The Queendom of Libidine

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Established: 2024-07-08

  • Fantasy
  • Descriptive writing
  • Female / Female
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  • Forced cum
Where the Queens of Lust rule~
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Jelamet's Last Defense

Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: At long last... after 300 years of preparation for this moment, the tyrannical Queen of Libidine, Jelamet, would finally be dethroned. I have dreamed of this moment for centuries, the avenging of my entire bloodline, the disappearance of my mother, the suffering the people of not only our land, but the lands and kingdoms surrounding us, everything has been building up to this moment. Having been in training ever since I was old enough to walk and talk unaided, my already prodigious power inherited from my lineage increased further to a level that is supposedly unheard of from our kind, now is the time to meet my destiny, to fulfil the prophecy of my bloodline, and bring an end to the reign of the gluttenous second Queen of Libidine. Entering the palace courtyard, I am greeted with an entourage of the Royal Guard, each trained to fight with all they have and give their lives in service of their Queen. They are known as some of the fiercest warriors in our realm... Yet even they can tell that their powers, even collectively, are far beneath my own. They all stand, ready to fight, however the fear in their eyes and within their hearts cannot be denied. None expect to get out of this alive... and not many more believe they will even be able to do more than slow me down. It was obvious... plain to see... none of them actually wanted to fight, they were being forced to. When the first Queen, Lillith, was betrayed and her throne stolen by Jelamet, the guards who were once treated with honour and returned this with their devotion and loyalty had been broken down by the iron fist of the current Queen, now serving out of fear, rather than respect. They could not be blamed, her power was unrivalled at that time, and I do not feel their actions warrant a death sentence. Whilst the current Queen certainly was the most powerful at that time... This is no longer the case...
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: Addressing the guards directly, I speak plainly, assuring them all that I intend to free the land from the merciless rule of Jelamet, and that she and she alone is my prey, not wishing to bring harm to any of these dutiful warriors. I give all my word that, should they stand down, they will not be harmed... quite the opposite, they would be saved, and that I would only attack if given no choice in the matter. The guards look at each other, their worries and fears seeming to subside as I feel their hope begin to grow in unison. One by one, all stepped aside, creating an unimpeded path towards the castle gates for me as I give them all a warm and reassuring smile, promising them all to end the suffering and torment the realm has felt for far too many centuries. As I open the palace door and head into the great hall, my crimson eyes glow whilst my purple aura flares around my body, the light emitted lapping at my body like the embers of a burning inferno lashing at my skin. To my knowledge, there is nothing in the way of me and my prey...
MeerlyMakingAComeback: To think the Queen’s castle would fall so easily, and to a young girl no less! Embarrassing, infuriating, snd with not even a spec of blood spilt! Guards scurrying away like lowly imps, dishonoured the crown they swore fealty to, once I’m done here I will have to be sure they are reprimanded.. severely.. permanently. The clicks of my heels echo down the empty halls, an aura of crushing, claustrophobic weight preceding me! It circles you like a coiling serpent, threatening to make weaker creatures burst immediately… but then from around the corner appears a young servant!
MeerlyMakingAComeback: Just the maid! Or so it seems. “ Greetings young miss!” I curtsy. “ I’m afraid the Queen is not accepting visitors at this time! And as far as I’m aware you do not have an appointment!” I smile, amethyst eyes glowing. “ No… certainly no appointment! So I must escort you from the premises and ask you to leave!” My folded hands part, gesturing towards you to show you the grand doors you entered through, taking out the trash as is the job of a loyal maid to the queen! I just hope this doesn’t take too long, The Queen detests when her meals are tardy…
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: As my heels click and echo in the hall, I soon hear a second pair of clicks from around the corner, the noise catching my attention as I had not sensed the presence of any other Succubi between myself and my target, quickly deducing that whoever this being is, they are likely not a Succubis. I cease my motions, standing and waiting for the presence to make herself known. Sure enough, a figure soon walks from around the corner, piercing amethyst eyes, long white hair tied into twin ponytails, your attire resembling that of a maid with a black dress and white cufflinks, sash around the waist, and trims at the shoulders. Your words are calmly delivered, dutiful as one would expect of a Royal Maid, something that does not surprise me. What does surprise me, however, is that the being in front of me has an immense power hidden deep inside, one that would be difficult for most other Succubi to sense... However, it is clear to me that not only are you far more powerful than the guards I had mere moments ago caused to surrender through nothing other than my words, but you may even be more powerful than the current Queen herself, making me question why you serve her at all, nevermind as a lowly maid when your abilities would be suited for a position of power. I leave the questions conjured by my inner monologue where they remain for now, deciding the more important task is to gain entry to the throne room. Once again, I take to addressing who I believe to be an abused soul by the tyrant enslaving those who serve her. “Greetings, my dear~” The corners of my own lips curl into a sly smile as I meet your greeting, my crimson eyes glowing in response to yours as gazes lock. “I am afraid this is much too urgent to make an appointment, this is a meeting that has been overdue for centuries. I had no idea the Queen employed such lovely maids~ I wonder if she treats you with the respect one of your stature and power deserves~”
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: My aura flares around me, the purple light flickering around my body, licking at my skin like the embers of a burning flame. My dark blue hair flows from the force of my own power as the glow of my crimson eyes brightens, my smile widening further. At this point, it is clear you are a fellow Demoness, though not a Succubus, meaning your abilities are unknown to me. If I am forced to fight, you will likely be more a challenge than the Queen herself, even if not considering the power I sense within you surpassing that of Jelamet. “Stand aside and you will not be harmed, on the contrary, you will be free~” I maintain a confident demeanour despite the unknown aspects of this confrontation, believing that I will need to quickly deduce which of my powers would work on a non-Succubus and which won’t.
