides, the end begins to swell and expand, the thickening tip pressing and stretching against your inner walls as I thrust my tail deeper inside, squeezing through your tight insides. “Was that your weak attempt to submit~? Say it clearly now, ‘I submit’... say it~”
Jordyn_Jones: "Hmmpfghff.. I.. I.. Nmnhgg.. Submittt!" I was trapped and could not move nor speak fluently as my brain melts immediatly by your words and teasing behavior. My pussy was more than wet and I was not sure what to do as all my body was able to do, was to lay underneath yours and just enjoy the tail completly dominating my pussy
Anastasia_the_Dominant: And THAT is why you are the Royal Toy, dear Jordyn~
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: “Quite so, my Beloved~” I turn to address my perfect wife and Queen, Anastasia, pleased that she has been witness to this arousing event. My attention turns back to you, our Royal Toy, a soft and ominous laughter leaving my lips. “Silly little toy~ Are you truly naive enough to believe your submission, however pleasing it is to hear, would be what releases you~? Naive girl~ I decide when we are through~” My sultry voice accompanied by a demonic reverb beneath my tone as my tail slowly pulls out of your pussy, only to sharply thrust back inside, grinding and stretching your inner walls with the thick end of my appendage. My hands keep your head held firmly, your face pressed tightly against my breasts as I shift my upper body side to side, rubbing your face with my ample chest flesh, before pressing down against your face once more, completely sealing your airways as my thrusts begin to gradually increase in speed and force, fucking you harder and faster, looking to make your body surrender to me also~
Anastasia_the_Dominant: Although~ I think perhaps she needs more convincing of her status, don't you, beloved? *I ask with a purr, gliding around to where your heads are and sit down, pushing my legs underneath the both of you to try and squeeze my thighs around the sides of Jordyn's head, going to for a combined headscissor and breast smother combo.*
Jordyn_Jones: I heard another voice and I was already at the edge of passing out as suddenly my head gets squeezed by a pair of thick thighs. I could not really tell whose legs were squeezing my neck but I could tell for sure, it was painful. My head immediatly turns into a blueish color as I was on the edge of getting knocked out by the combo as all my airways were closed. I could not talk nor move and just feel the orgasm of mine building up more and more
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: It is to my sheer delight that my wife and Queen, never ceasing to impress and amaze me, joins in the fray as I watch her hips tuck beneath the back of Jordyn’s head, lifting it up slightly and pressing her face more firmly against my breasts, the flesh keeping her features pressed and squeezed tightly, shaping around her face and pressing against the inside of my beloved’s thighs, the motion leaving me no need to hold onto Jordyn’s head any longer. Anastasia’s thighs close around Jordyn’s head, our Royal Toy squeezed by the powerful legs of one of Libidine’s Queen of Lust, my wife showing me one of many reasons why I fell for her~ The positioning and arousal makes it too difficult to resist, her legs just in front of my face as my tongue emerges, sliding along the skin of her thigh as my hands slowly slide along the outside of her legs, fingers gently tracing the skin, whilst my tail thrusts sharply in and out of our toy, the end squeezing through and swirling against her tight inner walls, enjoying our slave together~
Anastasia_the_Dominant: *I moan slightly, trying to show my dominant nature by suppressing it as Mela licks my thighs. But my physical response is not suppressed as my thighs squeeze even harder around Jordyn's head, ensuring she has no escape from the Queens of Lust and Pleasure, the Succubus Rulers of Sex and Domination.*
Jordyn_Jones: My vision was all blurry and black from the tag team humilation you two gave to me. I couldn't believe I was destroyed by my two queens that badly as it was a matter of seconds for me to either get released or fall asleep inbetween your thighs and tits:"Mhff.. Fhfmf... Fnfh.. Gg. Gg.."