MeerlyMakingAComeback: You are a kind and caring soul, far different from the one who currently binds me. I can feel why all the guards laid down their arms and fled. That being said.. I am not so easily swayed by honeyed words as your fellow succubi might be. I am a Gremory. A creature of Laws and logic capable of drawing in magic and energy from the world around me and sustaining myself off it. And in turn that Meant Jelamet had an endless siphon to empower herself by draining me! Some of the Queen’s followers found my Grimoire in the human world and recognized it as a powerful tome of magic! By the time the two returned to Jelamet’s side they were little more than dried up husks, turning to dust at her feet, but I stood there clutching the Grimoire tightly. No memory, no energy. Two powerful succubi had been a welcome feast to wake me from hibernation.
MeerlyMakingAComeback: She took me in, bathed and clothes me like her personal doll while I recovered, and fed me small bit of her energy once she figured out my true essence. By then, getting me to form an unbreakable contract as her protector was child’s play!She became much more cruel after that. Having me use my Grimoire to drain her people to the drink of starvation, even more than she already had, while she feasted like a Queen! Dressing me up in these servant’s clothes to stay at her side and not arouse suspicion. You are powerful though, maybe even powerful enough to free me from my bond to this wretched pretender on the throne, but I can’t act openly against her. Not while she owns my book.
MeerlyMakingAComeback: “Regrettably young miss, I must insist,” my shadow darkens, the silhouette of a claw extending from where my out reached hand is. It snakes along the ground like a flat image, before rending up from the floor violently trying to uppercut you with those sharp nails. Several other shadowy blade follow suit, slithering along the walls until within range before lancing out attempting to impale and slash your beautiful figure! “By force if necessary!” My eyes glow once more, the pleasant servant facade falling from my voice with the smile.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: With the nature of your being a foreign one to myself, I haven’t quite synchronised with your physiology enough to be able to read your mind, thoughts, or feelings. However, the growing sense of aggressiveness and power welling up inside of you is more than apparent, even were I unable to sense it on a deeper level than simply viewing it, your shadows shifting and changing to your will. My eyes narrow as the crimson glow brightens slightly, feeling I have no choice but to simply move you out of my way... but... still not wishing to kill you, nor really harm you if I can avoid it. Your demeanour shows aggression indeed, yet no malevolence, much as it seems as if you are trying to put on such a front. I raise my hand, a glowing purple hue surrounding my palm and fingers as the swirling energy imbues in my hand. I hold it in front of me, palm facing the ground as the shadow beneath extends, catching the strike as my fingers clench tightly around the end of the appendage as I sense the surrounding shadows, allowing them to make their move before I make mine at the last moment. At the point of impact, I open several small portals around my body, forming the exits to each towards the door of the throne room, demonstrating my intent to gain entry by any means necessary. My hair sways against the powerful force surrounding my body, my aura swelling and rising sharply, my eyes brightening their glow as I keep my gaze on you, my expression completely neutral, foreshadowing that of one I would meet again in the future. “You don’t want to do this...” I warn ominously, the alluring tone of my voice now completely gone, demonstrating my resolve.
MeerlyMakingAComeback: You react swiftly enough, blocking my shadowclaw with your palm and redirecting all the blades and tendrils that followed suit towards the throne room’s entrance, sending them crashing against my erected barrier before dispersing. At least this wouldn’t be boring! The claw melds back into my shadow as it retracts, your own powers flaring yet again as a warning, but I once more don’t leave my post. “You’re right… I don’t. So let’s get this unpleasant business done quickly…” I growl, feeling you trying to sync up with my mind. My nails glow with power lunging forward, energy trailing behind the as I try to pounce and rake them down your front, grasping for your breasts in the process for something to grasp onto! My nails of course, never leave and physical marks if they make contact, instead rending through your spirit itself to drain magic or essences from the victim directly. I want to learn more about you.. more your taste.. your motivations.. anything I can gleam from the small shreds I try to cut away and devour!