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: The motions of my tail suddenly slow to a stop, remaining deep in Jordyn’s pussy as the thick end throbs and undulates inside, low stimulations inflicted against her inner walls, however only enough to keep her arousal piqued, yet denying her the satisfaction of the climax that was likely mere seconds away from emerging. My smile spreads further as my hands slowly slide along the skin of my beloved, fingertips lightly gliding against her skin as I slowly bring them to her midsection, before lightly grazing the underside of her breasts whilst our Toy’s face remains smothered by my bust. “Let’s have a little fun... shall we~?” I look my wife in her gorgeous azure eyes with my own crimson orbs, my legs releasing Jordyn’s as I slowly begin to lean to the side, believing my beloved will know what to do as I start to roll us to the left, my legs slipping around Jordyn’s waist to combine a breast smother, headscissor, and bodyscissor all into one move, all whilst keeping my tail firmly embedded within her pussy...
Anastasia_the_Dominant: Oh absolutely darling~ *I purr back and immediately follow her lead, rolling with her to enact a dual scissor and breast smother upon Jordyn. I bend back as I reach with my hands to grab onto her ass, squeezing the firm and delicious cheeks tight in my fingers, delighting at the smooth and fantastic skin in my hands.*
Jordyn_Jones: I was indeed on the edge of cumming and having. Good orgasm as suddenly I just end up screaming in terrible pain as almost all of my bones and body parts were squeezed or smothered. The pain around my belly was immense as I kick wildly with my legs while at the same time try to bend my knees and somehow reach my pussy to give it the last few rubs to begin with the orgasm. However... I wasn't flexible enough to even reach it which made it look even more funny to the ones watching me desperatly
Anastasia_the_Dominant: Oh no no no no dear, you're not getting off that easy~ hmhmhm, pun absolutely fucking intended~ *I hiss with a sultry tone and immediately release Jordyn's cheeks to grab her arms to pull them up and back behind her, trapping her even more in our collected grip.* WE say when you get that release bitch, not you~ *I hiss again, this time, squeezing harder on her head, letting her feel the strong and fabulous muscles around her face.*
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: The combination of breasts and thighs against the face of our Toy keeps Jordyn’s head completely trapped between our sensual holds, ensuring there is no escape for the sex slave of Libidine’s rulers of everything Sex and Lust~ My inner thighs press inwards against her waist, narrowing the space your body has between my thick and strong legs as I squeeze her body tightly beneath the pressure. The words and gestures of my beloved fuels my lust further, a true Queen of Lust that I am fortunate to share this bountiful beauty with~ “Your Queen speaks the truth~ Your arousal, orgasms, and your very pleasure belong to us~ We decide when you receive that release~” My demonic undertone accompanies my sultry voice once more as my tail begins to emit a low pulse inside you, yet mostly remaining still in it’s motions, aside from a slight wiggle of the tip to tease and stimulate you to keep your arousal heightened, yet the climax just out of reach~
Jordyn_Jones: I heard the girls words and was starting to panic as at the same time Mel's tail started to tease my pussy again which just hold my orgasm on the edge of leaking out. My pussy was more than wet, so was my body from the sweat I was leaking out of my body due to the humilating tag team moves they did to me. My brain was a mess as I was literally not moving at all and just twitch from time to time begging for mercy and for an orgasm:"Nghg.. I.. I.. Can't.. Anymore.. I.. Ngh.. Mpffhff.. Cum.. I.. Nghg"
Anastasia_the_Dominant: If you dare cum, that's a spanking. You want to be a good toy, yes~? *I command in my own sultry tone laced with a slight demonic malice, preparing to squeeze even harder upon your head, but maintaining my current pressure as well as my hold on your arms, wanting you helpless, moaning, pleading, b e g g i n g us to allow you that sweet sweet orgasm you crave. Wanting you to feel our total control over your lust and pleasure.*
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: As if to emphasise the words of my beloved, as well as to offer my own nonverbal warning, my knees slowly begin to straighten, my legs closing gradually as the space between my inner thighs narrows, little by little adding more pressure to the sensual squeeze as my muscles press firmly against Jordyn’s waist to keep her tightly held within my strong grip. Echoing the words of my fellow Queen, I add “And if you believe my mortal form can spank hard... That force will be nothing compared to the strength of a demoness~ or to a Dragon Hybrid with the power of a Queen of Lust~” My tail’s motions inside of you cease completely, remaining still inside of your pussy, keeping your insides full and your inner walls stretched outwards, wanting to hear that squealing voice of yours begging for your climax
Jordyn_Jones: "ARGRHRGRR... QUEENS PLEASEEE!" the pain rushing through my body was making me scream so loud as it felt like my bidy will break in two parts. Your thighs were completly dominating me as the air inside my lungs were on the minimum to even stay awake. I lay there with tears in my eyes from the squeezes and use my last energy to yell into Mel's breasts:"I AM DONE, YOU OWN ME. I DO ANYTHING ANYTHING YOU WANT... BUT PLEASE LET ME CUM AND RELEASE ME FROM YOUR DEADLY TRAPS! I BEG YOU QUEENS... I CAN'T HANDLE IT ANYMORE!"