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: Your words, truths spoken from the heart, not only raise my suspicions as to the circumstances of your situation, but also ironically assist my synchronisation with your mind, despite your efforts to resist my power. Whilst still a far cry from being able to read your full thoughts and feelings, I can at the very least read your intent. Your desire is not to battle, but rather attempt to scare me away with these fancy tricks of yours. It seems you may well believe me to be inferior to the current Queen, the thought prompting a sly smile on my lips. I am here on very overdue business... however, to not take this opportunity to test you, as well as myself against a worthy foe, would be not only a waste... but also a missed opportunity to learn more about such an intriguing individual. I remain still as your hands reach for my breasts, using my powers to swell and expand my bust slightly, feeling them latching onto my ample orbs as I voluntarily harden my nipples, ensuring they are felt against your palms, my crimson eyes remaining locked with yours throughout as I show you a taste of that which you seek... My aura explodes as I increase my power that many times over of Jelamet’s... And to do so only takes a fraction of my true power... My smile forms into a wide grin as my hands raise, sliding them around your wrists as fingers grip your skin, not with the intent of attempting to pull them away... but keep them where they are... “Take as much as you like... or, as much as you can... but you seem to have forgotten my portal is still open... and they work from both sides~” I tease, as my portal behind me is indeed open, as is the gateway by the doorway your claws failed to penetrate the barrier of. I wait a moment for you to realise what this means... with the portal having taken in your claws aimed towards me and facing away from you at the door behind you...
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: My grin widens as my wings spread, taking flight a short distance above the ground whilst keeping a hold of your wrists and backing up through the portal, the swirling vortex consuming both my form and yours as we emerge from the other side... directly in front of the door. The portal closes upon our exit as I release a large shockwave of my power, intending to use it to push you back and throw you into the barrier.
MeerlyMakingAComeback: You don’t even dodge my attack, bringing my nails down to sink into your breasts without resistance. Our eyes lock, reading each other’s intentions. Emotions. Motivations! I absorb your energy but you swift release more of it, telling me to drink my fill! A dangerous gift given my bottomless appetite, however it does seem to have some adverse effects. My skin becomes more sensitive, my cheeks flush with scarlet as your natural succubus charm begins to have its effect on me, something i thought I had lost the ability to feel centuries ago! Your power flares and I can tell why you’re so confident, not that I had any doubts about your strength compared to Jelamet. With a flap of your wings we’re suddenly pulled back through your portal, your own hands slithering up my wrists and arms to keep me from escaping! You slip behind me, reorienting my position, and send a shockwave that smashes me against the barrier! My claws rake across its surface, absorb so energy as I turn back to face you. “ Tch… stubborn child..” I growl, pressing my feel off the barrier and lunging at you with my nails once more. I slash and rend, trying to drain your energy in a death by a thousand cuts style of fighting, hoping to keep you distracted enough as my tail slowly manifests. The large ribbed and boney tail forms from pure amethyst energy, slipping out from under my maid skirt to try and wrap around your curvaceous body and throw it again the wall, hopefully pinning you in place. “Do you truly expect me to believe such a soft hearted succubus can lean a nation? Show me your resolve if you wish to make it to the Queen!” I hiss!
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: The time spent with that connection between our manifestations of our individual powers grants me more insight into you, slowly allowing me to work my way further into your mind. Your motivations seem driven by fear, still not wishing to do me harm, though now your desperation out of that very same fear will lead you to do so if you feel there is no other option... Unfortunately for the both of us... I have no other option either. I feel as if I have a good basis for a hypothesis as to your true motivations, as well as the difficult situation you find yourself in. However, I still do not have full access to your mind, not even enough to anticipate your movements before they are made, something that is child’s play for most other demonesses I face. You have a strong mental fortitude, however sooner or later, I will pierce the veil and confirm my theory, deciding it best not to come to any solid conclusions for now and focus on the battle before me. One thing is certain, you have allowed me a window to see your intentions in the moment, able to sense the motions you desire to make. I play along, seeing your attack and elegantly dodging, before your tail coils around my form, my hands raising to keep my arms free. You lift me up and thrust your tail towards the wall, my only response to this is to grin at you as my eyes glow red. “What use is a kingdom if your rule systematically destroys your own subjects...” I speak ominously as a portal opens behind me at the wall, my body and your tail disappearing through the gateway, the other side opening right behind you...
MeerlyMakingAComeback: It almost appears likecwe’re dancing, you certainly seem to be as you graceful weave between my swipe. A satisfied grin preemptively creeps across mg face though as my tail coils around your hips bug the moment I go to pin you? Tch…. More playing with portal! Had I access to my full power locking those down would be child’s play, but Jelamet keeps me under a tight leash, almost akin to a noose. You phase through the portal appearing behind me, on just managing to stop my tail from coiling you into my back before I try to pull you back through the portal to my front to avoid getting all tangled up between dimensions! “ To the subjects.. not much but the people up top thrive well enough~” I laugh at the obvious lie, trying to coil my tail more and more around you, binding your leg and bringing you close enough for our eyes to meet! But thats when you sense it! Why you’re having such a hard time reading me! Alongside Jelamet’s aura, you sense another source of power.
MeerlyMakingAComeback: It sits in the Queen’s lap, her nails tapping away at the gem in the core of my open Grimoire, raking across my mind impatiently as I’m supposedly taking far too long to deal with this pathetic usurper to her throne. My mind and soul aren’t in front of you, but rather held at knife point as it her, forced into compliance by the aptly named tyrant you’ve come to overthrow! “I’m to expect better from you? Power will always corrupt those of high authority! So why risk trading masters?” I growl
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: “Haha! Excellent reflexes~!” I call out as my body is pulled back through my own portal, impressed at the speed of which you are able to suddenly cease your motion and reverse it with so little time to react. My body is pulled towards you as you foolishly decide to coil around my legs instead of my arms, seemingly not realising what a Succubus who has mastered her own power can truly do. I feel the bones of your tail pressing against my legs, digging into my thighs as I simply smirk back at you. “Looks like you have me~ Though you could have done so in a more comfortable way~ These hard bones are hardly what I would call sensual~” My words are intentionally designed to show my lack of concern, as well as to get under your skin and make you more prone to making further mistakes. With the closeness of our eyes to each other, my crimson orbs gaze into yours as I see further into your mind, the closer proximity enhancing the effectiveness of my powers... Seeing it... As I suspected... The Queen has you under her control... You do not fight out of willingness to... but because Jelamet forces you to do so... The clarity of the revelation still appears incomplete, however the information I have been able obtain from this interaction is more than enough to be able to get a clear idea in my mind as to your current situation... and how to help us both. Before this, I speak into your mind... ‘And what of yourself...? Your own power is immense, do you claim you have not been corrupted by this very same power...?’ My voice echoes into your mind, looking to use this as a distraction as my hand reaches out, my fingertips emitting a purple glow as strands of my own power protrude from the ends of my fingers, my energy bonds looking to slide around your neck, only intending to tighten enough to hold, not cut off your air, with my arm intent on pulling back to bring our faces close enough to press my lips against yours.
MeerlyMakingAComeback: I reel you in closer like a fish on a hook, coiling my tail around your lower body and legs until we’re eye to eye! I hadn’t planned to keep you for long, but your words and mannerisms are enough to keep me distracted from your free arms!“This isn’t about comfort Usurper… It would seem I’ve gotten new orders!” I hiss back at you, that nonchalant confidence, along with the growing arousal your presence is passively forcing upon me starting to bite at my nerves! We’ll see how cocky you are when my Queen devours you for dinner tonight! The muscles in my tail tense, ready to strike again, only for your voice to begin echoing in my mind! “G-get out of my head!” I’m starting to become entranced by you… especially when your strand of magic wrap tightly around my throat and force me to keep eye contact! My mouth is dry. I’m panting… my tongue darting between my lips to wet them. My response, much like your questions are internal, a private mental link between the two of us thank to your abilities, outside of Jelamet’s prying ears! “A tool.. a weapon, doesn’t worry about corruption or power. She simply is pointed in a direction and fired by her master..” I look up into your glowing red eyes, my voice almost detached and sad before you pull us into a kiss. My own eyes widen, losing concentration as my tail disappears and releases its grip on your body, starting to become enthralled by you aura.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: I feel your composure slowly dissipating as our lips make contact, my hands raising as I softly slide my fingers along your jawline, the energy bond previously holding your neck scattering like ash, as if to symbolise my belief that you are not a tool... You are an individual... A mindset I will look to shatter and break apart through my own methods. ‘A tool does not feel as you do... Has no self preservation instinct as you do... Does not kiss as you do~’ My voice echoes teasingly into your mind, able to see more of your thoughts and feelings, little by little, revealing more of your situation and your dilemma within. Behind your need for duty, your fear, as well as the growing arousal caused by our encounter, I feel the deep burning hatred for the one who holds you captive, who forces you to serve... And has used you as a tool for longer than I have even existed... ‘The Queen is wrong about you... She fears your power... You were not meant to serve, you were meant to be free~’ I continue to speak into your mind as I feel your tail disintegrate from around my body, my heels clicking against the ground as I not only continue the kiss, but deepen it as I slither my long, thin tongue between your lips, sliding it into your mouth and coiling around your own, loving the sweet taste of your saliva as we exchange fluids between us.