Anastasia_the_Dominant: Ahahaha~ just what I wanted to hear. She's all yours Beloved~ *I say happily as I release my thighs and straighten my body up, slipping my hand between the two of you and pushing my middle finger past Jordyn's pussy lips onto her clit and my breasts press against the back of her head, allowing me full access to kiss Melascula on the lips, drinking in that lustful taste that I adore.*
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: My smile spreads further at the motions and words of my Beloved as I keep our Toy pressed tightly within my breasts. “Some time soon, you will be also~” I tease, welcoming her lips with my own as the motions of my tail resume, beginning with the very end swirling in a circular motion, starting off slow, teasingly so... The reverberations from the low pulse returning, the vibrations against Jordyn’s core starting in a very low intensity and tempo, but gradually increasing by the second, before I thrust the end deep inside once more, wishing to hear the muffled squeals as her face presses more firmly against my breasts as my perfection uses her own breasts to push the back of her head, our mounds of flesh meeting at either side as I take in the sweet taste of my wife’s lips, massaging hers with my own~
Jordyn_Jones: I was sandwiched inbetween the two perfect pairs of breasts someone could wish for. They completly engulves my head, made it being swallow by their flesh as suddenly I feel the teasing rubbing on my clit which made me moan so loud even the breasts if Mel vibrated from my voice. A few seconds later I just start to twitch like hell and feel the orgasm building up once the tail moves in and out in a quicker speed then before. It was a matter of seconds of my pussy giving up and just squirt all over the place... But it was the girls decision if it happens or not.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: My lips part from my Beloved’s as she gives me the honour of finishing this game of ours, spreading them once more into a sly and sadistic smile as my hands slide around the back of Jordyn’s head once more, my legs remaining tightly locked around anjd squeezing her waist as I speak in a sultry tone. “Goodnight, darling~” My legs suddenly constrict further and squeeze her waist all the more tightly, my hands pulling her face firmly between my ample breasts as my tail thrusts harder and faster into her pussy, the end swirling and twisting against her inner walls as the low pulses transition into intense, constant vibrations, fucking our Toy hard to force her to orgasm for her Queens of Lust~
Jordyn_Jones: I heard the words of Mel as my brain signals me that it was time to pass out. I was not getting a single bit of breath through her smother as my eyes close my legs drop flat to the ground and my sealed arms just fall down. My body was a mess when suddenly I relax on the ground with one final hip thrust in a passed out state as my pussy completly squirt all over the place. I could not feel the orgasm however it must have been a great one since I could not stop squirting for seconds
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: My tail swells inside of your pussy as I open a small slit at the end, using the hole to take in your juices and feed on your sexual energy as my aura flares around my body, the warm purple light licking at both yours and my skins as I take in your arousal and pleasure, using it to fuel and empower my own as my energy begins to soar, my eyes shining a bright crimson as my fingers softly slide through the strands of your hair. “Good girl~” I speak softly as I slide my tail from within your pussy, my hands letting your face loose from my breasts as I bring myself to my feet, my arm sliding around your waist and lifting your limp form from the ground, hoisting you over my shoulder and carrying you towards an open portal. “We will do this again some time~” I tease as I take you through the swirling vortex...

Published: 2024-06-21, viewed 73 times.



Magnificent Meggy

2024-06-21 23:06

What a lucky toy.