MeerlyMakingAComeback: Your fingers gently trace my jawline, dismissing the coil around my neck almost immediately as my own coiling tail vanished. St your words you see the clear image in my head, the very back of a very tome, Jelamet’s full name and title written in the back at the top of the ledger in blood. “ It doesn’t matter what I think…” my voice sighs internally. “ So long as we are bound by contract, I must do her bidding..” you try to slip your tongue in to coil with mine, but my fang bite down violently as if to draw blood as I try to separate us with a shove against your breasts! “ S-stop this slutty witchcraft!” I pant outloud again, hissing through my teeth! “ You think I would break so easily and betray my Queen?! That I am so dishonourable?!” My tail reappears swinging wildly without aim, before coming back around half heartedly to try and pierce you right between that magnificent pair of breasts!
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: Now that your mind and my own are melded, I can sense much more of your intent than I could prior, the latching of my lips against yours also allowing me to feel the clenching of your jaw with intention to bite. My tongue slips from your mouth as I lean back against the push of your hands, my lips parting from yours as my wings spread, my body performing a backflip as my wings flap to hover myself a short distance above the ground, my smile widening as I see your composure being affected so. “Lie to me if you wish... You cannot lie to your own heart~” I speak in a sultry voice as your tail materialises, swinging wildly and in an uncoordinated fashion. I glide through the air, twisting and turning my body to avoid the attempted blows, though the final strike, made with much more precision, becomes a much harder obstacle to avoid. Instead of attempting to avoid, as I likely would not be able to, I bring my hands to my chest and press my palms at either side of the pointed, boney end, the force of the thrust sending me backwards as my back slams against the old bricked wall, dust and debris obscuring my body from sight. For a few moments, there is silence... Until a small, condensed ball of purple energy launches from within the dustcloud, it’s trajectory aimed for you... but if you avoid it... the orb will strike your barrier...
MeerlyMakingAComeback: You spread your wings, easily avoiding my telegraphed tail swipes as I try to force you away, my the thrust seems to hit it’s mark, sending you crashing into the wall in a cloud of debris! I want to believe this is over, that the struggling I’m feeling as I try to remove the tip from the cloud is just my spike stuck between those beautiful breasts of yours, but I can feel your grip. Holding me in place inches from your chest clapped between your hands! My tail spike drips with an aphrodisiac venom, but a powerful Succubus like yourself is unlikely to be affected without a direct injection or ingestion! I continue trying to pull against your grip, not expecting you to shoot an energy bolt my way! I go to dodge, when I hear the command in my head to take the shot instead of the barrier! The blast hits me square in the should, taking me right off my feet in a heap, panting in pain and winded from both the impact, and the agony of Jelamet’s influence inside mh head! “ Haaa.. s-stay out of this.. This is my.. fight!” I hiss looking back towards the throne room!
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: The dust begins to clear as the glow of my crimson eyes pierces the cloud as my silhouette begins to form from within the clouds. “Must I repeat myself...?” I speak in a sultry, yet ominous tone, emerging from the dust to show my body completely unscathed, the end of your tail still within the grip of one hand. “You were not meant to serve that coward...” I continue, my eyes shining brightly as my aura emerges once more, the purple fiery light rising to the ceiling as I summon more of my power. “Jelamet does not care for you... She sees you as a tool, a weapon, a shield... Something to hide behind. She would not shed a tear if I kill you right here and now, as long as your sacrifice means her safety... And if I wished to kill you...” I hold up your tail and open my mouth wide, my tongue coiled around a condensed purple orb, the aphrodisiac venom your tail had released prior, mixed with my own with the venom neutralised. “You would have much more than just that pittance of a blast to take...” I warn as my other hand takes the condensed orb and presses it against your tail, sending it down your appendage as the glow travels along the bones, entering your body. The aphrodisiac quality remains, however I use my own power to transform the venom into a healing property, using it to heal the wound on your shoulder. “Whether you are killed by me, killed by someone else the Queen throws you at, or whether she kills you herself for failing... For as long as you are under servitude, you are destined to die. You have no future, no hope... Is that truly worth fighting for?” I punctuate my speech by showing a little more of my true strength as my fingers clench tightly against your tail, cracking and snapping the bones at the end to demonstrate my power, looking to show you that I have been holding back a majority of my power during this fight, and your death is a very real possibility should you continue...
MeerlyMakingAComeback: You emerge from the debris cloud unscathed, stronger even! My tail gripped in one as I try to tug it away from your grip to no avail! “If.. if I don’t fight i’ll just die… i bound to her literally by blood! ” You talk of death, threatening me as your tongue caresses the spike of my tail. Even my venom has no effect against you like this, and worse off you even heal my wounds in return! “So…If… I’m to die either way… I’d rather die by the hands of a worthy Queen than in the belly of that coward!” I hiss as energy flows through my tail, concentrating at the tip to blast you point blank in the face, inly for you to crack the bones in my fail with ease, the blast arcing up into the ceiling scorching a deep groove along it as I scream in agony! With your aura infecting my mind again as I sit on my knees i growl like a wounded animal, lunging at you with my bails and fangs, taking comfort in the fact that if this is the end at least Jelamet won’t be fad behind me!
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: Your blast narrowly misses my face as I crush the bones in your tail, the tip having been tilted upwards from the motion, pointing to the ceiling as the energy impacts the ceiling, causing it to crumble. I release your tail as the solid brick from the ceiling falls down towards me, my eyes closing as my aura flares around me, the falling debris slowing to a stop as the individual broken pieces swirl around my body, the light from my power seeming to carry the bricks around my form as my eyes slowly open, a bright red crimson glow emitting from within as I levitate a short distance from the ground, my arms spreading out to my sides as my palms open, fingers spread and outstretched. “I have the power to destroy, to kill, to take this entire world for myself...” I announce, a low reverb echoing through my voice as it booms throughout the hall, my hands suddenly lunging forwards as I throw the rocks towards you telekinetically. I am well aware these stones will do little in the way of damaging you, using them only to distract you as I fly towards you at speed, my hands looking to bypass yours and slide fingers along the fabric of your dress, clenching and gripping tightly with intentions of pushing you backwards forcefully to slam your back against the barrier, looking to use your body to crack it further. “However... none of that interests me... What does interest me is liberating all from the rule of the tyrant... That includes yourself, which I also have the power to do”
MeerlyMakingAComeback: My tail beam caves the ceiling down around us, something I hoped would give me an advantage, but your power is so great compare to mine ceasing the falling debris and redirecting it toward your foe is child’s play! I cross my arms infront of me, tail coiling around my lower body to block the incoming brickwork, standing my ground with each bit of debris and shrapnel, but when you hit me by body offer no resistance at all! BOOM! My back hits the barrier, impact cracking it as I cough up blood, feeling my sternum and trachea crack under the pressure! I have no fight left in me.. bested in every way… “ W-well done…. My book is in her chambers…. Take it … carve your name in blood as you cross hers out… and the powers of my Grimoire will be yours to control as well…” The glow in my eyes fades. “ I’d wish you luck… but i know you don’t need it.. My.. Queen…” My magic depleted, even my clothing vanish, even the bows holding my hair up disappears. My hands fall to my sides, nails tapping the barrier causing it to shatter!
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: My crimson orbs gaze into yours as the fight leaves your body, your energy depleting, the defiance in your mind dissipating as your finger reaches down, the cracked barrier disappearing in an instant, showcasing the power you wield, a mere fraction of what you would be truly capable of were you unshackled. I bring your face closer to mine, our lips almost touching as mine spread into a wide smile. “I know what must be done~” I speak in a sultry tone as I slide my arms around your waist, bringing you beside the door and letting you down into a sitting position. My hand waves with a purple glow as I heal the wounds in your body, however being that we use different kinds of magic, mine is unable to restore yours. I pull your face closer and press our lips together, stealing a soft kiss from your lips as I speak again. “Rest here, I will deal with the rest~” I stand, stepping in front of the door as I press my hand against the hard wood, able to sense the Queen has erected her own magic upon the entrance, seemingly adding some extra protection to try and keep out her foe. This seal is pitiful in comparison to the power of your own barrier, a purple flash spreading against the wood as the doors part and open to my power, revealing the throne room... And Jelamet... I step inside as my purple aura flares around my body. “This is between me and her...” I speak with eyes locked in front of me, fixed in the direction of the tyrant as I raise my hand, the doors closing behind me, wishing to finish this alone. I leave you by the entrance to rest, your physical injuries healing as time goes on. Before too long, a bright purple light shining through the gaps in the door, followed by a scream... The air turns quiet... Silent... Before the doors suddenly burst open, the former Queen hurriedly running out in a panic... Her near indominable presence long gone, now a powerless coward.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: The clicks of my heels emanate from within the room, a low hum vibrating through the air as the atmosphere begins to darken and thicken... The hue of my aura taking on a deeper shade of purple as sparks of energy spread across my body, the electrifying power so great the sparks emit all around my body. I step into view, my crimson eyes shining brightly as my raised hand with an open palm levitates a certain book a short distance above it... Your Grimoire... The name of your former captor displays against the surface, before the markings begin to dissipate... Relinquishing her control over you...
MeerlyMakingAComeback: I’m laid down gently against the entrance to the throne room, sharing a kiss with the usurper who defeated me, but instead of feeling shame, I feel a sense of calm. Vision fading…. A pitiful scream…. And then a warm, soothing light. Brilliant as it is terrifying! My book hovers in your possession and I expect the worst, having traded one chain for another, but then you give it back to me, Jelamet’s name not cross out but completely removed from my ledger! “Th-thank you….” I mutter weakly, curling my fingers and pulling the book over to me and hugging it close before my before my body disappears inside of it! The large tome of magic fall and hits the ground with a thundering BOOM that echoes the now quiet halls!
MeerlyMakingAComeback: A few moments pass before the book glows springing back up to life before opening up to the gem inside it’s core, a brilliant amethyst the size of a heart that glows with the same power as I did. “Hello my Queen…..” the gem blinks with my speech, voice semi-distorted. “I take it you were successful?” I ask already knowing the answer as I float my book back over into your had, opening all the way to the back. The ledger blank, a clean slate and a fresh start. “You gave me my freedom… So now allow me to make my first choice in centuries! Become my new contractor, and let me add my power to yours!”
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: I revel in my new strength as Jelamet’s power is added to my own, the act of dethroning the former Queen and taking the mantle for myself increasing my previously already impressive power astronomically, potentially becoming the most powerful Succubus the realm of Libidine has ever seen in it’s millennia long history. My aura flares around me in a violet hue, the surging energy reverberating the air around us as my shining crimson orbs lock with yours, the corners of my lips curled into a smile as I levitate your Grimoire towards you, returning to you the very tool the former Queen had used previously to keep you enslaved and within her control, removing her name to grant you true freedom, much as I had succeeded in my goal of freeing my kind from the rule of the tyrant. In truth, the throne was never my intent... However, the kingdom needs a Queen, a title that fate seems to have reserved for myself from the moment it was determined Jelamet and I were destined to clash. Now that my goal has been achieved, it seems I have a new goal, the restoration of the land. However, for the moment, my focus will be on the only one able to put up any sort of opposition to my confrontation with the former Queen. The shine from your body dissipating into the Grimoire emits a fantastic display of magic, now able to see you in your true splendor for the first time, your power unshackled from the control of your former slaver. The bright glowing amethyst captivates my eyes as my smile widens, hearing the happiness in your voice at finally being free, perhaps for the first time in centuries. “I was indeed successful~” I reply, my lips curling further into a wide grin, giving you a bow of respect, before continuing.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: “Your offer is very generous and one I wish to accept wholeheartedly, however I refuse to remove your free will. Releasing you from one slaver to another would be pointless. My only terms are that you have the choice as to whether or not you wish to assist me with anything I should ask of you. That, and at least knowing the name of the one who offers herself to me so graciously. My name is Melascula~”
MeerlyMakingAComeback: You live up to everything you promised. Not another tyrant or dictator, but someone who wishes to lead for the betterment of the Kingdom! And while Libidine may not be my birthplace, in the depths of my soul I vow to assist you in my new home’s restoration! But then you ask me for a name. For centuries I was just “Book” or “Girl”. And before that.. I had been on a mindless path of vengeance through the coasts of the mortal plane, annihilating those who had wronged me! “My… my name?” I ask thinking deeply, trying to recall anything from before. Before the servitude and violence. Voices screaming, fires burning! A small orb of amethyst energy pops out of the jewel as I reform myself, casting aside that wretched maid outfit I had been forced to wear. A cute skirt and shirt form, thigh knee socks and tall boots with a functional heel. A few belts hug my hips, as finally a thick purple cloak appears across my arms and shoulders, the hood flicking back.
MeerlyMakingAComeback: I land on my feet, the extra eyes running down my cheeks disappearing as I give you a curtsey before going down to one knee! I gingerly grasp your hand, kissing it as a sign of fealty to the new Queen, the rightful Queen! “My name is… Myriallia Valanis.” I look up with my glowing amethyst eyes. “ And I humble request to be added to your service, Queen Melascula!” I smile looking up into your eyes. Those beautiful red orbs that saw I could be more than just a tool for oppression and destruction. I would follow those to the ends of the world and back.
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: The question of your name seems to have caught you off guard, not surprising, considering Jelamet would likely not have granted you the basic respect of using your name even once in centuries. I sense you are in deep thought, deciding to remain silent in order to allow you the time you need to think things through. Whilst I am still unable to completely read your mind, I can at least deduce my question is one you have not been asked for a long time with various reasons behind your struggle to recollect such a thing. As your body reforms, your maid’s outfit, a uniform of your oppression under the tyrant, is cast aside in yet another display and manifestation of breaking free of her control over you. The corners of my lips curl upwards further, the sight of your beauty in it’s purest form a true delight to behold. “This does indeed suit you much better than that uniform she had you in~ This seems more like the true nature of the being I fought earlier~” I speak in a sultry tone, before you kneel before me, taking my hand and pressing your lips against the back of my hand whilst revealing to me the name behind the wonderful personality~ “It is a true pleasure to finally meet the real you, Myriallia~ Please, stand~” My hand slips from yours as I turn my fingers the other way around, clenching softly around yours as I gently guide you back to your feet, wishing to look you in the eyes as a peer, not as as one superior to yourself. “You are no longer a servant, and I will not expect nor demand the same displays of submission as my predecessor always did. Consider me your ally, not as one above you, as I shall consider you from this point forwards~” I smile as the amethyst shine of your eyes meets the glow of my own crimson orbs... Feeling this is merely the beginning of a most devine relationship forged of mutual respect~
MeerlyMakingAComeback: In truth, I don’t know why I chose the form I did. It just felt right, though the fact you find it please as well does make my cheek burn a little. You wish to be friends and equals, something that sparks another memory. “ M-Meer…” I look away nervously correcting you. “ I believe my friends called me Meer.” My toes draw figure-eights along the stonework, slowly looking back up to those beautiful crimson orbs of yours for acknowledgment before coughing and clearing my mind. “Th-There is a lot of work to be done to restore Libidine to its former glory my Queen. Please let me know if I can assist you in any way! Er… As friends!” I add, ensuring you know my offer isn’t from a practiced place of servitude, but a genuine choice I am making. “ I have help Jelamet subjugate your people for far too long, and even if it wasn’t my choice I wish to make amends in any way I can!”
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: The perfection made flesh that is your form certainly captivates me indeed~ However what truly strikes me as astonishing is your strength of character and nobility, even stating yourself the acts performed were indeed not of your own choice nor willingness to commit, yet still wishing to take responsibility and make amends for actions that were not of your own accord... You are powerful, yet humble, the strength you wield could conquer worlds, yet you have no desire to oppress others using this formidable power. Even the manner in which you state the name you wish for me to refer you to shows a certain humility and an adorable bashful side that you were unable to express previously. The being standing in my way of the former Queen is not the same as she who stands before me in this moment, here I am meeting the real Meer for the very first time~ “Meer it is then~ Delighted to make your acquaintance~” I speak softly as I approach, my hand raising as my fingers emit a low purple glow, the light producing a light warmth against my fingertips as I brush them softly against the skin of your cheek, my crimson eyes gazing into yours as I continue. “You are under no obligation to assist, though I would welcome it. As a friend, I will happily accept any help you are willing to provide through your own choice. Do not consider this an order from a Queen, but a request from a friend~”
MeerlyMakingAComeback: I smile placing my hands on yours, nuzzling my cheek into your warm soothing touch. “Ofcourse my Queen.. err Melascula!” I nod nipping and nibbling your hand, tiny pin pricks of energy transferring between us as I get use to your power. “ Jelamet kept huge amounts of your peoples energy stored inside my book. Much of it still remains untapped! As my contractor all of that energy is to do with as you wish! You could draw it back out and spread it across the land! Then we can begin repairing all the damages…” I suggest, very eager to help and make amends
Melascula_The_Succubus_Queen: “Then let us return all of the power in there to it’s rightful place~” I smile, and before another word is said, I lean forwards, my lips pressing against your own in a deep embrace whilst my fingertips slide over your grimoire, the ends glowing purple as a faint aura envelops both of our forms. I massage your lips whilst simultaneously returning the power stolen from you, sending it into your being as I absorb the power stolen from my own people into my own body, the substantial magical energy solidifying the aura around us more and more as the translucent light becomes almost opaque around us. I part my lips from yours, my eyes opening as the crimson light within shines brightly, an almost blinding light as I levitate from the ground, the aura around me forming a crystal like substance around my body, before dissipating into a purple mist that swirls high above the palace and distributes across the land, returning the magical energies of our realm to where they belong. My form is altered from the process, my skin showing a deep blue hue, my hair taking a darker shade, my clothes having torn, only for my energy to surround the garments, reforming and shaping them into a revealing armoured one piece with red gauntlets and thigh high boots. I stand before you in my new form with a wide smile. “It seems today will be remembered by many~ The people have been liberated... You, my friend and ally, have been also... And the reign of a new Queen has begun...”

Published: 2024-06-19, viewed 35 times.
